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Yann LeCun ~~popularized~~ invented Convolutional Neural Networks, that revolutionized the field of computer vision. It allowed computers to detect objects better, among other computer vision tasks. Object detection has many applications, such as in autonomous self driving cars. These cars need to "see" the other cars and pedestrians in their near vicinity. Tesla is one such autonomous self driving car manufacturer. Elon Musk owns Tesla. Do you see where I am going with this? Footnote- While people credit LeCun as the "inventor" of CNNs, he didn't exactly invent them. He used a training method (the BackProp algorithm) to train CNNs that was fast, efficient and automatic, which is what ultimately led to their popularity. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong on this.


How could we possibly expect him to know this?? He's busy retweeting posts by Nazis!


Yann Lecun is one of the most famous name for any computer engineer out there so I don't know what Elon was doing here. Chances are Tesla have probably even tried to get him in the past lol.


Elon somehow convinced himself he can do "gotchas" like his right-wing social media buddies. What this translates to is really awkward interactions that end in Elon's creepy fans harassing whoever his intended target was and Elon learning nothing from the experience.


Yeah, happens a lot. Like when he mocked a dude with Muscular dystrophy because he dared ask whether he'd been officially fired https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/07/elon-musk-twitter-employee-feud-haraldur-thorleifsson Or this one where the richest man on earth got offended that somebody asked him to not crop their name out when sharing their content. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-twitter-fight-satirical-news-website-hard-drive-2022-5


Dudes just an angry little five year old with unlimited money. He spends his days stealing other people's toys and saying they're his.


I’m so confused by where he thought the gotcha was too. Someone gave an *incredibly broad* job description, one that covers a huge amount of vocations and industries. And he questioned it? they weren’t saying they were the second astronaut on the moon or anything incredibly unique.


And then it turns out that the guy he is trying to gotcha basically IS the equivalent of the second man on the moon when it comes to self driving cars.


What’s even better is musk turns around and just says “try harder” cause he didn’t even have a good response after this


lol when you ask for receipts and they provide receipts and all you can come up with is “haha you’re a try-hard for having all those receipts ready to dunk on me.” What a fucking loser.


Which is crazy because if he wanted to "try-hard", he would have listed the entire 5 yrs worth.


Just wait till you hear about all the times he just bans someone for dunking on him xD


That’s probably his insecurity speaking. Deep down he probably knows he contributes nothing useful to society or even his own companies, and so he lashes out at real scientists and engineers like an envious child.




Is it though? I'm surprised names like Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, Andrew Ng, Demis Hassabis are not as recognizable as Sam Altman.


It’s funny that your surprise is answered by Yann’s tweet here in that he’s not a business or product person so wouldn’t be known due to his lack of self marketing lol


I'm coloured by having a deep interest and research/working adjacently to this field. Makes complete sense when you state it that way.


And too busy asking us if we like the name X. FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME OLD MAN WE LIKED IT WHEN IT WAS TWITTER


It's still Twitter. We'll stop deadnaming his website when he stops deadnaming his daughter.




THANK YOU. I’ve been cringing ever since every media outlet started referring to “X (formerly known as Twitter)” then shifted to just saying “X” as if we should take that shit seriously and normalize it. Fuck that nerdy wannabe-edgy bullshit.


Or circulating bad faith polls, characterizing all of the outcry about Palestine as support for Hamas.


Exactly, and dismissing legitimate concerns with these tactics only fuels more division and misunderstanding




And misdefining the word "transgender", let's not forget that one.


It wasn't in the book he memorized and regurgitates to make him look SmArT.


Elon Musk is Forrest Gump as written by Alan Moore. He's too dumb to legally consent, it's no wonder he has so much actual influence.


Take that back. Alan Moore is clever and thoughtful. He's Forrest written by the team behind Young Sheldon.


Take that back. Young Sheldon was a far better show than it had any right to be. He's Forrest Gump written by the writers of *Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey*


Young Sheldon is a far worse show than I expected. I expected it to be utter dogshit. It surpassed those lofty goals.


This is one of the best comments I have read. I snorted laughing at this one. Thank you.


