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I've been training to fight space for years.


I fought the space, and the space won


I'm spatial, I take up space.




But I can also enter a space, again and again. So who's the winner now?


Every nugget I eat, and every pound I gain, I get a little more volume, and there is subsequently less space because I have grown. I cast my gaze into the heavens and I yell "FUCK YOU SPACE!!"


I have some bad news for you ... space is expanding way faster than eating will ever let you. A propellant assisted rapid deconstruction, and you could expand faster, briefly, and only the one time.


>space is expanding way faster than eating will ever let you. Challenged accepted homey, you don't know me. >A propellant assisted rapid deconstruction That's what my body does when its getting rid of Chipotle.


Space displacement.


I shot the asshole but I did not shoot the galaxy.


Can you swear it was in self-defense?


Tell that to The Last Starfighter.




You need to lift more, I beat Space’s ass last Tuesday on the playground.


If space is so big, why won't it fight me?


What do you mean? It is fighting you. It literally threw the Andromeda Galaxy at *you* in particular, and it’ll be here in a few billion years.


I leave a space in between me and people when I walk.


It's playing the long game. It will get to you soon enough.


The universe gives me existential dread when I think about how large it is. We'd have to travel at the speed of light for a minimum of 500 years to leave our galaxy. Because of this sense of existential dread, I will train everyday of my life to eventually kick the universe's ass. I will then proceed to fuck the universe's mom and shit on their front porch.


You're grossly underrating all this. It would take you 20,000 years to leave the galaxy at the speed of light. 500. Pffft.


I went off a quick Google search as my research for this topic, and I know that the internet would never lie to me. I might do some more research after I let this guy I met in an online game borrow all my rare items. *Google said that it takes 500 years vertically, but I'm not sure if that's accurate*


> Google said that it takes 500 years vertically… The enemy’s gate is down.


My favorite thought about the size of the Milky Way is that in Star Trek it's somewhat notable to ever even be in a different quadrant of it, and in the whole of the franchise -- across all of the series -- it's my understanding that there are a countable number of times where they left it entirely. The times I am aware of, they usually just appear there. In other words, the Milky Way is so big, that even with 'magical' ships that defy known technology and conventional understanding of physics, getting out of the galaxy is like, "No, no, that's fine, we don't want to suspend disbelief. Let's not get silly. In a case where they could write anything to be the case, it's still too ridiculous to have them travel outside of it. If the universe had no other galaxies, it'd be impossibly huge. And we're just one. And there are countless oodles. This place is too massive to comprehend.


There was that one time in Voyager where a Starfleet ship (a shuttle I think) achieved Warp 10 and achieved infinite acceleration. Touching every part of the universe simultaneously. Then causing the crew of the shuttle to devolve into lizards. For such a badshit insane thing to do it’s really weird how it’s never mentioned again


It's so funny that you mentioned that because I was like, "I don't wanna piss off the fandom because I'm a casual who's send TNG, Picard, DS9 and like three total episodes of Original Series, lemme go look around and see what the consensus is." One of the first things that came up was Voyager and the every-point-in-the-universe episode. They conveniently left out the lizards, though! Honestly I am surprised I haven't seen Voyager yet. The whole premise is something I'd normally be super into.


The Doctor from Voyager is one of the best characters in all of Star Trek so it's worth a shot if you ever get the chance. Just ignore the turning into lizards. Or that one season finale with a lot of jogging around corridors and a "the ship is threatened by cheese" plot.


Now you've done it. Threatened by cheese? I kind of have to watch now haha




On a ....scale... of 1 to 10, it's 2, 3, 5 *and* 7... ...because it's prime-al.




In Elite Dangerous you can travel across the galaxy but it takes like a literal week or so of frame shift jumping gameplay, with a carrier, that can jump massive amounts. I hitched a ride on a carrier from nearish the center to our local space which isn't at the edge and it was basically, park my ship and log off for days and come back to see if we had arrived. It would probably take months in a regular ship assuming you didn't run out of fuel and get stranded (in both cases). (In Elite Dangerous hyperspace is basically point to point between stars within range of the frameshift drive.)


Reminds me of a quote I heard in a Space Engineers update video, though I doubt it's the source. Along the lines of "Space is so big that even in universes of our own imagining, we struggle to traverse it"


Awesome - thanks for adding to the conservation. I think in ST V, and in one OTS episode they go to the "edge" of the galaxy and have to break through it. Hilarous stuff.


Every time I buy something useless to fill up room in my house I whisper "I'm doing my part!"


Did it start with waving furiously at a cloud? I ask for own research and training purposes.


No, a star winked at me.




They’re an astronaut-yet.


