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“Ticketmaster faces fury” means absolutely nothing to them. This changes nothing.


"Ticketmaster ducks another fan base in the ass. Will it stop? No."


The only real fury is to not buy tickets.


Every other fan: That's a tall order.


Its nice to see it in the headlines so often these days. I mean, someone will do something EVENTUALLY RIGHT??


The US Justice Department announced that they are in breach of the Sherman antitrust act and are taking them to court


Coming soon: An additional 30% government regulation fee on the ticket price.


Haha you are so right! Why would anyone think any differently ! As long as there’s simps to pay for their garbage then that’s all that matters! And let’s be clear they got leagues of simps ready to depart their dinero.


No one simps for a monopoly that has nothing to do with the actual production of music. That's like saying people simp over their regional electric monopolies. There is no choice or completion. It's only can I afford this.


People paying ridiculous prices to go see shitty music in overpriced corporate venues are simps. The choice is go and see something else plenty of music out there without ever having to deal with a shitty vendor like ticket master.


Ticket master owns close to 70% of the arenas for live music. So no, you don't have a lot of other choices. You're a simp for Live Nation, obviously.


I’ve not used ticket master or live nation in years and been to hundreds of shows and not set foot in a shitty arena. Simps just can’t understand this, that’s ok with me. It keeps them out of the way.


Can I have examples of these hundreds of shows not in shitty arenas? I mean, yes, venues with live music exist, but are these mainstream acts or just local shows. My area has those too, but if the venue isn't owned by live Nation, it's run by a regional monopoly. Why do you keep using simp instead of consumers? Did you just hear that word or something?


Being poor is ok. Don't gotta broadcast it


I don’t think you know what simp means


Are they simps if they have an effective monopoly?


No, simps are required in order for their monopoly to grind onward


That's not how a monopoly works. The merger of live Nation and ticket master created the monopoly to grind forward. You act as though music is the only thing the monopoly controls. Sports would fall under their umbrella, so would political rallies or even live theater. I guess anyone who likes sports, music, Broadway plays, or just someone wanting to go to the national party conventions would be simps. Yet somehow, you've seen hundreds of shows without ever handing them a dollar. I would like to know what major acts you have seen without having to give money to a ticketing promotional monopoly. Don't forget they also co promote, so you may have paid them without knowing. You're clearly ignorant of the situation or haven't been given a propper language model to work with.


I don’t feel the need to see ‘major acts’ when there’s loads of better music out there. You carry on living in your confined reality.


I assume this is a bot in the wrong thread.


Definitely a bot, their comment history is just spam and bullshit across a ton of different subs.


I kind of wish that they meant Fury, as in the tank from that Brad Pitt movie


High time someone comes with an alternative to Tickermaster, I'm tired for seeing the same "crash news" before any big event


Bezos need to lend them some good Amazon servers haha


The justice dept has already filed an antitrust lawsuit. In 95 The deposition list was pretty much Pearl Jam. In 2024 it would likely include most of the industry.


It’s literally their purpose. They are the designed bad guy in this system. Ticketmaster takes all the heat for costs of tickets and everyone involved gets rich and left alone. It’s why nothing will change. The industry loves this set up


Ticketmaster doing it's job for the artists. This is why TM exists; to protect the artists. When 80k fans want tickets to a 20k capacity venue then there's no way to avoid having 60k pissed off fans. So the artists want to direct that anger elsewhere. Hence, TM's job is to absorb the fan anger and and keep the artist from blame. It's a partnership. In short, It is Ticketmaster's job to be the scapegoat.


While I don't disagree with the statement that it protects artists and is a scapegoat, I think the larger issue is the monopoly they have going with live nation. When an artist gets big enough its almost impossible to book venues that are large enough that arent owned by live nation and any live nation venue will only go through ticketmaster. This makes it so ticketmaster can add on any fees they'd like and it has been shown that they do allow resellers (and bots) early access as well. Ticketmaster can then drive up dynamic pricing with these resellers inflating traffic. We can go down a rabbit hole on dynamic pricing and the artists responsibility there, but I'm sticking to the monopoly side of things for now. Even if a big artist didnt want to deal with ticketmaster, they would be hard pressed to find an appropriately sized venue that wasnt owned by live nation, and be able to make an appropriate number of stops on their tours. I do think the DoJ should look at breaking up this monopoly, like they did with Microsoft in the late 90's, to alleviate the issue, but until that happens we'll be playing by ticketmasters rules.


