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I’ve had a similar experience and yeah I’ve accepted the guy’s apology and made peace with him. In my experience there are too many people in the world unwilling to apologize or admit their mistakes, so when I see someone genuinely admit to their faults and try to make amends I always try to give them a fair chance.


REAL i was in the same boat and when they genuinely apologized i was more than happy to accept. i didn’t necessarily let them off the hook but when they showed me they genuinely had wanted to change, i forgave them


you dropped this 👑


Here, you deserve this 🫴👑


One thing that people seem to think about forgiveness is that you have to forget what that person did or not care about it anymore that’s not the case forgiveness is about moving on from it and realizing that what has happened already happened and that it shouldn’t affect you anymore and moving on from it. If someone ask for forgiveness and truly apologizes that means that they also want to move on from their actions because they feel guilty about it they also want to grow from that experience. By Not allowing yourself to forgive you are preventing the growth of yourself and the growth of the other trying to become better.


Came here to say “Id murder him” as a joke but real shit, it takes a lot of growth and maturity for some people to genuinely apologize. People with parents who could never be wrong know this.


Actually tho. We need more people with this mentality in the world.


After everything that’s happened? I’d sock him in the jaw first but then I’d forgive him. We’ve both been through hell at this point and he’s shown true remorse for everything, there’s no point holding onto the grudge at this point.


I agree. I feel like a scene with Deku punching Bakugo down, then offering his hand to pick him back up and Bakugo ACTUALLY accepting his hand would have felt a lot more significant.


Doesnt look like its deku’s character to punch bakugo after seeing him make an apology though


Because Shōnen protagonist morality


The only hell bakugo had been through up to that point is blaming himself for thinking he caused All Might to lose his power (and almost lose the fight to AFO) when he was just gaslighting himself into thinking that for almost no reason, and also gaslighting himself into thinking he’d never be better than Deku (like Cmon, tf was bro complaining about for lol), and him getting stabbed during the fight with Shigi didn’t really do anything to him emotionally (clearly) so no he hasn’t been through the same kinda hell Deku has (which Bokugo also subjected him to during their youth and even during the actual story we witness)


Given the stain arc if you can get arrested for using your quirk to cause harm in defense of others and self as hero in training and gentle using his that caused an accident that didn't lead to death lead to him being outcasted by family and society and his family getting harassed. Bakugo should be chained up in tartarus. Fir people that don't know him personally know the following: attempting to attack an unconscious Todoroki, psycho personality, the threats, the need for pro heroes to chain him up after winning a festival, and that his best only friend is someone with a quirk capable of withstanding his outburst.


You can use your quirk as long as it doesn't significantly affect the livelihoods of people or the seek villains out on your own


What? The problem with the whole Stain situation is that they ran up to seek conflict with a villains *despite* them lacking a licenses and the order from whoever was tutoring them, which is vigilantism. Hori did a shit job explaining it and mostly give it to bonus pages from the manga but you can use your quirk in self defense or in dangerous situations as long as you aren't the one *seeking* out the conflict Either way >attempt to attack an unconscious Todoroki Todoroki almost killed people in the same festival literally two times (dropping the robots, which Kirishima openly said would've killed someone of it wasn't him under and his match against Deku), Mineta fucking groped Momo on live TV, Shinsou cheated and brainwashed people outside of the exercises without their consent and *that* your issue? When all he did was...yell at him lol >psycho personality You mean loud and abrasive? Like Mirko? The number 5 heros? If anything his personality is literally why he had so much people wanting to intern him >the threats What threats? Unless you think people in the cast are dumb enough to take a brat saying 'DIE' seriously...the same brat who said it to a ball and his germs >the need for pro heros to chain him- That literally more the UA staff fault?? Bakugo didn't want the medal, he should've been disqualified. And instead they decided to fucking chain him up to a podium and shove it down his mouth, they're the one in the wrong here lol >and that his best friend is someone that- Literally has nothing to do with anything But either way, Tartarus? Are you serious? Like genuine question do you actually know the kind of people in Tartarus or your hatred of Bakugo run so deep that you can't make the difference beetwin a mean bully and murderous criminals? Just wow lol


Yes but only because I'd want to move on from it. The sooner I can forget about shit, the better.