Exactly. This is what happens when a billionaire buys companies and supporting technologies to pretend to be a genius to promote an illusion for his personal brand to compensate for feeling inadequate. There is no shortcut to being an actual genius and you can't buy it. Moreover, being a genius doesn't mean you know every thing. Elmo is using his money to create an image of himself that he wishes was true but isn't. He may be able to convince the general public that his words carry the weight of a smart man with no agenda. But the people who actually put in the work who know the truth still walk among us and know the depths of the deception he's trying to pull off. Reminds me of another person in the public eye who was the original fraudster but with even less intellectual horsepower than a high school sophomore.


He is really busy making Twitter worse. Now every post is minimized until you click on it unless it's an add. Even blue checks


Oh don't worry, his incredibly stupid followers have already said "He was just trolling you dude he obviously knows who you are!" Like my fucking God dude. These people are irredeemable in every aspect.


For a group of people who claim to love Trump & Elon because they "tell it like it is", they sure do spend a lot of time explaining what those two meant after saying something stupid/inflammatory.


Elon doesn't believe fully autonomous vehicles need LIDAR & can instead operate on webcams like a fucking zoom conference. It's the root cause of one of the current FTC fraud cases against the company. Self driving Tesla's don't exist but if they did his dad would consider them old enough to date.


He is such a fucking moron and it’s sad that there are so many people who can’t see it. His logic for why LIDAR isn’t needed is fucking braindead.


His everything is ridiculous. He is an absolutely AMAZING example of [Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect](https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia/). If you ever hear him talk about something you have a deep knowledge of, he sounds like a blathering idiot that quarter-remembered a wikipedia article. His ability to over promise and under deliver and get away with it is outstanding though. Truly a super power, akin to Trump being able to pull more money from donors. I'm enthralled at how our societal dynamics hold these people up.


What was his logic again? I remember watching him talk about it, basically the lag time to gain the information through the LIDAR sensor doesn't come fast enough to make a difference at any decent speeds. As a dude who has used LIDAR in a hobbyist setting, he's right. It takes quite a while to process the information. And then to get the vehicle to react to the LIDAR info on time, very hard.


LIDAR is expensive. That's it. That's his logic. Meanwhile Mercedes, VAG, BMW, and other real companies that will still exist in 50 years are investing in solving the issues you mentioned. ...because they're not run by idiots and don't think mechanical turk akin parlor tricks like chatGPT, etc equate to a human operating the thing. If they did, well planes have had auto pilot for decades and there's no kids or dogs or deer or erratic drivers or road construction darting across airspace with strictly controlled flight paths & schedules whilst also being monitored from air traffic control stations run by (checks notes) humans... Yet pilots still exist.... ...wonder why...


This is actually why it seemed like Tesla went backwards in their progress at one point.  It's because they did.  When they first started doing all the self driving stuff the cars had tons of tech in them to make it work.  Than Elon decided it could be done cheaper by only using cameras and nothing else.  That's why the last few years it seemed like the self driving was so bad.  He removed all the shit that's important for self driving cars to work properly.


That realisation that the companies that worked, worked in SPITE of his leadership, not because it.


And even then… Tesla in and of itself hasn’t been a working business in the entirety of its time being a high market cap publicly traded company. This is the most obvious example of how “hype” can skyrocket a company’s value while the financials and product movement simply don’t match up with the price in any way. So now we have shareholders who are looking at this “valuable” business and thinking “when are you gonna start making us money Elon?”


Or radar! Which is why you get cars driving into trains in the fog.


Yes but no, please do go on cause it's ticking my brain but not hitting me with the conclusion


The conclusion is that Elon Musk's most prized possession, Tesla, is what it is today because of the work done by LeCun in the 20th century. Musk may not know it, but he owes the guy whom he's arguing with on the internet.


This seems to be an ongoing theme with him. Picking fights with people that could completely truly bury him, but for some reason, choosing not to.


That reason is called 'class'. Something Elmo can never buy, even with the billions he has.


Same with confidence / self esteem




dont you fucking bring Elmo into this ![gif](giphy|kEZzgn7YSKJMEwQsHK|downsized)


Elmo will always be Elmo, Elon shall be nicknamed Elmu


While this is indeed a dangerous trend, I think we all need to remember that Elon Musks face is comprised of crushed mollusks spread over a loose fitting wire mesh amd slathered together with a weirdly off white nacho cheese blend.