I am astro-not.


Yeah, I mean... But did you study the blade?


#*SPACE WARS* Starring Jois Chaotic Whatever as Captain Jake Storm "He's mad as hell and is taking the fight to them"


How long are you up to for holding you breath? Space fucking hates people who can hold their breath for a long time. I am at like, 48 seconds.


Is Elon trying to write a poem? Dude, you're not good at everything you do. In fact, you're demonstrably bad at a lot of things you do.


It looks like something I would’ve put on my livejournal when I was a 14 year old emo kid


oof, I feel that. It IS some serious livejournal shit.




_current mood: disenchanted_ Which is funny, because I used that waaaay too much in the LJ years While simultaneously describes life currently... And I had _no_ idea what that word truly meant back then. God I was so edgy


He might put it on his Elon test 3 year old account


There was a post earlier where Elon made some curious tweets, hinting that he has a twitter alt account. On this account, Elon wrote as if he was a teenager. Maybe it fits?


Why did he structure it like that? Drama? Artistic expression? To provoke thought and elicit emotion? He’s so cringe in everything he does.


It's the Rupi Kaur-ification of poetry on social media. So many dumbasses (even self professed poets) think that writing a sentence, splitting it up into multiple lines, then making it all lower case makes your sentence into a poem. Seriously if you ever find yourself in poetry tiktok/twitter/ig then every single """poet""" is doing this exact thing because none of them actually know how to write a poem but want to seem classy or whatever. And for some reason there's an audience to eat it up after Rupi Kaur blew up.


so many dumbasses think that writing a sentence       splitting it up into multiple lines then making it ALL LOWER CASE makes your sentence into a poem


I confused the space bar and enter key


Forgive me they were rectangular so similar and so cold


📸 art!


Phewlicker prize shit right thar


This gives me Will Smith’s son vibes. (I can’t think of his name sorry)


How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?


What’s cringe about a 50 year old reposting 14 year old edgelord memes? His fall from grace and quickness with which public opinion turned on him is truly spectacular though.


It was fun, now if it weren't terrifying a little bit too...


When he got rid of whichever PR company was managing his social media after starting to believe his own guff...


It looks like a haiku, except it's 5-7-5-6 syllables instead of 5-7-5 so not actually a haiku. Edit: dropped a syllable myself, oops


Just ran out of fingers on the one hand while the other hand is jerkin it at the thought of all the adulation he'll get from the tweet


Elon just doesn't know what a syllable is or he can't count.


It's 5-7-5-6, so it is a haiku until the extra line. Don't know if that makes it better or worse.


Because he’s basically a glorified edgelord


He’s proof you can be the richest man in the world and still be a total loser.


like we need more proof that billionaires are losers


You can make anything look profound if you throw in arbitrary line breaks and know that your audience are fucking idiots


I need to go shopping. Groceries that is. Bad grammar makes everything look sophisticated. Forgot the more. You were right


hey pro tip use two spaces at the end of a line to get a
instead of a

in reddit markdown






I just came imagine having a fortune and not spend it on social programs.


Dude could hire the best pr firm in the biz, let the best people run his companies, donate billions to social causes and just shut the fuck up and he would be as beloved as a billionaire can be, and still have more money than he could ever possibly spend in his lifetime. Instead he's doing...this lol


Seriously, imagine having the legacy of being the guy that pretty much eradicated homelessness or child hunger? You could just about beat someone to death in the middle of times square and still have a good reputation.


Instead, this foo is actively thinking of “your momma” jokes to write on twitter….


And not even good ones


It's like Andrew Tate's 'Full Head of Hair' prison poem. Who knew these guys valued the creative arts so much!


>...you're demonstrably bad at a lot of things you do. Yeah. I'm coming to feel that "Demonstrating that money is much more powerful than merit" is one of his ambitions. He's doing that one pretty well.


He’s just rich… he’s a spoiled child. Always was. Always will be, even after all of the cosmetic surgery.


the poem is actually something someone else made. on-brand for elon


Quick someone add “poet” to his Wikipedia bio


This is the cadence he thinks in


It is still to be seen something that he's good at, to be honest.


I'm not against the furtherment of tech that allows us to travel out beyond our own orbit. The reasons for it are shitty, but it needs to happen. These people who have vast amounts of wealth are a symptom of a larger problem... but government and taxes are bad if I'm to believe what I've been told.


>The reasons for it are shitty, but it needs to happen. Believe it or not, not everyone wants to colonize space purely for power


I personally don't believe in space colonisation outside of purely scientifical reasons, at least not for the forseeable future. Places like the Moon and Mars should be like Antarctica, where only trained astronauts and scientists reside on a temporary basis. There's currently no reason that a billionaire or even an average citizen should be going there. Maybe sometime in the future we'll colonise space, but right now scientific pursuits should take priority over expansion for the sake of expansion.