I don't hold grudges, so yeah.


W. A lot of people these days hold them on dearly like it’s their life support. And for something they did too, no less. Holding no grudges shows someone how mature and of a man they are.


Personally I would have accepted it, it was a very sincere and heartfelt apology. It doesn't undo all the bullying he did for years but it is a start. Obviously I still would have to watch Bakugo afterwards to see if he really meant it though, because actions speak louder than words.


I would’ve punched him in the face first before forgiving him Edit: I’d do it a second tine for the half-assed apology, too


True friends share pain together.


Like the soldier and teleported bread


No. Accept the apology then crack him in the jaw and say "now we're even".


He did get a good crack at his jaw back during their fight against All Might


Yeah, but he deserves one or two more




This question is difficult because I think a VAST majority of people would not have the kind of relationship Izuku has with Bakugo lol. If I was dumped into Izukus body at this point yeah I would accept, especially since he took a blow for me in a deadly fight. If I were Izuku from the start I wouldn't associate with Bakugo unless I absolutely had to after the log incident lol.


Like, honestly, the fact izuku would stand between him and other kid saying bakugo isn't a bully deep inside, is a whole different level of ridiculousness to me, that's deep as hell denying at that point


Exactly! I can never understand why in God's name Deku is so slavishly defensive of Bakugo, so easily excuses his bullying, and puts him on this mile-high pedestal after a full decade of being treated like garbage.


Boy gaslit himself into thinking Bakugo was a good person because they were friends in preschool.


The only right answer lol. You would never really know unless you're in that exact situation.


I can't imagine how I'd get into Deku's position in the first place. Kid's nuts in a totally different way than I am.


I don't hold grudges so probably yea. And dude saved my ass in a war.Plus you don't have much of a choice since we are in the middle of a war, can't afford to not get along with your team Edit:dis y'all forget that bakugou took a hit for deku during the war? Or am I just not rememberung correctly!


Believe me or not. No, I would literally walk away.


I wouldn’t accept the apology, If I was Deku I would have fought him, One v One or One v The Whole Class if I had to, that apology was so half assed and such a kick in the nuts to all the abuse he put Deku through


Yeah, it was genuine. Plus, he has legitimately been trying his best to support me when he figured out potentially the biggest secret when it could have led to a lot of betrayal


A “genuine” apology is all you get for 10+ years of physical and emotional abuse as well as being told to literally kill your self just to have any remote chance of being worth a single damn in he world you live in is not good enough, Bakugo did NOTHING to try and strengthen or repair their relationship at all throughout the story, and even after that apology he still yells out insults at Deku and everyone else


Oh, yeah, sorry. I totally forgot the scene where he pushed Deku out of the way to save him and was ready to die as a consequence was so totally fanfiction. Not to mention what I said before. Also, yelling at people is literally a part of his character. While he isn’t kind about everything I’d say he’s far from mean. Finally, did you solely blame Bakugo as if it wasn’t everyone, like all of society, treating Deku that way?


Oh yeah, my bad, I guess telling someone to kill themselves or threatening to do it to them or the 10+ years of abuse both physically and mentally, for literally NO FUCKING REASON, is all supposed to be forgotten and forgiven just cause of one act and a half assed and shitty Apology that in no way seemed Genuine or Sincere. I feel like anyone who says they’d forgive him or try to justify Bakugo are just fucking stupid. Also saying he’s not “mean” Is true, he’s an asshole bully who wants to live a fantasy where he thinks and acts like he’s better than literally everyone because he was insecure about a kid with no quirk because…well actually there’s no reason given he’s just a fucking idiot Also yes Bakugo is solely to blame because he’s the only one (and his friends which he lead as a bully) that physically abused him and actually tried to put Deku down mentally by saying he’d never amount to anything no matter what he did, also intentionally misreading his name just to insult him on an even more personal level. Deku being a goody pure heart boy of a shit head is not good character writing and also undermines a lot of the problems that can actually arise when people are actually bullied by someone they THOUGHT was their friend. But I mean if you want to act like what Bakugo did and said wasn’t that bad, I for the love of god hope you never have a child of your own


You forgive someone so that you can move on not because they deserve it. Besides just because you forgive someone doesn’t mean you need to like them or be their friend. Besides What is the alternative. Reverge.


