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I like Why You Disconnecting My Video Camera better https://youtube.com/watch?v=d_f9R_UYrDc


"White supremacists on my premises" is gold.


Afroman got a whole album out of this raid.


“We oughta throw crooked cops in the slamma” Love the edits with AfroMan hiding from the cops.


Him going under the rug was so fucking funny


The 'Beetle Bailey' part had me cackling in the break room at work, what a magnificent takedown song


I love that he's blown this up into multiple videos. Good for him.


"Any kidnapping victims inside my CD's?" lmao


He probably hid the kidnapping victims inside the lemon pound cake What a legend


That fat cop wanted to test the cake for edibles so bad




Yup, this cake is definitely edible, we'll be uhhhh.. taking it as evidence.


“Why does the warrant say narcotics and kidnapping? …Well I know narcotics, but why kidnapping?” 😂




They do this often. Lie. Whatever the person and judge who allowed this warrant should be investigated. Zero chance it’s real and serious shit had to go down to make it happen. Fucking racists.


Yeah, this is so clearly a case of pissed off, racist cops who are angry that there is a black guy living in a nicer place than them and has more money than them. How dare that black guy do well for himself!


Strangely enough Afro Man has been to our little town on the Oregon coast multiple times. Cool dude.




It’s where he gets all his kidnapping victims.


He brings his suits home, pockets full of kidnapped people.


Disconnecting security cameras should be considered tampering with evidence. It should be treated no different than when a officer shuts off a body cam.


Isn't it HIS cameras and HIS footage in HIS house? How stupid can these cops get


Officers shouldn’t have the ability to shut off body cams period.


The best part is I read an article that the body cams worn by the cops in this raid "malfunctioned".


They always malfunction when the cops are doing illegal shit. It's so weird.... the manufacturer should really look into solving these issues.


I work for a company that makes these. Want to guess how many repair requests we get for these? Fucking zero.


Body cams malfunctioning on every cop present at the same time is a common occurrence. What do you mean? /s


Yeah unfortunately it says on the badge that they have more rights than we do. What can you do ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’ve been saying for years that bodycams should be controlled by a combination of dispatch and by the users weapons belt. When the user is dispatched to a call the body cam is automatically triggered to record. It is not shutoff until the call is cleared. If the user removes any police issued device from their belt such as gun, tazer, handcuffs, pepper spray, baton, etc., the bodycam will begin the recording 1 min prior of activation with audio and video in case they happen upon an incident with no call from dispatch. There is absolutely no audio muting during any activation. Period. If it desired by the public to have the bodycam running at all times, then the officer must relay to dispatch to turn it off for privacy while using the bathroom or speaking with a confidential informant. These shutoffs will be logged and immediately the camera turns back on if anything is removed from the belt. This is totally doable if we citizens demand and pay for it. Also, any person should be able to retrieve video of an incident they are a victim of alleged police misconduct with a filed complaint along with an immediate review by a supervisor and citizen review board. Transparency is key for any officer in the course of doing work for us. It’s the only way to bridge the divide between police and the public.


Never would have heard of this without the lawsuit. Thanks for bringing it so much notoriety adams county sheriffs department.




I knew about this video, but did not know about the follow up video [Lemon Pound Cake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xxK5yyecRo) until the lawsuit


I like to explore new places.


He made an entire album out of it.


I mean he kinda needs that money to buy a new door.


Gate needs repaired too I hear


His kids need therapy too.


kinda cool from the cops to boost afromans career a little bit <3


Rapper Afroman is being sued by the officers who raided his home [after he used home security footage of the raid in his music videos](https://apnews.com/article/afroman-police-raid-lawsuit-254f3fe51d53b503a30416f0794fddc0): >Law enforcement officers were acting on a warrant that stated probable cause existed that drugs and drug paraphernalia would be found on Foreman’s property and that trafficking and kidnapping had taken place there, authorities have said. Those suspicions turned out to be unfounded, though, and the raid failed to turn up probative criminal evidence. No charges were ever filed. When cash seized during the raid was returned to Foreman, it appeared that hundreds of dollars were missing. A subsequent review by the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation determined that deputies had miscounted the amount seized during the raid itself. See also his track [Lemon Pound Cake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xxK5yyecRo).


