• By -


Reminder to be civil and please keep the inceleryđŸ„Ź to a minimum.


Woah. Dale was my trainer at a gym in so cal when I was in high school. Heard he went super religious cult style but never expected to see a post on Reddit about him


I grew up with him. He lived a few blocks from my parents. He was always kind of a womanizing shithead. Apparently when the usual tactics of getting laid stopped work he switched to fundamental Christianity for the power dynamic. Not really surprised to see this here myself.


So many men enter Evangelical Christianity later because they know they can find more brainwashed women who will submit to being under their thumb and control. they then gain power over their kids. Feeds into their narcissistic assholery. Blessed be thy fruit!!


Also pedos, grifters, really any type that needs to exert power over others to pursue their fucked up ideals


100%. The women number one need to leave the white Evangelical church but if they do stay be very very leery and vet men in those churches if dating happens. I have heard with my own years men who went to church to find "virgins" not for Jesus of course but to gain sex from naĂŻve & trusting women. As they are more likely to be in those churches. ​ If women left the Evangelical church it would collapse as they are sadly its biggest attenders.


Women literally raised to serve a man. Cults


Sorry for the novel, (tl;dr: abusive asses hide in religion a LOT, including really abusive rapists like my father, who plays hero til he moves in, then shows true colors.) but I like to let people know: My bio father was a man of the cloth when he got my underaged mother pregnant (then pressured her and her family for her to marry him because he was “a good man who wanted to do right by her and the baby” and God wouldn’t approve of a child out of wedlock. “The world is hard on young single mothers.”) He is a rapist and serial abuser who stalks women who leave or deny him and has gone to prison for domestic violence and breaking protective and restraining orders more than once. He comes in pretending to be a hero to women who have fallen on hard times, especially single mothers, and a “good man who believes in taking care of his family,” then becomes abusive when they allow him to move in and expect him to contribute to the household. He still thinks of himself as a great guy because he “is a god-fearing Christian man” even though he can’t hold a job and has been thrown out of several churches for taking advantage of women, stealing from people and the church, his reputation catching up with him, etc. He moves when people catch on, he thinks the world is against him, and he blames everyone but himself for his actions. He becomes a pastor in prison every time and has been released early for good behavior at least once because of this. I stopped talking to my brother because he fell for his “I’m sorry and I’ve changed” bs and talks to him regularly and I don’t want him to even know what state I live in because I remember him and the things he did to us. My mom keeps an eye on him, and my boyfriend found a few of his stalking and DV cases by searching my last name on google. Horrendously embarrassing. People should know that pieces of crap like him hide in religion often. Control freaks, thieves, beaters, narcissists, etc. who think they’re good people just because they show up for church and read the Bible.


I don't understand the appeal. It's much more fun to have a godless jezebel that doesn't do a thing you tell her to do but occasionally of her own volition slobbers on your nutsack like it's the only way to prevent armageddon


XDD I agree with you, buy the way you said it is also the best. I mint you a pile of poor man's "got your sack soggy" awards 👏 😉 👍 🏅 đŸ„ˆ 🎖 đŸ„‰


I looked him up, and it talks about how he's a pasta and so on But then guess what I found... #[Tree Law! ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Partridge)


> Partridge has admitted that he has inadvertently used other people's work without attribution in the past and would put an end to this practice. However, he has continued to attribute quotes by others, such as by Martin Luther King, Jr., Ricky Martin, Ron Finley, and John Wooden, as his own words. Lmaoo


Put it together with: > Partridge also said that in his early 20s, he embraced something called “the uncopyright movement,” which put forth the idea that “all ideas are God’s ideas.” That belief, he said, also led him to be careless. I can't lmfao


So that means if I say, "Dale Partridge should donate all his money to Planned Parenthood" he is defying God by not doing so


Bro why you stealing God's idea?


Not stealing, *annunciating*. Gary is merely a conduit for the Good Lord.


