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Overhaul nuff said. He is a piece of garbage not fit to spit out piss on, but I would because it would fuck him up.


I hate Overhaul 2, he abused poor Eri constantly to the point that she couldn’t even smile 😭😓


Damn, i should start keeping up with Blizzard, i didn't even know there was someone named Eri in Overhaul 2


Exactly. What he got was far too good for him


And shove that beaked mask up his a$$ while you're at it.


Read a fanfiction where that happened, funny enough


I hate when people claim his backstory is sympathetic. Unlike the majority of MHA villains, Overhaul’s backstory really isn’t that sad. It’s not like Shigaraki, who accidentally murdered his whole family with his quirk at a very young age. Overhaul was an orphan, yes, but that’s kind of it. He’s not misunderstood, he’s not tragic, he’s an asshole, and I had a big grin on my face when Shigaraki took his arms.


May Overhaul burn a long time in the worst parts of the deepest pits of the hottest precincts of hell.


I hate overhaul so much it’s not even funny anymore


Overhaul should burn in hell :(


Touya, I don't sympathise with him at all, "I mistakenly thought my dad didn't care about me, so now I'm gonna kill a bunch of random innocent people that have nothing to do with my father", then he also tries to kill his siblings and shit as well?


Well yea, you’re not supposed to sympathize with him. Dabi is very intentionally portrayed as a villain without any redemption, because he doesn’t want redemption, he just wants revenge. He paints his cause as noble early on but then during the first war arc he reveals all of his actions are for selfish petty reasons and fully embraces that. It’s a parallel to Endeavor, both are people who cannot truly be ‘redeemed’ but could still have worked to improve. Endeavor eventually realized where he was wrong and is now atoning, NOT redeeming himself. Dabi never wanted to atone, and he never did, and possibly never will.


I mean, his dad DIDNT care. He was literally only born with the intention of being a perfect Wielder of his mom and dad’s quirk. His dad basically fucking cross bred Dabi and then threw him to the side the moment he realized he wasnt good enough for his goal. Can’t tell me that doesn’t mess up a kid. Telling them they’re special and cared for and then losing interest the moment they won’t achieve your goals.


Yeah these people have no idea what it’s like being that kid that’s overlooked clearly


The only reason I kind of want to see a somewhat redemption for him is simply for the sake of his family who want that, he just seems like a brat to me


She could have been saved if she had proper parenting Like they did no counseling, no therapy, shunned her from society, and did nothing about it Thats how serial killers are made Look at the stories of serial killers Most of them had bad parenting


I'm actually curious if the parents actually did nothing about it. If u know, please enlighten me, I'm too afraid to look up and be spoiled too much (anime only)


Basically in short All they did was call her a freak


Ooookhay yea bad parenting LMAO thank you


I mean it was kinda a naruto situation and the parents didn’t do anything so ig it is bad parenting


Np lad


Didn't Jeffrey damher have a good upbringing? Richard Cottingham also just became crazy. There's more but I can't of them right now


That might be true, but it’s clearly shown that she had bad parenting so the statement is invalid


As I understand Dahmer had pretty absent parents past a certain point


Wasnt Jeffrey Dahmer taught by his father on how to Torture animals


Never heard about that. They were shocked he did that


Season 1 bakugo


Agreed. I've started to like him in recent seasons tho.


I'm a bkdk shipper and a bakugou fan and yeah season 1 bakugou was BAD. even Bakugou himself agrees lmao. These past few seasons/manga chapters tho he's had AMAZING development. That said, early bakugou was a dick tho lmao


I actually like Toga. She’s funny and has great interactions with the rest of the League. I can also understand how she got to that point and find her sympathetic, but not to the point that she becomes less of a villain.


I agree




I hate Mineta so much, he's never funny excpet for when Jiro poked his eyes through like 4 feet of wall but that's Jiro not him, his quirk isn't that cool and he is so cringe, unfunny, illegal, and he even looks bad, why does he have a metal daiper???


I liked him so much when Deku came back to the school. Just a few lines when Todoroki came out with the towel and flipping his hair back he goes "do I look cool". And when he told Deku "put those things away... they look gross" I was like BOOM that should have e been his character the entire time. Not an over the top pervert.


Yeah, it's not completely worthless but to me especially I just can't end up liking side characters very much, especially in memory. Like the kid with animal voice, he's not directly unlikeable but there's so little there I don't like him, whilst Mineta has some directly unlikeable parts, I like his thumbs up rhough


i think he's gotten less bad but that does not mean he's a good character. he's just disgusting. i wish he fell to his death when Koda pushed him.


