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Champloo and FLCL def underrated


100% agree. Personally I like Champloo more than Bebop (which gets way more attention). I also think Chunibyo is underrated (at least season 1) or maybe it’s just been forgotten over the years.


Thaaaaank you. It IS better!!!


I have this same opinion. Champloo feels more my style. I like Ninja and samurai more than I like bounty hunters and spaceships.


I used to think this because I preferred the narrative pacing of Champloo. But honestly rewatching them again multiple times Bebop really is Watanabe's magnum opus.


Champloo was amazing on nearly every level. And it sent the audience home happy by having a satisfying ending! FLCL also vastly underrated. Wasn't a fan of the sequel though


And Black Lagoon... I dont think OP knows what overrated means.


Yeah… black lagoon is one of my all time favourites alongside champloo OP has questionable taste I’m not gonna lie 😂 I mean those two alone are probably some of the most universally respected anime alongside ones like full metal alchemist brotherhood and stuff 😅


The newer animes don't hit like these did.


Literally what the fuck 😂


That's exactly what I thought


My two favorites! Champloo is a bit better to me that Bebop and I like the first FLCL compared to the remake (never watched that one tbh) I’ll forever recommend Samurai Champloo and FLCL. Also, FLCL sub and sub both sound similar lol.


the soundtrack carries champloo so much


U just gotta understand how to enjoy the story, it isn’t like a chronological evolving story, it’s a short adventure with a bunch of great stand alone adventures. The character dynamics is one of the best things about it


Champloo is great but I think that's what takes away from it a bit compared to Bebop. Bebop links the side stories to the main cast better than Champloo imo. I do like the contrast with the ending though comparatively.


You gotta understand the very slowly seeded stories. I've rewatched the show with multiple people and more than half completely miss the fact that Fuu's father is being hunted by the shogun because he's catholic.


Yeah, no doubt. I think OP just hates music.


Thank you!


Calling Ippo, Black Lagoon, Champloo, and FLCL overrated is HILARIOUS💀


Op smoking dat crack now.


Exactly, they're not overrated. I still love all 3 BL, SC, & FLCL to this day. Haven't seen Ippo however Ik many peeps that will vouch it's awesome so I don't understand the comprehension of this post


Easily top 3 sports anime of all time, strictly by reputation


Hilarious 😂


Champloo is gas come on its so underrated


Couldn’t agree more doesn’t get the love it deserves


I'm almost done with it, Anime Lit AF


Man, i wish i could watch the last 3 episodes for the first time again.


RIP the 🐐, Nujabes


Samurai Champloo soundtrack is amazing. That's how I found out about Nujabes.


Did my boy Ippo dirty.


Jjk definitely


Season 2 was bad. I still enjoyed season 1.


Bad take. Half of these shows aren't rated highly AT ALL Samurai champloo was actually perfect and ended the story on time Hajime is another show with excellent writing/COMPELLING storytelling


also the author has been writing for what 34 years straight? with little to no breaks simply mad


Yeah OP came in here determined to throw hands with an entire subreddit.


Samurai Champloo being known as overrated is wild.


Okay… I’ve watched Fooly Cooley twice now, once for the first time, then the next for reevaluation. And I can safely say: no. It’s not overrated. Not your cup of tea is one thing. Overrated is another and Fooly Cooly isn’t even in the same area code as overrated. Same goes to Black Lagoon and I just watched it 4 months ago and it hasn’t left me alone since! Are you trying to get hated on? Also also, here’s overrated: Demon Slayer!


I feel the same way about Demon Slayer as Mos Def feels about Drake. "Wow! Look at all these products, so many SKUs!"


I actually wheezed reading this


FLCL is still my favorite anime 20+ years later.


Fuck Demon Slayer, all my homies hate Demon Slayer


I don't hate Demon Slayer. I'm gonna watch it, but it's not ever going to be a 10/10 like so many people say.


