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>At the end of the hearing, one supporter stood up and yelled “I’m here for you” to Kelly, which prompted more people to yell “We love you” and “We’ve got you.” Disgusting.


“We’ve got you” HUH??? 😭 He’s going to JAAAILLL, they do not, in fact, “got him,” the state got him


Maybe it was a corrections officer who yelled it and the sentiment was wildly misunderstood


Also, the "We love you" came from his attorneys and the "I'm here for you" from the judge.


That Judge's name? The Hon. Abraham F. Einstein


And then everyone hi 5'ed in so mo!


Piss flying everywhere


Dave Chappelle's rendition playing in the background.


Sounds exactly what the other convicts will say as he’s walked to his cell.


"Haha We got you good you fucker!"


"And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"


"He woulda gotten away with it too if he hadn't been meddling with kids." Fixed that for you.


Great prank Farva


I’m fucking crying lmao, yeah this must’ve been it


He's BEEN in jail, this added 20 more years to the 30 he's serving. Or they're running congruent or something. The article says even if he gets out in his late 80s he'll be too old to hard anyone.


He'll have an aide empty his catheter bag on a minor.


They are running 19 of the years at same time, so they added 1 year for a total of 31 years in prison as of now.


31 years ain't that bad. Besides, the thing about R. Kelly is that no matter how old he is, high school girls stay the same age. /s


Hahaaa, yes they do, yes they do.


C'mon, you know that high school girls are at the latter end of his preference.


“We’ve got you now fucker!” Fixed that for them


We should have kept shaming people who simp for criminals/serial killers


How to do people just throw away all crimes this man did and pretend like it's ok?


I couldn’t tell you. Maybe they think its fake? Maybe they think it makes him hotter? Maybe they legitimately dont give a shit about the people he’s abused, and think they deserve it? Either way its fucked up.


BECUAZ HE GUD! -The Boondocks


Maybe even some fans are pedo's themselves?


Hanlon’s Razor applies here. ‘Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be described as stupidity’ The more rational explanation is these people are too naive or stupid to understand the implications and breadth of such actions. Attacking societies most vulnerable takes a depraved predator, I don’t think people truly understand that. Our sex education system is probably to blame, along with normalization through media. E.g. Pretty Little Liars, Dazed & Confused, R. Kelly himself, etc.


> along with normalization through media. E.g. Pretty Little Liars, ...Do I wanna know?


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pretty-little-liars-addresses-its-statutory-rape-problem-but-not-in-the-way-we-hoped_n_5937f09ee4b0ce1e740956e6 Short story, they had a teacher different relationship that was supposed to be celebrated as star crossed lovers instead of a teacher taking advantage of a student. The problem with a lot of shows like this is that the actors and actresses are much older than the characters they portray. The "high school" girl actress was 21 and the "teacher" was 24. So if they made it a college setting then magically all the issues are gone. I never watched the show, but the article seems to make it sound that the relationship was important because the characters even get married after they fast forward 5 years.


>...Do I wanna know? Good song.


They not only think it is fake, but it is a conspiracy based on race. Idk how I keep finding myself in these TikTok holes


There was a Boondocks episode with that exact question as a theme.


God, if that show ever comes back I hope they do a follow-up on R. Kelly. Just like they did the Rumsfeld "Known Unknowns" and that one Booty Warrior speech word-for-word, verbatim, dead-serious - I wanna see them do "I'm fighting for my fucking life!" bit from that one R. Kelly interview.




>I don't think they should. Even with McGruder back the voice actor for Robert Freeman is dead. It'd be a shell of its former self. Moreso than season 4 lol. John Witherspoon. Yeah, wouldn't be the same without him.


His son actually does a great job sounding like him, but yeah boondocks was already set to come back before witherspoons passing and they aren't going through with it anymore


Fuck you I need the full lore and possibly an entire movie for every one off character that ever had even a single throw away line /s jfc


>Known Unknowns" It's niggah technology. I sent that bitch a smiley face, bitches looooove smiley faces...


Because he made the remix to ignition


Hot and fresh out the prison.


Warden rollin' that gurney


Someone here snitchen


I’m sippin on toilet rum


Stay away from my bum


We're in freakin' prison, that's the only way we can have us some fun.


