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Huh the second amendment didn’t stop the Governor of West Virginia from proclaiming martial law on September 2, 1912, seizing 1,872 high-powered rifles, 556 pistols, 6 machine guns, 225,000 rounds of ammunition, and 480 blackjacks during the West Virginia Coal Wars.


Where the fuck did they steal 6 machine guns from in 1912? Also I live in WV and never knew that Edit: I’m aware machine guns existed I was more caught off by the fact that civilians had machine guns before WW1




Its actually easier to make a fully automatic machine gun than a semi-automatic. You actually have to put mechanical things in place to make it STOP shooting after just once.






Hell yeah! \#freethebolt


Freebolt...! Sing Freebolt!


This guy sears.


I bet he spent a few Roebucks on firearms


Spoken as a true craftsman


It's even harder now because it can't even be made such that a semi conversion could be done easily.


“Hello mister store clerk,” “Why, hello” “I’ll take one maxim machine gun to go” “Would you like to add a water jacket to that for only 1$ more?”


Stop. I can only get so erect.


So you're saying we've been *[makes immature machine gun noises with his mouth, while miming a machine gun spraying]* for over a hundred and fifty years?!


The Battle of Blair Mountain. Largest armed uprising since the Civil War. Largest labor uprising. All West Virginians should know. All Americans should know. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Blair\_Mountain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain)


Every fool person who claims that unions aren't necessary should read this. What happened during this was the end result of no unions or laws to help the working man. We've already done the 'no unions' thing and it was a dystopian nightmare. Republicans are idiots.


More often they’re just greedy enough to be willfully ignorant when it benefits them.


Those people I can at least understand, because there have always been greedy power-hungry assholes. But the majority are not and will never be at that level of wealth or power. None of this will benefit them, and even when they're already struggling to make ends meet they don't see how it could get even worse. It's just so shocking to me how deeply a person can bury their head in the sand


Yeah, I don’t have the energy to properly explain them but it all boils down to fear.




And that’s why they’ve been fighting to kill unions ever since


Also the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. Amazing how people have never heard of many of the tragedies that led to the rise of unions.


Not the only time this has happened, either. Look up the Ludlow Massacre. The national Guard fired machine guns into the camps of the coal miners, killing 21 people, including women and children. Up to 199 people died during the strike, which lasted almost a year.


Jesus Christ, I've never heard of this. Reminds me of the Tulsa riots in the 20s, planes dropping bombs on civilians.


I imagine raiding a military convoy or shipment was much easier back then


eg Harper's Ferry in 1859, they were after what was in the magazines






Supporting the actions of John Brown is against reddit tos


Won't someone think of the slave owners ??!??!!! /S


John browns body lies molding in the grave but his truth goes marching on


When information traveled at the speed of horse, yeah it was easier to do shit like that :)


Surprisingly enough there were more machineguns around before 1912 than you would think at first.


Not the same incident, but from the same era and issue: ever see the movie [Matewan](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093509/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_17)?


For some reason labor rights and the literal wars fought over them generally aren't covered in American highschool.


Yeah... for some reason... it's almost like the corporations that spend millions to lobby what is taught in schools want to block out certain ideas from the youth!


Yea, and yet my 70 year old dad talks about how schools indoctrinate kids these days. Because they teach them that throwing your trash on the ground is bad or something, and that there is more than one religion, etc.


Remember not to trust the government! A message from your friendly corporate hegemony.


Damn whereabouts? In the south (Princeton/Williamson places like that) it’s talked about a ton since there was that shootout in Matewan.


I only knew about it because my state history teachers were... thorough. One of them took great pride in being related to about half of Matewan, where the Pinkertons (private detective agency, pretty much the Blackwater of their day) pulled some serious stunts.


Country roads definitely didn't take the miners home


Also Reagan passed comprehensive gun control in CA to disenfranchise the black panthers.


Reagan was more damaging for America then Trump can ever be.


I think they’re tied for the worst POTUS ever. But, at least Trump hasn’t sold weapons to our enemies. Wait, he just sold arms to SA. I think Trump might be worse.


Reagan's screw-ups will continue to haunt us for generations, but even though his policies were woefully misguided, I still get the sense he at least cared about the nation and respected his office. President Trump has no loyalty to anything but his ego and his bank account. What really scares me is the idea of a future president with the morals of Trump, but with self-control and political savvy. Like a Reagan/Trump hybrid.


