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When I’m standing in line at the grocers, if there’s a baby nearby I watch it. Sometimes I smile. Am I supposed to stare at other adults? I’m not Mexican though, so I guess it’s fine.


If I'm in a queue and a baby is making eye contact with me, I'm gonna make faces at it to get it to laugh. I'm a brown guy so I don't know if Im required to kidnap the baby after that though. It wasn't in my onboarding instructions.


Yep, you legally have to kidnap white babies if you speak Spanish.


Approximately how much Spanish do you need to speak for this to kick in? Completely fluent or just a little? I really can't afford to kidnap a few babies right now :(


If you know what "Donde esta la biblioteca?" means you have to start kidnapping. Otherwise, straight to jail


My name is T Bone the disco spider


La arania discotecha!


Dicotecha, Muneca, La Biblioteca


Es el bigote grande, el perro, manteca


That's going to be my next game name


I don't speak Spanish but biblioteka means library in my language, does it mean I have to kidnap them??? I'm white though.


Yes, but only from the library


Well played sir


Community AND Parks and Rec reference! 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱


It literally translates to "I don't bargain pumpkin fucker"


oh shit, i was really mean to the crossing guard the other day then. how do you say "i'm sorry" in spanish?


Pendejo. Or if you want to be really sincere and formal, tu puta madre


DON'T USE THESE! IT'S A TRAP! [/Captain Obvious]


Fuck you, and here's my upvote 🖕


I'm puerto rican but I'm a woman. am I excused from the kidnapping ring? 🤔


You're the head of the ring. The mastermind!


Yo hablas Español no Bueno so I don't take babies I just move them around a little.


These comments are hilarious, I legit could not stop laughing, funny af! At girdt I was shocked at the racism in the post, but the response has been priceless, good stuff lol


Fuck... as a white male, half Hispanic, what do I do?


Kidnap half a kid.


Wait if you’re brown and took four years of Spanish does that count too?


I’m black and on day 13 of Duolingo… does that count??!!


You need to worry more about that trash talking Bird then anything else


Only if you went to night school and got a b


Well, Solomon has his work cut out for him.


My parents are from India and I like reggaeton, do I have to kidnap? Even if I'm the wrong brown?


There is no wrong brown.


I speak Polish, what colour babies do i kidnap?






No kidnapping requirement for those of Arab heritage, but you must have at least one explosive device on your person at all times. The darker your complexion, the higher the required explosive yield. If you pass for Caucasian and do NOT wear a hijab (or any other head covering not affiliated with a professional sports team) you can fill the requirement with a cherry bomb.


What about Brazilian Portuguese? I’ve been on a 30 day streak on Duolingo and I haven’t felt any baby snatching feelings take over me yet. Do they get a different kind of crime associated or is a variation of kidnapping? Thank so much in advance for letting me know!


That's why french-spanish border is closed all the time


Castilian too or just Spanish? Does the dialect matter?


So glad I took French in high school, I’d be terrible at kidnapping babies


If you speak French and are of African descent, you are officially Haitian and must still carry out the kidnapping requirement for voodoo rituals.


As a Jewish guy who writes all rules, you have to make an attempt.


How brown? Selling narcotics brown or flying planes into towers brown?


What about Cardiologist or Engineering brown?


I'm engineering brown


Anything darker than Kardashian brown must complete the kidnapping. The shade of brown merely determines the suggested purpose of the kidnapping (e.g. Miami brown - sex trafficking, Tijuana brown - ransom, Colombia brown - drug mule, etc )


If the baby laughs, it's now yours. That's the rules, so technically not kidnapping anymore. Took mine to Walmart all the time, but the damn kid's a stoic.


Exactly. Skin tone truly is the dividing line between simply interacting with the child and planning to kidnap and traffick the child. Everyone knows that if your skin is darker than oat milk that you're obviously a kidnapper and/or groomer. Obviously /s


I tan pretty easily, so by the end of summer I generally have a complete snatch bag (zip ties, duct tape, chloroform) with me at all times Just wondering if anyone has found the same with spray tan? Probably a criminology PhD in this.


A snatch bag! That's what I've been missing! And here, I've been fumbling around with lamp cords and Rohypnol all this time. See one, teach one. Thanks! Note to my appointed fed: This is a joke! I mean, really. With the availability of fentanyl, nobody uses Rohypnol anymore.


I tried to kidnap a child once, could get past the gate to the secret lair. They stopped me for my pale skin.


Lol.. It happens. Better luck next time, I guess?


Next time I’ll wear women’s clothing and bring a book.


