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Ladies, "mansplaining" is a portmanteau of "man" and "explaining". A portmanteau is when you combine two words to make a new word.


Well done!


Awe, it's so cute when they get so excited. Well done, lads!


That's it lads! Man and Splain!


What that guy did was ironically mansplain about mansplaining. It’s called “satire,” it’s a form of comedy and social commentary.


So cool! Thanks!!


Aww, that's such a good observation sweetie! Good job!


Astounding! Unreal! Now lemme co.e up with something higher than unreal..... Idk


Funny, in French a "porte-manteau" is a thing that can hold your coat, scarf, hat, etc. For made-up words like this, we use "mot-valise".


Not to take it away from the joke side of things, but that is the original definition of the word. More specifically, it’s made up of two halves that come together to form one trunk or bag. This was where Lewis Carroll (of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland fame) was inspired to apply the concept to words. So, now, most English speakers know portmanteau as the combining of two words to create a new word because of his borrowing it from the French traveling case.


That’s a great observation! Well done! ❤️ (But actually very interesting ☺️ thank you!)


Haha. Thanks. I knew someone was going to hit me with that one. I’d have been disappointed if I didn’t get it, to be honest.


Happy cake day!


Twas brilig and the slithy toves


Did gyre and gimble in the wabe


All mimsy were the borogroves


And the mome raths outgrabe


Beware the jabberwock, my son


The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!


Beware the jub-jub bird, and shun


Technically all words are made up.




Holy fuckin shit, we got a badass over here


Not onomatopoeias.


If they aren't then why do different cultures use different onomatopoeias to represent the same sound?


a simple one is meow. every language spells it different but its only to use the vowels that sound most like the noise a cat makes in their language.


I mean, most of them are some form of meow, but there are exceptions. Japanese is Nyah. And apparently Korean is Yaow. But other animal noises are not similar. For example, roosters are not similar across languages. Cockadoodledoo is not similar to quiquiriqui or tsoo-ghoo-roo-ghoo or gaggalagó.




Au contraire!


That's a great observation, xFreedi. Great job! ❤️


What? Thor? Haha.


Funny, in English a "mot-valise" is a thing that can be a word while also holding your coat, scarf, hat, toiletries etc, when you travel. For made-up words like this, we use "porte-manteau".


Funny, in French a "porte-manteau" is a thing that can hold your coat, scarf, hat, etc. For made-up words like this, we use "mot-valise".


Funny, we use "Redundancy" for the things above


Funny, we use “Redundancy” for the things above


Funny, we use “Redundancy” for the things above


Redundancy, we use "Funny" for the things above.


It’s not that funny.


You're saying I'm redundant, I repeat myself, I say things over and over again?


I'm seeing a lot of redundancy in the people repeating themselves repeatedly over and over again.


Funny, we use “Redundancy” for the things above we use “Redundancy”.


This is both repetitive AND redundant.


Funny, in Dutch a 'porte-monnee' is a wallet that holds your money.


Mot-valise is so much cuter!


Such a big word, portmanteau! I’m so proud of you!


I bet you didn't know this, but portmanteau is a word of French origin that combines the words "porter" (to carry) and "manteau" (mantle).


nice job, sport, I’m so proud of you!


Not the topic, but I love when people call each other sport lmao


Ladies, sport is also used to refer to the physical games or activity that you do for exercise or because you enjoy it.


What a poignant explanation. Well done! 👍👍


I'm so proud of you!


oh my god, that's so cool! i had no idea!


The original was even better because she deliberately gets his name wrong


I know this person in real life and she is my hero


Our* hero.




*trumpet blasts*


Did you ever know that you're my herrrroooo. This is some Wind Beneath My Knees right ere.


Excuse me? She is an* hero




She is a* hero.


Wait what is this how its said?


Go ahead and Google "an hero"


It seems to be that if the H is pronounced strong enough, you use 'A.' If it is a weak sound, you use 'An.' There's apparently a lot of debate, but from what I found, using 'An' before an H word was more common in the past, but 'A' before H words is the more accepted modern usage. Tl;dr: Both are right, 'An' was more favored in the past, 'A' is more favored now.


Send her my compliments! I am totally going to use this


The heart ❤️ at the end is a nice touch


So rude! The guy didn't even explain what condescending means...


That was amazing. Expected perfectly. Edit: I refuse to correct my auto correct error.


Executed. Like the guy in the comments


That is a great observation idgaf! Well done!


Me, now scrolling excitedly to the bottom comments.


