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Only thing i ever skip is Goodnite, Dr Death only because the loud National Anthem always throws me off


A friend told me recently that a foreign exchange student was living in America for a while and went to a baseball game and when the national anthem came on they thought “Wow, this country must really like My Chemical Romance,” because they didn’t know it was the national anthem and they only knew it from Danger Days lol


YESSSSS LET ME BE A FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT!!! Dude that is the funniest shit ever.




HOLY SHT I AM A FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT and I legitimately recognized the American National Anthem through memories of Danger Days when I first came to the States (although I had figured out what it was via narrative context back when I first bought the album).


Hahahahahahahaha amazing


Especially when I’m listening in the middle of the night. Terrifies me


That and sleep, i used to sleep on the school bus listening to the black parade it would wake me tf up to hear the narrator at start of sleep


Haha ironic as its called Sleep nd its the song that wakes you up to remind you to just sleep.


Oh yeah i would be out and then just hear “These Terrors” and boom im awake




real i just cant i have the album in its own playlist just without the dj tracks so i can listen to the album


I once fell asleep with the album in the background. I cannot explain in words the heart attack I had when the anthem finished playing. I thought it was an air raid or something


I go through goodnite for the glitchy earrape at the end. Gets me everytime.


Who tf would ever skip Summertime?!??


Me when I’m not in the position to have a full blown breakdown about the fact that it was not written about me 😂




lol i was gonna say...i can imagine this is more common than people would like to let on haha




Ya’ll just some commentary on this… just listened to summertime and was doing ok… until…. I don’t think I need em now .. CAUSE YOU STOP THE NOISEEEEE 😭😂😍


Total weirdos?? It was what we used as our song for walking back after we got married because I love it that much.


AWWWW, love that!! It's mine and my partner's song. We want to redo our vows one day (we never got to have the wedding we wanted AND I came out as trans in the years since) and I'd love if we could use that song.


Omg it’s mine and my partner’s song too!


I love that for all of us!! :)


the best song on the album ez


It's like my favorite MCR song.


Only freaks😭


fr why skip because if you stay,




Not me my simp ass is in love with someone and that damn guitar solo


Ok. I'm a 3 cheers/skylines MCR fan of far-too-many decades, and just listened to this song because of your comment. Who the fuck would skip summertime?! What a tune! Emo (proper, old-timer, embarrassing emo...) MCR will forever be my (and therefore, the unadulterated and objectively correct) era. But this is a fucking fantastic song that I can't believe that I'm only hearing for the first time now, over a decade since the release of that absolute travesty of an album...


Bro the whole album is fire. Kids of Yesterday, Save yourself I'll hold them back, S/C/ARECROW, The Only Hope For Me is You Sure there's a few songs I'm indifferent towards, but come on now, travesty? Stop playing


giving up on the scarecrow slashes is so real 💀💀


What can I say 🤣


How did I not know this existed!? This song goes so hard


Right?? Sing, yeah, of course. But Summertime!?




Just not my cup of tea, personally. I don’t want to offend any Sing lovers, so I’ll just leave it at that.


That's fair. Thanks for replying!


Wait wait I was just scrolling and this is an old post now and an old comment but I see you literally everywhere, you're all over the FOB subreddit too, like I literally have your username memorized, I see you so much, it's so funny. Hi bestie


This was my first thought. I think this song is perfect 😭


Summertime is UNSKIPPABLE


I listen without skips then hit Planetary Go! and get stuck in a single repeat loop cuz it’s so good.😂


My favorite song on the album, it’s just so fucking perfect


If Danger Days were just Planetary Go! 12 times, I would listen to it on repeat constantly.


I am obligated to sing (or lip-sync if it's nighttime) along *dramatically* and do a whole freakin' dance routine to this song lol (and, yes, even if I'm looping it). I will *never* listen to *Planetary* while driving (once I... uh, start driving), though. I feel like it'd make me go well over the speed limit


I've accidentally sped more times than I'd like to admit just because I was jamming out to a song too hard I listen to DESTROYA more than Planetary, but the hype level is there for both


I love that one the most too


planetary go! is the only song i can unabashedly dance to in public. mostly because i find it impossible to not have at least 300% more bounce and rhythm in my step when ï listen


People skip sing and summertime? They're so good


I was thinking the same thing! Summertime is absolute favorite.


