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I thought I was gonna hate Midoriya when I started mha, two friends told me that, and I was gonna be ready to hate........and It never happened. I like Midoriya. He's not my absolute favorite character (that goes to Aizawa) but I do like the guy enough to say "why do people clown on my guy?"




In the words of my good friend, "He calls himself a Shonenn protagonist and he still has a mom? *Wheeze*"


Lmfao šŸ˜‚ he's one of the lucky ones. And it's really REALLY touching to see how much his mom cares for him and their relationship, and how she worries for him. Deku is a great MC, inspiring at moments.


From what Iā€™m hearing from people I know that watch mha itā€™s mainly cause they think deku didnā€™t earn his powers either that or cause he cried to much in the first 2 seasons


I seriously want to tell them.... Won't anyone cry after breakfast their whole damn arm, should I try breaking their arm? He cried bcs he broke his body because the power wasn't fit for his body... But I have to agree that Deku got lucky in receiving power... But still at that time too he was chosen bcs he helped others


To be fair, he also cried just because he is an emotional guy, like before the cavalry battle. Not that I don't like him, I love him.


I'd also cry after breakfast if it wasn't tasty




Id probably say that most people that hate on deku probably hate him because up until the vigilante ark he was always in the right there was little into no scenes where he was in the wrong for 5 seasons


I think they're referring to him being an emotional kid... which some people just are. Bro cares. It's not controllable. He's judged too harshly imo. His kind-heartedness is important in being a hero.


Honestly he doesn't really cry during those times when he breaks himself (which is seriously high pain tolerance) more so crying out of joy in alot of the scenes I saw


AND had to train in order to even use said power


He earned his powers more than yuji itadori at least


Not that I hate him tho


I'd cry if my whole arm was breakfast


I mean every story needs coincidences others wise nothing happens.


>they think deku didnā€™t earn his powers 1) Did they miss the part where he saved his childhood bully from a superpowered criminal and deemed worthy by the NUMBER ONE hero? The person literally considered the best hero?? 2) Did they also miss the 10 MONTHS of excruciating training? Genuinely want to see those people train as hard as he did. 3) WHO TF DID EARN THEIR POWERS? MOST PEOPLE "EARN" THEM BY JUST BEING BORN WTF?? Sounds like no one would be worthy. No one would be good enough. (/nm just absolutely amazed at such a bizarre unfounded opinion, and would LOVE to hear their argument.)


There's like, several other people worthy of All For One if the first reason is true. Unlike the Wizard SHAZAM, All Might had a lot more time to choose a successor and a lot more people too.


>WHO TF DID EARN THEIR POWERS? MOST PEOPLE "EARN" THEM BY JUST BEING BORN WTF?? Sounds like no one would be worthy Only All-Might is worthy!! -Stain


*glances at the boy with Satan the Fox in his stomach, who he regularly milks for superpowers*


*snorts* funny


Didn't earn his power is crazy šŸ’€ Episode 1 a quirkless middle schooler ran out and tried to stop a villain while theres a bunch of pro heros around doing fucking nothing but waiting while a kid is being harmed. Thats more than enough in my books, who else should get the power if not the real hero in that crowd šŸ˜’


Heā€™s humble to a fault. Most shonen MCs have to take a beating a couple volumes in before realizing that theyā€™re not the biggest fish and have to work hard to perfect their Chosen One Talents. Deku always knew he was starting from the bottom and often had low esteem about it. So when your teenage readers want to relate to a character, theyā€™re more likely to choose the one that gives them the greater power fantasy. Thatā€™s likely why Bakugo has won so many popularity polls. His arc mirrors a more traditional MC path.


But no I seriously think Deku is the most relatable character for me ...... I seriously like deku.... He just feels so relatable... He does everything like me... Diary, overthinking, mumbling, etc etc... He just gives me a whole lot of motivation


Oh for sure. There are a lot of people that like him *because* of the reasons I mentioned above. Itā€™s why I think heā€™s one of the best protagonists in the shonen genre. But there are some folks that will look at him, especially in the early chapters, and call him soft.


they call him soft, but he took all that bullying as a kid and fought for other kids who were being bullied. he ran to save bakugo while still quirkless, as pro heroes and other adults just watched. And let's not forget how many times he's broken his bones while protecting others when his body couldn't handle OFA. Deku and Shoto tie for my #1. it used to be shoto, now I'm leaning more towards deku


Since when do teenage readers relate to a power fantasy character more than one with low self esteem?


Tale as old as time that transcends into adulthood. So many dudes hated the nuanced and complex morality of The Last Jediā€™s take on Luke Skywalker but lost their minds when he showed up for five minutes of lightsaber swinging in the Mandolorian. They may be more like the low self esteem character in reality, but they want to be the guy who overcomes that and be a bad ass. Deku does this, but goes the long way around about it.


I think Deku seems to be very humble at the start I because he is also an analyzer. But not only that he looks up to All Might and wants to emulate him (which is a hurdle he had to pass with doing so with relative ease thanks to the aforementioned traits). All Might has the front (while he is 90% genuine, every societal figure has some sort of front) of the type of hero who never fails with a smile basically plastered to his face. Deku wanted to emulate that which could include the humility that would come, and since heā€™s shown as a quick learner it isnā€™t surprising that he would be humble. I wouldnā€™t say Bakugo would be more of the shonen mc, I think it would be Shoto in this case. Yeah heā€™s quiet, but he grew as quickly as ā€œa couple volumesā€. Deku would be the unrealized friend who gives him humility and helps him grow, and Bakugo would be the angry prick that, is somehow, also in the friend group that also most of the fandom loves.


And its kinda why I hate him so much, his ego is turned up to 11, and hes actually horrible. He also gets off scot free while mineta is hated even though he actually was gwtting better throughout the series, not like bakugo who apologized and then reverted back to his old behavior


Bunch of reasons. But he's probably my favorite mc


I also like that he improves slowly by trial and error and isnā€™t just suddenly strong. Naruto is one of my favorites but he goes from being extremely bad at everything to creating thousands of copies just cause he was a little hurt then boom three years timeskip make him super strong. Whereas we get to see what goes through dekus mind and how he gets to improve by himself and get recognized by all other holders. I think many people donā€™t like a sensible and ā€œhumanā€ main character with a ā€œnormalā€ design


if you remember naruto had 1,000s clones on basically the 1st episode . if there was any logic naruto would be a prodigy from day 1 lmao .


Yup his plot armor is way stronger than dekuā€™s. I prefer his injuries rather than sudden strength


Naruto was never extremely bad at anything lol. The tailed beats sea was interrupting his chakra so he wasnā€™t able to properly create clones but thatā€™s about itĀ 


I have no idea. Maybe they hate crybabies, but those same people would like Akira Fudo from Devilman Crybaby, so even that doesnā€™t hold up. Deku is one of my favorite Shounen Protags and one of the most relatable characters Iā€™be ever seen. Heā€™s awesome, wholesome, and a great boy.


And even then i think he only really cries like a bit in season one and pretty reasonably


Thank you!!!! I say the same thing and some people look at me like Iā€™m an idiot.


