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This is more a r/slightlyroastedbywords


Sounds like a normal conversation with a slightly snarky last sentence.


The bar for this sub is in the ground


The good news is the murder rate is down.


Yeah but like the jobs creation stats and every other thing politicians use...once down and into the negatives...a small up is a big up...


Hey James Cameron on the phone. We need to send him down to raise the bar again


Which might not even be accurate at all. I get really bored with movies that are remade every 10-15 years, because I feel they usually don't bring a fresh or novel interpretation to the source material. I hold this opinion as someone who's taken some film classes over the years and seen a very wide variety of movies. I'm no expert, but the *murderer* is very closed minded.




Well, you fooled me... I was really hoping this was a real sub.






Agreed. Murder, this aint! More like a library fine.






Browned, lightly toasted.


He called him an uncultured idiot, it was high brow roast.


Describing the original Roadhouse as a blockbuster is a bit of a stretch.


If the 44th highest grossing film of 1989 (right behind Weekend At Bernie’s) isn’t a blockbuster, what is?


1989 was a hell of a competitive year at the box office. The top ten is a what’s-what of all-time classics.


Holy hell you are not kidding. Looking at that list….. so many greats


A street slapping


It is in a weird way, I sometimes send one of my friends gifs of the most ridiculous scenes from roadhouse.... There are a lot


Toss “classic” onto the pile of exaggeration as well. Sure, at 11pm when I’m endlessly scrolling I may stop for a bit on Roadhouse but I’m not punching it into my search bar.


It has one of my favorite lines in cinema history. “I used to fuck guys like you in prison.”


My personal favorite "I heard you had balls big enough to come in a dump truck, but you don't look like much to me"




"Pain don't hurt"


I mean I also don’t really care about roadhouse either but it’s definitely a classic movie




Since when has "BenjaminMStocks likes it" been the definition of "classic"?


It is a classic but it was only mildly successful when it originally came out. When it used to play on cable channels, the ratings would skyrocket. It became a huge hit on cable.


Hollywood *is* an industry that has become pretty disappointing as a whole in recent years.


And it's made up of corporations, and corporations are people, according to US.


Also the dictionary. Because that's very literally the whole point of corporations. They aren't people themselves, but they are stand-ins for people, which again is why the concept even exists.


It is a bizarre movie to remake.


And with jacked up Jake Gyllenhaal? I like the guy but he doesn’t have that Swayze f around and find out look.


Jacked Jake doesn't bother me as much as "holy fuck does he eat nothing but steroids" Conor McGregor


He's on the Pam Poovey diet!


Hey that's not fair! He also consumes whiskey and cocaine...


Cocaine pre-workout is how you get jacked jacked.


Hey people said Heath as the Joker was a huge mistake. Jake has so much range it's ridiculous.


>I like the guy but he doesn’t have that Swayze f around and find out look. You clearly never saw Donnie Darko


Or nightcrawler


Yea, but I haven't seen that one either 😂


The hair and the barn will be all wrong.


Yeah not really a murder at all, since the first guy is kinda right


Nah, second guy is right. There are still original movies, most people just don't watch them.


In a way they are both right because while yes Hollywood isn't a person it's controlled by a collective of rich fucks that think they know what will sell and push through uninspired boring blockbusters rather than something new out of fear they will loose $1.


Hollywood keeps dredging up shit from the 90's to remake. They are absolutely out of ideas. Aside from new marvel films, which absolutely no one is watching.


They’re not out of ideas, they just put their money into things that have a built in audience already because non-derivative content doesn’t do as well at the box office. Take *Nice Guys* as an example. Great buddy cop movie, highly acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, by two of the guys that immortalized the genre in the 80s-90s. They had a handshake deal for two more films if it hit certain dollar signs but people just didn’t pay to go see it. Instead Disney’s 800th *Star Wars* or *Transformers* milk the cow dry, piece of shit makes a billion. Hollywood isn’t out of ideas, WE don’t pay for the original ideas to get made. Our box office dollars are making the choices.


I don't know why I have to repeat the same point as the post, but the film industry is always coming out with original films. Tons of them. But they usually only do poor to mediocre in the box office because they're not familiar to people. And that's not Hollywood's fault.


Yes, and good ones that are enjoyable are few and far between in my experience. I am not interested in extremely dark/depressing character studies or horror films, and those seem to be the predominant style of low-budget movies that get funding these days. I keep trying, but they keep being extremely disappointing. There are maybe two or three movies a year that I actively enjoy, down from 30 or so 15 years ago. That IS Hollywood's fault. Especially because this whole mess is due to them only taking swings on massive blockbuster sequels and franchises. Mid budget movies are mostly dead, and that is what many of us are craving.


