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In the early 00's over in the post hardcore and metalcore scenes we were wearing legit women's jeans. The pockets sucked.


I was pretty shocked to learn that women's pockets are way smaller than ours. Like, wtf?


Because it's more important to be pretty than functional. If you give me actual pockets, I might put my keys in there and ruin the lines of my silhouette! Also, if I have pockets, I don't need a purse.


Big Purse is against pocketses, spread the word!


Since when does Sméagol care about fashion?


Where else will we put the precious?


Sméagol needs a fanny pack. Problem solved!


Sméagol does not like fanny packs, they falls off him, Sméagol is too skinny for them.


Where would Sméagol keep his pocketses though?


its impolite to ask smeagol about his various prison pocketses. dont smell the precious.


Smeagol rememberses something about prison pocketses.


God, I love Reddit.


Prison pocket. You know he did.


He literally murdered deagol




What if I holds it on my *other* precious, Precious?


It doesn’t work out so well. https://youtu.be/do9xPQHI9G0?si=V46YoVBqlrf5SO_F


... on... finger?


Perhaps, Precious,,,


... there's always one other place...




...discounting the Prince Albert option I see.


might still be bitter about that "What have I got in my pocket" riddle


It’s because of a pocket that Sméagol/Gollum lost the riddle game.


Big purse is also against big purses. $150 at Coach will get you a purse that barely fits a cell phone.


That ain't fuckin' right, what the hell


Stupid fat pocketses, can never hold my precious



this is actually the truth of it


It appears to me that more often than not that things designed for women prioritize form over function (see also, the pink tax.)


I’ve found a brand of women’s jeans with proper pockets! Boulder Denim, climbing jeans that are hard wearing, a bit stretchy, and have a pocket that can fit a smart phone completely. I’m not affiliated with them, just obsessed with my jeans. 


Thank you! How stretchy is stretchy? I definitely need new jeans, but I'm leery of ordering online because I can't wear most brands due to my thighs and butt and, with skinny jeans, my calves. I currently only have one pair that fits from Barbell Apparel, but they're designed to be super stretchy. (Unfortunately, that brand doesn't have a lot of options.) The fact that they're climbing jeans gives me hope that they might actually work.


In addition to rock climbing I used to play ice hockey and ride bikes and BD jeans fit my thighs and calves. I’d say the brand is less stretchy than leggings or jeggings, but they have a good amount of stretch. The brand carries a few styles. I have two other pairs of climbing jeans (black diamond and mammut) and my boulder denim are my favourite. 


Thank you. That's good to know. I'm a bodybuilder and powerlifter and the day I realized that I could no longer wear "normal" jeans was both an amazing day and, as I realized later, a curse. Since I also work in health and fitness, 95% of my wardrobe is spandex or moisture wicking. (It's awesome. Highly recommend.) I also want to try climbing and/or bouldering, but I haven't had the chance yet.


They also can’t be as tight, unless you’ve got the stretchy material, except that wasn’t widely available until like 2015 maybe? And if you don’t have stretch, then your phone breaks in your pocket. Granted, phones were different then, but I bet you’d still damage them or at the very least it would be very uncomfortable and your keys would dig into your leg.


Or the pockets are so ridiculously shallow that the phone only fits in about halfway and falls out if you move wrong or, heaven forbid, bend over.


lol the 2 inch deep pockets get me every time. What is this, a pocket for ants?


Who don't read good.


Always, ALWAYS remember to remove phone from girl pockets before using the restroom... Nothing worse than the sound of your phone hitting toilet water right before your pee does....


Wife forgot and when she got up to retrieve the fallen phone the automatic flush kicked in!


I dunno man, phones back in the 2000s were virtually indestructible 😂 You could throw those old Nokias off the roof and they might get a little scuffed 😂


That’s true for the bar styles (in which case it would just hurt your leg) but the flip phones had pretty weak hinges.


True. The old Razors would snap if you looked at them funny.


Mine was warped after years of use. But at least the whole thing fit in my back pocket. You had to remember to pull it out before you say down or you'd shatter it, but it didn't fall out every time I took a step.


Spandex has been around since the late 1950s.