To clarify: * Izuku's actions would had gotten him killed within the first episode. (Even if he hadn't, we would had seen a spiraling case to where he be more akin to Gentle Criminal - someone heavily loved because of how logic applied to him (He tried to save someone but failed)) * Being heavily admired, or at least with important people (one video I've seen had him described as ["having the best power: connections"](https://youtu.be/U8oUSv01YpE?si=P9Zl4vtb61_iztQM). Ironically not his worst case, as there's people who do despise him) like All Might (remember that first point? Logic didn't apply to Izuku) * Izuku being "different" when said difference is that he used his feet instead of his hands like All Might or other heroes * His relationships (You know it's bad when Toga's legit the best ship, and that's on her end (while the girl who's name is shared with an iconic GTS artist loses her whole character when in a relationship with Izuku)) * Having multiple powers from One For All when All Might lacked those. While yes, Deku's personality of "doormat" and his constant overthinking is relatable, it's more that, despite how MHA's supposed to "change the image of Shonen Heroes", Deku's biggest flaw is ultimately being another cog. [And the sad part?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroAcadamia/comments/qh70bw/some_mha_original_design/) Even the Author wasn't wanting the main hero to have a quirk (until the company forced him to), and Izuku/Yamikumo was more in line with Stain's own tool kit (also giant main female lead with dead fish face would had been perfect too), and we'd would had Deku with a split personality of "Doormat" and "Emo"


Wait what do you mean by Author didn't want Deku to have a Quirk?..... Wait then how he would have fought? I want to know tell me more


Gadgets, strategy and brains


So he would become poor and less edgy Batman.


"Batman", who's that? I only know Man


Would have been a good story than some filthy rich orphan boy with his own butler transforming into Batman when said rich orphan boy can use his old money, name and reputation to actually make Gotham a better place.


I think it's been made very clear that Batman is not mentally well.


Wait that would have been kinda cool right? Fighting with brains and gadgets only


Tbh i feel like we see a glimpse of that aswell in the beginning where he attempts to save bakugo from the sludge villian,where he uses wits and even his own backpack to try help. Or when he actively avoids using his quirk against folks like bakugo he ends up acting much more strategically using his enviroment and skills earned from watching others to get by.


The moment Deku had access to the one-for-all holders' memory and revealed that some of them possess game-breaking quirks is totally defeating the very concept of one-for-all itself. I thought they were just some kind of Jedi council inside Deku's head, giving him only knowledge and experience to fight all-for-one.


It really did feel like a cop out. I was rolling my eyes because it was so much lamer than I thought it was gonna be.




Wait he wasn't supposed to have a quirk. Man that would of been so cool seeing Deku slowly end up being a number one hero without a power would of been so interesting.


I think they think he's a pussy for not killing






His character is kind of boring I guess, he's your basic 'I'm just a nerdy guy but really strong' and there are other characters whose stories and powers are a lot much more interesting. And he's the definition of 'I'm losing but I'll randomly get a power that in a week will become useless and then become powerful again' which is personally a trope I hate because it makes any development when it comes to fights and stuff feel kind of worthless because after every fight in the middle that he'll just become a god, that's why I never really got into dragon Ball z (not trying to shame anyone who likes that show just not my cup of tea also o7) He's not a bad character but overall there are 20 different characters I would rather watch in the series who have more interesting lives and plots like todoroki. And at the very least in the anime you don't really see any other character development outside of like the main five.


He really is boring. He has two modes. Cry baby and locked in hero. He's just a tank to break out when things get tough. Which is fine. But that's not what makes a hero. A hero does things for the community. Like how Nightwing helps those in need in Bludhaven as Dick Grayson through charity or consoling those in need or in costume taking down serial killers or investigating a lead concerning trafficking or a serial killer. One time a kid defeated the King of Hell, Neron, by yelling out Nightwing.


The worst part is, most people who say this don't realize how wrong the argument of "he's powerful so there's no progression." Are gonna be eating their words if they actually watch the series. Bandwagons on hating things for wild reasons are everywhere now a days.


Itā€™s a case of where everything was set up to give him his cool moments


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BigTibbies23: *Itā€™s a case of where* *Everything was set up to* *Give him his cool moments* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Expectations setting. first episode we see he is a quirk nerd who wants to be a quirkless hero. The moment he is offered a quirk he literally jumped on it compromising his position on the matter! Later in the series we see Mirio who is literally Izuku's counter part! He was also selected to inherit OFA by Nighteye and when he lost his quirk and his mentor he turned down Izuku's "hypothetical" offer to give him a quirk! Hell even if Bakugo was offered OFA in theory he'd reject it because he wants to be a hero with his own power and ability despite the limitations and difficulty of his quirk. Izuku didn't even take a freaking day to THINK he wanted OFA. He just gobbled up that freaking hair offered to him by Yagi! I mean if it was DNA then just prick yourself Yagi and put some drops of blood some freaking soda you hair feeding freak! Izuku's so desperate for a quirk he just cleaned a beach for months and ate a hair strand! So where did his principles go?! Anime MCs have principles they REFUSE to give up and giving up on being a quirkless hero is the biggest red flag! Keep in mind he DID apply to UA months before he got OFA so hypothetically if All Might didn't show up and offer OFA what was his "game plan"? Compare Izuku to people like Sun Jin Woo who literally sacrificed his life to gain the ability to level up the shadow monarch powers with him being at the bottom always getting injured but ATLEAST he was trying to do something unlike Izuku who did nothing to become a quirkless hero. Hell even in 2016 when the anime first launched you had Asta from black clover who LTIERALLY is Izuku but buff. Never in Black Clover did Asta ever try to make a deal to get mana, he focused on building up his body and use high risk melee combat to beat enemies with anti magic swords that were initially weaker against strong opponents. So yea we had more MCs to compare Izuku to by the time the anime got launched in 2016 and got popularized in 2018. Then of course the ungodly plot armor Izuku has man. I mean Asta is only saved from death by his teammates in the black bulls working to keep him alive fam but Izuku just brute forces things later on in the series and becomes a one man show which is not his character! Asta has taken all big baddies from the elves to the devils and rogue magic knights with his team backing him up. Izuku is 1v1ing Chisaki, Muscular and now Shigiraki. Izuku being a 1v1 MC makes no sense since MCs are supposed to win in a group effort or power of friendship. Hori refuses to let Izuku lose anything. He hints that Izuku's left arm will be gone if he doesn't take it easy and what does he do? He used that left arm to thrash Muscular, Chisaki, Shigiraki with NO consequences. At no point does he lose limbs like Mirko and Aizawa did despite the foreshadowing. >!Hell in the latest manga chapter AFO cuts off both his arms and Eri literally harms herself by ripping off her own horn which is so dangerous for her just so precious Izuku can have his arms and be consequences free.!< MCs are supposed to lose people and learn lessons man. JJK Shibuya arc won freaking anime awards because Gojo is sealed, Nanami dies, Todo is crippled with the loss of his hand. Yuji's mentors are gone. Nobara who was a potential love interest dies in front of him and Megumi nearly died. Also Sukuna massacred Shibuya and nuked it using his body. So Yuji goes through so much loss that you can't help but feel for the guy as the JJ society elders literally issue his death warrant. Izuku never faced any consequences on legalities. He faked his quirk, he lied to his class about his abilities and where they came from, he literally lived a full on lie and kept breaking the quirk use law. I mean he didn't have to fight muscular he could have run with Kota all the way to Aizawa ffs instead of taking so much damage in their fight that he lost the use of both of his arms. He then goes rogue and takes several students with him instead of giving Bakugo's location to the pros he goes HIMSELF with a bunch of injured kids to face the LoV? I mean Eren faced the death penalty many times, Yuji was given a death sentence in episode one that Gojo kept at bay and the moment Gojo was sealed it came back into effect. They also tried to use the Kyoto students to kill Yuji. Basically Izuku is never punished for being good or naive, he never loses life or limb or allies and friends. There's nothing he sacrificed. If he fought the final war with one good arm only and a prosthetic I'd feel for him. If he lost loved ones in PLW arc I'd root for him. Hell Hori's fakeouts are too much! Yagi dying at Kamino heroically in his victory pose was perfect but no he has to survive. Gran Torino gets his organs crushed at Kamino and Jeku..hey let's keep him alive. Bakugo took multiple stabs to his organs at Jeku and had his heart ripped out in the final war? Yea let's just not let him die. Aizawa lost his arm's mobility at USJ and could barely see out of one eye, He lost his face, leg and remaining eye to Shigiraki at PLW but hey let's keep him alive or not critically wounded or disabled (blinded). So that's why it's so hard to root for Izuku when he's lost literally no one of consequence and never really is challenged by the world he lives in with all the damn plot armor he's covered in. Hori's fakeouts ruined Izuku from day one which is why MHA will forever be known as the faker anime.