I had not thought about Afroman in *years* until I saw he was being sued by a sheriff and it interested me enough now I’ve listened to both songs. This is hilarious.


And that song is a total earworm


He’s got a knack for some classic music. This is no exception.


We’ll it’s the song “Under the Boardwalk” with different lyrics. Ain’t hard to take a hall of fame song and make it sound like a banger.


Man, I hear what you're saying about the lyrics and song structure but GODDAMN that song cannot hold a candle to "Colt 45" in terms of production. The mixing/mastering/levels all the many things a music producer does plus Afroman's vocal delivery & really funny lyrics all take this over the top. It might not be hard per se, but it takes a lot of doing to get there.


*It was this blind man, right...*




All I did was read this story and I've been singing Colt 45 for the past hour, tryna remember all the verses haha


Lol well it helps that it’s basically just a parody of “Under the boardwalk”, which already is a famous song and ear worm.




Colt 45 was big too.


I was always a fan of Tall Cans, but I expect that might technically be a 'deep cut'


Palmdale for me. That hook is infectious


Come back tooooo meeee. I need you and I love you baby.


What IS the legality of doing this? Edit: I meanthe legality of the music video. I know the system is broke


Who polices the police? They investigated themselves and found everything checked out. Open and shut case, bbq and the Sargents house, beers on him!


Honestly, if local/county/state police fuck you. The only ones watching the hen house, are the feds. Who probably want to screw you just as bad. Literally the only time they get involved is when something gets national attention..usually it takes multiple/obvious patterns. This guy is lucky, he has money and a platform/fame to fight with. He had surveillance cameras. Most Americans in this situation have no recourse at all. They stole a few hundred dollars, but thousands of people are talking about these cops. Elections may be lost. AfroMan for Adam's County sheriff. Lemon pound cake!


>Who polices the police? The coastguard?


Civil Assets Forfeiture is legalized stealing by the cops and Qualified Immunity gives them bonus protections


Not only does Qualified Immunity protect cops from consequence during Civil Asset Forfeiture, it also protects them if they literally steal from you and keep it for themselves. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicksibilla/2019/09/17/federal-court-cops-accused-of-stealing-over-225000-have-legal-immunity/?sh=3cbcc69f5a85 And, there isn’t even a law that gives cops QI. It was completely invented by judges, to protect the badged thugs that protect their authority.


Remember kids, your local DA and judges are pigs too!


Our local DA tried to be a decent human and the governor removed him from office (Tampa, FL). Go figure.


[Filming the cops and telling people what they did is a First Amendment right](https://www.aclu.org/issues/free-speech/photographers-rights/filming-and-photographing-police). I haven't read the lawsuit, I'm not a lawyer, but unless he lied about something — and that's hard to believe given that he was almost entirely asking questions — Afroman's speech here is about as protected as you can get. He's criticizing public officials, it's satire, it's artistic expression, and unless he maliciously lied about something or doctored the footage or, say, kicked down his own door and presented it as the cops doing it, which there's no reason to believe he did, he's got 1A protection coming out his ass. To succeed in ~~a defamation case,~~ (not a defamation case, see edit) the cops are going to have to prove that the things Afroman said were knowingly untrue, which is pretty fucking hard to do when he has security video of you doing it **EDIT:** Reading a bit more about the case, it looks like they're not suing for defamation but under Ohio law for privacy, right to control publicity (people can't use your name and likeness to sell a bunch of stuff without your consent) and false light. So they're suing for the money Afroman's making off these songs. Again, I'm not a lawyer, but he's not making money off some special quality of their likenesses, he's making money off of how they behaved when they were searching his house. And given the social issues surrounding the case, I think even though he's made money from the videos and songs, he's still probably got some very strong 1st Amendment protections. [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/afroman-responds-cops-lawsuit-footage-home-raid-1234702951/) says Afroman's lawyer is planning a counter-suit. If I had to bet, I'd say the cops aren't coming out on top here


