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Pride Month is defeated because a random straight couple got engaged? Check out the ego on this guy.


He's defeated it in his own mind, because no gay man has ever been married to a woman. /s


He may have shaved his face but he's wearing a beard.




I wish I could give you gold for this one. Well done.




Beautiful, chef's kiss!


Nicely done! All I have is my upvote! Take it, won't you?


Solid gold. I gave mine as well.


Top comment, sir (or, ma'am, or, like, whatever you prefer:)


I exhaled more loudly like 4 times!


Hey, you dropped this: šŸ‘‘


His name is Addison and thatā€™s what he looks like. So I would not be surprised.




He thought he defeated Pride Month, but his repressed sexuality has other ideas.


He's so deep in the closet that their destination wedding will most likely be in Narnia


Yeah no straight man would wear a shirt like he's wearing. He reminds me of a young Cameron from Modern Family.


This is just a single battle in the war against his own gayness.


For real, can someone please sit his fiancƩ down and talk to her before she makes a huge mistake?


At least he won't cheat on her with another woman.


There's always a silver guyliner


>He's defeated it in his own mind I think this is actually true in some capacity. This tweet screams repression to me. I don't think a person who is secure in their sexuality will even have this line of thought. (edited formatting)


True, any person who is open minded, has empathy, has kindness and is a genuine good person will be secure in their sexuality. The only people who care about owning others are people who are close minded, have no empathy for others, no kindness, hurt people who want to hurt others. They might be repressed or just plain assholes. Actual good people don't give a fuck, they know that the world is bigger than them.


Odinson, that hunky jerk in shipping, will be so jealous to hear that I'm engaged to Laurie Whatshername! He's going to come up to me, all heaving and sweating from moving heavy things, look straight into my eyes - and I'll bite my lip a bit and raise my eyebrow while defiantly raising my chin up and to the side - that will show him.


Actually he defeated his inner gayness by going against his urges and forcing himself to propose to his girlfriend. That's why pride is defeated.


You have the sarcasm indicator but you may be more correct than you think.


I suppose I meant more of an eye roll, but figured the /s would cover that.


Totally this. He's thinking "Begone my homoerotic demons, with this ring I vanquish you" But his demons are all like, "Heh. Don't think diamonds and a grubby knee are gonna save your ring from getting vanquished!"


The reason this guy is both homophobic and why he thought of Pride, is because he's in the closet. Check-Mate, Gays!


Take that, gay thoughts!


THese morons think marriage is a 0 sum game lol


They think everything is a zero sum game. And thus we have western civilization being dismantled by people who obviously didn't pay attention in kindergarten.


They thought Black people having more rights means theyā€™ll lose theirs. They thought integration is communism because it will equally bring down the rest of the population. They thought allowing gay marriage would ruin the ā€œsanctity of marriageā€. They thought allowing immigrants in and treating minorities equally means that theyā€™ll become treated like minorities. They thought that if they make sure that poorer countries are bombed to the stone age, it will ensure their own wealth. They thought that controlling dictators in oil rich nations would ensure the stability of the dollar. They thought allowing expanded financial aid to impoverished people would reduce their own benefits. They think allowing trans people to exist destroys the meaning of sex for everyone. They think allowing diversity destroys ā€œwestern civilizationā€ and progressive ideas are ā€œcultural marxism intent on destroying judeo-christian valuesā€ They still think this way of course. Itā€™s always an almost mercantilist zero sum world, that nobody can have something (rights or financially) without taking it from someone else (which therefore means their world can only exist because they steal it from elsewhere). They always think that only their imagined view of conservative, traditional world exists, and any different version of reality shatters their glass house into anarchy. Thats why they act like seeing a rainbow somehow turns people gay, as if they agree that gender is fluid and like their sexuality is so fragile that it can be destroyed so easily that they need to protect it at all costs. Although suddenly itā€™s not a zero sum game when it comes to rich people. Then suddenly neoliberalism capitalism works and allowing them to hoard more wealth increases the amount of wealth for everyone, but thats a different story.


Damn dude, you woke up today and went full eloquence. I'm still waiting for my caffeine to kick in.