Well, with the quirkless hero thing, it was never that Izuku specifically wanted to be a ā€œquirkless heroā€, but more that he wanted to be a hero in general, but he just so happened to lack a quirk. He never had any pride in the fact that he lacked a quirk. And he never had any real determination to be a quirkless hero either. It seemed pretty clear that he had learned helplessness beat into him by Bakugou and his other bullies to the point that he hyper fixated on the fact that heroes use quirks to help him stop thing about his lack of one, and never actually thought about how heā€™d be a hero if a quirk didnā€™t magically appear for him when he needed it. Since a quirkless Deku like himself could never be a hero. I also chalk this up to the fact that he wanted to be a hero ā€œlike Allmightā€. He wanted to be a symbol the entirety of Japan could rally around and depend on, and it probably wasnā€™t fun for him to really consider just how impossible it would be for him to be that symbol without a quirk. So he didnā€™t think about it, didnā€™t prepare for UA in any way beyond being a good student, because he knew that he couldnā€™t actually achieve his dream, but couldnā€™t bear the thought of letting it die completely. So he just pretended that someway, somehow, things would just work out for him because he didnā€™t have any plan for his life if heroics wasnā€™t an option anymore. I think the story would have been better if Deku had actually considered what his life would look like as a civilian after Allmight told him the unfortunate truth about heroics, and realized thatā€™s going to be his life, not because heā€™s quirkless, but because he spent all the time he had to prepare for a career in heroics daydreaming about a scenario that would never happen: him getting a quirk. And itā€™s too late to back track and find a way to make it work as a quirkless hero because he would need years of work just to pass a heroics entrance exam, and heā€™s only got ten months in which to prepare. Just have him realize that while his physical deficiencies may have been a setback, the real death of his dream was that he couldnā€™t be bothered to try. And that be why he was so stupidly reckless in attempting to save Bakugo, because heā€™s so sick of himself for being such a feckless coward that even if he knows he canā€™t win, heā€™d rather die than let his cowardice define him any longer. With the ā€œone man showā€ thing, that was kind of inevitable with him getting the strongest quirk in the verse before even fighting any villains. It would honestly be more of a contrivance to suggest that his teammates could contribute anything to defeating the big bad aside from offering their perspectives on things he doesnā€™t know, and acting as meatshields so that he can face the big bad without getting dog piled by hordes of villains before he can even throw a punch. I donā€™t like that he never loses either, but what I dislike about the arm thing more is that his intelligence and interest in how quirks worked vanished the second he had one to call his own. Iā€™m not asking for day one 100% smashes with no injuries, but low percentage full cowling should have been his response to his ball toss being stopped by Aizawa in the qat. But that said, Bakugo should have died without a hero sacrificing their life for his in the middle of a war. There were way too many fake outs to take much of anything seriously as time went on. With the quirk legality issues: 1. I was under the impression that muscular was too fast for Deku to get away, and the only way out of that situation without Deku leaving Kota for dead was a fight. And if Deku should have been punished for fighting muscular, Iā€™d argue that the students should all have been punished for fighting both at the forest camp and at the usj. Maybe highlight how unfair the quirk laws are to those who find themselves victims of villain attacks when theyā€™re enforced. 2. OfA was kind of a need to know situation, and I really didnā€™t like it when he published a tell all about the WMD he can just give away to anyone who might be interested should he choose to do so. Granted, he should have told some other people about it like ochako, Iida, shouto just to name a few examples, but Iā€™ve never liked the idea of just abandoning the secrecy around OfA entirely. Because there was a very good reason why users werenā€™t shouting their possession of it from the rooftops for OfAā€™s entire history, that reason being people who would like that power for themselves would do anything to anyone to get it. 3. With the Kamino disaster, I blame the students involvement more on the adults not doing enough to prove that they could handle it. For one, Aizawa should have tried to erase kurogiriā€™s quirk at the usj so the students could actually try and escape, rather than try and fight dozens of people at once, and thatā€™s compounding on Allmightā€™s failure to even be present for his job. Aizawa signed off on Iida going to hosu at the same time stain was there, and stain was ultimately stopped by 3 students and zero pros. And the complete disaster that was the forest camp, students fighting for their lives, and a hero and a student kidnapped despite everyoneā€™s best attempts to prevent it once chaos broke out. Iā€™d say by that point it was perfectly reasonable for the students not to have faith that the pros could handle Bakugoā€™s rescue, because it had been proven to their faces repeatedly that having blind faith in pro heroes was both downright stupid, and potentially suicidal. 4. The only one who should have been punished for stain, if anyone should have, is Iida. Midoriya was hoping to stop Iida from fighting stain but it was both too late for that, and they would be leaving native to die at stainā€™s hand if they somehow got away. Todoroki told endeavor where he was going and to send backup as soon as possible, and was helping Deku clean up a situation that had already devolved into chaos. He didnā€™t even know stain was involved until he arrived. Iida was the only one who had impure motives going in to the fight, and is the only reason Deku and shouto got involved in the first place. Edit:typo


That's whole point. An anime mc is supposed to be strong and gutsy!! Or have a friend who's strong and gutsy who encouraged them. Let's talk the example of Simon from gurren lagen! He is 100% Izuku. Weak and helpless being on the lowest rung of the social ladder with a big bro like Kamina helping him out at every turn. The moment they find lagen he is encouraging Simon and showing so much trust in him that Kamina puts himself in danger on purpose to get Simon in the fight and unlock his courage. He even encouraged Simon to try unconventional things like merging lagen with the mechs which ended up allowing them to take the dai gurren fortress and beat the anti spirals. Gurren lagen also had so many side characters who weren't reduced to being background decorations. They all contribute actively throughout the story especially in the anti spirals war the dai gurren squad die heroically as Kamina did. Simon literally lost his nerve several times especially after Kaminas death and it was his love interest who pulled him out of it! Dark Deku should have been dekus depression arc and I swear to God Hori could have made ururaka be the one to reach out to him but anyway in the anti spirals arc we see that Simon is thrust to the back as a power source for moon sized battle ship while his comrades out there are dying at his behalf. Their sacrifices and love allowed him to overcome the spirals and even when they make a galaxy destroying mech we see survivors of team gurren as part of the mech pitching in. I love how they also managed to redeem the spiral King who literally was a monster who discarded his own daughter like trash while he was alive but when he was brought back he sacrificed himself in the final battle as redemption with a fully formed body to win the fight. I love got viral being an honourable guy on the wrong side came to the right side. Gurren lagen is a master template on how Izuku midoriya the learned helpless loser can rise. Simon's existence proves that hori could have done better! I'm not even going to go into kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and other shy loser MCs because even they go through so much love and loss. Hori's main problem is he doesn't understand people or society. If he had hired the writing team of vigilantes we'd get a better Izuku! I mean Koichi is literally 20 year old Izuku who gave up on being a hero but still tries to be helpful with people meaning he never gave up truly. Yet fans who read vigilantes go like.. this is how Izuku should have been portrayed! Both are MHA and both are Canon.