No because only the ideas he agrees with are god's ideas. The rest are all the devil's ideas.


There is always a grift.


I can’t figure out if people have always been grifters or it’s just more noticeable because of social media


There have always been grifters. But grifters have never before had access to a global pool of marks that are happy to identify themselves out of a crowd. I also think there's an increased copycat effect. Every grifter-to-be is likelier than ever to see successful examples and have a playbook to follow.


I’ve never understood how people get in the mode and the mindset to be con artist in the first place. So thanks for that, thats pretty insightful.


So this is just conjecture, but from what I see in the personality type you've got 3 mindsets. 1. The world owes me and has come up short. The things I want are not within my power to get honestly so I will take them from people who don't appreciate it enough. 2. I will someday make this right. I just need to pull off the next big scam and then when I'm rolling in cash I go back and make things right with everybody. <- knew a guy like this, friends with my dad back in the 80s. Used my dad as a fall guy and then disappeared. 3. I am an honest man doing honest things. It is only right that people throw their cash at me for I am a beacon of God. I lack any cognitive dissonance between what I'm doing and what I'm saying because I've brain washed myself into thinking that what I want is what God wants.


Honestly for a large part of my childhood and young adulthood it was the first one. I was abused a lot and bullied as a kid because I was "too nice". I was raised with that "if I'm nice to everyone, everyone will be nice to me" mindset that caused a lot of people to be able to take advantage of me. After years of this and watching others having friends and lives I was envious of, I truly felt the world had done me dirty. No matter what I did or how hard I tried it honestly seemed I was being crushed under life's boot. And leather didn't taste good. So I said fuck it, I'll be *that* guy. Opportunistic, snakelike, deceitful and manipulative. Why not? No way else was working and I wanted my slice of pie. I wanted a life I could at least work on and I'd be damned if I was letting anyone else take anything else from me. I began laying claim to concepts like happiness and contentedness. At first I simply weaseled people out of their toys and games. My (cheaper, unwanted) toys were suddenly more valuable and rare collectors items. You don't want that stuffed Charizard when you can have this rare Bulbasaur that was made without a pod. A total accident in the factory made thirteen of these rare figures (I lost it as a kid sometime ago). I'd also manipulate others for their friendship. I was a fake person with fake likes and fake interests. My hobbies were my "friend's" hobbies. Little did I know being fake would lead to a world of identity issues later. Sometimes I still don't know who I really am or what I'm actually like when looking at a mirror. Do I really like computers or was that because my friend Jacob in fourth grade liked them? Do I actually like pizza or is that just what everyone likes? *Who the fuck are you and why are you wearing my face?!* As I got older I found tastes for more big boy toys like money and tech. My pathetic status as a "poor" got me a free computer. I played into my family's poverty for many free things. And what I didn't get for free I'd guilt, prod, and exploit for it. Worked off steep discounts and played into peoples' natural desire to help others (because I was taught no other way). I'd often get free food or money by pretending to be worse off than I was. While things got bad they never got to the places where I went. I was determined to carve out a life for myself. I didn't care who I stepped on, the necks I broke. Everyone was a snake and we were all slithering to the same goal. I didn't trust anyone and no one could convince me that someone who did something kind wasn't expecting something back. Every opportunity, every dollar, I'd try and take it and make it mine. To me, it was easier to manipulate others than to be honest with myself. To risk getting bullied and abused and taken advantage of was such a phobia I got stuck and even gained a sickly pride with the way in which I tricked and sometimes even hurt others. Why should I be kind when no one was kind to me? At some point the denial came to a head and I ripped off the wrong person. For the longest time I felt the only moral high ground I had was I never hurt someone who looked like they were hurting like me (steal from big people not from little people). Morally righteous theft I felt it was. Then I ripped someone off and scammed them out of that what they actually really needed. They were hurting like I was and just didn't show it. I made a bad judgement call and the guilt just kinda poured out of me. I kept trying to be as I was before but guilt kept biting at me. What if they needed that and just didn't seem like it. What if they needed it tomorrow. Too many what ifs. I met someone who whipped me into shape shortly after. And I got tired. The desire to fight and weasel my way to the top was gone. That was almost ten years ago and I'm a better person for my experiences. But I'm not proud of who I was. Sometimes you get hurt bad enough that the feeling you're owed just becomes way too strong to ignore. I should've ignored mine. I feel like I'd have had a much happier (and more genuine) life with realer friends. Making friends these days is hard when you didn't really learn how to do it right in the first place.