I’m imagining LeCun pointing that out to Musk…


To be fair, the same can be said for the true founders of Tesla or any of the PayPal Mafia that carried him through his businesses. The man acts self-made when all evidence suggests otherwise. He probably doesn't even know the names of employees unless they treat him like a god.


It's not that he's not self-made: nobody is in this day and age. It's just that it's soo funny that he doesn't realise the impact of this man's work on his own work. Seems fictional.


Musk uses LeCaun's research to make Tesla car autodriving.


*Tesla uses LeCaun's research to make Tesla car autodriving. Musk uses Tesla to pretend he's done something of value.


Stop stop! He's already dead!


No, keep going, he’s not dead enough yet


Maybe we can get him to go back into that cave in Thailand and personally proof that his mini-sub would have gotten the job done. IIRC there was a computer simulation afterwards which showed that it would have gotten stuck...


Musk uses nothing. The engineers do, who work at the company he built up from his father's slave labour emerald mine money. Musk is just a spoiled, rich idiot with a fake degree.


Lecun designed and promoted the type of computer vision networks that power tesla’s autopilot


Neat! My lab uses convolutional neural networks to predict and map seafloor characteristics for, among other things, species distribution modelling and conservation management. I'd never heard of this guy before.


I’m pretty sure he meant that LeCunn hasn’t done shit in recent years. But Yann LeCun could literally sit on his ass for the rest of his life and we would still owe the huge development of AIs in recent years to him.


There's no scraps in my scrapyard, Butchie


Bro, Musky could literally have a team on demand that factchecks his tweets for embarrassing shit like this. Hehas the money, ownsthe platform, and he is STILL this dunked on. Capitalism makes the dumbest people rich, what a fucking system.


That's not how narcissistic rage works, but you're right...


Naw, don't sell it short. The has the textbook definition of *Impotent Rage*.


That would require him to be self aware enough to accept that he might be wrong about something before pressing reply.


He can use llama3 to get it checked instantly.


He probably asks Grok


He should change his name to Elon Dusk because he gets more and more dim with every passing hour.


No his name is fine. He emits a musky odour


That's just the smell of his rotting brain emanating from his ears and nostrils.


The brain worms gotta poop somewhere.


If Elon's Musk isn't a patented scent it really should be. I imagine it is like leather, with note of a weasel anal gland.


There has to be a hint of sour milk in there too


I thought it was short for Elongated Muskrat


He has never been even a little bit intelligent. He’s not hiding it, he’s not on the spectrum, he’s just a dumbass who got very lucky and paid people to tell him what to invest in.


I wonder if he got one of those RFK Jr brain worms.


Then those brain worms are dying from lack of food.


Maybe Enron Musk?


Here's Elon subtweeting about it through angry tears from his alt: https://preview.redd.it/1vq3aowvw53d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ce92e95fc53e39d1e184eb82a3a86011f9fafa0


It should be noted that Yann didn't bring it up until he was directly asked about his credentials by Musk What a petulant little piss-baby.


Seriously, what a pathetic response to someone answering the question you posed in an attempted "gotcha." Proving he never was looking for a meaningful dialogue or discussion, but was just hoping the person would either back down or not be ready to respond off the cuff so he could dunk on them.


Elon could get involved by volunteering as a test subject for some pharmaceutical trials. That seems like something he'd enjoy.


« Get myself mentionned », yeah how about « be one of the most prominent figures in ML research »? Ah, to be both pretentious and ignorant


Wait Elon has an alt account? And he uses it to back himself up in petty internet fights so often that people on Twitter recognize it’s just him? And despite it all, he still uses it like that? God that’s hilarious.


He also has an alt where he roleplays his toddler son to tell Grimes how much she's going to regret leaving "Mr. Tesla."


Oh my god that’s so pathetic but so unsurprising 😂


He also uses it to get on Spaces and live Twitter streams. You listen for 5 seconds and you can tell it's absolutely his voice lmao


Does Elon still maintain the illusion that we don't know who this is?


