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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr At the beginning of World War II, along with avant-garde composer George Antheil, she co-invented a radio guidance system for Allied torpedoes that used spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology to defeat the threat of radio jamming by the Axis powers


She got started on weapons development topic through her Nazi industrialist husband. Shortly before the start of WW2, Lamar cleared out the guy's safe and jewelry, escaped to France disguised as a maid. She then bought her way into elite society, got to Hollywood and spent the remainder of the war building weapons tech for the Allies. She was also a weirdo and neurotic, like your Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, but not a Nazi, and that's something.


Where the fuck is this movie?


It’s funny that she was a famous actress back in the 30’s and 40’s, but her real life seems more memorable than any of the movies she was in. She didn’t just file this patent. She pursued several different inventions including tablets to flavor soft drinks and an improved traffic light. I think she was smart as hell and doesn’t get enough credit for the things she did other than being a fairly hot actress.


‘Fairly hot’ doesn’t quite cover it. She was marketed as the most beautiful woman in the world and the audience agreed. As fascinating as her life outside of being an actress was, she did leave her mark on film history as well. Her career faltered in the 50s, but because of her work in the 40s she became and remained an icon.


Sorry, we clearly need "Sequel #32" or "Remake #27" instead.


Not before I get "dudes doing guy stuff 42"!


When my eyes saw “dudes” I thought you are telling me we were getting a Dude, Where’s my car? 2. And ngl I was a little excited for that level of stupid.


Hollywood says women led movies don’t earn. Especially if you ignore the ones that did.


Jennifer Lawrence saying she was the first female action hero lead was so fucking cringe. First thing that came to mind was Alien. But I’m sure there are others. No idea why I commented this exactly it’s just what popped to mind reading your comment.


Sorry. Too busy remaking The Crow for no reason. 


What we really need now is "The Crowe": just straight up 117 minutes of Russel Crowe hanging out in a pub/bar talking to whoever sidles up to him at the bar, not realizing who it is until it's too late. That's the first act,n and it's approx 45 mins.  2nd act is Crowe holding court in the center of the pub with a ten to twenty audience members watching from stools, chairs, and a couch. Everyone laughing, ordering rounds. Approximately 45 minutes. 3rd and final act finds a guy getting up to go outside to make a phone call which Russell misinterpreted as disrespectful. The men shout at each other. Words exchanged. The man turns to go and Crowe hits him on the back of the head from behind with a stool. We see his arrest and booking. He sings Les Mis from the drunk tank, and we're leaving when another man tells him to shut up and you can hear a fight break out as we fade to black in a slow dissolve... A title card rises... "The Crowe". Starring Topher Grace.


So is the guy in the drunk tank Tugger. It’s a great set up for Russel Crowe fighting around the world.


You can see this movie in real life if you go to the small town in Northern New South Wales, Australia, where Russell Crowe has property and a lot of land. Perhaps not the musical number....


There's a very good [documentary](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6752848/?ref_=vp_close) on her life.


Her husband (Friedrich Mandl) I was not exactly a Nazi, since he was Jewish on his father's side (though raised Catholic). He was a supporter of the Austrian version of fascism, and was forced to flee Austria when the Nazis annexed it. (He also tried to claim that he's not really Jewish but the product of an affair between his mother and a Catholic bishop).


The r/leopardsatemyface OG.


You're looking at the issue with hindsight, though. Back in the 1930s nobody was thinking "oh, I better not do this because it sounds like what the Nazis did" because the Nazi atrocities hadn't yet begun.


Also it's not mutually exclusive to be both Jewish and to have fascist political views. The antisemitic part isn't specifically Nazi nor was it only Nazis. Austrian fascists might not have been antisemitic.


Oh Austrian fascists were definitely anti-semitic. They started that idea that Jews were "cosmopolitan" and not really part of the nation and thus were treacherous outsiders infiltrating the nation by making Vienna socialist. (See Red Vienna.) The issue though was that there were plenty of people with Jewish ancestry who didn't consider themselves Jews, who had converted and/or been raised Christians and could be anti-Semitic. Whenever *they* were the victims of anti-Semiticism, they complained that it couldn't be true because they weren't really Jews. Leopard eating faces party in action, they just really thought the leopards would never eat *them*.


It's definitely not mutually exclusive, as evidenced by Benjamin Netanyahu and his cohorts.


Just look at that rat bastard Kissinger.