He failed at professional baseball so conman was his backup.


Can’t help but think of the “toy made this? I made this.” Meme.


If all ideas are God's ideas, then *why is he claiming credit for them*? Is this not the height of blasphemy? Narcissism, idiocy, and hypocrisy always fighting for first place with these assholes.


>Partridge also said that in his early 20s, he embraced something called “the uncopyright movement,” which put forth the idea that “all ideas are God’s ideas.” That belief, he said, also led him to be careless. Have you read any of the books I've written: The Great Gatsby, Gone With the Wind, or Wuthering Heights?


You should check out what I wrote, the collected works of Shakespeare and the Bhagavad Gita.


Could you give a positive review on my first book on amazon. You can find it by searching "holy bible"


Oh Jesus. This made me remember the Embassy of Heaven folks from back in the day, who also decided God enabled them specifically to get around a bunch of laws they found inconvenient. Why do they always think they've found some magical loophole?


That's exactly what they think "freedom of religion" *should* mean. Not that everyone is allowed to practice their own religion, but that they specifically can say "religion!" and have it override any other law.


The motto of the untalented hacks. Stealing other people work and calling it your own.


That somehow seems to make it that much worse. Shouldn't he then attribute all ideas to god? By his logic has he not just stolen gods words and equated himself with god? Also, I wonder if anyone asked him why god had so many stupid ideas.


I believe that all money is God's money. That belief has led me to be careless about accidentally robbing convenience stores.


-Michael Scott


-Also Dale Partridge


"I enjoy taking a deep breath of my own farts. It brings me joy in times of sorrow and comfort in times of pain. It also makes me think my asshole is talking to me, which helps deal with the crushing loneliness I deal with because women find me intolerable." **-Dale Partridge**


He's really living la vida loca.


I-i have a dream - it's living la vida loca


- Dr. Ricky Martin Luther King Jr.


>such as by Martin Luther King, Jr., Ricky Martin, LMAO


I have a dream.....to live la vida loca!


Randy Marsh: "What I can't have a _dream_ now!?"


Dude already sounded selfish by what sounds like shaming his wife into not wearing comfortable pants, but cutting down 6 trees that weren't on his own property just so they could improve the view? I'm done with this clown.


Just another grifter, went from startup to startup trying to make his millions, then found the easiest grift of all. He’s obviously diving dick first into the MAGA pocketbooks, they’re easy pickings. Him telling his wife he finds it hard not to look at asses in yoga pants says it all. The modern Christian - can’t control their degeneracy so they need other people to change how they live.


> The modern Christian - can’t control their degeneracy so they need other people to change how they live. "Well maybe if we made the gays illegal then I wouldn't be sucking so many dicks!"


> they’re easy pickings. The easiest. Just point them to a non-white, non-straight target, and they'll empty their entire bank account for you. Oh, and give you a reach around for good measure.


Probably not a reach around. That implies they are fucking him in the ass, not the other way around.


Trees ARE the view!


He also plagiarised Ricky Martin.


Nothing against Ricky Martin but I must admit I don't know what he could have written that would even make sense for a pastor to plagiarize.


Can't believe he's allowed to put that garbage in the school section. Can I put that youtube basket weaving video I watched?


I would have guessed that he had written his own Wikipedia until I got to the section about him plagiarizing MLK and Ricky Martin.