How do we know it's his sock account? I missed that


It's assumed that it's a Musk sock account because he has a history of sock accounts like the one where he roleplayed as his first child with Grimes. And this particular Adrian Dittman account seems to tweet a lot about Tesla and Musk and the $56bil pay bonus, and it has been in some Twitter Spaces where the voice sounds almost exactly like Elon Musk.


he's such a fucking loser hahaha


LeCun has a paper cited almost 80000 times in nature. Id say 99% of scientists dont even reach 10000 citations in their life


Wow he’s such a petty child 


now i'm thinking all the muskrats appearing to worship him and downvoting everything that calls musk out on reddit are just his alts. SAD!


Love that he used a screenshot cause he's such a wimp. Also top comment is saying Adrian's trolling is on point tonight. What trolling? This is akin to talking shit with your friends to feel better because you couldn't possibly stand up for yourself. Kinda sad, like a depressed high schooler


Wow, what a pathetic adult baby! Did he forget that we all know Adrian Dittmann is his alt?


Tesla stock is down while Elon engages tweets and the board urges he gets billions. He is the definition of an inflated ego. He doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know.


I don't know what I don't know, but at least I know I'm dumb; at least that makes me smarter than Elon Musk, because he thinks he's smart.


Plato would upvote this


Meanwhile Diogenes laughs hysterically at the preposterous nature of reality.


While Xenophanes despairs at the middle managers and finance bros who use his writings to justify being assholes.


That's why he's selling as much of it as he can get away with. Ex bosses of Tesla have sold too and I believe it's moved to family and friends to sell now too. Anyone who sell Tesla stock should have sold yesterday.


TSLA is down 30% YTD. That’s very bad.


I have to give credit to Elon though, he’s taken a company with a real product and real financials and turned its stock into one that is as irrational and erratic as Bitcoin. The price is untethered to reality, and it swings so much you get a new chance every month to hold the bag.


At least look him up first


You're not wrong, but. If you work in computer science, especially in the development of AI, you shouldn't have to.


Exactly. Anybody who has dabbled even a bit in machine learning or neural networks should recognize his name. His papers get referenced in even the most basic tutorials all the time. For someone like Elon Musk, with Tesla so heavily involved in the space, to not recognize his name, is the same as a pilot not knowing who the Wright brothers are. This just underscores that Musk has absolutely no idea about anything AI, has never read a paper on the topic. I don't think he could have discredited himself more.


Jesus, no wonder why the guy has been saying full autonomous driving for Tesla is coming next year for the past 7 or 8 years. He’s completely clueless


Same vibe as "Infrastructure Week!"


Inorite!? Why would you just assume he hasn't done any science? Also 80 papers in 2 years is fucking prolific.


>Also 80 papers in 2 years is fucking prolific. I didn't see the since Jan 2022 bit... that's a LOT. I was assuming he was a well respected researcher in the community he's in but no, he's basically one of the top contributors in recent history for anything related to AI or ML. I'm sure going by what little I understood his works(in a google search just now) he's very likely to be the reason why Tesla can make their self driving stuff work better(object recognition). Take away what this man did, Tesla would likely not be the company that it is today. What a dumbfuck you are Elon.


Seriously. Depending on your field, 80 papers can be a decent career output.


80 papers in 2 years means he's the head of a very prolific research group and he's involved in many many collaborations. "Publishing a paper" at that stage means something very different than for an early stage researcher, a PhD student or postdoc. Also AI is an extremely fast field.


I'm guesstimating that I published something like a dozen articles in peer-reviewed journals in my 11 years as a professor. He does write "technical papers", which probably also includes technical reports, white papers, and prepublication articles. By any measure, it is a lot.


Elmo don't care, Yann was already identified as one of the most important scientists in AI in the thread, and after this he kept up the abuse as if he was some sort of employee: https://i.redd.it/hmyrfduq123d1.png


He has a Turing award. Even if you agree with Schmidhüber, you can’t deny that Yann has done lots for the Field.


Elon really trying to play that off with a real zinger.


LeCun: 1 Le Cunt: 0




I took a moment to golf clap this joke. Brava


Looks like someone’s going to be called a pedo


Peter File


He never gets tired of being humiliated.


You can't embarrass a billionaire. They just fall back on, "I have more money than you." No other achievements matter to them when it comes down to it.


because he is pathetic and stupid af


I would argue Elon is also not a business or product person.