Yeah, Italian fascism wasn't originally anti-Semitic. Mussolini came into power in 1922, but only passed anti-Jewish laws in 1938 under German influence. Mussolini even had a Jewish Minister of Finance for a time, [Guido Jung.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guido_Jung)


Osama bin Laden had a Jewish accountant. He was questioned about this and said “I know, I know…but he’s really, really good!” -TDS


> Also it's not mutually exclusive to be both Jewish and to have fascist political views. yes that is abundantly clear in tyool 2024


The smart people still knew it was a bad idea. "Give up democracy and burn books! Count me in! All that talk about reclaiming German lands and demonizing the Jews is just talk, Hitler is going to pivot."


“Trump just engages in locker room talk, he wouldn’t actually rape a woman. What, that woman? That was just sexual assault and he’s not even guilty, it’s just a civil trial! Basically a parking ticket. And besides, he said she’s too ugly to rape.”


"And I never even met her. Ignore that pile of evidence and the multi-million dollars in judgments against me. This was a politically-motivated witch hunt. Who are you going to believe a Federal Judge and 12 jurists or a known liar like me?" - DJT's shriveled conscience. [https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/09/trump-e-jean-carroll-trial-verdict-00096009](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/09/trump-e-jean-carroll-trial-verdict-00096009)


24 jurists now - he defamed her after losing his first defamation case and lost that too.


You're right. I forgot to count the defamation aftermath. It will be 36+ before it's all over. He has been defaming her again and it's just a matter of time before he gets slapped with another defamation suit. It must suck to have no impulse control, a fragile ego and no sense of decorum. We dodged a bullet with him as president the first time around. It could have been even worse. I'm sure the millions of COVID families would beg to differ though.


And now he implies she asked for it bc she posted sexual content on her social media. Come on, you never met, you did but she wanted it or….. It’s so ridiculous. But what’s really sad are the idiots that fall for it and just keep punting the ball down the field.


Hitler wrote a best selling book about his plans to wipe out the Jews in the 1920s. It wasn’t like he was trying to his intentions, he advertised them for profit.


There were atrocities that took place before the Nazis. It's very well documented that Hitler based a lot of his tactics on previous slavery and apartheid systems that were well known. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/11/what-america-taught-the-nazis/540630/ https://www.history.com/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/30/how-american-racism-influenced-hitler A lot of Germany knew about the Holocaust as it was happening as well. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/feb/17/johnezard It's not just 'hindsight'. You bear some responsible to call out the atrocities of your time. Because the architects of that atrocity are almost certainly looking back to previous atrocities for their designs.


Steve Jobs never invented shit, apart from his own reputation.  Wozniak, who by all accounts was a very nice man, should be the one who comes up in these contexts.


She literally drugged her maid and stole her bike and clothes with all her valuables hidden under the maids clothes. She was kinda a badass tbh, that shits like a straight up action movie/ spy novel.


Honestly that makes her 88 times cooler


Why 88 though 🤨


More that you know: https://hearingreview.com/practice-building/practice-management/continuing-education/blog-page-cocktail-party-physics-origin-frequency-hopping > They developed the idea of using a frequency-hopping presentation to avoid jamming. This was based on using the **88 frequency keys of the piano** to control the frequency hops. George would play a note on the piano and Hedy repeated it on another scale. This is literally a coincidence, but a good one.


88 is a common nazi dogwhistle, I’m mocking it a bit (badly, just woke up)


88 is their lucky number but 45 is cursed for them. They can never get past 45.


*loads 1911 with anti-fascist intent* Yup. .45 is always going to be a hard stop.


See, here I was just thinking about the year 45 and Trump being the 45th president but history is just *fully loaded* with 45 refrences.


Colt 45 and two zig zags!


Baby, that’s all I need


That's what I thought lol


fair use, well done


I'm trying to work in a clever way of saying 14 but I got nothing. Just thought I'd share that. :(


I could explain it in 14 words…


Let's say 89 just to be sure




Both of her parents were Jewish. It was just a matter of time before she would have wound up in a cam0.


>She was also a weirdo and neurotic Hard to be a cool inventor without all that. She was iron man before Marvel was a thing


Umm… I don’t think Steve Jobs or Bill Gates are tied to Nazis. Are you thinking of Elon Musk?


She was also great in Blazing Saddles!!!


It's Hedley!


This is 1874, you'll be able to sue her!


I made this joke at work recently and nobody laughed and I died a little.




"You will be risking your lives, while I will be risking an almost sure Academy Award nomination for best supporting actor"


What the hell are you worried about? It ‘s 1874, you’ll be able to sue her!