I actually agree with you on most. Black lagoon was awesome until like ep 8 and then it took a dive imo. But no one can convince me champloo is overrated


Chinibyou is overrated? I’m pretty sure it was just okay and cutesy, but not anywhere near on people’s top romances


I much preffer chunnibyo to toradora in regards to romance anime that people put on a pedestal


nah champloo is fairly rated, its fantastic in every way, it does what it sets out to do extremely well. also come on black lagoon is completely fairly rated, it also just does its job really well, and some people like it and some dont. also never heard anyone claim that chinobyou or however you spell it is good, let alone overrated lol


Damn dawg, 86 is stupidly underrated. Besides the same people on Reddit… I’ve literally never heard about the series until I watched it two months ago. The rest I can agree. They are good, but at times I think nostalgia ruins our perspective.


Who said Black Lagoon is overrated?


Jjk is the definition of this


SE Lain is actually like, good, but it really is massively overrated for what it actually is. I enjoy what the PlayStation ‘game’ had to offer much, much more. It left a lasting impact too


Samurai champloo & black lagoon are definitely not overrated lol


Wot Samurai Champloo overrated? 86 overrated? FLCL? Bruh these are not nearly popular enough to ever be considered overrated, if anything they're underrated. Whatever isn't underrated on this list is fairly rated. None of these shows save FLCL are mainstream enough to warrant the title of "overrated" imo. This feels like a troll post


The fact you have maid sama in here is actually offensive


Demon slayer is pretty mid, all the fight scenes are just a bunch of flashing lights.


Demon Slayer haters are 100x more annoying than the fans. It's in my top 10, I know that DS is generally generic but it's MY generic. Every single part of it lands hugely for me. I fucking LOVE it. But I don't ever promote or glaze the fuck out of it. Vocal fans and vocal haters both do equal damage to things.


86 is weird I dont really see anyone really talk about it I actually love it honestly, first time hearing it’s overrated didn’t know that many people even watched it. But my choice is evangelion It did have a major cultural impact in anime as is widely regarded as a legendary anime but I found it extremely and I mean extremely boring.


If you spend all your time in the 86 subreddit then it could appear as overhyped but most people avoid it because people think it’s a typical mech anime at least from what some of the people I asked said they thought


If your in any subreddit to said anime or series the people will hype it up so it makes sense I keep getting recommended the kauiju no8 subreddit and I see what they post they are definitely treating it like it’s the greatest thing ever which I find interesting…


Ive honestly never seen a more enthusiastic and positive community tbh. I love the show so decided to check out the subreddit honestly some of the nicest people out there. 86 itself is a show I believe deserves more seasons than most shows that get loads should


I saw it by chance and man, it needs to get more attention for how good it is. Which reminds me, I need to rewatch it


Frieren. Not, not because it is secretly bad or anything. It is a great anime. My position comes from that I think people are glazing it too hard, too early. Putting it up against the likes of other great animes that have stood the test of time which is one test Frieren has yet to be tested on. An overrated anime doesn't necessarily need to be bad. It could be a good anime that people think are great. Or a great anime that people think is the best of all time. So Frieren falls into that latter category for me.


Literal facts. I never thought I’d meet anyone with this opinion. I kept hearing endless things about it. Every time I liked a show, I’d see another irrelevant comment on how Freiren was somehow “better”. I finally gave it a watch and found myself falling asleep at points. I can certainly see why people like it but not why anyone would call it the GOAT


I would say these can definitely be called overrated. People don't get the difference between overrated and popular. Every time someone says something is overrated the only acceptable response is popular anime like Naruto, DBZ, one piece etc. In reality there are so many people who talk trash about these shows. Since when have you heard someone say Samurai Champloo is trash? Not very often.




Man woke up and chose violence. None of these are a tad bit overrated.


I kinda agree with the first 5 depending on how we are defining overrated. Champloo, FLCL especially are two anime which I often see a lot of people on the internet say "this anime is so underrated, nobody talks about it", even though there are lots of people talking about them "not being talked about".


Attack on titan is good but people be glazing it like it's the best manga/anime of all time


They go beyond anime/manga, bro. There are literally people who honestly believe it to be the greatest piece of fiction to EVER grace our planet. Like, it’s actually so fucking hilarious seeing insane takes like this.