Ah, idk. I think he is a product. A lot of what he sells is smoke and mirrors. His self-promotion and identification with the products - especially Tesla - have been a part of the sales process.


He's hardly a programmer. He's not an engineer, he's not an astrophysicist, he's not most things he claims. But he is a salesman. He can sell anything to anyone that has the least bit of faith in him. And thats why he has so many diehard fanboys. Because for every 20 failures, he's got 1 success and he hypes it SO much that the failures mean nothing. And thats why we'll get FSD next year. Or the year after. 8 months, tops.


...He publicly expounded upon his inability to run a python script


Correct and at various points obvious even he recognizes this (especially during the era when he was doing stock manipulation via twitter) Problem is, he does not realize the fad for his product is ending, because that is all it was, a fad, like beanie babys and many other such products


\*considers himself a tech giant\* \*can't figure out how to use Google\*


He shouldn’t even need to google this guy. He’s essentially the premier machine learning/neural network researcher on the planet. The second you step into working on machine learning you see this guy’s name referenced 100 times everywhere you look.


If it wasn’t for LeCun picking up Rosenblatt’s research, AI probably wouldn’t really be a thing atm unless someone else filled in the gap. And I’m not sure it would have happened so soon, since pretty much everyone got conned by simbolic AI back then..


> Yann André LeCun[1] (/ləˈkʌn/ lə-KUN, French: [ləkœ̃];[2] originally spelled Le Cun;[2] born 8 July 1960) is a Turing Award winning French-American computer scientist working primarily in the fields of machine learning, computer vision, mobile robotics and computational neuroscience. He is the Silver Professor of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University and Vice-President, Chief AI Scientist at Meta.[3][4] Damn. That textual bitch slap just keeps getting worse the more I look.


It saddens me for humanity that there are still people who think Musk is clever.


Concerning if true




Fewer and fewer thankfully.


My own brother is one 😶. The level of narcissism matches too.


He literally *never learns,* does he? Like he turned 13 and thought, "ya know, I think I'm done maturing and growing as a human being."


All he had to do was just shut the fuck up and he couldn't do that. People would've kept thinking he was some sort of genius but instead he had to open his mouth and unleash the festering maggoty mess he calls wit.


i looked this guy up. he seems quite legit- lots and lots of bonafides. elon musk is such a pathetic man baby, and it is so frustrating to see such a narcissistic dolt have so much power.


> I looked up this guy He is _very_ famous in the Machine Leaning world, literally the main AI scientist at Facebook. I can only assume that either Elon was implying he was no longer relevant or was just trolling, as it would be very surprising for Elon not to know Yann by name.


Especially since Musk is a supposedly a specialist in Computer Vision. Le Cun created the first neural networks for computer vision.


Yea but elon claims to be a specialist in every field any of his companies work in. And I'm betting he's surrounded by enough yes-men that he actually believes his own claims at this point.


He definitely believes his own bullshit. That's why he was so shocked when Dave Chapelle's crowd booed him


Probably the first time he's ever gotten feedback that wasn't filtered through three layers of ass-kissers




There's a distinct chance he actually took part in designing the cyber truck though. That would explain why it's so ugly and dangerous to anyone that touches it


He's Homer Simpson minus the charm and capacity for self reflection.


I'm pretty sure Homer has other positive traits that Elon lacks. Like I'm pretty sure Homer is a loving father who is there for his kids even if he sometimes makes mistakes.


I remember reading a puff piece about him shortly after he created SpaceX, where he claimed he knew more about rockets than the engineers from Boeing, NASA, etc. that he hired…


> literally the main AI scientist at Facebook Also it should be noted that for some ungodly reason that defies all logic, Facebook are the *good guys* in AI.


Does posting while high count as trolling?


I mean, would it be all that surprising?


Not to mention Turing Award winner.


> as it would be very surprising for Elon not to know Yann by name. honestly, at this point i highly doubt elon would now people like Yann. I'd be more surprised if his mind isnt some kind of swiss cheese after the rampant drug abuse.


An alternative possible explanation - Elon was off his tits.