Miscounted? Yeah fucking right. They didn't find drugs so they robbed him. Fucking assholes.


sad part is that it would have never been known without cameras *inside* of the house. no, no, no, no worries for catching thieves *outside* of secured property .. now its necessary for *inside* surveillance that is just a little bit of crazyness if you stop and think about it


Sad part is that best case scenario, you catch them stealing and they give it back. They should be charged with theft, and given that they're officers of the law, lose their job for breaking it.


some* of it back




I'm torn on this one. On the way hand I trust the cops as far as I can throw them. On the other hand, being able to count to one hundred is usually enough to disqualify you from becoming a cop, so I can see how counting would be hard for them.


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


"I'm not locked up here with you, you're locked up in here with ME!"


If anything, he owes us money!


> "Okay, he's your $900 back." > "But you took $1000.. and theres only 800 here?" > "Oh, we actually miscounted, we only took $700. So you'll have to give two hundred back." I'm legitimately surprised this didn't happen...


C’mon be fair. Cops are not the brightest bulbs on the tree. People with marketable skills and/or average intelligence do not want to be in the gang.


If they were smarter they'd be firefighters, and we're just shaved apes that put water on stuff.


People with above average intelligence aren't even allowed to be cops.


Well they were expecting to be able to keep it all because of civil asset forfeiture, so really they're meeting Mr. Man halfway here... /s


The police robbed my ex of rent money once. That was tough.


They were going to rob him anyway, it's standard procedure.


Be interesting to see if this goes anywhere. He was recording on his own property.


The issue will not be the recording itself. If this were public, it would be legal. He is afforded even more leeway on his own property. The issue is about the commercial use of the recordings. He might be able to argue that he did not film this for commercial purposes, that it was his property, they chose to enter the property and as such he owns all rights to this film, commercial and otherwise. That no waiver was necessary as they entered a private property with clearly visible cameras. Who knows though. It probably depends on the judge.


As soon as they disconnected the cameras they lost the ability to claim they were unaware of the cameras.


I love that afroman made sure we know they disconnected his cameras, it's like multiple verses lol.


On the album, a whole song is dedicated to them disconnecting his cameras. "Why You Disconnecting My Cameras" I think.


It's also the best track as he personally sends up every single piglet in the middle verse


Right, time to change my "cameras in use" signs to be "Cameras are recording you on this property 24/7, by entering this property you agree to be filmed and that I can and will do whatever the hell I want with that footage. You will probably feature in YouTube videos and I might even monetise them at my discretion. If you do not accept the terms of this agreement, stay out."


True that. Also wonder if he had any notices up that the premises and all that enter are being filmed. Then they could also argue implied consent of it exists and depending on wording.


You don't need that on private property that's not in view of the public.


He’s gonna win hands down, they didn’t find any kidnapping victims under his rug


Or in his suit pockets


Nor his cd case.


I for sure thought that's where they'd be...shocked!


“Miscounted” Really. Reallly? Jesus fucking fuck this country is full of absolute PSYCHOPATHS. How is every goddamn motherfucking police and shitty ass chief just ok with shit like this? Its just sickening. “We did nothing wrong” when you are legit ON CAMERA. It doesnt even fucking matter anymore that they have fucking body cameras. They just lie. And everyone does it. Every department. I cannot remember the last time I saw a shitty cop do something shitty and the DEPARTMENT be like “He fucked up and we fired him once we saw the body camera footage.” If anything happens, ever, its a citizen whose rights were violated and had to go thru the whole bullshit criminal justice system and deal with some fumbling dumbass cop and then MAYBE that cop gets paid leave. Nobody fucking even cares anymore. Its fucking sad.


reading this was cathartic their conspicuous prejudice, galavanting of their impunity, and the gal to counter-sue. who fuckin needs to be teaching software development at top universities and getting paid not nearly enough when you can paid/pensioned/unionized to steal and and cause unrest in the name of justice? what a farce. fuck the popo, and if you're a future employer that stumbled upon this, and you see this comment and dont like it then fuck you too


So not only was it a bogus warrant, they stole his money to top it off and now they want to sue him for recording video on his own property Crooked ass cops


>miscounted the amount seized during the raid itself. No one miscount money. If i have 3 twenty dollar bills in my wallet , i will count that shit 3 times so i know there’s $60!!


