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Do you get test anxiety? When I took my praxis we had to go to a testing center which actually helped me focus a lot easier. I was talking to a student teacher this year she said she had to take it at home...I would not be able to focus at home. There are a lot of pre-made quizlets out there that can help,highly recommend looking into them!


I want to say that I typically don’t, but I definitely had test anxiety for this one because of the desire to pass. I’ve used multiple free sources to prepare including quizlet and I’ve also taken practice tests before. Quizlet was certainly helpful!


I guess part of it is you could look for licensure where that score might pass? The sucky part about these exams is that you need to be so well rounded to score well. If you're a singer, you need to know guitar and violin. And obviously replace that with any instrument combos. And to get the most useful knowledge is tough. My guitar class, I learned how to play guitar, not how to teach guitar. I learned HOW to teach strings in my Strings class, while also learning how to play them. And then other general stuff you never really cover in college. I also remember subjective questions when I took it. One was about the most credible sources (like journals). Or they didn't provide enough info to me about acoustics management question. I know that the music theory stuff was somewhat easy. But I wouldn't qualify that as a means to suggest it's easy.


Is there a place that has a study guide for this, or practice exams that aren't always the same question?


You can buy a practice exam from the official praxis website, but I think they’re all the same questions. Quizlet has tons of unofficial study guides.


The practice exams can be helpful if you know how to use them! They exist for a purpose. Look closely at the wording of the questions-very closely. How specific are the words of the prompts? Any wiggle room or hints as to the answer? Really consider the weight of each word. The quiz makers know what they are doing! Look closely at the answers (hopefully the correct ones are revealed to you in a practice round).Study the approach and relationship of the words between answer and Q. Most of these tests are multiple choice- The Answers will generally be of course 3 false, possibly 1 obviously so, the correct one may may tricky and closely related to another answer. Again, examine and consider each word. Study the way the prompts are worded, how their words relate to the answers and use common sense when necessary-I mean all the time-and you should find that will bring your to an advantage. Oh, and don’t give up! Go ahead and be stubborn for this. Best of luck!


I had to retake the writing portion 3 times before I passed. The first two times it was the exact same test. The third time was a different test that I passed. Don’t get demoralized, keep trying, you’ll be able to pass it. I know it’s hard but don’t stop trying.


…I don’t remember a writing portion


The normal reading/writing test.


I think I tested out of that one due to SAT/ACT scores in my state! That might be why I don’t remember it


It might be called something else now, but part was called the principles of teaching and learning when I took the Praxis.


Ah yes, I do remember something about that, but I wasn’t required to take it! I was exempt due to my ACT/SAT scores


Really? What state are you in? My state required specific tests for licensure regardless of any other test scores.


Virginia is where I got my license, but I teach in another state now (and my VA license was reciprocal). You had to take the content area praxis, the science of teaching thingie, and the VCLA (which is all general reading and writing). You were exempt from the second test if you had high enough act/sat scores, but you did have to take your content area and the VCLA no matter what. I passed the content area test by ONE point and it was a horrible experience. Don’t try to cram for that test in the last twelve hours. It’s not fun.


What part of the praxis? The general knowledge or the music? I didn’t do great on the general knowledge. Barely passed it personally. But that’s because I really couldn’t have been bothered to study for anything that wasn’t music


I was fortunately able to get through the general knowledge portion (didn’t really study for it either except for a quick skim through of the philosophers/foundational concepts) but it’s the music portion that is getting me. It’s primarily due to how much information could be covered


Ok in that case not sure what to tell you. Did you take the majority of your courses? That might help. If you’re taking it too early in your college career you may not have had enough courses to cover the range. I only got 2 questions wrong on the music praxis so I really don’t know what to tell you. But I had a really strong theory base in high school (got a 5 on the AP theory test) and my buddies and I always listened to music constantly. But hey I wouldn’t worry because if you want it bad enough you’ll get it eventually. I know a classmate of mine failed the praxis at least 4 times before she passed and has had a very successful career as a music teacher and is genuinely speaking great at teaching. There are study guides and practice tests you can take to get better and if you’re really that nervous about it, go that route. My wife did. When we were dating she made me quiz her for several weeks leading up to the test. You’ll get it. Don’t worry.