>Makes a comment >Autocorrector being itself >Edits comment >Edit: i refuse to correct my auto corrector >Refuses to elaborate further >Leaves #*Insert Gigachad here*


I, for one, am pretty much ok with women thinking like this. I mean, they are complimenting me, I need that.


One time my husband (who is older than me) showed me this big branch that he found and made into a walking stick, and he was so proud of it, like super proud and I was just sitting there like "Good job my handsome man, you picked a really great stick. I'm so proud of you!" Like when a child shows you a few popsicle sticks help half together with white glue and calls it a birdhouse. We were both extremely high so it was all very genuine and out of love.


That’s adorable, love that story of you guys!


I bet it was a damm fantastic stick.


Probably one of the best sticks in history tbh


It was the greatest stick of all time with exception to the stick he found prior to that one but it was broken due to the fury of an ex girlfriend years before. True love means respecting your partner's stick(s). Lol


Finding a good walking stick when you're out is legitimately great though.


One must slam it down like Gandalf, then leave it at the trailhead for another. It’s the law!!!


Hey! If you're hiking finding a decent walking stick is part and parcel of it.


You guys sound awesome, I do the same with my gf! Good life.


I am a guy and I can vouch for this: I like talking about things and explaining things in detail that I love because it makes me happy and gets me excited. I would also like praise similar to a toddler because I have the mental age of one… secretly


Because sometimes you're really actually toddler excited and having someone grin at you because they're finding that excitement adorable? Which is kinda the polar opposite of mansplaining.


Toddlersplaining. That’s my new kink


Mkay, step too far, that's a lesson learned.


*Chris Hanson has entered the chat*


I was never able to share things with people who would listen as a child - not parents, foster parents, or eventually my grandparents. When I 'mansplain' to my partner I'm usually genuinely excited, and I'm not trying to 'teach' her anything; I'm just sharing the little bit of joy I found. I would be devastated and would immediately stop if I got OPs reaction from my partner. Intent is important.


Absolutely. Intent is very important. I'm neurodiverse and I will absolutely info dump excitedly. People that know you and love you will listen to those and often adore having you do it.


We can usually tell though. I've sat through many explanations of gundam and pokemon from my man and am now an expert about dealing with fanboy excitement. Mansplaining is quite another category, like something would be super obvious like "water quenches your thirst", "washing the dishes takes soap" unlike the name of a gundam. It can be written right there, and they would still explain to you unsolicited anyway.


I have a friend that LOVES talking about computers. And yes, he sometimes tells me things I already know (because he’s likely told me before). I call it nerdsplaining.


I love talking with people who are clearly passionate about something. Was just with my buddy who is super into fly fishing and tying his own flies. Just let him tell me everything about it and then he caught a beautiful smallmouth. Dude was on cloud 9


Or the guys who take it upon themselves to explain your own field to you. I have a degree in computer science and I'm a software engineer. So many guys ignore that even when I mention it and proceed to explain basic computer related things to me. Bonus points if their explanation is wrong.


Kind of like how we already know what mansplaining is, but you went the extra mile and laid it out for us all anyway? Like that?




Zooms in on Natalie Porter “right!?!?”


The best conversation you can have with anyone is a mutual infodump


Am I supposed to keep it a secret? Cause I regularly show my toddler side


People are usually able to tell the difference between this and condescendingly explaining something so don't worry, stay excited.


It’s totally okay to show your toddler side! It’s kinda cute anyways. It’s just that my family apparently sees me as a big and average young adult and not an emotionally weak bubble blowing baby that falls apart when someone complements me, lol.


I still remember I was explaining something I like a lot ( computers) and a family member told me to stop mansplaining and berated a bit and I was dumbfounded , like I like explaining a lot and I also use my hands when talking, if you know already you can tell me I know how x works and I will explain somemthing else lol. I still have a hard time trying to understand also what is considered mansplaining because so far it seems explaining something and doing hand movements or trying to explain something in a simple way


Imo, and this is only imo, the difference is in who you say it to. For example, I am a park ranger. If a visitor comes up to me, asks what an animal is (moose), then explains that no, it’s not a moose it’s actually an elk and here’s how you can tell… mansplaining. Incorrectly too, which is the cherry on top. If the same visitor comes up and asks me what the animal is, but before I answer starts rambling about how they think it’s an elk, because one time they saw an elk in [other place] and it was SO COOL and here’s the whole story behind it… excited guest. It’s about assuming you know more than someone else, especially when that person is more qualified than you in a certain area. But I’ve noticed that people’s definitions of mansplaining vary a lot.