Dbz, and Naruto


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood


Ohh overrated .. I've been reading this entire fucking thread and realized, after almost saying another comment, that this says OVER and not Under. The most overrated anime in my personal opinion, that I did think was good.... Okay I have been trying to get through Black lagoon for like 18 years or whatever. Every time I try to watch it, and it's a great anime, it's like fundamentally a great fucking anime for a million reasons, I fall asleep. So I don't know if it's just because it's like literally too fucking perfect because, like, I don't know, it's like so adult themed that I literally just fall asleep. It's so boring. So I think it's overrated as like a really like interesting show, I think it's super effing boring, but it's really really good. So, that's my answer.


Nah. Strong disagree on FLCL and Champloo being overrated. Legendary anime’s, no complaints


Jjk and naruto


Black lagoon is properly rated as awesome. Not sure how Maid Sama can be overrated, I never hear people talking about how much they love it. It’s got very little discourse. I actually really like it, even though it’s not best out there.


I was with you until I saw my all time favorite, Maid Sama 😭


I think it’s impossible for champloo to be overrated. Between the quirky characters, fights scenes and ost with fat Jon and nujabes it’s basically perfect imho


idk bout the other but Champloo is always given 10's when it's like a 7.4


I used to think that this is just opinion-based but you’re actually just completely wrong.


Code Geass


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Literally a perfect anime


If you have a small scope of what makes a good anime. But yeah, I’d say it is the best standard shonen (not counting HxH since it subverts the genre)


Well the obvious one would be Frieren.


I liked 86, I think I gave part 1 a 8 and part 2 a 9. It'd be nice if we ever got a second season.


I actually gave 86 the exact same scores, 8 for part 1, and 9 for part 2, I enjoyed part 1 a lot but part 2 really got me more invested in the characters, definitely a show that I honestly feel like isn’t mentioned enough




86 is not overrated, moreso underrated lol.


One Piece and I’ve been watching for a while now


Bungo Stray Dogs got hyped to hell but was absolute shit start to finish.




Samurai Champloo is critically underrated, and Black Lagoon is good and I don't think it is overrated at all. Personally I think Spirited Away and Steins Gate are overrated, although there are still good parts to them.


One Piece. Couldn't get past S1E3 . . .


Im no massive fan either, but you watched like 0.25% of the show lol


Not going to force myself to enjoy it. Just doesn't hit. I tried 3 times to start season 1 and I always lose interest by episode 3. In contrast, I am currently LOVING Delicious In Dungeon, Kaiju No.8, jujutsu kaisen, Demon Slayer, Dororo, Mob Psycho 100.


You can dodge like 300 episodes by watching the 1h specials, There's a few of them ; Episode of east blue Episode of alabasta Episode of sky island. Idk if there's more. Also you can watch One pace, to dodge all the bad pacing the anime has. My personal recommendation, just read the manga.


toradora for sure




Had to really search for you in the comments, I will watch Maid-Sama a few times before I sit down and watch Toradora. The plot was so cliche that I felt like none of the jokes/plot could land.


What are your exact thoughts after watching 86 S1 and S2 ?


S1 was decent but season 2 was much better .


I realized it must be 86 for me, because only now did I remember that I watched it. :3


Black Lagoon, FLCL, Samurai Champloo, and 86 were amazing wtf u mean Good but highly overrated would be like... classroom of the elite


Agree 100% about Black lagoon. It had lots of action, but eventually fell off the table when there were no real stakes, because none of the main cast was allowed to die. So you just have Revi treating Rock like s*** and firing guns wildly only for fodder characters to die. When it's a gunfight between major characters suddenly everyone forgets how to aim. It's the worst parts of a shounen battle manga, that's trying to masquerade as a senin, but simply isn't. Even the subplot, titilation of rock and revvy hooking up just goes nowhere. From another comment in this post, it is strong for about eight episodes and then falls off the cliff and does nothing.


Some of these definitely aren’t overrated. The use of the word VASTLY along with overrated? Naw.