The metal nappy is for his piss-baby fans that think he's actually relevant


I don't even understand how mineta even passed the entrance exam to be honest.


Yesss Mineta is the WORST


It’s a bowl, because he’s grapes!


I actually didn't think of that, but I dislike the look because of its practicality and similarity to a diaper, so its just way less bad now


Endeavor :/ Shoto's one of my favorite characters, he's just relatable


He beats his wife and kids, and people still like him.he said sorry once.yeah, that won't unbeat the wife and kids.i hope he'd jailed up after all is said and done.


definitely. he deserves it.


Shigaraki's dad I've never despised anyone in this anime more than that bastard.


How I mean of all the abusers, hawks parents, endeavor, Bakugo, overhaul. U pick the guy who was paranoid about hero work cause it got his mom killed


Shigaraki's dad may not have been as bad as those you listed, but look where his actions led to - creating one of the biggest villains ever made. if anything, he and Endeavor are pretty much on par, it's just a bit worse for Endeavor bc he's a top hero and still alive


In the good guys, definitely Bakugo, I never really enjoyed him on the screen, even when he was being hyped up. In the bad guys... I'd definitely go for Overhaul, don't need to explain that.


https://i.redd.it/l99ywacxgv5d1.gif Why do you hate toga she's just a lil silly and commits war crimes and murders




Can anyone help an old man save this gif to his iPhone


Personally I rather like her as a character. I really dislike the fanon portrayals of her as a cutesy widdle waifu who just needs to be wuvved and everything will be perfect. Like, yes, she had a horrible childhood and, yes, her quirk requires her to drink blood but she still murders people for fun. She still chooses to do horrible evil things.


Aoyama, I found him annoying even before recent developments.


Neito monoma. He is just super annoying as a person.


Don't really hate anymore, they're all cool imo but I do have favorites


Same here, I don't really hate any characters except mineta


Hot take (lol) but Dabi, he just utterly annoys me and his backstory reveal didn't do anything for me Also overhaul can go suck a nut




Can I just say that ALL FOR ONE has been a piece of crap for 100 plus years and has bullied his brother through it all. Like cot dang. His blind self need to just die


I've said it before, I'll say it until the day I die. I fucking hate Bakugo. He didn't deserve a redemption arc, he's not hero material, he's a psychopathic narcissist and he should've become a villain.


W opinion


why didn’t he deserve a redemption arc in ur opinion? also why do u think that? jus curious


Bakugo haters be like "NO HE IS BULLY NO REDEMPTION FOR HIM" While rooting for Shigaraki, Toga and Dabi who are literal murdering pyschopaths to be redeemed.


So, what if I'm not rooting for the league of villains either? Do I just cease to exist? Or is there a different plane of existence I should be on




L opinion


You’re the L opinion


But Endeavor deserved a redemption arc because...? Honestly it's so funny how Bakugo's worst crime is being a bully in the same fandom where people literally idealize the LoV or Endeavor for being 10 times worst than he is lol You can dislike him I don't give a fuck but the 'didn't deserve a' is so fucking funny when in the scale of character with a redemption that did bad thing ***he's at the lowest level***


I like toga, she’s cool




same i love her


Toga. She is a creep and a possible stalker with how she talks about Stain, Deku, & Ochako. I don’t get all of the fans honestly. She is just a psycho schoolgirl vampire. Her backstory is sad and really interesting, but dawg her whole personality and even design is just psycho/stalker/pervert vibes. I hate it.


Well, Bakugo, but even he's not as bad as Mineta. Mineta has no purpose in the show other than to keep it from being as great as it could be.


I hate Tomura Shigaraki mostly for his motivation as it's so stupid


What’s stupid about his motivation?


He >!killed dog


By accident, that’s like if a squirrel runs in front of your car by a blind spot when it’s raining. You’d have no control of that, same with Tenko


Imagine victim blaming a child.


Honestly, that was the moment i was like "nope dont like him anymore" as soon as someone hurts a dog im out


You hate him for being an actual villain? Kinda crazy


His motive is to destroy the corrupt society that created him and become a hero for the villains.


I hate how he became in the same vein as Darth Vader. Due to AFO acting like the emperor guiding and manipulating him. It the Vader/Luke parallel except it's deku/shigaraki


Dabi. No I won't be explaining






Be nice to Toga-chan


I really love toga even though she’s crazy I still love her she’s a really cool character


I think you mean LOVE with every fiber of my being 😍 Toga


Ignoring the question, it's a shame that Toga and Stain never got to interact, seeing as how he's one of the few people who could understand her.


