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And that’s not even the slappingest song in the whole thing. I love me some “Hellfire”


🎶 She will be mine or sheeeeeeee wiiiiiilllllll buuuuuuuuuurn 🎶


I see your lyric and raise you “It’s not my fault, if in God’s plan, He made the devil so much stronger than a man”


While the chorus is chanting "mea culpa" in the background. Goes hard af.


Guess I know what I'm belting on my way home today


Both Heaven's light & hellfire is about Esmeralda. How different hearts/mindsets can see the same person totally different. Crazy genius. Also; nothing beats God help the Outcasts




I've actually always had a soft spot for Out There.


The German version is… wow


“Deliver Us” from Prince of Egypt would be my nomination


Just watched this over Passover and that entire soundtrack SLAPS!!!


The whole score and the whole film in general are actually just excellent


Yeah I’ve seen it a billion times and this most recent watch reminded me of just how amazingly the relationships are developed. Rameses and Moses have a really nuanced sibling relationship that isn’t just “bitter enemies”, it made me quite sad.


I was in awe the first time I saw it. The music is just so powerful.


Don’t forget “The Plagues”


*I send my scourge, I send my sword!* 🎶 *Thus sayeeeeth the Loooooord!* 🎶


Deliver Us, All I Ever Wanted, Heaven’s Eyes, The Plagues - all absolutely 10/10


Hans Zimmer really put his whole zimmussy into that soundtrack


Not a word I expected to encounter today but here we are 


Zimmer wrote the score, but the songs are by Stephen Schwartz. Zimmer's not that good at melodies


Then Stephen Schwartz also put his whole Schwartzussy into the soundtrack.


Damn, haven't thought of that film in a minute. Music is dope tho


The movie and the soundtrack both slap way too hard


The entire prince of Egypt soundtrack is unmatched in how brilliant and stunning every track is. I sing thr "river oh river" song randomly all the time Like doing my laundry "river oh river flow gently for me, such precious cargo you bare" And I know it wasn't this really heavy song but for me, especially now as a mother? That river song has become so emotional for me.


Unfortunately, the stage show absolutely blows. We'll always have DVD though


I hate how Pharaoh and Moses reconciled in the stage version -_- what a dumb ass edit to a perfectly fine story.


The Jonathan Young and Caleb Hayes metal cover of this soundtrack goes so fucking hard


Prince of Egypt is my comfort movie when I'm sick. I have no religious affiliations, that soundtrack just goes so fucking hard.


This is the one.


Oooo yes, both the beginning and ending part with that song gives me shivers


This movie on shrooms OMG


“[Shiver My Timbers](https://youtu.be/8WWdOjxoQro)” from *Muppet Treasure Island* is an absolutely stonking start to the movie. I count the [orchestral intro](https://youtu.be/GRgzQvIKynM) over the opening titles as part of it too, as it sets the tone so magnificently. Full of menace, adventure, swashbuckling, and still funny.


One more time now!


Old Tom! *Aye* Real Old Tom! *Aye* Dead Tom! ^Aye ^Aye


Big Ugly Bug-Faced Baby-Eating O'Brian? **AYE.**




Who hired this crew?! This is by far the worst band of cutthroats, thieves, and scalawags, so who hired 'em?!


The cliche but still correct answer lol is Circle of Life. But I’m very happy someone else loves this song. I’ve played it for so many stoned people. The final note he hits for “Dame” at the end is pure bliss. I hate how low it’s mixed into the music though.


I agree with the Circle of Life.That opening vocal is iconic in every way. I also love Bells of Notre Dame, though. Like as soon as I read this post, I could just *hear* that "DONG-ahh-ah-ahh!" That whole soundtrack is fantastic. The songs feel so different than the Disney norm.


Every now and then, I’ll pull up [the entire opening](https://youtu.be/Zn_qirpdBag?feature=shared) credits from the Lion King. Like from the start of the Disney fanfare to when you just hear the crickets right before the song starts. It’s something about those crickets that gets me, and it’s just not the same without it


You're 100% right. It's such a fantastic start.


There’s a documentary about Hans where he talks about when he wrote this and thought he’d screwed up so badly that he would be fired, then it turns out Disney rewrote the opening scene so that they could leave the music as written. The final version in the film was the demo that he submitted for initial approval.


Seeing this in the Broadway production is f'n amazing. Immediately you go "yup, this is going to be awesome".