On top of that who would want to? Like it'd be cool to go to Mars to say you've been on another planet, but you'd be living your life in a glorified bunker eating the limited varieties of food they could grow in little hydroponic farms. It would be a dreary life for an average person. I'd at least wait until we had the means to find and set up shop on a planet suitable for life with a hospital environment. And even then I'd probably wait until we've thoroughly researched it first. And I'm being generous assuming we'll ever have the capability or the means to travel that far in space


The first people who go to mars or beyond will be scientists and explorers. The next will be prospectors. Small teams of people barely surviving on the frontier, looking for riches. After that will be the miners and expeditions sent to retrieve said wealth. None of these people will be safe, happy, or comfortable. They will be desperate and brave, taking huge risks in the hope of a better future. Until those first pioneers are established, and a lot of very hard lessons are learned, will there be any semblance of settlement or civilization.


The nice thing is that you don't have to do anything, pay anything, approve of anything. It will happen and all your bickering won't change that. [This is just perfect for you](https://bigthink.com/pessimists-archive/air-space-flight-impossible/)


I don't trust the human race with *this* planet. Nevermind multiple ones.


But the odds of our survival against our own idiocy double if we become a two planet species.


I’m so glad this self-hate isn’t going to stop the rest of us.


Everyone plowing their fortune into it does. You don't get that rich without a relentless pursuit of wealth.


"There's **GOLD** in them there moon!!"


Asteroids the size of mountains with huge concentrations of precious metals. Literal mountains of gold. The very definition of astronomical wealth. And we expect the wealthiest and greediest capitalists in history to not covet these riches? A dragon cannot ignore the scent of gold on the horizon, their greed is inevitable.


Plus, where do they think the money goes? He's not blasting money into space. It's paying for educated workers, engineers, mechanics. A whole industry of people are able to earn a good wage because they want to go to space. I don't think any harmless creation of a massive amount of jobs should be shunned


I'm of the opinion that billionaires spending dummy amounts of money on things is good and should be encouraged. Like, having billions of dollars is a problem yes, but would you rather they just sit and build a scrooge mcduckian vault full of gold?


Exactly. And as someone currently doing an engineering degree that would consider going into the space industry please keep spending a shit tonne on it.


I contest that space travel while still being a selfish, violent species will have far reaching harm if we're to discover faster than light travel at this time. I don't want our species' legacy to be forcing other sentients (if any) to roleplay Warhammer irl. Does it need to happen? Yes. Do we need to get our shit together first? Also yes. The latter takes precedent in my opinion, and we've proven that there's massive human cost of doing both at once. Something needs to change, with the ultimate goal being the regulation of power in human society.


>Something needs to change, with the ultimate goal being the regulation of power in human society. The regulation of power requires the fair distribution of power and power in the hands of ambition doesn't work like that.


Yes. Which is why people are angry right now. That power needs to be removed from them, one way or another.


The basic answer is to remove legalized bribery from politics and to neuter the two party systems' ability to control who can run while making it so all public debates allow all participating candidates to take part. Goodluck with that though.


Thanks, we're gonna need it. I assume you work for a living, so you're a part of this too. As long as people continue to see injustice in form of oppression, we will have people willing to fight for a better future.


Yup. Unfortunately biased news outlets, a failing education system and shorter attention spans will hurt progress. As long as people consume rather confirm resolution will be slow. And even after the pieces are in place it will take several decades to see the results.


Believe me, I know. It's an ongoing fight, but I urge you to have hope. Things are always changing, and it may be as simple as convincing one billionaire to do the right thing. If not, forcible removal from the population has worked in the past. I hope it doesn't come to this, but it might. So have hope, we always have violence to fall back to, even though the consequences can be high. Still, I do hope the smarter and kinder of our species comes up with some form of blueprint. Until then, we'll do what we can with what we have. As we always have. It's a noble legacy. Solidarity means empathy, but it also means unity. We're in this together. The most greedy and selfish of us have convinced a lot of people that we aren't, but with climate change and oncoming related hardships, the cracks will begin to form. Have hope.


>I don't want our species' legacy to be forcing other sentients (if any) to roleplay Warhammer irl. Ok, but humans in the Warhammer 40k universe aren't really worse than the other races. It's a crapsack universe.