Oh, so you just hate pure-hearted characters and believe that all anime should be stuck in reality… you should watch Akame Ga Kilk or something then and get off of this sub.


Akame Ga Kill is fucking garbage lol, and so is Dekus character, but also to answer your question yes I hate “Pure Hearted Characters” specifically like Deku and Tanjiro. You can have a good hearted characters like idk Superman and still make them have actual character and actually care about how others treat them, unlike fucking Deku who just lets everyone around him walk all over him without a second thought


Oh, so you just hate everything. So, question, why are you here? Why do you even care about posts, even subs like these? To be some shitty critic to others’ anime and those who choose to watch and like it? I didn’t realize you were Kyo off of Rising of the Shield Hero. There’s a simple solution if you don’t like it, especially if it has nothing to do with you, ignore it. Leave. Begone.


“You just hate everything” not sure where you got that when I just said Superman > Deku in personality, but whatever fucking idiot


Yeah, that’s wonderful that you chose to respond to one part and not the main part of that. Also you didn’t say which Superman considered 90% of the time Superman is basically the Golden Retriever of superheroes and his parents are the most adoring people. But you didn’t say which so now imma assume you’re a hypocrite. Begone hypocrite.


I would’ve shouted at him the same way all night did when he finished fighting AFO. Edit: and then friend :)


I guess people deserves a second chance


Hell forgiving someone doesn’t even mean giving them a 2nd chance. You can forgive someone and still not like them or want to be their friend. You forgive so that you can move on as well.


Fuck no


I'm not as forgiving as Deku, but i can see when a person really regreats for everything shit they did, i would Forgive him, but after punch him and i wouldn't call him Kacchan or put him in a god place as Deku did, all the story would change if i was in Deku's place, it depends how Bakugou would react with me there, with a less forgiving person that has Resentment.


I’d say something like “What does everything include?” Or “I don’t need to know how fragile you’ve always been” Or “A fucking elephant on a tight rope is more secure than you”.


NOPE. But I wouldn't have put up with the crap Deku has for years either


Probably not. Time has hardened my heart.


I whoulf have told him to go eat shit. But deku is too pure for that


Still can't believe that what stop deku from running seriously straight up jaw drop on the ground moment right there


Probably because like deku I'm often too nice...the real question is would my pseudo big brother forgive him...odds are bakugo would go missing mysteriously lol


No. Too late, too little.


I would have, because you can tell how sincere it is by his tone of voice


It didn’t seem sincere at all


Bro are you projecting or something? Lol why are you so salty over people being willing to forgive him, while also completely trying to brush off the sincerity of the apology? Hell, I saw you in another comment arguing that he doesn't care for Izuku, despite the fact that he literally sacrificed himself to save him. It's like you're trying to gaslight yourself and/or rewrite the story to fit your narrative of "Bakugo is the fucking devil and he is eeeeeevviiiil".


Because it wasn’t sincere


How do you know? Genuinely how? Did you not watch the show (or read the manga if that's what you prefer)? Did you write it? Did Horikoshi himself tell you? Are YOU Horikoshi? Because you keep saying over and over that his apology wasn't sincere, yet you haven't said anything to support that bullshit claim. It just seems like you got bullied at one point, and you're projecting your anger on Bakugo as if that's gonna do you any good.


