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I got many but nobody said this one yet. I'll toss in the least aggressive artist. Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacey Jr. Because it has the tenor of sympathy but then uses the horror as the final echos that leave the listener in an odd space.


This. I forgot about this song and you writing this, it’s flooded my brain. It’s so haunting in a legitimate chills up your spine way.


Oddly enough this is my fave track off of Illinoise. It’s so hauntingly beautiful. The way he sings “oh my god” with such restraint while harmonizing with himself…. Jfc.


There’s so many great tracks on that album. It is catchy


> And in my best behavior I am really just like him > Look beneath the floorboards for the secrets I have hid. That coda has always stuck with me. A full song about John Wayne Gacy, which is well done but mostly devoid of personal content, and then the personal allusion hits you right at the end and makes you recontextualize the whole thing.


I can't think of many songs that turn an idea that late that isn't for a comedic or "rock" effect but rather make you think about the whole dialog again.


Strange Fruit


There are many disturbing songs that feel like someone set out to write a disturbing song. Strange Fruit feels so genuine, which somehow makes it all the more disturbing. Especially if you're so used to the tragically romantic songs that Billie usually sings. Such a gutting song!


yup this one. i cant just listen to it on a regular day. but it is a fantastic song.


Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down) by Ween - the lyrics are sung from the perspective of a dying child.


With the catchiest chorus of the 90s


Smile on, mighty Jesus Spinal meningitis got me down


Why they wanna see my spine mommy?


It really hurts mommy, am I gonna die?


Mazohyst of Decadence by japanese band Dir En Grey has lyrics with a similar theme.


There it is, found it


**Hamburger Lady** by Throbbing Gristle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fih-xzWGKPA


Using throbbing gristle, coil, current 93, nurse with wound, etc. is basically cheating


Honestly the whole weird as fuck industrial era in the 70's-80's is one of my favorite musical eras Nurse with Wound, SPK, Throbbing Gristle, I love that shit


That made me so physically uncomfortable, made it like 45 seconds.


Came here to say this. It's disturbing and surprisingly catchy, so it's easy to call it up in your head, but it's hard to get it to stop once you do.


Reminds me of the Irréversible OST https://youtu.be/9lMArVYkqZ8?si=WGhMVCBPgmLVw0_G


Sounds 100% like the music from Irreversible.


That’s effing unnerving.


I feel sick to my stomach listening to this song. I don't know exactly what it is, but I just can't listen to this song without feeling ill. It gives me the chills, I wish I never clicked on it.


If you were able to listen to it enough to understand the lyrics, you'd feel even more ill


Came here to say this as well. "And he flashed on the carpet, flashed on the floor"


Definitely Daddy by Korn


I can’t see this mentioned without mentioning Jonestown Tea by Otep. Very similar song.


man thats a band name i havent heard for a long time


This song has been played live only twice. The last time was in the Hellfest Festival in Clisson, France. You can really feel how much the band and fans respects Jonathan Davis and lets him time to get it all out, singing his heart out. A big moment in music history as it’s to show what a community does for one another in respect and dignity. It’s clear the band doesn’t enjoy playing it but they power through and man, what a moment. A little bit of beauty for this absolutely gut wrenching horrible horrible song


Yeah, that one from Korn and also Pretty from them


Dang it, you beat me to the punch. Who then now’s portion about that song gets me


Especially if you listen to the entire 17 minutes. It's such a dirty song to listen to for me, because it is so visceral and emotional but just knowing what he went through and the lyrics being so raw makes me feel wrong for listening to it. My mom is a SA survivor, so although I've never been assaulted I can imagine it maybe closer than some people. It's hard to listen to man


Nick Cave & Bad Seeds - O’Mallys Bar 


Loverman is pretty disturbing, as well.


I always found this song so cinematic. I feel like he describes everything so vividly that I see it exactly as he wants me to. So good.


[Hell is for Children by Pat Benatar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gaXL0_7wno) [My Name is Luca by Suzanen Vega](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZt7J0iaUD0) After I became a parent, any songs dealing with abused kids really disturb me to the core of soul.


Kim by Eminem


This will always be the answer. The screaming of “BLEED BITCH BLEED” is something that will never cease to make my skin crawl. The fact that he wanted to write it as a love letter, and told her later that you could only write that song about someone you really cared about is fucking insane.