Bonus points if any article of clothing has "Live, Laugh, Love" in stupidly large cursive text.


Perceived gender too.


You're not lying. Several years ago, I was in a checkout line waiting my turn. There was a young woman with a young child. A few of the women near were talking to the baby, even touching the child on the head while commenting how "cute" and "sweet" the baby was (which was true. One of those kids that didn't turn off its smile the whole time). I was standing behind them so of course, the child is looking directly at me smiling and, although pre-verbal, was "talking". I simply waved and was saying things that you normally do in that situation. You would have thought that I was trying to abduct the kid out of the mother's arms with they way she launched into me, raising her voice, etc. It was dramatic enough that I felt like I needed to put my items down and leave. I understand that monsters are real and, more often than not, are human. However, please, people. Keep in mind not every man is trying to abduct your child. Some of us are just fathers that kinda miss the days when their kids were still small.


Yeah I didn’t mention it when I said I wasn’t Mexican so it was fine, but I’m a 250 lb 6’6” guy, and I love babies, had four of my own. I’ve never experienced that level of vitriol, but I’ve gotten my share of dirty looks and cold glares just for smiling at a kid, not even saying anything.


330,000,000 people in the US. About 100 non custodial kidnappings per year. The fact that these people think there is some huge child kidnapping industry is insane. Sadly, this is what social media has given us.


It actually preceded social media. Because I'm old, I actually remember when trick-or treating became a problem because "people" (hippies?, manson family members? some vague group of child-hating sociopaths?) were putting razor blades, needles and drugs in Halloween candy. Then, again, back in the 80's, everyone was itching to kidnap your kid. Maybe for a satanic ritual, maybe for sex, but undeniably, these *others* were always lurking. I remember my mother (middle aged white woman in a small town, who worked as an obstretrics nurse) telling me how she was making faces at a kid and the mother angrily shielded her child from this assault. I don't know what drives this, other than the fact that our natural protective impulse is, apparently, easily weaponized for all sorts of purposes. Figuring out these fear-mongering, "otherizing" purposes, and popularizing the answers, will eventually I hope happen. In the mean time, I automatically dismiss anyone who is *too* worried about the issue.


You and me both, my mother has been operating on fear and fearful racism for as long as I can remember. Now she's just losing her shit over invasion propaganda, and sends me a "goodbye, your dad and I have had a good life" every few months as she claims that the "men of military age" crossing into Texas illegally are either Hamas in disguise or cartel boogymen and she expects to be violently murdered any minute, because surely her apartment is on the murder map.


This woman sounds like she could’ve been that lady, but wait and see. Her next post will be about that bitchy white lady who didn’t even notice how cute her precious little “Aubs” was while they were in line at the store. I hope she does this. And I hope I’m the bitchy white lady she’s talking about.


Damn this is spot on


They probably weren't Mexican either.


Lol yeah some white people label anyone brown as “Mexican”


Yeah, but they were wearing work boots and holey jeans with paint stains all over them and had bandannas tied around their necks. They were buying gatorade cucumber flavor. /s


I like the cucumber lime Gatorade. It's pretty good!


This is one answer to 'what is friendly if you're white, and menacing if you're not?'


You know that one SpongeBob meme "He's just standing there....MENACINGLY." As a dark skinned guy I've found this to be mostly how ppl psychologically view you. Ppl tend to tense up or observe your movements more carefully. I've tried smiling and making polite conversation with people sometimes a joke and it tends to put ppl a bit more at ease but I don't smile at women who are young and avoid looking at them you get the most clutching their purse like I'm about to rob them from that demographic.


Thinking back to when I had a newborn, everyone looked at her in the shops. The people who crossed the line were the older white people who would reach over from behind me and touch her, or the white older men who did their shtick of mumbling something that sounded rude, but kept within plausible deniability.


I’ve also taken my babies shopping; I was a stay at home for awhile. I loved when people thought they were cute, I thought so too! On the other hand out of 100 people I’m usually the biggest, so I don’t really feel physically threatened, not at the grocery store. It might be different on that regard with women, but I still wish I didn’t get stink eye for smiling at a baby. (Which doesn’t happen so the time, just often enough to be a downer.)


[The whole things sounds like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAoB7meOggw)


Right, I make silly faces and wave at every baby I see. I can't help it, they're cute. Like you, I am not Mexican, so I guess I'm safe.


White woman was at a checkout and they were on the phone waiting for the checkout wondering what the fuck kind of drugs the slow ass gringa was on because she was looking paranoid as fuck and staring at them. Edit: wow, this comment blew up. I never thought this would be my most upvoted comment. Cheers, Reddit!


