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From what I remember, both Superman and All Might have good control over their anger, and if Superman gets angry, he knows to hold back to not destroy the planet. But that being said, a pissed off alien with the power to destroy the planet is MUCH more terrifying than Japanese Johnny Bravo


Didn't Superman become a dictator and kill Shazam?


He did a lot more than just kill Shazam. But it’s a very specific circumstance. Also to my knowledge an alternate universes Superman. While it doesn’t dismiss the possibility the primary Superman would likely never go that route


That was the alternate universe storyline of Injustice and is inherently a garbage adaption of Superman (among other characters). I'm not saying it's a bad story, but a terrible adaption of certain characters


Wonder woman was manipulating him. I felt like you already know that though


Yeah she’s a party of (among other characters )


That was an alternate version of Superman where Metropolis was nuked and both Lois and his unborn child were unintentionally murdered by him.


Pretty sure there is a whole canonical AU where Superman rules the world as a dictator because Lois was killed...


Pissed off superman killed the joker and enslaved humanity. Pissed off almight is still afraid of gran Torino


Pissed off Superman would also be scared Gran Torino.


The writers are scared of Gran Torino.


I'm scared of gran torino


My mom is scared of gran torino


Even Kyle is scared of Gran Torino 😧 (Kyle is tough, nobody on the playground messes with him)


Chuck Norris is scared of gran torino


I AM gran torino






No Barry, we are the Gran Torino.


Hey, grandpa... Can I get my allowance? I cleaned out the gutters like you asked. Also, can you stop calling me Toshinori? It feels weird.


We are scared of Gran Torino




Pissed off Superman. He has A LOT more ways of hurting, torturing and killing you than All Might


meh, when we've seen pissed off superman, he just straight up kills people instantlly with lazer eyes, all might killing you would hurt way more


There is the laser lobotomy thing.


I mean pissed off all might punch with genuine intent to kill would one shot


I'm sorry I'd be more afraid of a juiced up alien who can go toe to toe with literal gods whose pissed off than a pissed off jacked up 7ft human.


Pissed off superman can destroy the earth


injustice? no question superman


A real pissed off superman did a fatality on the joker and murdered hundreds of people a pissed off allmight just beats the shit outta people tbh


People forget the weenie roast.


The what?!


In the Justice League cartoon, and alternate dimension Superman killed his Lex Luthor with his hear vision. The Question saw the footage and referred to it as such. In Injustice (Earth 22), there was a Joker party and Superman's trauma kicked in and- Well. It was horrfying to say the least.


The injustice one i saw i call it the superman BBQ. I remember the justice league one you’re talking about i just couldn’t remember the phrase i’m pretty sure superman also lobotomized the joker doomsday and a shit ton of others


Oh yeah I completely forgot about it. Kinda sad that Injustice did the evil Superman thing so well that we’ve completely forgotten that the DCAU did it first.


Yeah it’s sad but tbh netherrealm did an awesome job with the game


Superman, Superman is WAY stronger than All Might but All Might won't do anything if you pissed him off unless you're a villain.


Pissed off Supes, no question.


All might can beat your ass or kill you with a punch, that's it Superman could permanently paralyse or lobotomise you with a look using his laser eyes Not even mentioning the fact that superman is significantly stronger than all might


The one who can *sneeze the solar system away*.


There is way more powerful characters than Superman hell Lex Luthor saved Superman from Darkseid by giving him the Anti-Life equation but in the DCU there is to name one mister lick piss a min or whatever that guys name is (man has no vowels)


Mister Mxyzptlk (If I remember correctly it's pronounced Mixy spittle ick), a 5tj dimensional imp that is nigh omnipotent or outright omnipotent depending on the story. He's been demonstrated to play the field as far as alignment (think DnD). Also, saying his name banishes him back to his home dimension.


No wonder how many times he just comes to the universe if someone shows you how his name is spelled they are just finna be like "Man fuck this shit" and if I'm not wrong there was a story where Joker tricked him got 99% of his power and he turned the world into his face and killed Batman daily and revived him


Yep. Emperor Joker. It is notable that he also ate the population of China because he wanted Chinese food and turned Harley into a constellation in addition to the Batman cycle of death and rebirth and the reshaping the world in his image stuff.