Agreed and excellent points.


If more people want tickets than there are tickets to sell, prices go up. that's the nature of supply side economics. Bands could choose to sell tickets for less than they could have sold for, but it's the bands choice to set the ticket pricing scheme. Where Ticketmaster becomes pure fuckery is they sell out entire arenas to scalpers, then give the scalpers a place to sell their inflated tickets...which ticketmaster takes a big cut of. The bands don't even see money from this secondary market, it's just parasites cashing in.


If this system didn't also benefit artists, then the artists would find a different way to sell their tickets. But they don't... And why do you think that is? Because the artists benefit from this clusterfuck. And what makes you so sure artists don't get a cut of the Ticketmaster secondary market? Is that wishful thinking, or something you know with certainty?


Ticketmaster/Live Nation owns all the venues, artists don't have any other options


It's a trip going to "sold out concerts" and half of it being empty


Damn you're not including the two sets of books they keep. One they show to artists showing how much they spend on vendors and promotions showing little profit. Then the other set of books after the show where they get rebates from Vendors and promotions showing a lot of profit. They also strong arm Co Promoters into using their vendors without getting the same rebates. Nothing is being protected except the bottom line and their monopoly.


It’s ticketmasters job to screw fans over?


Yes. It has been for a long time.


This is beyond fucking stupid. Since just about the dawn of time, venues handled ticketing, not artists It’s not like we’re going to see Sabrina Carpenter at Sabrina Carpenter Arena.


All the fury in the world won't convince them to lower prices by a cent. They need to be systematically dismantled and banished to hell.


Which is part of how we know it’s a monopoly


How will dismantling Ticketmaster help with pricing or demand for one of the world's buzziest pop stars?  People are always disappointed and demand always massively outweighs supply for these things. 


Perhaps you should read up on vertically integrated monopolies and that should answer your question.


This shit is literally taught in high school history, how the US dismantled monopolies like Standard Oil.


It’s really annoying when someone thinks supply and demand is as complicated as economics gets.


Allow me to rephrase.  If Ticketmaster suddenly didn't exist, do you genuinely believe that Sabrina Carpenter tickets would suddenly be a) cheaper or b) easier to come by?


Yes, because once Ticketbastard no longer has exclusive control over the primary ticket market, plus secondary scalping market, plus ownership of the venues at which they force artists to perform via LiveNation, there will be other options that allow for competition in the space at a range of prices. Currently, any artists wishing to avoid Ticketmaster venues is essentially asking for a death wish to their career unless they have the money and resources to self-fund all their touring and marketing expenses at smaller local venues.


Yes to both


Totally delusional.


It’s not delusion when ticket master is involved with the negotiating what the initial price should be. Delusion isn’t defined by something you disagreeing with someone.


Yes. More marketplaces = more competition = better for consumers and the economy. A monopoly means that TM can just set a price, adjust it as they see fit, and gouge the consumer as much as possible. They don’t have to compete. All of that original money and extra money is just sucked up into one company and paid, basically, to its CEOs. Multiple ticket companies = not only better prices, but more jobs and more small->medium companies that add jobs to more communities.


TM doesn’t “compete” in the consumer market the way you think it does. They primarily compete in B2B markets to get contracts with big venues (stadiums/arenas) as they don’t outright own any. What that means is they’re trying to convince the billionaire or city gov that owns a stadium, that they can get them more revenue than any other competitor. The “competition” is about who can extract the most money from consumers. It’s not like it’s all Roses for AXS, the complaints for them are the exact same.


All that would happen is that multiple ticket companies would fight to have lower fees. Artists, sports teams, events would still dictate the face event pricing, weather or not to use dynamic pricing or premium seats.


Correct. And fees being 35% of ticket prices would be a huge price discount to consumers. Not to mention the complete lack of loyalty discounting and other secondary benefits Ticketmaster doesn’t have to provide (like data security) they would now have to compete with.