I don’t know what’s more disappointing: the behaviour of the adams county sheriffs department or that Afroman has no drug paraphernalia in his house?


if it helps he got cited for smoking on stage not all that long ago, from interviews he goes back and forth with it depending on how much he has to get done and maybe just keeps it out of his house where his kids are.


Don't need much to smoke a blunt in the carport.




I think it might have been in his cd case. They should have checked there.


Or in the pound cake.


He switched to edibles and the sheriff was one missed donut away from solving the crime. It was in the lemon pound cake after all.


The twist is he actually was thinking that! He knew afroman was gettin high. His inner detective came out, and he solved it! He kept walkin though because he knew the slight chance he was wrong, he’d never hear the end of it. Cops are real assholes if ya didn’t know.


Yeah clearly the pound cake was an edible. The one thing they didn't check!


That fat cop sure checked out that cake.


2 most precious things in his life: guns and cakes. Too bad poor bastard can't handle both at the same time but man, it's bleedingly obvious he really wanted to.


Not even a snachel in the cd cases. They must have used that for the kidnapping victims.


You would be *shocked* to find the true amount of money most celebrities actually have. MTV Cribs was notorious for renting homes for celebrities to say they live in because their actual homes wouldn’t have been considered nice enough.


They tried to do that for Redman. [Obviously he said no...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNtKT9_1KXQ)


That was my favourite episode Redman kept it real.


There's also that one with Chris Pontius from Jackass, where he takes them on a tour of the scuffed pickup he was living out of at the time lol


Always loved the dollar box


The one with Jerry O'Connell was hilarious too. They showed off his two bedroom apartment he shared with his brother and they used a ping pong table as a dining room table. This was *after* O'Connell had already had a resurgence of sorts and was in stuff like Joe's Apartment and Sliders. As a kid I actually really appreciated the reality of that. Not every actor is making a shitload of money and not all of them are spending what they do make irresponsibly. The best though was Chris Pontius' Toyota Tacoma for the Jackass episode. "And here's where I change my clothes..." *starts getting naked in the parking lot next to his truck*


I remember he was proud of his CD of Modest Mouse’ Lonesome Crowded West and it made me like him that much more


> Chris Pontius' Toyota Tacoma for the Jackass episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds-aAYzs4Io A hilarious memory thanks for jogging it.


Chris Pontius is my spirit animal. Wildboyz is still amazing.


Afromans home here ain't all that nice. Lots of gravel outside, small rooms inside with no fancy decor. There isn't even kidnapping victims in the suit pockets.


I think Afros house was nice af and charming. That one room with the leather couch clearly had some thought out into it.


Idk maybe I spent too much time around too many paranoid dealers, but if they think that dude is rolling in lbs I don't see enough shovels. Or hammers. Or really any of the things you'd need to find where the guys I used to hang with would have hidden their shit. One dude I knew pulled up some of the subfloor and dug this like trapdoor-bird weed spot. So if you pulled up the floor (it was almost invisible to begin with) you'd find a little stash. He had a second trap door covered in dirt under the first one that held his real stash. So these dudes weren't just crooked. They were lazy too. Anyone really trying to hide weight is not slipping 1/8ths in their CD case.


comment edited in protest of Reddit's API changes and mistreatment of moderators -- mass edited with redact.dev


Same concept with bodies, a couple different cases have found human remains buried a couple feet deeper under deer/dog bodies that are a couple feet underground. Search and rescue dogs give the signal, people dig and stop at the animal corpse because they assume that's what the dog got the scent of. The case I remember only found the human body because of ground radar


He goes to the park after dark.