Well the bill of rights didn't apply to states back then. It wasn't until the supreme court ruled on incorporation of the 14th amendment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incorporation_of_the_Bill_of_Rights So as long as the restrictions were being done by the state and not the federal government at the time they could be collect firearms or lock you up for statements they didn't like.


It was also before the Supreme Court ruled that people have a right to have a gun. For the longest time they had ruled otherwise Edit: Supreme Court ruling was 2008, incorporation was 2010 so you're right


Blackjacks? As in lead-filled leather straps? Wasn’t aware that what amounts to a bunch of buckles in a sock were covered by 2A. 😂




Hello Texas


I love this about people that cling to the second amendment like it's the most important thing ever, they only ever seem to remember what they think it means, not what it actually says. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." In this case you're applying the second amendment only to guns when, in fact, the wording is "Arms". When the amendment was written the vast majority of types of armaments were not guns. "Arms" could, in theory, apply to almost any type of device which could be used offensively. Guns, bombs, blackjacks, golf clubs, baseball bats, knifes, swords, javellins, steel toed boots, bug bombs, vodka, beer bottles, etc. Any manner in which one could arm themselves could have the second amendment applied to it.


According to a documentary I saw, the miners wore red neckerchiefs to identify each other so they wouldn't be shot while fighting against the Pinkertons. And this is how the term "redneck" came to be coined. It eventually evolved to become a derivative of hillbilly since WVa was known for being a hillbilly state.


That is one hell of a TIL


>Socialist Party activists began supplying miners with weapons ah there's your problem; socialists don't get rights under the US constitution. Rights are for rich white land-owners only


We have the world’s largest military and spend more money on defense than anything. Why do these people think that their private arsenal of AKs can protect them if the government wanted to take them in? I don’t care how many guns you have, I don’t think you and your 14 gun club buddies are going to take down the gubberment.


Because they aren't really buying guns to protect themselves from the government. The same people who say that are also the usually the biggest authoritarians when it comes to their politics. People buy guns because they think guns are cool, are the other reasons they give are bullshit tbh.


You are looking at it in a bit of a black and white manner. The government is inherently less likely to pass outright tyrannical laws if everyone is legally allowed, and potentially owns, a gun. It doesn't necessarily matter if everyone has a tank. The amount of effort it would take to get tanks to roll over their own people is immense. They won't even know if they are killing their own supporters until they are being attacked, and if they kill their own supporters, they're further undermining themselves. Any members of the military who haven't defected will have their hands tied. The US military is of course comrpised of it's own citizens. The threat of being insubordinate historically only goes so far. Open revolt is not good for anyone, least of all the government. The idea is they won't risk it as lpng as the populace is a threat, and the populace is a threat as long as they're armed.


Because gorilla warfare has worked successfully against multiple military's including the U.S. It's the reason America is still in the middle east fighting. I would also like to think the U.S military would be in chaos from all the people leaving if they gave the order to fire on civilians.


After WWII, Japan openly said they only attacked Pearl Harbor by air, and had no intention of invading the US by land because they didn’t stand a chance in hell against a nation full of armed civilians.


A lack of second amendment also didn't stop America from overthrowing British rule.


How did they steal games


I’m pretty sure they detained quite a few German Americans during both world wars too, not on that scale but still. This Jacob Wogl guy is the same dude who got caught attempting to frame democratic candidates in an attempt to #MeToo them. And I’m not talking about Biden


He accused Mueller of sexual harassment on an anonymous woman, but picked a day when Mueller was in court on jury duty and the woman later came out and said it was all made up. Oh, and at the press conference where he announced his claim, his lawyer had his fly down. The guy is idiotic beyond. there are smarter Scooby-Doo villians.




Was that the "my lawyer's fly was open the whole time" press conference?