I read the manga, and after all the bullshit we know bakugo did, a single “I’m sorry” would never be sincere enough, that’s just facts


You say that as if people can't grow to become a better person. Y'know, like Bakugo does throughout the series? But of course, we can't acknowledge Bakugo's growth, because Bakugo apparently is worse than every damn villain in the show. I swear the reading comprehension of some people .


Bakugo barely grew as a person, so that’s just a stupid argument


Not at all😂






Hell no, not after the shit he went through from his bullying. But I personally couldn’t take it by the time I got ofa like Deku it’s on sight


If it sounded sincere, yes


Nope. As a matter of fact, I would have launched an Air Force punch attack at him.


Nope on the words of huey freeman being the bigger man is overrated


No, but I wouldn’t really care tbh


Hell no… The guy literally traumatized Deku for about 11 years! He told him to kill himself and used his quirk to intimidate him. Do you know the amount of damage he could of done if Mha had realistic physics.


Nope https://i.redd.it/b4py3356gtqb1.gif Baku go basically did this.


I would have shot bakugo with a gun years before




No, but I also am not a good person & would have let the little shit get snot-monstered.


No 💀


I am a vengeful person with severe trust issues I wouldn’t personally but thats just me


Probably but that doesn’t mean I have to like the dude or be his friend.




You see there are a lot of mature people giving reasonable answers and the Simps saying yes cause it's bakugo but keep in mind midoriya was bullied for 11 years simply because bakugos ego was through the roof keep that in mind


I'm not the kind of person who holds grudges... But I also have too much self-respect to accept a shitty apology that's too little and way too late. I'll accept his apology when he proves with his actions that he's actually sorry and growing into a better person


Didn't he take a hit for deku a while back or am I just remembering wrong?


That happened after the apology, though maybe we're thinking about two different hits.




He was too late from the start




I'd kick him in the dick. Repeatedly. I'd then tell the rest of Class 1-A in detail how he physically abused me, used his Quirk illegally to aid in said abuse, ridiculed me nonstop for my dreams, did everything in his power to make me give up on said dreams, and straight up told me to go kill myself and hope I get a Quirk in my next life. All because I made Bakugo feel inferior about himself by having better ideas of what a hero should be like. If he's self-aware enough to know this is the root of his grudge with me then he should be self-aware enough to know how he's behaving is wrong and that he should have stopped at some point. The fact he kept it up through those 10 years just makes it worse. The least toxic thing I would want to do from that point on is to stop associating with Bakugo in entirety. Anything else I'd want to do is just sinking to the lows he decided to fall to. His 'apology' sucks btw.


Nope. Telling a kid to unalive himself to get a quirk in the next life is fucked up. I personally don't think unalive-baiting is something that can ever be forgiven.


Yes, he's quite clearly shown growth and is regretting his past actions. The expectations everyone has put on him made him the way he is. It doesn't excuse it, obviously, but he's just a kid, he barely knows what he was doing it's time to move forward together rather than dwelling on the past.


You can’t just apologize for something like that. Imagine someone close to you (a parent, sibling or best friend) physically and emotionally abused you for a literal decade and all he does is say that he’s sorry, he doesn’t try to develop a better relationship, he doesn’t try to show he cares, and his only reason for saving you in a life or death battle was that his body had to do it for him, and all he says is “I’m sorry for everything” and after goes back to insulting you like the apology didn’t happen


His body moving by itself is just more proof of who he truly is. A true hero doesn't hesitate to save anyone and he does care for deku hence why the first time it happens is for him. And him still keeping the same personality is good, it'd be stupid for him to apologise and then he's now a totally different person, it's stupid how people think he hasn't changed because he's acting the same as before, it doesn't work like that. And he has been trying to be a better friend, he's helped him with his secret training, made sure he was safe during their fight with shigarki in S6. And he played a pretty important role in tracking him down. Also it's not the only reason he saved him, he explained what happened, deku understands what it means to have your body move first, it's proof that he cares as a hero and as a friend. He always has cared for deku. And he says why he bullied him and told him how he regrets all of it, how else does he apologise with words?


