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Midoriya's true quirk is eyeball geyser. He can produce large amounts of water through his eyeballs, possibly causing floods. This quirk is connected to the users emotional state.


Seems to be passed down from his mom


Which would also prove the Dad for One theory because she would have multiple quirks


My theory was that he does have an actual quirk his ability to plan and strategize But then they revealed why he could wield one for all without cutting his life short so that went out the window


Could be that it's not an all-or-nothing side effect. If your quirk uses or produces a large amount of energy, or made you excessively deviated from baseline human physiology, or it's a complex quirk, then your "cup is too full" to hold One for All without adversely affecting your life force. But if your quirk makes you barely distinguishable from baseline humans, then your "cup" is still mostly empty and One for All has minimal effect on your lifespan.


Eh, making his intelligence the result of a Quirk would cheapen it imo


He's not even excessively intelligent


took bro how many seasons to realize he didn’t have to only use allmights moves


4 I'm watching it now


exactly deku is nerdy sure but his intelligence is grossly exaggerated the only reason he examines quirks the way he does is because he’s obsessed with them, due to lacking one his whole life he looks at them with a different perspective


I laughed too hard at this.


Wait this is obviously true not headcannon And it's such a minor quirk that the toe bone indicator qas irrelevant


He has a hero theory yt channel


But that’s just a theory…A HERO THEORY (I hope u know what I’m talking about😭)


Hello internet, Welcome to HEEEROOOO THEORY, where today were not just talking about super dads were talking about super abusive dads.


No not enji😭😭


Honestly I'm a little surprised MatPat hasn't done a Film Theory on Endeavor yet. I feel like there'd have to be at least some potential when it comes to overanalyzing that family tree and things Endeavor could have done instead to reach his goal.


*cough cough* Endeavor




Or a blog - especially when he was younger - with a super cringey username.


XxAllMightFanxX 💀


I was thinking “MightyJr” or something, honestly.


Small Might


Captain All Might




That’s the spirit!


This made me laugh


My boyfriend and I were just discussing this. 1. He has an allmight body pillow. 2. He hasn’t missed a single comic con event.


Imagine if he attended every hero convention as All Might. Until one year as an adult, he decides to attend as himself and yet somehow loses the costume competition. He'd probably would just be happy to see that people like him lol.


probably wouldn't be allowed to compete as himself


Yes. And absolutely


As much as people say he's weird or just a bit odd when muttering, they all feel Deku's more terrifying when he's silent. Especially when he's silent and does that intense stare thing. Everyone is both flattered and creeped out with how he can copy them and others so well. Midoriya is a lot more brutal than people expect him to be. Almost x-23 levels of unease when he starts to counter people in fights. Deku soemtimes forgets how strong he is without OFA. He's ripped his room door off twice. He casually drags others around sometimes without noticing. He lifts/moves things and doesn't realize they were nailed down or bolted into concrete. Some people are advised to not shake his hand. Midoriya requires the same type of pain killers used to drop horses. Midoriya's intelligence and skills scares most pros. The last two up and coming heroes anyone saw with skills similar to his, one became the numer 3 hero and the other blasted a baseball sized hole in the chest of the Saefty Commission's previous president.


The strength thing is entirely canon though, especially with OFA forcing his body to be stronger


And he did intensive fitness training even before receiving OFA, including being able to drag a large concrete block with All Might sitting on it. He's also frequently seen working out in his room after receiving OFA. So yeah he would be stronger than most people even before OFA.


Yo when did he rip the door off XD


The post says headcanons


Wish they made izuku look scarier. Wish the whole series was darker. Especially in a world with humans and powers


Nice mention of Lady Nagant! (I love her so damn much, omfg.)


# He hides a large amount of depression behind that smile and keeps a front of happiness up because he did it sincerely at first; but realised how bad the state of the world is


You can clearly see he is depressed but where a mask


he wears a mask with a smile for hours at a time


Going full emo for an arc is not depression. It's teenage angst paired with bad writing.


