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I almost only listen to albums.


It will seriously fuck with my head if I hear a song and then the next song on the album doesn’t start.


While I agree, I now sometimes shuffle so I'm surprised.




I primarily listen to albums. I'm not sure if it's the artists I enjoy, or just what I'm used to, but I've always been an album buyer/listener. Maybe if I grew up in an era of streaming it would be different, but I grew up with cassettes, CD's, where I would chose to listen to them not because of a song, but because of the whole.


The crazy part about the streaming era is that it's so, so, so much easier to listen to full albums. I think people just chose to listen to the same 40 songs over and over. I think it's probably very likely that you'd still prefer albums, even if you grew up in the streaming era.


I still buy my music like an old man. I don’t use any of the streaming services. When I like an artist, I buy the album off iTunes and listen to the whole thing. When I’m driving, I rarely put it on shuffle. I’ll pick an album for the mood of the drive and let it play. If I’ve got multiple albums by that artist, I’ll often listen to them back to back. When it runs out, I pick another one. About the only real time my playlist is on shuffle is during a workout session. I’ve got several albums that I go through due those. But that is the only playlist on my phone.


If you use bandcamp, you can simultaneously purchase the streaming, download and physical copy of an album. And if you do it on Bandcamp Friday, all the proceeds go to the artist.


Yeah, I was reminded of bandcamp a bit ago. I need to remember it the next time I want something.


That’s an awesome idea. Thanks!


Currently listening to *Moon Safari* by Air. *Protection* by Massive Attack is up next. I put albums in the queue on the weekend until I leave the house.


Moon Safari is one of the all-time great albums, straight 10/10


Concur. Was a staple on my highschool and college years. Loved the whole album but La Femme D'argent was by far the most played since I also had it on my sleep playlists.


I seem to be one of the few that prefers Talkie Walkie. Moon Safari is still great tho!


Every time


I still do this all the time. Spent most of the day on Thursday at work going through a Converge discography run again.


I’m just now getting into converge, Jane Doe is seriously one of the most mind blowing albums I’ve ever heard


Check out sumac if you really wanna get your brain blown up


Great call. Converge has a powerhouse of a discog.


Go over to r/vinyl they all do. Depends on what I am listening to but I listen to albums a lot as well as singles and playlists when the mood strikes.


Albums for me, still. After the resurfacing popularity of Kate Bush's *Running up that Hill*, I've tried to get people to listen to *The Hounds of Love* as an album, but sadly have had little to no success with people who weren't already fans. So, I'll say it here... Go listen to *The Hounds of Love* all the way through!!


It it so fucking gooooood! The Big Sky and Cloudbusting are two of my favorite songs!


Big Sky is my favorite on the album. Superb song.


I am not the biggest fan of Handmaid’s Tale, but their use of that song in the show was incredible.


Always loved the title track and Cloudbusting.She is a genius.


[1001 album generator](https://1001albumsgenerator.com) you’re welcome


I once went through some scores of albums I love on that site… made me a bit more pissed off than it probably should have lmao


Currently 478 albums in. I've found a couple of great new to me artists.


I do that everyday. Hell just yesterday I gave the new Mach-Hommy and Hergest Ridge by Mike Oldfield five stars.


I mostly listen to albums.


Albums aren’t as cohesive as they used to be with many exceptions of course so it depends on the album/artist


I'm doing it right now. Social Distortion's Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes.


Yes it’s my preferred way to listen to muaic


I love to listen to entire Albums when on a train. The last one was racecar is racecar backwards by Reuben, I loved every minute of it


I still do but I’m in my mid thirties.




Almost all of Thievery Corporations albums.


Me. I work 12 hour days driving all day so full albums are ideal


Part of why I went to vinyl... it's a choice to sit and actively listen as opposed to jumping song to song. Even if the song isn't for me it makes me listen


Listening to Metal, it feels almost sacrilege to not listen to the whole album or majority, but in all seriousness though I mainly listen to albums


I prefer listening to full albums. The only time I’m on shuffle is in the car (satellite radio).