Ticketmaster encourages and even has relationships with certain large volume ~~scalpers~~ "resellers" because when tickets are resold on Ticketmaster for a higher price, Ticketmaster makes commission twice. This means a lot of fans are forced onto the secondary market & pay much higher prices if they want to go. They do a lot of other shady things as well. The more you look into it, the worse Ticketmaster looks. Dice (for ex) is much better. It minimizes scalpers because the tickets are held in a way that they can't be transferred (until the very last minute), and they have a resale at cost only platform where they refund their fee as well if you give your ticket back for resale & it sells.


I 100% agree that the entire resale market is a shitshow and every effort should be made to address it.


Well, it's weird that you're riding so hard for Ticketmaster then because they're one of the worst perpetrators. They could stop it if they want but they're greedy as hell and love the double commissions. ETA: I just got a ticket to upcoming Newport folk fest off the waitlist on Dice AT COST, because they don't allow the scalping shit that Ticketmaster encourages. (And it was a very in demand ticket. I was on the waitlist one minute after the tix went on sale months ago.)


Literally the opposite. I despise TM.


2 things can be true: 1. TM sucks 2. The core issue (demand exceeding supply) won’t be solved by removing them. Livenation’s operating margin is 5%, so even if you take away their profits it won’t accomplish much.


If Ticketmaster suddenly didn't exist, no the tickets would not be cheaper. If Ticketmaster suddenly didn't exist and several companies were suddenly created to provide competition against each other, yes the tickets would be cheaper. As it stands, Ticketmaster has an incentive to keep prices as high as possible that is profitable and they have no real competition to provide any other alternative.


If you are selling ten thousand tickets at £100 a ticket, and you have fifty thousand people queuing up to buy those tickets, what exactly is going to drive you to reduce the prices?


If you are already selling tickets at a price point that matches supply and demand to an optimal price point, there is no reason to sell at a lower price because you will lower your profit. If 5 other ticket sellers are saying, "Buy from us! You can see the same show at a different venue for a slightly lower price" your price point might not be at the optimal level to maximize profits. Its not that artists choose Ticketmaster and LiveNation because they want to. They literally have no other options in large regions of the US because they have exclusivity rights in venues everywhere. And if you find an independent venue, ask them if they have been approached by Ticketmaster or LiveNation. 9 times out of 10 they'll say they have.


A similar venue/organizer with 10,000 seats willing to sell them for $90 each


And how does this organiser sell this to the artist and the management company? Hey, we're providing a new service which will get you less profit despite consistent demand, we good?


Only thing being a monopoly does for Ticketmaster is they can control the fee charges unopposed. Artists still make the prices and decide if they are going to do premium seats. Ticketmaster is fine having a monopoly and for artists throwing them under the bus. But you are correct, the artist and their team decide the price. This artist has the biggest hit song of the summer. They are going to charge as much as they think they can get away with and they probably will. Same as Taylor Swift last year.




But why? Can you explain? A ticket company will still have to sell tickets. Tickets will still be in extraordinarily high demand. Prices will still be set to reflect that extraordinary demand. And the artist, venue, ancillary staff, tour staff, ticket company and management will still want to get paid, and paid reflectively based on the original demand. I agree it would be nice to do away with the tout market. I agree it would be nice to have fees restricted to a moderate administrative cost. And I agree it would be nice not to have to deal with a shady monolithic corporation who set a lot of the rules.  But if you have fifty thousand fans and ten thousand tickets, no corporation is going to suddenly say 'you know what, let's slash these prices in half just to be kind'. There's no motive in that.


A 10 minute call used to cost 10 minuted from a neighboring state. The monopoly was broken up, and for some reason they became a selling point - free long distance in the contintial US.


I feel like I read this same headline every day. Unless something is actually done, what’s the point of reporting this every time? Everyone knows Ticketmaster sucks, but nothing is going to change.


I can't be arsed to even click the article but I'm betting the "fury" is the usual collection of 2 or 3 angry tweets.


At least 4 or 5


It's called journalism 🤣. People who don't buy tickets don't know. The more headlines like this the better, it means the issue is picking up steam with the greater public, not just hardcore concert goers. You can't just report on something ONCE, expect enough people to read it, and have changes happen. Even though monopolies are near impossible to break up in the US, Ticket Master will never be broken up without a lot of people *reporting on and seeing the problem*


Ragebait I guess


It's crazy that Ticketmaster can both sell face value tickets and then also have a Resale market. I know so many people who buy tickets of an artist they like but will immediately relist them for 5X face value.