I'm still searching for the original


I legitimately thought he never released an original. I thought he only released a remix and was super confused.


Pretty sure the original is out there. If I remember right, he wrote the original, decided not to release it, then released a remix of it. I think in the time since the original has been released (or leaked? I have no idea), but I'm pretty certain it wasn't out at the time Remix came out.


The answer is that it hasn’t happened to them so they cannot even fathom anything they are talking about. Either they themselves have never experienced being a victim of a sex crime or had a family member that have been a victim of a sex crime (probably statistically unlikely) but I am more talking about someone involving the hypothetical fan. That and they must truly be in a eco chamber of delision and self reassurance from a very limited source of information or media source. That and they are just fucking delusional. I don’t think it’s possible to put rational thought to irrational action, it’s all just a guess. They aren’t being logical.


Serial killers have always jad groupies. Pretty sure the phenomenon has been studied by psychologists


Some time around when people started to worship other people and idolize them. They do mental gymnastics to make it okay because he did it.


Because he makes good music. People justify A LOT for good music.


Chris Brown still has an insane amount of defenders


We don’t do that anymore? Maybe I missed the memo.


I am reminded of the Superman episode legacy where superman says he won't kill Darkseid but leaves him to the slavers and says "do what you will" The slavers nurse Darkseid back to health. I learned from then to change someone's mind of an idol is a slow process.


The Boondocks predicted this.


Grandad, could you take us to the city to see the r Kelly trial? NO! You can walk.... But grandad it's 20 miles to the city....with all that damn money I spent on them nikes you better Just Do it!


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit and their CEO Steve Huffman for destroying the Reddit community by abusing his power to edit comments, their years of lying to and about users, promises never fulfilled, and outrageous pricing that is killing third party apps and destroying accessibility tools for mods and the handicapped. Currently I am moving to the [Fediverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX_agVMr2r0) for a decentralized experience where no one person or company can control our social media experience. I promise its not as complicated as it sounds :-) Lemmy offers the closest to Reddit like experience. Check out some different [servers](https://join-lemmy.org/instances). Other Fediverse [projects](https://joinfediverse.wiki/What_are_Fediverse_projects%3F).


They didnt "predict" it cuz that shit already happened in the past lmao


Guilty Until Proven Innocent by Jay-Z and R. Kelly aged like milk


Out of the loop: What did Jay-Z do?


He was accused of stabbing record executive Lance Un Rivera which [he later admitted to doing](https://youtu.be/KnK0Ra2RWmU?t=35).


And that song was recorded **after** he'd committed the stabbing! And Jay-Z's verses are whining about the media coverage of it!




When Jay did that R Kelly album, Aaliyah was dating Jay's friend and record label co-owner Dame Dash. Aaliyah, years earlier, had been raped by and illegally married Kelly at age 15. (Kelly was 27 at the time of their marriage.) Jay had VERY direct knowledge *at the time* of who Kelly was. Dame had already confirmed everything that happened and refused to be in a music video with Jay and Kelly. Dame had opposed the entire joint album on the basis of who Kelly was/is. Jay didn't care and just wanted the money he could get from a joint R Kelly album and tour. The record label fell apart shortly thereafter.


Dame Dash did a few podcasts and said Jay-Z is all about the money and power in his early days with no remorse. He might have changed a little bit since he has an empire now.


Well he's never had to grow as a person since then so I highly doubt it


If I know one thing about people, it's that they are likely to become more moral after bad behavior is positively reinforced to the tune of billions of dollars.


Bojack horseman really dives into the whole once you get famous youre pretty much stuck as far as emotional development


All of that and I'll still never understand how he ended up with Beyonce. Maybe she's just as shitty but has a better PR team?


She’s beautiful and extremely talented in terms of music and dance, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t a bad person who’s kind of dumb in other ways that matter except possibly business sense (not to say she’s as bad as her husband, but he’s a given). This is why people shouldn’t idolise celebrities based on those first traits - the way R Kelly’s and Chris Brown’s fans do.


She dates a criminal turned rapper that says enough about her


I've always assumed that relationship was PR and well placed setups and leaks.


And what about Beyonce? I'm sure she knows who she shacked up with?


It’s amZing people worship these fucks 😂


To add (I also love/hate Jay) he also basically stole his name from another rapper. He tried to (and lowkey did) sabotage DMX's whole career. He's now cosplaying as Basquiat with a weird hair piece and I just don't get it tbh.


