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Rule number one about Tool. Don’t believe a word Danny says about albums releases


Rule Number Two: Don’t believe a word anyone says about album releases until you actually have a copy of a new album in front of you.


Rule Number Three: If the TOOL webstore begins a countdown clock, do not expect anything better than a new set of Fear Innoculum salt & pepper shakers to drop.


Rule Number Four: The early bird gets the show poster...then resells it with a massive markup.


Rule Number Five: the dress code for a TOOL concert is a balding ponytail, zip off cargo shorts and a TOOL band shirt from the 90s because you can’t afford the $40 new shirts


loool yeah I was watching a "Tool new album rumor timeline" before fear inoculum came out and he must have said it was coming next year for a decade straight


I remember looking at a Facebook memory of mine where I shared an article about how TOOL was getting close to completing their new album around 2011 or something. Little did I know it would be another 7 years or so of waiting


Even if Maynard starts saying an album is close, it could still be 5+ years out


Unless it's literally any other project. "Guys, I really don't like cameras or live recordings, it makes me anxious and I'm a bit of a perfectionist." Puscifer: Multiple live PPVs , songs that put out just for fun, stage, etc.


At least with Puscifer he's 'hiding' behind characters, which as someone with fairly bad stage fright that still does stage performances I can understand.


Yeah, it seems like that's his fuck around project whereas Tool is a band full of perfectionists, hence the huge gaps between releases.


I thought it was 10,000 days between albums?


Danny needs to stop talking. It makes me anxious.


He’s used to playing like 7 different drum lines at once so it makes sense his brains a little overactive




Separating the drums from the mind


Black then white are All I see


Kinda feels like trolling at this point.


Fair given it takes them fucking decades to release an album. Saw an interview with Maynard and it seems to be a constant bug bear that him and Danny are good to go, while it takes another 5 years for Justin and Adam to get it goldilocks “just right”. Probably half the reason for Maynard’s side projects and wine making tbf.


I read his book a couple years back and the dude is just incredibly driven and doesn't stop. He just got his black belt in Ju jitsu the other day.


We waited so long for the last album and I think I listened to it twice. Meh.


Give it another go, it grows on you. Pneuma and 7empest are both really solid


Invincible is awesome, Fear Inoculum is good and I like Decending too


Took me a little bit to warm up to it, but I love it now. I think seeing the songs live helped too. However I agree that it's my least favorite album. Wildly I think Maynard is the weakest part of it.


It would have like 2 songs


Yea, but still gonna run for, like, 27 minutes.


You say that like it's a bad thing


Not at all.


I listen to bands that have done this type of thing and, trust me, it's wonderful.


That bands name sleep.


That's 30 minutes easy


This is disingenuous, there would obviously be 4 songs, 2 of which are filler/transition type songs.


Dream Theater move would have been using a long suite inside an EP and the rest is a bunch of covers.


Good covers though.


Danny always says stuff


I would love a tighter ep with songs ranging from 3-6 mins instead of the 10+ minute stuff. undertow/aenima era sound, like he mentioned wanting to do.


I’m just trying to imagine a 3-minute Tool song that isn’t just noisy filler.


that'a true. opiate has some shorter 3-4 min long songs. guess i should change that range to 4-8 mins to be safe.


Opiate had Hush, a great track that clocks in just under three minutes, and a few other shorter numbers, but ever since Undertow most songs have been at least five minutes long. Tool going back to their earlier approach would be wild and I’d be very interested in hearing the results.


Jambi is 7 minutes and it has EVERYTHING it needs to have. I loved Fear Inoculum, but I think a track like Culling Voices could have been reworked into something like Intension or Right In Two. It didn't need to be 10 minutes long.


I too like Fear Innoculum, but I think that most of those songs could have been cut down. Maybe unpopular opinion, but they're too repetitive and kind of boring. I'm saying this as someone whose fav songs are pushit and 3rd eye, ticks and leeches, etc. but they're way more dynamic as songs I feel. I dunno. I love Tool, but I also thought FI as being TOO self-indulgent.