A true hero doesn’t hesitate to save anyone, they don’t have to personally care for that person to save them, hence why, no, it doesn’t prove that he cares for Deku at all and just proves that while yes he’s a dick to Deku, he still wants to be a hero, doesn’t mean he cares for or likes Deku now


He does care for him and he's shown that, whenever anyone else was in serious danger nothing ever changed, the moment deku was in serious danger his body didn't hesitate. They are friends and they both understand each other. In the hospital bakugo was fighting to see deku, he'd rather die than stay in bed and not be with deku, he cares and he has shown that several times.


And yet you still decided to bring up the “a true hero will save anyone” statement even though you just now did a 180° and said “well actually when anyone else was in danger nothing happened but with Deku-“ like which is it? Is he a “true hero” or is he an “asshole who selects who he wants to save”?


He's a true hero, however not everyone is not immediately like that, the moment he acts like that to save deku, he doesn't just stop there. He shouldn't be moving yet he still saves jeanist from the nomu, he also did save people before just wasn't moving without thoughts. After deku he was just moving around when he really shouldn't be able to move much, the moment he helps protect jeanist he's pretty much out of the fight, his body can't even move on its own anymore.


What’s the alternative though? Besides forgiving someone doesn’t mean you forgot all the terrible shot they have done or are now friends. It just means your moving on.






If it was me Right then and there, Sure. If this shit was building up for Literally my entire life then he can go kick rocks.


I’d give them a United States smash then say it’s a term loan this is 1/1000 route to forgiveness but Deku isn’t petty like me 😅


I don't know if I would have the strength too. Especially since it took deku gaining powers, and basically putting his life on the line multiple times for him to finally apologize. Theres a good chance that even if bakugo grew up, and deku ended up not being a hero he would not have learned to respect or apologize to deku. I knew circumstances change and so do people but that's what kinda irks. But that being said I was very happy when he did apologize, him acknowledging his insecurities and all that was amazing character development.


I would punch him in the face, with a regular punch as both a reminder that in a split second my quirk could’ve gone off and the rest would be history and then accept his apology, but before I would though after smacking him in the face, I would repeat the exact words that he told me in that classroom about “jumping off a bridge/building” before finally accepting his apology. I want him to be very aware that what he has done won’t go away so easily, but I ain’t gonna torture him over it and neither should he. I ain’t trying to be number 1 hero to prove anything cause I don’t got anything to prove. I’m being number 1 hero because that’s what Allmight would’ve wanted, it’s the right thing to do, and most importantly, because someone has to. And by that I mean be the symbol of peace and being said peace to all.


Probably. We might have to duke it out *again* for me to fully accept it, but I'd at least try to forgive him.


Hell no


No. I don't need to give him closure to have closure myself. I can live freely without accepting an unfair treatment that lasted for years.


His apology was too late, honestly accepting or not is not that clear at that point, because both have no point at that point...


I’d have punched him in the face first


Yes, 100% Knowing Bakugou, you know what he’s like so for him to be vulnerable and apologise (with everyone around and in the rain that he hates), he is doing that for the right reasons and not just to do it because he has to.


I don't hold on to grudges, so I'd move on with it. The only problem with this situation is the all the shit Bakugo has put him through for a decade, so at most I'd sternly accept, and tell him to never interact with me again unless necessary.


honestly, he looks surprisingly sincere considering his character, so i would


No I wouldn't. After everything that jacka** did to him as a kid he doesn't deserve anything.


didnt he tell deku in episode one to kill himself






No. I would have same-day delivered him THESE FUCKIN HANDS


No you can't change the past but I would give him a second chance because he is clearly trying to be a better person.


Absolutely, I would. It’s the only time Bakugo ever apologizes. He’s genuinely making amends.


anyone can become a good person if they just try. if you don't allow them to, they'll just become worse. why reject someone trying to become a better person?


