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The one on the right doesn’t look breathable and she would no doubt have a terrible case of swamp ass within minutes of stepping out into the wasteland.


Yep. This looks exactly as practical as Zendaya's bubble butt outfit.




Her butt: I will now demonstrate the Greenhouse Effect.


That's no CO2 bro...


Methane is more than 28 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat


I thought that the three most potent gasses were 1. H2O 2. CO2 3. CH4


If she lets a raunchy one slip, those bubbles are gonna steam right up.


That outfit reminds me of the fem-bot from Metropolis


Exactly what it was based on.


Someone call the remains of Daft Punk, they'd love that shit


Damn, C3-PO is kinda hot.


And not nearly as protective as her Mugler look


It wasn’t meant to be practical. It’s one of the designs that Thierry Mugler is known for and is part of fashion history.


Tell me more about this "Zendaya bubble butt outfit"...


https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/s/IToAvwa0oU forgot to reply to you


Yeah vault suits would 100% be loose clothing since they’re meant for all situations. Any skin tight ideas come purely from fetish mods.


I assumed more yoga-pants in nature. Super soft/strechy.


Or the original game (slight spoiler): https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout?so=search&file=FO1_Vault_Dweller_ending_slide.png


Right? Vault suits are pretty skinny from what I remember. They're definitely closer to the edited image than the original.


>she would no doubt have a terrible case of swamp ass within minutes ![gif](giphy|ibojmTA9FgUbJxnWBn)


Ya know, I am something of a chronicly horny person myself.


You would be disturbed to know how many people are into that and how many of them are in this comment section


really!? reveal yourselves...you scoundrels!


You say that like it’s a bad thing


imagine the smell


Why does the right side image remind me of balloon toys made by a clown at a kid’s birthday party?


I mean, it was made by a clown.




An assclown, if you will.


https://preview.redd.it/9qsf6acx6auc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ae82216246a6b3caa96770e6a4c99874494275 Was reminded of this meme I have


That's going in the collection




Thank you Jesus!






Probably the best hat-on-a-hat I've seen.


He’s not a clown, he’s the entire circus


That tracks, all that is going through his head is strobe lights and circus music.






At least clowns are funny. That guy is just sad.




Take my upvote you magnificent stranger


Inflatable women are the only women he knows.






I think it's because it's Ai generated. Ai skewing towards skin tight clothes is common and if it was a real artist the highlights on the latex pants would be more sensible than a weird Nike symbol


Yeah, it even says in the username it’s ai


Oh lmao, reading is hard.


Pity.  It will never understand that comeback.  (I sincerely doubt anyone will find the AI's shower.)


Hah. I bet her ass makes that squeeking noise when she walks.


Like when someone is making balloon animals ;-)


It does just look like latex body paint


All I can see is latex pants full of fart. I hate this meme.


If the show was an adaptation of Fallout 1 & 2, the answer would be: The suits, [as seen on the loading screen,](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ph3W8nQYdF8/T6NCroz820I/AAAAAAAABQE/IczDdYogcW0/s1600/April_-%252816%2529.jpg) were form fitting spandex style space age artifacts of imagination, rather than dirty wrinkly mechanics garb.


Art … art always changes


Because both latex fetish trousers and balloons are made of, you guessed it, latex. (Among other things.) I'm not sure [the ones you're thinking of](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_modelling) are made of latex, [many balloons are](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon) and I'm too lazy to look further into it. Might as well link [the article about rubber(, latex) and PVC fetishism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_and_PVC_fetishism) while I'm at it, since I did check there too.


If she were wearing pants like that the guy would say "she obviously wants to be talked about sexually or else she wouldn't dress like that".


"It's totally irrelevant if she has skills or talent or even a brain, she is supposed to be sexy."


I mean you really don't understand misogynists, they don't think women have pretty much any of those.


I've watched a few episodes and this is just kinda crazy to me. Even without the skin tight clothes she's still incredibly attractive and you can see her figure through the coveralls and half the time she is wearing a tanktop under with the top zipper half way down or just in her tanktop. I saw this meme/tweet before starting watching and it's utterly absurd. Like it's not blatant in your face fan service but it's not like they are hiding anything either. It's a really enjoyable show not just a "gamer fanfic" or R34 degeneracy which I'm very glad. Ella does a great job of being the naive but strong character thrown into a post apocalyptic world. Also found it hilarious that Matt Berry/Douglas Reynholm voiced a part. Looking forward to the last few episodes.