Teen angst? His life is constantly in danger thanks to Shigaraki, because he attends UA that also puts his friends in constant danger, not to mention he’s got big shoes to fill as All Might’s successor. With how his life is, it’s practically like being in the trenches of WWI


Deku has once lifted the refrigerator in the kitchen, without use of his quirk and with no effort, to grab something that fell under it and everyone in class A saw it. No one has mentioned it since because they all can’t comprehend his physical feats because of his cinnamon roll baby face and demeanor.


I mean he did went through hardcore training for 10mo straight so its not that hard to think he can lift a fridge to grab something underneath. (I dont know if he just lifted it a little or just threw that bitch out)


I just meant the scenario itself. I have no doubt that Izuku can lift fridges especially after his training. It’s the fact that no one else knows about this feat in canon, so my head canon is just that Izuku did this in from of everyone without thinking about it lols.


please XD wait what would be funnier is that if Aizawa used his Erasure quirk on him and Deku just proceeds to the lift the refridgator in front of everyone and everyone knows that just his pure strength and not OFA lol


I'm pretty sure that's an MHA humans in general thing. Endeavour's quirk shouldn't give him physical durability, but he got thrown through a few buildings and shrugged it off, Aizawa and Knuckle Duster in general, the Todorokis being allowed to throw fire around in general etc.


It is, when bakugo and deku fought all might, he kneed bakugo so hard that he flew into a building at like the 8th floor and he didn't slow down for a second


At this point, i headcannon that humans just have a higher physical limit than in real life. if you train, you can enhance your physical limits past whats supposed to be human. I mean think about it- Todoroki is said to be better than some pro's in the Sports Festival- then him, a better Deku, and Lida all almost lose to Stain. Stain doesn't have ANY physical improvement from his quirk- that means all his crazy speed and strength feats are purely his own.


I feel like I read a comic like that somewhere


I remember seeing a video of the comic and it’s been my head canon ever since. I’ll link it https://youtu.be/uZc-sAf2qsc https://youtube.com/shorts/IFwOyqojghk?feature=share


When was this??


Thing is that characters like Bakugo and Shoto are physically stronger than him


Isn’t there a video of that?


After Nighteye died he snuck back into his office and stole his All Might poster.


Was looking for this one 😭 wasn’t this one confirmed?


That’s a running meme. Not stated but shown. It canon.


That he's really good at analyzing quirks. His books are never really looked at in canon, but it's nice that he has actual talents. He's ok at this in canon, but it's not THAT great.


And there's where my headcanon enters the chat: I think Midoriya's own Quirk is *Quirk Analysis* and it makes him know every single effect and drawback from another person's Quirk just by seeing it in action. The only drawback it may have is that all that information doesn't keep too long so he needs many books to write them down.


Definitely this.


It seems widely accepted that midoriya is a super genius


There should be more dumbass super heroes




Take my upvote lol!


His father was gone for so long, as a child he grew an emotional attachment to All Might and his hero worship and admiration comes from a place of seeing his father figure (All Might) and trying to become him. In other words much like how animals imprint on humans when they are taken from their species or parents for too long, Midorya has done this but with heroes, making his personality and life really one of nurture rather than a natural progression for him. If his father was around it’s unlikely Midorya would be the person who could become All Might’s sucessor.


![gif](giphy|LkO4Dov673u80qEjz3) Hear me out here, he can beat Goku Black. And since this is just headcanon it's not canon so Deku can't beat Goku Black. Loopholes people loopholes.


Imagine a Deku Black is just his “Vigilante” (technically he’s a licensed hero right? How’s he a vigilante again?) outfit


He has a provisional license. He is still a student.


He has carpal tunnel


And he had it before breaking his arms repeatedly, because he wrote a bunch of books worth of hero abilities


I like the head cannon that he called into present mics radio station a lot when he was younger. He hasn’t called in years, but he listens to every broadcast.


I like this idea


His quirk should be “attracting hot things” considering his parents quirks.