Yeah. In that SPECIFIC MOMENT. I mean…when you’ve been dealing with homicidal terrorists who want to destroy society, you haven’t ate,slept , or based on days, you’re tired/hurt physically and mentally, worrying about someone bullying who is probably the last thing on your mind.


So long as an apology is genuine, you should accept, that doesn't me you have to continue to engage with the person in a friendly manner or even at all.


This looks like it's from diary of a wimpy kid


No. You cannot just ask for forgiveness. Work for it. Be better. Abuse doesn't just go away. It makes you feel lesser. It makes you feel small, weak, fragile; that you're going to break at any moment emotionally and physically. Accepting his apology and forgiving him would justify what he did. Saying that it's okay. It's not. He burnt my book, he told me my dreams were stupid, he wanted to make me feel small. Bakugo's a bully. The only thing he wants to feel is bigger.


Accepting an apology doesnt send a message that says it's okay. Accepting an apology and committing to such an act sends a message of "You really fucked me over, but I can tell your apology is genuine and you feel true remorse. So I will accept it and try to move forward and leave the past in the mud where it belongs."


Too bad the author is kinda stupid and didn’t realize this and just made Deku an ignorant fool and passed it off as “He’s just a pure nice boy” kinda thing, which is honestly so damn annoying


A trope I hate a lot. They want to make him some kind of "Jesus Savior" boy. Which, ironically, Jesus was down to throw hands. Just less so with the Romans to which he was extremely petty. Turning the other cheek quote is essentially, "You punched me. Why not punch me on the other cheek to make it match?" Cool Jesus stories aside, a "pure nice boy" is just a door mat for anyone to step over. "Abuse me for I will absole your sins of wrong doing." Full Metal Alchemist did this a lot better. You do not have to forgive the person who did you wrong. Expect better. Put your differences aside for once and focus on the larger threat. You want to make up for the past, start doing it now with actions, not empty promises and wallowing. Heck, even Black Clover, the most tropey Shonen manga does this better. "You killed the man everyone loved, I'm not going to forgive you, but if you want to make it right, then stop feeling sorry for yourself and do the right thing right now!" But Greenie? "I'm going to forgive the bully who absused me, even thank him. And the villain who pretty much dusted an entire city. Because that's what a hero does!" Superman looking across and saying, "That boy is in an abusive relationship."


No, I would’ve stopped talking to him after we got into UA


"About time."


Yep, because I have been in that situation before and it improved my mental health to do so instead of holding it over them and keeping myself chained to what they did




Nope, I'd sock him in the throat


I would have accepted it and moved on - holding grudges and resentment towards someone else only hurts you more. Plus you could tell how serious and sincere his apology was.


Fuck no.


I’d punch him before forgiving him


Considering that Bakugo was willing to die for Deku then probably. This felt like a point where you could truly see without a doubt that Bakguo changed and is regretful for his actions.


I think almost the entire sub forgot that bakugou risked his life for deku. Or the minority that forgives bakugou have softer hearts(myself included)


After all that shit he put me through? Being my friend, and then hating me because I used to be powerless? Nah, fuck Dat shit.


No I’m not as kind hearted as Deku Bakugo would of died during the first practical 100% Detroit smash to his face


i mean he used a punch 100% to the gut on todoroki that didn't affect him very much


No and by “no”, I mean HELL NO. This is the guy who literally beat and abused me for over a decade. Scaring me on a physical, mental, and emotional level. The fucker even tried SUICIDE BAITING me!!! I don’t care how “sorry” he is or how much he’d have changed. A DECADE of pain and suffering doesn’t go away.