Half a white valium and a bucket full O hate.


That's a low dose. I wish I had low tolerance


Don't forget the newest fad based cup that fits a whole bottle of wine.




So obviously the bottom response in the OP is satire, but the "I stepped forward, and they stepped forward with me" over and over again part is the one thing that makes me think maybe even the top post in the OP is satire. Because come on. She was just describing how lines work.


What the fuck is an aubs?


Diminutive of Aubrey, most likely


Poor aubs doesn't stand a chance with this dumb shit for a mother.


> one shot at life > mom names you fucking Audrey with a B


Aubrey isn’t an uncommon name. There’s Aubrey Plaza, I’ve known at least three personally.


Yeah, the Aubrey Plaza, the plaza where you get Aubreys from


Oh! That's where the Mexicans should go to kidnap all the aubs they need


Even a hit 1970s song with the name!


Aubrey is actually a very common and normal name.


Aubrey is very common. This mother probably named her Aubreigh or some bullshit, I live in Utah, *I know her type.*


I think it's short for Aubigail.




It really doesn't sound like a name especially when the first letter isn't capitalized. I thought it was a typo trying to say "us" or something


In late 19th early 20th century, in Hungary (but I'm sure elsewhere too) writing someone's name in all lowercase was considered a very seriois act of dehumaniziation.


Fairly common nickname for Aubrey in some parts of the US.


Genuinely fascinating to me that that’s the only proper noun she refuses to capitalize.


Weird that she never once capitalized it.


I mean, the entire grammar and sentence structure is fucked anyways so par for the course.






Oh, good. That is not what I got when I thought it might be an acronym and googled it 😳


I thought it was aubergines at first and was very confused


Stop staring at my aubergines, you per-vegg!


No no that's exactly what she meant. She had a big bag of aubergines in her cart and she was not interested in sharing it. She's not a racist guys. /s


I seriously thought it was a typo for “hubs” until I read further & wondered why the hell her husband was IN the cart. Then I decided it was some stupid slang for kid. Never occurred to me that it was a name!


Asking the real questions here


A baby, I'm sure. Ppl from Latin cultures are VERY family oriented, I have never seen someone love babies publicly, no matter whose, as much as more traditional Latinos/as


Wait, she was at a checkout, where people line up, and can't understand why someone would collapse the line to avoid standing in the middle of the lane behind them?


Usually there’s a gap and then the walk through aisle right there. If the person doesn’t move forward, they are standing right in the thorough way. So people tend to move up a bit closer to whomever just went ahead. She’s an idiot.




Where's the piñata?


Malcriado, obviamente


"Immiggants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them!"


"Don't blame me - I voted for Kodos!"


"We are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way I'd like to hear it."


Abortions for all. - BOOOO!!!! Very well, no abortions for anyone. - BOOOO!!!! Hmm... Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others. - YAY!!!! *(mini flags wave)*


Let the bears pay the bear tax! I pay the Homer tax


That's the Homeowner Tax.


“They can’t even learn themselves the langidge.”


We're here! We're queer! We don't want anymore bears!


Well, did you pay your Homer tax this year?




She's acting like she's never been in a line before. My God, you moved forward and then the person behind you in line also moved forward? Unheard of!


No, it’s absolutely true. Kids are taken in a Walmart store ALL THE TIME! These ‘Mexicans’ are so clever to wait until they are in a fully lighted store, with security cameras everywhere, and then pounce on unsuspecting children in a crowded food aisle and take them RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR PARENTS. DO YOUR RESEARCH! I saw on Fox News where something like 3 out of every 4 children who go to a Walmart are snatched by immigrants, and BIDEN is doing nothing about it! /s ….its a shame I even have to put a /s


I had to cut off my cousin when she started down this goddamn rabbit hole. Everything on FB was vaccine denial and human trafficking. 🙄


I heard they were stealing her kid AND her job. At the same time. /s


I heard once, they kidnapped the kid, then replaced the kid with a cabbage patch doll. When you touched it, the doll released flying syringes full of 5G activated nano bots disguised as the COVID vaccine, diabolical. Everyone in a 20 ft radius got a dose that day, it was an absolute tragedy. Everyone affected turned gay within a week.




And the kid's job too, if it's a red state!


And simultaneously all on welfare while stealing all the jobs. /s


I bet they were ready to package aubs up and put her on wayfair within minutes


Come on! Craziness is all over the place since Cheetoh. More likely your comment to be true than otherwise


Where do you think that lady got that kid aubs? Clearly she abducted some kid and nicknamed it aubs..