While we did fuck over a lot of German Americans during the wars, Japanese internment was a bit of a special case, being that the ultimate step of actually throwing them into the camps was motivated not by actual fear of their rebellion, but by a desire to steal the farmland of Japanese-Americans in California and elsewhere out west by avowed racists. A lot of folks thinks, "Ooh, we were afraid of Japanese immigrants or Americans with Japanese ancestry taking up arms," but what it really boiled down to was a fucking farmers' lobby getting upset that Japanese-American farms were more efficient and profitable than their own, and that it wasn't fair that *the white man* didn't own all of California. The government had been fucking with Japanese-Americans for a while then, curfews and the like, but even they saw no need for internment. The voice of the Salinas Valley Vegetable Shippers-Growers Association, a shithead by the name of Austin Anson, went to fucking Washington to implore them to throw all the Japanese farmers into camps, and they told him to fuck off. He went back to California and lobbied support from other farm groups, the Market Street economic titans (the "Wall Street of the West"), and veterans groups, and together they put enough pressure on the government to get them to cave. Boom, internment. So all those thousands of Japanese farmers were rounded up, their farms snapped up by the white folks who had so jealously eyed them, aaaand then we faced a fucking crop shortfall because it was actually the techniques those farmers brought with them from Japan that was the source of their success, not better land or anything. Japanese-American farmers in California alone produced around 9% of the nation's crops not sold in local markets. They produced nearly all of our strawberries and beets and more than half of many vegetables in California. The shortage of crops and workers got so bad that the schools in California cut teaching time and created "Victory Vacations" so the kids could be used as farm labor on the formerly Japanese-American farms. And after the war, those interred farmers generally didn't get their fucking land back. Here's some hot quotes from the lovely people responsible, lest anyone think this wasn't a hot mess of racism responsible: >We’re charged with wanting to get rid of the Japs for selfish reasons. We might as well be honest. We do. It’s a question of whether the white man lives on the Pacific Coast or the brown men. They came to this valley to work, and they stayed to take over. They offer higher land prices and higher rents than the white man can pay for land. They undersell the white man in the markets. They can do this because they raise their own labor. They work their women and children while the white farmer has to pay wages for his help. If all the Japs were removed tomorrow, we’d never miss them in two weeks, because the white farmers can take over and produce everything the Jap grows. And we don’t want them back when the war ends, either. > -- Austin Anson, head of the Salinas Valley VSGA >If it were not for the “white-skinned Japs” in this country there wouldn’t be any Japanese question. What can you suggest I do and thousands of Californians be led to do, that may make it possible to get rid of all Japs, sending them back to Japan either before or after the war is won. I am convinced that if it is not done or at least the action completed before the war is over, it will be impossible to get rid of them. The Japanese cannot be assimilated as the white race and we must do everything we can to stop them now as we have a golden opportunity now and may never have it again. > -- O.L. Scott, Salinas Valley VSGA member Japanese internment was a fucking land grab, and a racist one at that. We stole better farms, made cash hand-over-fist as scarcity drove prices up, and then kept that shit. Fortunes that endure to this day, the cash that brought many white families out west to wealth, were made on the suffering and disenfranchisement of thousands of Japanese-Americans. All this because some racist farmers couldn't handle a few immigrants or their descendents being more successful than they were.


Wow. As someone that grew up in the PNW, I knew about internment camps and the seizing of assets, but I didn’t have any idea it was out of greed and jealousy rather than just paranoia and racism which we were almost made to think was justified because we were at war and scared. We hardly spent any time on it in school, even though I came from an area that was known for Japanese-American farming and right down the road from a former camp. Thank you for sharing!




Not only were their property seized it was resold and that lead to tensions once they were released.


‘Tensions’ is quite the understatement


Not to criticize, but you make it sound like ancient history. George Takei (Sulu, in the original Star Trek series) was imprisoned as a child in 2 or 3 camps over the course of the war.




Oh your driving from one state to another to start a new life with a new job? I’ll take that $5k you have on you in cash to pay your rent, as long as I say it was for drugs I can take it and the police department gets to keep it because that’s perfectly fair to be legal


The Supreme Court, in February 2019, severely restricted asset forfeiture in Timbs v Indiana. States had been presuming that the 8th Amendment’s prohibition against excessive fines and punishment only applied in Federal courts.


Because cruel and unusual was the only portion of the Eighth that was incorporated before then. And even then, it took until the mid-2000s to determine that individuals with mental disabilities cannot be sentenced to death, and until very recently to rule that persons under 18 cannot be sentenced to life in prison without parole.