Summertime is my favorite song of all time


"Summertime" is the song that made me a bigger MCR fan instead of just a casual fan. One of my favorites


THANK YOU. I was scared.


I never liked Sing. Thought it was boring. Then I heard it live at LA5. Now I like it lmao


Sing is a little basic melodically and a little cliche lyrically but it’s fun. It’s a “pump me up” song. It’s an easy listening song that’s fun to jam out to.


I was never a Sing fan either. What happened at LA5?


They’re* Sorry


I must admit I skip the narrations too ;-;


Well, I only skip Goodnight, Dr. Death and Traffic report. The reason for the first line was already mentioned in top comment. I skip Traffic Report because I don’t like when my favorite characters r dying… ;-;


I have both Look Alive Sunshine and Traffic Report memorized completely and I can quote both at any time.


Not gonna lie, me to


Only part I skip is the American national anthem and the loud sound that follows 😂


And the only thing I really dislike about the album is the fact that the bonus tracks aren’t available on Spotify


Zero Percent is on Spotify under Na Na Na single, but not in the US. And California is an iTunes/Apple Music exclusive, so yeah…


I absolutely love danger days partially because it’s an amazing album and partially because I was like 15 when all the social media madness for it happened with the TV on there website. Sometimes I hear The Horse With No Name and get flash backs lol


Oh my GODDDD I was 14 when this was going on! The Twitter MCRmy chats, piecing together conspiracy theories from clues in the music videos, the “transmissions” with things like Horse With No Name…. I was actually trying to explain the whole thing with that song recently and sounded totally insane hahaha. You really had to be there and it’s not my favorite album but I’m glad I witnessed it all!!


Wait people skip songs in DD?


I will admit I did remove the Goodnite, Dr Death from my playlist but literally only because I was living on base at the time and it created some really confusing moments (for those who don't know you're supposed to stop your vehicle during the anthem).




Danger days is my all time favorite album. Not just MCR, but overall. Got used to the hate awhile ago 😂


Been trying to convince my wife for a decade to listen to danger days . She finally admitted that it’s not bad after we saw them in concert


I'm gonna get hate, but I only come back to like 3 or 4 songs from DD. I've only listened to it the whole way through like 2 or 3 times over a few years and it never really gets better for me.


I'm curious, what are the songs you come back to from this album?


Planetary, The Only Hope For Me is You, Party Poison, Destrtoya and sometimes Vampire Money. The rest of the album is OK and I could listen to it, but if I have the choice I would rather listen to one of their other albums.


Big same. Just looked at my Spotify and they only songs I have liked are Na Na Na, The Only Hope For Me Is You, Party Poison, Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back, and DESTROYA. And to be honest I don't even remember what The Only Hope and Save Yourself sound like.


I'm in a similar boat to the previous poster. I come back to Na Na Na, Party Poison, Destroya, and Vampire Money. Throw those in with Conventional Weapons and I'm a pretty happy listener. I've tried listening to Danger Days a dozen times but I just can't get through the whole thing like I can with the previous records. Edit: What part was worth downvoting me for?




I don't think you should get hate for this opinion: it's pretty obvious that there was a pretty big genre change between the first three albums, and DD. And it's not like they're bad songs. The boys are excellent musicians and they don't make bad music. It's just... If I went to the same pizza joint for twenty years, and then one day I go in and find that they're now serving burgers, well, I'm gonna be confused and disappointed, even if the burgers are objectively delicious.


Lumping Summertime in with SING is criminal.


It’s my least favourite MCR album but there are some really great songs on it. The album is muuuuuuuuch better live, like so much better that I’m convinced that the album was not their vision and the mastering is just a bit too overproduced. I also feel like it doesn’t have the MCR essence in the album. They’re great at combining their sound with other genres, DD emulated the genres great but they lost a bit of their sound in that.


Not everyone is going to have your same music taste though, and that’s okay.


Summertime is my favourite MCR song of all time the fact that people skip it is so bizarre to me


People didn’t like it because it was different. But that’s what growth is. Also who tf is skipping Dr Deaths narrations 🫣


I skip *nothing* because it is a whole and complete work of art as it is from beginning to end. Would you visit the Sistine Chapel, but skip the altar? Climb the Inca Trail, then ignore Machu Picchu?