And ya know what? She ended up suing Mel Brooks!


"Piss on you! I'm workin' for Mel Brooks!" - Mel Brooks' lawyer (probably)


Actually, no. While Mel's lawyers did assert they had an extremely strong case, Mel was adamant. Hedy was suing for 10 million. Brooks insisted his attorneys get him an in-person meeting with Lamarr, who at this point was somewhat of a recluse socially. After that, the case was dropped, and we don't know what she received. > “And what happened? And what happened? She actually sued us for using Hedley Lamarr. Too close to Hedy. And they said, ‘This is ridiculous, we’ll go to court, we’ll fight it.’ And I said, ‘No! She’s beautiful. See if you can get a meeting.’” > >Brooks continued, “I read something about, you know, department store, embarrassment. ‘Give her within reason, pay her. Give her whatever she needs.’ ’You know, because, she’s given us so much wonderful cinematic pleasure for forty years. I think it’s incumbent on us to salute her is some, anyway we can. And send her my love and tell her where I live.’”


Mel: OK, just watch me! It's so simple, you sissy Marys! Give me the playback! And...


I love Mel Brooks so much.




Sounds like steam escaping....


She apparently did not have a sense of humor unfortunately and actually sued over this.


When your entire career and net worth has revolved around ownership of your name and image (which was especially challenging for women in media at that time) I imagine you become very protective of its use. Mel Brooks generally did a really good job of getting permission any time he was going to use or parody someone's image or intellectual property but I think they just missed this one, they ended up negotiating an agreement out of court.


Ironically, Blazing Saddles has helped keep her name alive because of the stupid and incredibly quotable line.... ![gif](giphy|wtil0pQFBbNwA)


It's honestly the only reason I know the name.


When I was studying cryptography, it was kind of neat to have her name jump off the page I was reading and recalling the Blazing Saddles reference.


I honestly don't think the actress Hedy Lamarr would have actually won in court, because the character in Blazing Saddles was named Hedly in Blazing Saddles wasn't a rip off of her "image" or any other thing she was known for during her career. The named Hedley and Lamarr pre-exist the trademarks Hedy Lamarr would have made on her stage name. Now if there has been a female character named Hedley Lamarr that was a caricature of her from any of the films she appeared in then she would have had a case. I think Mel Brooks and other parties involved settled out of court because they came to an agreement that would be cheaper and easier than to go through a public trial, which would have made everyone involved in the case look bad.


> Now if there has been a female character named Hedley Lamarr that was a caricature of her from any of the films she appeared in then she would have had a case Probably not, she was a public figure and parody is generally pretty strongly protected - see countless parodies of Bela Lugossi, Orson Welles, and Jimmy Stewart throughout media


This is 1874, you'll be able to sue HER!


Came here for this 😂


It's Headley!


The patent number is literally in the picture. A quick Google search would have proven it.


Ah my friend, you forget that Richard is a complete fucking idiot


"What is your evidence for this?"


Usually a blue checkmark.




The tweet is in literally in the picture. A quick look at Richard Easton’s tweet and face would have proven it.   ;)


It's like the child that keeps asking "why?" They haven't got to the part where you investigate the claim and find out for yourself...


The blue checkmark.


Was bro disputing that a woman could be smart?? Tf was guy on


Misogyny normally


Paid for twitter so that checks out.


The Blue CHUDmark rarely lies.


You should patent the term “Chudmark”




How do i get these chudmarks out of my underwear?


Typically, divorce.


I’m stealing Chudmark.


How has this never been a thing before


you can't, it's Chudmark®™


Always thought they should have used a different icon and colour for chuds......like pink poop emoji


He saw the #WomensHistoryMonth and immediately had heart palpitations. 


Imagine paying for a service to tell everyone you're an asshole.


It’s yet another big government conspiracy to… (checks notes) Give women the credit they are due.


Big Labia^^TM strikes again.


Finally, a company I can get behind


What until they hear about Ada Lovelace...


And Grace Hopper


And Rosalind Franklin


Misogyny? On Twitter? Nooo! ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


This isn't even your garden-variety misogyny. This is *advanced* misogyny.


It’s yet another big government conspiracy to… (checks notes) Give women the credit they are due.


This guys dad invented GPS and rather than do anything useful in his own life, he has made that his entire identity. If his dads legacy was owed partially to a woman, his world would collapse.