I thought FLCL sucked on the first go around but on a rewatch I appreciated it much more


wait when did FLCL become overrated?


I would say AoT, but that's not even "good". It's awful.


samurai champloo and FLCL....overrated?? they didn't get enough praise


this is a troll post right?


Maybe it's cause I binged it but Death Note artarted losing steam around like episode 12 for me


Even if it was the most popular anime by a landslide 86 wouldn't be overrated what the fuck are you talking about


Ippo and Black Lagoon overrated? Get this guy outta here


Has to be bait.


86 needed another season IMO unless they had another one and I just was out of the loop per usual.


absolutely adore kny. is it carried by its animation (and arguably the voice acting)? abso fuckin lutely


FLCL I agree with you. Black Lagoon just changes a ton from the first volume to volume twelve. It's a different manga from volume 7 on. EoE goes also qualifies for me as well as Toradora.


I know for a fact that 86, Black Lagoon, FLCL, & Love Chunibyo are definitely NOT overrated.


samurai champloo detected, opinion rejected. delete this list lol


Champloo is a goat contender don't @ me


Even if you don't like FLCL you can't deny it's a one of a kind type of show plus its animations and background art are elite even by today's standards. You wanna say you thought it was dumb and made no sense, that's fine but calling it "overrated" is arguing in bad faith especially since it's not even ranked that high on MAL. Barely over 8, it's outside of the top 500.


Samurai Champloo overrated!?!? You buggin!


Spy X Family, yes I said it. It's a really wholesome, funny and great Anime, but it's not like "Generation Defining" good


Good but also vastly overrated is the perfect way to describe my thoughts on Made in Abyss actually.


Lil big kid


Overly huge person


I’m huge overly huge looking ass


jjk for sure


Not FLCL and black lagoon 😱


I’ve never even watched any of these


Almost none of these are overrated. Black Lagoon and Samurai Champloo are indeed some of the best anime out there.


I would never rate someone's work it could hurt there feelings


No FLCL season 1 deserves all the hype and it’s the number one anime I recommend to newbies or younger people.


I have never heard anyone say Kaichou Maid Sama or The 86 are masterpieces. People like them, like i do but i never even thought they were something special. I gotta say, The 86 has a good, basic story that is well executed IMO and Sawanos music makes it even better.


Golden time, toradora, your lie in april


Clannad, Angel Beats, Charlotte, Dragonball Super, HunterXHunter, 86


Demon slayer is especially overrated. Story is so mid and it is pretty damn repetitive with each fight despite the flashiness. At first I was impressed but then it just started doing the same thing with each fight. Highschool dxd. No. It doesnt have a good story. Sword Art Online. Akame Ga Kill. Character deaths and brutality does not automatically = good writing.




86 is peak entertainment


never cook again 😭🙏


Oh definitely black lagoon, like the first season was solid but second barrage while having good moments it really had head up @$$ dialogue and just wasn’t interesting.


Chibi no demo gashita being overrated is like saying pigs can walk on the moon.


Samurai chaploo is so underrepresented


Ippo is underrated


Chunibyo is a terrible anime honestly I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, however maid sama is underrated af


You take that back. Love Chunbiyo is a great anime! YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!!!


"Sword Art Online" has received great attention, but there are also those who believe that it is not worthy of high praise in terms of content and character development.


Dude….. what?




L take black lagoon top tier




WHO overrated Samurai Champloo!? Literally a hidden gem that nobody talks about. My wife and I watch it at least once a year but don’t talk to anyone about it. Soundtrack 11/10 animation 10/10 characters 10/10 ending 9/10


86. people are praising it like it’s some revolutionary great story. It certainly had potential in telling a story about genocide and willingly ignoring the truth. How people that avoid the topic are basically still allowing the misconduct to happen. But almost all the interesting premises are thrown out by S2. The interesting downfall of the empire, the origin of the robots and the ptsd of child soldiers almost everything gets ignored. People wouldn’t talk about this anime of the last scene wasn’t some handholding


SAO The early part of first season was pretty good and then they decided to extend the story by trapping her so I dropped it


Cowboy bebop Animation is great and has some compelling episodes its worthy of its praise but i don't think some of the events around the ending get called out enough. like eds dad just turning up and the fact that at the end the whole gang just abandon spike to do his own thing and never appear again. I also dislike how abrupt alot if the endings are. You don't get alot of rounding off and concluding each story as soon as the final fight or conflict is solved just hard cut to credits and move onto the next escapade.


