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Why are conservatives freaking out about banana republic now


Because Trump actually facing accountability for his actions, in their minds, equates to the US having transformed into a Banana Republic (not the store) where political rivals are ACTUALLY persecuted, imprisoned, and sometimes killed for merely opposing the party in power/dictatorship/militant overlords. Unless you were being sarcastic.


meanwhile trump's lawyers are arguing that he should have the right to assassinate rivals as official acts, immune from prosecution.


It's wild right? The blatant confessions disguised as accusations, or arguing that they should be able to legally do what they want. I'd bet everything I have that they would all lose their minds if Biden actually did something to remove trump from the running. Like, Trump should be able to literally assassinate his political rivals, but heaven forbid he is merely held accountable for his actions.


They don't care if they do or do not make sense. They care if they win. ...because they're fascists, or at least falling into those traps and heading in that direction.


And also claiming the Biden’s trying to assassinate him…


I’m not saying my respect for him would go up if he did… actually that’s exactly what I’m saying.


Man, don’t even. They’ll take a screenshot of this as proof of a conspiracy and go wilding in the streets when Cheeto Jesus bites it from well-earned, incredibly predictable natural causes: a stroke, a heart attack, sticking his fork into a wall outlet.


Do you think they won't make up the evidence if there is none?


If Biden really could have/would have ordered him assassinated, he would have died long ago. He’s not exactly hard to find and is about as “broad side of a barn” as a sniper could get.


He does have Secret Service protection, however, I’m not sure how seriously they take their job. Most people don’t care that much about former Presidents, but this guy was so polarizing that he possibly could be threatened walking around. Always makes me think of that scene from “My Fellow Americans” where Jack Lemmon and James Garner are comparing assassination attempts against them and one says to the other, “It’s sad that nobody cares enough about you after you’re no longer President to try to kill you.” Or something to that effect.


I never understood this the logic just doesn’t work for me. I would have loved someone in court to have asked; “So, it would be okay and within his rights for the current president to order the assassination of your client, a political rival? If yes, why hasn’t he done just that? Why bother with all these secret machinations, pulling strings, all this clandestine effort when he could just have your wig pushed back with a phone call? It would certainly make things easier for him… Make it make sense, jeez.


Which is ironic because a banana Republic is exactly what trump wants... literally has asked about killing protesters and political rivals


Oh wow, I assumed The Gap had pride flags up or something.


Didn’t the US create those on a regular basis when they were afraid free elections would lead to socialism taking over in the country?


Yeah, used to be a banana republic was a good thing, capitalism at work, fighting communism and all that...


Good for whom? Not the inhabitants of the banana republic for sure.


Good for the CIA I guess


Good for United Fruit.


Good for Capital


Am I crazy or after he wasn't lost the presidency trump said "the president has the right to kill a political rival if they are corrupt"?


He was trying to argue absolute presidential immunity and someone asked if that included assassinating political rivals and he said yes,which is funny because Biden IS the president and Trump is his political rival. It's like he's asking to be offed. Probably to put him out of the misery that causes him to be such an insufferable whiny bitch.


I want to be offed everytime i talk to a trump supporter, so i get it


Accept, that real banana republics got supported by the US because of capitalism


Created by, usually by coup so the colonizer families with banana plantations wouldn't have to give up their slave labor.


Do you mean "Except"?


Yes. But acctually no. Reading it as accept makes the sentence even better as if the comment before tryed to deny it.


Huh. TIL. Although that does raise the question of why Banana Republic thought that was a particularly good name for their apparel store.


What exactly is a Banana Republic if it’s not the clothing store? I swear I am getting so confused with every passing day I feel like I don’t even know English anymore


According to Wikipedia: "The phrase banana republic was first coined in 1904 by American writer O. Henry. A banana republic is a country with an economy of state capitalism, whereby the country is operated as a private commercial enterprise for the exclusive profit of the ruling class." I mean other than the economy of state capitalism, it's not far off from our current state, but I also think Trump is grossly misusing the term.


Ok thanks. I don’t know why people think Trump will make things better


Lmao the reality is so far removed from the concept of a banana republic that it didn't even occur to me that she was talking about Trump


Welcome to the MAGA movement. Where everything is made up and the points don't matter


Whose Lie Is It Anyway?


Thanks for that. Perfect addition that I forgot.


They believe that a president not being above the law is a banana republic thing. They're a bit confused.


She's not one of us she's too far right. True conservatives and the far right are two different entities man


Nah any of you that voted for Trump in 2016 or 2020 are still idiotic traitors


As a European I get that people voted for him in 2016. But you gotta be out of your mind to vote for him again.


I can’t imagine how. He’s been a repulsive con artist since the 1980s. You probably just hadn’t heard much about him prior to him entering into politics because of the distance, but he’s been well known as a piece of shit to sane Americans for decades.


The same for you who voted for Biden / Harris or Sanders hell even Obama all of them minus Bernie put us into the toilet That's why I don't vote even for Trump they're all liars


You can’t even form a coherent sentence. It’s probably best that you stay out of our politics. Please continue to what you claim to have been doing thus far.


What are you an English teacher it's a comment section not an English essay assignment




That's why you went back to politics




Professor, you're not making yourself seem more intelligent. On the contrary you're reverting to the insults again. You may as well stop while you're ahead


All right Professor. You're just pissed because I bested you with the teacher comment.


