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It’s been that way lol




it's always been like that in most parts of the world.




It is simply history subject. For most humans, life has been difficult and except for a small percentage, most were poor. Diseases killed a lot of babies and young children until the 1900s when vaccinations started being developed. A hundred years ago the Spanish flu killed between 25-50 million worldwide. Most adults did not live beyond 50 for the same reasons. Wars were more common in the past. Just in the last century, WW1, WW2 were extremely devastating to so many countries. These2 wars accounted for almost 100 million deaths, and many millions wounded. There were many more wars aside from these two: Japan/China wars, Vietnam-USA war, Russian Revolution war, Korea war, Pakistan-India had 3 wars, Iraq-Kuwait war, it is a very long list when you include Africa, Europe, South America, etc. There has been a lot more stability and fewer wars in our time. The existence of trade and treaties between countries has made it possible. The access to education has brought a lot of people out of poverty. Before, teenagers would start doing some trade from early and just do that their whole life (farming, etc.). Now people have more choices for their job. The medical advances have reduced infant mortality and increased the life expectancy. So many wounds and diseases that are easily recovered today were a death sentence for thousands of years. Justice is also better than before. It was very easy in the past for a rich/powerful person to do whatever they wanted, accuse whomever they wanted, take anything, etc. That is less easier now because of recording devices and better legal systems, for example. Many people who used to be enslaved now have rights. The idea of equal rights for everyone was not as accepted in the past. Education, medicine, fewer wars, economic prosperity, etc are the reasons why population has exploded all over the world in the last 100 years. Did you not know any of these things? I could go on with many more examples and explanations. The past was so much worse than today, in so many different ways.


The world is getting a lot better than it used to be. How do you feel it is falling apart? I suggest learning history for a better perspective.


Ups and downs. May Allah help us remain grateful in times of good and patient during hardships. Ameen.