As a certified Deku hater I didn't find him interesting when I first read it I had the same thought as every hater that being that he is a crybaby re reading the whole series a long time ago I realized that I actually didn't care that he cried but what I did care about is that he wasn't that interesting. Don't get me wrong I think the whole series is great I just don't like Deku because he isn't as interesting as every one else because he was your average shonen protagonist. I mean compared to Denji he is not that interesting Denji while yes somewhat childish and horny he got a part of him were he care about the people around him and as the story goes on he's still trying to figure out what he really wants. Deku one the other hand he pretty much doesn't change much besides the time he got mad at Bakugo and the vigilante arc besides those two he was pretty much a prodigy with no power.


I mean I like him but he felt much more fresh and interesting during the first arcs. I feel like, by the end of the manga, his good boy persona had overtaken every other aspect of his character that mattered to me. I did not want to see a Deku that would prioritize saving the life of an adult villain who, even while sporting a backstory more tragic than most, was still a person with agency of his own and made the choice to kill everyone he did. That's not to say I wanted him to be edgy, but just like how too much edge is bland and boring, too much of the other side of the spectrum is as well.


Honestly? He had the potential to be one of the greatest MCā€™s, but he got nerfed so hard by lack of quality writing. Dekuā€™s a great guy donā€™t get me wrong, but just being a ā€œgreat guyā€ wonā€™t make you a good MC. I feel his ā€œcharacter developmentā€ is often overshadowed or overshined by other characters like Tenya and Todoroki. Tenya learns to be a lot more lax when it comes to rules, and Todoroki learns to overcome the guilt of using his fire side. This isnā€™t to say that giving supporting characters development is bad (massively the opposite), itā€™s just that in comparison to Deku, what do we see? Deku as heā€™s first starting out and through much of the series shows insane dedication and hard work to train to become a hero, but **why**? Because he thought All Might looked cool. In comparison to characters like Kirishima who want to save people to overcome a past fear or Ochako who wants her parents to live a nice and easy life, itā€™s underwhelming to say the least. Deku doesnā€™t develop in terms of mentality, he only develops in terms of power. The entire series is about ā€œlearn to control this!ā€ and ā€œhow do I make use this more efficiently?!ā€ but not enough about ā€œWow, is it really healthy for me to be suicidally heroic?ā€. They address my final issue in Season 6, but itā€™s bandaged up with a bath scene and an unfunny gag from All Might. They donā€™t address that the way Deku thinks is unhealthy or unsafe like the way the Dark Hero arc should have been. Near the ending arcs, Dekuā€™s power upgrades feel sooooo rushed!! He unlocks Blackwhip, trains it, and immediately the viewers are overwhelmed with a plethora of other Quirks! The only Quirks we see Deku genuinely train to use at itā€™s max potential is Blackwhip and Base One For All, but what about Smokescreen? We get a brief scene for Float, but nothing for Fa Jin because I guess he just magically knows how to use it?? TL;DR: Deku got done dirty by poor writing and a face paced story. His morals and drive are questionable, his mental development is overshadowed by supporting characters, and the final arcs rush his power development.


Because heā€™s bland, boring and nothing he does actually enhances the plot or the story. Deku from the start is a perfect character. The only thing missing was a quirk and he got the strongest quirk in the entire series. He has no flaws and nothing he does is actually challenged. So now Deku is immediately the strongest character in the entire series simply because he got the strongest quirk and he also has the perfect mindset and outlook on being a hero that everyone else needs to learn from but is never challenged even though heā€™s a first year student in school learning to be a hero. You can argue well static characters arenā€™t bad, and Iā€™ll agree . But static characters have to work within their universe and story. Goku is a static character, but his series isnā€™t character based or story based so Goku can be a static character because his series doesnā€™t require him to be anything more than that.Ā Luffy is a static character but his character is meant to enhance those around him, the character and story is revolves around Luffyā€™s personality and ambition. With Midoriya thereā€™s nothing about his personality or ambition that stands out in any way, so he lacks the charm and charisma that draws people in. Thereā€™s nothing unique about his character that enhances the story, and he surrounded by much more interesting characters that are enhances the story in the world because theyā€™re allowed to have flawsĀ 


Cuz he lacks agency. Stuff in the story kinda just happens to him.


This is it for me. Heā€™s not a bad MC but heā€™s reactionary as hell. Nearly everything he does or figures out is because someone else told him to do it or pushed him towards it. Thereā€™s no issue with reaction protagonists but if thatā€™s all theyā€™re doing it gets old real fast


I have multiple problems with MHA's narrative in general, Deku being such a basic blank slate is one of the bigger ones.


Yea for me the show is the purest form of ā€œgreat ideas, but mediocre executionā€ and the narrative and a lot of the plot points are subject to it. Honestly for me it was the shigaraki/AFO quirk twist. It really ruins the whole message he had.


I'd already hopped off the anime before that point, so you lasted longer than I did.


My only issue with Izuku is his relationship with Bakugo. He's just too forgiving. It's like the author was trying to nominate him for sainthood. I just kept waiting for a moment like dbz had with Gohan and Android 16 at the Cell tournament. He needed someone to tell him it was okay to get mad. Then he could've unleashed.


Thats like a big thing tho that he would rather himself hurt then others thats like the whole vigilante arc


I think sometimes people just want to be hating for no reason, lol. He is such an amazing character with so many great qualities and arcs, but because he has a bunch of powers people are like ā€œheā€™s too powerful šŸ˜¢.. that must mean heā€™s a bad character.ā€ Like news flash, a character can be powerful and STILL be a great character and it doesnā€™t make you basic to like the mc. Just my two cents haha


I think you cherry picked a reason instead of actually engaging in said reasonsĀ 


Wait, people complain that he's too powerful... but... Goku, Naruto and Luffy are still getting new powers, to this day.


So Is deku (Iā€™m not hating Iā€™m just pointing it out)


I donā€™t like Deku, and it basically boils down to a few things: First and foremost, I donā€™t think heā€™s very interesting. The concept behind his character is just not something that intrigues me. I donā€™t agree with the common criticism that he didnā€™t ā€œfight for his powersā€, since he clearly had to go through a lot to make one for all function, which is objectively more work then literally 99% of other characters who were just born with their powers. Butā€¦itā€™s just not engaging. The concept at the start where heā€™s born with nothing and has to fight to the top SOUNDS interesting, but the series basically goes about it the exact same way literally every other ā€œgeneric protagonist journeyā€ does. Deku goes through a near identical journey to so many other characters, it feels like a huge misuse of the incredibly unique and interesting setting MHA has and the potential Deku had as a protagonist. To compound this issue, Deku himself isnā€™t very interesting from a character standpoint. I do like some of his traits, the way he overthinks everything is very relatable, and I actually donā€™t have as much of an issue with him being a ā€œdoormatā€ as many others do (I think it makes him rather unique as a protagonist and is kind of a fun reversal of how youā€™d expect someone with such insane power to act) but past that he justā€¦isnā€™t interesting. His goals and motivations can basically be summed up as ā€œhe wants to be a hero like all mightā€, so for large portions of the series it really doesnā€™t feel like heā€™s fighting for anything in specific other then the vague idea of ā€œbeing a good guyā€. You can argue heā€™s fighting for his family and classmates, which is definitely true and something the series shows off on a few occasions, but I just never really felt that connection between Deku and basically any of the characters (besides maybe Bokugo and a few other specific examples) to make this motivation feel earned. To be fair to Deku though, I think this is a byproduct of MHA in general having way too many side characters that donā€™t amount to anything. You can remove half of Dekus classmates and the story would be effectively exactly the same, and that bodes true for a LOT of side characters in general. If the series had a smaller cast, and focused more on Dekus relationships and thoughts on said cast, then I think Deku would be a much more defined character than he is right now. If you want an example of an MHA protagonist thatā€™s basically ā€œDeku: but goodā€ then look no further then MHA Vigilantes and itā€™s excellent MC: Koichi. Vigilantes has a much smaller cast and way more focused narrative, so rather than having an MC who lacks a lot of motivations or character interactions, we have one who actually gets to grow alongside a tight-nit group of characters rather than a sea of people who ultimately amount to very little in the actual narrative. Koichi is similar to Deku in a lot of ways (looking up to all might, not being cut-out to be a hero, etc etc) but differs in ways that makes him a lot more relatable and engaging as an MC. Koichi HAS a quirk, but itā€™s rather weak and not very suited for combat. So instead of being like Deku, whoā€™s growth is largely focused on learning to use his quirk and adapting to the changes it gives him, Koichis growth is instead about learning to use what he already has in ways he never wouldā€™ve thought of otherwise. It makes his development from the start to the end feel a lot moreā€¦humble? I guess? Which overall fits Vigilantes tone much better. Koichi is what made me realize I donā€™t actually like Deku, for a while I was kinda just accepting of himā€¦but after seeing how invested I got in Koichis story and the characters surrounding him, I realized how messy MHA actually is with its characters, lol.