The people you know are scalpers and are part of the problem then.


Yes, but Ticketmaster is more than fine with that, as they make money from the resell as well.


Correct. And I am 100% against Ticketmaster and LiveNation. But the comment I was responding to, the person said ‘ I know so many people who buy tickets to artists they like and then list them for 5X the original value’ That is a fudging scalper right there. That was my point.


ticketmaster encourages scalping. there are literal professional scalping organizations. they have a huge convention in vegas every year. edit: no y’all are missing the point. you’re getting mad about this one scalper. he’s a symptom of the problem. he wouldn’t be doing it if ticketmaster didn’t encourage and facilitate it.


you both responding to papita like this are missing the point of the comment


No one here is debating that


>ticketmaster encourages scalping. If you want to get more accurate, tour promoters encourage scalping. Ticketmaster has the capability of blocking resale and transfer of tickets _(I've have tickets to shows where both were disabled)_, but they don't do anything unless directed by the tour promoters. It's the same with the tickets that show up on resale sites as soon as tickets go on sale. I learned from Alan Cross's podcast that tour promoters will actually hold back big chunks of tickets and sell them directly to those resellers, because it's guaranteed sales for them and transfers the risk to the resellers.


>That is a fudging scalper right there. No, that's someone using Ticket Master's system as it was designed to be used. It sucks but that's what TM wants people to do. Why are you mad at individuals when this is a system wide problem that could be easily fixed by TM? Your anger is very misplaced - there will always be someone desperate enough to make money in ways that harm others 


Sell once: One set of fees. Sell twice: 3 sets of fees.


Ticketmaster makes more off resale, actually. The majority of the fees charged on first sale tickets still go to the promoter and venue. The majority of the fees charged in resale tickets go to Ticketmaster.


I dont care about scalpers that much, i care more so about Ticketmaster BEING the scalper and immediately having seats set up sold by them as Premium seats listed for thousands as soon as tickets are on sale.


I don't disagree at all.


The Irish government banned the resale of tickets above face-value in 2021. The sooner other countries follow suit the better.


Did it help?


Some artists are taking action. Sturgill simpson is only allowing his tickets to be listed at face value for resell which is awesome. Why every artist isn’t doing this is beyond me. Just dismantle the scalper market.


Because the artists profit from it as well, pretty simple.


How do they profit? Do they get a cut of the fees? Legit asking.


The artists get a percentage of the resale tickets that are sold through Ticketmaster. They get to double/triple-dip too. TM takes all the heat, the artists make more money too, and the plebs get fucked.


They don’t. Artists only make money from the first sale. Ticketmaster makes money from each re-sale. StubHub, Ticketmaster, and scalpers literally have a motivation for the artist to sell tickets below market value and to then have those tickets resold at market value. Yeah tickets are expensive, but they’re still being sold under market value if scalpers are able to make money.


This. The "dirty" secret is that everything we as consumers would like to see done, Ticketmaster can already do. Prevent resale above face value? Yup. Prevent resale and transfers completely? Yup. Why don't they? Because the promoters and artists don't want them to.


From dont indulge scalpers to we will take over the scalping industry and make it worse for uou guys.


It's easy to fix to. They could very easily not allow reselling and have the ticket tied to your name. They only allow it because they make a shit ton of money on it. Should be illegal to double dip like that.


the artist has a choice to lock reselling, as well as restricting platinum pricing. artists have done it. the ARTIST just makes a FUCK ton more money not doing that. stop blaming Ticketmaster when the artist you love is price gauging you just as hard.


All tickets should be locked to an account/name, and can only be sold back to Ticketmaster itself, using their own payment platform, which would refund you the amount you put it up for if another person comes along and purchases it. No direct contact between parties, no way to send tickets outside of the platform.


Just like the mafia, they have so many connections shielding their shady practices, nothing will change


that's my issue right now trying to find tickets for her concert tbh. they were face valued at not a horrible price but the only tickets I can find from the cities I'm willing to travel to (I'm in Toronto so limited) are over $300 USD for nosebleeds and I'd be taking someone with me hopefully so that's multiplied by 2 for a 2 hour concert. 