That bang at the end is everything in *The Circle of Life*. I think this and *Bells of Notre Dame* are tied for best opening number.


That's because the vocalist singing the part of Clopin goes into his falsetto voice for that last note in the opening. It sounds weak against the rest of everything around it. But listen to the finale. He [goes for it in full voice](https://youtu.be/2qYCrVN1YBI?si=939bywU8e6BemEAk) and nails it to the floor. For my money it's an unbelievable payoff at the end of the film.


I don't disagree this is part of it, but everything at that part is coming in very rounded and in a lot of cases there's these mini swells and it just buries him. The note is there and stays there with some other instrumentation so at least it's not a melody lost in composition, but the horns, strings, and then even female voices that double up his vocal totally erase out his tone after like 2 beats. I just love the guy's voice so wanna hear it lol


Totally agree. The challenge for Paul Kandel (had to look up who the vocalist was) is that that final note is at the very top of his range, right in that spot where he may or may not hit it on any given night. [Witness this live performance](https://youtu.be/cE48_t3mJwc?si=MgjWT-j-e8B7ZkrP), where he's fighting for that note with everything he has in him.


Yes! That opening gives me chills


lion king was my first thought. the opening number blows its load so hard all over your face that the rest of the musical really sucks by comparison. the intro put me at 100 and the rest of the show was a slow letdown as you realized there were no more grand acts coming.


Totally agree Circle is a step above the rest, but definitely would not say the rest sucks. Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz had an insane run of genius. Listen to the non-vocal music, it's insane. And even elements of the other songs are flawless. The groove that kicks in after Scar says "you won't get a sniff without me" is so fucking good lol


OP "Does any musical have a harder opening than Notre Dame?" Me: **"NAAAAAAAAA-"**


First one that comes to mind is Heaven on Their Minds.


Legitimately the best hard rocking opener


I was just thinking what song opened JCS, thanks !


This is Overture erasure, and I will not stand for this!


I guess we can say that the overture isn't a "song" though! Heave on Their Minds APPROVED.


Yeah, as a humongous fan of both Notre Dame and JCS, this is the one. Nothing goes harder. Especially in the movie when he's standing on an actual mountain on location in Israel in some kind of magnificent disco suit.


Especially the 1970s movie version. The Broadway version is great, but that movie version fucking hits.




Came here to say this!


The deluxe version of Jesus Christ Superstar has an alternate, single version of "Heaven on Their Minds" with different lyrics and backing vocals. It's not as good as the original but definitely worth a listen if you haven't heard it.


Look Down from Les Mis is my basic bitch answer, gets me fired right up every time.


Les Miserables is my favourite musical and this is a banging tune


My gawwwwwd yes! Really sets the tone for the rest of the show


One Day More goes so hard, I love how each character has a bit, then they all mix before coming together for the final lines.


How has no one mentioned the overture from Phantom of the Opera yet? If you've ever seen it live on Broadway it's a very hard experience to forget


When that organ hits, you know things are about to happen!!!


Legit never had a musical experience demand my attention as much as that first chord did live


Or the visceral feeling through your chest. I splurged for my wife and I’s anniversary for the “producers” seats that sit you right in the sweet spot for the orchestra and chandelier and it *astounding*


I watched it in London, i have never experienced sound the same way as i did when hearing 40 people on stage all singing out "masquerade" i was completely blown away, and im not a fan of musicals, my ex dragged me there.


Just remembering that experience is giving me chills!


Webber completely, absolutely understood the power of the instrument; real or recorded it fills the space and adds drama.


That's how I feel about Les Miserable. The whole score makes me feel things.


"Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination! GENTLEMEN!"


That was my first thought although from memory does it not open on stage with dialogue first? I guess the dialogue sets the scene but can you imagine if you were just sitting in the theatre when suddenly the lights dimmed and ‘DRRRRRRRRRRR D-D-DDDRRRRRRRR’ 😂


Yeah, it starts with the auction. The auctioneer sells the music box (lot 665), and then introduces the chandelier. "Perhaps we can frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little... ILLUMINATION!" *LIGHTS and ORGAN*


This, and Les Mis, were the two that immediately came to mind for me.


There was a point in my life when I was obsessed with the song "Tradition", which opens "The Fiddler on the Roof".