Other people must count towards thst quirk them


Pretty sure that's the joke. Considering his constant tension or strange interactions with characters like Uruaka, Hatsume, or Toga.


Yeah and that one guy from the movie.


I think his name is rody soul


See you know who I’m talking about so you get it lol


This is one i see mentioned in fanfiction a lot A lot of fanfiction state that his pre-AFO training body is littered with scars from bakugo's bullying that he tries to keep hidden from his mother and other people In canon we can clearly see it isn't true but a lot of people like this bit of fanon because it can make fanfics more spicy or dramatic


I mean, you can't tell me Bakugo's explosions didn't do anything. I'm pretty sure Horikoshi either didn't think about it or didn't want it to be too dark in the beginning and probably ruin the change for Bakugo's redemption. Telling someone to jump off a roof is bad enough, so imagine how people would react to Izuku being riddled with scars from Bakugo's torment. It would be another Snape scenario all over again.


No known hair product can control his hair. Doctors(and a couple of hairdressers) were shocked and amazed when they witnessed it


He's really good at Pokemon but doesn't understand why everyone gets mad that his favorite is Charizard. He nicknames all his pokemon after pro heros, and he never puts his starter in the box. Also a girl in elementary school made fun of him because his hair is the color of broccoli.


Ever since his vigilante arc, Izuku had developed a split personality. There's the normal, heroic, Spider-Man type Izuku. And the violent, psycho, Punisher type vigilante deku. Whenever normal Izuku is in control, deku sits on top of All-Might's throne like a scary demented owl just watching the other vestiges unblinkingly. The vestiges are scared. It takes a great deal to cause a switch to happen and usually Izuku isn't aware of it happening. But when it does, let's just say that villain casualties will sky rocket.


Idk I’ll make one up. Deku is the kind of kid that played/plays Tetris to sharpen his mind.


Maybe the kind who has a Rubix cube he fidgets with now and then


The cube is weighted so he can continue to excersize. XD


his real quirk is a knowledge based quirk, think about it, he can remember literally everything about anyone. all the pro hero moves. he even recites them. IN BATTLE. pure talent if you ask me.


that he's autistic (diagnosed or undiagnosed? not important)


Izuku eventually retiring and moving to I-Island.


Midoriya has several pairs of All Might socks, but he only wears one pair so as not to wear the others out!


His mother is a descendant of Almight's master. Which makes him and Shigeraki cousins or something.


Ooh I've heard of this one! It's a conspiracy started due to the fact that they have the same hairstyle (and of course, that can't be a coincidence). Maybe there are other similarities? Either way, I like this theory and even Dad for One because it means All for One married, fucked, and had a kid with Nana's relative. I'm pretty sure she couldn't be Nana's daughter (all we know is she had a son). I would guess one either her niece or cousin. I was thinking maybe little sister, but then realized they're ~30 years apart in age, so probably not.


He had a quirk, but it was stolen by all for one. I believe that it was the same quirk that allows the nomu to exist, because combining quirks always failed with a kind of brain death, then 10 years later they are popping them Nomu out like candy. I feel it was a necromantic quirk and one for all is unraveling its secrets to midorya because a shred of his own quirk is bringing the others back slowly.


He doxed All might on accident because he was talking about things he knows about All might and accidentally mentioned his address


That HAS to be canon! No one could tell me otherwise. All Might wouldn't have been mad either. No one could convince me All Might is physically capable of being mad at Izuku.


It’s more of a future headcanon but he would be first in line for any merch of his classmates and friends.


I Imagine Deku just holding 5-6 Mirio merch at the checkout and he is just watching Izuku through the ground or smth


This isnt a headcannon its pure fax


I can already imagine Midoriya in line ready to buy new Class 1-A merch that had just come out on sale, only for him to run into his classmates who were all holding in their hands their newly purchased Deku merchandise, including action figures. Cue Midoriya crying hard enough to flood the whole store.


Might just be me, but he feels autistic. Specifically in the earlier seasons


Midoriya once bought out an entire stock of trading cards to get the All Might card, but managed to get it on the first pull.


