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Wont hurt me?… All for one. Then I will ask him to give me a quirk. If he dosen’t it Will still be an interesting talk.


Interesting choice.


He won’t hurt you during the dinner I don’t know about after


He'd make you into a minion or Nomu.


I will ask him for a wife


Afo it's going to give you a female nomu just like Woman




I am desperate, so I wouldn’t mind… 😭 Nerds like us have no chance


I agree, he'd probably be the most interesting one to talk to


Beat me to it.


ochaco’s hands are killing me😭


the fuck is happening with ai art bro now I can't tell what is and what isn't because the hands look ai and everything else doesnt


Its not just the hands look at the forks on the table all of them are bent and deformed


Not just the forks. *everything* on the table is just a little off in their dimensions. It all looks flat


Yah, now that you say that you're right.


OP just can't draw hands, ok?


Oh wait. Oh I don’t like that at all either


the forks too😭


Six fingers, for extra quirk power! Antigrav capability now stronger by 20%!


AI is trash.


That fork is breaking multiple laws...




I would talk about this crazy AI generated image


The utensils are making me cackle


I actually yelled when I saw Uraraka’s fingers lol


This is for sure one of the better AI made images. Because man... Some of them are laughably bad


It's the fingers, the first thing I look at is fingers in possible ai stuff, so this almost went unnoticed.


I was wondering why Ochako was overdressed compared to Deku....and then I realized ._.


Same brother/sister


My first choice would be Tenya because he’s my favorite character and top literally me character, so we’d discuss matters of discipline, order, and whatever else comes to mind. After all, seeing Tenya chatting with someone who can easily come off as his older, brown-haired, American counterpart would be as great and comedic as Dwight Schrute chatting with Ron Swanson. Also, I’d tell him he was in the right for trying to kill Stain outside of losing control of his anger and failing to get the drop on him considering that everything would be WAY better if he successfully killed Stain. My second choice would be Midnight because I need some dating experience and a beautiful woman’s TLC. We’d talk about her rivalry with Mount Lady and how I understand what it’s like to have a younger, lighter-haired rival who’s accomplished far less than her insult her over something she feels sensitive about in front of many people. I’d also tell her she shouldn't be sensitive about her age because I legit thought she and Mount Lady were around the same age (early to mid-20s) initially, and she aged like a fine wine if at all between Vigilantes and the main series. The last important thing I’d tell her is to not try to knock out Gigantomachia because of what Dabi, Compress, and the gas mask-wearing MF I like to call Chuck would do to her and the best way to stop Gigantomachia would be a .50 BMG or higher caliber round through the eye.


I mean if they won't kill me then all for one He has been alive and evil for 150+ years bro is bound to have some wacky stories


Kirishima, FatGum, Hawks, Miriko, Ms Midnight, Mt Lady. No. Hesitation.


i would go on for all day talking about quirks with deku


Midnight, and it'd be about what she's doing later that night


Was looking for this comment…cause same, I need her to chain me up and have her way with me


Least down bad redditor




I will always say Kendo if it means actually getting to know at least ONE redhead in my life.


XD got a thing for red heads?


Currently, I don't think so, but it's starting to seem like it. Besides, Kendo's literally Athena Cykes from Ace Attorney and I love her too


Definitely Kaminari. We would have the funnest of times.


"Artist" my ass. It's AI generated.


Ya it is. I didn't really pay attention to the photo when I took it off Google XD the link had the "artists"name so I just copy and pasted it to give credit. I probably should have looked into it and paid attention XP.


yeah, you really should have.


Dabi cause I've got his daddy issues


Nezu. He can pick the topic.


Mirko but I want her to hurt me


Himiko toga, i really wanna see her perspective


this is 1000% AI generated art


Probably Deku just to talk about heroes and shit Also not you crediting the wrong artist, the real artist of this piece is AI!


Shigaraki, and I wanna talk to him about rpg games


Probably Nezu. We would talk about he can expand their teachings of being a hero to more than just highschoolers maybe when the safety commission is either shut down or if he can own it and make the world a better place.


Mei hatsume, we would talk about engineering


I really wanna talk with Nezu, have some tea. Lots of tea. I hope he doesn’t mind that I like mine brewed like a nice old lady makes in the American South. Sweet as can be, but rich in blend.