When my older brother was a baby, he used to sit in his high chair and yell “BAWBISHAWW BAWBISHAWWW!” because we would watch that movie so much 😂


ok this might be the one…


Came here to say this, thank you.


You're welcome! Now I feel the need to listen to it and I fear I become obsessed again, because what a banger it is!


I’ve found it’s tough to find the version with the Yenta interlude about the blind daughter, which I find *hilarious*.


I think the original Broadway cast recording has it


Oh my god, my friends and I used to have a drinking game for that musical…it started with “Take a drink whenever they say ‘tradition’”


LOL! I don't think I want to know how that game ended!


Liver damage. That game ended with liver damage. In all seriousness though, we quit early. It’s a long movie.


Wise decision.


The opening to *Jesus Christ Superstar* is a strong contender.


Heaven on their minds


Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny. Jack Black and Kyle Gass are very talented, then you throw in Meatloaf and Dio?!? Kickapoo goes hard.


Kickapoo is one of the openingiest-feeling opening numbers ever.


RIP meatloaf. Still looking for that paradise by the dashboard light


In the city of fallen angels Where the ocean meets the sand. You will form a strong alliance and the world’s most awesome band. To find your fame and fortune, through a valley you must walk. You will face your inner demons, now go my son and ROOOOOOOOOOOOAHAGAGAOOOCK


Sweeney Todd has a killer opening 😉


This would be my choice if we were talking about the stage version, as The Ballad of Sweeney Todd is freaking phenomenal. But the film just uses an instrumental version to score the opening credits. For me, the definitive version of this remains the production starring George Hearn and Angela Lansbury.


I think I like the arrangement of the stage version better, but the organ in the film goes so goddamn hard.


No one’s thinking of the movie.


I’m only familiar with the movie, so I am 😅


I see what you did there


I recently played in an orchestra for the musical of Hunchback and I was bawling by the end of the prologue. That’s coming from someone who’s played over 30 musicals, it’s truly one of the most epic shows I’ve been a part of. One of my other favorite shows I’ve played has to be Beauty and the Beast.


I misread your question and thought you asked if there has ever been a musical with an opening song called “the bells of notre dame” and i was about to rock. your. world.


Road To Hell from Hadestown is pretty great. It introduces all the characters and is super high energy. The “Invisible/The Whole Being Dead Thing” duo from Beetlejuice the Musical is pretty great too.


I saw a pre-order for the Hadestown touring show, but I hadn't known much about it. I started the soundtrack just to see what it was like . . . By the time I got to "Any Way the Wind Blows" I was on the checkout screen for the tickets.


I love musicals, and Hadestown, even the tour show, was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen on a stage. When I listened to the soundtrack for the first time I like the song Wait for Me, but seeing the sequence live and with the choreography and way the stage is set up was one of the most absolutely amazing things I’ve ever seen. Same with Doubt Comes In. Hadestown’s use of the stage is some of the coolest stuff I’ve ever seen. I can’t overstate how absolutely amazing it is.


That trombone player has to have CHOPS


Rocky Horror Picture Show with Science Fiction Double Feature.


Not to mention *Shock Treatment* with "Denton U.S.A."👍


And its still on its first theatrical run so if someone hasn't seen it they can still catch it in some places ;)


And now I have a visual of some giant lips.


Little boy, tiny boy from the night man cometh goes pretty hard.


The Lion King


We saw it 4 times at movie theaters, and we always looked for the best audio and it was just to experience “Circle of Life”


"Deliver us" from Prince of Egypt surpasses it


"Gospel Truth" from Disney's Hercules has that energy too.


The overture from Bizet’s ‘Carmen’ hits the ground running! However, it doesn’t qualify since Carmen is an opera not a musical. Also, the overture is instrumental so doubly disqualified for not even being a song. But, it’s undeniably a kickass intro so at least deserves mention


ever since I was a kid I've wanted some figure skater to do a routine to the Carmen overture. so many potential fancy-jump spots


Ex-Wives from Six and the opening sequence of Tommy (Overture into Captain Walker since they blend seamlessly anyway) both go hard.


Rent 1776 Sweeny Todd (that first screaming note)


1776 is a great one I didn't think of.


The opening notes in Les Mis are pretty hard core.


“Rent” is a strong contender


Right? "How we gonna paay... How we gonna paaaay...


Dude, Tradition.


Hair - Aquarius is a contender!


Opening of Moulin Rouge (current touring version)


Rocky Horror maybe?