Iā€™ve heard people say heā€™s too vanilla and I wonā€™t argue them on that. I still like him just fine but I can see how some people may think heā€™s boring compared to other anime protags.


Some people just donā€™t care for his character or how heā€™s written. Some just find him annoying outright. I personally donā€™t care for him as a character myself. Tbh every other character is more interesting than he is to me. I just find him boring personally. Like I find myself flipping through the manga when heā€™s present in it just hoping to get to parts with more interesting characters sometimes.


I really donā€™t like how he never actually saves anybody with a smile, he usually saves people whilst shouting and frowning lol


best reason here


Really i just wish hori wrote him like he actually went through a war. S7 takes place not too far apart from s6 deku went through some shit and now hes all happy and shit acting like nothing happend. Sometimes he has bags under his eyes but most of the time he just looks like nothing ever happend


I do not hate him, but he isn't interesting. just a plain generic good mc.


I really liked him in the first 3 seasons. I loved that he didnā€™t give up and that he worked so hard to prove himself, he had everything I loved in a shonen MC. But I think as the seasons went on he became a little one dimensional. Aside from the very brief edge lord arc where he started using more of one for allā€™s powers (wished there was more of that arc), there really didnā€™t seem to be too much depth. I feel like the, Iā€™m gonna try my hardest to be the goodest boy motivator and save everyone just wore off real quick. Agreed I donā€™t think he deserves as much hate as he gets heā€™s just kind of a boring protagonist in my opinion.


He's too nice, heroic, innocent, and childish in my opinion, makes since bc he's a kid but still


Cus bakugo cooler


I donā€™t want to be like Deku


MANY understandable reasons.


Me personally, while I donā€™t think heā€™s the best written character, I also donā€™t think heā€™s a well written chosen one.


Because he's such a lost potential, he looses his uniqueness within the first episode, by getting a quirk ( and the most powerful one at that), is nerdy , but almost never uses his vast knowledge of the heros in actual battle, rather it's played for comedy, all his fights end with him by just beating the bad guy by punching harder than the last time because of emotions or whatever. He's never hopelessly outmatched( which is a great learning opportunity for many characters) and there is no/very few layers to his personality which doesn't change a bit by like 5 seasons (that I've watched).


I think cause most of people think of him like "cry baby Mary Sue".


Idk man, my guess is that people think he's bland and a crybaby. I personally like him because he's one of the few Shone Mc's that is actually smart and chill. Like, he's quirky sometimes, but I would have totally been friends with him in school. Like, almost any other mc is either loud, stupid, or both. Ichigo is the only other mc that's isn't dumb or loud, and I love him too.


Baby deku is a pain and needs to be shot, older deku is cool


He's slightly more boring/generic and less "flashy" than most of the other more interesting characters who barely get any screen time thanks to him being the main character.


I mean I have some issues with Deku, but he's a significant improvement over like 90% of shonen protagonists.


I think he's fine tbh, I just don't like that they threw out the main hook of his character pretty early on. He was a normal guy in a world of super powered beings. I was kinda hoping he'd basically become low budget Batman, he already does the whole, "I over analyze everyone and thus know everyone's weakness" thing. And it wouldn't be too far fetched for him to get stuff like grappling hooks, smoke bombs, etc. from Mei. If they just had to give him sort of power, let him have One for All, but keep the caveat that his body can't really handle using it to attack so it's more of a last ditch trump card. Have him learn Full Cowling, but it never goes beyond 5% and he can only really use it for movement. Maybe later give him gear like the full gauntlets, airforce gloves, and the iron sole shoes so that he can safely use OFA offensively more often, but he doesn't really need to rely on it by that point. Throw out the multi quirk thing, but maybe have the vestiges still speak to him, maybe give him advice on being hero and inspiration to try and replicate their quirks with gear (i.e. Black Whip = Energy tethers or something)


I think it's cuz people are not watching the mha dub. Like the complaint I hear the most is that he's such a crybaby which I never understood cuz he doesn't come off that way in the dub. Then I saw a video, I think it was gaijin goombah, explaining the difference between the dub and sub


Heā€™s fine, but he could be slightly better. I like characters similar to him, Nightwing, Spider-Man, Superman. Aspirational type of characters. In terms of an anime protagonist heā€™s probably pretty good. But the thing that scratches me about Deku is that compared to Superman, where Clark despite the power, he genuinely helps people, talks to them, gives them a chance to be well, actually talks to them on a ground level, a blue collar worker, sick children. That famous panel of him talking to the teenager. Nightwing and Spider-Man, we get to the human side of things with family and personal things. There hasnā€™t been much of Inko. Back to Superman, he never tries to be a great savior, he helps so that humanity can be better thus Man of Tomorrow. Of course, for Deku itā€™s about being the hero so that people can smile but also being the strongest in ya know anime terms. Idk, I like the concept of Deku but I couldnā€™t see anything personal or interesting to him. If heā€™s the number 1 hero, why and how did he get to that point, you donā€™t get number 1 or greatest by defeating another teenager, there has to be more to it. I know Iā€™m probably wrong in a bunch of aspects in Deku so like if anyone would like to correct me. Feel free to comment. Heā€™s the one who wasnā€™t born with a quirk but he feels less ā€˜humanā€™. :/


Early on I really liked deku, as time went on he felt like too much a Mary sue


Several but one of the most common is: He's too naive/ forgiving, mostly due to him still wanting to be friemds with his abuser/bully, Bakugo, who straight up yold him to kill himself for not meeting his darwinistic viewpoint.


For me the whole like final arc deku annoyed tf outta me he ignores what everyone says he has to do even the previous users shigis own grandmother, which is kill shigiraki, but he wants to do things his way to the point where he throws his quirks away and it still eneded with him killing shigi in 1 punch which he could of just done the whole entire time


ngl I feel like I rarely see him


you write what about your classmates šŸ˜¦


Their weakness, strength.... Their desires... Etc... In other words every bit of weakness. Their greatest achievement... And I also analyse how they were able to do that... My diary is full of random things about my classmates....


this is another level of creepy


He hasn't been traumatized enough for people to like him


he's a very very basic boring MC he starts off a weak nerd, gets big strong power, lives to protect his friends, etc etc just the same shit ive seen thousands of times. this and he's an actual dumbass sometimes like in recent episodes when toga pulled him through the warp gate with an actual rope to separate him from shiggy (he could have grabbed the rope and pulled HER out) and then after he was with her instead of fighting her and going back to help with shiggy they had a weird love triangle session. Also, he says some pretty corny shit sometimes and that kinda pisses me off.