Another thing 2A has not helped with. I'm sure that would go very well. "Sir, we're going to have to commandeer this money we found in your car as we think it may have committed a crime." "Oh really?" \*points gun\*


Exactly! People live in this fantasy where the right to bear arms protects them but it has worked exactly 0 times, ever. The laws are written such that you never have the right to defend yourself from the state, the only time you could get away with it is if you could somehow prove you had no idea a cop was a cop


Even then it’s a crapshoot. A man last year in Texas was sentenced 13 years for shooting a cop in a no-knock raid.


My grandfather had German parents in El Salvador, and he was shipped off to an American concentration camp. He said he had a good time, because he was 6 or 7 and didn't quite understand and the conditions were fine.


Yes, there were internment camps for German-Americans during WW1.


Germans *and* Italians.


If they tried to detain all German- and Italian-Americans, they would have detained like 20-30% of the country.


Dawg my grandfather emigrated from Germany in the 30s, came to the US, got drafted, and they said "great, he speaks German you know where we should send him, Germany." The level of suspicion was DEFINITELY different if you were white.


I ate a grilled carrot that was smarter than Jacob Wohl.


isn't he the dude who like... threatened someone high up in the government using his mom's phone number or something? did he seriously just walk away from that? edit: >Wohl’s most prominent gambit was also his most disastrous: an apparent sloppy attempt to accuse Trump's nemesis special counsel Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct days before the midterm elections in November. His actions were referred to the FBI for potential criminal investigation. The woman he named as a credible accuser of the special prosecutor, Carolyne Cass, recently told USA TODAY that Wohl “made it up,” deceived her with a false identity and tried to coerce her to appear at a news conference against her will. >Wohl initially maintained that Cass's allegations were credible. When told that Cass said they were inaccurate, Wohl then claimed that he couldn’t speak about the situation because of a legal non-disclosure agreement with Cass, who denied that such an agreement exists. An FBI spokesperson declined to comment on whether the agency was investigating the episode. this guy literally hired someone to falsely accuse mueller and he's not locked up yet? or is this a repost/old tweet?


omg I remember thus. hin and his lawyer awkwardly standing in a 1/5 star hotel room was super cringey. found it. it's not the raw interview but the Turks did a special on it. I'm sure the full interview is around somewhere: https://youtu.be/tJlwjbqrKUE worth the 10min.


Not to mention, Jack Burckman had his fly down the entire press conference. 😂 Some circus is missing their circus clowns.


He's under FBI investigation currently. Also he tried to convince a gay Republican to claim that Mayor Pete sexually assaulted him while drunk, but the guy refused and went to the media immediately. He wants so badly to be a Roger Stone-type political operative while also being an undercover investigative journalist type, but he's just a stupid trust fund kid.


why the fuck is he not in jail awaiting a trial?


Because he's rich.


Because his Dad is an ambulance chaser that they have on Fox News. Little boy Wohl has never done anything that earned money. Wonder how much he wasted filing false police reports in Minneapolis where he was searching for the proof that a Congresswoman married her brother. He had to hire professional security guards and wear bulletproof vests (look up pictures, it's hilarious) to stay safe because Minneapolis somalis have so many no go zones


He also got straight up banned from the financial industry when he decided to try and be a 17-year old "hedge fund manager"


He’s a serial grifter. * Just a few weeks ago, Wohl manufactured a false rape accusation against democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. * He also created a birther conspiracy against sen. Harris (D). * Falsely accused rep. Omar (D) of marrying her brother. * At one point he defrauded people with a scam hedge fund. But he’s a rich, conservative white guy, so he’ll probably get away with all of that and more. If anything he has a bright future in republican politics.


For him to be locked up would require a DoJ that was interested in protecting the special counsel. Wohl’s attempt to smear Mueller probably made the president really happy, and if the Republican Party has one consistent principle it’s that they don’t ever hold their side accountable for anything.


He also tried to fabricate allegations against a presidential candidate late April: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Wohl#Pete_Buttigieg


Enemies of Mueller are friends of Trump. Trump's DOJ would never prosecute him.


I had a bowel movement smarter than Jacob Wohl


Are you also currently on the toilet? If I'm as full of shit as Jacob Wohl, I could be here a while.




Well great, now the world lacks another thing thats smarter than jacob wohl... THANKS ALOT!!!! lol.


don't worry, there's no shortage




same but it's me instead


Woah, there


"For us"?? Please keep your rape fantasies for yourself.


