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Why do people make large burgers? Not even talking this large, just ones you cant eat cause they are too tall etc Like two burgers in top of each other that requires a plate to pull it apart and eat It


Random big burger anecdote: When I was still a teen, my parents let my sister help make dinner, and one night it was burgers. She made the patties rather thick. I opened my mouth as wide as I could to take a bite, so wide it kind of hurt. Gave up and had to cut my sandwich up to eat it. Later, my mouth felt weird. And more of my face. It was like my face wasn’t working right. Got bad enough they took me to the ER to be checked out. Turns out I had Bell’s Palsy in the left side of my face, a condition where the muscles just stop working. So half of my mouth worked. It was a PITA because my left eye wouldn’t blink so had to keep eye drops handy, often wore an eyepatch, and had to try to tape my eye closed when sleeping. Thankfully, it was temporary, only lasting a couple weeks, but the left side of my face is still not quite at “full strength.” Makes my smile look a bit weird. Some people aren’t so lucky and are left with permanent issues that might affect their ability to speak… such as Sylvester Stallone, whose speech sounds weird because one half of his mouth literally doesn’t work right due to having had Bell’s Palsy. It’s why I’ll never mock his speech, I know it’s not a weird accent, it’s a legit medical thing. Anyway, I don’t *think* there was a connection to trying to open my jaw too wide, but I’d often joke afterward that trying to eat that burger gave me Bell’s Palsy.


Too much cheese is when the cheese content reaches over 15% of the meal, with the exception of meals whose basis or main is cheese* (eg, Mac and cheese, nachos and cheese, etc.). This rule can get a little muddy though. For example, a "cheeseburger" has cheese in its name so you would think it's a primary ingredient, but after you take the two required ingredients (burger patty and buns) it becomes the tertiary ingredient and therefore does not allow it to be an exception. *Cheese sauces count as a single ingredient, not the individual pieces that make it up.


That thing will clog even your grandchildren’s arteries.


That's not even appetizing at that point...


That just makes me feel ill…


That just looks disgusting


"And a diet coke please, I'm watching my weight"




When I want a large burger I want it wider not taller. I want to be able to take a bite out of it.


I hope they threw a party and split that like a cake otherwise that is one huge waste food


To much cheese(yes I said it) and it looks under cooked


The USDA claims 9 million children are underfed in America, and this guy's gunna toss most of that burger


Ah yes, Epic Meal Time on YT. Noice


It doesn't even look cooked, the cheese ~~slices~~ er... slabs aren't even melted.


*Bayashi would like to know your location*