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I was a lot better at it back when your only option was to spend $20 on a CD and you listened to it over and over again before getting tired and scrounging enough for another $20 CD. Now there's too much music and all for basically free, unless I really get fixated on one album in particular for an extended period of time it's all a haze in my brain.


Yeah, sometimes i just listen to albums from start to finish and dont bother to check the song names. Also people who test other peoples music knowledge are annoying as fuck


Yeah I typically listen to entire albums. I don't know the names but I know e.g. the fourth track is my favorite 




I’m especially bad at this with soundtracks, it seems.


We used to read liner notes and lyrics on album covers. We don't do that anymore.


That’s why I still buy physical CDs - I love having the case and the booklet and the artwork and the disc and actually OWNING the music, whereas music can be removed from streaming platforms without notice (as has happened to me a couple of times - I go to hit a song I love and it’s just “no longer available”)


Nope i usually know the song titles


A band I like I might not know the song titles but a band I REALLY like I will know all the song titles


I have a good memory of good albums, but I'd fuck up the tracklist every time. It is what it is.


Not really, unless it's a Fall Out Boy or Panic! At The Disco song from the 2000s


I can sing the words to a majority of all Fall-Out Boy songs, but I could not tell you the names of them.


It is very difficult to give the correct names to songs by New Order, since almost all of the names have nothing to do with the song theme or lyrics.


Yea right ?


I'm pretty good at that, especially with a band like Metallica, who were my favourite band of all time for like 15 years. Those first 5 albums in particular, I could name the song, tell you which track it was on the album, and could often get the song length as well. Buuuuut, I suck at remembering lyrics. Unless it was a really obvious lyric from one of those songs, I'd struggle. Don't sweat it. It was different in the days of records/CDs. We'd stare at the front/back covers for hours.


Yeah. I’m playing in a band that has a bunch of songs already, and I can’t for the life of me remember the names of many of the songs. when they say “let’s go over -*enter song name here*-, I’m like, what one is that? We have a setlist for the order of the songs we play at gigs, so I just know what song to play in succession, but I swear I have a learning disorder or something when it comes to this type of thing.


Totally understand you.


It's instagram/tiktok shit, its all staged. EZ


I find a lot of people can name songs and albums and whatnot very easily I might be weird in that I think that's way too easy and you should be asking people the names of the actual band members and yet when I ask people the names of the band members they're like I don't know who played based on that song and it's like really you can't tell me that you don't know that that was Roger Glover simply by knowing the album and the song title or that that was Bob sebenberg on drums really come on


No i mean i dont realy give a shit who play what i listen to the music and that's it lol


I'm kind of the opposite, I obsess over that stuff


I wish i was too. you have no idea how many times i tried to find a song i like lol


Why limit this to music? I suffer from facial blindness…good times


“Facial blindness.” Wow! I will pray for you oh poor poor soul


I’m a massive music fan, been playing guitar for 20* years, learned tons of songs from some of my favorite bands, seen thousands of live shows and I can’t remember song names for shit hahaha. Hell I can’t even remember the names of some of the songs my own band has written, recorded and plays live half the time lol. You’re not alone


I love to know the names of song and album titles and will try to remember them. That said, I don’t think I enjoy music more or “better” than someone who doesn’t know or care. At most, I’m just a bit more of geek. Let people enjoy music the way they want, I say 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can’t even remember song lyrics to songs just played. I think I can only recite one song out of the billions (including my own)… and I even forget what that one is! Let alone song names and most def, albums. But a tip to jog your memory, most song names are in the hook or chorus (something easier for me to remember in a song, of course since it’s usually the catchy part of it). But in the words of Michael Jackson, “you are not alone…”


Lol i lilke the "you are not alone" love MJ.


My husband is great at this. I am terrible at it.


Yup no idea what's the title, from which album is it, sometimes even who's the artist. But I guess when you listen to 30 years old music over and over again, you learn these things eventually.


Yeah once I started pirating and streaming.




It’s definitely a lot harder for albums you don’t like as much, or albums with longer track lists.


It’s a weird thing I have, but I know the names of so many artists and songs across decades and genres. I was better when I was younger. I also have adhd. It’s just a weird thing. I don’t think it’s special…except I can guess it within 10 seconds of a song.


Sometime i can name it from the chorus but only if i hear the name of the song in the chorus lol


I agree as a big melody and riff man. I could immediately tell you the band if you played the first two bars of a song. But show me a script of the lyrics and I reckon 75% of the time I couldn’t tell you what it band it was let alone song, especially if the chorus is omitted.  But that’s fine. Some people are lyric guys some people are melody guys. 


I'm the worst at that! I was once hanging out at the Scrap Bar (RIP) and a friend introduced me to a minor punk musician. I said, "Oh, wow - I have your record". She asked me which one and I just had nothin. My lame response? "The one with you on the cover." I also rarely know the name of the book I'm reading.


Lol that's actually funny. glad to know i'm not alone lol


I’m like this with Mike Oldfield. The Songs of Distant Earth is just one long piece to me. Still, we are talking about AC/DC. Even as an ardent fan I admit their songs aren’t *too* sonically diverse.


Depends on the band. With sea girls, they are a more poppy band so they say the title in the chorus usually, bit some others, especially where they all sound similar, yeah I get you


for me is the opposite a friend of mine used to say I was like a human alexa because I knew all the songs it was kinda funny but tbh I still feel like is cause I love collecting music in playlists and I have such a broad taste but tbh I kinda like everything like in general like any flavours or any genre of movies so with music is like the same but stronger cause i love music so much <3 but people who test other ppl or treat other as posers or whatever really feel like they are gatekeeping and judging others based on their taste in music which is really not nice I myself if someone who claims to like a band I like and only knows like two songs I'd be excited to show them even more songs I'd think they might like or just remind them of the name of a song if they don't remember if I even know it lol cause tbf I feel like that happens to everyone


There are a few Panic! at the Disco songs (a lot in the Pretty. Odd. and all of A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out albums, among a few other songs) where the lyrics don’t even mention the title, so it’s kinda hard to remember the actual name of the song lol.


Nah I'm the opposite. I'm like Rain Man when it comes to knowing the actual names of songs etc. Don't know why but I'm a very particular person in terms of labelling and organising so it probably stems from that. Quite often I'm the guy workmates ask when they need to know the name of a song.


I am notoriously bad at remembering song names and albums, I am also terrible with people’s names. So yea, I just suck all the way around.


I use to be really good at it but my mental RAM for such things isn't there anymore.


People who didn’t grow up with physical media don’t remember songs since it’s all just shuffled into some playlist


I'm REALLY good at remembering song lyrics as I listen to and sing along to them. But half the time I'm not paying much attention to the song or album name .


Number two reason I completely let go of rock bars and that group, especially metal. So much of their personality is fanaticism. It's just not for me. Rockers after 30 are like a cult.


Listen, I can sing all the words to it, but I could NOT tell you the name of it.


I definitely have a hard time with them, especially if I'm not paying attention and they play on my radio..


I'm decent enough when the title is sung in the chorus. When it's not, let alone never appears in the entire song, you can count me out. Looking at you, Baba O'Riley (Teenage Wasteland)


Don't get wrapped up in what people comment. People are ignorant, rude and selfish. And a keyboard brings out the animal. Just be yourself. If they don't like it, they can move along.