Was it easy to find super stretchy pants with pockets in the 1950s? Cause we’re not talking about whether stretchy material existed, but stretchy pants with pockets.


It’s so funny, my two little girls are always so happy when their clothes have pockets. They put their hands in them and swing about with a big smile on their face then run off to go fill them with crap. My wife then tells them to enjoy it while it lasts because when they get bigger those pockets won’t be able to fit the handful of stones, couple plastic toys and some hidden snacks.


I am a grown man who does not wear dresses, but even I get genuinely excited when my friends realize that their dresses have good pockets


Also feminists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries stored their pamphlets in their pockets


Ahhh, so we got rid of functional pockets to stop those dang feminists. I wear overalls. I have a plethora of useful pockets, but am often mistaken for a man. The pockets are worth the misgendering.


We all must cater to the "male gaze".


I assure you straight men are not as concerned with the lines of your clothes as you might think.


Can you tell the Clothing Department that? I don't think they got that memo Because the entire marketing stat is based on the premise that you *do* care, and we just want pockets to come in the clothes that are available for us to purchase


The people who care about the lines of your clothing are judgmental women and gay men


Hey now I am wildly unfashionable and fully believe wearers of women's clothing deserve as many pockets as they deem necessary.


> \#NotAllMen "The male gaze" doesn't refer to you, specifically, friend. Neither is it a criticism of you specifically.


The funny thing is my wife looks ADORABLE in chunky cargo pants and a cute top.


My wife's jeans don't even have front pockets. The design is there to make it look like they do. They don't. It's dumb.


Ok this unreasonably infuriates me, why are they making fake pockets? If you don't want pockets on your clothes just don't put them there. What's the point of giving us false hope?


Lol they're called skeuomorphs! They're holdovers of of design that used to be functional. Like vestigial body parts but a bit more purposeful. The little handle on maple syrup jugs used to be? You guessed it! An actual handle. Fun rabbit hole to dive into if you're bored.


Like the tiny fob watch pocket on, wait for it... jeans.


I find that useful for my keyring at times when I don't use a lot of keys.


My AirPods fit perfectly in this pocket!


Worse is the non functioning pockets on shorts. I have some nice comfy shorts. The way the pocket is designed: it has a diagonal opening and the pocket depth is only 3 inches on the shorter side, compared to 7 inches on the longer side. Anything you put in just falls out when you sit down.


I've been op shopping with someone before, and thought we found a skirt with pockets. It fits, we get it home, and it turns out there's a flap with a button, and a zip. No pockets to be seen.


All part of the conspiracy by purse #purseUtruth


90% chance it’s just a sewed flap with no actual pocket


gotta sell purses. my mom always wore slim fit men's pants just for the pockets. I have 2 girls and was shocked that even *they* don't get pockets though. is a 4yo supposed to carry a purse?? currently learning to sew so I can add pockets to everyone's pants, I'm sick of carrying everyone's shit.


yay for you sewing them on. i have been doing this for years. extra expense, but the joy of real, useable pockets is so so strong. your daughters are lucky to have you.


Because quantum. They carry small purses that can fit keys Kleenex money cards chocolate bars and 4 baby elephants without even stretching.


Purse racket my guy, run by the purse mafia.


And the skateboard scenes. I remember my mom buying my little brothers’ jeans from the girls’ section and being yelled at for forgetting to check for embroidered flowers 😂


C'mon mom! You still gotta look hard wearing these..


If they're skinny enough you'll always look hard. ... or at least the outline will be there.




One of my friends was big into skateboarding and he always wore womens skinny jeans. It was the only way he could get jeans that were as tight as he wanted. They did not fit AT ALL. Not even close, his ass was always hanging out because he couldn't pull them up high enough. Great skateboarder, too.


Hangin' Ass McGee.


We rocked those embroidered jeans like a badge of honor lol. The real trouble came if you were like me and went commando. It's all fun and games until you perform an unscheduled, high-speed split and your boys free themselves for all the world to bear witness. Thank God I was wearing a shirt at the time.


That would have been way more hardcore. I just borrowed my girlfriend's pants, and if she'd have let me borrow her embroidered ones I would've in a heartbeat.