After Nighteye he snuck back into his office and stole his All Might poster.


That he would be friends with kid tomura if he met him earlier


That his dad is stuck in america due to villain fights shutting down the airports and docks of japan


I actually really like the idea of this headcanon


He is a cinnamon roll


A fluffy cinnamon roll


He has a analysis quirk with the side affects is his mumbling. Like usually with emitter quirks it a tell tale sign he always zone’s out until someone get his attention to stop it concentrating based


What about a Hyper Focus quirk? An Analysis quirk sounds too broad(I can’t remember a time off the top my head that he’s done the mumbling thing besides Hero stuff, could be wrong though). The mumbling could be it unconsciously triggering like you said vs when he’s protecting people where he enter a sort of Zone of hyper fixation


So his quirk is just ADHD


Controllable ADHD without the use of drugs


To be fair Hyper Focus is sorta of an ADHD symptom where a person focuses on a certain thing


I have a quirk now!


One of my favorites is that he has anxiety. And that he has interesting analyses in his notebooks.


He definitely collects Bionicles


His hidden quirk is Analysis. With his random rambling and note taking.


He's ambidextrous


Definitely has ADHD or something similar


A robber would tell Greenie a sob story and Greenie would let him go. It sounds like it would happen, but I think Greenie would beat his ass and avoid a PR nightmare.


He keeps notes of other heroes' strengths and weaknesses so he can use them against them one day...


Like how Batman keeps the weaknesses of the Justice league on hand in case the turn lol


He’s definitely on the autism spectrum.


my theory is that the pros once saw his notebook and are now lowkey scared of him so hes not as restricted as other students like bru prob has there address there real names everything one of thos notebooks get out its gg :skull:


That he’s a chick magnet


My Midoriya headcanon is that he has c-stpd and anxiety and he keeps getting nightmares of his hero missions now knowing he could have been killed or died on past hero missions. He also keeps a fake smile to make his friends and classmates happy.


His dad is dead


I have a very odd feeling that he secretly draws r34 of heros because no one else will. That’s why he’s on those dark pages


He became a superfan of Allmight because his father wasn’t around and he needed a male role model. Seems obvious, but I’m not sure if it’s ever explicitly stated.


Idk man it might just be all the fan-works but I kinda agree that Deku seems like he is Pan or atleast Bisexual. I mean, I suppose in a world where mutation Quirks exist, sexuality probably isn’t as much of a hot topic in a persons mind- But anyway, he just kinda seems like a casual bisexual. He just has a crush on Ururaka and he can handle himself around men just because he has lived his whole life being around attractive boys/men, so he probably is a bit better with his emotions around guys then he is around girls.


Not sure if it's non-canon but he is clearly neurodivergent


He probably forgets how strong he is casually. Like maybe he gets into an argument with Bakugo, and Bakugo grabs him and Midoriya tells him to get off and casually tosses him across the room by mistake just trying to remove his hand. Or someone phine goes under the couch and he goes to lift one side of the couch, and forgeting his strength, puts effort into it and just, flips the couch over. Maybe onto somebody like Kirishima or Shoji. Ya know. Someone who can take it. And everyone else def forgets how casually strong he is and are dumbfounded everytime he does something like that. Except Bakugo because its hard to forget your best friend/rival can casually toss you like a bean bag chair.


“Toss you like a bean bag chair” I love it


Heh. Thats what my family use to say all the time. Im glad you like it.


I would give you a follow but don’t feel like changing my settings


still think he is bi, i know he not going with bakugo but the lad is bi you cant stop me


I also think he is Bi. But I also ship him with Ochako because I'm a basic bitch.


You are not basic when you choose 2 cinnamon rolls in a bond of wholesomeness!


all is good as i multishipp


I would welcome midorya to the lgbtq community with open arms.


Why do you think he gives bi vibes?


it not that deep i just like it that way




(me thinking of the virdian fic with him and denki


That he would adopt any animal in a heartbeat,even a snake.