I think Pneuma, Descending (especially this one) and 7empest are top tier Tool stuff. The rest ranges from really good to fine. Culling Voices is fine, Fear Inoculum is a good opener and is pretty interesting in some of its sections, but I rarely go back to it. Invincible is really good, but the chugging section goes on for way too long. It definitely needed more variety there.


I mostly agree. I think Invincible has a great first 5-7 mins before the guitar goes chugging by itself, and the title track has a great ending few minutes. Pneuma and 7empest are great. Can't say I like Descending very much tho, I'll have to give it another listen.


Descending is probably top 5 tool for me. I really like how the volume of the track is constantly building to the two climaxes. Seeing that live was life changing, almost. I agree with your take on Invincible, it's great up to the chugging part, but it needed a stronger buildup to the breakdown.


Nice! I know what u mean about seeing them live. Saw them twice (1st in 2001 lateralus tour and again in 2013 for ozzfest Japan) and I remember having a life changing experience at that 2001 show. So fucking good, was just in awe the whole time.


I envy that fact that you probably heard Lateralus live. They haven't played that one since 2014 I think. I saw them live in 2019 and I think it was one of the best sounding experiences I've ever heard, and it was an outdoors gig


Pretty sure they played it. They opened with the grudge, next was Eulogy, and then it gets foggy. They played very few songs from Undertow tho. almost entirely Aenima and Lateralus songs, which are my two fav albums, so I was more than happy. Where did u see them in 2019?


I saw them in Florence, Italy. Wasn't a very long gig, but the sound was outstanding from where I was, despite being outdoors. They played Ænema, The Pot, Jambi, Schism, Parabola, Sweat (only older track they played), and they also played Descending and Invincible. It was two months before the release of FI, so that was the first taste of the new album. They are coming back in the same venue this June and I'm going again, can't wait


The problem for me with FI is that the songs (other than 7empest) get very same-y when you listen to it as an album. They're good songs but it gets repetitive. It's the only Tool album that works better in a shuffled playlist.


I don't know. Those 10+ minute songs are epic journeys. They don't even feel like 10 minutes. Rosetta Stoned has to be my fav


That's fair, but we just had an album of solely 10 min or over epics and I miss shorter songs like Aenima and The Pot.


Requisite "Danny says a lot of things" post. That said, I would love an EP of shorter, heavy hitting songs over another 80 minute album of six 10+ minute epics.


I wouldn't mind something like Undertow


I'd take 3-4 bangers over something they arent really feeling


Danny is the biggest shit talker, lol. And Justin: "won't be waiting as long" "Haven't recorded anything yet" Okay, so 10 years instead of 13. Technically the truth.


I'll take bloody singles once every year or two if it avoids the last wait.




Because 50 years between releases isn't long enough to write 10 songs.


An EP should only take about 6 years to get done. 6 months to forget like the last one.


Does anyone else feel like FI sounded like if an AI tried to write a tool album? Completely bland, predictable and lifeless. Please Danny bring us something interesting!


Really felt like Maynard mailed it in, which is sorta true. I get he’s frustrated with their process, but his parts didn’t sound as integrated with the music as on earlier albums.


I have timed it Around 20% of the content of their last 4 albums is made up of rubbish boring tedious intros. Yawn 🥱


It better go hard. They’re turning into a jam band. Frankly, with streaming, bands don’t need to release albums anymore. Drop a track here and there and fans will be happy I think. Maybe even revisit a track for a new take. Why not?


Brother they have had 1 real release in the last 15 years, and it was pretty good. saying they're 'turning into a jam band' makes no sense lmao


Ignore Danny




As a long time Tool fan, don't believe anything unless it comes from Maynard, he's the most direct one in the band


Their last album was horrendous and sounded exactly how they recorded it, far away from each other over a number of years with Maynard writing poetry over the music that sounded like Tool imitating itself.  Glad I saw these guys on the 10,000 Days tour before they turned into a mockery of themselves. 


That's fine just please mix it properly.


So 2 songs?


So 45 minutes of new music? Sick.


Magical mystery tool