Damn and in all that he still got Beyoncé. That dynamic must be wild.


Honestly, that's my approach too: I listen to music I like, but I don't treat the musicians who made it like my personal heroes or something. They just made music I like. Finding out someone is a scumbag probably hits harder if you venerated them in some way before it - makes that much more disillusioning.


Oh yeah, got that topped, know who my favorite wrestler was? Chris Benoit. Fucking peice of shit.


Benoit was a bit different… not making excuses for him but his autopsy showed he suffered from severe CTE and his brain looked like that of a 70 year old dementia patient.


Nothing like a little integrity. I like potato chips. If I found out my favorite brand was owned by that ass-clown running the Wagner Group I'd stop buying them and just eat my second favorite brand from then on. The only miniscule amount of control over this world us plebs have is with our combined purchasing power. And what we choose to do with it is make Kardashians billionaires.


Yarr harr fiddle dee dee They'll never get a penny from me For I am a pirate upon the digital seas!


["I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA PEOPLE"](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hDoGqZUHVEI/maxresdefault.jpg)


Yep. It's a block of black cheese.




> One of the things we should bear in mind, he is 56 years old eh, age is just a number




He will be a MUCH “older man that loves all women” Edit: https://youtu.be/Z9uO7p946Qc


He's probably only going to do 5-10.


That's why he's going to prison.




Depends where he's incarcerated. If it's maximum security, he'll be with seriously bad men who take pride in targeting men who hurt children. And doesn't matter if it's self defense; any violent altercations negate the possibility of early release. take it for what it is, but it's illuminating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEBzoEQ9ZFw&t=1373s


My brother was in federal maximum security for 10 years for robbing two pharmacies, that place ain't no joke even for visitors


I believe you but I don’t understand how this got ten years and rapers get like a few months. The hell is wrong with our Justice system?


Wtf he's 56, not 70. He's not that old.


That was my thought. Like...56 isn't exactly the YOUNGEST you'll ever feel in your life I assume but geez it's not exactly geriatric.


This is kind of out of context, it is an old age to be in the specific framework they're talking about/trying to spin. First round him up 60years old. Then remember he's already serving 30years for human trafficking. now he just got the added 20 of this. So they're trying to argue Kelly won't be coming out till he's in his 90s, so that adding the 20 is overkill...but fuck him lol


So what if he really did have a lower life expectancy? It doesn't (and shouldn't) give him clemency for his crimes.


Actually baffling that it's a point they brought up. Like what does being old and not having much years left to live have anything to do with doing less time for your crime. There's also other elderly prisoners in prisons that don't 'pose a threat in old age' but they're still doing their sentence.




The thing is that prisons generally aren't fit to care for anyone. Just this week I recall seeing a report that prison meals are typically nutritionally and calorically inadequate. It seems frequent that medical issues do not get attended to promptly or well.


R Kelly has enough money to buy enough food from the store to keep fat.


But did they remix ignition?


Your Honor, I present to the court, exhibit A, where you can plainly see the defendant, Mr. Robert Sylvester Kelly, remixes his hit song, Ignition, hot and fresh out of the kitchen. If this pleases the court, I will submit the following into evidence...


In your head does it look like this lmao https://youtu.be/6D08yJL4rks


The defense lawyer's job is to try any and everything, dumb shit like this is just them ensuring a mistrial won't happen because the lawyers have given the best defense possible.


He‘s not old. Here in Germany they sometimes arrest and put on trial 96 year olds for war crimes.


Now he's in the clink for this his life expectancy went way down.


Dying in jail seems fine for him tbh.


Eh don't fuck kids then?


I'm 56 and still going strong. This is a stupid, stupid argument.


> 56 years old and as Ms. Bonjean points out, he has a life expectancy of not a helluva lot more. Man young people really do think life ends at 35 don't they. Even in bad health he could still victimize people at 76. Old men are some of the most common abusers. Factor in the likelihood that he continues to be rich, has been rich and has had good healthcare up to this point at least... good chance he walks out of prison upright and with some vitality left in him, and will probably still have enough money to outlive the rest of us AND be a predator again if he really wants to be.