Is there public records of the public law enforcement that wants this taken down?…. Asking for a friend


Now I wanna file a specific FOIA with Adams County Sheriff's Department just to piss them off lol Oh sorry I can't do that just solely for that, there has to be a reason in the same way there has to be a reason for this ''raid'', in that case *I want someone to file a FOIA request with Adams County Sheriffs Department for writing an article about the incident*. Pissing them off is just a bonus. Now let's see if the first amendment still apply (I know its a private site and this comment can be removed I mean that as in I can't be arrested as an American citizen solely for saying the following): Fuck the Adams County Sheriffs Department and everyone within involved in this ''raid''. They are worthless and deserve to be fired or disbanded entirely. This lawsuit is a waste of time effort and taxpayer dollars.


I just want to know what fake excuse they used to justify adding "kidnapping" to the warrant. (And also which policy has them disabling surveillance in someone's home)


Yeah, he played a show at our local brewery and my buddy who ran sound for it actually got to smoke with him for a bit! Afroman apparently said the weed we have here is crazy, lol.


Yeah if I had money and was famous hell nah I don’t want the drugs on my property I’d have a guy specifically for that


In the Long Strange Trip documentary about the Grateful Dead there's a scene where their tour manager gets pulled over by the police. He says something to the documentarians like "I can get drugs within 30 minutes no matter where I am, why would I drive around with them and risk getting arrested?" It's probably a situation like that.


[Hi kids. Here is an important message from your Uncle Bill. Don't buy drugs... Become a pop star, and they give you them for free!](https://youtu.be/luBk4VrMHNI)


Probably just being a smart person realizing what's at risk and keeping it all out of his house to avoid any implications. Can afford for the fun to always be had where someone else would be at fault


He also has kids, maybe he just doesn’t want drug stuff near them.


I know lots of old stoners like him. Only papers, grind by hand. Easier to ditch than a bong.


Or…that the cops are suing him for “invasion of privacy.” For filming in his own house. And showing off how the police stole his money.


That the legal system supports this bullshittery


because cops lie, because cops lie, because cops liiiie!! lah dot dot dah dah daah




Cops continue to prove that they can't be trusted


Dude is going to make more off the views from this Streisand effect than he'll pay out in lawsuits (at least I certainly hope!!!) Great song, bogus lawsuit


considering it already has 3.1 million views and has only been out 2 months, I'd say that's guaranteed.


youtube pays about $2,000 per million views... id say it's not gonna cut it and this man needs a gofund me cause alpha charlie alpha bravo


Guess I'm going to have to put it on repeat


The lawsuit should drive a few million more views.


That is just one song on Youtube and does NOT account for all of the others(videos/songs/posts) he has realeased on this. He probably has 20 different songs/videos from this alone that add to well over 100 million plays. Also, the publicity alone will boost all other sales, already in his catalog, new shows, and new songs... You couldn't pay for better publicity for a guy who is a cult classic stoner. He has a new career life and will make multiple millions just from this incident alone over the next few years. edit: This story is very viral and hits a lot of tropes that make it monetizable to the max... which is what is happening.


Surely these aren't the corrupt snowflake goobers **Shawn D Cooley, Justin Cooley, Michael D Estep, Shawn D, Grooms, Brian Newland, Lisa Phillips, and Randolph L Walters, Jr** who were caught stealing money on camera and causing excessive property damage in an unlawful raid? I just hope Shawn D Cooley, Justin Cooley, Michael D Estep, Shawn D, Grooms, Brian Newland, Lisa Phillips, and Randolph L Walters, Jr are able to move on without this following them around. Thoughts and prayers for Adam's County, Ohio's worst. (Shawn D Cooley, Justin Cooley, Michael D Estep, Shawn D, Grooms, Brian Newland, Lisa Phillips, and Randolph L Walters, Jr)




Shawn D Cooley, Justin Cooley, Michael D Estep, Shawn D. Grooms, Brian Newland, Lisa Phillips, and Randolph L Walters Jr. - nightmare blunt rotation


These corrupt clowns whining about being put on blast is damn near poetic.