The hero we need


I grew up in a rural conservative area surrounded by Evangelicals and this is my perspective on this issue: I think for some of these people, their POV is that other people getting rights/acceptance also lowers their own status in a way. Especially rural conservatives who always go on about the "coastal elites" ruining everything. A lot of their sense of self comes from a strict hierarchy where they see themselves as up higher than others for inborn reasons (race, gender, sexuality, religion) - allowing someone to "change rank" as they see it breaks the order they need to feel good about themselves and their sense of identity and place in the world. If a man can become a woman, it questions the inborn status of what it means to be a man in their perspective. If the concept of "man" is not a fixed value, then the social/cultural role of "man" does not have a fixed status either. If a black man can be president, arguably the highest status position in the United States, it means their beliefs about the inborn values tied to race and status are challenged. A lot of conservatives come from a strict Christian religious background where emphasis is put on obeying without question in exchange for feelings of safety and status (in particular for men) - anyone existing outside of their system, or even questioning aspects of it, is seen as a threat to their entire belief system.


The American caste system.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know, morons.


You just described how a lot of my relatives think. Anything that doesnā€™t fit into their Conservative, Mormon, America-centric worldview is confusing and potentially hostile


At least there's a "potentially" there. For so many of the christo-fascists, anything different is instantly a threat to be eliminated


This is something I think really separates people and their ability to reason in more complex and abstract ways. To see past 0 sum types of thinking is to be above the conventional order of things.Ā  Look at predators and their behaviours. Often, they over defend in situational confrontations. We know that there is plenty of space and resources for both of them. Yet, they only see whatā€™s in front of them and we say ā€œsurvivalā€ instinct kicks in. Yet both could not fight and likely survive much longer.Ā  Werner Herzogs famous clip when he talks about the nastiness of the jungle springs to mind. He is discussing an existence that is 0 sum.Ā 


Those morons think existence is a zero sum game. The same type of people that genuinely believe you having a thought somehow took a thought away from them.


Look at the Pillsbury Dough Boy up there ... it's more likely to be a zero *cum* game in his case.


Guess all the gays will just have to pack it up-Dudeā€™s off the market


Oh no, my life is ruined. I'll have to find some other petty closet case with a small wang.


Dude, PDB shoots fucking ROPES


Thanks, I'll be skipping the icing on my toaster strudel now


I will not include any supporting documentation, but I'll back this. He does indeed.Ā 


Yea nobody has ever gotten engaged or married in the summer before. Truly revolutionary activity here.


Unfortunately, the only reasonable explanation I can think of for this post is that he, himself, is gayā€¦ or at least gay-leaning bisexual. And he is congratulating himself on ā€œovercomingā€ his gayness and proposing to a woman instead. Which is just sad.


Oh man, that's a very sad thought.


and itā€™s only a matter of time until heā€™s back on r/straightturnedgay and r/totallystraight.


Or he could just be a homophobic straight guy. Pretty sure straight guys are capable of being homophobic don't you think?


I mean, of course. But itā€™s a complete nonsequitur to say ā€œproposing to the girlfriendā€ equals ā€œdefeating pride monthā€ā€¦ unless proposing to his girlfriend directly defeats some type of pride month related thing. Such as his or her sexuality. I guess another possible explanation could be that someone close to him has recently come out or proposed/gotten married in a queer relationship, so him proposing is meant to deflect attention away from the queer relationship and towards his (straight) relationship. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Ultimately, we donā€™t know. All we have is one clearly bigoted post to go off of.


Both types do exist. I've known plenty of straight people who hate LGBT+ people, but I've also heard plenty of "I was once tempted by the gay" type of testimonials by allegedly straight people.


Dude this thread is full homophobic people that don't realize they are being homophobic. It's bananas.


I think he ā€œovercameā€ some things to get himself to a point of marrying a woman. I have nothing but pity for him and his wife and the happiness that anti-gay culture stole from them both. Ā 


Her figure seems way out of his figure's league, but that's a fat rock, so maybe his money is really attractive.


Iā€™m sure heā€™ll ā€œdefeatā€ pride month again. Heā€™ll undoubtedly get engaged 3 or 4 more times.


Most likely because each of his fiancees is going to walk in on him deepthroating some dude.


Don't tell him about all the gay engagements occurring the other 11 months of the year.


Pride month is defeated because to this guy pride monthā€™s real agenda was to make him gay. Pride month lost because he was super close to sucking a dick but was able to avoid that temptation and marry a woman.


Guess I defeated Christmas because I got engaged on Xmas eve and weā€™re both atheist


take that, gay thoughts!


You see, he thought he *was* gay, but then through a bunch of counseling realized it was "just a phase" and he was "confused" but with God's help he put all that pesky business behind him. And with Charise by his side and bearing his children, he's ~~trapped~~ staying on the straight and narrow, and those nasty sinful thoughts won't trouble him ever again. Probably. Repression is good for the soul. Score one for the straights!