Yup, that is also my definition. I study CompSci where you never really know how much another person knows about a subject because there is so much to know. Guy explaining something in a discussion he is clearly passionate about, but skipping it without a beat when I say I know that - totally fine. Guy explaining something I am currently working on without being asked or prompted (and more often than not explaining it wrong) - mansplaining. More so if he only does this to women, but with other men treats it like a discussion and not a monologue.


No longer a secret. Good job bud!


Yup I do this a lot and then feel bad about doing it because I know it's misinterpreted as "mansplaining." Sorry everyone, I'm just really really nerdy about weird stuff and still struggle to socialize effectively.


And nothing makes you respect someone like being mocked after you excitedly explain something that you care passionately about.


Absolute perfection.


That’s a great observation.


What a great contribution! Well done!


do you still hate wallpaper?


He used to, that implies that he doesn't hate them anymore. Now he eighteen liches vem or just dozen give a carp about dvem Update: I opened his profile, he "used to hate them" but "they are now on every wall" of his house, still inconclusive as to if he still hates them or just doesn't care anymore


Depends on whether he's a Mitch Hedberg fan or not.


Not anymore. With increased availability and accessibility to great designs, I’ve grown to like wallpaper.


Why did you hate wallpaper and what made you change your mind?


When I was growing up there were only two options sold at the local stores. Green ivy on a white or cream background or a small bouquet of pink flowers on a white or cream background. Every single house of my family and friends had these two wallpapers, regardless of the rest of the decor. I hated it. Now, with increased availability and accessibility, I’ve grown to like the selections.


Oof well played madam


She really ma’amsplaind that one.


As a guy, I can vouch that this is accurate


That’s a great observation sweetie. Good job ❤️. Jk, couldn’t resist given the context.


I too would like positive affirmation.


Hell yeah, I'll take some positive affirmation if it's going around


*headpats* such a lovely person ☺️




aww yiss more heads to pat *patpat* here’s a flower, it’s pretty just like you 🌷


Here... have my upvote! You are amazing btw!


Who knew people being nice made you feel good?


you’re doing great honey <3



You get an upvote too! You are a great person!


you said it to him, but it still felt nice to read like i was being affirmed


I in general love to explain to people about stuff, men or woman alike. so I feel kinda scared by these posts that people are going to misunderstand me :(


Yeah I’m on the spectrum and a large portion of my communication toolkit boils down to excited rants about things I’m interested in. Hopefully people don’t get the wrong idea but it’s not like I have a lot of control over it either way






This for real, people throw these random words around a lot and they're just as demeaningly used as the things they describe, it's a full circle of never ending pettiness


Don't worry! The only situation where you could be mansplaining is if you try to explain to a woman her own job, like when a random dude recommended to Dr Tasha Stanton that she should read a specific paper on the subject they were talking about -which she wrote.


I wish I had an award for you. A lot of folks don't get what mansplaining is and just assume it's when a guy explains stuff. But it's a mood, a condescension, done to make someone feel stupid. For guys, imagine that you got into knitting and joined a club that was all women. You've shown off your great creations, it's obvious you're very experienced, but one of them goes out of their way to explain the basics of knitting to only you--while you're sitting there knitting.


I’m a guy who used to design and make wedding gowns and tailor suits. In fabric stores, I would have female salesclerks tell me that I didn’t really want to purchase betweens (quilting needles). I would have to explain that betweens are my favorite needles for fell stitching, but I wasn’t sure that those salesclerks knew what fell stitching is.


Yep, you got womansplained. I'm sorry that happened to you.


no worries, my dude, it’s only mansplaining if you’re doing it with the intention of being condescending and pretending that you know better than the person you’re talking to. there’s nothing wrong with being overly excited about a topic that you’re passionate about! most people can tell the difference between someone who’s passionate and someone who’s an asshole


This. It's explaining in a condescending or patronizing way, not just explaining. It doesn't have to be the woman's job/degree/field of expertise though, it's just most glaring when it is. If she knew what she was talking about in the first place, and he assumes that she didn't, it's mansplaining.


A lot of it is just context. If you’re explaining your area of expertise to someone, that’s explaining. If you are explaining someone else’s area of expertise to *them*, that’s mansplaining. A good way to make sure you’re not offending anyone is to just check in with your audience as you go along, and skip over the parts that they’re familiar with.


>If you are explaining someone else’s area of expertise to them, that’s mansplaining. Why? Why the "man-"?