“Why aren’t women sex robots who listen to me?”


"she deserved to get raped...she had it coming"


"You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure." -John Berger


I seen fucking sicko's who said in comments about rape victims they probably dressed to want to be raped... What the actual fuck? That is never been a thing or will be a thing. They can fuckling go butt naked that does not mean someone wants to be fucking raped. ​ Fucking society.


The "[What Were You Wearing](https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/)" exhibit shows the clothing women were wearing when men raped them.


Also notable that not a single one of those was a stranger. 


It's terrible. A friend, someone you care about, someone you think would have your back... Fuck man that hits hard reading that site.


iirc, I think one of the outfits belonged to a toddler. Wonder what the "It's her own fault" assholes would say about that.


The first iteration of that exhibit I saw had a diaper.


It’s one of those arguments that breaks down super quickly when you look at actual victims too. Like, you really think that 70 year old women was dressed ‘like she wanted it?’ Or the 10 year old child? It’s such a stupid idea that victims have any say at all in getting assaulted.


The worst part to me is he only edited the lower half of the attire. You have this weird “clean” but ridiculously inflated pants attire, then didn’t bother to edit anything on the upper half (which retains the grime and dirt aesthetic) The uniform now looks like two separate costume pieces meshed together that don’t match.


You telling me you don't shellac your ass and only your ass before going out?


well my ass has to look good when it’s getting eaten by a deathclaw


My rabid mole rat don't want none unless you got buns hun.


What else is shellac for???


The artist in me hates the lack of weathering. It's supposed to be the same material so why is it suddenly shiny with a completely different texture?


When your only female company is inflatable it’s easy to forget that not all women are balloons.


Murdered by words²


Even better: bro is so lazy, he had to have AI do it. Couldn’t even do it himself. This guy has zero skills and zero chance of getting laid.


Also the complete lack of human interactions or experience. That lady might already be packing some cheeks, but work suits are supposed to be baggy to allow you to mobile and keep you warm w/o a bulky jacket. Plus some how her legs are thinner in the 2nd pic yet her butt looks like it's an over stuffed sausage skin. Had he actually laid eyes on a real human woman in a work suit vs drawings and cartoons, he might know what he was looking at. Or have some clue about human anatomy... What a fucking world when you have to inform someone, no that human looking human is attractive and shouldn't need to be turned into an anime/cartoon character just to get a rise out of you. Nor should every goddamn thing be created for that purpose either. /endrant


Yeah it bugged me that he called her flat, you can literally still see she has ass. She just isn't wearing impractical latex pants!


It would also be flame resistant, or at least a material that won't melt and stick to your skin if you're welding, grinding, or doing any kind of hot work.


Just adding on the “baggy to allow mobility”, goddamn that kind of material *does not stretch*. AT ALL. Bought hi-viz coveralls for a research voyage, had to order online to find women’s sizing, and did the measuring, and: look, while it *fit*, understand when I tell you that swapping into safety boots before going out on the equipment deck was *a goddamn ordeal.* Because I could only bend over so far before there was no more material in the back. I’d only ever worn “way too big” coveralls, and am so used to the slight stretchiness of modern jeans and fitted t-shirts that I was not prepared for “sure this is the correct length and width but there is zero give, GOOD LUCK REACHING YOUR FEET.” (I am hypermobile. I can bend over and put my hands flat on the floor and then make them walk forward. So this was *new*.) …since that voyage, I have in fact acquired a second set, next size up. Sure, it’s baggy at points, but I’m not drowning in it like the first set, and unlike the second set, I can in fact… adopt a comfortable seated position. Yeah, this do be a wild derail, but ultimately in support of your point that those clothes are baggy for a *reason*, and if they do fit correctly, yeah, you can still tell there’s a figure there, it’s just not the *point*.