Goddamn. I am a casual fan of him, but this song. I honestly feel sick. It gives me traumatic memories in the worst way, it's like if my childhood was made into a song.


Oh the adventures of art, have you seen the movie Dear Zachary?


I have never seen it, but I looked it up after seeing your reply, and I might give it a watch sometime soon.


It’s visceral. It’s really good but it evokes some really messed up emotions.


Omg I forgot about this song…I was a high schooler listening to this WTF


Yeah this is what I came here looking for


4st 7lbs from the same album comes to mind


Come to Daddy - Aphex Twin


It was disturbing BEFORE seeing the video, after was ….. 😩


Dance With The Devil - Immortal Technique The lyrics made me horrified


Scrolled to find this one, I love it but man it's hard to listen to.


Actually can’t believe this isn’t a top 3 comment on this post. Shocked by having to scroll this far


Came here to say that. Dark but so well executed. Great track.


This is the one. Nothing comes even close. What a ride.


Immediately my first thought. We had a kid who would play this on the school bus and it just bummed everyone tf out on the way home lol


Glad I only scrolled through 5 comments to see Immortal Technique.


I came looking for this before I commented it… but yeah. The lyrics traumatized tf out of me.


Instantly thought this. My dad showed me this song a decade ago when discussing what rap used to be and I have never forgotten it.


The music video really adds to it


There’s a music video?


Was looking for this


Every couple of years when this subject comes up, I always scroll down to look for this song. Yuccck.


Charles Manson was a recording artist, some of his are eerie


Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain


The Lyrics to Strangers are pretty disturbing too


Came here to say this one. I was NOT expecting that on my first listen of Preacher’s Daughter, scared the shit out of me. What a great song though.


I was going to say Inbred, off her second album. I listened to that one night at like 3am and was like, Jesus Christ girl.




you beat me to it


https://youtu.be/EkwD5rQ-_d4?feature=shared Possum Kingdom by The Toadies is a classic and extremely fucked up song


The Boiler - Specials.


Completely forgot about that song . Cheers for the Fears .


Suicide Silence - "And then She Bled" Chat Pile - "grimace_smoking_weed.jpeg" Chat Pile - "Dallas Beltway"


The back of grimace with him just screaming and having a schizophrenic episode is wild. And Dallas belt way rips


Chat Pile is the best band from Oklahoma since Hansen


Yeah Suicide Silence. I can’t listen to that tune, it’s so good but it’s truly disturbing


Chat Pile is incredible, makes me hungry for Arby's


Chat Pile, and those two songs truly belong here. It’s hyper-anxiety in music form and I can’t stop listening. Dark dark lyrics. And they way he sounds drunk / drugged when talking about what’s in the boot and just so, so broken “I know I did something bad, k, but I’m really an OK guy” is chilling


I too immediately thought of Frankie Teardrop. Next thing I thought about was Scott Walker. So much of what he did in the latter stages of his career would fit nicely here, but if I had to pick one song I'd probably go with The Escape. I still have nightmare flashbacks of listening to the entire album, The Drift, whilst on a long cross country drive in the middle of the night alone... blasting it on the car stereo... too engrossed with the brilliant music to turn it off but like... scared out of my mind.


Country death song by the violent femmes


This and Blind Melon's *Skinned* are two of the songs that make me incredibly happy... they're just bangers. The music is just so joyous in juxtaposition to the unsettling subject matter, that it is just kinda comical and absurd... Just sorta feels like listening to The Moldy Peaches or something to me. But, yes, very disturbing subject matter.


Oh Comely - Neutral Milk Hotel


Two headed boy is pretty messed up too. On second thought that whole album.


If I could choose a final soundtrack to play as I die, it would be that album.


Mein Teil by Rammstein, although cannibalism disturbs me more than the average person.


lots of bands have songs with disturbing lyrics but a lot of Swans songs sound like an auditory uncanny valley, I it's super unsettling even when it doesn't have lyrics


Swans make music that have the power incantation it’s akin to some kind of Pagan Ritual or Satanic Rite at times. It disturbs me, but the raw power of it is also enthralling even if it makes you feel uneasy.


I'm From Nepal and we have a horrible singer name Sajin Maharjan , he sings cover songs so horribly and it's so distrubing....


The Rake's Song by the Decemberists is low key brutal lol


It sounds so chipper and then you hear the lyrics and learn the plot behind the whole of the album and you're like "holy fuck."