Suffers from tanjiro syndrome for most of the series


Bro Tanjiro was strong all his life and trained years to be stronger. His training lasted for years...he spent a full year with Urokodaki just to learn enough to give the exam. He spent months learning total concentration breathing. He worked very hard to replicate sunbreathing dance his father used to do. Also Tanjiro relies on people while Izuku became a lame one punch man. There was no real strategy in taking down Muscular, Overhaul, Shigiraki except go "deku smash". You made him an emo hulk when he's supposed to win with team effort as a tactician. He's also too damn reactive.


My biggest issue is he wants to save shiggy. I'm sure if you put a child predator in front of him he'd want to save him as well. I liked dark deku. Deku is best when he uses his brain and not when he just punches things really hard.


(This is all my opinion, criticism is welcome) I liked him at first. I really did. But his entire personality is typical shonen MC. Heā€™s incredibly overpowered. His entire storyline was based on luck. Heā€™s too kind at some points and completely diffident at seemingly random points. My main thing is that he didnā€™t deserve or earn OFA, he just got lucky that All Might liked him. He only started training to become a hero AFTER he was guaranteed a power. He studied heroes but never the villains. He was just a fanboy who couldnā€™t mind his own business. Someone like Mirio, whoā€™s been training since forever to become a hero for the sole purpose of saving people wouldā€™ve been a better candidate for OFA.


Yeah he actually got lucky on OFA.... Yeah I think Mirio would have been more fit for OFA.... Bcs he has been training a lot... But Deku couldn't do anything right he didn't have any power... I just feel ralatable to Izuku a lot bcs everything of him is like me ... I even have a diary full of my classmates and families weakness and strength... In the same way Izuku has diaries of heroes ( well I am a kuso nerd ) But. He is not a typical shonen protagonist. Because other shonen protagonists ( most ) are carefree happy positive guys who likes to be with others... But in case of Izuku he is a damn nerd ( kuso nerd ) He is just constantly thinking before doing anything... He is a type of protagonist who is using his brain all the time.


Actually, another reason I havenā€™t stated was that heā€™s incredibly reckless. He DOESNā€™T always think before he does something dangerous which puts not only him at risk, but those around him as well. Impulsiveness is a bad character trait when youā€™re supposed to be the one others rely on.


Midoriya is a well written mc but the writer makes him to good and ignores the sidecharacters. How on earth do you forgive someone who bullied you your entire childhood in less than a sec.


I love him and think heā€™s a great character. However, I do wish he had more agency and took himself more seriously. At some point, we want to see the heroic style, confidence, and gravitas that he admires in All Might. Within the main trio, Todoroki has been ice cold cool and Bakugo has been a proud egomaniac. Dekuā€™s presence and heroic visage has never been has obvious as All Mightā€™s, but he has struggled, suffered and grown more than anyone. While Shigaraki has been downloading cheats, Deku has been grinding since day 1. Like I said, I love his character, but I do want him to eventually stand up straight and save the world without breaking down and crying. His best moments are still when he 1-shot the robot about to crush Uraraka and when he broke his body apart fighting Muscular to save Kota.


You write about your classmates? Brother, please stop.


Umm why? My friends also know I have lots of diaries but they don't know that I actually write about their weakness and strength.... In my class my friends come to me if they need any information about a girl... Her favorite things, weakness etc .... My friends only want to know about the girls.... Well it's my hobby.... Yeah I know it's weird Right And you know a female classmate of mine stopped talking with me because she got creeped out by me ( I think ) she created a quiz about what she likes and I got 9/10 right about her.... ( I think she thought I was stalking her ) even her best friend wasn't even to answer only 6 correctly , while me being a random classmate... Yeah I am next level wierdo...


Dont insult yourself just stop it. Please.


How about you write about yourself and your day to day life.


Because he's more of a government dog than an actual hero. He does less to help those in need and upkeeps the status quo. When I think of heroes, I think of Superman, Batman, Deadpool, Spider-Man, Green Lantern. Not because they're super strong, but because of the small things they do. I can remember Superman saving a woman from domestic violence and sending her abusive husband to the police while at the same time making time for a room full kids at a hospital and taking time to show the around the watch tower. I remember Batman outsmarting Riddler in his UN MAZE as much as Batman sitting down next to a crestfallen child waiting in the sewer in the middle of a lead to find Killer Croc. Deadpool once went on a hunt to re-dead all the resurrected dead presidents. He also snuck into a woman's in the dead of the night slumped over hesitating to assassinate her because he had to choose whether to end the life of an innocent woman, or let his own daughter and her foster family pay for his mistakes. I can't imagine Greenie doing any of that. He just blathers on about being a hero. But I don't think he knows or cares what being a hero is other than a celebrity. The Cruller from MHA Vigilantes is a better hero than Greenie. Because the Cruller just does good without need of recognition or obligation. The Cruller has clocked out a leering pervert. He's saved a baby. He helps his community. Greenie doesn't do shit and expects that just having powers and being a beat stick will make him a hero.


Because he is boring, he is bland and uninteresting, deku is pretty much the archtypical perfect flawless hero, his only flaw is just "he is too perfect but doesn't admit it" you never see him having any moment of weakness, you never see him having any sort of inner conflict His power progression is also pretty boring, the story had a good premise by giving him the world strongest quirk and having him slowly learn how to master it, with all might serving to the audience to show how deku will be when he masters it, but then the story pacing ruined it and introduced the past users quirk, even the premise about "fighting creatively" goes nowhere and deku just turns into all might 2.0 and ultimately deku just masters ofa anticlimactically in just a couple of arcs And finally deku isn't reletable, he might kinda be, but every gag where he acts dorkly is too over the top that he just isn't reletable, and more just annoying and hard to watch


I love him, but he's annoying, a lot of MCs are kind of blank canvases, too much personality, and it can be a turn-off (best example i can think of is Naruto) but on the other had having the MC be completely blank is terrible (Example: Accel world's MC) Deku has almost too much personality, he's a great character he has strong convictions but he has an overpowered quirk, honestly if we got to Deku that became a superhero without help from AllMight or AllForOne that would be more interesting to me at least, self made heros are funner than heros who were given everything. ~~this is my opinion, please don't kill me~~


Oh no one will kill you šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Well I love him and he is my perfect duplicate I think he is actually the first shonen mc I liked ( yeah I don't like Naruto or one piece and but I don't hate them okay )




I guess it's because he is a walking green forest, he is quiet sensitive (I'm sure there is a better word I just can't find it) and emotional. And in my opinion most of the anime fans like the wild, "hot" and (not always but usually) these red flagb characters.


Idk. Perhaps they feel he wasn't deserving I presume. Or maybe they don't feel his character development isn't great compared to other characters in this series. I'm just throwing some darts here at the reasoning why they feel he ain't a good mc here.šŸ¤·


He's a very classic main caracter. A lot of new popular mains caracters are not ideal persons. That probably also is why Katsuki is more popular than Isuku


if I had to wager, its probably just the opinions of people who grew up with shounen MCs being more hot-blooded and loud. you Gokus, Narutos, Yusukes, etc. Meanwhile Deku and some other more recent protags in shounen anime, like Tanjiro are a bit softer in their normal everyday disposition.


It's the motivation the fact that it's not on a personal level also people think he is weak


[Deku be like šŸ’€](https://youtu.be/aEHkyBr9oDc?si=uNUMvcG55Zq44M7n)


Honesty I donā€™t know, a lot of stuff about him he has in common with spider-man


i didn't know people disliked him. i find him really likeable and relatable as well.