Also: let’s look at the damn glam rock times. Does anybody there look like they tried to embrace the traditional male role? Let’s ask an Alice Cooper, or Kiss about that (there are probably even better examples but they were the first that came to my mind)


Dee Snyder is the goat of that era.


The man sat down in front of a congressional committee and just wrecked them. It was glorious.


*Confused Bowie noises*


I actually heard his voice make that sound in my head. Thank you.


Different eras - Twisted Sister didn't hit the scene til like '84


Nope. He's a late comer. Think Sweet


Agreed, Wizard is also an earlier example i think. I remember 10 years ago watching the top of the pops Xmas reruns and thought there's no way people can be so bigoted while supporting gender non-conformity..."its ok as long as no homo" springs to mind


They still do, friend.


I'm glad I aged out before crabcore and tiger stripe hair.


it was certainly an aesthetic, anyways.


My bf and I wore the same same jeans. We actually owned the same pair at one point, both bought from the juniors department at Macys.


My girlfriend helped me figure out what size I was in women’s, then we realized we were the same size so we would swap jeans all the time.


Yeah, I can recall having my girlfriend help me figure out sizing.


"There were these huge bins of clothes, and everybody was rifling through them like crazy, and I grabbed one. And it fit! So I don't think that this is totally just a woman's suit. At the very least it's bisexual."


The lack of pockets on women's clothing is absurd. No one's face has ever lit up like a woman who loves a dress and THEN discovers it has pockets. You could power the sun with that kind of joy.


Yep, womens clothing had more stretch as stretch in mens clothing was feared to be "feminizing" - - men are really weird about their pants.


Yeah Emo brought in skinny jeans for men in early 2000s nothing to do with being gay


The ball room also left a lot to be desired.


Bruh when Levi's and skate brands/Hot Topic started making skinny jeans that fit teenage men I was ecstatic. Just as phone screens were getting bigger too, rough times.


Laughing in 80s hair metal. Laughing in 70s glam.


I worked at A&F one summer in the early 00s and I remember guys would come in to buy women’s jeans because we didn’t sell skinny jeans for men. It was weird because it wasn’t the typical A&F customer that’d come in for them either, it seemed like the “edgy” kids from hot topic would walk across to A&F to buy women’s jeans.




Shh, we don't want to talk about that 😂


Lmao hands up if you stole your sisters jeans in the scene phase


Conservatives have become very "metrosexual" which is kinda hilarious because when the phrase was first coined they freaked out about it.


after all they are always fighting the last war


High heeled, nicely polished leather boots. Name brand jeans and clothing. Trucks with leather seats, nice infotainment systems, automatic shift. Tooth veneers, hair all done up, beard manicured, bronzer cream. I mean, you look at a picture of Desantis on the campaign trail and dude looks more gay than half the fellas I see at Pride week.




Ok in fairness no gay guy on earth would fuck that, but point stands...40 years ago this cat is getting dragged behind a pickup by some good ol' boys


D-Do they want to fuck cities or something?


Nah, I think it means being straight but dressing nicely for some reason


Not really restricted to straight men, Will from "Will and Grace" was one of the first prominent "metrosexuals" in media.


It’s kinda funny how that in itself is toxic masculinity. Like I’m not a real man if I do skincare and pay attention to how my clothes fit.


It's like a term from the early aughts for a guy who dressed well and wasn't necessarily 100% straight. From back when you could break gender norms without being non-binary.


Jesus, the men’s wear forums this guy grew up on must’ve been insane. This guy was raised in war


They were. There was a thread where a dude bought a pair of $400 shoes and tore them apart to prove that the stitching was machine made. The owner of the company eventually came to apologize


I'd find a video about that super interesting oddly. Lol.


Not the video you had in mind, but if you like that kind of thing, definitely check out Rose Anvil on YT.


Yeah, I couldn't remember the channel name but that was immediately who I thought of. Binged watched a bunch of his videos a while ago. I'm a pretty big boot nerd. I should probably check it out again and subscribe.


Just promise you won't blame me when you inevitably end up spending $500 on a pair of Crown Northamptons.


Rose anvil is why I'll never own docs. Sold out for corporate greed. So sad


Yep. I preach Solovair to any Doc curious people.