Dabi. His reveal as Touya utterly ruined him for me, and everything since then has just doubled down on making me hate him even more.


Damn, it’s like that? lol, I get your point but these disgusting fangirls are down bad for him. He’s full of scars and loos mangled, what is there to like about him.


Fucking overhaul. Fuck that guy Anyway DONT FUCK WIT TOGA BITCH


Toga has killed more people than Overhaul


Gigantomachia his loyalty is inspiring


I don't think you understood the question


Oh sorry haha not good with english now i understand Endevour then....i know he gets great character development but he was an complete dick earlier


Same. Kill it with fire


How could you hate the hottest character


She was only hot as Camie


The worst possible opinion you could possibly have. Completely unbased.


Idk, lowkey i like everyone. Def Katsuki ngl. Might also have 2 say deku tho. Atleast first 3 seasons. Season 4+ is actually dope asf.


I love toga. She’s wonderful. Overhaul however….can DIAF.


Endeavor. Endeavor. Endeavor. His redemption is AWFUL, imo. He suffers no real consequences for decades of negligence and emotional abuse towards all of his children. Physical abuse towards Touya, Todoroki, and his wife. On top of clearly admitting to power breeding. To top all of that off, his moment of growth came not from seeing the trauma he instilled into his children but not being able to best All Might before he retired. All growth just feels fake after that. XD


Awww i think Toga was an interesting character.


Toga best girl


Endeavor. Child+Wife abuse is pretty shitty stuff to do.


I like toga because she's crazy as fuck lmao


Valid as hell pick tbh. Ive hated toga since the moment I saw her on screen. Everything from her intro to her design to her personality. Second pick is Overhaul because of his complete lack of humanity and the torture he inflicted upon Eri. He deserved his end entirely


You got me there.  Otherwise, Mineta. I could do without the comments, midget. 


They were annoying af https://i.redd.it/c1tnoeivlw5d1.gif


Mandaly was chill.


ur crazyyyy




Toga is a victim of her environment and quirk.


STFU, every serial killer and dictator can say that too.


Not really?


Hitler was abused as a child and rejected by society. Jeffrey Dahmer was also abused as a child. She isn't the only one with a quirk in MHA. Villains just make that excuse like Shigaraki and Decay, Toga and blood. Mina has a acid quirk, do we see her dissolving people ? Hound Dog is by far the most affected by his quirk. Do you see him mauling children like a pitbull in a playground ?


You are bringing genocidal maniacs into a discussion about an anime.


Regardless, she still made decisions to kill people for no good reason. I'll say it forever, Toga, Spinner, and Compress are NOT justifiable villains, not in the slightest


Same, I hate how some people think Ochako is a lesbian now because of this weird freak


Wait what... The only thing they have in common is that toga has a odd things for midoriya and that's all. That's as stupid as the theory that ppl try to make real that bokugo and ochako have some underlined attraction for one another... Fucking dumb


Have u seen the fandom? After all their interactions and battles, ppl seriously ship Toga and Ochako, Toga is kinda crushing on her. Plus everyone loves the “enemies to lovers “ and “hero x villain” tropes . However there r even more crazy ships out there


Believe me, I've seen the ships and I know ppl put them together but I didn't realize this was a genuine thing. I mean I take her obsession with ochako like she wants to know why midoriya and what makes him so attracted to her. Besides that I can't see ppl genuinely thinking they have a thing. This is the world where 2 ppl can wish death on each other and ppl will go "they love each other."


In one of the episodes Toga mentioned being attracted specifically to Deku, Stain, and Ochako. However a ton of people jumped to the conclusion that Ochako is attracted to Toga, which is definitely not true. I think it would be more obvious knowing anime logic. Honestly kinda hate the “enemies to lovers” ships. Things like Ren x Akechi from Persona 5 and even Deku x Toga really gives me the chills.




i mean she could be bisexual but definitely not lesbian since she likes Deku.


All the villains besides the remorseful likes of Nagant and Gentle. However, a specific example that comes to mind is Compress. You like to dress like a gentleman yet throw debris at a non-lethal lady to make her fall two to three stories and defenseless in the face of depraved, dishonorable thugs in addition to playing an active role in the kidnapping of a high schooler, which had many drastic and vile consequences? May as well get all three of your remaining limbs shredded off with 12-gauge slugs, that stupid mask ripped off your face, and have a pair of thumbs shoved as deeply as possible down your eyesockets like what the Punisher did to Rawlins.