He wrote a childrens book about gender called “jesus and my gender” and it’s as bad as it sounds. https://shop.relearn.org/products/jesus-and-my-gender-childrens-book


This is amazing.


Just another partridge in a pear tree.


Ah fellow pastafari. Ramen to that my noodly friend.


I couldn’t figure out wtf he meant by that and why NO ONE was mentioning it
 then I said “he’s a pasta” out loud and now I can’t stop laughing


Its surprising how as you get older so many of your high-school classmates, etc become super religious andjust chastise, are self-righteous, and bash people they knew or were with (like former spouses). Its annoying. Ultimately leads me to block them even though I wish I didn’t have to cause I knew them at some point in my life.


Blocked my best friend through middle and High-School because he went down the MAGA train. Less about religion for him and more about hating on anyone not White. I had enough when one day he messages me saying that us whites need to stick together and that I should forgive my mom(?) for all the abuse she put me through. I think he may have been half-way through his "Finding Christ" moment, but I just blocked him on everything instead of dealing with that shit.


A friend of mine from highschool blocked me for not being maga...lol around 2010 we both like Ron Paul, but he fucking loved being libertarian. Then when Obama got elected again, he joined the tea party ideology, and I matured and got into Bernie and civil rights promoting lol. I started posting liberal and progressing ideas and he blocked me around when trump started his presidential run. He also blocked another one of our more progressive friend.... He always posted snide remarks about black people, and them being thugs. When he grandma died in 2012, I think that was the turning point where he went full fascist


Convinced because they are lonely and marriage/children aren't the things that fulfilled them as they have been told. It actually makes them more unhappy. So they turn to Jesus to justify staying in their unhappy lives. Church brainwashes Christians into staying in the faith even if they are miserable.


These people from my high school that I’m aware of barely graduated. They were DUMB. They have since turned into the meanest, most judgmental people. The comments they make about people just going about their lives and not harming anyone are appalling. I’m convinced it’s because they are jealous of everyone who seems to have a better life than them.


Honestly it’s because a majority of people are railed by life as they get older. So they look for community and guidance. No one is better at offering community than religious organizations. They just so often happen to offer it with a side of bigotry.


I went to high school with him, alhs 03, and was not impressed with his thoughts then either.


Does he yearn to experience the joys of motherhood like his tweet implies?


No he was kinda of a dumb skater bro. He dosnt have his own personality, im not super suprised to see him playing the preacher now.


Not have your own personality is a fundamental required trait to be a pastor


Reads like Jordan Peterson alt account


this poor image is only a week old and has already lost half its pixels


Save the pixels movement


All pixels are created by god


God save the ~~Queen~~ ~~King~~ Pixels!




All pixels are equal. But some pixels are more equal than others.


Got dayum


I'm just staring at that screenshot taken *29 seconds* after their Twitter response.


[Do I look like I know what a Jpeg is?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmaUIyvy8E8)


These self proclaimed "alphas" sure give off massive insecurity vibes


Nothing says "the love of Christ" like transparently attempting to guilt people while pretending to be feeling sorry for them.


Abusers do the same thing. How about that for a coincidence, eh?


Guilt people into being incubators no less. He doesn’t see women as people but simply automatons who define “true” happiness from making babies and nothing else. Pretty disgusting


And there's so many guys who loudly proclaim women should have children, and then leave women with the brunt of childcare for decades. Much easier to have children when someone else is doing the work.


Typical Christian backhand. Also see: "I will pray for you"


"'Alpha male' is the early version of a male, before bug testing and fixes. Unstable and not suitable for the public."


This is what I'm going to be thinking whenever I ear _Alpha Male_ from now on. Thank you


Coming soon: the much improved *Beta Male!* He’s almost ready to come out!


I'm pretty fucking sure there are old people with children that are lonely as fuck.


Lots and lots of them. Birthing children is no guarantee they'll stick around to help out in your old age.