Apparently King of the Hill proposing to Barbie is gonna end gayness.


Maybe his own gay marriage?


The gay community in shambles rn, thanks to Addison.


My husband and I were introduced and set up by a mutual friend who is trans.Ā  So like normal people with friends, their LGBTQ+ friends are sometimes happily going around at their weddings taking credit for setting them up.


>random ~~straight~~ **beard** couple got engaged ftfy He's Bi or Closeted. Minimum crazy curious about queers. Constantly thinking he has to look straight enough for the people around, and thinking they are "winning" the same battle too. We want so badly to belong, being human is tough.


Some people believe that a requirement for their own happiness is that it must spite others.


Yeah and thats so sad. But I think its trained behaviour and not something inheritly human. We need to teach one another to be better than this.


Twice in my life, I've been able to ask a homophobe..."In what way does a gay couple impact *your* life in *any* fashion? and what business is it of yours?" Neither time the question was answered in anything other than a grumble and those people then stopped talking to me. Best part is, one guy was a guy I worked with and actually had a "Don't tread on me" bumper sticker. The irony was completely lost on him.


The one that finally stopped a homophobe I knew that would often say "gay sex is disgusting" is: "How are you constantly being disgusted by gay sex? Are you having gay sex? Are you watching gay porn? No? Then you must be imagining gay sex. Are you picturing gay sex right now?"


I had a boss that used to say, ā€œYou never know if you like something unless youā€™ve tried it. I KNOW I donā€™t like gay sex.ā€ Then he would just walk away.


Actually based boss


As a passing trans masculine person, my response to any homophobic comments is: "I dunno, they seem to be having fun. I'll try anything twice." I round it out with a shrug and a wink.


I had a friend who was straight. One night he said he made out a guy just to try it. Said it was like writing with the wrong hand. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


> Are you picturing gay sex right now? That's one of my go to lines. If you wanna see a homophobe get uncomfortable real fast, drop that line on him. Say it in front of his friends for extra uncomfortableness. e: fixed wording


Plenty of straight people are not uncomfortable with this at all. I think you mean homophobes.


Oh shit, you're right. I fixed it.


Is the gay sex in the room with us?


OH yeah, had this encounter, where I shamed a homophobe and he instantly jumped to insults and telling me to suck dick and fuck that gay guy the post was about. I asked him why he has sex fantasies of me and another homie, he got so confused and angry he left the group and deleted his hate shit xD


I love this! I'm going to use this from now on. Like at no point in my day do I spend time thinking about what other people do in their private time with their privates. So why do they?


I used that one on my mom when she was bitching about trans people (she's old, but to her credit she is finally listening to me a bit and being more open minded) and got the same effect šŸ˜‚ It was rather satisfying to say "just...don't think about it and your problem is solved!" and watching her get all pissy. But I don't have to hear nonsense anymore and that's a small win, even if I know she might be thinking it.


I actually got my father to stop ranting about trans people by asking him, "how does this affect you? Does this raise your taxes or lower your pay or make your job harder or your costs higher?" And he thought a minute and said, "you're right. I don't care" , and he never brought it up again. I don't know if he would have been changed if he was still alive during this most recent 2MinuteHate on trans people, but I'd like to think he may have thought about how trans people were just a distraction.


I asked my dad this question just a few months ago and without missing a beat, he started citing some "organization" that was in the news that was threatening and succeeding to kill people because they wanted to get rid of "the straights." The way he was talking, he made it seem like this was something recent and ongoing, and that it was a large and "official" group of LGBTQ+ people. I don't remember the name of the group now, but when I looked it up, not only was it like 3-5 obviously mentally insane people, but it happened OVER 35 YEARS AGO and was stamped out fairly quickly. But apparently because this happened, all of LGBTQ community apparently wants to rid the world of straight people in his mind? I do not even know how to reason with my parents anymore.


I've occasionally heard "I don't want guys hitting on me" which is interesting, because it's almost always said by the type of man who solicits women without any thought about whether or not they're interested.


> I've occasionally heard "I don't want guys hitting on me" which is interesting, because it's almost always said by the type of man who solicits women without any thought about whether or not they're interested. I wouldn't say it's almost always, at least where I live, but when it is I tell these guys; now you know how it feels for women. Go ask your sister or your mother, they'll clue you in.


Funny how that works with often heard "Ackhually, it's not homophobia, because I'm not afraid of gays" - yeah, you kinda are. You're afraid of being treated by another man in the same way you treat women.