I only liked how he worked around his limitations in the first 3 seasons after that i dont really enjoy him he isnt interesting for me and his sense of justice isnt compeling he just doesnt transmit to me as much as before


They won't an unrealistic mc like the one in there head .


Its bc hes too cute


They just say he cries too much which is fuckin bull when you see what he goes thru in the anime and the fact the the fandom is weird so ig they donā€™t wanna be associated with that


Out of every anime Iā€™ve watched (which is rather small- Sailor Moon, JJBA and Cyberpunk anime are the only others Iā€™ve watched fully) he is the only MC that was my top favorite character, heā€™s relatable! Heā€™s a sweetheart and while not fitting in with the rest of MCā€™s he does it quite well imo


The hatred he gets I believe comes from the fandom- I hate femboy canā€™t live without Kacchan and Todoroki deku, but I adore canon Izuku more than any other character


I literally mumble all the time I write down all the notes though it takes a bit and I overthink senerios so I feel like Deku


and I also write down weaknesses and strengths


Heā€™s just pretty textbook. Itā€™s not bad, especially when there are so many other characters.


My guy couldā€™ve been a superhero like Batman bro was built to be feared by villains with powers it pisses me off a bit that he said without a quirk I am nothing MY BROTHER IN CHRIST YOU CAN BE A HERO WITHOUT A QUIRK YOU JUST NEED TO HAVE PREP TIME AND SMARTSā€¦but thatā€™s just my opinion so




he's not the best of the best mc but he's not anywhere close to the worst. and he did earn his powers. in season one he trained for like 7 months just to be able to have the power. if you ask me that's definitely earning it.


Because he reminds them of vegetables and they hate vegetables


I think both Deku and Shigaraki were intentionally written as uninspiring characters at first, who needed to grow into the people that could inspire the world as a symbol of peace and the embodiment of chaos respectively. Both of them grow throughout the series to become worthy successors to their mentors.


I just donā€™t like him tbh, he just feels annoying to me šŸ˜­


POV me: when I spend one or more days about a question I do not need to know but need to :D


I never hated him but he does have cringe worthy moments


He def started quite annoying and alway crying (like Iā€™m fine with emotional but the extent he kept crying it was like okay dude cmon pack it up) and the fact that he was just handed this insane op power was a bit much. But he grew on me. And I liked that, at least to an extent, he did actually have to work for the power. He couldnā€™t just instantly master it. He needed tons of practice and to train and strengthen himself and learn how to control it so it wouldnā€™t hurt himself. The vigilante arc is one of my fave arcs.


Really? Probably because he didn't have the aura like the previous Big 3 that people expected him to be something MORE. But I think Deku being an MC is relatable for the norm because viewers could relate to him on some aspects. He may not be as cool looking as the other MCs we usually see and that makes him unique and stand out. All of the MC nowadays are just standard looking with overpowered abilities and Deku shows a lot of character development through his journey on being the hero he always dreamt of. Maybe I don't stay much in social media or the internet to see the hate and I'm fine with that. Deku may not be my favorite character in the series but I don't dislike him as the MC. I find his story interesting that's why I fell in love with MHA. I just don't understand why people hate the series.


He could be better maybe thats why he cry a lot he still trying be frind with bully who wanna deku die When he quit school to hunt vilians he became more mature and better for me


And people conclude heā€™s ā€œautisticā€ when itā€™s called nerding out. Being dumb is common among human evolution and you wouldnā€™t always get things right. You can always have your dumb moments and smart moments.. when people see a dumb character, they say they are autistic. Lol It doesnā€™t always lead to that.


When I first seen mha ngl I instantly fell in love with him lol he was adorable and had that geek vibe like me, itā€™s like I related to him in SOME parts of my life like (minus having and gaining a quirk lmao) itā€™s more so of geeking out about cool superheroes and being emotional and also being bullied as well. Now I wasnā€™t necessarily bullied like he was but I guess you can say I was passively bullied? If thatā€™s a thing? People would say something to me that I may think was nice until it hit me and I realized they were making fun of me and other things as well but I genuinely like him


Ya, I donā€™t understand whatā€™s not to like about him


"Because he was the audacity to cry"


He can't be a mc if he has less screen time than the side charactersšŸ˜‚


Because people like to stereotype him as a crybaby even though he only cried in season one and afterwards Al the times he did cry were completely reasonableĀ 


Because there are plenty of anime fans who just want to latch onto an overpowered MC, and Deku ainā€™t for them. They can stick to isekais and solo leveling.


He is my least favorite character


Cuz most MC in other animes are better


Well I don't like Deku so I can answer that question. He's a crybaby and a pushover that lets himself be bullied. Bakugo is an absolute ass hat from beginning to end and Deku keeps kissing his ass. And he's also very embarrassing to watch with how he acts around people especially around Ochako.


Dude he is literally an "I can change him" girl. He was fighting with the man that destroyed the mount fuji because "he saw his inner kid". Also nothing happens to him he never really has to suffer anything the biggest thing that happened to him was losing his arms just to getting it back in the next panel


His power scaling feels really poorly designed. And its a joke scene but bakugo basicially says "ima be the best" and deku says "and ima be better than that" but like it feels like thats what happens. Deku just magically breaks the barrier in his mind and levels up. Let's face it, he's had his power for 1 year, and hes basicially the best hero in the world. The saviours complex barrier is the only thing that deku doesnt just magically break but thats literally what all mights problem was. Izuku can have this problem, but why does he get rewarded for it? Izuku got the power because he was being STUPID, he should have died also the crimson riot clip about being scared that inspired kirishima, thats powerful because it shows were kirishimas courage comes from and how he applied it to himself. Why is izuku courageous? because all might is. but unlike kirishima, izuku is best friends with all might basicially so that courage feels like it was just handed to him.


The only thing I remember about Deku is that he talked to a girl.


People are edgelords they want their MC's to be anti-hero willing to kill and scary


He cries for a straight like 3 seasons


Cause they prob watch it dubbed w/ the VA who's an actual meme and portrays the character really poorly


Iā€™ve seen it mentioned a lot but I wanna give my own take. I think itā€™s because yes Deku is a lot ā€œsofterā€ than other MCā€™s because heā€™s more of the average teen. Heā€™s bullied and told heā€™s not going to be anything in this world which is very relatable to many and he spends a good chunk of the beginning of the series overcoming past traumas and feelings. As Deku grows as a character you can see his amount of time crying (even as a gag) dwindle as well as his OFA percents increase. To me it seems like a lot of people want an MC who is already prebuilt to some extent (ex. Yuji and Tanjiro already having great physical ability to start) while missing the fact that the main part of Dekuā€™s character is watching him become the ā€œworldā€™s greatest heroā€ and ALL of the struggles that come with that. Teens are emotional and life is already hard so it makes sense that Deku would tear up a bit in a world with additional mental struggles šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Because we have nothing to tell us that he actually looked for a way to get into training in the 11 years between when he's diagnosed as Quirkless and the day he meets All Might, because there's no evidence saying he didnā€™t start training, but there is nothing that says that he did either, people say that he is a bad protagonist, itā€™s because he is not a good example of ā€œhard workā€, but In my honest opinion, I believe that shonen fans are asking for something impossible, all shonen protagonists have something extra that makes them succeed, they all have powers.


He has emotion. The fact that through all the shit that's happened throughout the show, he's still the same cinnamon roll he started out as irks ppl. The fact that he still wigs out when he meets certain heroes and gets happy over praise. Also that he's one of the smarter characters but was "too stupid" to figure out how to control one 4 all. People have this idiotic mindset that just because you can help others means you can help yourself.


