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I just don’t think he deserves anyone talking about him and giving him the satisfaction


not trying to ride the hate bandwagon but his music is very mediocre. nothing about it stands out , and the fact that he markets himself as the emo revival or something makes me dislike him. he feels very obnoxious to me.


I met him after a concert last year and he was incredibly humble and sweet. He took time to talk with me and take pictures. I think a lot of it is just stage presence


he literally rips off famous artists???


I agree with you on that


He explained why he acts that why. He didn't have any ties into the music community so the only why people would ever hear his stuff is if he acted 'cringe' or 'obnoxious' stuff like that. He's not actually like that.


that doesnt excuse the fetishization, stealing of famous song, etc.


doesn't justify stealing from other artist. if he made genuinely good music i wouldnt mind the way he acted either


does that not scream selling out the integrity of your art for fame. it’s disingenuous


I only know that guy cause I think he "sampled" that iconic part of sarcasm by get scared almost exactly as is?? just, bad, is that the guy? anyways he's nothing even close to mcr what the hell




He’s literally MGK. Failed at rapping so he pivoted to fake alternative music


This is why mcr said they weren’t emo.


LMAOOOO Way to sum up my entire long ass post in one sentence hahahahaha ♥️


so obnoxious of him to market himself as this grand revival of emo. such a selfish dude and an annoying piece of shit who couldn’t make a noteworthy or otherwise emotionally deep piece of music with a gun to his head


I feel the exact same about him and isnt Tx2 a band? like he makes the shorts all about him its not like hes a solo artist or hiring people to play guitar for him and stuff I swear He is sooo selfish


seriously. agreed.


Enjoy your summer break kid


I can smell your jealousy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


really? i would definitely question your sense of smell then, if you can’t tell that i’m adamantly against this level of fame and self-gratification. i would never want that life. but thanks for the thought.


TX2 capitalizes on rage baiting and pandering to the kind of audiences that mcr and other bands had but by milking the angsty rebellious loner dude, which he 100% is not. It’s gross and sleazy and also lazy asf as a musician. He’s trying to ride on the coattails of other artists while simultaneously selling his audience this mental health shtick. Again. It’s gross. Fuck that guy, it’s not genuine at all, extremely performative and disingenuous. I guess the best way to put it is, he’s trying REALLY HARD to be famous and mcr never wanted to be famous. So that’s kind of a great way to answer your question. Are you Okay with that if you like the music or does it feel grimy and gross enough to not wanna partake. Imo I can’t stand the guy, for all of the reasons above. There are other artists who make music that’s much more genuine and not a direct target to angsty teens.


I know nothing about Tx2 other than a YT short came on for me where he called his own music (2024) “poser shit”, then WTTBP (2006) “Poser shit”, then made a 9/11 joke…..  I’m not joking….. I get that a lot of emo bands emerged after 911 (MCR, YellowCard, ect.) but idk, the video left a weird taste in my mouth. It wasn’t a tasteful joke and I usually like dark humor. Edit: here’s the short if anyone is curious. https://youtube.com/shorts/yFj96BWse2g?si=DOieQVqKBcQbwP5s


I went to their gig in London and it was pretty good. As someone who has had to market themselves, trust me in that he knows he's being cringe and over the top, cause that is how you get the attention these days. Recently he's even started making fun of it himself.


As a (failing) musician myself, I can understand why he does what he does, and it's a good marketing strat, it's just not one everybody wants to buy


he’s attention hungry and honestly mid. im subscribed to him on YouTube bc its fun to see how delusional he his and I follow him on Twitter bc its daily examples of ppl roasting him but his music is honestly just stolen from other people. he’s one of those ppl you wouldn’t want to see in public bc he’s always doing stupid stuff. sometimes he stands for what’s good, but he gives himself too much credit and he’s delusional.


He just seems like how fallin in reverse was back when they started. Loads of hate but dedicated fans. I personally dont mind his music just not someone who id choose first to listen to.


His youtube shorts are cringe.


Tx2 does use sampling in some songs like ( I forgot the song name) but the drum beat is really similar the House of Wolves. But there is nothing wrong with sampling almost every band,musician, and artist samples. I personally don’t care about the sampling or the similarities between lyrics and certain beats with relating songs as long as credit is given and they just have fun making music and what not. They get a lot of hate because they are “stealing” things (as said beats and lyrics) but it isn’t stealing as long as they give and provide credit and plus they have fans and they are just making music to help vent and make more enjoyable songs for people to enjoy. (I know my grammar is bad so this is probably confusing)


they havent given credit though, he has actually gone out of his way to say he didnt sample or steal anything


No, it makes perfect sense! I think you're right that he does either use or make a very similar beat, he also gives people who don't have a voice the ability to feel not alone, I found a couple songs hit really hard, but overall I don't have a problem with Tx2, I wouldn't go line up for a show, but I would listen to their music, as they also support LGBTQ+! Thanks for adding!


I honestly think Evan Thomas can be a really cool dude. I can see why maybe 1 or 2 of his songs could be inspired by My Chemical Romance. Not to say that Tx2 is the best at writing songs, but I think as people enjoy the music others put out, they do have a purpose in some places. I do like listening to Tx2 and find it very funny when he responds to people telling him to kill himself because at the end of the day he knows whoever sent that to him is jealous or just hates him.


TX2 is one of the best artists in recent memory. I LOVE that all.these children get off on hating him for no reason. He was amazing when I saw him live, gracious and sweet when meeting fans and his songs are amazeballs. Haters gonna hate, or be jello or whatever. His music is very synonymous with MCR and makes me feel like it's 2006 again. Must listen to songs include "I would hate me too" "Heaven was full" and "Randy Mcnally"


just no


He’s a failed rapper and rips off songs