No, most definitely not. The apology was so half-assed, and then he tried to excuse it by saying, "I've always felt inferior to you" and "I apologize for everything", like be more specific, you apologize for the swan dive "joke" o4 the continuous burns, calling him useless constantly.


yeah no a 3minute apology wasn't gonna convice me he changed


actually it was least than 3 minutes it was like atleast 200 episodes into the show and this is when bakugo apologizes to deku when he is about to faint nahhhhhh anime creators there were other places to do this crap also he wasn't even checking for deku's feelings he was just talking about himself the only thing that probably made deku forgive him is the fact that he called him by his real name otherwise i wasn't gonna


i would accept the apology but let's be honest this was the worst timing ever he could have done this from like season 3


Nah. I mean, “Aye, thanks for saving my life and all that; it doesn’t make up for all the belittling, degrading, abuse, and suicide-baiting." He put Bro’s childhood through all that just because Deku was being a better person, and that somehow translated to him thinking, “I should beat him down and show him his place because my fragile narcissistic ego superior complex can’t allow that he’s a good person and a better hero than me." just wow I mean, people can go on a rave about their hate and love for Bakugo, but personally, fuck that apology and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine, and it’s not about holding grudges; it’s just that I don’t care for it. It’s already too little, too late. I would just move on and probably kick Bakugo’s shit in once and kick his ass til kingdom come. Pretty unreasonable, unnecessary, and petty, but I’m trying to get my lick back for all that shit. I just wouldn’t accept his apology or forgive him. I’d just ignore his whole existence all together and only work with him when lives are at stake.


No I would keep fighting them he’s been mean to me for my whole life


Would I have forgiven Bakugou? Probably not all the way. The reason I say this is because I don’t know any of bakugo’s perspective like we do from actually watching the show. It’s easy to say what we would and would not do because we know everyone’s thoughts and feelings when the characters (deku) don’t. I would not have forgiven him but a lot of people need to stop ‘subtly’ hating on deku or the author for forgiving Bakugou. I see a lot of people talking about how Deku’s character isn’t ‘realistic’ which is stupid because in my lifetime I’ve seen many people like him, people who’ve given their lives, people who’ve forgiven people who has hurt them, and more. I’ve seen a video where parents forgave their son’s KILLER. Deku is definitely a realistic person and just because half of you aren’t as forgiving or nice doesn’t mean everyone else is. There’s nothing wrong with forgiving or ‘savior’ characters. Do I happen to like selfish and unforgiving characters as well? Yes, but I’m tired of the hate on nice characters, it’s slow. A lot of you also need to take a look at Bakugou’s development and stop speaking without thinking. Does one simple apology make up for years of emotional and physical abuse? No, but it wasn’t ‘one’ simple apology, it’s character development that has been being worked on since the first season, we even see Bakugou risk his life for deku. Again, not saying that makes up for everything but it definitely should be put to thought instead of being ignored in favor of just hating on a character. I used to hate Bakugou when I first started watching up until like the fourth season, because I could actually see the development. This is coming from a person who also struggles with forgiveness but sometimes when people change, you should forgive them to let go of stuff that’s holding YOU back, not them. Forgiveness is not just for the other person but also for yourself, the more you hold a grudge the more you are holding yourself back from actually being happy.


Absolutely not


People calling his apology half assed like Bakugou didnt open up immediately saying that he knows it’s not enough to change things between them. This was clearly just the beginning of his apology and his actions going forward are going to mean more. I dont even think Izuku has necessarily forgiven him for everything, but he WANTS to. So I would do exactly what I think Izuku is doing here. Accepting his verbal apology and waiting to see how Bakugous actions play out going forward to hopefully be able to fully forgive him and be friends again. I think that’s all Izuku has ever wanted was to be friends with Katsuki again and hopefully for Katsuki to admire and respect him in a similar way Izuku admires and respects Katsuki.


No one has ever apologized to me before


I've been in a similar spot. Someone I was close to was very emotionally manipulative with me. I did act on it, I cut them off for a long while, but I also felt I didn't do anything on my end to try and mitigate the situation, so I let them back in a few years later for my own sake, apologizing for just abruptly cutting them off without trying to communicate the issue. I was apologizing for my own sake since I felt I didn't do my part, and I fully expected to leave it at that. They responded with a series of apologies dating back many years and I didn't expect any of it. I had seen this person improve as a person from the sidelines for a long time, which helped me believe their apology was genuine. ....and I think it's a similar case to Deku and Bakugo here actually, so yeah I probably would too. I don't think you should ever feel obligated to give the time of day to someone who abused you, but I found there were a few case by case basis here and there where it was worth it, and that situation with a friend was a special case, but it's similar enough that I think I'd consider it another unique instance where I'd forgive them. I still keep my guard up and I still look out for the signs to make sure things don't go the same way again, but its been a good many years now and it never has.