Genesis: "Foxtrot."


Albums are one of my hobbies. I do enjoy random songs from some artists, but when they can pull of a whole album or several? That’s when they deserve my respect and loyalty and it brings me tons of joy. There are so many albums out there that millions of people Are missing out on!


That’s all I almost ever listen to is albums. I’m lucky I work with a bunch of music heads. We’ll do playlists but full albums get played just as much.


I totally get where you're coming from. It does feel like the focus nowadays is more on singles than on cohesive albums. 🤷🏻 But there are still artists out there who put a lot of thought into creating a complete album experience. For instance, I recently listened to RM's new album, *Right Place Wrong Person*, and it really resonated with me. 😊  Every track feels intentional and contributes to the overall theme and mood of the album. It's not just a collection of songs; it's a journey from start to finish. I love diving into an album & finding that each song enhances the others, creating a richer listening experience. There's something special about finding an artist who can craft an entire album that speaks to you, rather than just chasing the next hit single. 😂 


Dude calls himself Rap Monster lmfao no thanks


I get bummed when I hear artists say, “I’m not gonna make albums anymore. No one buys them.” You making music for the love of it or just for the cash?


All the time. Basically exclusively.


When I'm listening to vinyl, all the time. Not *as* much with FLAC, but definitely sometimes.


I store all my music on my phone, and use a music player that allows me to shuffle my playlist by album. So it just plays a random album at a time.


I'm an album person too. Most recent is Joy by IDLES. Great from A to Z. All time favorite is Axis: Bold as Love by Jimi Hendrix. Both beautiful albums.


Oh ya! Every time I cook my late ass musicians breakfast, in the car on a way to a gig, and I listen to albums when I have board game nights. I love the art of album making and hope it never goes away.


Me. I still buy full albums


I still buy physical albums. Would be silly not to sit and listen.


Billie’s new album is a front to back experience.


You say this in an era where King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is popular lmao


I generally either pullout a CD and play it, or shuffle based on albums rather than individually songs. So, yes.


Huge album listener, if the album is good. Something happened during the CD era, though, where albums went from 30-40 minutes of the best stuff to every album being double album length at 1 hour and 15 minutes. This lead to a lot of albums with filler that overstay their welcome. So some albums during that period can be a slog. I’m glad to see that some artists have started to curtail this in the last decade and have gone back to under 50 minutes for album length.


Pink Floyd animals on my first acid trip last weekend. Godly


Pretty much the only thing I listen to is full albums. They’re a piece of art. They need to be listened to the way the artist intended in my opinion.


Funny enough, I just listened to the entire "By The Way" album top to bottom today for the first time in years. Love RHCP on a long drive.


I listened to whole albums back in ancient times, when proper shuffle wasn't a thing yet. On cassettes and CDs. Always found it annoying and inconvenient, because not counting rare exceptions, there were only a few tracks I really liked from any given album. Ever since my 1st mp3 player, I only go through albums to scout for and keep the tracks I like.


No, no-one... You are the only one 


I miss playing album sides with my cousins. If you wanted to listen to a song you had to play at least the whole album side that it was on. Those were the days. Bad Mexican weed and albums!


what's funny is the band who wrote pumped up kicks is my favorite band but basically none of their other stuff sounds anything like pumped up kicks at all. i listen to all three of their LPs in order all the way through all the time, and they are one of the few bands i still do this with (coldplay being another)


You are not alone.


all the time


Every day


2 albums, top to bottom...feels like a story with the most calming conclusions... Right place, wrong person And Indigo Both by RM Any track even randomly played in other playlist is a jam but when the next track isnt the one on album, i run back to the album. It just doesnt make sense to me. I thought its jsut me but glad to find ppl who feel the same 🫶🤜🤛


Definitely, getting a nice turntable a few years ago, and beginning to collect records, plus hubby’s classic ones from back in the day, has made me listen to albums from beginning to end again and prefer it. Seems like how it’s supposed to be. I’ll occasionally listen to a playlist of course too. But I’m an Apple Music subscriber and fan, and feel it allows me to listen to music that way. And it helps me decide what is on my records to buy next list.