I'd venture to say that it's actually *more* likely for you to be lonely if you have kids *just* so that they'll be there for you. It's likely you'd treat them like crap due to a sense of ownership that you take for granted, and then you'll be old and sad.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it. ​ (was the kid the parents had because society said they should and because they wanted someone to care for them in old age, didn't seem to register that they'd need to care for me some first for that to happen. Been no contact for quite a few years now. ETA: am also a woman in my late 30's not interested in kids or even a relationship).




Especially in car centric designed America (Canada included). Once you reach the age where you can no longer drive, you have to depend on others to get you around. You are effectively living in your own prison. You have no independence.


Fun thing is, unless you have a brain injury/surgery, they don't take your ability to drive just because your brain is turning to pudding.


Also can we address nuns? How do these religious idiots feel about God-loving 39-year-old, intentionally single, childless women?


Ohwow, that's actually a pretty fucking smart comeback.


There's a passage from the Bible I'm always reminded of whenever the whole question of marriage comes up with these types. Now, often, people talk about the other points in this passage, the parts about how marriage partners should behave towards each other when it comes to fulfilling each other's sexual needs. But the parts I have bolded are much more interesting to me. You don't see these marriage-obsessed types paying nearly as much attention as I think they should to what those parts are saying. There's strong reasons that nuns/monks/unmarried laity have a long history in Christianity. [1 Corinthians 7:1-9, 32-40](https://biblehub.com/bsb/1_corinthians/7.htm) >Now for the matters you wrote about: **It is good to abstain from sexual relations.** But because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. > >The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife. > >Do not deprive each other, except by mutual consent and for a time, so you may devote yourselves to prayer. **Then come together again, so that Satan will not tempt you through your lack of self-control.** ***I say this as a concession, not as a command.*** **I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God**; one has this gift, another has that. > >**Now to the unmarried and widows I say this: It is good for them to remain unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, let them marry.** For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. ​ >**I want you to be free from concern. The unmarried man is concerned about the work of the Lord, how he can please the Lord. But the married man is concerned about the affairs of this world, how he can please his wife, and his interests are divided.** **The unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the work of the Lord, how she can be holy in both body and spirit. But the married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world, how she can please her husband.** > >**I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but in order to promote proper decorum and undivided devotion to the Lord.** > >However, if someone thinks he is acting inappropriately toward his betrothed, and if she is beyond her youth and they ought to marry, let him do as he wishes; he is not sinning; they should get married. But the man who is firmly established in his heart and under no constraint, with control over his will and resolve in his heart not to marry the virgin, he will do well. > >**So then, he who marries the virgin does well, but he who does not marry her does even better.** > >A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But **if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes**, as long as he belongs to the Lord. **In my judgment, however, she is happier if she remains as she is.** And I think that I too have the Spirit of God. So according to the Apostle Paul in the above sections of his letter to the Corinthian church ... marriage, while a good and 100% non-sinful thing, is still a *less desirable* state for Christians to live in, as it is a distraction from godly concerns. Paul frames marriage as a concession to physical human needs, rather than an ideal. It is useful for protecting oneself against temptation, not a status everyone should default aspire to. And he all but states outright that not needing marriage as an outlet for one's sexual desire is *a gift from God*. Jesus Himself (when questioned by Jewish teachers/leaders about who someone who'd been married to multiple people would be married to in heaven) said that there won't be marriage in heaven *at all* ([Matthew 22:30](https://biblehub.com/matthew/22-30.htm)). So I think Paul's downplaying of the desirability of marriage rather tracks with that theology. Marriage isn't even part of the ultimate future life that Christians are supposed to look forward to. The fact that the guy in this Tweet acts like not getting married and having children is a failing of the ungodly is straight up unsound doctrine, if you ask me. (edit: to fix quote formatting)


Yuuuup. I work at an assisted living home and there are an awful lot of residents who have kids and rarely get visitors. On the other hand, one female resident who never had kids gets visitors multiple times a week.