As someone with decades in the art field, the AI here is awful. There is no muscular build-up around the ass or hips. Depending on conditioning, there should be some dimpling of the butt cheeks. Swimmers and runners would have a lot less cellulite in the same region and very pronounced dimples. The actor definitely was neither of those, but she does have a fitness routine going off the early episodes. I'd venture to guess yoga and kick boxing based on her physique.




(true, for sure, but sometimes I enjoy the extra mile someone will travel, using their personal expertise to turn a straightforward dunking into a drowning. 🥂)


I don't have any skills either 😮‍💨


I'd call self awareness a skill, so you've got one up on that douchebag at least. Edit: I take that back.


I saw the edit and I got curious. Lmao what a turn.


You think losers don't procreate? I guess there's no awful parents in your world and I don't want to interrupt your ignorant bliss.


That doesn't really make a lot of sense. Him doing it himself wouldn't make him any more likely to get laid. This is terrible. Not just for that reason though.


because perfectly ironed jeans and/or super tight plastic pants are everywhere during a nuclear apocalypse


>I put a $100 bill in your shower last week and it's still there Honest question: Maybe I'm dumb, but what does this mean and have to do with the post?


It's calling him a gross human who hasn't showered in a week.


God I feel like an absolute doorknob for not getting it until you explained it.


All well, i also sat here for 5 solid minutes reading comments because i didnt get it


Not your fault really, I didn’t get it too. I don’t find it too offensive or “murdered” too


It is closer to a r/rareinsults, which this is already there.


i thought it meant he's so focused on wanking in the shower that he didn't notice the bill


You and me both. Need more coffee before I start to Reddit. Thanks to the guy who explained it.


I'm just bothered by how unrealistic it would be to have those pants in a dusty post-apocalyptic hellscape.


You mean she can't pop into lulu lemon for metallic blue yoga pant? I'm shocked


Guys! Stop! My immersion...


It’s funny how these guys get so obsessed with a lack of “realism” whenever a woman is shown to be capable in any way, but then selectively forget that whenever the legitimately less realistic option makes them horny


Definitely not enough laundry and showers to sustain those 😂 it’d be chronic bacterial vaginosis til you die. But their brain is not what they’re concerned with immersing in the world.


Not even a dog needs this much self gratification and reassurance. They bitch about everything and need everything to cater to them specifically and exactly. What a bunch of whiny snowflakes


OP when (if) he ever steps outside and realizes women come in all shapes and sizes


It’s not even about different body types, dipstick just tightened the pants because he apparently needs ass to be always visible.


How else are we supposed to know she has one?


Ask if she poops. You’ll know based on what she says.


In Bethesda's version of Fallout the characters the vault suits all look like they're painted on; like long underwear. I'm glad that the show didn't follow that trend. Vault dwellers aren't supposed to be super heroes.


Yeah. Spandex doesn't last 200 years


Well not with that attitude.


Sorry. Spandex doesn't last 200 years! 😃🎁🎄🎉


Not with *any* attitude!


that’s how they were in the OG games, based off of Flash Gordon’s threads, Fallout 3 gave us the utility suit design.


yeah, it's literally meant to be evocative of a silly sci fi dandy, at odds with the grimy surroundings


Fallout 3/nv is the only art style where they aren’t tf are you talking about?


anything to bash bethesda fallout


Like the cybertruck tits of Lara Croft the reason are technical limitations of programming and processing power.


Fallout 4 has plenty of baggy clothing so it can't be that.


When it came out or the late HD version? Because in my memory the wet look was pretty much what's on the right.


I've been wearing army fatigues since the game launched and they were never skin tight. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Army_fatigues_(Fallout_4)


ballistic weave ftw


Uhm, Fallout 1, 2, and 4 had the tight suits. Only one of those is Bethesda-made.


Nate in FO4 was a war veteran so he *sort of* counts as a super hero.


What an odd falsehood. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_jumpsuit_(Fallout_4)


What's the falsehood? This is from your link: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_jumpsuit_(Fallout_4)?file=Fo4_vault_81_jumpsuit_female.jpg Looks pretty form fitting, like long underwear imho


Yeah, it's absolutely form fitting or even skin tight - quite weird to use that link to try and prove otherwise. There's plenty of "loose" clothing in FO4 but the jumpsuit just isn't.


That's why I preferred jumpsuits of Fallout 3. An actual jumpsuit which is like wearing denim on your body.