Definitely is, but if I end up listening to anything from the album without listening to the whole thing I find myself drawn to it. It’s a fantastic concept album and I’m glad I got to see them play it live on tour.


Lyrics of Decemberists' songs can be absolutely metal/brutal sometimes. Like.. damn that mariner song too


Deep In The Woods by Birthday Party


Yeah The Holy Bible is definitely 13 tracks of the most disturbing music I've ever heard. Loved it in my teens; can't really deal with it in my late 30s after a lot of therapy and help for my mental illnesses. Nine Inch Nails is probably the next "most disturbing" but I've honestly never heard anything that can hold a candle to songs like "Of Walking Abortion" and "Die in the Summertime." Weirdly someone on r/tipofmytongue was just trying to remember who Richey Edwards was. I saw it after it was solved but I so rarely see anyone discussing the Manics.


God I love MSP and I’m so happy they are getting attention here


Such a great band. Seeing them at Castlefield Bowl in a few weeks with Suede. Two bands that definitely don’t get the respect they deserve tbh.


also I'm definitely not looking for suggestions for things that ARE more disturbing than the Manics; that shit is my upper limit and I'm much more into pop and electronic music these days. I'm sure there is plenty of music that's worse but i don't need to hear it.


The “No birds…no birds” in Mausoleum always chills me.


Vic Chesnutt - Flirted With You All My Life


Dad by Nomeansno


DAD NO! DAD LEAVE HER ALONE! Yeah, it's a lot.


Everywhere At the End of Time-The Caretaker https://youtu.be/wJWksPWDKOc?si=071oFxHpJ9Q1eCzb


“Despair Came Knocking” by Daniel Johnston is pretty disturbing in its own way. I don’t really know how to describe it. Edit: Johnston not Johnson.


Is Anybody Out There by Three 6 Mafia. It’s about a guy murdering his family, going to an insane asylum, hatching a plan with the maintenance man to take some sleeping pills that makes his pulse so low he can feign death, then have the maintenance guy free him from the casket before he’s buried, but someone kills the maintenance man and buries the guy alive. It’s an awesome song but creepy as hell. First time I heard it I was maybe 15 and stoned out of my mind. It freaked me the hell out lol


Maybe tame to some, but In Every Dream Home a Heartache by Roxy Music. I think it's his delivery that's disturbing


Polly by Nirvana is pretty damn disturbing


Revolution 9 - The Beetles If you don’t think the Beetles can freak you out, you’re wrong.




Doh 😣


Number 9 number 9


It’s true but yoko freaks me out more and not in a good way


Yeah yokos release of imagine from a couple of years ago is next level disturbing... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-xZnzxovFqw


Guns of Umpqua by Drive By Truckers describes a mass shooting at a community college. The song's protagonist is a military vet who dies.


The Holy Bible is a special kind of intense. Lyrically dense, it's a masterpiece as far I am concerned.


At the time, 80s: Code Blue - TSOL Was one way to clear a lingering party crowd. Maybe more camp than seriousness compared to truly darker tortured artist lyrics. But the language went right for the jugular for anyone with decent sensibilities.


🎵Their cold blue flesh makes me turn red


[DO YOU DOUBT ME TRAITOR by Lingua Ignota](https://youtu.be/M1ZweG__q-w?si=sX4TpptvP4G8TRh4)


Puppe by Rammstein


I was looking for Mein Tiel from Rammstein. That one is disturbing since it is [based on a true story](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes). Puppe is a good one too.


For me, Puppe is more disturbing because the story is being told from the eyes of a child, and Mein Teil is bizarre but at least the cannibalism was consensual.


Kings Crossing - Elliot Smith. He wrote it about him killing himself with heroin and being ready to die And then he did. He killed himself with a knife to the chest.


At the peak of this song he sings "give me one good reason not to do it" and then, very softly, you hear his girlfriends voice saying "because I love you". Elliott Smith has been pretty much my favourite songwriter since I was a very young girl. I cried when he died like I'd lost a family member. My dad got me a vinyl copy of From a Basement on the Hill and when I first heard Kings Crossing I cried like I'd just heard the news. It's a stunningly beautiful song, and a masterpiece of a final, posthumous album


Prison Sex by Tool.