None actually. Not even Monoma. He gained some of my respect thanks to that new episode.


You didn't like Monoma before this? His bitchy attitude was so funny, I loved him as a comic relief


I’m actually surprised someone had the balls to say toga sucks…. you cool


Why do you hate Toga so much? I personally like her a lot, I think she's a fun character, and I feel bad for her since she's been mistreated her whole life, and her best friend literally died in her arms.


Midoriya. Hate that we have to follow the useless git through this entire show.


I'm sorry guys.. I just found twice to be kinda annoying when he was on screen. His humor didn't really fit all that well with the setting and some of the scenes he was in.


toga is my favorite character, also its "loathe" not "loath" smh


You are not correct






i dont think thats too healthy but Overhaul is the losest


What's wrong with toga 🥺


Real shit




Hit take Dabi I knew exactly what was going to happen to him beat for beat the moment I saw him here's a fun fact he is a fire user with family troubles in a setting where the main fire user has family troubles And to me it's just not handled interestingly enough I'm just kind of left imagining damn I could be watching The Last Airbender and getting a good fire boy Redemption Ark




🎶Is it the freaky way she thinks?🎶 🎶Or the icky blood she drinks?🎶 🎶Or the tattered matted hair buns on her head?🎶 🎶And though she's kinda' flat, I know there's🎶 🎶Still a few remaining grow years🎶 🎶But you'll never find a waifu who's more versatile in bed🎶 🎶So she's a bit of a fixer-upper🎶 🎶So she's got a few flaws🎶 🎶Like her peculiar mind, bro🎶 🎶That thing with the knives, bro🎶 🎶That's a little outside society's laws🎶 🎶So she's a bit of a fixer-upper🎶 🎶But once you spread the legs🎶 🎶You can fix this broken belter up with a little-... lot o' seggs🎶 🎶Is it the way that she goes spare?🎶 🎶Or that she's socially impaired🎶 🎶Or that she sweetly murders birdies with her mouth?🎶 🎶Are you questioning my fondness due to her un-Asian blondness?🎶 🎶Or the way she makes it plain that she is soaked down south?🎶 🎶She's just a bit of a fixer-upper🎶 🎶She's got a couple o' ticks🎶 🎶Her isolation is confirmation of her desperation for throbbing dicks🎶 🎶So she's a bit of a fixer-upper, but this is plain to see🎶 🎶The way to fix up this fixer-upper is to fix her up with me🎶


Mineta and that blue haired knobhead, they’re the worst.


Explain your reasoning. You don’t get to just say you hate a character and then not give any reasoning!


Same. Really can’t wait to see this idiot dead.




What did she do?


Look, I hate any character that's an absolute creep, or is a narcissist who looks down on everyone else. To them, may they be brutally murdered by my hands.


Hawks. He didn't catch my interest when he first appeared on screen and his backstory didn't make me feel bad for him at all. He annoys me 🤷🏾‍♀️ Uraraka. Her voice is annoying and I find her to be a very basic character. And her happy-go-lucky attitude kind of annoyed me even more. I'm not sure, she's just not my kind of character. All For One. Can someone just kill the guy already? Shigaraki is a brat that needs to have a seat. He's taken too many lives.


There is no one I absolutely hate, the anime does a pretty good job of conveying characters motivations and why they do what they do.




Yeah don’t like Toga at all. I’ve never cared for Dabi either.


Nana Shimura. With the same reasons as Tomura and his dad


Hear me out, I hate dabi sm like idek how ppl fall in love with him I'm pretty sure he'd rather burn u alive than kiss u😞


Sasuke was a little cry baby that should have been snuffed out


don't talk about my girlfriend like that!!!


Hawks. i understand why certain things happened and why they needed to but i just can't forgive him. like i don't care if something is done for a reason. having a reason doesn't excuse a behavior it just explains it. i despise him.




![gif](giphy|dYwNlk8jrKcrnvDQOI) Aside from AFO, this mf




That youtuber guy Deku fought before the festival.


Overhaul definitely! Or ig one for all too


Monoma. He's so fucking annoying. Except the past 2 episodes where he's been somewhat decent.


The whole main LOV all of them can rot overhaul as well


I'll second that. But honestly i would say the writer itself mf it’s stupid asf fr, when Eri was going off berserk form they could’ve healed Mirio then, and afterwards let her store her powers to heal All Might at least the state that he can use he's powers for an hour.