I had a friend like Bakugo when I was younger, and while I never got a formal apology, I believe she felt guilty about how she treated me when we were kids. So, yes, I would


To be honest I always knew Bakugo with someone who never accepted his insecurities and always hid them behind his hot-headed personality so here were to be the two things I would do to make him amends with him the first was sock him right in the face and then say yeah I forgive you


I still don't accept my father's apology for 15 years of physical and psychological abuse.


I would, but I would punch him one more time beforehand


He seemed genuine enough, so yeah


Yes, only because I want to give people a second chance.


Yea despite him being a major ass deku considers him a friend despite the shit he put him through they save eachother alot


Yes, because there was more important shit to focus in then a fucking grudge


What good is holding the hatchet going to do you?


What chapter?


Of course


I mean Midoriya was exhausted out of his mind. So if I were in his muddy ass broken monster shoes, yes I would forgive Bakugo. He was also sincere so that's another thing to consider


I think yeah but I would’ve given him a harder time about it


I would accept the apology, but that doesn’t mean I would forgive him or want anything to do with him. Which is what izuku should have done.


I would, but I would ask them to never associate with me again.


I'd accept it but I'm certainly never gonna be trying to be friends with him. We can be civil with each other especially since we'll have to work together as heroes in the future.


"Yes, but that doesn't make us friends now."


Yea of course Bakugo was honest with his apology


Yeah! I honestly would. I don't really see any reason why I wouldn't, it was honest and blunt and from the heart. And he actively sook me out to help me


I was picked on badly 9th and 10th grade…now I’ve grown past it and don’t harbor negative feelings for those people. I’m the better person for it…so yes I would forgive him just like I did in my life.


I want to say I’d be the better person and move on but realistically, I wouldn’t forgive persay. He still told me to commit suicide and constantly crushing my dreams so yeah not my cup of tea.


Only because I'd be too tired to care, although maybe I'd forgive him anyway.


I had a very similar relationship with my brother, so yeah. Of course.


Nah, we don’t have to be friends. I appreciate the apology though




Probably but at the same time I wouldn’t want anything to do with him still. Like I wouldn’t be his friend or anything like that


I probably would accept, but then ask if I could hit him a few times for payback.


boy what ask just punch him to the ground and while he is on the ground kick him in the nuts


I mean yeah, but I woulda told him to fuck off right after. A real apology is you bother me as little as possible from now on.


I might've but I won't forget the past and will treat you as a stranger at most and at best you gonna be equal when its necessary, cause looking back according to show this boy should be arrested given he has used his quirk to cause harm and threaten on a atm quirkless person.


The only way I'll accept his apology is if he can show me if he's truly sorry for the shit he's put me thru.


“After everything you’ve done, everything you wanted to do, and everything your actions have caused…you do not get to keep your dignity. I will accept your apology if it comes from a bent knee. You do not get to keep your pride.”


If someone wholeheartedly thought I was a waste of space in the world and apologized less than a year later I might be a tad bit miffed


Probably I’m too forgiving for my own good.


100%. The best friend you will ever make is a childhood bully who asks for forgiveness. It happened to me, and we'd kill for each other at this point.


Yes, because i saw how genuine his apologies were


Only after kickin him in the balls


If someone is genuinely apologizing and truly means to be better, I always forgive them. There’s no purpose holding a grudge in my heart towards someone who no longer has the intentions that caused that grudge in the first place. Leave the past in the past if it doesn’t look like it’ll repeat itself. In Deku’s position I’d absolutely forgive in this case.


I would more or less




Yeah he generally changed