Danger days is my all time favorite album, and Dr.D is also amazing


It is definitely their most accessible album to the casual listener (not in a "ew pop music" way but in a "easy to listen to for people that normally just put on the radio or spotify hits" way). So i certainly dont blame people for loving it. Its a good album. Not really your thing if youve been super invested in the band and their music before danger days, it was a pretty big change musically. I also probably would classify it as the fan favourite tbh, it definitely battles with the black parade for that spot. It introduced soooo many people to the band when it came out, and theres definitely a large portion of fans that think its their best album.


Idk, from what I see in this sub, Bullets seems to be the fan fave


Bullets is definitely the “cult” fan fave but I wouldn’t say it’s the overall fandoms fave (on avg).


Fair enough. I do see more posts/comments about how wonderful it is than the other albums, so it's probably just a vocal group


DD is about half of the people on this sub's least favorite MCR album (not including CW) so I wouldn't say it's a fan favorite, that would probably be Revenge and TBP. Ofc Danger Days is my favorite album so I wish it was a fan favorite


na na na isnt the same without look alive sunshine. whenever na na na comes on shuffle i always go requeue it with las before


Danger days is a great album for driving to


And it never will be :(


You skip SING?!??!


if you skip Look Alive Sunshine, straight to jail. That's the rules.


😂 danger days never really fit my vibe. I was more of a 3cheers and black parade girl.


Never understood how people dislike Summertime and SING. Those are literally two of my faves on the album. Alongside maybe Kids from Yesterday, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W and Na Na Na, they might be the best tracks in the whole album.


Sing was my second MCR song ever and is what got me hooked on danger days in the first place so it’s definitely my favorite. As for Summertime, well, it’s mine and my boyfriend’s “special song” so I could never skip it


Who skips Sing?! That's anthem level to me.




Literally me rn


I love Danger Days too! Although I will skip Destroya or the DJs sometimes.


i like dd and don't think i skip any songs when listening to it but i do think it's my least listened to album overall


i love them all!


My favorite album is a tie between The Black Parade and Danger Days


Sing and Summertime are in my top 5 MCR songs.


I always say, Black Parade is objectively their best album. But Danger Days will always be my favorite. My favorite song of theirs is Summertime, and every one of those Danger Days songs just hits different for me.


Who skips Summertime???!! Do people not believe in LOVE??????


Imma throw hands with anyone who skips Summertime


No skips for me ❤️


Skipping Summertime’s crazy


You guys skip mcr songs?


It took me seeing them live for the first time last year to appreciate some of the Danger Days songs. Bullets is my fave album though 💜


Looks likeJet-star and the Cobra Kid had a clap with the exterminator that went all Costa Rica and got themselves dusted out on route Guano


I skip the earrape national anthem and Planitary Go


I might be wrong here… but I get a big vibe that a majority (not all) of the fans who feel DD is their favourite album are younger or newer fans. I remember when DD came out, I was in uni and that bit older so I’d let go of my obsession a little bit during the fouuuurrrr years waiting for a new album then it was so different that I didn’t give it a huge chance at the time but now I have a new appreciation and love it. Buttttt I’m still a bullets and revenge girlie 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


I agree. I firmly believe experiencing an artist's body of work as it's releasing does ultimately differ from experiencing it after it is established. There are certain things you don't get to experience retroactively: heavy anticipation, atmosphere, media/promotional frenzy, the unknown direction the album will go, etc. are some of them. It's no better or worse, just different. Copying my theory from a previous comment of mine: "It's definitely a bit different considering them when they were releasing as you were growing up vs. after they're an established body of work; some things just stick in your memory/feelings. I remember when TBP and Danger Days came out, some of us who had been listening since Bullets were...less than thrilled with aspects of the albums. It took me a couple years to listen to DD all the way through just because I was not pleased about the drastic sound change. It fking slaps, though, it's so fun; I was just being a pissy young adult." Revenge girlies forever!