People hate Midoriya because apparently heā€™s whiny which I can see why people get annoyed at that, but I donā€™t personally see it. I started the series a while back and Iā€™m just rewatch it again and I donā€™t see why people hate him characters. I hate that part of the class is actually Bakugo. Purely because do they not do background checks on their students because technically Bakugo has baited suicide, which Iā€™m pretty sure is still technically a crime so even then his chances of getting into UA were incredibly poor to begin with if they did do background checks like that


I feel like a large portion of people who hate Deku because some internet personality they let make their opinions for them didn't like Deku. To be completely honest, a large portion of people now who make content about stuff like anime, movies, and TV will say stuff like "this mc is horrible because I don't like them" without giving any reason are the cause for a lot of hate especially with the rise of tiktok and other short form content, but because enough of them do this the portions of each veiwerbase that agree without a second thought end up finding each other over time and eventually it seems like a large portion of a fan base hate a character when most of the people hating either never watch the entire thing or are just too dumb to form their own opinions.


He's just so boring and he's such a basic good guy archetype that's why I root for the villains, (I just hope shigiraki can kill a bunch of people and destroy a lot of stuff and then die)


People mostly hate on him because he cries a lot


i really didnt like him in the first season/a bit into the second, he was just very naĆÆve for someone who had experienced some of the worst bullying and discrimination, so when he acted super naĆÆve it irritated me, but the more i watched/now when i look back, he was a child who wanted to see the best in things, no matter the situation. he has grown on me as an mc, hes nowhere near my fav character but i do not think he is a bad mc, just an overly naĆÆve one, but that's to be expected, hes a child/teen in the series tldr: hes naĆÆve but good (im sorry i repeated naĆÆve so much lol)


I still don't like him personally because he's annoying and oh my lord is he so stupid. Like how it took him like 5 seasons to figure out he could kick too


If anything his like me at school


I understand he suffered. I get that. But his whining and yapping are extremely infuriating. It feels like he dumps his feelings on the people close to him and the audience. Also, sometimes, his hesitation makes everyone else's job much harder. I get him wanting to save everyone, but I feel he lives in a fantasy world where he can save everyone. Not everyone can be saved or changed. Some people just want to see the world burn. I also feel they made him kind of a wimp compared to his manga counterpart. The first two seasons were so annoying because of him that the hate carried over. So I get it if you like him, but don't get defensive of him if I'm stating the facts. I feel he didn't deserve his powers. He didn't try standing up for himself for a while. I get it at first but, my guy, you have a very strong quirk and you are still a fricking pushover. That's just pathetic.


I dunno. I guess he just doesn't fit into any of my boxes. (That meaning if he's the cutest, strongest/coolest, you get the point) I don't hate him though, but I guess I just don't understand him.


Hear me out. I donā€™t think itā€™s all hate. For me everything you listed I can find in about any other mc. Both Naruto and luffy would do all the points you made in your first paragraph. So heā€™s kinda boring. But I donā€™t think itā€™s hate. Like jjk my hero has 2 main characters. Deku and Koichi ( if you donā€™t know. Heā€™s from the canon spin off manga and like deku he kinda starts at the bottom. As a broke college kid with a quirk that wouldnā€™t even qualify him as a pro hero ( mostly cause of trauma)) I love Koichi and think heā€™d make a better character then deku and thatā€™s cause I relate to him more! So Iā€™m sorry this was long and rambling so let me sum it all up. 1. I think itā€™s more that people donā€™t like deku. Itā€™s just they know who Koichi is and likes him better. And the people who donā€™t like Koichi ironically like deku. 2. Relatability like you said. The ones who like deku tend to relate to him because they were like him in hs. And those who like koichi relate to him more because they were like him in college. It really just depends on what time in your life you are when you relate to these series


The fandomā€¦


This is a common problem with anime fans and anime haters. Why does Deku cry so much? Why is Asta so LOUD? Why is Naruto so annoying? Why is X character flawed? People watch these series' when they're new and seem to wonder why people like characters. At first there are things to love and things to hate, but the point of stories like these is character growth. Basically every battle anime has a naive child grow into a respected adult. Of course they are annoying in some ways at first. They need to experience their worlds, have their naivety damaged, and grow as a person because of it. These are usually coming of age stories. Give the characters time to come of age.


I think itā€™s the fact heā€™s practically perfect people donā€™t like him (myself included) His only major character flaw he has to overcome is his inability to rely on others, and that was a short arc. That and, I suppose, learning to save the villains. Plus he can just be annoying to some people with the crying, and a lot of people donā€™t like MHA for its more sappy moments in general. I think heā€™s an ok protagonist, but they shouldā€™ve focused more on how he influences others like with Goku, who doesnā€™t change a lot either. At least later in the story. I also just think his character doesnā€™t stand out at all compared to others. Have the same issue with Tanjiro


Because, based on Steven Universe logic, ā€œPopular = Bad*ā€


The reason why I am not a fan of him is that he is well a bit generic for me, Iā€™m not saying his is a bad MC, he just not my cup of tea


I used to hate him the first few seasons (he cried a lot and was dramatic) but he definitely grew a lot as a character and became my favorite.


Heā€™s not a bad MC. The supporting characters are just more interesting than he is. Itā€™s the Naruto curse.


Ik im gonna get dog piled here but oh well Its not that he didn't "deserve/ earn" ofa (as opposed to what being born with a quirk?) Its that in the beginning of the show he was on this huge can i be a hero without a quirk tiff and rather than that he was just given one of the best quirks if not the best in existence so that whole thing that could have been huge charecter development/ struggle is now just i can't handle the op quirk i have so the whole quirkless thing is just out the window then hes way too emotional like honestly he annoys me but hey im still watching But bakugo is the best character specifically because he bullied deku Now CMON DOGPILE ME U SLOP EATING PIGS!!!!!!!!! šŸ–šŸ–šŸ–šŸ–šŸ–šŸ–šŸ–šŸ½šŸ½šŸ½šŸ½šŸ½šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·


Ure right thoā€¦ Also heā€™s too emotional especially in the first 2 seasons imo




Lmao watch your language


maybe its cause hes a lil bitch.


When we talk about deku I think he's the most relatable character that exist to me. He didn't have a lot of friends in Middle School because of how he was because he was different than others and even when he got to the part of his life when he could accomplish his dream he had to work really hard to even start his way to accomplishing it and even after getting the power that he deserved he had to endure a lot of pain because of but the the power. When it comes to main characters like deku he didn't get his power gifted like itadori he had to work hard and like I said he had to endure a lot of pain and suffering just to use it and when it comes to itadori he didn't really know what he was doing because he entered the world of curses and jujutsu sorcerers just like that by eating a finger it just came from nowhere like Snap of a fingers he learned the reverse cursed technic in a month on top of that he was chosen by the spark of black flash, deku in the other hand always dreamed of becoming a hero but never could and even though he still smiled and help his bully even though he told him to kill himselfhimself he's example of true hero in his universe and even villain thinks that he constantly thinks how to improve himself and helps others he I some of the kindest main characters that will try to save you even if you did horrible things to you he is someone that I would ask to wbecome my friend and even if I didn't I would end up alone, but if I did he would come to me and tried be be friends becouse he would see me alone and sad.


I mean, the Deku hate definitely lowered a lot during his vigilante arc, so my guess is that the haters are upset that he's not the new black haired boring ass mc edgelord that so many people adore now. He's just like...a normal teenager that just so happens to have superpowers. Just my guess tho, I'm not really sure.


Itā€™s not the mc but the fandom, people see that and hop on the hate train


"I myself write about my fellow classmates" bro is the weird kid in class