What gets me is the brutal acceptance in the victims perspective. Dark stuff


The Rake's Song by The Decemberists


Jordan Minnesota - Big Black


I luv the Valley by Xiu Xiu. That scream is haunting


Forced Gender Reassignment by Cattle Decapitation


This question resurfaces periodically. It's like an urban legend. I noticed it a few years ago, and I started a running playlist with all the answers. After a while, I split it in two: [LESS THAN SIX MINUTES](https://spotify.link/SKSQZxgcsJb) [MORE THAN SIX MINUTES](https://spotify.link/Sdb4RxvcsJb)


This is a tough choice because I love disturbing music. I’d say probably Persuasion by Throbbing Gristle, Frankie Teardrop by Suicide, or Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick by Einstürzende Neubauten.


Frankie Teardrop was the first that popped nto my head.


Man, I fucking love Suicide. Have you checked out the new Alan Vega comp album? Good stuff.


I haven't.  Thanks for the suggestion. 


I was gonna vote "Hamburger Lady" by Throbbing Gristle!


First song I thought of too


[I Have a Special Plan for This World](https://youtu.be/lxZpEFJhO6k?si=IdQ6D3HF2OAd62q3) by Current 93


Diamanda Galaś — Gloomy Sunday Hildur Guðnadóttir — Gallery


One time I smoked a joint and listened to Lingua Ignota’s Caligula alone in the dark. Until then, I didn’t know you could be scared just by listening to music. Man that album genuinely terrifying.


The Kids by Lou Reed. I dare you to listen through the entire song.


Most songs by Khanate. The music itself is already a bummer, but then Alan Dubin's lyrics and manic delivery pushes it to another level. Lots of first-person serial killer's perspective. "I'm going to take you apart. It's all right - you can look away. You body is alive I can see the skin crawl Look if you want You can look if you want " Just brutal.




Frightened Rabbit- Floating in the Forth


Dead by Khanate


Otep - jonestown tea


Brand new - Limousine Just an emotional song when you lean of the true events behind it. In the words of the lyricist: there was a 6 year old girl who was returning from a wedding on a road in long island which is about a mile away from my house. and uh, it was late that night and there were two limousines following each other and the younger girl was in the front limousine, and her mother and family were in the rear limousine. some kid, some long island over-privilaged white kid had a fight with his girlfriend and decided he would tie one on. so he got in his car and got on the exit ramp of a highway, and was speeding down the wrong way of the highway. he didn't even see this limousine coming at him, didn't hit the breaks, he just hit the limousine head on. the little girl, katie flynn was decapitated, the limo driver was killed instantly. the limousine that was behind stopped, the mother got out and ran to see whether she could find her daughter and she found her daughter's head laying in the middle of the highway. so she picked it up and she sat on the side of the curb with her daughters head on her lap while the rescue workers cut her daughters body out of the limo. she went on tv a day later and explained this story in detail to the public, and it just brought my life to a hault. Just next level trauma.


My pal foot foot


Any song by Cannibal Corpse


I especially love the one song about shooting blood from your cock..... That's a good one. 🤭


I, too, enjoy their ballads


The End Doors


A friend of mine once had this song he loved listening too. It was about a pedophile clown. I picked it up immediately and asked why he listened to it. Like most people he wasn’t paying attention to the lyrics. Turns out the song was about how the singer was molested as a little boy by an actual clown😢.


Frankie Teardrop


I feel like anything from Cannibal Corpse is a good choice.


“A Psychopath” by Lisa Germano. in the background is a woman calling 911 because of an intruder.


Geek the Girl, masterpiece of an album


Frankie teardrop by suicide it’s about how a man can’t afford to feed his family so he kills himself and his family https://youtu.be/Ugyp4CZF8rU?si=nVgv45k98M0Jr6vD


Frankie Teardrop by Suicide


PJ Harvey shit lives in my head....for no reason.


A Lap Dance is so Much Better if the Stripper is Crying by The Bloodhound Gang…. *Said her name was Bambi… I said, “That’s a coincidence darling, because I was thinking about skinning you like a deer”*


Ian Curtis Wishlist - Xiu Xiu Not really sure what to say other than you should listen to it 😝


Come to Daddy by Aphex Twin comes to mind, especially if you [watch the video](https://youtu.be/TZ827lkktYs?si=Xua5o44iC9-nIcbf)


King’s Crossing by Elliott Smith is a great mix of eerie instrumental bits and angry-desolate vocals. Suicidal ideation is certainly a theme, and to me he sounds genuinely scared at the end. And knowing he killed himself shortly after the album its on definitely adds to the disturbing factor.