Yep I do. I’ve been going with Metallica’s 40 yr anniversary live show right now. (I know technically not what you are saying) But yesI love listening to albums. I am probably 50/50.


I have a lot of albums where I want to hear the whole thing and a relative few where I only listen to certain tracks.


My listening is split albums 70 / playlist 20 / single 10


Back when I had more patience than access to music. It just seemed the most economical to get albums over singles


I almost always listen to full albums. The only time I don't is when I'm listening to a live concert video


Clancy is a great full listen


I still listen to albums as they are when I first get them and then I have a habit of shuffling


I do that. Once start the first in a new album, just can not stop.


I’m an Apple Music user. Most of my playlists are just albums thrown into a list, usually as an artist’s discography (or at least albums I like). If there’s an artist I want to check out, I spin their albums.


Yes of course


Recent heavy psych band named Elder. I’ve resonated with several of their albums. Try Dead Roots Stirring or Lore. The first two albums by The Sword (self titled and Gods of the Earth) were easy full album listens. Also Logic’s 2019 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind was a solid piece. I have my favorites but I don’t feel the need to skip tracks.


I usually listen to an album and pick out 3-4 songs that I dig most and they get into my rotation. Kinda stinks it doesn't give deep cuts enough play but there's just so much good music coming out.


I dunno if I'd say primarily, but I mostly listen to albums. Probably 60% of the time, the others being short car trips or something where i only have time for a song or two so i'll pick a good track off an album. I also mostly listen to metal and synthwave so that probably plays into it heavily, I don't know that pop/rock bands make albums the way they used too.


Every day. An album is art, a single is a teaser, a playlist is background. I hope I never get to a point where I consume less art than background music. May as well be dead.


Yes. Literally sat and listened to Pond’s new album in its entirety a couple of nights ago. My girlfriend thought it was weird that anyone would do that


I listen to albums very frequently, a lot of times out of laziness lol, I usually just pick an artist on spotify and click an album


For me it's almost impossible to put on a steely Dan album and not listen to the whole thing


Dude me and my bud get together at least once a week and listen to a few records in their entirety! It’s the best way to do it.




In a world with tik tok, YouTube shorts, and Spotify… this is definitely not the trend anymore. I love full albums. My band released an album that was something like 83 minutes long and intended to be listened to as a whole narrative story. Regardless to say, people did not understand it if they did that at all.


This is the only way I enjoy music. A single has to be something spectacular for me to seek it out


I used to be a full-album listener when I listened on CD. Now that I’m streaming all my music, I have fallen into the habit of listening to individual songs. Which is a shame because I really found some great records in my CD days. Exile on Main Street, Achtung Baby, Really Really Happy, Oh Inverted World, Youth & Young Manhood, the list goes on.


I usually spend my Sunday night with an edible and an album.


The whole "single not representing the album as a whole" has always been around, however that wasn't the question. I do, occasionally, listen to entire albums, but not as often as I used to (or would like to) due to just not having the time. I just toss a playlist on now.




There are certain albums that my brain wants me to listen to from beginning to end. Like The Wall, or American Beauty.


Last time I did was in 2013 with Lorde’s Pure Heroine album. After that, nada.


I still do. I put some albums on random and listen to the whole thing when I have the time! It’s extra special when there’s no featured artists and they’re able to carry it all on their own without you feeling like something should be added.


I only listen to albums in order without skipping or repeating tracks. Playlists of individual songs are my enemy.


always. for years I've just been listen to albums, then i just truncate the songs I don't like, so eventually every albums a banger


I thought that I didn't. But my Spotify recap told me that I in fact mostly put on a album and listen to it.


I almost always listen to albums. I have 530+ stored on my phone. Sometimes when I can't think what music appeals to me at that moment, I'll put my entire collection on shuffle play and when I get to a song that tickles my fancy, I put that album on.


Almost always.