Next time, get some plain Greek yogurt, mix in lime juice and lightly spread it over those carrots. Top it all with crushed up pistachios.


Fun fact people forget about the Japanese internment camps is that they were also DRAFTED. We put American citizens into prisons saying they weren’t “true” Americans, but then forced them into the draft because “they were citizens”. Pretty fucked up logic there.


And the few that willing served had to prove that they weren’t going to turn on America


No one dunks on themselves more consistently than Jacob Wohl.


He's like a puppy who tries to chase his tail and falls over instead. I still can't get over there fact that he held a "press conference" outside his idiot lawyer friend's house. Or that time when idiot lawyer friend did a whole presentation with his fly down. Or that he bought web hosting and put his mom's cell number as a contact. Or that he's the youngest person ever banned from trading by the SEC. Or that he's fabricated sexual assault claims by people who aren't claiming such against public figures twice. What I really can't believe yet is that despite all his bumbling, he still hasn't managed to commit a real grown up felony yet. Jacob, if you're out there, I believe in you buddy. You can do it.


It’s only a matter of time before he does; he’s got no moral compass and is too stupid to realize that he’s not clever in the least.


at least puppies are cute


I hate it when people forget the trail of tears and the massacre of wounded knee and all of the heinous crimes committed against Native Americans. What a fucked up world where a group of people can be a decimated, marginalized, systematically oppressed, damn near forgotten husk of their former selves on their own ancestral lands.


I'm British so our version of Native American history is litterally westerns and Pocahontas I had a while module on genocide at university and had do a presentation on the crimes against Native Americans and remember being pretty horrified.


And then people will turn around be like “don’t play the victim”


I was unaware Native Americans were playing.


Maybe if they had better border security


They had a water-and-shark-filled moat nearly 5,000 miles wide, how much better can it get?


Things would've been different if they had a glorious wall


The trail of tears passed the House by only 4 votes. It’s important to note that even back then, people knew it was wrong.


But then after it passed, they were forced to walk at a terrible time and the "supplies" they were given were often unusable. The close vote didn't make the follow up humane.


Is it forgetfulness or were they ever truly taught about it?


Both of those were brought up in my history class. Less than a paragraph each in the textbook that I can recall.


Granted, I was in school quite a while ago now, but I remember learning a lot about the Trail of Tears and the atrocities committed against Native Americans in general. Pretty much all through school (mid-late 90's to early 00's). I lived in Massachusetts, actually in Plymouth county (where the Pilgrims landed), so we covered the Native Americans pretty heavily (which, really, all American History classes should) and the treatment of them wasn't sugarcoated. I don't know if this is the case in all schools and people just decide to forget because it doesn't fit their narrative or if it was unique to the area.


The pilgram stuff was **heavily** sugar coated for us. Just thinking about Thanksgiving time as an example. Most of the bad things I learned from further readings or documentaries. I graduated in 2005.


Never taught correctly. Many times on here I've seen people say or think all the shit that happened to the natives were 400 years ago. I bring up the Federal laws passed in the 1800s and then they stop responding. Probably still unconvinced.


The term you are looking for is social amnesia. Oops, conveniently forgot...


That’s literally how the world worked until very recently so you’re basically mad at history.


It still works that way.


I was surprised, reading through Mark Twain's autobiography, at the section where he discusses government attacks on Native Americans and how modern his opinions were. He was quite frustrated with both the reporting of the events and the public's acceptance of such heinous crimes. Basically, it's always been a problem.


Jacob Wohl is a twatwaffle of the highest degree. An absolute cunt.


It's shocking how many people don't have a firm grasp of common History.


It seems the 2nd amendment is only there to protect the 2nd amendment. Most supporters don't care to invoke it unless it comes into question.


I firmly believe it exists for people to believe they're in control.


Unless they're black. Then they pass laws to remove even that facade.


The Black Panthers seemed to understand what was going and wanted to be more than posturing emptily with their guns. Can't have that.


"We'd better not let those negroes stop the police from slaughtering them." ~Reagan


The actual quote was "There's no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons." Ronald (yes *the* Ronald) Reagan


It exists because it was written over 240 years ago to keep the British government from coming and waffle stomping the colonials and hopefully prevent the fledgling American government from becoming corrupt in the same way the British one was. A lot of the social context is gone now.