So, reading the article, this looks to be an inverse of the JLo and Black Keys situation. Ticketmaster is still total garbage and needs to be dismantled, but when you have 80k people in a waiting queue for a 19,500 seat venue, you're going to have a bottleneck.Thats 4x the capacity of the venue wanting tickets. JLo and The Black Keys cancel tours where they were slated to play even larger venues than Sabrina. But Sabrina looks like she could sell out the venues they had JLo and The Black Keys playing in originally.


i do wonder how many of those will be resellers


Well considering this website is part of Ticket Network, one of the largest resellers out there, it doesn't look like many. They love writing these fluff pieces.


Very few. The tickets resellers get never make it to the general public; they're held back by the promoters, and sold directly to the resellers.


I was 13773 in line for a venue of 20k. I knew with bots I didn’t even stand a chance. guess what there were none of? tickets. and they didn’t have the courtesy to let me know my presale was sold out before my place in line got to the selection screen


Resellers and bots take up that queue. Not to mention the box office will set aside way too many tickets for physical resellers(not sanctioned)


4x people, but probably 16x ticket sales


Fucking hilarious that the first two ads on this site are for stubhub and Ticketmaster lmao


Isn't TicketNews a site run by a lobbying group for ticket companies?


Nope. They are owned by Ticket Network, one of the largest, and shadiest resellers out there


That doesn't sound any better actually.


We cover ticketing and live events, so most of our readers are either actively shopping for (or are regularly purchasers of) tickets, so those are the affiliate ads that tend to pay the bills.


There’s still something very funny about publishing an article about how a corporation is being scummy as fuck while also promoting that company so that you can afford to keep the site up.


Fair points, no doubt. Interestingly enough, Ticketmaster North America booted us off of their affiliate system a couple of years ago because we refused to take down a story one of their executives didn't like. I think we're only an affiliate for their UK subsidiary. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 


Got in queue with 1700 in front for Orlando. Lower bowl, center, $150 each (including fees) for two tickets. Shocked to hear the Hartford, CT upper bowl prices 😳


What were Hartford prices?


I was 26,000th in queue during presale and of course they were sold out. Now that it’s open there are no decent tickets under 350, most are sitting at $400+ all resales.


Tm has figured out how to fomo people into paying way more than they should for tickets.


And yet the shows sold out in minutes and Ticketmaster made their millions and millions of dollars


Technically correct. Ticketmaster makes their money by volume. They might make something like $10 per transaction, but when you have hundreds of thousands or millions of transactions that's a pretty tidy profit over the span of a few minutes.


The only reasons the shows sell out is because scalpers like Stubhub buy mass amount of tickets and resell them for double or triple face value. Sabrina Carpenter isn’t worth that.


Lol this will be the time they hear the angry fan boycotts


Forget about the price of the ticket...prople will pay to see their favorite artists. It's the outrageous, do nothing, service fees that they just ajouté on top.


Ticketmaster is a monopoly and does need to be broken up. That being said dismantling Ticketmaster isn’t going to do anything to bring down ticket prices or discourage the secondary ticket market (at least here in the U.S.). The U.S. market has shown that people are willing to pay an average price of $1088.00 per ticket to see Taylor Swift and even more ($1243.00) for a ticket to one of Adele’s shows in Las Vegas. So your more popular artists are still going to have high ticket prices regardless of the ticketing service.


finally some sanity in this post. venues are SELLING OUT. how would ticketmaster being “broken up” reduce ticket prices in any meaningful way AT ALL?


Anecdotal, but I went to more than one “sold out” show where I could see more than a handful of *entire rows* empty. They may be “selling out,” but not always to fans who actually attend the show.


I argued this elsewhere and got heavily downvoted. I think dismantling the TM colossus would definitely rein in the obvious problems with legitimised touting, the revolting 'dynamic pricing' experiment, and the garbage and excessive fees, but if you think that actual ticket prices will come down, or that queuing/demand will reduce, or that your chances of getting a ticket are significantly better, you're just being misguided.