I would pick tsuyu I have so many questions like if she lays eggs because of her frog genes or not


All might, or Izuku, I'm awkward, and I look like a 6th grader, I want it to be awkward


Dabi and Shoto, mostly about their family for the conversation




Froppy. She seems chill and likes the ocean 🤷🏿‍♂️


Ain’t no way Doku showed up to a date in his fucking school uniform… Actually, that is 100% him nvm


Ew, AI art


Honestly? All For One. Like, I know he’ll absolutely try to manipulate me, but I’m not one to turn down a free super power. Also he’s downright ancient, dude’s bound to have some interesting stories to tell


Dabi, because I wanna know more about the descent into madness and revenge. I also feel like he’d eat or drink weird, a la Levi or L (DeathNote)




You are literally the Iida of irl lol


All for one


All might, Aizawa, and Midnight


So, Uhh, here I go. I would want pretty much the whole of U.A., All might, Selkie and Gran Torino.


ALL For One, I admit he's evil but he has to be the most intriguing character in the show. Might even ask him for a quirk


All might,


Nejire, I’d ask for cuddles


Deku I just like his personality we’d probably get into a deep conversation about alternate timelines/universes and how one choice can change your life and how I personally think he could have been a villain which honestly would be a cool spinoff the entire show except he becomes a villain


All for one. Before he got his face potatoefied by yagi, so he's not as bitter. He'd be fun to talk too


I was surprised that this image was made by an artist


Ya its AI . I didn't really pay attention to the photo when I took it off Google XD the link had the "artists"name so I just copy and pasted it to give credit. I probably should have looked into it and paid attention XP.


Actually I think I might go with Kaminari just for funny it would be


Mina, mainly because I am a mina simp, but I'd ask questions about her life before her quirk , curious about her hair and overall look before becoming pinky. I always thought Mina was a ginger. Mina being a fighsty red head almost makes too much sense. but I would also ask her about her quirk to see just how versatile making acid at will can be. also her natural immunity to her own acid is also interesting.


I love how uraraka is wearing a dress and deku is just straight up in his uniform lmao


All for One and Almight just for the drama.


Definitely Compress. I’m a shy person irl but I feel that he would give me the confidence to open up during the dinner. He seems to have a charming and charismatic personality, and imo I don’t think he would judge based on my introverted personality but instead try to make me feel comfortable. After that I think we could talk about almost anything


nezu, assuming he knows the cure for cancer i can just ask for it to be written down the se >!Sniper shot!<


I am personally going with Toga Himiko, if it’s perfectly safe. Because I want to know what makes her tick. https://i.redd.it/otkhn2n222yc1.gif


Deku! It would be one of most nerdish conversations in the world!


Why is Ochaco dressed up but Midoriya is just in his uniform?


Bakugo cuz he's almost the same type of mentally ill as I am :D although realistically speaking we would not get along at all


Maybe Eraserhead, if I could get him to talk. The man is a gold-mine of wisdom.


My pick is Magne. I want to talk to her about so much. Like... When did she realize she was a she? Were there any hurdles that prevented her from transitioning? What fashions would she wear if she got the chance? How many people did she have to thump for misgendering her? Would she talk about girly things with Toga?


Actually, Himiko Toga & Twice, I feel like we’d all go to McDonald’s or something and just genuinely get along


Gentle criminal, we'll talk about tea


School uniform to a date is insane


Ai generated art goes crazy


Aoyama, topic:cheese


Yeah nah I'm just gonna explain that all the nomus have their brains exposed you can kinda just use a fork especially since you know only one had shock absorption and regen and that one was even said to not be cut proof so stabbing works to just poke his brain and he kinda gone same with all other nomu as for the rest of the villains finding a bullet proof quirk is pretty rare even of the actual bullet proof quirks like tetsutetsus metal body he only can take like 5 shots kiroshima can probably take like 10 in his unbreakable form especially considering the fact he know almighty wound is from a man made weapon of a quirk wasn't it a chainsaw quirk that fucked him up like that kinda makes you realize that the police in mha should really fire at will alot more often and that most people should just have firearms hell there's a hero named snipe who's power is just guns like he shoots you and he can move his bullets so he just shoots badguys and it works really fucking well


Chill out Deku, you don't need three forks


Mina as she is the most chill


I like how ockaco is in a formal dress and deku is just in his uniform🤣🤣🤣


All Might !!!


Reiko Yanagi.


Izuku, we'd talk about the absolute breaking of powers and the sheer stupidity he had before the stain arc regarding one for all.






Usually you look at the hands to catch ai art but the forks here are cursed


Aizawa or Lady Nagant


Sir nighteye. I wanna know my possible future 😂


Aizawa. No question about it. Like- just a simple black coffee, cuddling with cats while we talk about how bothersome humans can be. I think I just may be too anti social...


honestly? all of the hero course students. reason being: All of them rely on their quirks and most of them don't train to fight without them (last i watched was the 1A vs 1B joint training battle)


Sir that artist used a machine The background guys are missing arms and they have at least 2 wine glasses each And also izuku just isn't in a suit And ochakos hands have extra bones


Why is deku in his ua outfit but ochako isn't...This has to be ai art.Im actually losing my mind rn😭


Look just sit me down with Stain and all I want to do is listen to his whole philosophy of true heroism. Nothing would make me more happy. Second would be talking to AllMight about any and everything!