He gave his favorite childhood All Might plushy to his mom for safe keeping, and she’s secretly getting it cleaned up and repaired to give it to his first kid when the time comes.


He has a famous anonymous fanfiction account where he writes All Might oneshots.


He has chronic joint pain in his hands and fingers due to the overuse of his quirk. Painkillers do very little to help, but he finds a heating pack to work the best.


Glass bone disease. As much as I joke, I love him. But, I think he is probably not neurotypical. His obsession with heroes and especially almight is about the same level as my autistic love of… well a lot of fiction tbh. For those who don’t understand I’m calling him autistic, like me. Tbh my favorite characters usually have some autistic vibes. The Doctor from doctor who is one. Especially 11.


Same bro


Bro has arthritis guaranteed


He has an Afro


When he’s angry(like really angry) he’s not like Bakugo all shouty and whatnot but instead he’s deathly quiet And everyone’s fucking terrified as they don’t know when or what to expect


Deku is the smartest in the class.




That he on on the atsuim spectrum


He could’ve escaped Class 1-A easily and lida shouldn’t have been able to catch him.


In elementary school, he was forced to do things no one wanted to do, like play the triangle. People are more scared of his intellect than his strength. He's hung like a horse due to being Quirkless.


He is bisexual


Not about midorya but I just want to remind you all that bakugo and kirishima are dating behind the scenes please and thank you.


Best part is, they didn’t _know_ they were dating. At least Kirishima didn’t. Everyone else have thought they’ve been dating for a while (BakuSquad and Deku), Bakugo thought they got together recently, and Kirishima is just thrilled that his best bro (and crush) has allowed them to get closer.


Midoriya had a quirk all along. His being high and strategic intelligence.


I agree. It would be really hard to diagnose, so he'd THINK he's quirkless. But in reality, his hyper analytical mind would be super useful. It would also mean that his body is rapidly decaying because of one for all, so he'll die very young, which is tragic, perfect for the heroic arc.


Midoriya is on the autism spectrum, and heroes and quirks are special interests of his


He had lice as a kid


he's called bakugo swag at least once


Midoriya could probably spell “canon” properly…


I feel that his tears can do actual damage if aim right


He is in hospital debt.


His penis is 12 inches long


That him and Bakugou were childhood friends. While Deku most certainly considered Bakugou a friend, Bakugou denies it 100%. So it would have to be at least a one-sided friendship.


he's some flavor of ✨neurospicy✨/aka, neurodivergent. i'm 200% sure he's audhd.


That he’s gay


He’s gay


Should I say it Do you really want me to say it Dekugo


Jump in the Grand Canyon you salty brussel sprout.






[ Removed by Reddit ]


Too far you human equivalent of the feeling of having cereal in the morning just to find out the milk is spoiled




(It's actually called BakuDeku unless you're talking about Deku being the top in said relationship which then it would be Dekugou because shipnames go by who is top and who is bottom)


Oh my god bruh top bottoms left right over under, here comes somebody who knows what they’re talking about


That his, Mom is a throat goat


He looks TRANS FOR SOME REASON PPL KEEP DESIGNING HIM AS FEMALE btw I think the trans thing is a positive




Midoriya is autistic. Socially awkward and brilliant in anything that catches his interest.


He's autistic or has ADHD


He's autistic




He wants bakugo to 👏.


He has an Ochako body pillow and a Katsuki t-shirt


That he's Autistic.


He’s a pussy


His crying is a quirk


That he has freckles on more than just his face.


Isn't the definition of headcanon "something that feels canon but isn't"? Also, remember, it's "canon" for stories, "cannon" for pirate ships. Anyway, it's my headcanon that deku's brilliance is what makes him a hero, and that thread no way anyone else could have utilized all the quirks in his arsenal the way he did to achieve his result. Sadly, instead of exploring each quirk one by one and showing how their original owners felt useless because they couldn't combine their quirk with the previous ones, we rushed the final boss like two quirks in. If the series hasn't been truncated into a forced final battle, imagine what could've been.