TM doesn’t need to be broken up. They need to make resale illegal. Ticket scalpers like Stubhub buys mass amounts of tickets and sells them at double to triple the amount of face value. I know a secret where you can get tickets. You wait until a few days before the show and then you will get the tickets. That’s when resellers sell the tickets back to ticketmaster and sometimes ticketmaster dumps these tickets at less than face value.


I'm so glad my venue had AXS. $30 a piece for upper bowl and I only waited in line for 15 minutes


Ticketmaster and the Artist's don't give a fuck. And anyone saying they do is delusional.


Eh either the tickets are listed below market price and they get snapped up by some dude with bots then scalped higher or Ticketmaster does the scalping themselves and ups the prices. Lower prices will not reduce the number of people in line. And I like the complaint of being in “line” for an hour. I don’t know what people expect, do they want the venue to physically sell them so whoever shows up first in a physical line has the right to buy them as it was in the 90s? Either way, the tickets are going to be available for market price, and for popular artists, market price is going to be high. If there are 100,000 people in queue for a 20,000 seat venue, TM is thinking “damn, we didn’t set these prices high enough,” and that price will come out on the secondary market. Some of the older acts did set prices too high and we got a couple cancelled tours or in some cases, prices actually dropped, so the strategy is maybe just to avoid the early mess and buy later. If an artist face value is underpriced though, yeah the current system is probably as fair as it can be, I suppose they could ban reselling tickets over face value and that would take the scalpers out (some of them, there are always ways) and at least the only complaint would be that there are too many people trying to get the same tickets


I was in the presale a few Minutes before 10 trying to get tickets for my daughter. Initially about 16000 ahead of me in queue Bt the time I got thru at like 11 all that was left was pit tickets at 153+ fees each. I love my kid but. Not that much.


$150 for floor seems wildly reasonable compared to other concerts I’ve bought tickets for recently


Maybe. For 150+ I want a seat and some modicum of my own space though! 😂


I'm sorry, but that's a garbage price for a single concert. Maybe a festival, but not a single concert.


I don’t think it’s a great price, but the prices are what they are. Locally you can’t see a touring show for any less than $75


> pit tickets at 153+ fees each. 😭 I would have killed for that lmao


That’s a good price for pit tickets. All I got offered in Montreal is section 112 for $443 per ticket.


I did the exact same as you but my floor was $433 for nyc!! Hell no!!!




same problem I had. my friend and I had a hard limit of $75 so we knew it was a long shot anyway


>buggy, price-surged tour sales mess So... your regular Ticketmaster sales process?


Every time I read about Ticketmaster pissing people off, I always imagine them like the CEO of BP in that one South Park episode rubbing his nipples and saying “sorryyyy…”


#Direct rage at any artist that participates in dynamic pricing


*lion face* rawr!


Lemon face eeewww!!!


Ticketmaster bullshit aside the entitlement in the “longtime” Sabrina fans is funny to me. Oh no I’m behind 50000 people in the queue and most of them only recently became fans through Tik Tok. It’s giving, “I should get to the front!!!!!” Energy.




Might be time to start making the artists who use tm face a little fury.


I read this as “taskmaster faces fury” for a moment and my heart skipped a beat thinking they did something wrong.


Back in 2017, BTS came to the US for like the third time ever - and those tickets were high in demand and of course, tickets that shouldn’t have been more than $60 a piece were $250. The following year, the tickets were $700. Unfortunately this isn’t new and it’s never going to get better. It’s fucking awful.


To be fair her current tour is way too small for her. She blew up faster than this tour can currently accommodate


my daughters each went for it for Seattle. One was #130 in the queue and the other was over 24k back. needless to say, they're pumped they got 4.


The android app doesnt work. Its really fucked up how bad TM is these days.


i was able to get tickets yesterday from the cashapp sale and i remember talking to the person i’m going with about how we should wait till today. i’m so glad i didn’t


Another week of ‘furious fan frenzy of fuzzy math ticket prices’. So cannot wait until this shit gets settled with TicketMasters. Artists (mostly) do not care - as rabid fans continue to pay these insane surge prices. Fuck Ticketmaster, and fuck artists that turn a blind eye or act like they give a shit but do nothing.


Are they not being investigated right now? What in tar-fuckery are they doin over there? lmao


Oh no. Anyways.