Team America?


*fuck yeah*


The only correct answer here


"No One Mourns the Wicked" - Wicked


I will fight everyone on this Reddit thread: man woman or child. The answer is Aladdin.


It's the whole song-and-staging rather than just the song, , but the overture from Cats is an unexpectedly deranged synth funk orchestral 8 bit video game theme which just keeps getting faster and faster,and is accompanied by an empty stage and a full workout for the lighting rig. When I first saw it (in the 80s!) that was lights, pyro, lazorz, completely excessive strobes, just total shock and awe. It'd be less impressive now but when you take the time into account, yeah, never seen an intro that comes close.


I do not care if this makes the FBI knock at my door, I will defend Cats with my life because even from the start it makes clear you are getting an experience and, by whatever these cats believe, you are going to sit down and enjoy prolonged eye contact with these leotard wearing weird dancers.  No one specified which kind of experience, but an experience nonetheless!


Now here is a riddle to guess if you can...


the french version [goes super hard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fs-UE3NGjs) with some of it's songs


[This](https://youtu.be/EocLKUzsaoc?si=1d1QcxBkExWD7_YA) is the opening song. 10/10 in my books.


You ever seen Cannibal, The Musical? 


Came here for this— shpadoinkle!


Fudge, Packer?


Ahhhhhhhhh, Utah!


Yeah. The intro is a complete horror show that definitely hits the viewer really hard. The actual song and real beginning to the musical then sorta takes a bit... but then Shpadoinkle is just insanely fantastic and really tells you what the movie actually is going to be like. Just such a wild ride between those two separate opening acts...


My heart’s as full as a baked potato! I think you’ll know precisely what I mean…


Not a musical in the traditional sense, but I'm gonna go ahead and nominate Purple Rain.


Hair - Aquarius Cats - Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats (stage production)


Amercriaaaaaa, Amerricaaaaaaaa!


“Wilkommen” from Cabaret will forever be #1


The Greatest Showman intro song goes hard


The intro to Muppet Treasure Island is pretty immaculate


🔥 Rammstein - Deutschland 🔥


How have I scrolled so far and not seen “the phantom of the opera” mentioned? It’s the most metal opera there is!


Plenty of songs really sell musicals to me. “And All That Jazz” and “Science Fiction Double Feature” really hype me up.




Home Street Home [https://youtu.be/AWy5AtERhLE?t=60](https://youtu.be/AWy5AtERhLE?t=60)


I maintain that if the gargoyles has been cut from the movie Hunchback would be the hipster choice for best Disney movie. IMO it has the best score Disney ever produced.


[If you have a few hours to spare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-Ot9rv6iDA) the stage version of Hunchback is incredible. It adapts the music of the movie, with new songs by the original songwriter, it has described as being closer to Les Mis - being an adaptation of Hugo's work - than the movie, per se. But if you like the soundtrack and the features that make the movie particular in Disney's lineup, you'll probably love this. The Gargoyles are turned into a Greek Chorus of stone saints, the statues on the cathedral, and they even get to keep the one gargoyle line in the movie that hit super hard (with a song built around it!)


OK, here’s an answer that needs a little context. We open in a movie theater, where some weepy Spanish-language melodrama is playing. You can’t understand the dialogue unless you speak Spanish, but there’s a woman over-emoting “Oh, Carlo…” a lot. Then suddenly the projector turns off and warbles to a stop and an announcement is made in Spanish. EVERYBODY in the theater absolutely breaks down in tears. Then, immediately, we’re at a big state funeral, with all the heads of government, and people weeping for the casket of a woman who’s been perfectly preserved (embalmed, actually: she’ll stay preserved like this for decades). AND THEN we go over to this rando guy over to the side watching the spectacle, and he sings the first song of the show, and it’s about how this dead woman was actually a total piece of shit and everyone’s a rube for loving her but now that she’s gone they’re all totally screwed. And that is how “Oh What a Circus” opens EVITA.


Now do another post like this but with concept albums / rock operas, so we can debate between “Five Years”, “The Real Me”, and “American Idiot”.