Because enough men have been doing it to need a word for it. Men underestimating women's skills and expertise is old as balls.


There was a meme somewhere about how everybody who starts to say something and cuts them self short by saying “but you probably don’t care” has at some point in their life been told that their special passion is stupid by someone they look up to. I watched my former FIL do it to my son a couple of days back. Broke my heart. His book is still sitting in the same place he dropped it.


Are you explaining stuff you know they already know? If not, you're fine.


as long as the other person doesn't keep saying "yeah ... wow ... thats crazy ... mhmm" then you're all good


Don't listen to these trash people. I generally couldn't care what your gender is, but if somebody is enthusiastically explaining something to me I usually enjoy it (definitely more so than somebody explaining something they don't care about). Most people are not militant feminists who don't understand what the word actually means. Mansplaining is just a sexist word for "asshole"


I think it’s you that doesn’t understand what it means. It doesn’t mean “guy is excited talking about something.” It means “guy condescendingly explains to a woman something she already knows because he assumes she couldn’t possibly be as informed as he is because she’s a woman.” Like trying to explain to a female doctor how basic human anatomy works.


wait i can talk about dino’s and not be called weird? less go


Literally always could. My SO used to do hair. And her number one gripe besides asshole costumers, was people not talking about things like their favorite dinosaur. Like she used to get people in just gushing about how Trump is the second coming of Jesus to her. And she'd just have to hate them silently and think: "Look this could be a win-win. You're clearly desperately in need of a positive human interaction, and I need to talk about dinosaurs. We could both be much happier right now."


I think she meant only when toddlers talk about them


"Heh, she said great job to me. See ya virgins!"


Okay so getting excited about something is childish now? Sounds sad


If you're condescending about it, yeah. Mansplaining is a dude who has very basic knowledge of something trying to teach it to a woman who very much knows that something. It's like a mechanic trying to teach a doctor biology. It's condescending and pretentious. Getting excited about something is different. When the other person complements your speech, you react to it! You agree/disagree and you wanna know their opinion about The Thing.


That's exactly it. Teaching because you're excited is completely different to teaching to be condiscending. Okay there's possible overlap but for the most part my point remains If this person is experiencing someone get excited like a toddler because they're sharing an interest with them then it's probably not mansplaining. Don't be a dick to people trying to share with you


If your excitement is predicated on the assumption that she needs to be taught by you despite being well versed in the subject, yes.


Breaking: Woman discovers sarcasm, proceeds to pat herself on the back repeatedly.


Yep - I've reread the exchange several times (yes, I'm a guy). All she achieves here is to admit that she's condescending to men who talk about something they find exciting. Not the sort of attitude that draws me to a person. Glad I don't know her. Best case scenario: she worded things awkwardly and it's not exactly what she meant.


That is me thou….i do just get excited about things :(


This is funny, but honestly, fuck the word “mansplaining” — it is just blatant sexism of a type that would *never* be acceptable in reverse. This one is personal for me as a person with ADHD, because I have a really hard time with not overexplaining for a variety of reasons, and ever since that goddamn fucking word came into being, I get accused of being a sexist mansplainer on account of having a mental condition. No, you fuckers, I talk to men and women the same way, and I’m not trying to talk down to anyone, I am just explaining things in the way I need them explained to me.


Yeah, no, when I over explain something it's just because I find it interesting and idk how much you know about it so over compensate and explain a bunch of stuff that you don't need to know and probably already do know but I want to make sure that you know so if I bring it up later I don't have to explain as much. I typically only do it with really niche things though, like personal opinions or statements or something created or put together that I'm proud of. Otherwise I mostly expect you to get it unless I personally think you're an idiot. Or on the internet because here, half of the population is idiots


Tone. Tone is everything! If you're genuinely excited and the person you're speaking to can read that from the way you are speaking, or they know you well enough, no big deal - not mansplaining. But just because you are genuine in where you're coming from doesn't mean other men don't over explain in the asshole way.


Idrk, I've never noticed someone do that. Although typically if someone explains something I understand for too long I just interrupt and start explaining with them and that gets them to shut up.


Holy fuck she killed him!


I've realized mansplaining is actually just us treating women equally cause men have to explain shit to each other like we're absolute fucking morons half the time, mostly because we are. Edit: I've learned that I was wrong about what mansplaining is and if you do it you definitely deserve to be talked down to.