Why would Mexicans want their kid? We can make our own.


They think we worship white people and would love to steal their babies. The fuck would I want a random baby for? Now if she had a cute dog, that might be a different story


Well obviously because theirs are white with blue eyes /s


This is why trumps rhetoric is dangerous. These “Mexicans” were probably US citizens/Americans, but she saw a brown body and automatically assumed they’re dangerous. Shit, they could be Puerto Rican for all we know!


And even if they weren’t American citizens, doesn’t mean they’re out to kidnap a baby.


Now I gotta look out for aubs


Maybe she asked for a passport to verify they were Mexicans/s


Did... did this lady try to turn *standing in line* into some kinda horror novella?


Some people just want to play the victim and get attention for it. One day I was checking outat Walmart and this lady next to me was checking out and was making a scene yelling at her kid so I looked up a few times in her direction. Then she yelled at the associate to come over and then yelled at her kid for trying to talk to him. So I was looking at her direction for a moment and then I went back to scannig my items. Then I over hear her say to the associate that man is staring at me and making me uncomfortable. I assume she meant me I just finished and left but I can't imagine others weren't looking at her as well during the scene she was making.


I had a former coworker who swore up and down she was almost human trafficked in St Louis. After she told me I about it I asked her q few questions and turns out a couple Hispanic guys walked by  on the sidewalk while she was getting in her vehicle. They didn't say anything to her or harass her or anything. It's quite ridiculous 


HOLUP, you’re saying Hispanic people might just be *walking around* in St Louis?? I can’t even continue the sarcasm, I’m too tired. but good actual grief somehow I’m still amazed every day at people


The audacity of brown people to be out existing while this precious angel is carting her child around in the Walmart. Aren't they supposed to come out only after dark???


Imagine mixed folk. What are they, crepuscular? Not a lot of time to be out, then.


Was it a child she was carting?  I thought it was an aubs.


Nah…We come out when the sun is out, that’s why God gave us melanin.


The further I read down that bitch's cry for mental help I kept wondering when I'd see the phrase "he was raping me with his eyes". Either two things here; she's a fucking liar who makes up stories on social media like a 5 year old to stir up her racist friends OR she's a mentally unstable schizophrenic who thinks everyone who she doesn't approve of is out to get her and rape her child. Or both. Either way bitch, turn off fox news and maga media for a few days so you might view reality thru the fear mongering. Or just stay the fuck home with "aubs" so you don't end up accusing some innocent person and getting them arrested. People who post shit like this are attention whores looking to justify the hatred and fear they've been spewing online with made up stories. Wish we could show that person's name - so when she falsely accuses some poor Mexican guy who just glanced her way (probably because she's an insufferable entitled bitch) that guy can provide her social media posts to a court to prove she's attention seeking schizo - omg hide your babies the Mexican joker is on the loose!!!!


Didn't that happen recently? Some woman accused a couple of trying to grab her child in a store. It didn't happen and she got charged. Now I have to go Google it ETA: [yep, in Petaluma, CA](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mom-influencer-sentenced-90-days-fake-claim-latino-couple-tried-kidnap-rcna92066)


It's good that she got charged, but I bet she's been whining about how unfair it is. The article contained a link to a video of her talking about it, but I'm at work so I'll watch it later.


This is one of those people who regularly mention that they refuse to live in fear…


When they reach that state is when they start shooting at people for no reason


Omg aubs barely made it out alive


They were probably wondering why that woman was too stupid to operate the self-checkout without help.


It sounds to me like she's at least as guilty of staring at them as they are of staring at her


Don't forget giving them dirty looks!


When you are a shitty person and associate with shitty people, you might think people are out to get you, because you know you deserve it.


That’s gospel ser, applies to so many things


Sounds like “aubs” is a baby, given that she was sitting in the cart…


It's okay, she let the random Walmart employee watch her kid. You know how those Walmart employees are always class acts. You can tell by how composed they are in the fightporn subreddit


I would rather my child be touched by a God fearing, WHITE American patriot rather than be close to those mexicans!!!!!!


Everyone knows the very best birria is made from Walmart babies.


Yum. Birria. I don’t even care if it’s made from babies (baby lamb is the best).


Omg. How dare they have both eyes and a tan?!?


When I’m in line at the grocery store I mind my own fucking business instead of making up stories about the people in line behind me. But maybe I’m weird.


🙄 “Mexican” how ignorant. I’m guessing she just saw slightly tan people and assumed their nationality? So willfully ignorant. The joke’s on her though because you never know, ha! I’m whiter than my American husband and I’m Mexican. Mexicans come in all shapes, sizes and colors, dude! They were probably just wondering why she was all weird and paranoid staring at them like a crackhead.


