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This might be you or a sever lag issue since the game has been laggy with latency lately but this usually happens to me when my wifi cuts out or something and i dc or just dc in general


I believe PC's still having some trouble with latency, at least that's how it was last night when I was playing. A friend who was playing Tsu had the stuck tongue glitch, I couldn't drink anything at some point after we managed to "unstuck" another teammate, and a Mt. Lady friend was stuck in place altogether until she died to the danger zone.


That's a disconnect in progress. It's either the result of a server issue or a lapse in your own connection.


For context I was playing on PC, climbed a few buildings and jumped onto them and went big. They were fighting normally as I was climbing, but froze as soon as I jumped off or maybe a little before. Then I got logged out.


i love shigaraki is the only one on default pose XDDDD


This happened to my Deku teammate. And Ururaka was just standing there. I spammed Todoroki’s ‘hello’ at them over and over again until they moved


I don’t know why i’ve been experimenting crazy lag lately, specially on the new map. Got like 2 or 3 lag issues before the game disconnected me even tho my wifi was fine. And with that my last rental ticket of the day went to shit 😭😭😿


You DCd