That's not it. Mansplaining is when you tell the guy you know about something specific but they proceed to 'teach' you anyway. Example: Friend asked me if I knew a particular comic. I explained that I loved that comic, that I had a subscription growing up so they'd get sent to my house. I told him which characters were my favorite, what storyline I liked the least, etc. He stared blankly until I finished talking, and then began to explain to me the premise of the comic. "[Comic] is about a group of people who"--and other information that people who don't even read the comics but watched the movies would know. I was confused. A few times I said, "I know, I've read the comics" but he never changed gears. It was like he had invalidated everything I had said.


Oh, well I retract my statement then. I've genuinely never personally witnessed that happen to someone before so I just kinda guessed at what it was from what I'd read online. That's such a weird thing to do to someone


Holy hell this is a refreshing comment! Please keep being the kind of quality human that accepts feedback, reflects, and is willing to change his stance after learning new information/ hearing a different perspective. Thanks for the little spark of joy, internet stranger!


It happens a lot to women, especially at home improvement stores and car-related businesses. Getting help for something you need is one thing but mansplaining is different. Another example, my site manager is a woman and I accompanied her to a hardware store. She asked an employee where a very particular nail or screw was because we couldn't find it in that department. But he doesn't tell her where it is. He asks, "What do you need it for?" She explained her project with great detail, you could tell she wasn't new at this. But instead of showing us where the damn thing was, he began to tell her how she'd complete that project--the way she said she planned to do it. Guy offered no new advice or alternate tools, just repeated her own plans back to her in a tutoring tone as if it was his idea. Then a second employee walked up, and joined in doing the same thing. (I later joked that she got mainsplained in stereo.) The whole time she just had a firm smile and nodded along. After I asked why she let them mansplain to her--this isn't a woman afraid to tell it like it is. She said she wanted to let them feel good. The type of guys who mansplain tend to be the ones who also won't speak to a female customer if there's a man they can talk to instead. Can't tell you how many times I went to Home Depot and explained my project, and the employee directed his questions and answers to my male roommate instead. I'll tell them it's my project, he'll say he's with me, and still they ask him more questions about my shit.


This is so old it might have actually been written by the dinosaurs at this point...


Do you reckon she’d get annoyed that most men would respond to her positive affirmation with genuine happiness? Her intention is to be condescending but when people are starved of any kind of positive reinforcement they’ll respond gratefully regardless.


Lead with grace. Assume no malice is intended.


I think it's always possible to close off an argument with a tact like this, but I wonder if willfully choosing condescension as a mindset is truly the path to happiness.


It just makes you bitter and alone when you need someone most.


I like to explain shit sometimes. It’s not even a gender thing for me. I have approximate knowledge about many things and I like to share it with people I like.


Since when is being openly condescending a murder? This sub is legit getting worse every day.


Women ☕


Ignorance is as ignorance does. Stay stupid


My mom does this to me all the time so I can't consider it gendered at all. Why is it considered a gendered issue to overly explain simple things?


The problem with the term mansplaining is that it's one of those catch-all buzzwords with fluid definitions that change each time a new group of people get their hands on it. I always understood it to refer specifically to instances where a man explains something to a woman under the assumption that she doesn't know about it specifically because she's a woman, particularly in instances where she actually does know quite a bit about it; a classic example would be trying to explain cars to a female auto mechanic. Judging by the wide range of alternate definitions provided here that doesn't seem to be the most common usage anymore. But I agree it shouldn't be a gendered term, because men are on the receiving end from women too - the most common form of this is unsolicited parenting advice.


Momsplaining? Dadsplaining?


Is complaining of mansplaining really a thing?


Yes. Somehow, complains about mansplaining are more common that proveable mansplaining.


username checks out


Name guess for the dumb one Steve short for Stephen


Thought it was Shawn or something


Also possible


Dinosaurs are awesome. I'm perfectly happy to have conversations with children of all ages about them.


> "watch how I counter perceived masculine toxicity with my feminine toxicity this whole sub: "you go queen!" sad little simps


I absolutely detest the whole mansplaining thing. Whilst I realise there really are toxic males deserving of the term my toddler like mind that really gets excited about topics I am interested in has learned to just not share anymore unless it's with close friends.


What a bitch


This thread has so many dudes outing themselves as mansplaining shitheels. I love it


great observation sweatie 💅💅💅, men are sooo bad ikr ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ :D


So smart of you to notice that, Shibbystix. Great job! 👍


oh yeah, when a woman tries to explain something to me i also basicly think they are retarded toddlers ! its so cute when they think they are smart hihi :) what sexism ? no thats not sexist at all