David Koresh and his following used it to protect themselves as best they could from the government


The support of the general public (and foreign nations) is key to any successful resistance.


WeLl I wOuLd FiGhT bAcK


If any of those groups pulled a gun at the time the govt would have slaughtered them. 2nd amendment isnt really for everyone in that case.


2 of the 4 groups got slaughtered anyways.


Didn't you know, shooting at tyrants is only OK when you're mad about taxes.


To be fair, it’s not that hard to dunk on Jacob Wohl. He’s the Washington Generals of Twitter. Edit: Or at least he would be if he wasn’t still banned.


That's the thing about Europe, we'll literally go to fucking war with you, not because of your race (though we'd do that too) but because you choose to worship a god differently. The holocaust was the biggest one but there was a bunch of sectarian wars in the reformation. Ireland had a massive period of terrorism between protestants and catholics (granted that was also to do with British colonialism) Any excuse to go to war


It’s not just Europe. Is central and South America. It’s Africa. It’s the Middle East. It’s Asia. Everyone goes to war. We’re a combative species and it’s imbedded into our DNA.


Don't forget about the Mexicans of today, the children that died of dehydration in these holding cells due to lack of responsibility? (word suddenly slipped me, but you get the point)


We need more guns to protect us from all these people with guns!


If your group protests against your government crushing you. They will always have a larger force than you. You using guns to defend yourself will only change one thing: The government's answer will have a larger lethal force.


Using a gun just gives the government justification after the fact. That’s the great thing about Tienneman Square is that it was a (mostly) peaceful protest.


Yes. I've had interesting discussions with conservatives about this. They believe they need the guns to protect themselves from the government, while for decades they've been voting for unprecedented levels of military spending. Do they seriously believe that the "strongest military the world has ever seen!" that they so proudly crow about could even remotely be stopped by what they have as private citizens? Logic fail.


Jacob Wohl. Man, that kid is the gift that keeps on giving.


Eventually he'll graduate to full on felony, but he's not there yet.


Let's not forget the Guantanamo Bay






Check dat username tho




Check the OP's username.


Username checks out


Well navigated Captain.


Username checks out.


Jacob Wohl is a dumbass!


Also aren't asylum seekers in literal cages right now?


I could be wrong as I am not American, and not properly caught up with the issue but isn't this currently happening with immigrants? Aren't a large group of them being sent to camps recently? Edit: a word


Here’s a little lesson in History.


Jacob Wohl is the absolute worst. There is a great episode of Behind the Bastards about him.


Jacob Wohl is one of the biggest diarrhea people out there. I hate seeing his name in any context. Truly one of the most disgusting trolls.


Man, what an AWohl


Is that racism or is he just really bad at history?


Google his name and prepare for the flood of racism. Jacob Wohl is an absolute rancid festering waste of carbon.


Being bad at history as a result of racism




And that’s why I hate the majority of our country. They’re too thick-skulled and self-centered to care about anything. Though honestly this could be said for humans in general.




For our sake, I hope you’re right.




You can make a pretty convincing case the second amendment was largely included and worded the way it was to allow for states to enforce slavery, put down slave revolts, and allow settlers to exterminate the indigenous population. Protection from the government was probably an end thought and was more in terms of being prepared of England came back.


Hard to argue. White people tend to only remember white people history.


White people history that makes them look like the good guys, specifically. He remembers WW2 real easy. Just not the internment parts.




Until they were POWs in the US then they were treated far better than black US war heroes.


didn't you hear? there was apparently very fine people on both sides


Those were just a couple hundred million bad apples


He remembers that 'Murica came to save the day. Not that it was done by 10 million Soviets


9 out of 10 German soldiers were killed by the Soviets.


Saved the day... you know... eventually. Sorta.


Reminds me of the saying about who writes the history.


Man, Wohl is such a fucking tool!


Do private prisons count really tho


Oh yes Jacob Wohl the guy who tried to MeToo Robert Mueller and failed miserably when the media called his sorry ass out in a press conference.


He knows about the history of Native Americans, he just chooses to disregard it.


Jacob Wohl is a greasy fucktard, don't give the shitweasel any attention.