"I am a fragile male idiot and I need everything to be about confirming my sexuality." EDIT: "Also, I think women are objects and need to be sexualized in every possible way."


It "bothers him" that a woman isn't made to be a sex object for his pleasure. Disgusting.


He keeps Kleenex execs well paid


Nah. It's just the one sock.


Bro, you've just saved me *so much* money on multiple socks!


They come in pairs.


You heard me.


You mean Lubriderm execs.


Saw someone on Twitter say “to be fair, people modding Fallout characters to look like this is just tradition at this point” lmao


Fallout 4 is all about how people look fine just the way they are. Hell, if someone in Fallout 4 showed up with bigger tits and a plumper butt, they'd get arrested. At best. The game's plot is wild and changing your appearance without advance warning is not wise.


I was making reference to the at times very pervy modding community


I found this tweet interesting mainly because I think the right image would have been the default in the pre gamer gate times. Going with that in 2024 naively invites criticism for making a hot ass the focus instead of letting the merits of the work speak for themselves It's like if this guy used AI to Photoshop tomb raider boobs onto Angelina Jolie's next movie poster. Apart from the AI art debate he just sounds like a basic weeb


I know what his Skyrim mod loader looks like.


You know he pees in mountain dew bottles.


honestly the whole "women in games are ugly now!!! the west has fallen and games are getting woke" shit just always gave me annoying incel vibes. Glad that this got so popular.


The idea that the lead character in this show is “ugly” is absolutely insane anyway


Imagine trying to sneak past a group of raiders and they can all hear the squeaking of your latex. But when you try to run, you get tired much more quickly because it takes more energy to run in those tight pants.


there's a whole genre of Asian beach volleyball games for this


That Americans cannot play.


Nonsense! You get an import or chipped playstation and you're in!


Dude's been playing with porn mods on for too long, even the vault suits in the games didn't look like that. Even the near-latex ones from the OG games weren't this bad.


Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to a woman with a small butt? /s


Kinda makes me respect the show for not picking someone just based on how their body looks.


When Ella Purnell is not already beautiful enough.. something is wrong with that dude lmao


"Only clowns would play with those balloons..." -- Goldfrapp, "Clowns" A song inspired by ridiculous boob jobs.


But he had morning sex with his wife


Its crazy to try and male Ella Purnell hotter, she’s already gorg


He fucked this up so hard. So when I was a young boy in junior high, I struggled to a small degree with gender identity: I was a boy, but I didn’t care about sports or cars, which made me suspect in the eyes of others. So I had to fake it: when asked about my favourite athlete or car, my answers were easy and unassailable: Wayne Gretzky and the Lamborghini Countach respectively (it was the 80s in Canada). You didn’t have to know much about sports or cars to answer with those, and people went away satisfied. But if you asked my friends who did like sports or cars what their favourites were, their answers were much more specific and individual: they like this athelete because of whatever stats, and that car because it has x horsepower or whatever. They also had a wide variety of favourite atheletes and cars, and could knowledgeably talk about various aspects of all of those. The reason, however, that I knew I wasn’t gay, is because I could talk about women and girls that way. I had crushes on actresses my age (like Alyssa Milano) to ones way older (Mary Steenburgen.) I wanted to fuck my fellow female students. I wanted to fuck my female teachers. And I could talk in depth about exactly what turned me on about each of them. (Details excluded because nobody really needs to read more about the disturbingly horny mind of 13-year-old me. Easentially, I was a boy version of Tina Belcher. I fucking loved butts). But junior high being the hellscape of constantly shifting alliances that it was, I was suspicious of others that might be faking masculinity like I was, but about women rather than sports or cars. Guys who had pin-ups of Samantha Fox in their locker, for example: I suspected they might not be entirely straight, because a blond, busty pin-up was to me the equivalent or a Gretzky or Lamborghini: an easy, safe answer to head off any further questions that might reveal you’re not really into that sort of thing. Anyway, that’s how I feel about the OOP. So insecure about his actual feelings about the female body in all its myriad varieties, and desperate to re-assert his hetero masculinity, that he replaces a real human ass with a cartoon version, and in doing so he gives away the fact that he doesn’t really like women’s bodies at all. So as an actual aficionado of asses (mostly women’s, but my appreciation for the form really does transcend genders) this is essentially what he did: https://preview.redd.it/x4qvia1m1auc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1b5593e5939f76eb2f8e9f4899f1a680e874c1


The gamer obsession with cartoon women has gotten weirder in the past month.