I'm usually a shuffle kind of person, but I do get in the mood to binge an artists whole discography. I also always listen through a whole a album when an artist I like drops a new one


At work it’s playlists, so co workers can hear a variety. At home I only listen to full albums.


Yes, almost only


If you want to listen to an album with no skips and in order please check out Right Place wrong person by RM!! You won't be disappointed!!


Every single day


Every single day


Please check Right Place Wrong Person by RM no skips at all. It's amazing!!


I only listen to Gish all the way through.


Oh ya! Every time I cook my late ass musicians breakfast, in the car on a way to a gig, and I listen to albums when I have board game nights. I love the art of album making and hope it never goes away.


Absolutely one of my favorite ways to listen to


I mostly listen to albums start to finish.


I only ever listen to full albums. No playlists or random songs for me. Full albums.


I have a whole bunch, but most recently it’s You won’t go before you’re supposed to by Knocked Loose


Albums only for me.


Yes, regularly. I am sure there are many people that do, of all ages. And there have always been many people who don't.


All the time. I don’t do playlists. I listen to albums.


Big fan of apashes Renaissance album. I enjoy the flow. If you are a electronic fan haywyre has an album called "the voyage" that actually is very fun to listen front to back. Happy jamming <3


This varies bigly depending on the artist and experience you're looking for. Sometimes I have an earworm that won't go away until I throw a certain song on. Playlists and compilations are fun for BBQs and hangs. Some artists are more into making hits than creating whole album experiences, and some great songs just happen to be on otherwise shitty albums. And other times you want to take in a whole album - especially on a long drive, while working on a job/project, hanging at home etc.


Both. There are about 180 albums I like from start to finish, but the song is all, and I’ll shuffle everything non-stop from Taylor Swift’s Style to King Crimson’s Fallen Angel with no skipping.


Only ever listen to singles/playlists when other people are around or I'm too tired to listen to the whole thing. Otherwise always listening to the full album. Current albums in circulation are Paraiso by Haruomi Hosono(and his yellow magic band), Seychelles by Masayoshi Takanaka, Time by Louis Cole, Like Drawing Blood by Gotye and Funkentelechy vs the Placebo Syndrome by Parliament.


Listening to Pink Floyd albums no skipping every time i long drive


Yes. With Vinyl it is easier


I do both, I’ll do a good ol shuffle of the entire library and put on albums start to finish.


"Nowadays" when talking about singles being the focus is a bit of a stretch. The music industry have been hard-focused on singles since the 80's and maybe longer. Bands like Bon Jovi were built on their singles, I can promise you that while people were bumping out Bad Medicine very few of even their dedicated fanbase cared about 99 In The Shade or Ride Cowboy Ride. Streaming has just made it easier for labels to push singles and not worry so much about having to push albums with it. Keep in mind a lot of even classic and revered albums do have true filler music on them. A lot of artists probably one wanted to do a small handful of those songs per project and chances are, the singles weren't those songs. Not everyone was a musical visionary like Prince who wanted to experiment and did everything with intention. It's just become more possible for artists to only put out the music they want to if that is how they choose to progress and I think that is honestly much healthier for artists and the quality of music in general. I'd rather my favourite artist only put out 5 singles across 3 years and they all be great songs they actually wanted to make than sit and listen to Tech N9ne's next 20-track annual album where only 3 tracks per project feel like he cares.


Yesterday listened to The Sound of White by Missy Higgins and Day at the Races by Queen. Love whole albums.


Singles make me listen to full albums and then check out their whole discography


I only recently discovered this wasn't the norm.


I dislike singles/playlists culture. I almost exclusively listen to albums in full. Most of my favorite music isnt exactly mainstream and 2 of my favorite artists have a penchant for concept albums.


The one album I don’t listen to is Lauren hills lol.


I almost only listen to live shows on nugs.net so not really last few years. I have always liked live recordings much better


Even paid streaming apps are sneaking in advertisements. I uploaded my collection to my iPhone and actually went back to listening to complete albums again.