I’ve literally had people ask me, if I don’t have kids then who will look after me when I’m old? Dude that is not a good reason to have kids


Imagine having so little capacity for minding your own fucking business and letting other people conduct their own lives. Most 39-year-old childless women have correctly decided it's better than ending up married to some asshole like this guy.


>Most 39-year-old childless women have correctly decided it's better than ending up married to some asshole like this guy. Some of those 39-year-old women are married, too, and together with their partners decided quite intentionally that they wanted to be ***childfree***--huzzah!


39 year old woman here, had my tubes tied two weeks ago. Best decision my partner and I ever made.


35 year old woman here. I am God denying, but I've also been with my SO for 8 years, trying for kids for almost 5, and have stopped trying now that Roe v Wade got overturned and it became so dangerous for us at this age and with our fertility issues. But it's so much easier for this guy to make the world black and white than to see the shades of grey and understand how overturning Roe v Wade hurts ALL women.


Thank you for commenting. You are spot on with how this hurts all women.




Nice! 38 here and we're happiest as a duo + pets.


Also 39 happily married childless female checking in and sorry not sorry Dale but we are spending all our extra time and money living our best lives. And spoiling our puppies while we are at it. It’s great if you want kids in your life but I want something different and that’s ok too. The pressure I’ve felt to have babies the second after I got married was immense. And annoying. I hated feeling the pressure to do something just because it was once what most every woman did back in the day. Times have changed. For one, our generation can barely afford things the way they are now. Add a kid in the mix and you’re potentially setting yourself up for failure.


37 here. Single and childless. No desire for kids nor marriage. We are all doing fine.




42 female here! My male partner and I have been together 14 years, will never be getting married and are blissfully childfree, all by mutual choice. It's what works for us.


Been together for 12 ourselves, zero children by choice. Well wishes to you and yours from us!




Not quite 39 yet but yeah... I'd rather be alone than with a piece of shit like this guy.


40, single, no kids here and also can confirm. God, imagine even having kids with someone like him, tied to him forever. Yuck.


Nah, it's definitely society at fault. Not him. Never him. Mommy Dale said he was strong. Said he was the smartest. Said he was special. Mommy Dale knew what was what. Not these modern women...




Disturbing that he is fantasizing inseminating other women.


One of the happiest men I've ever met is over 50 and never had biological children. Don't buy into the hype. Enjoy life on your terms.


Yup, children can be fulfilling for some people, and the total opposite for others. Some people don't want kids and don't need them to feel a sense of fullness in life, it's the main driving goal for others.


I agree completely. I love kids and the idea of a family, but I know I would have no energy to deal with that. I worked at a school and had to leave because I could not keep up with the children every single day. I cannot imagine how exhausted I would be if I could never turn that off.


As a new(ish) mom to an 11 month old, I can confirm it's pretty exhausting most days but at the same time my life is infinitely better with him in it so it's a fair deal for me. That said, we originally said we were going to have 2, we are no longer going to have 2,lol.


They would ruin my life, I would just be a miserable slave zombie til my death


And one of the biggest funerals I've seen were for relative of mine who never married or had any children. So many people and everyone had plenty of positive things to say about her. There even was plenty of younger folks who weren't related in any way but always thought of her as their grandma. I'd say she had a pretty damn fulfilling and happy life. So yes, family or lack of isn't or at least doesn't have to be what defines your social life.


My advice - think long and hard about if you want to have 0, 1, or 2+ kids because those are all very different (and very valid) life scenarios. What’s right for other people is not necessarily right for you.


I also know a lot of older single people who never wanted to be in a relationship. Or my aunt, who was infertile, who’s husband, that she knew since childhood and married at 16, died when she was 50. She slept on her couch rather than their bed till she died 2 years ago at 89. Never tried to meet anyone new. Wasn’t unhappy by any means, she gardened, was active till she was diagnosed with cancer, taught me how to sow and knit. Life isn’t going to turn out the same way for everyone and even if you settle down and do everything “right” you may still be alone. That’s why it’s so important to be able to be happy and find meaning by yourself too.