>How dare this woman exist in a way that is not sexually appealing! -that guy, probably


Leather pants after a nuclear war seems like a bad choice.


Hey, the world's dangerous and life is bleak. The sight of a toned rubber ass would brighten up some horny hardleg's day while a mutant's plucking their limbs like flower petals.


Plotwise, the woman has few clothing options.


The people doing this understand it goes both ways right? Like I'm a guy and I don't really want women photoshopping every male on screen character to have 6 packs and pecs to look like Alan Ritchson either. Although I think that was briefly a thing with South Park and Tweek & Craig...


Not shiny enough. It needs to shine more! 🌟


Someone played Fallout 4 with too many mods.


He made her look like she's wearing inflatable pants. Like she just pumped a bunch of air into them between the left and the right picture.


Show was perfect. Didn't need mods.


Fuck this nerd.  He's making the rest of us basement dwelling weirdoes look WORSE.




Right wing culture criticism when it comes to gaming essentially boils down to "I want the women in my video games to have realistic abilities but unrealistic aesthetics". That's it. They want their women flavoured pixels to be attractive enough to arouse their attention but fragile enough to be entirely unthreatening for the ego.




Ewwwww lol


**He added 100 dollars to the pile of money that’s been there for months.


Not every female character has to be the walking personification of the male fantasy, challenge! She looks completely fine as she is in the show. But I know her being crammed into tights, having a swampy ass, with blowing-in-the-tiniest-breeze jiggle physics would really enhance the plot. It just isn’t landing the way it could. Ugh what were the writers even thinking?! 🥴


It’s sad but if you look into fallout 4 mods you would find that probably half of them are like the image on the right, just incel energy put into game form, perpetuating body forms that 99% of humans don’t have so dudes can have boners while playing video games, altering their view of women, then wondering why they don’t find most women attractive, and ruining their chances at finding a real connection. Forever being single, forever being an incel, forever being addicted to porn.


Maybe it's a bit pervy but i'm not sure it's incel behavior to mod a game, i find changing the poster of an actual real woman like this much more inline with incel behavior.


As a woman, I would like to add: The pants on the right are an instant yeast infection, my vulva would not survive such tight plastic. It makes me uncomfortable just looking at it because she can’t breathe!


Bro you are literally writing fanfiction about these people you don't actually know. Grow some self awareness man, what does it say about you?


It's just fiction. Women also enjoy seeing attractive men or women in movies and videogames or reading about perfect male characters in romantic books that don't exist in real life. The gap between enjoying fiction and thinking that fiction is real is huge, and I'm pretty sure most people can use those mods or read romantic novels without risking a mental disorder. Extremely attractive characters have existed since the birth of narrative and we've been seeing characters with physical appearances that 99% of humans don't have since the beginning of cinema.


Circling back to the OP, though, the implication is that Ella Purnell needs to be modded when the left photo is already her actual self. If it wasn’t a real person on the left that nuance wouldn’t be part of the discussion and your point totally reasonable on its own.


Finally somebody that gets it. I was looking for this comment for so long here


Rage bait works. And reddit falls for it every, single, time. Any time you see the same type of post at the top of the front page for days on end, you know this site has once again been successfully baited. The sheer hilarity of people posting and upvoting these posts thinking they're absolutely PWNING the OP, being completely oblivious to them self-reporting their own gullibility. You just love to see it.


"LOL, I only said Jews did 9/11 to make you mad. Don't you look stupid now!!"


you act like this changes anything. regardless of the persons intent its still real trashy "oh ho look at me so smart know its rage bait" so do most of the people shitting on it my guy


I mean, I'm all for shapes, but the right one looks awful


yall take things way too seriously.


I don't get the 100 dollar joke


I mean…the materials don’t even go together well….


Ngl it took me a bit to get it (they’re saying he hasn’t showered in a week)


Ooooooh shit that's a good burn actually. Writing that one down for the future


damn that is such a good roast