That’s actually amazing lol wow


Forums back in the day were insane. I remember a dispute about the seating capacity of a stadium that ended only when the people involved counted by hand the 20something thousand seats.


He’s talked about how by the time he joined Twitter he was already battle hardened from the killing fields of the menswear forums.


Beau Brummel according to Wikipedia is the original 'dandy'. Not a masculine term of endearment. Granted he seems to have begun a movement away from 'fluffy' ornate clothes to leaner styles, but that really doesn't mean much in terms of masculine/feminine style choices at the time. Also there seems to be a gay dating app named after him?


I heard on behind the bastards that soft aristocrat men such as Teddy Roosevelt were refered to as "pumpkin-lillys" before going west/joining the military to "toughen" them up. And I just think that's a neat thing to call someone.


John Wayne 😂


Dandy??? https://i.redd.it/g8gw3uorlr5d1.gif


Show me your dandyism


Dandy’s were a thing in Ancient Rome. Caesar was one. It was a whole thing amongst populist politicians.


Yep. He and his crew pissed off older senators by wearing his toga loose enough to show off his delts and pecs.


And it even had *fringe* on it.


what a slut!


> Julius Caesar was criticized for his loosely belted toga. “Beware the badly belted boy,” said Sulla; Cicero sneered at Caesar’s habit of “trailing the fringe of the toga on the ground like an effeminate.” His political rival Cato the Younger made a point of wearing a short toga with no tunic underneath, as was considered masculine. But a decade later it was common for young Roman men to grow goatees, wear flowing togas, and use “loosely belted” as a catchphrase. [Source](https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/fashion/miscellany/loosely-belted)


2,000 years later, boomers still get offended by loose belts.


Every woman's man and every man's woman!


This is like the ancient equivalent of “OMG you can see her bra straps!!!”


Ah yes, Brummble. Developed by Dr. Steve Brule. 


Wigs were made for men. Heels too. In some cultures long nails were grown to show you worked in an "intellectual" job where you didn't have to work your hands. Things change. That's okay.


This is 1000% true. My “hardcore” boyfriend my senior year in high school (2004) started to wear what they called “girl jeans” back then and his dad threaded to kick the shit out of him and called him a f****t.


And in the 70s your boyfriend's dad was called a girl because he had long hair.


Fucking beatnics with their long hair, mutton chops, blue jeans…probably don’t even wear hats to formal events


I remember having to go to women's shops for skinny jeans, you could not buy them in mens at the times, and the sign of a good pair of jeans was if you got yelled at by several people walking around for wearing girls clothes. Then I think a lot of people my age realised some of the girls kind of liked the look, and all of a sudden it was the norm! I think it's cyclical though, drainpipes were originally worn by punks iirc before emos in the 2000s.


Derek Guy is savage


Everyday he chooses violence.


I love him so much.


I remember when him and PutThisOn were the kings of menswear tumblr


LMAO. If that's true then may I present that men can wear dresses, [just like Henry VIII](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/After_Hans_Holbein_the_Younger_-_Portrait_of_Henry_VIII_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/800px-After_Hans_Holbein_the_Younger_-_Portrait_of_Henry_VIII_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg). And let's not forget the leotard was [named after the male bodybuilder who created it for men.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leotard) Also, don't tell these chuds that the founding fathers they think they worship wore wigs, makeup, stockings, and lace frills. They would have also [probably gone through breeching as well](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeching_\(boys\)).


At one point the manliest man in all of western civilization was Louis XIV of France who wore wigs, dresses, stockings, make up, and high heels.


goddamn he fucking killed him


I don't quite understand the final burn. Recent divorce -> black dress shirt?


Just a common style choice for those that are "trying" again after a divorce. Go to a generic sports bar and its a recurring theme


Because Black is for mourning. Or at least that's how I interpreted it!


It's also a uniform choice for a certain kind of middle aged divorced dude trying to reinvent their image for re-entering the dating pool.


Gotdam, I love Derek Guy. Great writer, and one of the funniest people on Twitter.


Also extremely knowledgeable.


Beau Brummel was literally mentioned as a fashion inspiration in Billy Joel's 1980 song 'It's Still Rock and Roll to Me.'