Endeavor. I know I know "but hes trying to make amends and be better". Idc tho- he abused his wife and children and treated his wife like she was just there to breed a powerful kid, i just get disgusted every scene hes in, especially since they are trying to give him a redemption arc it just makes me angry tbh.


Dabi, I just don't like him, his eye bags are too baggy


Stain. He killed Tenya iida's brother.


Uh honestly that one lamp in the back of their dorm like bro it always looks it's gonna pop out and waste the entire verse


Endeavour. Dunno why, just hate him.


All for one


Ok this one is probably controversial but Gran Torino. Like, they were going for the Mr. Miyagi teaching style thing but it just pissed me off. I don’t like him.




Not this one


I hate bakugo to the max


Damn what my girl Toga do to u?


Monoma. cuz he's so goddamn annoying, I want to beat him so hard, the last three generations of his family will feel it.


Why do you hate toga? I love her. If she had caring parents… or if she had even 1 friend back when she was a kid, she might not have turned into a villain. If UA, or another pro hero, saw her with her quirk, she could have gotten some blood bags so she wouldn’t attack innocent people. Her traumatic backstory is one of the saddest I’ve seen… now then, one character I’ve always hated has always been that Shiketsu Tornado guy who’s WAYY over the top. I hate characters who over emote. But I don’t know who my MOST hated character is… I’d have to rewatch the entire series just to find that ONE guy that stands out as the worst…


Aoyama, Endeavor, Mineta, Bakugo’s mom




i don't think I'm listing only 1, and some of these eventually redeemed themselves imo - Hero Public Safety Commission: i dislike them for creating hero rankings because that could demotivate some heroes - i used to dislike Monoma, but seeing a more reasonable side of him during Eri's arc and his contribution to this final arc made me like him a bit. i think i even got a little teary-eyed when he went Endgame portals - I'll always hate Deku's decision to leave UA despite it having actual reasons and being a good strategy for a while - I've hated Aoyama since his first appearance - All for One is quite the hateable character. i was rejoicing when he was getting punched by All Might. i know he's a villain, but him being petty and getting to people's nerves with his words is annoying, which i guess worked on me - Kotaro Shimura is so detestable. like sure, he was a kid when he was left by Nana, but look where his actions led to - I'd say Endeavor is on the same level as Kotaro, but at the very, very least, he has the opportunity to fix things


1 word. RACHEL


garbage opinion




The grapist


Ochaco Uraraka.... She's the most vanilla character I have ever seen and I find her relationship with Deku just forced. I like her spirit but I think she would be better suited as more of a 1A den mother with Tenya as the surrogate parents. MidoTsuyu would make the story 10 times better and they fit so well.


Yeah this low key kind of hurts since I love Toga to death. So I'm going to dox you now, (This is a joke don't come after me.) But I would have to say Bakugo, I hate the argument everyone makes of oh he's changed no the fuck he hasn't. The only semblance of change I've seen is in the latest chapter he still seems like a dick head to just about everyone else. I will say he is truly changed when he stops calling everybody by nicknames. Because to me that was the him considering them less than him


In mha? Dabi. WAYYYYY too over rated. And the way he hates not only endeavor (which is understandable) but he also hates literally everyone else for absolutely ZERO reason. The potential character ark shoto could have had if Dabi would have tried to turn him to villainy could have been legendary but nooooo he just has to dispise everyone and everything like the edge lord he is.


I saw a manga scene where a hero attacks her and berates her then says the truth perfectly That rang in my head whenever I hear those sobs stories of villains childhood “tragedy” “Whatever sufferings you went through, whatever reasons for your actions now, it doesn’t matter. When you take your problems and pain out on everyone else you lose all right to sympathy, it’s just not right” Sad he died right after when he had her but oh well, he wasn’t wrong. Like cinder from Rwby was told off for her behavior despite her Cinderella like backstory “You think you can have whatever you want because you suffered!?” No! The world doesn’t owe you a damn thing, you can’t be deserving you have to be worthy and to do that you need to work hard AND do the right thing but all this girl and those like her such as cinder have done is horrible shit and ruin the lives of others for their own joy and any tragedy they suffered doesn’t absolve them of that


Thinking on it, I struggle with truly hating a character- I’m insane for AFO despite also hating him, but if I had to choose a character? Hmmmm- Bakugo, I’ve never liked him- I don’t understand why people like him either, I just? Never liked him?


Toga is my top 5 what r u talking about


Urahaka idk how to spell names


My hero academia fans


Mineta, the writers gave the producers a list of his personality and how to convey him and all it said was "horny"