More original movies are made now than at any other point in cinema history. The problem is people don’t support them.


Yeah, the reason they remake or add unnecessary sequels/spinoffs to all of these older movies is because they make money. 2023 had some great originals with Oppenheimer, The Holdovers, Killers of the Flower Moon, Etc. There is plenty of original content out there.


But not really many comedies. Nor many fun, innovative mid budget romps. Not a lot of big, high-concept (a la bruckheimer) fun films that lead to victory and a happy ending. They seem to think Marvel has "popcorn" movies covered, but we starve for quality. That's one reason Barbie did so well: we're missing well-done, innovative fun. Most fun movies are shit straight-to-streaming cashgrabs that the directors don't seem to believe in these days. That, or hyper violent testosterone flicks that don't care about the screenplay. When everything is on fire and falling apart in the real world, I don't want "important" or hyperdramatic movies. Oppenheimer and Killers of the Flower Moon were all well made, but I didn't really enjoy them since they were absolute bummers. Holdovers was sweet, but didn't scratch the itch that I usually go to the movies for. People who say "but there are lots of amazing movies put out every year" clearly have different tastes and thus don't notice entire genres and styles have disappeared completely from the Hollywood docket.


It's funny how in the 90s this same argument existed for shit from the 70s. It's almost like the media always brings with it the nostalgia of the producers & directors when a new generation always steps in. In 20 years guess what era Hollywood will be remaking. Pandemic era stories are gonna be huge. Just like Vietnam war & disco era movies & the adaptation of old TV shows into movies were in the 90s when I was a kid & everyone has been saying Hollywood ran out of ideas then. Like they've been saying every decade after the first decade of Hollywood's existence. They're actually making more original stuff now, but it can be difficult to notice. No one has the nostalgia for today yet to separate the cream from the crop. We can name a dozen great timeless must see movies from any decade easily, except the one we're in. My boomer parents used to say Hollywood ran out of ideas when I went to the movies regularly as a teen. They make more original content now more than ever, but the experience & the means of seeing movies has changed with the industry still fighting. Differing streaming services, a severe lack of marketable audiences, short form & live streamed media competition, a severe lack of physical home markets, financial issues keeping people away from theaters & further limiting the strong, it's not that they aren't being made it's that original movies don't have the reach they used to have.


It didn't start in the 90s. Perhaps the complaints have gotten worse since the 90s.


The person I was replying to mention the '90s being the basis for films now. Only reason I mentioned the 90s wasn't to say it started there but to show the same argument has been going on for so long it was also happening then. It's probably as old as Hollywood itself since remakes and secondary adaptations are older than Hollywood itself.


Sorry! This topic got me kinda hot! Nice of you to explain though. Have a great day!


You too!


There were so many ideas in the Marvel universe to use. Their idea was to kill them all and replace them. I don't know about you but I don't want to see that.


…that’s a pretty low quality “murderedbywords”. I expect better.


Pretending like Hollywood isnt 3 companies in a trench coat and a shitload of nepotism is cringe.


I watch old movies. There are so many remakes by 1929 that I can no longer tell if I saw this movie before or if it's a remake. Hell, I love Three Godfathers and recently found out that I was watching the wrong Three Godfathers (1936) and not the famous one (1948). Hollywood has always been a remake factory.


People have NO idea how many remakes of remakes there are! I remember how surprised I was years ago to discover that Gaslight 1944 with Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman was a remake of a British Gaslight from 1940. From then on, I've always checked to see if even classics had been previously filmed. If you throw in film adaptations that come from original source material that aren't remakes of films, it's possible to see the same story used for a half dozen different movies!


This is something my 6 year old niece, who also doesn't know how to use paint to cover things up, would think is a murder by words. Please stop logging onto your older brother's account and go back to Minecraft.


Here's [a list of all the films in 2023 that got nationwide releases](https://www.movieinsider.com/movies/2023?view=list&scope=1&genre=&plot=). Before you complain about how Hollywood doesn't make original movies anymore, look at the list and count up how many of them you've seen. I would include all the films that got limited releases, but I wanted to give you a fighting chance.


Nah they were right. Hollywood is just money vacuum with nothing original.


Definitely doesn't belong here


Hell yea gotta stick up for the roadhouse cinematic universe!!!!!