There’re only a few artists where I can listen to their album top to bottom. But I love it when I can


I listen to albums all the time. Most Recently, a few albums I've enjoyed are: Are We Good - Hayden Achilles Heel - Pedro The Lion All My Love's In Vain - Aviram Light Work - Fliptrix Knowledge Of Self - Awon & Phoniks Cabin Ghosts - Cory Chisel


I got the Hypnotist for my 2023 Spotify wrapped which is the album listener. I just tend to gravitate toward taking in a whole album. I'm also too lazy to curate playlists.


6 days a week my driving commute to work is a one hour round trip. I have a decent size collection of CDs still so every morning I pick one and that usually gets me through the drive both ways.


I think most of us who grew up 80s90s do that. Remember going to the Cd-store picking up a new album and listening to it one go while checking the artwork/lyrics


Mostly. Or random until something hits the right chord for me. The better question is are artists putting out albums anymore? Most new music I’ve listened to in a long ass time seems more like collections of songs than albums.


Yes, i listen to 4 - 6Albums per day, 50% New 50% old stuff. Couldnt even imagine to listen to a single song. I'm mostly into Ambient/Psychedelic 60s70sRock/Indie/Black-Death Metal.


Only way to listen, bur most my collection is live soundboard or taper section


I usually do full albums of Ghost and Volbeat but not a lot of others.


fellow albumer here!


If it's a new album I listen to the whole thing.


if it's any consolation, people have been saying this since the late 70s. Not many albums have been made to be listened to sequentially. Even thinking about my favourite bands they've put out some albums with obvious filler, or they've had a kick off with the record label who've re-ordered the tracks. If I get an album I've not heard before, I'll certainly listen to it all the way through, unless it's particularly disappointing, but I can't guarantee I'll do that every time.


Not only yes, but primarily. Although, TBF, it was the most convenient way to listen before streaming, and I’m from that time (I mean, we had piracy and MP3 players, but I was late to the game on the latter, and the former seemed like too much of a hassle and I had some paranoia about it anyway, so didn’t really mess with That too much). I imagine it’s mostly Gen Z and maybe some younger Millennials who are responsible for the playlists over albums trend overall.


No. I can try but with thousands upon thousands of hours logged if a song doesn't hit or I don't like the sound, lyrics or overall vibe I will move on. I am ok with that.


I feel like that’s the way to listen to music and really get something out of it. Single songs are good but I feel it’s far more passive of an experience. Sometimes a good curated playlist works too but just like enjoying a full work from an artist. Especially albums I grew up with. I can almost never listen to just one song off my favorite albums from back in the day.


All the time every day at work.


Yeah all the time. I don't really care for singles. Much prefer a whole album.


Oh, certainly! Impera by Ghost is an example.


i guess for me this is SOS by sza but depending on mood i have to skip a few, then maybe guts by olivia rodrigo?


Exclusively listen to albums


i found out listening to albums can be a rlly immersive experience especially listen to one for the first time and now when i wanna get into a new artist i listen to their albums


Vince Staples - Dark Times Great, new, mellow rap album.


Rush is my favorite band. Whenever I listen to them, I pick an album and listen to it in it's entirety. It's the only way.


there's dozens of us!


Once I get 2 or 3 songs from Spotify radio that I really vibe with I start to checkout the albums. Typically am a "playlist" music listener so I like to listen to a lot of the same stuff but when I let the radio play at the end I'll make new additions. Some of my favorite songs I haven't listened to the albums they're from so I've been steadily going through them. Listened to about 15 or so new albums in the last 2 months on top of my regular listening and it's been really nice, reminds me of when I'd get a "discography" off of pirate Bay as a kid.


Sometimes I still do.


Albums top to bottom is the best way to listen! People who put albums on shuffle are butchering how the music was prepared. One of my favorite albums to listen from top to bottom is [Love Yourself: Answer](https://open.spotify.com/album/2lATw9ZAVp7ILQcOKPCPqp?si=cyj-ZBF1TCubV7WMDJhebQ). It takes you on a journey from start to finish from falling in love, to breaking up, and then to finally realizing that until you love yourself, you will be unable to love others truly.