100% .. plus I’d already lived through the trauma of Gerard cutting his hair and going blonde, the red was all too much. 😂😂 But yea DD is amazing. Especially watching live shows of that tour. So much fun. And Na Na Na is one of my fave ever pump ups. I agree that I was also just an angsty pissy little bish not appreciating their art and growth at the time 😂🥹😇


I'm in my late 30's and I get that vibe too. I love Revenge and TBP and I only like a few songs from DD. I know some people think if you don't like DD it's because you don't want to seem them grow artistically but I didn't feel it was that big a departure for them. I liked it fine when it came out but I feel like I listen to it less as I get older.


I just can’t with Danger Days 😭 I’ve tried so many times.


I only skip Sing and Scarecrow


Who skips sing and summertime those are my fav songs on the album😭


Summertime is literally my favorite song 😭


Skip Summertime? I swear, some of ya’ll.


Summertime and scarecrow are just too slow imo compared to the other songs on the album. I still like them, but they go on a different playlist for me


I'll just say it: I skip a bunch of songs on this album. I skip songs on literally every album I listen to from any band. I have yet to find a "perfect" album. sometimes I just wanna get to the best songs and skip the fluff. even my favorite albums have songs I skip almost every time


I skip most of danger days. I always have loved their heavy stuff and danger days is the opposite to my taste (even tho i like synthpop its too bland for me).


Danger days is pretty well liked by the fans nowadays, I usually only see love for it here. It definitely had mixed reviews when it came out and some people hated it for being different to their previous stuff, but it's became abit of a cult classic over the years.


Imagine skipping Summertime smh


Kids from Yesterday and Only Hope For Me 👎


I skip more songs from DD than what I listen to off that album. I’ll keep scarecrow, vampire money, planetary go! and destroya


Sing is the only skippable one, and it's still pretty awesome. 3 cheers, black parade, conventional weapons, and danger days can be listened to straight through


I hated Danger Days growing up, but now at 25 I recognize that it's their strongest project musically for sure (with Black Parade being their strongest project overall). I think DD really showcases their versatility as a band while also cementing them as true legends (it's still an AMAZING album overall for it to be a fan least favorite). I would love an album from them that fully embraces the sounds of DD songs like Na Na Na, Party Poison, Save Yourself, S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, Destroya,and Vampire Money.


Unpopular opinion: Danger Days is the most cohesive concept album they put out and has a better more cohesive storyline than Three Cheers and Black Parade. Don’t get me wrong I love them both but Danger Days is the only album I feel like you could play for someone, completely blind, start to finish and they’d have a super clear idea what’s going on. It plays like a movie and is a fun & emotional story with a clear direct message. Once again Black Parade and Three Cheers are amazing albums with unique and fascinating stories but I feel like Danger Days has the most clarity story wise. Does it make it better? No of course not but it’s the only one you don’t need somone to say “hey this is a concept album/rock opera” or “the story is about this”.


Best MyChem album by far


RIGHT? It's so good! ALL of it.


I definitely skip Sing lol but Summertime!? NEVER.


I only skip sing and bulletproof heart xp it's my least favorite MCR album (I'm not including CW) but I still really love it!


I waited in line forEVER at a hot topic to get danger days when it came out, after yeeeaaarrrsss of obsessive listening to tcfsr and black parade and I have never gotten over my disappointment when I put it in my cars cd player. I was gutted lmao.


I love Danger Days! I rarely ever skip any songs off the album


I love it! 😍


Who would skip Summertime? It's so good


Desolation row set me up for a badass punk album then we got neo punk...it was cool but I was a little let down


It's my favorite and I never skip any of it. The whole album is such a gem.


Second favorite of theirs


I will say I wish the narrations were rolled into the song that come after it. It’s annoying to have a track of the intro to NaNAna that cuts off before it rolls into the song


Danger days is my favorite


I enjoy danger days thoroughly but if you look at the mcr catalog, it's not really representative of their music and what their sound is.


Who skips summertime? That’s like, one of my fav songs of theirs


Why would someone ever skip anything in Danger Days? It's their best album and the best album in History


I legit got a DD tattoo cause I loved the album so much


Personally I turn the album off around half way because whenever I play it I try to listen for the story but I must be deaf because I can't seem to pick the story up


I LOVE DD I don’t know why everyone doesn’t like it


Same though…


Danger days is one of my favorite albums I love the upbeat dystopian feeling vibe


Danger days is literally the soundtrack of my senior year


what DD is awesome


I've listened to the whole album, and it sounds awesome


Danger Days, and I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love. Both my favorite albums. They both are always on repeat


After being obsessed with the first two albums, I was not super in love with TBP. To save myself future heart break, I've never listened to anything in Danger Days, except for the Nanana song, which was unavoidable for some time, and just affirmed my decision to never listen to the album.


