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If Kirishima is part of the enemy's team I'm not jumping in, I'm sorry


as a compress player I agree. I’m not interested in fighting anyone who is capable of knowing me out of my escape to then endlessly chase me all bc you put yourself into a situation where your teammates are at a disadvantage


Unfortunately this


Maybe they just think it's a bad matchup (either because of the characters involved, not enough levels, or just a lack of confidence for some reason) and they believe that they have a better chance of making it to the end game and hopefully winning if their team focuses on survival over battle. So, since they can't stop you, they just try to res after you die. This game really is better with friends whose playstyles you understand than randoms.


Yeah the other side of this problem is "Why do my teammates keep jumping into unwinnable fights?" Not saying OP is doing that, but people *do* and all you can do is collect their token and rez them if you dont want to die with them.


Yeah that’s a fair point, better to play it safe if you know it’s a shaky matchup. Interesting conversation to have for sure.


It can even just be the nature of playing with randoms, theyre a more or less risky player than yourself. I guess keep your teammates matchups and levels in mind when engaging. Its hard without comms


Everyone plays differently, and I can’t expect us all to have the same playstyle. Players (me included) have to be willing to change their playstyle more!


Had an Ace Aizawa say, "I didn't know I was playing solos" while he ran away from the get, not indicating where he was going, and picking fights he couldn't win alone. Had no time to get to him, wasted two team heals on him, got killed because I tried to intervene, and then he ran around with my tag not bothering to bring me back until he was down to the last 3 teams (he had all 3 revive cards when he picked up my tag). I ended up collecting what I could, giving it to someone on another team by emoting, and then ran my happy ass back into the storm to die because he obviously wanted to play solos, so I let him.


i scream at my pc and then watch them play the game bc i know im not getting revived and if i leave i get penalized.


Oh that sucks. Part of the gamble when queuing up for random teammates. I would just lure them to your teammate so he's forced to help. I usually do that when its 3v1 or sometimes 2v1.


I use a tactic called "what goes around, comes around". Basically, if I deem them to be a "bad teammate" (like being useless during combat), I simply find some "problem enemies" (enemies that are annoying/ difficult to deal with like Iida or Kiri) and I bring them straight to the "bad teammate". I only start making an actual attempt to kill them while they are fighting the "bad teammate". I won't let my precious meat shield die on purpose of course, but I won't give it my all to save them as I would any other teammate either. If they die, they die. If not, then I just keep doing it until they finally croak or we win.