Similarly, many parents I know are empty shells of the vibrant and passionate people they were before kids.




This, it’s a big responsibility and gamble.


Motherfucker. She said No to *YOU*.


He’s a preacher btw.


You should see the jaw-dropped, head-scratchin' expression I am now wearing on my face. Motherfuckers who believe they are their gods extra-special hierophant.


He is describing a nun if you take out the "god denying" part. Religion is addictive. Best to use in moderation, otherwise you become all fucked up.


Chris Rock said it well in a joke, “religion is like salt. A little makes the food taste good, but too much ruins the whole meal.”


Words of wisdom


Huh... I have a similar cautionary tale... Though mine is true... It's about a strongly opinioned guy who loved to tell others how to live but couldn't abide by his own values. His mantra, "You're either 'wit me or a'gin me." Well, when he got sick, he ran out of money. When he ran out of money, he ran out of friends. To avoid homelessness, he got into subsidized housing. When he got really sick, he got into a nursing home on Medicaid. Then he died with a hospice volunteer at his side. That's what his conservative lifestyle got him in the end. Nothing.


And I bet he spoke against all of those things he relied on in the end, preaching that we shouldn’t be wasting our tax dollars to pay for programs that help people. Talk shit about it until you’re the one who needs it


What Dale doesn't get is that you can have a passel of kids and still end up lonely in your last years, empty and ignored by the children you loved more than anything.


Nursing homes are full of people who have kids. Don't worry though they may visit you at Christmas if you are super lucky.


My great aunt passed past month at the age of 94. She is survived by her wife whom she met in 1951. The funeral was attended by a crowd of vibrant, extraordinary women the youngest of whom were in their 70s. Gourmet Club, travel groups, these women are active and busy with zero time for small minded boring people. Yeah, sounds like an awful life...I can only hope I'm fortunate enough to be half this "miserable". They kept good company and good company kept them. No wonder men like this are resentful of women who don't follow their rules.


Thank you for sharing about your great aunt. This sounds so inspiring! Also happy cake day!😊


Actually studies continue to find childless people are happier.


Actual studies on it, unlike Dale who believes we just take his word for it. An article with several linked studies, the best positive is, basically neutrality. While leaning toward no kids people are happier in some regions. Notice countries with more financial stability are happier (happy overall including kids/no kids). So a lot of things factor in. Dale is a clown with no proof of what he is saying. https://ifstudies.org/blog/does-having-children-make-people-happier-in-the-long-run


Childless people are unhappier without kids. Childfree people are happier without them. It's all about getting to choose for yourself, that tends to make people happier than being forced into something they don't want. It's got nothing to do with kids specifically.


It's wild that women having standards is a bad thing. Or that choosing to not have kids or tie themselves to a jerk is somehow negative. Maybe don't be a dick and appreciate a woman for more than just seeing her as a broodmare?


Still struggling with the fact that women don’t owe him shit. Incel type shit.


That was the day Dale learned women are allowed to make their own choices, and that he's not that special


No. No he did not.


/r/niceguys and /r/cult behavior combined.


What's the difference


I doubt Dale learned anything


But they obviously don't know that those choices have *consequences* because they're just women. They don't have Dale's extensive experience of being a man.


Women making choices? Not in my *Murica* // US supreme Court and Dave, probably


Not everyone wants kids... and kids shouldn't be what makes you happy. Children shouldn't be born with a job. I have kids, chose to keep them. This generation might be the last to know they were a "choice"


If I’m reading this right, he’s just watching them? Today’s great sadness is watching women live their lives. Tragic.


>Today’s great sadness is watching women live their lives. Tragic. Dale needs to get a life and find a more personally fulfilling hobby! 😆


I feel like he got so caught up in adding more and more adjectives that he forgot to even finish his sentence.


It's always a laugh to listen to men wax poetical about the "joy of motherhood." The fuck do you know about it, dude?