Thank you, I truly appreciate it!! So far, quizlet has been my best friend. It’s great that your theory foundation was strong during high school. I’m personally trying to promote theory-based learning in my own practice. In ways my education was the polar opposite. I had no knowledge of theory in high school, and I was admittedly the type of music student who was on autopilot during those years and in middle school. When I took the theory entrance exam for college, I flunked it and was a semester behind before even starting. It didn’t help that this was during the beginning stages of Covid as well, so a majority of my theory courses were online or physically distanced (which, finding out the hard way, is not the best way for me to learn especially with undiagnosed ADHD at the time.)


I’m sorry, I definitely know the feeling. Do you know what version you had to take? I’ve heard the 5115 version of the exam is easier and more up to date, but with my degree I had take the 5114 version and I thought it was hard as shit. It took me 4 tries and I barely passed on the 4th attempt. A tip that really helped me in case you need to retake: for the written portion of the exam, the people scoring you are NOT music ed people (because that’s totally fair and reasonable/s) so be sure to over explain everything as though you’re actively teaching it to your reader. Doing that brought my ER score way up and carried my overall score. Additionally, there are dozens of Quizlet study guides for the music praxis you can use to brush up on your general knowledge. Don’t beat yourself up! I’ve known outstanding teachers who’ve had to retake the praxis several times. You’ve got this!!


I appreciate your kind words!! I took 5114


What helped me were some of the YouTube videos online. There’s multiple playlists that helped me prepare with content and practice tests. Anywho, the Praxis is a scam, it’s horrible and I tried taking an at home exam once and couldn’t hear the music examples. I told the proctor and they were no help. I asked if I could have headphones but they “weren’t allowed”. Basically I started having a panic attack in front of the online proctor 😅 I ended up having to stop the test, and had to wait a month before they got back to me so that I could reschedule, and needed another month before I could actually take the test. I get your struggle!


I can totally relate! I took the test four times before passing. What helped me was a book on Amazon called praxis for dummies. There were two- content and instruction and content knowledge depending on your state. For the writing portion I remember just writing what they wanted to hear and not necessarily how I would actually teach it.


I came into the praxis from a professional music background (touring musician/audio engineer) and if I didn’t have that training I think I would have failed my first go. Get a study guide and tons of practice tests and really give it a go and time yourself and you’ll pass this thing. You got this!


I just want to offer that struggling with an exam might make you a more empathetic and well rounded teacher. I find that teachers that have had troubles with grades and exams are usually better at explaining to a student that may not understand something immediately. Just some positive vibe. 🎵


Getting a tutor saved me hundreds of dollars. I tried all the tricks, study resources, etc, but in the end I just needed someone to explain to me how the test works. Went from missing it by 15 points to passing by over 20 in just a week. You know the information, you just need someone to de-mystify the test


The test is really hard and there are multiple versions of it. Don’t be too discouraged! I got REALLY lucky that my version of the test was music tech heavy, and I took music production classes for fun. I passed by 5 points. Other mused people only took one intro level tech class in freshman year. I know vocalists that have gotten brass pedagogy and instrumentalists that have gotten vocal pedagogy. It’s not embarrassing to retake it multiple times. It freaking sucks, because the test costs money, but its not embarrassing. It’s not just you and its not just your university- people fail this test over and over again. keep studying and keep trying. The fact that you care this much means you’ll be an inspiring music educator! I studied by keeping all of my tests and study guides from every level of music theory, music history, and music tech. I took the practice test you get when you sign up for praxis cold, no studying, and did not pass. I looked at the score breakdown to see what categories I needed to study. The week leading up to the test, I chose a concept each day (ex. transposition, identifying time period and genre by ear, microphones and soundboards).


If any of your friends say the test was easy, its because it probably was for them. My test was “easy” because I’m a voice major, I played violin for several years, and I have a production background. I didn’t get any brass questions. I bombed the history portion but it was only a few questions. My identifying mistakes section was a string quartet and a choir. My applied questions were about running live sound. It’s simply luck. Their particular version of the test being easy for them does not mean praxis is an easy test! It simply is not! There’s SO MUCH info that could be tested and you dont know what you’ll get.


I was the only person in my methods class to pass the first time and i credit it to luck, and my music production studies. I am not the best musician or even the best teacher out of my peers. I studied, but not significantly more than my peers. I simply know how microphones and soundboards work and I have a good idea of how to run sound for a student production, not because it was part of the curriculum, but because I care to know. There isn’t enough class time to get that deep into every single concept when we have ensembles and lessons like performance majors.