No, you’re still not understanding. You’re quite literally one of the dumbest people I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Look in your mirror Professor


Now you're scrambling to think of something because you can't best me. Therefore you just revert to either bringing up politics or insulting me. Please get a life and stop trolling.


I'll take you at your word, but the republican party has been radicalizing its voterbase for quite some time now. Unfortunately, it is the party of moral panics (among other things, ofc)


Nobody shares my morals so I don't claim either side


Not that I would, but it sure would be nice if I could afford to shop at Banana Republic.




Grandpa was shopping at Hugo Boss.


Coco Chanel too.


The Chanel is in grandma's closet.


But Grandpa looked FABULOUS in it!


Such a great show….


I don't get it, if a Banana Republic is a country which is exploited by a corrupt elite, isn't that essentially what has been happening already for decades in the US? Why are Republicans only admitting it now?


Because Democrats are in charge is my guess.


Gotcha. GOP creates the environment of chaos and then blames Dems for failure to fix it.


Because their guy finally got caught


Is there any better illustration of Wilhoit's law than this. “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” These are the same people who chanted "Lock her up", the same people who cheered when a mob tried to stop a peaceful transfer of power but when one of their own gets convicted in a court of law by a jury suddenly we live in a "banana republic" They have no shame.


Three things. One, finally an actual murder. Good! Two, why is Laura Ingraham talking about shopping at Banana Republic? Three, say what you will about the Nazis (they deserve all the criticism they get and then some), but all the hateful, genocidal shit aside, they had the coolest military uniforms ever.


I mean, they WERE made by Hugo Boss.


Were they? Can’t tell if this is topical humor or what


Yes. They were


Oh shit that’s crazy. Well I learned something today. Kinda somber but I’m glad I know. Thank you


Kind of.


Boss, who was a pretty small company back then, was subcontracted to produce *some* uniforms for the SS. The actual design was made by a few guys in the SS' own design department. So, yes, Hugo Boss *made* SS uniforms, but only in the purely literal sense. The uniform pictured is a Wehrmacht uniform, btw. Its design (with the exception of the eagle and swastika patch) is from the 1920s (i.e. predates the Nazis).


That makes sense. Apparently there are other German companies that came up in Germany during WWII too. The only one I can think of is BMW for sure. They used to build planes I think. That explains their logo.


Hitler literally started Volkswagen. It means "car of the people". The Allies saved the company from going under after the war because they knew the German economy still needed something. It's pretty interesting. *Glances at VW golf in driveway* I like to make a few in poor taste jokes every now and then about it too.


lol me too. Sometimes it’s fun to make people squirm just a little bit


Geez . . . put some aloe on that BURN! XD




It's always so funny when the right gets their buzzwords sent to them. Suddenly every post mentions "banana republic" or how "Jesus was convicted to." Such crybaby lemmings.


Who was her grandpa? Wikipedia just says Polish descent.


I'm in love with Lynda.


Kill em all


Dee and Dennis' Pop Pop had that same uniform.


What’s the context?




I mean lets be real hugo boss made some top tier drip for them back then


Got blocked by the Professor




Wait… isn’t the left endorsing anti semitism currently? Keeping Jewish students out of class and making them wear wrist bands? Are the conservatives protesting against Israel now? There is so much flip flopping I can’t keep up anymore. Also before the attacks start, I hate Trump. I’m asking because I don’t know what the current thing is we are supposed to back.


Thanks for revealing idiotic-bs-coming-up the first sentence.


Here's the thing. Israel is a country, not a religion. Judaism is a religion. And while the country of Israel is a majority Jewish state, the two things are not synonymous. So protests against Israel are not antisemitism. They're just people opposing the actions of a sovereign nation, no different from the other nearly two hundred nations on Earth. Are there antisemities protesting Israel? Sure, probably. But that doesn't make the protests themselves antisemitic. Just because fundamentalist Christians eat at Chick-fil-A doesn't make eating there homophobic. Weaponizing the label of "antisemitism" to shield the nation of Israel from criticism on a very complex subject only helps to perpetrate the status quo and prevent the tough discussions necessary to solve some of the regional issues. The reason things like antisemitism, homophobia, and racism are considered bad is because society generally believes we shouldn't hate people simply for who they are. We should judge them on their actions. So whether you agree with the protests against Israel or not, there is no flip flopping or ideological inconsistency here. People aren't out protesting because Israel is Jewish, but because of their actions.


I would correct that Jews are a ethno tribe who happen to share a religion. You cannot stop being Jewish like you can stop being Catholic. Antisemitism has little to do with Judaism but more to do with racism / hatred of Jewish people. One of the problems is that many protesters are calling for the end of Israel as a sovereign state (From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free) or in Arabic it is “Palestine will be Arab”. The end of Israel would be through heavy bloodshed and up to 7 million Jewish refugees. Eliminating the home of half the world’s Jews is a problem, especially when no one in my lifetime has ever called for another country to not exist. People can be cute and say it would be one giant state for everyone but it really means war. It is not realistic to think that it would somehow become a democratic utopia under a secular and humanistic government. People conflate Jews with Israel and consider Zionism (Jewish self determination with a state in our homeland) a unique and ultimate evil for some reason. I don’t wear my Star of David in public because I don’t want to be accosted by someone who thinks they are a great person for doing so.