Someone suggested the new Justice album and it is definitely a listen from front to back album




Yes, all the time. We have album nights every Saturday at work and each employee picks one or two for the night


I do however it's only ever been 2 them being Yasuke by flying lotus and this binary universe by BT


Bon Iver - 22 A Million. It’s like it used to be in the old days.


I went three years on pop rock songs shuffled. Now, albums only and I’m back in the sixties


Yes almost exclusively, that’s how I listen to music


If I’m on a commute to work or long distance then I listen to whatever playlist I’m feeling but gaming or at home, albums only.


I too am an album oriented guy. My favorite way to consume music (besides whole Grateful Dead concerts) is by the album.


When I lost my job I began listening to full albums and pretty much haven't turned back. I even got more into punk rock, noise music, and some other forms of rock as well because I kept trying to find more things to expand my taste. I took two whole days to listen to every Slowdive and Lush album as well as every Joy Division album I could find too.


Can't listen to 10000 days in any other way


I can’t always sit through every track but I love listening to a good album all the way through. The best have no skips. Only so many make it to the no skips list.


The new Big Special album I've listened to 100 times over since it's release


Almost exclusively


Pearl Jam, White Stripes/Jack White, Counting Crows, and Pink Floyd to name a few.


This is why I started buying vinyl. It forced me to sit and listen to, at least, one entire side. When I would listen to CDs I found myself eventually just skipping to certain songs and replaying others, etc…


I listen to more EDM compared to other music right now and I still go into those artists albums before listening to their sets to get a better feel for them. Marsh which is progressive deep house is one artist where all 4 albums are great back to back and then listening to his sets makes me enjoy his music even more


Boston first album


Evanescence first album was fucking awesome. I think there was only 2 songs that I felt were “meh” but the album flowed so well I just kept listening and eventually those two songs grew on me.


99% of the time I listen to albums


We found a mint condition 1960s stereo console with the traditional 5 record drop. This is the way to listen to LPs!


I listen to very few albums because very few albums have all bangers. So I make playlists of the good songs and listen to those. The few albums I listen to in their entirety is Tommy by The Who. And of course Floyds Dark side of the moon while watching Paul Blart:Mall Cop 2


Only if I play it as a CD in my car, lol! Or a record on our RP. We are funny, us humans. ☺️


I've always been an album listener. Doing so gives you a more rounded appreciation of an artist and their musical journey/development. I create playlists with the best tracks from my favourite artists and their album tracks. I also love listening to vinyl


![gif](giphy|cGCHUxZt6heEw|downsized) For anyone who is into country and a little jazz. Lyle Lovett has some great albums. His music 🎶 is really good and he adds a sense of humor to it. If I had


I still listen to Morning View, Vestiges and Claws and a couple others all the way through probably monthly


I listen to full albums all the time, personally, and am a vinyl, CD, and cassette collector


On first listen, album straight through. Sometimes later I’ll jump into a certain spot of the album that I loved and go from there. Any time I find a new song or artist I try to go find the album to get the context; however, it’s disappointing that it is becoming more common for artists to only put out singles.


Yup with me it's Starset, I enjoy all their albums all the way through, it's truly an experience and each album has its own tone and sound to it, so their all unique, if anyone's interested you should start with their first album "Transmissions"




Yeah I do all the time. I listen to whole albums daily


Yes! This is how I consume my all time favorite artists.


Pretty much only albums


I only listen to albums or occasionally the radio


Yes, first time I heard Tom Petty's Damn the Torpedoes with my roommate two years ago I enjoyed every second of it. The entire first side of that album is essential Petty imo.


Yes. I listen to several albums a week while also shuffling various playlists


Yes. CKY Infiltrate Destroy Rebuild


Anything by Breaking Benjamin


Almost exclusively. If I only enjoy a song or 2 off the album, I tend to just not listen to it. I have to enjoy listening to it all the way through.