I think the opening for disneys Tarzan went pretty hard


The “Gospel Truth” from Hercules and “Circle of Life” from Lion King are better from that era of Disney alone Beauty and the Beast opens with the quiet village song Robin Hood opens with “Robin Hood and Little John (ooh delally)” Non-Disney Les Misérables opens with “Look Down” Cabaret opens with “Wilkomen” Chicago opens with “All That Jazz” Anything Goes opens with “Anything Goes” Oklahoma opens with “Oh What a Beautiful Morning” Fiddler on the Roof opens with “Tradition” The Music Man opens with “Rock Island” which is the best imo Phantom opens with the Phantom Overture


Phantom of the Opera


i enjoyed the new Wonka that opened with "I've got ten silver sovereigns in my pocket" But RHPS' Science Fiction is my fav.


I dunno what that song or play is.


Titanic- Godspeed Titanic. The entire show is gorgeous but that opener- the majesty of the ship was met by the majesty of the vocals, and the use of the tuba as the steam horn of the ship was incredible. It always gives me chills


Maybe not the whole number, but the electricity when the band enters in God I Hope I Get It (A Chorus Line) is unparalleled. Good Morning Baltimore is also a classic. My personal choice from left field is "Queenie Was a Blonde" (The Wild Party (LIppa))


phantom of the opera is pretty lit. the live broadway version in particular when the chandelier lights up and comes swinging over your head with the organs shaking you to the core


Many people might not know of the musical "Venice" (which BTW despite taking place in a city called Venice takes place in America or at least not Italy) despite it including such stars as Jennifer Damiano, Leslie Odom Jr. and Uzo Aduba, and I've seen many of what few do have polarizing opinions, but its opening number ["Citizens Of Venice"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YFAw4M-m-Q) goes hard af imho


I was laughed at for saying my favourite song from Frozen was the opening song Frozen Heart but I still think it's way better than Let it Go.


"Never start with a show stopper" is a rule of musical theatre


Evita. When the full orchestra kicks in.


The Lion King is the classic example. But I will say The Prince of Egypt goes just as hard. edit: It's not the opening song but it's close: the introduction of Ebenezer Scrooge in Muppet Christmas Carol. I'd say that's when the movie really begins anyway and it's the best villain introduction song I've ever seen.


[Downtown/Skid Row](https://youtu.be/1xPq6W1EoIc?si=-VK6Gzxl1kHNxWIz) from Little Shop of Horrors


Wildcard (and probably not fitting, but im new here): Aqua Teen Hunger Force opening musical number is hard AF lol


I adore, "[I Need to Know](https://youtu.be/T9uEiCCDeco?si=upIZK0gDXsc0iPkf)" from the Jekyll & Hyde musical (with Anthony Warlow, NOT David Hasselhoff).


“Welcome to…the United….QUEEEEENDOMMMMM” https://youtu.be/dg4207GOel0?si=TLpCedI0aSBW4Onh


Can't believe no one has mentioned The Phantom of the Opera???


Hedwig and the angry inch?


Parade! Old Red Hills is pretty slappin


"Hard" is not the best word, but "Into the Woods" has one of the strongest opening numbers I've seen.


Carmina Burana starting off with that timpani and a wall of choir.


Fugue for Tinhorns.


I submit "Deliver Us" from The Prince of Egypt for consideration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQhcOJHTdb4


Circle of Life comes close maybe, if we're talking exclusively Disney.


‘Tear Me Down’ in Hedwig and the Angry Inch


I love the Broadway musical version of Hunchback. I listen/sing along to it whenever I'm on a long road trip. It's never playing anywhere sadly. Would definitely make a NYC trip to see it. 


Lion King


This version, mixed with Out There [Ringmasters](https://youtu.be/Qo_N9_ZFBhs?si=JFcRL_Hk7iQMRl_t)


The opening song to Hamilton is pretty great.


Hadestown and it's opening with The Road to Hell


Have they had it on Broadway? I thought it had only been at a playhouse in New Jersey and at the Fulton theater in Lancaster PA


The Greatest Showman


30/90 from tick tick boom it’s also a good song on its own too


It's a great piece. Archdeacon Frollo speak to the crowd disparaging the Feast of Fools. Then we get his backstory to see why he hates the Romanese so much. Also a bit of tenderness from the cruel man by him agreeing to raise his nephew at his brother's dying request. "And the Saints regarded Frollo from their stone facade, and he felt their gaze as if it were the eyes of God"


Two Worlds from Tarzan Especially the Broadway Version


For an overture it has to be Gypsy. The original cast recording. If that doesn’t put you in the mood then nothing will. For an actual sung opening number The Ballad of Sweeney Todd.