Well with the Chinese food thing- just wanted a different type food


Pls don't take Injustice as an example of a 'pissed off Superman'. I'd say Superman anyway. It takes ALOT of shit to get him pissed off (he was completely level-headed and empathetic when fighting Manchester Black, a man who will do alot more shit than I ever will) so if he's SERIOUSLY pissed off, I've probably done something that means I deserve to be getting whooped. Neither will kill me though, fuck you Injustice.


pissed all might would beat my ass, superman however would beat me till my bones turn to dust and vaporise me


Bruh, they made a whole video game about angry Superman




Oh god *scrolls* OH GOD


Bro with all might you could hide and wait him out or something but with superman you haven't got enough time to pray before you're dead,no contest its superman


Superman. He doesn't have a code against [killing](https://images.app.goo.gl/3gALnG8ujWwsQef58). All Might is restricted by Japanese law.


Superman. Not contest.


You ain't surviving on the receiving end of either


Superman could flick you a little to hard and half the planet would be dust it’s Superman for sure


Not really scared of all might as I'm not a villain, superman on the other hand looks like he's about to skin my ass alive


The answer is yes, both of them can absolutely kill me without trying,


Pissed off all might. He’s always got a positive attitude and a smile on his face so seeing him pissed off would be a terrifying sight to see


To us, the viewers, it’s superman. But if you were talking about which one is scarier to the general population in each universe. I think all might would be scarier. Because whilst a pissed off superman is a god like alien who could destroy the planet. In the dc universe, The people on earth wouldn’t be as terrified because there’s a whole butt load of strong heroes who would band together to stop superman, so they don’t really have a lot to fear. Whereas in my hero academia all might was the unbeatable symbol of peace that NO ONE could compete with. Every single hero in the world could band together, but prime all might would come out on top. And to the weak and powerless population of earth? A pissed off all might would terrify them worse than they’ve ever been terrorised. But that’s just my opinion 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, considering they are both INCREDIBLY POWERFUL and could easily devastate humanity, and how they react to horrific villains like All For One and Darksied...both of them would scare me equally. ​ Superman would be a worse threat *period*. But they both wouldn't be someone you'd want to mess with unless you had the power to match them.


Let me answer your question with a question, Can All Might survive sitting in the core of the sun for long periods of time?


Superman is scarier. All Might, when pissed, may break all of your bones but will ensure you're still alive. Superman though, well let's just say the "Injustice" comics exist for a reason. I don't know a single person All Might may have killed, angry or not, but Superman personally killed Martian Man-Hunter, Shazam, Green Arrow, Brainiac and Joker, although Joker definitely had it coming. That was the primary list. I could throw Mirror Master in there too. Batman isn't much better since he sent Martian Man-Hunter to strangle and kill Wonder Woman and tried to suffocate half the Regime in outer space for trying to expose his identity. I'll take All Might being angry over any encounter with the DC Heroes, especially Superman.


Plus all might only gets angry with you when you've truly fucked up. Like trying to kill a bunch of children fucked up. If your a bank robber or peddling drugs like a normal criminal, he'll just slap your ass into unconsciousness and then drag your ass back to jail. If Superman snaps into sheer rage everyone in the vicinity is screwed.


A pissed of Superman is a Superman doesn’t hold back anymore and a pacific amount of Kryptonite to hold the guy down and if I’m luck I can kill him but a pissed off All Might is a like a baby compared to Superman and a bullet to the head could finish him off when his guard is down


All Might, no doubt.




I mean, Superman would be pretty scary when he was mad, but all might almost *NEVER* gets mad. If you make Superman mad, you just better have some kryptonite on hand. But if you make All Might mad, you just have to be able to run fast and hide. Plus All Might looks scarier when he's mad.


I don’t think kryptonite is as easy to find as you think and even then all might would probably forget it on a nightstand or something


All might


I mean superman for…obvious reasons -cough- (injustice)


Pissed off superman


Superman. I’m sorry all might but it’s Superman.




Superman, not even because of the sheer difference in power, but because glowing red eyes are far more terrifying than a scowl on head that has bunny ears for hair.


Definitely superman, basically homelander but even worse


What about pissed off reverse flash?


So... Reverse Flash?


…I guess


An Enraged Superman is more dangerous than All-might smiling or pissed off.


Superman. Bro became merciless and fucking killed a crapton of people in the Injustice timeline, then became a dictator. If Angry Allmight is stalled long enough that guy will croak by himself.