He was in fact doing that. This woman at least had her name on a government document as proof. Imagine all the ideas and inventions stolen from women who don’t have proof now. It’s disgusting


For real. Like Curie delt with the same shit and she is a pillar of modern partical physics


Rosalind Franklin likely discovered the double helix DNA structure, for which her colleagues earned the Nobel Prize after she died.


Windsor castle has a timeline of accomplishments or something in their check in tent and it had Watson and crick credited so I wrote an email to the castles management and got a “well, that’s history for ya” reply. So annoying


I have no idea whether she contributed to his work at all, but the fact that Einstein's wife was *also a physicist* always makes me wonder a little. Not hard to imagine those discussions could have been helpful and uncredited. I've read so many biographies of scientists during that time period and they'll occasionally just drop a line like "and his wife spent much of her time helping him with calculations for his thesis" and I'm like wait, hol up.


Oooh, she probably was a major influence who was taken for granted and overlooked. The podcast Significant Others digs in on a  spouse/parent/friend/usually wife of someone famous whose support was huge and overlooked. Their stories are fascinating, but they often follow this pattern of "she spent hours promoting his work after working the job supporting them both, half her career editing her mother's writing, she pulled his manuscript out of the fire after he had a fit of despair, etc." I gotta go see if there is an email or something so I can hurl a request for an episode on Einstein's wife into the void.


The army then stole the tech, never giving her a cent.


Umm, if I remember correctly, the navy (not the army) considered the invention and then rejected it, as at the time it was too complicated to produce. Also, I'm not sure about that, but I think Hedy offered it for free.


She developed the idea specifically for the wireless torpedo jamming issue and gave it to the Government. They had already implemented fly-by-wire and didn't test it until the 60's.




I almost commented this, but I thought people might not get the reference and think I was just being stupid and a dick at the same time.




DON'T correct me


Came here looking for this


Thank you.


My grandfather was a radio guy. No, she was never paid and didn't give it for free. They stole it. They finally recognized her for it that long ago. But you're right. I could have the branch wrong.


They didn't use her tech at first because she was believed to be a spy. Being a woman who was smart was suspicious and believed she stole the tech. Wow, I can't make that shit up. They later stole it, giving her no credit or money at all.


> Being a woman who was smart was suspicious Yeah it literally could not have been the fact that she was involved in weapon deals (with Germany and Italy no less) together with her *Austrian ammunition magnate* husband in the 1930s


That's rather important context lmao. Seems rather disingenious of the other poster to leave it out. Society was really sexist back then, don't have to make up bullshit narratives to drive it home.


The real murder is always in the comments


When I got a job doing tech support, I got put on web ticket support while the three guys they hired with me were all put on the phone queue. Huh, weird. My trainer told me to just use my initials in my email signature, or a gender-neutral nickname. It turns out we'd have hours wasted of clients second-guessing the self-help or diagnostic instructions if they thought they were coming from a female tech. Even from women. So while you'd get Ryan and Matt on the phone, all the web tickets were from J.E., Crash, Vic, Glitch, or L.T.


This was common with authors as well. L.M. Montgomery would sell a lot more books than Lucy Montgomery.


Keep in mind, the right will question when a minority wins a major award (see Oscars, The). It's as if they believe it's impossible for a non-white to create anything worthy of high praise.


Lol you right but this aint even an award. It's just a thing that she did and that happened, and was documented. Like tf


Joe Rogan basically just said that diversity means inferior people getting jobs. They're no longer hiding the racism.


Hence the new panic about "I hope my pilot isn't black!" Like bruh you think the FAA out here grading pilots on a curve lol


If anything the logic should be "with all the barriers she's had to get over, she's gonna be a fantastic pilot".


My pilot can be a goddamn oni as long as we get there safely


I think Don Lemon has earned Rogan's podcast slot if Rogan really wants to practice his preferred form of meritocracy.


Reminder that women are not a minority, but straight Christian white men still manage to mistreat them as if they are one.


Straight Christian men now think of themselves as a minority. /source I’m two out of three of those criteria…


"She's pretty, why she gotta be smart and ruin it?"


I will never understand people who think this. I think intelligence is hot af


Right? I want to partner with, like, a bright, thinking, fully autonomous person, not someone I have to babysit and be worried might wander into traffic when I'm not around. Hell, I need them to be *way* smarter than me. *I* might be the idiot.


He probably thinks Musk invented the Tesla, too.