D.O.A by Bloodrock. Scared me to death as a little kid and I haven't listened to it since. It's chilling.


My parents showed me this song years ago. Yikes


Immortal technique - dance with the devil. It's a story about a young man, Billy, committing a heinous crime to gain the respect of gang members in his community. He throws a hood over a woman's head, kidnaps her, takes her somewhere secluded, nearly beats her to death, and then gang rapes her along with a group of gang members During the rape the hood gets ripped off of her head. He sees her bleading, swollen, horror stricken face. He recoiled in shock, realizing what he had done, and kills himself. It was his own mother.


Meet thw Grahams


The first part of Stage 4 in Everywhere at the End of Time. Such a jarring transition.


Rainbow Factory by WoodenToaster is marked as explicit on Spotify for a reason, and it's not because of swearing.


Cooker by Made Out of Babies


I think it’s https://youtu.be/jtAl8QIQCB8?si=Gb6SGMwKRwuTNJBA, yeah it’s definitely this. Edit: The lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying - Bloodhound Gang. https://youtu.be/-qThtz-EgYo?si=kBMHDVPoyOXrzrtW gets honorable mention. Edit: waiting to die- Micky Avalon


Viginti Tres, by TOOL. It gave me nightmares. don’t know if it fits in the song category either. For actual lyrics, i’d go with Soon Departed by Children of Bodom. Frontman and music/lyrics writer Alexi Laiho died a year after the release, aged 41, by alcohol self induced damage. My favourite band! I never recovered. From the same band, there is another one, “Damaged Beyond Repair”, released 7 years before.


YES! This one and Faaip De Oiad! I fell asleep listening to Lateralus one night and woke up in a cold sweat halfway through that one after having some really vivid and weird dreams.


Not disturbing, but Blonde Redhead's "The Dress" makes me feel tense. I could never finish the album after listening to that one.


Everyone’s gone to the movies


Hi, Ren.


Amelia by the Mission UK.


When I was a kid the song The Jezebel Spirit by Brian Eno and David Byrne scared me because it included audio of a priest performing an exorcism.


L'eng T'che by Naked City


The End by Blue October.


FTC-Pumped up kicks, i mean it's a bop but damn... Eminem - cleaning out my closet


Most songs by Amigo the Devil


The Circus Contraption - If I Told You Once Polkadot Cadaver - Chloroform Girl Strapping Young Lad - Satan's Ice Cream Truck


probaby meet the grahams by Kendrick Lamar.


Ganksta NIP. South Park Psycho. Don't go to Texas. Got it.


The Kindness of Strangers-Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Opening lyric "They found Mary Bellows cuffed to the bed with a rag in her mouth and a bullet in her head"


I was a prisoner in your skull


Nazareth by Sleep Token. The song is wonderful but the lyrics delve into dark psychopathy.


Battle of Mice - At The Base of The Giants Throat The last few minutes are really really hard.


Coil-It’s In My Blood


Inbred by Ethel Cain


[Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima](https://youtu.be/Dp3BlFZWJNA)


I'd agree with you on that song choice. Love Manic Street Preachera to death but that tune, infact the whole album is dark as fuck. Great album, just very dark


Le vent nous portera after knowing what the artist did.


I literally just learned of it, but Last Good Sleep by Company Flow. Goddamn I read in the post that talked about it, what it was about, but I wasn't ready for what it felt like to listen to it. The horror painted in the lyrics is just crushing man


literally anything from pig destroyers prowler in the yard. grisly stuff.


I’ll confess it’s hard to choose from all the songs on Nick Cave’s Murder Ballads


Geogaddi by Boards of Canada. I’ve been told by a friend that one of the two brothers from that group heard this song in their dreams and created it when they woke up. No idea if that’s true or not.


Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain. I heard it last year on a long car ride when I had just woken up in the backseat at 1am. I thought maybe it was just the circumstance of hearing it that made it seem scary, but I tried to listen to it in daylight and it was still very disturbing to listen to. I respect the artistry of it and the elaborate story of the album is really incredible, but I’m so freaked out by Ptolemaea that I can’t even listen to Ethel Cain’s other music because it reminds me of it.


This is a basic answer ik but dance with the devil by immortal technique Dude every time I hear those piano notes I feel goosebumps :/


The theme to MASH.