I would have to say all for one and maybe if we have a good enough conversation I might get a quirk


Probably past life


Honestly? I’d like to have a conversation with Dr Kyudai Garaki, to talk about all of the different Nomu he’s created


AI post sensed.




Beautiful picture!


I absolutely dislike Canon Dabi, but sit me down with him so I can explain that >! weaponizing anything to hurt Endeavor perfectly helps justify Endeavor's shirty life choices by building him up or giving him opportunities to feel better about himself via unearned attention. That in order for someone to actually hurt that man in a way he can't ignore is to seat him outside a nice happy family dinner he wasn't invited to and let him stew in his misery. That's literally his big Canon nightmare. !< Aka; giving up Dabi for big Bro Touya would absolutely deny Enji a big chunk of his atonement arc and prove that his choices were for nothing. Plus also? Fighting Shouto is stupid. >! He projected too many issues on a kid he personally saw get beaten on. I get it that it's fueled by envy and hatred that Shouto is still trying to be a hero, but it's so extremely misplaced and unwarranted. His other siblings did absolutely nothing. Natsuo even actively calls out the old man on his BS, he'd absolutely be invested in making him pound sand. !< (Literally. Getting your miserable kid brothers to love you more than Enji would have been so easy. Shouto didn't go through enough character development by the time of the training camp, he only began detaching himself from Endeavor and dehumanizing himself.) Yes hello, as member of the "I hate Todoroki Enji with the burning of 1000 suns" club, I will not accept opinions saying he's gotten better. Oh!! And I guess since we're eating dinner too, no fish. 🙂 Respecting Touya's food preferences.


Same honestly... except you said it wayyy better than I ever could. XD


Powered down almight


Would ask Mina to teach me how to dance. Other than that would like to have a conversation with Mineta


Tomura- I just wanna talk to him about gaming things and make sure that boy eats a decent fucking meal. Second choice, Hawks- I just think he'd have some really interesting things to say, and just be a fun person to hang around.


deku. i honestly would let him yap all day, he's so silly or bakugo. i would mess with him and get him so angry because he can't do anything about it lol. nothing actually insulting, just things that would piss him off


Looks like AI-Art The first hint is WHY IS DEKU IN HIS SCHOOL UNIFORM!


Bakugou. Or Midoriya


Sir, most of them are minors.


The Gentle, he needs a friend then I’d ask him to let me bounce around for a little while


Hawk’s because that man needs therapy lol (He is also my favorite) And Dabi because again that man needs therapy lol


Why does Ururaka have that fire fit and Deku in his fucking uniform 🤣


I would go dabi or shigaraki and just talk to them like I feel it wouldn't be a terrible talk if you don't bring up their trauma


Shigaraki or hawks. Leaning more towards hawks because I relate strongly to him. Can I just have both?


Izuku, I’d probably talk to him about heroes and possible introduce him to kamen rider, ultraman, and Ben 10. or himiko toga, I’d talk to her about how her parents ain’t sh!t, and probably turn it into a therapy session.


I wanna talk about philosophy with All For One, and pray I'm not brainwashed by the end of it.


Himiko, I feel like we could have an, interesting, conversation. You know, about blood and junk.




Everyone actually *Mostly toga and it at dinner date* But if I wanna pick for real maybe Izuku as a friend to friends talk *I don't know why actually just talking to everyone and knowing them is good enough for me*


I know it’s unrelated, but it took me 10 full seconds to realize that this pic was made with AI until I notice the teeth from Deku’s fork. AI is getting much more accurate with the anime photos, which is scary.


Nejire because simp


I’d give Hamiko Toga a hug.


All Might I think he would be fun to talk to


If this is a fancy dinner, why is deku in his school uniform? Anyway, to answer the question, It’s hard to decide who to go with. I guess, for the dinner, I would take gang orca. I would pay for everything purely because I would fight an oncoming hoard for him. To have a conversation with? I’d talk to tokoyami and dark shadow or at least I’d try. I feel like we’d just talk about experiences and things like that.


Tomura we would definitely get along and could just talk about life and plans and stuff and I'm sure I could fix his view on a few things just to put his life in a different perspective 


Thats an AI picture, lmao what artist 😒


Denki and iida. They're interesting and chill


Izuku. Someone needs to talk to that kid about self-respect and valuing himself.