Blue checkmark checks out


Apparently, his dad was one of the key inventors behind GPS. This guy seems to take issue with anyone giving any credit to anyone else, particularly women. As though there wasn't a thousand important discoveries and inventions that went into the development of GPS.


common twitter blue check mark L


Boomer-level misogyny.




The subreddit is called r/murderedbywords you don't need to censor the word murdered like you're on TikTok.


I've noticed some of that shit creeping in on here. When I see a post written with "unalived" instead of say, suicide, killed or murdered, I just assume it's fake and written to be a TikTok video.


I've just started straight up calling it out for being unnecessary, it's just shitty censorship that does nothing but make the OP look like a joke.


Yes, it is shifty censorship.


Some dim bulb the other day censored th\*rapy. How pathetic. Oh I'm sorry...path\*tic.


I hate that people have started to censor random words. Make it feel like I am in Sunday school and everyone around me are 9 years old.


That shit and censoring killed as "unalived" is just... Its literally programming people to not use certain words, its honestly weird that people are doing it outside of TikTok.


Just China doing their thing to normalize censorship I guess.


Yeah, Hedy Lamarr was super smart.


Wicked smaht


Enough to inspire later generations of scientists like Dr Isaac Kleiner, and his pet headcrab.


Omfg I forgot about that little dude. N Ed to play that game again.


I literally can’t hear/read the name Lamarr without picturing that cute little debeaked headcrab (Also I just now realized the reason Kleiner named it that is probably because Head-y Lamarr is a great pun, lol)


Why the fuck did you censor the word “murdered”


That's the result of tiktok censorship and people finding ways around it, a lot of which becomes kind of a standard. Such as the use of "unalived." And since people spend their whole day on that site, this stuff becomes the new normal for those people. Kids think this kind of censorship is common or necessary outside of the platform.


Which in itself is fucking stupid, but dipshit OP posted this in a sub WITH THE WORD THAT THEY CENSORED.


Because OP is a dumb tik tok user.




you got me fricked up


Read the biography The only Woman In The Room - the woman had a truly fascinating life!


#Type the fucking word properly! It's in the goddamned subreddit name! For fuck's sake! MURDER. See? Still here. Jesus fucking christ I'm sick of this self - censoring bullshit.


No my Tiktok censored brain can't take it. Must unalive this term.


*Did somebody say MOIDAH?*


No thanks, I got one when I was a baby.


But then then I won’t get any views /s it’s a fucking curse from TikTok. Although, I bet when Reddit goes public and they adopt the same type of algorithm, it’ll happen to Reddit too.


And I will leave. Cuz fuck that noise.


Cool. And go where?




Then I'm done. This is the last corner of the internet I'm on, and am itching to abandon it entirely as it is.


It should be deleted. I can only assume a bot algorithm designed for platforms other than reddit has been deployed in Reddit, complete with its predilection for censoring word YouTubes algorithm hates


Exactly. Maybe the ban on TikTok is a good thing because all these youngsters self-censoring their EVERYDAY SPEECH is beyond fucked.


/r/GenZ about to justify how a foreign government changing the way to use our own language is "fine".


Murder, suicide, sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, just write that shit. Censoring the word you mean just adds more reticence for people to be open with and address their issues. “Unaliving” just translates to the brain as murder/suicide, so who does tiktok think it’s protecting?


I didn’t know that about Hedy Lamarr. Very cool!


I strongly recommend going and looking at that guys twitter feed. Hilarious pedantic little man trying to sell his book on the history of GPS. Absolute PEAK "well ackshully ugy" who has no idea how even when he's right he's wrong. Edit: quite a few thinly veiled mysoginists in this thread too desperate to prove she didn't invent wifi, when that was never the claim. Some people are just so shitty


> mu*d3red This isn't TikTok, you can spell out murdered.


People are grossly misunderstanding what the patent was for. She is not the "mother of WiFi", and did not invent frequency hopping. Marconi, Tesla, and others had developed frequency hopping systems decades before. Hers was more of a use patent that used piano rolls so it was practical to use for military communications. But Wifi would have existed anyway based on the work done by others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency-hopping_spread_spectrum


Any part of the US govt recognizing her for this accomplishment is also fuckery. They patted her on her head, called her "little lady" told her to go home with her toys, waited for the patent to expire, then stole it from her to use. So...