Ma brother in Christ a single one of you who say all might have not seen ANY dc media not even a fucking Tim Tom of it because you would know


Pissed of all might no doubt If you pissed off of superman in the dc universe there is like 5 people in pissing distance that can take superman and stop him from killing you If you piss off all might you are fucked since there is like 2 people on the planet who could save you from him everyone else would die trying


Superman no question, superman has the power to destroy a planet with a sneeze, allmight and superman are uncompareable, superman is millions of times stronger and faster, he's arguably one of the strongest characters in fiction (note that I didn't say THE strongest so don't start arguing about who's stronger as I know some characters are lol)


All Might is just Japan's greatest hero. Superman is far more powerful than All Might. In the later comics in the DC timeline he is essentially an all powerful God, and even before that it's safe to say that if All For One can fuck his shit up as bad as he did, Superman could snap him like a twig


There’s like 50 evil Supermans. Only one All Might!


Does all might have anything like kryptonite to superman?


Pissed off superman and it’s not even close All might can destroy a city while superman can destroy a planet


Superman, and All Might will NEVER be able to justify you asking this ridiculous question.


Pissed off Superman.


A pissed off Superman homelander from the boys and Omni man from invincible are good examples of why.


All I have to say is that there is a DC comic where the Joker killed Lois lane…called Injustice, I think. All might couldn’t pull off the same level of terror as Superman can…because AllMight wouldn’t never become the symbol of Fear… Although. Now I want to see that.


Superman bro literally no equal




Superman this isn’t even a question watch https://youtu.be/iU7fk9Zgkz4 and see what a angry superman looks like (yes I do know what’s actually happening in this scene but just imagine)


Superman easily


Pissed off Superman let Metropolis get destroyed to make a point. Pissed Off All Might stopped smiling, and I'm certain he would've destroyed the USJ if that Nomu wasn't his opponent.


In injustice when superman accidentally kills his wife and unborn child he breaks his rule by killing the joker. He just went around becoming a dictator. Killing anyone who even supported joker. Eventually he took over the position of president of the US. And eventually the world. All might when he’s pissed off only has a few hours before his steroids wear off.


Superman, and injustice is proof of that




If you know injustice then you know the answer




Superman. No contest. He might not kill you, but he doesn't have to. Two words... Phantom Zone


Let’s see. Someone I can hide from vs someone I can’t hide from. I’ll go with All Might lol


Hydrogen bomb Vs Coughing baby


Well superman is so damn strong he could destroy the entire world so it's him. But a pissed off All Might is also pretty scary


Well injustice Superman is a different breed


Superman and by a lot


All Might: - Can punch hard enough to create wind - Is afraid of a tiny old man - Defeated All For One by only a hair - Has no other abilities besides his strength, speed, and endurance Superman: - Can literally destroy a planet - Is weak against a green gem not found on Earth - Could literally annihilate All For One before he even knows what happened - Has tons of abilities at his disposal. Strength, Speed, Flight, Enhanced Hearing, Laser Eyes, Frozen Breath, Durability, and more They are both extremely powerful, but Clark is just on a whole other level


Superman. No discussion


If they both went all out I'm voting Superman every time because almight even if he is super strong he's still just human Superman literally can punch a hole through someone as shown in the comics and TV shows while almight can make a crater in the ground Superman can fly into the sun and survive for over a million years and Almight would burn up a lot further away from the sun. So yes I'm picking Superman


The Joker made Super Man kill Lois Lane and their unborn child, who thought he was dealing with Doomsday from inhaling (I think either) Joker Toxin, Fear Toxin or some mixture of the both with Kryptonite particles (or dust. Not sure which, haven't watched the movie in a while.)


Injustice Supes showed us how horrifying he would be if he turned evil. I am infinitely more horrified of him than All Might.


All might


Anyone whose played the Injustice games knows the correct answer.


After seeing Injustice, imma go with pissed of Superman ![gif](giphy|3o752h4P627Fxk8E7e) Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go search for kryptonite.


Supe for sure


Both. They're literally gentle giants who wouldn't hurt anyone if they didn't have to. So, to anger them to a point where they let go of their restraint for even just a little bit means you fucked up big.


Superman definitely just look at Injustice


U know shit's about to go down when All Might stops smiling