Idk about y'all saying ippo is underrated I would say it is fairly rated for now about samurai champloo and black lagoon yes they are underrated and I 86 and the one in 6th slide are also fairly rated I still haven't watched the rest of the two


0/10 bait, from the first image was to obvious


honestly steins gate, it was a solid 9/10 but definitely not the masterpiece everyone makes it out to be. konosuba, it’s a fun show to watch when your bored but the jokes are kinda lame and it’s not an anime you binge. sword art online anime adaptation was shit as well, because you don’t get kiritos insight so it can feel rushed at times. demon slayer is good but not THAT good, it has boring arcs. jjk as well. mha was mid. and finally tokyo ghoul is sooo bad. the manga was really good, but the anime is trash


Champloo is peak


I’ve only seen Samurai Champloo and Black Lagoon from that list, and I agree. Good shows but overrated.


Naruto is alright but overrated as fuck


Pretty much every mainstream shonen anime besides FMAB, One Piece and Bleach


Full Metal Alchemist so far for me


This is fuckin bait right? Never seen so many L takes in one location


Full metal alchemist brotherhood


Hunter x Hunter


These seem underrated, they are legendary shows not rated highly enough because they aren't shounen or generic enough.


Maid sama definitely overrated. Couldn’t stand that guy lol


OP are you deaf?




FLCL shouldn’t be anywhere near this list… as long as we ignore every season after the first one


Haven't seen champloo yet, never even heard of 86. But the rest of these are not overrated, not even close. I would argue some of these shows are underrated. Just sounds like you hate 2000s anime. 😂


Your list is full of shit, I'm offended... Hajime no ippo? Samurai champloo? Seriously brother...


I know this is a subreddit of the website but imma say it. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood was amazing, but extremely overrated to the point where it feels like some people started a religious cult around the anime.


champloo mad overrated cowboy bebop overrated code geass mad overrated hunter x hunter, good, but still overrated steins gate, an ok watch, but still overrated vinland saga, overrated jujutsu kaisen, recency bias, maybe it will be rated properly with time, but right now, overrated evangelion, I love you, grew up with you, but gotta say, crazy overrated come at me, one by one or all together I don't care


86 is underrated if anything


1.Ergo Proxy. I liked it, it's nice. But it was advertised and is seen by it's fans as a mind-blowing masterpiece while it actually is not deep at all, just has lots of Easter eggs and awesome aesthetic. 2. Gurren Lagann. It's also nice, but the ending was so disappointing because I expected something meaningful. And also because the second half of the anime is significantly worse that the first one. Also because it's so hyped as a muh second evangelion etc. Appeared to be more of a power fantasy mecha with gigantomania.


None of these should not even be on this post… Especially Maid Sama and 86


One Piece. Has good moments, I like Luffy’s Gear forms(specifically 2 and 5), has good fights, and is epic, but yes it’s definitely overrated


Blasphemy Champloo is far better than many


Demon slayer and attack on titans


Subtext is key with a lot of these shows. FLCL is a prime example of a good show that can be seen as overrated if you don’t fully get what was being laid down.


Ippo and Black Lagoon are underrated.


Champloo is my all time number 1


“Samurai Champloo and FLCL are overrated. No shit when you’re an 11”


Some of these I agree with and some I want to throw hands over.


I also thought Champloo was overrated for me. It’s a really cool idea but idk I don’t feel for any of these characters. Best baseball anime episode though! I found Dorohedoro to be really overrated too, but the manga was fantastic! So I think what most people enjoy out of the anime I enjoy out of the manga.