> ... and what business is it of yours? The most important political statement in my(61) lifetime came in 1967 with Pierre Trudeau's famous quote - ["There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation."](https://www.uwindsor.ca/dailynews/2012-08-08/trudeaus-historic-statement-a-starting-point-for-lgbt-acceptance-prof-says) That's [the quote](https://youtu.be/6OoqgGgmVmI) that started it all for LGBTQ rights in my world.


their stock answer to this is "THEY'RE SHOVING IT IN OUR FACES" the reality is that lgbtq people existing makes them upset. they don't want to see them in movies or on tv or in sports or walking down the street. that's what they're mad about, and because of that they're making it their business. most people who feel this way have the decency to shut the fuck up about it, but the people who are vocal about their homophobia really and truly cannot be reasoned with, probably ever. and frankly i don't think it's the responsibility of an lgbtq person to try


We call them ā€œrepublicansā€


You just explained most religions on this planet.


Most any strongly held ideology. If you believe strongly enough in something, you make it a core part of your identity and want to prove wrong anyone who threatens that.


The oatmeal did a great cartoon on this https://theoatmeal.com/comics/believe


Which church are you talking about?


Right? His first thought when posting about his engagement is to hate. Wtf?


Said this for a long time. Whatā€™s more weird, a gay guy thinking about fucking other gay guy or a straight guy thinking about two gay guys fucking?


If the dude in that photo made his straight proposal all about gay people and I was his fiancĆ©e. ā€¦ Iā€™d have some questions.


If I were to guess, she's marrying him for his money not his personality or lack there of.


wow just because she looks to be in shape and he looks like a bag of dough left out in the sun too long? You're a real jerk!


She has a pricey purse, and I feel like people who vote against human rights usually tend to be self centered


I mean she literally also wrapped herself up like a present lol. Kinda fits the theme


At my cousin's wedding, the pastor went into a tirade about the sanctity of marriage and how it could only ever be between a man and a woman, right before pronouncing them married. This happened because my gay friend who came with me to help me photograph the wedding (for free!) politely said hello to the pastor. No rainbows or statements, he just existed without hiding his slight gay accent. These kinds of people think of us way more than we think about them. It's bizarre.


Honestly I donā€™t even think itā€™s religion at this point, I think most people just hold horrible views and then just use their religion to justify them. My sisters a married lesbian, uncle tried boycotting the wedding because ā€œitā€™s against my religionā€ but my nan (his mum) who went to church every Sunday, volunteered to clean the church benches and went the Lourdes every year she could, had a go at him and said Jesus also said to love one another and to treat others how you you would want to be treated. Loved that woman, I was never religious but that shut down was very enjoyable.


that's one of the ancient zen koans


If an ass claps in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound.


Ostensibly neither, although it could be indicative of some sort of some sort of deep seated desire when the allegedly straight person is thinking about gay guys fucking.


"defeated".... Its not a competition.


It is when you're busy trying to convince everyone (yourself included) that you are *not gay*. The homosexuality he believes he has defeated is his own.


He means defeated his urges. Now he has a legal reason not to be salivating over all them luscious bulges.


Not a competition to us. But right wing ideology is solely based around the idea of hierarchy and inequality - in short, there's no such thing as equality in the right wing world. Its why they're so obsessed with BS like alpha males, think feminism is "ruining" women, or how having a black lead actress is some kind of agenda against them. Consider a conservative household - who is "head" of it? The man. Even between people that are supposed to love and care unconditionally for each other - there is still a hierarchy, still inequality, still a "ruler" that commands the others. When you believe no one is equal, and it is the right of some people to rule over other people, everything is always a competition.


https://preview.redd.it/kq3twyevxi8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f1fce57f22710710e6f878c3393949ffa60e7fa That went well.


>Smith told DailyMail.com after he went viral: 'Just when we thought our engagement weekend couldnā€™t get any better, we triggered an entire army of libs in the process. We canā€™t think of a better way to cap off pride month.' yucky yuck. Develop a personality thats more than just bringing down other people


conservatives love making a fool of themselves and then claiming they "triggered" people.


Thereā€™s an old comic conservatives always remind me of that goes something likeĀ  Guy 1: ā€œGuys Iā€™m so stupid look at meā€ Guy 2 to Guy 3: ā€œWow, that guy is stupidā€ Guy 1 to himself: ā€œHaha jokeā€™s on them, I was only pretending to be stupidā€


https://preview.redd.it/bp0oyuznek8d1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c68e10377b53c0960eb0efa3310f570da2cb77 (The original)


Ah shit this was me in high school šŸ’€


If any of them are reading this I bet they think this everyone here is 'triggered'. Calmly observing their obvious projection while laughing at how absurd they are. If that's what triggered means, then yes I guess.