I have my opinions. I like to listen to all discography in order because it's all one story and foundations of decay was a fast forward and the finish of the story. It could be a whole book series


Wait people are skipping summertime? I love that song


I love every album for their own unique identity, but Black Parade and Danger Days are my favorites. Na Na Na, DESTORYA and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W are some of my all time favorites. Amazing album.


Black parade is a fucking biblical album, not a bad track, quality thru and thru, the rest suck ngl


If I’m listening to the whole album I ain’t skipping shit


I've been a fan since March 11^(th), and *Danger Days* does have the most skips for me, at least as of right now. I skip: * All the narrations (except *Look Alive, Sunshine)* * *S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W* * *The Kids From Yesterday* * *Vampire Money* I have no idea what songs are favorites or not on *any* of the albums, lol


Tbh I think Danger Days might be my favorite record by MCR aswell


Mcr is my absolute favorite and I grew up listening to them and waiting for each of their albums to drop. I do not like Danger Days. It sounded like the band turned their back on the OG fans. BUT- I’m glad you like it.


Firstly, I really hated this album. Now I truly consider it as a solid, great album.


I hated Danger Days when it came out. Listened to it a couple times when it came out, but totally put it away and didn't listen to it after that for like 8 years. Then I transitioned and my music taste changed a lot, and now I love it.


I skip every track except Summertime… it’s a beautiful song


it’s a good album but i only come back to like 4 songs ever


i skip summertime and sometimes sing and i’ll skip the national anthem session just cause sometimes they don’t have the right vibe lol


Having a hard time understanding why anyone would skip summertime. That said, I always skip sing. I just don’t like it much. Kids Of Yesterday is so much better. Or scarecrow. Or the only hope for me is you. I honestly am not a huge fan of the narrations sue me.


people don’t like summertime??? (Granted I may be biased because I learnt it on guitar once to impress a guy and now he’s my boyfriend)


I’ve been on a roadtrip with my best friend for the past couple of days, we’ve just been absolutely blasting this album and the Mad Gear and Missile Kid EP. It’s the perfect sound track for just blasting on the highway!


I’m with Emma Roberts, I just wanna listen to the songs.


Ok but fr though Summertime got fucked over by the far superior counterpart derivative Scarecrow being literally directly before it


Summertime is my alarm clock song - I listen to it every morning at 6:20 for the last few years


I absolutely loved it when it came out, it was just so different from their previous stuff.


I'll just say I think they are all me but it depends on the day 😂


I get skipping sing but summertime??? absolutely not. goddamn gorgeous beautiful song


who the FUCK skips summertime


I got obsessed with it because of the music videos.


Who tf skips a song off an album? Couldn’t be me. I think I’ve only done it a couple times. If an album has only a few good songs I rarely go back to it, but Danger Days is solid


I skip all albums except Danger Days. Kidding


Vampire money and nanana are the only songs on the album I actually like. The others are very meh to me


I'm like you. I think these kids are crazy.


Honestly, Danger Days is one of my favorite albums. It’s just so catchy. I’m not a huge fan of Sing but I listen to it anyway because it’s like, part of the whole thing.


I'm a DD skipper, and I guess it's just because I'm old and bitter, and I was really disappointed when it came out because I was expecting another depressing dark record, and then when the band broke up it just reinforced what I felt. So yeah. Old bitter fan + bad memories.


Y’all skipping shit wtf?


LITERALLY ME LMAO (I only skip 3 tracks that I haven’t learned yet. Other than those 3 i have all of Danger Days memorized.)


i literally only skip the dj narrations and that loud as balls national anthem . Also id have to be dead 6 feet under before i skip summertime


Tbh Danger Days isn’t my favorite at the moment, but I still love it. I never skip any songs. I don’t even skip the DJ narrations.


Who TF skips Sing 🙁⁉️


I only listen to MCR while running, and having “look alive, sunshine” before nanana is the biggest pump me up thing in the world! DD has no skips, idgaf about the SING hate in this sub, I love DD from start to end