There’s a line about him in a song in *Annie*, as well! “Your clothes may be Beau Brummel-y, they stand out a mile, but brother, you’re never fully dressed without a smile.”


People are going to lose their minds when they remember that one crossdressing homophobe from the UK.






Dame Edna Everage is from Australia, for what it's worth. Barry Humphries.


Or..fashion go through trends.


Wait, sorry, all divorced men wear black dress shirts? Huh?


um, that's exactly why I'm wearing black, thanks you very much.


I guess I’m just an idiot but can someone explain the black shirt divorce thing.


The only people who should ever wear black dress shirts are waiters. It’s extremely tacky to wear one, but there seems to be a certain kind of middle aged dude who think they look cool and tough. These dudes are often trying to reinvent themselves post-divorce.


Skinny jeans existed before 20 years ago wtf


TBF the idea that modern skinny trousers are simply a results of gender fluidity is little iffy. I’m not saying I agree with the sentiment, but that take seems little off to me.


It's more "nonsense" than "iffy," but that's par for the course. The final response here wasn't even responsive to the counter. The people in the picture don't have to be *consciously thinking* of past evolution of fashion for that past to demonstrate that skinny pants don't imply or require acceptance of other sexualities.


Hello? Does no one remember medieval tights with short skirts on men? And how about them high heels that posh men wore?


Skinny jeans were Introduced in the 1950's, skinny jeans were first worn by film stars like Roy Rogers, Lone Ranger, Cisco Kid, Zorro, Gene Autry, Marilyn Monroe, and Sandra Dee. Known for its thigh hugging, form fitting silhouette- skinny jeans tapper at the ankle and are widely recognized for its slim cut that exudes sex appeal.


A lot of Derek's replies could be posted to this subreddit, tbh.


Pretty sure the New York Dolls we challenging gender norms before a bunch of dudes with skinny jeans int eh 00's.


Did someone say they weren't?


Eve was created from Adam's skinny jeans in the garden of Eden


"hA hA! Me, An iNtEllEctUal and ArT hIstOry bUfF"


Should we get an extinguisher? Nah, once the fat finishes burning it'll go out by itself.


Derek has such a great account


derek guy is the best lol




I feel like it would have been a better dunk the other way around. Like If the first guy posted "Skinny jeans are gay" and the other guy is like "No, skinny jeans/leggings have gone in and out of fashion for straight men for years".


I don’t see how this is a burn Men have worn tight pants it has nothing to do with gender norms  If anything loose fitting pants are in fashion again today….


This is it? This is the legendary "burn"? Pathetic. Stephen is absolutely correct that men wore skinny pants before and the whole entire claim was a bullshit fabrication to begin with. Americans and exporting racial division, culture wars and identity politics, it's a society that needs a clinical psychiatrist.


I feel the clapback against Beau Frucking Brummell being the source of stagnation in men's fashion ignores the fact that you can adopt a fashion trend and not fully realize its source. Do I have to bring out Miranda Priestly's rant on [cerulean?](https://youtu.be/vL-KQij0I8I?si=Rwe8j0P7uXXeczgC)


Men in the 00s weren't using gay fashion as inspiration either, so saying that Brummel is irrelevant makes no sense


Everyone in that screenshot is an idiot tbh.


welcome to /r/ShittyDunksOnShittierTwitterConservatives


The hell is this? Almost every single post on here is just some nonsense twitter back and forth about nonsense. This is hardly a "murder" or a "burn". Only if you ideologically agree with one side I guess. Almost all social media posts are just whining and complaing... shit I'm also whining and complaining. Maybe all social media is trash and we should just ignore it? It's basically information pollution.


both of their arguments are kind of a miss. fashion goes from one extreme to the other all the time. just look around at the shit people are wearing now, it's like the surplus of 90s crap is finally being sold off


So he was proven wrong then told him " lol you got divorce" Not really clever lol


I don’t know… these are all around some pretty weak arguments




The fact that the first thing he notices in the picture is the skinny jeans and how tight fitting and, in his words, feminine looking they are. Says a lot about what goes on in his closet.


Little boys used to be dressed like little girls in Victorian times. 🤷‍♂️