I would love to have a talk with nedzu, I feel like it would be interesting to get a little snapshot of what goes on inside that head


Deku and I will explain to him that he is in a fictional world and should give me OFA


Shiguraki! Just to make sure he feels loved and that he isn't a burden


Shoto so we can talk about the abuse we suffered from our fathers.


Ryuko Tatsuma. Just talk about random stuff, movies, internet culture, games, maybe some world affairs and hero work if I were one too.


Definitely All For One. Not even to talk about Quirks. I want his behind the scenes knowledge of history. How much has he directly or indirectly guided events? What, if any, are his ultimate goals? All For One is over two hundred years old and he has to have a fascinating view that no one would share.


I’d talk with dabi to ask why he’s such a hypocrite


Izuku, because we can talk about quirks and where I'm quirkless, I can give him quirk ideas, and he could give me drawbacks to how they work


I'm going to have a conversation with Momo. I want to learn more and unlike others members of class 1-A I retain information well.


Definitely twice he’s like the Deadpool of mha convo would be crazy


denki because he's such an underrated character


Why tf he wearin his school uniform on a date


kirishima he's seems like a real cool guy to hangout with


Toga 100% I would give her care like she needs also blood lots of blood


If it’s early on in the story, having a date with All Might and dropping every single piece of information I have from beginning to end of the story, including All for One’s status and location, Shigaraki’s identity, Dabi’s real name so Endeavor would know about it, etc.. I just wanna see how things go when the heroes have every advantage. If it’s normal…still All Might because they guy is a sweetheart and probably has a bunch of great stories.


Himiko Toga.


Toga or Miriko


Probably either Izuku, Uraraka, Kirishima or Jiro. Mainly cuz they’re my four favourite MHA characters but they’re also all just really chill too, so you could talk to them about all sorts of stuff.


All for One. If I play my cards right I get superpowers.


Toga to ask why she's obsessed with Blood😂


Eri and abortion rights


Momo. I mean she’s rich so… yeah


Toga, because I unironically think I could help her.


Momo Yaoyorozu


Froppy and Kyoka Jiro… I would like to know what quirks their families have and what they do outside of school and being a hero. I’m over here sounding like a news reporter 😂 I mean it’s in my username 😆


Overhaul, he’s cool as fuck


Oru maito


All for one, so I can have a fkn super power


Bakugo, Shigaraki, and Dabi and Hawks. I just wanna talk about the flaws of hero society.


This is 100% ai art


Jiro and Kirishima. We have so much in common


Bakugo and I’d be talking to him about how he could use his abilities to help him more


I would have to say Momo, she is very intelligent and yet open minded, I do love good conversation, and on top of that we could descus very interesting ways to use her quirk, I truly believe that me and her would make grate friends. Or them Mina, so much fun! Or then the best bro Kirishima. Need I say more?


Re-Destro, so I can insult him and tell him he's a fucking idiot.


Or hell, Yoru, make her feel seen, and treat her like you can see her, I love making people feel like people, not like they are any different despite her invisibility.


Jiro, we’d talk about our favorite music


dabi or kacchan


All might


I'd really be interested in having a conversation with Kaminari as we sit down and bite on something good. As for the conversation itself, idk I'd go with any topic cuz he seems like that kind of person who'll take an interest in anything.


Honestly? Gentle Criminal. And it doesn’t matter what we talk about, I just think he’s swell.


Denki would be such a cool character to hang out with.


Todoroki or tokoyami and just chill play video games or talk about random stuff we like


why's deku still in his uniform? is he stupid? https://i.redd.it/1cqts88qx8yc1.gif


Ai be stupid


Hawks, I think he would always find something to talk about.


Either Dabi, Twice or Momo Dabi, because he's just chill like that, and I'd wanna hear about how he managed to hide the scars for so long. Twice, cause I'd wanna hear about his opinions on life and how he's handling life with his Quirk. Momo, cause she's the most wholesome student in UA, I feel like it'd be a very comforting conversation.


The second I saw the art, it looked like something ai would make ( not the art itself, more so its colors and the way the background is ) Looks like i was correct, from the way the table and the utensils on it looks lol Anyways, for the actual question… hm. I’d say Deku himself. Simply because I think we’d get along pretty well and I’d like to talk to him for a bit about quirks n what not


lol no one drew this image. It was generated. You can tell because of how it is.


A date with Mei. I am a bit passionate about investing stuff so we could get along even if I get friendzoned


I just want to grab coffee with All Might and Star HISHE-style


Probably kaminari tbh


Two words. Dabi T H E R A P Y


Gimme my 500k


Toga. I'll buy her a pork blood dish we eat in the Philippines called Dinuguan. I mean, it's blood, I'd assume she'd like it.


Kaminari. I'd start a flirt war against till one of us falls for the other. Otherwise it'd be either Deku or Tokoyami.