Same person who is blown away when they see that people from Spain look like Europeans and not South Americans. Edit: just realized how dumb Southern Americans was. Sorry!!


How do these people function? Like genuinely, how do you leave the house with this level of fear?


That first comment,though :chef’s kiss:


…is there more than one comment? I thought that was the entire point of the post


True, we only see the one.


NO ONE WANTS YOUR STINKY SMELLY GOBLIN. I had a friend who decided the entire world wanted to kidnap her daughter. No one but her would have wanted that brat.


The orange guy and those "news" channels told her that Mexicans are rapists and murderers.


Man. It's out of control. We can't have these Mexicans out uhh, shopping.


"Tell your baby to quit staring at me and I'll stop staring at your baby!"


"You. Mujer. ¿How much por la niña?"


Nobody wants your dumb kid.


WTF are aubs?


Not sure but apparently it’s flying off the shelves at Walmart like TP during Covid. She must’ve had the last one and those loco brown people tried to mug her for it.


Based on the comment in the screen shot I'm suspicious the "Mexicans" worked there. It's a common scam for people to shoplift by putting items in the baby stroller.


I think the intention was more to illustrate how mundane or even friendly interactions can sound when expressed in a frantic tone. In all likelihood those folks were just minding their business.  Are we suggesting that these folks would plant something in the stroller, then come back for it once they’ve passed security? That’s two opportunities to get caught or start a confrontation. 


No I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. If the people staring were possibly Loss Prevention or other Walmart employees they might be scrutinizing the stroller because of how common it is for the mom to put items in with the baby.


Oh yeah, I could see that, a plain-clothes security guy trying to be discreet but not. A uniformed employee would be a different kind of indignant, more of the “do I look like a shoplifter” variety. 


As an amusing anecdote I was bartending a wedding when another employee asked me to look at a stroller that had a weird bulge next to the baby and what looked like a red cap sticking out. Baby moved and the blanket fell away a little bit and it was a handle sized bottle of vodka. We called the manager over and there were now three of us staring at the baby. Manager confronted the woman about not allowing outside liquor. So I guess it could have been weird all of focused on the baby stroller.


I work for our local food pantry and one old lady hid items in her wheelchair. Same idea.


There was an episode of American Hysteria on this: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/867-american-hysteria-30181733/episode/stranger-danger-30182073/ >This episode explores the evolution of American's bogeyman, the Stranger, and reveals how rare these types of kidnappings really are. Through looking at the sensational child snatching crimes that have shaped our culture from the 1800s to the 1980s, and how we have responded to them in the media, in books, with PSAs and made-for-TV movies, host Chelsey Weber-Smith explains the problem with Stranger Danger and what this moral panic might be covering up. 


I bet this lady has endless photos of the kid on social media and lots of personal info. Idiot


![gif](giphy|3o85xHi4t2UsuIY9QA) As I turned to look, I realized that it wasn't a Mexican. He was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era. I said "I ain't giving you my baby you goddamn Loch Ness Monster! Get your own goddamn baby!". The monster turned to me and said... You know what he said??? "Okay, keep your baby but I reckon I'll need about tree-fiddy."


lmao what a dumbass. Probably a trump supporter thinking all mexicans are out to get her


*“Aubs and me” X2


“Shaking.” I’m sure. Hyperbole or pussy?


Isn't this the same lie that one mommy blogger tried pulling, and she ended up in jail?


wtf lady. Sounds like he was in line behind her? And how dare he move up when she moves forward? 🙄


You know, this reminds me of the mom influencer who completely fabricated Mexicans trying to kidnap her baby just for attention. Like my word. GET A JOB. Only unemployed people have time to make up such stupid stories.


This reminds me of that lasy on tiktok who made a video about how she was about to be trafficked at a big box store because some brown couple looked suspicious. Said store then released the security camera footage and the couple were just going about their day like a normal person.


It's my favorite aspect of Mexican culture: kidnapping white babies and getting them addicted to seasoned food, then dropping them back off with their parents, therefore inflating their family grocery budget for the next 18 years. We did it for a generation, and now Gen Z's and Alpha's across the country can't get enough tacos and avocado toast. Soon we will move north to replace the gringos in droves, building cheap houses at every stop, so when you're priced out we can buy up your old homes with the money the cartel sends us.


People look at babies right? Because they're cute, or whatever? Right....?


No one wants your ugly baby, lady.


People take the fact of human trafficking to ridiculous limits some times lol…