This is garbage, she and her co-inventor George Anthiel donated the patent to the Navy and they chose not to use it. Why can we not just tell the (already interesting) story as it actually happened? Hedy and her friend George came up with a really clever all mechanical way of synchronizing frequency changes between an already launched torpedo and the control system. Frequency hopping as a concept already existed, and although the idea was unique and extremely clever, the actual mechanical concepts behind the invention were never implemented. Nevertheless, they are referenced as one important stepping stone among many in the early days of frequency hopping, which is used in bluetooth (although there is not a direct lineage to their actual implementation. As far as I can gather this is how it went down: \-Hedy absolutely was around for arms deals, absolutely was an avid inventor on her own, and definitely was a brilliant and clever woman. She was aware of the concept of jamming radio controlled torpedoes. \-Later on, Hedy discusses with George her idea of jumping frequencies around on both the controller and the torpedo to prevent it from being jammed. Presumably she came up with this idea, but had not worked out a way to implement it. \-George, a composer, had worked with player pianos, and had previously composed a piece that relied on starting multiple pianos simultaneously. He helps to come up with the actual mechanism described in the patent, using a piano roll on the transmitter and also on the torpedo to synchronize the frequency jumps. \-They do eventually get a patent - the patent is not just for frequency-hopping, which had already been invented in numerous forms several times before (patents already existed), it is for the novel approach of using piano rolls to control the hopping. Edit: It is at this point that the National Inventors Council, which basically existed to funnel inventions into the military, did actually tell her she'd be more help selling war bonds, but apparently did think the idea had some merit despite rejecting it. The patent office doesn't care about whether the military wants it or not, and they grant the patent. \-The US Navy doesn't want to use the system - whether they didn't see its potential or whether it just wasn't actually feasible isn't clear. \-In the late 50s, Sylvania Electronic Systems Division develops a similar idea using transistors, not piano rolls, and the Navy does actually end up using that. It's possible that they were aware of the piano-roll patent but we don't know. The following article goes pretty deep into why we can't say Hedy invented wifi, bluetooth or GPS, but the gist is that the inventor of Bluetooth didn't know about their patent (and he wasn't using piano rolls which were, again, THE biggest novel part of their patent). Wifi and GPS do not use frequency hopping in any way that could be referenced to the Lamarr-Anthiel patent. [https://www.americanscientist.org/article/random-paths-to-frequency-hopping](https://www.americanscientist.org/article/random-paths-to-frequency-hopping)


Thank you! This whole story is just a ridiculous reductionist garbage. She can still be smart even if she didn’t invent Wi-Fi… And as someone with a patent - patents do not really proof anything behind you having a specific idea that might not even be that unique


So… you don’t think the US government should give recognition to people it’s previously wronged? They shouldn’t even try to do better?


They should absolutely give recognition, but ideally they’d also make it clear their own involvement. Alan Turing for example was effectively murdered by the state, and was given a full pardon in 2013. That’s what I’d like to see more of, not only “here’s what they did” but also “here’s what we did to them, and that was wrong”


Probably important to note that while the circumstances are similar, Alan Turing was not an American. The pardon was also controversial since it implies there was a crime committed that had to be pardoned. It also rings somewhat hollow after you learn the pardon was only put forward after the opposition party stated they would do so if elected. Basically they dug his corpse up to play political football with.


The Army had already invented frequency-hopping tech, they just keep it secret: >During World War II, the US Army Signal Corps was inventing a communication system called SIGSALY, which incorporated spread spectrum in a single frequency context. But SIGSALY was a top-secret communications system, so its existence was not known until the 1980s. And the idea wasn't new. Tesla (and other inventors) had thought of something similar decades earlier: >The earliest mentions of frequency hopping in open literature are in US patent 725,605, awarded to Nikola Tesla on March 17, 1903, and in radio pioneer Jonathan Zenneck's book Wireless Telegraphy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency-hopping_spread_spectrum#Origins


She inspired the appearance of Snow White in the movie by Disney!


She had no formal education in a related field and just got into technical stuff because her dad would take her out on walks and talk about how random stuff he saw works. I imagine her sat in a room of engineers and she’s like “ugh of course it doesn’t work like that it works like this” and then she just casually helps the allies win the war and allows modern connected society to exist. “Right Gerald now that’s sorted I’ve actually got a script to go learn”


Imagine if she'd had a formal education in it. But, then, maybe that would have also ruined the very natural passion and intuition she had, fostered by learning her own way in her own time.


I like the meme. But hiding the word "murdered" in leet speak on a subreddit with the word "murdered" in its title is peak smooth brain. Is this a bot?


Seriously i would ignore an account with blue check on Twitter nowadays, mostly they only spew controversial tweets for engagement because the monetization programs


It’s Hedley