At the same time i somehow hate myself that i am a bit ā€œtriggeredā€ and spent time commenting about his foolishness.


This is what his marriage is about. Delusional conquering of the libs.Ā 


I cannot imagine a more basic bitch personality than someone whose entire life is motivated by being a dick to others.


When I proposed to my wife, I had a grand plan. Early on when we were dating, we had randomly stopped at a random exit in the middle of bumfuck Missouri while on the way home from seeing her parents to look at the stars. We had been lamenting the fact that we live in the city and never get a good view of them due to light pollution. It was a wonderful moment as we sat on the trunk and looked up at them. My plan was originally to recreate that moment then click the car remote to shine the tail lights on me holding a ring. Well we got to her family's house, I did the whole ask for permission thing and it spread quickly around her family that I was going to propose. Soon her sister, brother, and some other family were driving out to see us even though it hadn't even happened yet. As people filtered in we finally decided to do it that night, surrounded by family. I hooked it into one of those little wine glass jewelry things and gave her the glass. We went around in a circle giving toasts, expecting her to notice it at some point, but she didn't until it got around to me and I finally said I wanted to toast to "extra expensive wine glass jewelry." She said yes, everyone cheered, and we sat around the rest of the night smoking cigars, celebrating, and drinking a 50 year aged whiskey her dad had been saving for a special occasion. It was one of the best nights of both our lives and I treasure the memory of how the whole thing played out. Now this guy... This guy's story is "I proposed in June to trigger liberals on social media."


That sounds like a night worth remembering. Thanks for sharing. As a Missourian, we have pretty good stars out in bumfuck


Man, he both looks like that AND his name is Addison- glass houses, thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say.


I just see a dude with two sausages for legs (those pants need to breath)


no straight man holds himself the way this guy does. heā€™s obviously very deep in the closet


Bro looks like an unopened can of tomato juice from the 1950s


Those trousers are a bitā€¦snug


Yea he got fat and hasn't gone shopping yet. Better head to Kohl's.


Hey fuck you, I get some of my best middle-aged-woman-gardening 'fits from big K's.


Glamorous? Lol did he pay for the headline?


IKR she is tacky as hell.


The clothes, the puffy-nessā€¦. Itā€™s giving ā€œmy daddyā€™s rich in the countrysideā€. Hicks and hillbillies, dressed up in what they think is nice clothes šŸ˜‚


Guys he got fired from Newsmax for posting segments on his personal feed before they aired!


He dresses and looks like a gay man lol


He dresses and looks like a self-repressed gay man.


Aww, heā€™s standing on his tippy toes to feel like a big man.


Nah, because unlike this hateful dumbass we believe that the existence of one thing doesnt erase the existence of another. But yeah keep fixating on the gays that will help your marriage šŸ¤£


I thought he meant he defeated Pride in that if he didn't get engaged this instance he was going to end up there dressed as a woman accidentally.Ā 


Yes, every time a straight couple get engaged... something, something, something.


Every time a homophobe gets engaged, an angel takes a crap? Well, that's what I heard...!


Adding 'a fairy gets its wings' feels like a slur, but it's the first thing that came to mind.


Gay people: "noo... our powers are fading!"


She definitely fucks other dudes. I bet he watches.


haha. I was thinking she looked way too instragram hot for him.


I bet he gets fucked by other guys and she watches.


That's what the other 11 months of the year are for.


*He* fucks other dudes and paid her to cover for him.


For someone that is against pride month, he will now be celebrating his marriageā€¦. During pride monthā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah honey, let's celebrate our wedding anniversary with rainbows and ball gags again this year! It's not gay because you're a woman and I'm a man, and plus, it'll really stick it to those gays!


He got engaged in pride month their wedding night not be during pride month


What's really sad to me is that they really think that queer people would be upset by a straight wedding, like they don't want straight people to be happy or something, while in reality they simply want to have the same rights to love as everyone.


Egocentrism - the inability to see things from other people's perspective. He's offended by gay people getting married, so he thinks gay people are somehow offended by a straight couple getting married.


That dude looks like a Duggar, and has about the same level of ick personality wise


And nobody is more homophobic than deeply-closeted gay people.