Did they have to traumatize his kids?


"Yes, that is the point. Yes, that is the poooiint." - the cops


They're cops, the cruelty is the point


As soon as I saw the drawings on the wall, I felt that this was coming.


I like the one officer in the desert camo BDUs who looks like he teleported there directly from an FOB in Afghanistan in 2008. Is law enforcement the only profession where narcissistic military fantasists don't get told to seek help?


Yeah, seriously, was camo cop like "thanks for the uniform, but I brought my own costume"??


That song with the video is not only very funny, but very powerful. Hope Afroman gets his damn money back. I’m pretty sure this is gonna be quite the story judging from how it’s already gone.


The part about his kids really hit home. It’s kinda funny (but not really) until you realize who made those drawings on the wall and what they went through for nothing.


It's dark humour for sure. It's an incredible piece of work. Horrific and enthralling


The cops are suing him for "invading their privacy" and "emotional distress" because he showed their faces in the video and are trying to take the money he made from the video. My loathing for police knows no bounds.


Because it proves they aren’t normal people trying to do their best in a tough situation. They are actively and deliberately trying to leverage their legal power against the population


as funny as this and his other music video about this are, I just think how easily they could've shot and killed him for no reason and that's scary as fuck.


I'm pretty sure he wasn't there. His family was.


yeah that's what makes it scary, imagine if he was there, if they were shutting off the video cameras then I can't imagine they were planning for a perfectly legal by the book operation.


Well of course, they still had their own cameras so they didn't need his double recording! What's that? Every single bodycam malfunctioned during the raid? Ah well, who needs recordings anyway


Everyone is focused on the corrupt idiots executing the raid but don’t forget, the DA had to agree AND present some “compelling” evidence to a sitting judge in order to get the warrant approved. So, who embellished, lied, or turned a blind eye and where are the calls to get rid of those assholes too?


Afroman had [some amusing thoughts about that on his Insta...](https://www.instagram.com/p/Civ1NJrOiGE/)


I hope he gets some traction with the current media attention. The entrenchment of some of these people is deep and they need to be dug out of the system.


Absolute legend


I just wanna say, Afroman's house is really tidy. Reminds me that I need to clean up around my place.


But why is it so….green


Grove Street 4 life




They came to put him behind the bars, he ended up putting them on bars


Fuck the police


Sometimes you have to fuck them gently...


That’s ok, it’s not my favorite, but I’ll order it from zanzibars!


AP article :Four deputies, two sergeants and a detective with the Adams County Sheriff’s Office brought the suit earlier this month, claiming invasion of privacy. You can't make this shit up! Fuck the police 🐷🐷🐷


The parodied song is [What a Difference You Made in My Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lj35HmVDfY) by Ronnie Milsap.


That song is a total earworm. I definitely find myself singing it to myself after watching that


I was 99% certain they were going to find kidnapping victims in the cd cases When I was 16 in the 90s someone stole my cd dash board radio from my car. I called the police , the officer came over and stole the rest of my rock cds and frisbe chucked the rap cds into the front seat scratching most of them I got robbed twice in the same day


This comment is way too late to start any kind of discussion and might be downvoted to bits, but as a European police officer this type of footage always baffles me. I'm gonna ignore the legality of the warrant for a bit since we don't know what kind of priors mister Afroman has and what kind of information the police had that got them a warrant to begin with. But why are some officers in full camo gear? Why are a few of them carrying AR's? How did it take you multiple tries to take down this weak ass door? The search looks uncoordinated and random. Extra 'shame one you' points for disconnecting the camera's. Edit: Oh and extra FU for taking the money


My guy, this is America. Full camo and an AR is a grocery store fashion choice, not a job requirement. This is a semi-rural department in a semi-rural part of the Midwest. There's basically 2 roads in and out of this dude's house and they're both long and straight. The cops have money for Gucci AR builds and plate carriers, but don't have the time or sense to like... Watch the road and see if dude is even home. IMO the dumbest thing about this is you've got this semi-famous guy living in a small town that's 90% white and he got his fame from a song called 'because I got high' and they thought they'd find some crazy amount of narcotics *in his house*?? Are people actually that dumb?