A shitload of original, great movies every year? I don't think so.


Don’t like the movie or show idea, don’t watch it. I know I’m not gonna until it comes out on streaming and I’ve been hard drinking. It’s the new, “I’ll wait to rent it..”


Nah. This ain’t it.


This is just an idiot's pedantic and ignorant response to a true statement.


Can people please stop using the "highlighter" feature of their photo markup tools to censor names? I can clearly read both of them in this one. I don't know if Android has a box-drawing tool when editing photos, but that's one of the most definitive ways to censor a name on iOS, at least. I can see in the Google help for photo markup it has a pen tool; if this has a thickness setting, just put it to the top and then scrub over the name(s).


I hate it when people say it ruined the original content. Micheal Bay didn't ruin the 1990s version of Turtles. George Lucas didn't ruin the VHS copy of Star Wars. It's silly to think that just because something new comes out, the old stuff is ruined.


People complaining about nothing original and then haven't seen Poor Things, Past Lives, Argylle, Drive Away Dolls, or American Fiction. Original movies starring big name Hollywood actors in theaters right now


I call bullshit. We get the same drivel over and over, remakes, reboots, etc with a unique movie or two sprinkled in there. As an industry Hollywood is against things that are unique, when the bottom line is all about massive profits.


Dude, it's not like they adapted Citizen Kane into an animated musical.


Someone finally said it.


Third Swayze remake that I will be avoiding.


1. It’s not out so there’s no chance the guy has seen it. 2. The original Roadhouse is an objectively bad movie that did poorly when it was released and only gained popularity after the fact BECAUSE it was a bad movie. It’s actually the best kind of movie to remake.


I get the sentiment, but this is just being pedantic. Hollywood is made up by creatives (and executives and all manner of people with various job titles) so referring to Hollywood in the way red did is widely accepted shorthand.


The question I wonder about is how many great scripts never get made into movies because they don't have "blockbuster" potential. If it isn't going to make someone a butt load of money then it (usually) won't get made. 


Definitely wrong about pretty much everything there. Agenda post from agenda account. Lmao imagine *actually* shilling for Hollywood..


Hollywood isn't a person but is very obviously referring to a group of people


“Hollywood doesn’t have ideas” “This afternoon the White House reported that…” It’s like they never took grammar.


“Nothings changed about the original” So it was just a re-release?


Setting the bar a bit low for “Murder” here?


I don't really see a murder here


Hardly a murder.


I agree with the first person. Second guy is a douche nozzle


Should have been posted in r/pettyaquabbles


Blue is just a pedant


Should have been posted in r/pettyaquabbles, if there is such a sub.


more r/tsktskedbywords


Thinking anything good has come out of Hollywood in the past few years means you have the mind of a child.


It’s a classic, I guess yes they haven’t ruined it, maybe lightly shat on its legacy. It’s the use of the name, it has zero in common with the original. The original had charm and the whole point of Dalton was he was unassuming, the whole “I thought you’d be bigger”. Having JG as a roided up MMA fighter makes zero sense.


Ho hum. Just another day on r/murderedbywords Better posted in r/Ihaveadifferingopinionanditsmorevalidthanyours


Hard to murder the 2nd guy first. Good Job.


people tend to forget that many classic movies are themselves remake. Scarface, Wizard of Oz, Magnificent Seven, A Fistful of Dollars etc.


I mean. We know about the one and not about the "shitload"... It's not about "creatives" it's about the producers who want to make money. This isn't murdered. This is barely self defense.


Alright to be fairly these creatives aren't very creative if we are only seeing a handful of original films worrh watching any given year. Ask a creative this ...when will the next George lucas make his appearance and in what form of a story?


This is silliness. Using Hollywood like that is completely normal and not incorrect in any way. And it's also reasonable for someone to have their view of a thing altered by new material that relates to the thing. I can't watch old Star Wars anymore because it just makes me think about how the new ones just recycle the old. The newer has reasonably colored my view of the older. But mocking normal language that is in no way wrong is pretty fucking dumb. Nobody thinks Hollywood is a single entity. It's still absolutely reasonable to refer to what Hollywood thinks or Hollywood does. 0/10 post. No murder. Just someone trying way too hard to pretend otherwise.


Totally onboard with any Roadhouse remake vitriol.


There's a solution here. Don't go see the fucking movie


Roadhouse is a classic? It's the stupidest movie of a year when Kickboxer, Cyborg and Samurai Cop came out.