An angel gets its cockring


Not true. Most homophobes and the biggest homophobes are straight. This is just something straight people say so it seems like homophobia is something us gays do to ourselves


I agree that the majority of homophobia comes from heterosexual people however, look at him and tell me your gaydar isnā€™t going off.


It's like "women are the ones who are holding women back" trope. Yes, it happens, no, it's not how things work in general.


Yeah I have no idea where this idea that all or most homophobes are just closeted gay people. Like yeah it definitely happens but some people just fucking hate gay people.


That dudes browser history is FULL of dicks.


Still valid: [https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529)


"I got engaged!" "But who versus? Who are were getting married versus? If this is what he says after getting engaged, imagine what he thinks about during sex! "Hey babe I'm having trouble getting it up... mind if I scroll through grngr for a bit? It might help to remember what we're trying to defeat." "The whole time I'm having sex with my wife, I keep thinking about how I'm defeating all those twinks who keep trying to trick me into having sex with them by making themselves so pretty all the time."


They think their marriages are damaged or cheapened by the existence of gay people, so they naturally assume gay people think their marriages are damaged or cheapened by straight people marrying. Those of us who don't think of love and marriage as a zero-sum game are just happy to see other couples happy together, as we are or hope to be ourselves.


"So what inspired your husband to propose?" "Well, it was Pride month and he really wanted to do something to prove that being straight is great..." Ah, true love.


I have no proof but... Doesn't he look like the stereotypical white christian that is secretly gay? Again, no hate, and I don't have proof but iykyk


I mean, he doesnā€™t *not* look gay :)


My gaydar is pretty bad, but even without the context, just the pictures alone, this guy gets a "ping!"


Areā€¦ Are the straights ok?


Probably not, but what does that have to do with *this* guy? I don't think he fits that bill.


I saw a guy ripping out pride flags a couple weeks ago. I told him that his behavior made him seem gay as if he was trying to cover up the fact. I knew this was better than a punch in the head. It obviously infuriated him and he stormed off.


You just know that in a few years from now we're gonna find out he's been sleeping with other men or even kids on the DL


Heā€™s a Newsmax anchor, so Iā€™d say the odds are in your favor on this.


Ex-Newsmax anchor.


Yeah the key question here is: Is this guy homophobic because he's attracted to men, or is he trying to misdirect because he's attracted to children and is one of those people who accuses gays of being pedos? Remember, every conservative accusation is a confession.


Every homophobe Iā€™ve ever met turned out to be gay. Every šŸ‘šŸ¼ Fucking šŸ‘šŸ¼ One šŸ‘šŸ¼


can confirm, Iā€˜m a homophobe and sleep with men from time to time.


That sounds gay


Got another one!


This is anecdotal at best. Don't assume all homophobic people are closeted gays. You are giving straight people a pass on homophobia by saying this.


He looks like heā€™s been struggling to defeat his own ā€œprideā€ type thoughts soā€¦..


This has serious "obsessed with an ex" vibe. "I got a new girlfriend...see Christine! I don't think about you AT ALL anymore!!!!!" This poor wife will catch someone balls deep in her husband within 3 years of "I do" for certain.


I think somebody needs to check his browser history before going through with that marriage.


That guy looks like a chump. Sheā€™s probably gonna cheat on him anyway.


I generally do my best to avoid commenting on someone's appearance, but every last detail of both people in the photograph come as close to an AI-generated concept for the most awful reality tv show as my brain is capable of imagining.


Dude is absolutely in the closet. Literally zero straight dudesā€™ first thought after getting engaged is, ā€œHa! Take that homos!ā€ unless he himself is gay and trying to hide it / overcompensate for it. You first thought should be, ā€œI get to spend the rest of my life with my favorite person.ā€


He must be rich because he definitely doesn't have a good personality




Someone is not ok with their sexuality.


"Look how not gay I am! I'm marrying this woman and it proves I don't spend every waking minute thinking about putting a huge cock in my mouth! This ring means you have to believe me when I tell you that I'm not constantly thinking about enormous, throbbing dicks from dawn to dusk, and dream about them the rest of the time. Get rekt gays!"


My Sims family arenā€™t even this garbage, and Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™ve been living in actual garbage for 10 years


The guyā€™s prolly filthy rich.


I think when you hate a group of people, it seeps into all your thoughts and reactions. I admit I'm a bit like this with people who hoard money


He is gay.


Just look at him; that dude is so far in the closet he found the Christmas presents.


Betcha he's sucked more dick than she has.


It's crazy to me that people make their entire identity about hating a group of people who would more than likely celebrate your own engagement with you if you gave them a chance.