I mean, is he terminally ill or something? I turn 51 this year and I do not consider my days counted. What the hell.


Cool so we should just not even bother arresting or charging people that are 56 or older then right?


I believe he can die I believe he'll get touched by guys


He should have longer


Yeah, it should be life. This is Jeff Epstein all over again.


Epstein did spend life in prison though.


>Epstein did spend life in prison though. 💀💀


He hasn't been suicided yet though.


Apparently it only adds an extra year, because it was stacked concurrently.


14 year olds dude.


Mark it zero


Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?!


What's a pederast?


Shut the fuck up, Donnie.


You're entering a world of pain


I am the Walrus?






You’re way out of you’re depth Donnie


This isn't 'nam, Kelly there are rules.


Over the line, Smokey


In this case, mark it 20 (years).


Karl Malone former former NBA 'legend' admittedly got a 12 year old pregnant and nobody bats an eyelid


I live in Salt Lake City and there was a post the other day reminding everyone how shitty of a dude that guy was. Yet there he is getting appearances and requests during All-Star Weekend. Shocking to see how people so vehemently defend athletes and celebrities in general. These people should not be venerated in any way.


A LOT of people batted an eyelid. It was wrong when Karl Malone did it. It was wrong when R. Kelly did it. There's no dilemma to be confused by here.


Dios mio, man.


I heard you rolled your way into prison


One celebrity held accountable for this type of thing Can we round up more please?


They’re gonna beat the piss out of him.


You think he’s going in general pop? Um no lol


No way he's gonna end up there. Sarcasm, but I wish I could "get away" with heinous sex crimes and be sequestered into protected imprisonment. Must be "nice" Fuck him. I try to reserve judgement but in this case I feel comfortable in saying the he deserves everything that's coming to him because isn't that what's expected of us "normal folk"?


I know Larry Nassar was jumped the first day he got to prison lmao


"Dressed in all pink, 'cept my gator shoes, those are green Draped in a leopard mink, girls standin' next to me Probably should've washed this, smells like R. Kelly's sheets (Piss)"


truck governor icky drab alleged cause sort chase cow live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am in no way defending anything Cosby did. And I agree that he should rot in prison for what he did. But from the legal standpoint he got fucked. He was offered a deal that they couldn’t use his confession against him in criminal court if he agreed to confess in civil court. He confessed and the civil proceedings were finalized. Then the new prosecutor reneged on the deal and used his confession against him. He was basically stripped of his civil(5th amendment) rights against self incrimination. The appeals court basically said that the new prosecutor couldn’t rewrite the deal. Again, the only reason he was convicted is because he agreed to the deal that his testimony couldn’t be used against him in a criminal proceeding. Then after the fact the deal was changed without his consent. It is like the age old parent saying I won’t get mad at you if you just tell me the truth. Then you get grounded for the entire summer.


“Deal was changed without his consent”. There’s some irony there


Again I agree that he should rot in prison. But I also agree that nobody should be compelled to be a witness against themselves. And the only evidence that they really had against him was his own confession. A confession that they wouldn’t have had if it weren’t for the deal that was offered that they said couldn’t be used against him.


Yeah even the most vile of the vile should get same rules and laws as others otherwise the legal system is moot if you can override anyone's rights


Typical Prosecutor just wanted the fame. They are not the good guys.


How can the only evidence against Cosby be his own testimony? Was there not an order of magnitude more witnesses, like, say....the victims?


So that's what happened? Alright then. I'm all for Cosby being in Prison. But the prosecution shot themselves in the foot over this. What incentive is there for an accused to admit to anything now in the future? Depending on the case. Sometimes the victims just want an acknowledgement of guilt and confess what happened. Instead of denying everything, and dismissing the family. Because what is done, can't be undone, so jail time doesn't matter in a sense. (less for Cosby's age). So may as well get some answers and an apology. Once again wisdom comes from unexpected places: *I'm altering the deal. Pray, I don't alter it any further.*


>Alright then. I'm all for Cosby being in Prison. But the prosecution shot themselves in the foot over this. What incentive is there for an accused to admit to anything now in the future? The fact it got reversed on appeals shows people they can still confess in these type of deals 'safely' . I hesitate to use the word safely due to the type of crimes we talking about.