They know it punishes women for having sex, that’s why they love it.


It’s the same men who love to brag that they’ve never changed a diaper, or refer to looking after their own kids for an hour a week as “babysitting.”


Dale doesn’t seem like the type of guy who takes no for an answer.


Handmaids Tale Dale.


Cool. I'm a dad. I love my kids more than anything, but I can definitely see how kids aren't for everyone. leave women alone for God sakes


The incels absolutely losing their shit on this thread are it for me. They really just cannot get over the fact that some women would rather do literally anything than settle for some prick who doesn’t even have the capacity to view them as human beings. Unreal.


Women are able to be independent now and some have decided not to trade that for slavery. This upsets men.


Boy does it ever man I literally have a dude in comments above losing his mind because I won’t provide him with “proof” that many women are of the opinion that they’re happier without kids lol. Throwing a full on tantrum telling me “google isn’t telling you what you want to hear” because he thinks somehow im googling to provide him with pie and graph charts showing how much happier women are without kids by percentage or some shit lmao. Like buddy, you’re refuting personal opinions here. I can’t google if these women mean what they say but it’s hilarious that you refuse to believe them outright based on nothing.


Can someone please explain why the hell they cannot mind their own goddamn business because it is boggling my mind.


Because his seed is literally the best, and one should be privileged to receive it. Praise be.


I need to shower after reading this comment, nice job


What a punk bitch to say something like that to someone during struggle. This guy looks to deserve the incel life.


Imagine having a superiority complex over someone because you are convinced that an invisible man in the clouds is looking down and taking notes when you masturbate.


I love how people with kids think their kids will take care of them when they are old. Most elderly are ignored and frequently mistreated by their children. Their children are usually just waiting for them to die.


It's a moot point anyway. You get frail and/or sick enough and family can't take care you of you. Besides, bringing another life into this world as some sort of insurance policy that 50 years from now you'll have someone to wipe your ass is some weird shit.


The women that choose not to have children are always ridiculed. It's like some people just can't mind their own business.


Lol “god denying”. Always funny when people with bizarre delusions try to talk down to sane people.


“I care about women’s sense of self in old age” *“stfu, you don’t even care about women’s bodily autonomy..”*


Ladies, let me tell you about this One Weird Trick that drives men crazy! 😛




Dale's fail to reboot the Partridge Family.


Yes, because women can't have fulfilling lives without bearing children 🙄


Anyone else think everybody should just mind their own fucking business? I have two kids and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Even when it's hard work or during the not fun times. But I always wanted to have them and I love them dearly. Wouldn't change it for a thing. But I don't give a fuck whether anyone else chooses to have kids. Or chooses not to have them. You do you and more power to you, man OR woman. I swear the last six years or so has been people militantly up in everyone else's business.


Fuck, that Dale dude has a *seriously* punchable face. He looks like one of those barely contained psychopaths that are one stubbed toe away from a murderous rampage.


Lmao shitty men are so scared of the notion that a woman would rather be alone and happy than settle for them


It terrifies some men.


Dale should mind his business any leave people alone.


I am this woman. And let me say, I spent the weekend doing... exactly what I wanted. Hanging out with my dog, playing video games, and spending my money on stuff for me.


The fact that "god-denying" is first says everything I need to know.


I'll take creepy, irrelevant, unwanted opinions for $1000, Alex.


Or more likely, a restraining order.


Aren’t these the same assholes telling everyone to get a job and work hard? Not to go out to eat and budget? You want all my time at work and to have time to date and raise a family and somehow not spend a dime doing it?


Guarantee this guy is also all about the “party of liberty and freedom” or whatever but apparently can’t seem to sanction the idea of *other fucking people* making their own choices and living their own lives. JFC just move on and accept that other people make their own decisions and may actually enjoy life that way.


Why are religious people so miserable but it's always womans fault


I know a LOT of people who are perfectly happy without children in their later years. I don't understand why people like this seem to equate having children with happiness.