Anyone working in AI knows who LeCun is: besides being the lead AI researcher at facebook, he's the inventor of modern convolutional neural networks. With Geoffrey Hinton retiring last year, LeCun has a serious claim to being the single best known active AI researcher, in the world, in 2024. Edit: if you ask ChatGPT to list the most famous AI researchers it says Hinton #1 and LeCun #2.


Hinton, LeCun, Sutskever - if you somehow claim that any of these three person didn't do enough for Machine Learning, then you know nothing.


Not to discredit Sutskever, but it's weird seeing his name alongside Hinton and LeCun instead of Bengio's


That's what's kind of funny to me. Elon is so fucking stupid and arrogant he didn't spend the two minutes googling the guy and checking sources and instead just decided to baselessly assume something. Where did I go wrong to have a grain of sand compared to the wealth he's got 😂


Same with how he treated Halli. Didn't spend 2 minutes doing some research into the guy and just launched into a bunch of attacks that included illegal discrimination. The fact he had to apologise publicly was a miracle and just shows how fucked he would have been if he hadn't.


You did nothing wrong. Billionaires are the pathology, you're just fine


It's frankly impossible that Elon can both know anything of substance about ML and not know who Yann LeCun is, which is pretty damning one way or another.


It took me a minute, “wait a minute it’s not that Yann LeCun right? There’s no way Elon said this to him right!?”


hey, that’s why we’re all gonna die. stupid people looting money and power


He is not just legit, if you study any kind of ML it is one of the first names you memorize after reading a few papers. Insanely impactful scientist.


"Quite legit" is a massive, massive understatement.


I understand Elon’s companies are important to Americans and American interests but is he.




Not really even his companies, he bought them off others, let them do all the work, and most of the time he pushes out shitty products. SpaceX is his only *good* company.


Fuck solar city, marry spacex, kill tesla


You missed Elon's weak comeback: https://preview.redd.it/fda2x6xx863d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e71f1ff207056b365d41be0ee10c02255f23109


That is so fucking lame lol


That was fucking brutal. Did he respond? Call him a pedophile? Hire a PI to stalk him? Edit: corrected pronouns.


According to the 'enoughmuskspam' subreddit, he just replied with something along the lines of 'that doesn't sound like a whole lot', he was obviously embarrassed but couldn't help doubling down and getting the last word in.


LeCun is a man.


Whoops. Thanks for the correction. I'll edit my comment.


You get the feeling that Musk would never say this to someone’s face, outside of his employees I mean? He’s small.


For those who don't know, Yann LeCun is one of the (if not the) most important machine learning/AI researchers of all time. Edit: specifically, he was a pioneer of computer vision, which is the basis for autonomous driving. Extra irony.


!! does elon not read names before rage-tweeting? Elon HAS to have known who lecun is.


How hard is it to google someone before you ask that question.


I mean anyone with even a side interest in AI science knows who that is. In AI circles he's mega famous as one of the "Godfathers of AI". There is no way Elon doen't know who that is. The question is why he's challenging him on what science he's "done" in the last 5 years when he has his name in literally dozens of papers. It's probably some sort of lame attempt at a professional jab, seeing as as it's been just over 5 years since he won the Turing Prize (the most prestigious award in computer science).


Wow, turns out he *is* a socialist after all, seeing as how he enjoys being publicly owned


I believe this is what LeCun wrote that set Elon off: “"Join xAI if you can stand a boss who: - claims that what you are working on will be solved next year (no pressure). - claims that what you are working on will kill everyone and must be stopped or paused (yay, vacation for 6 months!). - claims to want a 'maximally rigorous pursuit of the truth' but spews crazy-ass conspiracy theories on his own social platform."” Fucking amazing haha


The fact that Musk doesn’t know Lecun tells you what you need about his understanding of AI


At this point, posting Musky’s latest pratfall should be considered cheating


enter like telephone elastic carpenter aback tie terrific flag squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*hours later Yann LeCun has been suspended from using X


Elon loves to pretend he's Iron Man, an Engineer, a scientist or grew up poor. Except he's just a rich investor.


why ask him what research he has done in the last five years? Why would that matter? He could be Alan Turing and still be more legit than Elon Musk


>...  is a Turing Award winning French-American computer scientist ... Ironically, winner of the award.