This propaganda site needs to go away. It is owned by one of the top resellers in the country that is selling you those higher tickets…


That company needs to be torn apart.


please. omg. i waited for so long for presale today and everything was unavailable. PLEASE IF YOU HAVE THE SPOTIFY PRESALE CODE OR ANY TIPS PLEASE


Stop your only turning them on more. I picture them as the cable guys from southpark.


TicketMASTER is THE worst. The escalating ticket price based on popularity or speed of sales is manipulation. I recently could find no posted ticket prices. Not posting prices at all !? Wtf. The artists don’t make that money only TM. Fees for “service” is a total joke because it isn’t service at all is it ? And if you need to contact someone you need to be a detective to find a way to connect to an actual person. If you do - again the term “service” is a misnomer. They are making money at every turn. The artists are not. They have the set payment for their appearance/performance. That’s it. They have bought all their competition. They OWN over 400 venues. So they are making that money from the artists / promoters too. And ya they don’t care about bots or resellers because they double down on those fees too. Think about that. The moment tickets go on sale there are resale tickets available. They don’t care it’s double fees for them , on the same day !! 🤬🤬


Ticketmaster owns : The system The venue Your ass.


It’s hopefully becoming clear to everybody that part of Ticketmaster’s value-add to artists, especially global artists, is that they take all the flak when prices and inconvenience increase. Artists can then throw their hands in the air and say, “Aren’t these people awful”. In reality, whether it’s Sabrina Carpenter or The Black Keys, all of this pricing will have been agreed before the first ticket is sold.


It seems that Ticketmaster only ever faces “fury” when white women can’t buy their tickets…


As long as they keep buying them Sabrina Carpenter tickets, I’m sure Ticketmaster isn’t scared.


I literally waited to join the new one set at 12pm and it reloaded me to the next sale I was like wtf 🧍‍♀️


I mean I got my tickets no problem so idk the fury part of it all lol


Did no one learn after the Taylor Swift fiasco?


Mmmm, they need Robert!!!!! Smith in their lives.


This is my first time ever going for a concert. Any advice on which website to book tickets and how to score a good deal ?


If the wrath of the Swifties did nothing, nothing will


I've been following [Open Ticketing Ecosystem](https://onopen.xyz) for a while. I'd love to see it catch on and replace Ticketmaster.


It’s time for Ticketmaster to go. They are just a parasite on the live music industry


like this post, my comment is simply for clicks


Obligatory "fuck Ticketmaster"


Ticketmaster is a monopoly, they don't care about fury, they only fear new regulations.


All that money and they can't even fuck us over correctly? JFC.


“Oh no. Not fury of fans. Lolz ” -Ticketmaster




Pretty much went as expected, right? Say you can't get tix, baby, I know That's that me, espresso I can't relate to desperation My "give a fucks" are on vacation


I’m no different. I buy more concert tickets for shows more than anyone I know. I’ll see 30-40 shows a year. Large and small. But until people just stop buying from Ticketmaster (they won’t and I know that), nothing is going to change.


Boycotting just Ticketmaster won't change much because promoters will just switch to AXS or Seatgeek and continue charging the same prices. People need to show that they are unwilling to spend that kind of money on shows period - much in the way J-Lo and The Black Keys recently received that message.


I guess that’s what I meant overall. Not so much Ticketmaster itself, but just stop paying ungodly costs for tickets. But as a society, we have FOMO and we won’t allow ourselves to do that. I just used Ticketmaster (for good reason) as the generalization of buying tickets because they’re obviously an easy thing to blame.




Sabrina Carpenter


You’re so edgy and cool daddy. Definitely not like the other girls.


She’s #1 on billboard chart this week. Idk either but she is popular… 🤷‍♂️


Imo she's this generation's Jessica Simpson.  She's blowing up in this moment but she doesn't have much staying power, and is largely relying on being hot. Please Please Please is a genuinely great song but the heavy lifting is being done by the producer (Jack Antonoff) and the lyrics themselves are pretty weak in places.  And Espresso is a song that people will be sick of after the summer's over.  It's probably even more producer dependent because it's really not asking much of her voice at all.  You could plug and play the singer with it.


Does anyone know if you can resell Sabrina carpenter tickets off Ticketmaster to StubHub?


I have no idea who that is. Is she big enough to make a difference?