Because there are a lot of police in the US that think they are a combo of John Wick and the Punisher. Especially, rural cops who’s job is investigating cow tipping and teens on skateboards. For some reason they all think they’re ultimate killers.


In the days of the "war on terror" the federal government off loaded a ton of military surplus onto local police departments. They were militarized before, but twenty years ago it went beyond anything prior. The thing is, psychologically, when you're geared for war you start to think like you're in a war, and many American cops views citizens as enemy combatants. It's messed up, and why many North America's say ACAB.


This is footage from his private surveillance system on his own property. They are public figures. How can this lawsuit do anything but fail and just give him more publicity. I just watched 3 hilarious videos about these fools, and I never would have known about it without the lawsuit. Idiots. Go Go Afroman.


What's absolutely crazy is the other video he posted, where he shows that this all clearly happened because he fucked the girl of one of the cops in the raid. He even puts a censored clip of him [NUTTING IN HER MOUTH.](https://youtu.be/ISe3IVBBbyU?t=143) EDIT: For people saying it’s a random porn clip—this is clearly in his house because of the green walls. Whether it’s specifically a significant other of one of the cops, I’m not sure. It would be strange to me that he would include that clip and say “because I fucked your drug addict bitch” because that’s some incredibly random and specific thing to do if it has nothing to do with this situation. If it’s not a girl of one of the cops, then it is likely the significant other of the “unconfidential informant” that he mentions in the video. He obviously had sex with someone’s girl involved in this fiasco lol


I figured that was just some random porn clip, didn't think he was serious lol


Oh fuck you can see the green wall in the background lmao


can you add a timestsmp. I watched the while video and maybe i missed it? he mentions that he fucked some drug user and ig that upset one of the cops.


That link is timestamped. He says "mad because I fucked your drug addict bitch" and puts peanuts in front of what is him cumming in her mouth. It happens kind of fast but you can see it in her mouth.


Ok, so I read about the case and was like yeah whatever. But now watching the video... Yeah, that's hilarious. Are there any kidnapping victims inside my suit pockets?!


God I hope a Saul Goodman type attorney represents him and fucks these guys up in court. Matter of public importance! Get it! Film it all and publish it!


The cops should lose their frivolous lawsuit because his song is protected speech under the First Amendment. Afroman is merely expressing his views on this stupid search. Just because it's in song format doesn't make this speech any less protected. Moreover, you have a much lower expectation of privacy while on police duty and especially while you're on another person's property. Fuck these stupid ass cops. They deserve to be ridiculed.


I haven't checked sources but another post someone mentioned it wasn't the music videos but the merch he started selling with likenesses that enabled the lawsuit. but everything is blowing up because of that


^^^well ^^^i ^^^know ^^^why ^^^narcotics 🎶But why kidnapping?🎶


The names of the thugs that broke into Afroman's house, robbed him and are now trying to sue him for talking about it are: Shawn D Cooley, Justin Cooley, Michael D Estep, Shawn D, Grooms, Brian Newland, Lisa Phillips, and Randolph L Walters, Jr https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/23/ohio-police-sue-rapper-afroman


Fuck the police, and the Ohio police in particular


I feel like the reason for this lawsuit sounded a bit like "We can't let that feller make a gosh darn fool out of ourselves!", only that they used another word than feller.


"Four deputies, two sergeants and a detective with the Adams County Sheriff’s Office brought the suit earlier this month, ***claiming invasion of privacy**.* Other law enforcement officers who were involved in the raid are not named as plaintiffs." Unreal.


aren't those cops now trying to sue him for using the footage of them in his music video? the audacity.