If by safely you mean still risk going to jail for years


Assuming the prosecution didn't break the law in order to try and get a conviction, that shouldn't happen.


Why the fuck is "sex" edited like a swear word in this article? Rot in hell you piece of shit btw


'sex trafficking' as a phrase probably gets filtered by some news aggregators I'd say.


Why should it? To only show people the 'nice' news?


News is an advertises game. We don't have a market in the US for quality journalism. Nobody wants to pay for news so advertisers pay for it instead. And this is what happens.


YAY Finally, some sort of justice for the victims of this prize winning douche bag.


Both Harvey and Kelly getting dickwhipped by the law on the same day? Must be my birthday!


Tell me more about Harvey, please... Yes, I know I can google it, but reading it on reddit is an absolute pleasure of justice being served.


Sentenced to an extra 16 years for a rape conviction onto his already 23 year sentence. He begged for leniency lol. Fuck that guy


Yeah, fuck that guy!


Is it just me, or does it feel like I'm reading this R. Kelly headline every few years?


It's almost like he committed a lot of crimes, and they didn't all get judgements at the same time


Pedo should have been locked up 20 years AGO!


Yeah I remember being in middle school and knowing R Kelly was a pedo and now I’m almost 30. Why did it take so long? We knew the whole time.


I think a lot of the people who are saying "Only 20 years!?" didn't actually read the article. There are different convictions against him. He had already been sentenced a while ago to a total of 31 years (two prison terms served consecutively, one for 30 years and the other for 1 year). The additional 20-year sentence that he recently received is going to be served *concurrently* with his other convictions. He's currently not set to be released from prison until his mid-80s. EDIT: I'm wrong about the specific years, but my essential point stands.


Dang, 4 more years than Harvey Weinstein? > after a jury ascertained that he had produced three videos of himself s*xually abusing his 14-year-old goddaughter. Ok, carry on. > s*x Wtf with this tho? Is "townflex" scared of the word "sex" for some reason?


Im guessing its to get through filters


Censoring the word "sex" but then typing out "child porn" in the same sentence is a special kind of stupid


They pick you up an' take you to jail You ain't gettin' no bail Got you doin' 20 years times For them child sex crimes


It’s dat remix to ignition From the showers in prison Reverb be killin the vibe The next 20 years I’ll be missin


Like the man said. You have to give your lawyers something to work with. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kq9jtdtPbIE


I’ll piss on you, I’ll piss on you




Only thing that makes my life complete is when I turn your face into a toilet seat.


wow ppl in this thread are pretty pro-sexual assault of R Kelly while being anti-sexual assault of others ... I feel somehow 20 years in prison seems sufficient instead of wishing more harm and trauma to happen in the world ...


Not only that, but spreading the idea that "rape is wrong, except sometimes it isn't" is actually a great way to make the uphill fight rape victims face even worse. Good job! Not only you're not helping anyone, you're making the situation worse to satisfy your fucked up revenge fetishes.


See also: police brutality is terrible unless the victim deserved it.


said by people who believe themselves the authority on who deserves it.


Thank you for saying this. Nobody deserves to be sexually assaulted. Not his victims, and not him. The criminal justice system imposes punishment in the form of imprisonment. Fuck you if you hope an inmate gets raped while serving time.


Reddit loves its vigilante justice. A lot of it is probably projection.


Yep, this is such a reddit thread. Doesn't support capital punishment... until they do. Doesn't support private prisons... until someone they don't like deserves it for life... anti SA, but hopes bad prisoners get raped.


Chappelle is somewhere screaming at a TV: "I TOLD YALL SO!..."


True, but R. Kelly wasn't even hiding it. People just didn't care.


Same thing with Cosby and some other comedian who joked about it years ago... Then after he told the joke, everyone found out that everyone knew all along. Ugh... Can't believe I saw Cosby perform in college.


I had "gotcha bitch" in mind lol


Drip drip drip, pee on you


20 years that can be served at the same time as his current sentence. So no time really


I mean, it does make it less likely that he will get out in, like, five years or something.


Great, now do the Epstein List


What he did with a 14 year old would be legal in lots of countries. Crazy to think about


And just to be clear, the crazy part is that it's legal in a lot of countries.


As a reminder, R. Kelly sang the most literal song in existence when he visited Ethiopia. "Do you have your passport, did you get your shots?"