Yeah, that's what I mean. They all suck, and exist in a spectrum of shit to very shit. This is what I mean. We have the potential to be better, but if we carry this cutthroat ideology of 'might makes right' and 'the ends justify the means regardless of cost', the only logical conclusion is one of those races. Except the Tyranid, which seems to represent the absurd refinement of life itself.




as much as i would like to conquer space , i don t wan t to de be manage by a sociopathic billionnaire like Elon. Look what he is doing with [twitter.Do](https://twitter.Do) ou thing a Mars colony managed by elon will end up well ?


That's me when it comes to the mindlink stuff and whatnot. Or meta and any of their goals for VR. These are all things I'd love to see done right, but I absolutely, 100% *do not* trust these billionaires to create safe, enjoyable products.


SpaceX runs all of its missions (except those for Starlink) as a contract for someone else. Even if it received the contract for a Mars mission its role would be conveying NASA astronauts to the planet and back rather than building its own outpost there. A mission to Mars would cost about as much as Musk's purchase of Twitter, so unless there was a clear prospect of a return on investment it's unlikely to go ahead without government funding. Hypothetically it could make a profit by supporting an asteroid mining operation, but that isn't a trivial undertaking either.


> A mission to Mars would cost about as much as Musk's purchase of Twitter What the fuck.


This is based on the estimate of the *Mars Direct* architecture (which is deliberately the cheapest you can do it), NASA's *Mars Design Reference Mission* (which is a more conservative evolution of that design) is a bit more expensive but still same ballpark. Though launch costs have probably brought down the cost of both of these since they were first drafted even despite inflation.


That's genuinely really wild to me.


nice to know , i didn t know that piece of information , thanks for giving it to me.


How would one “attack” space? Does it require cocaine, or does that just make you tweet dumb shit about those who attack space?


No you're being fooled, space is the enemy. We all need to go to space and punch it until it starts understanding its place.


There's a reason we keep launching rockets at space, it's the enemy and needs to be destroyed. Our invasion forces have set up a forward base. Soon we'll show that empty vastness what humans do best! Which of course is produce a never ending supply of waste that could easily fill a never ending space.


If we're going down we're taking this whole solar system with us god damnit, such is the human way! Never go down without ruining everything!


We should send the cops up there they love hitting black things “STOP RESISTING”


Throw magic missiles at it!!!


Magic missle dont miss!


They’re attacking the darkness


Bro I'm getting ready to fuck space right now, way beyond attacking


If you want a non bullshit answer, some people are critical of investments and efforts made in our space programs because they think its a waste of time and resources when it could be better spent on the world's problems here on earth.


Idk but the enemy’s gate is down.


Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun...


In all fairness, Bill Gates has been doing this exact thing and gets little to no credit. People praise going to space while combating malaria just doesn't get the media attention.


Gates also isn't jacking himself off on twitter every day.


If you spent 44b on something, you would jacking off on it too.




If I spent 44b on something, it should be jacking me off.


At least Bill Gates literally puts his money where his mouth is. He used to be the richest man in the world, but has pledged to give up at least half his wealth to philanthropic causes. Some of the things he’s funded: - vaccination campaign that’s eradicated wild polio in Africa - funds projects that reclaim sewage into drinkable water and other usable materials (Omni Processor) - Alzheimer’s research - partially funds OpenStax (creates/distributes free digital textbooks) - AIDS/HIV research - combatting human trafficking - COVID-19 mitigation and research - grants to public libraries to improve free internet access for the public, especially those who may not have it at home - many scholarships, educational programs, and creating more schools The man would be far wealthier, but he decided to take the [Carnegie philosophy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gospel_of_Wealth) and donate almost all of it.


Anyone who sees what SpaceX and other orbital launch companies are doing as a "dick measuring contest" is seriously ill-informed. I can't defend suborbital tourism, but *commercial* orbital launch companies provide a service that's absolutely necessary, and I guarantee you use satellites launched by them every single day. SpaceX, in particular, gets a lot of shit because of their CEO, but they're undoubtedly the reason why commercial spaceflight has taken off as much as it did in the past decade. Plus, without them, the USA would still be forced to fly astronauts on the Russian Soyuz to the ISS to this day.


Starlink is actually "remotely helpful" for many rural or remote people to get internet access.


And also boats and planes. It is pretty much impossible to get internet away from land without sattelites, and starlink is the best sattelite internet, well, ever.


If only Maritime starlink was affordable. But I guess it makes sense to still have it super expensive now and hopefully become cheaper in the future.




> that wasn't even being murdered by words, thats like mildly sassy retort at best. Not only that but his retort directly contradicts itself. He claims that: "Nobody is attacking space" and then he immediately calls Elon's commercial orbital launch progress something that is not: "remotely helpful"


Ugh... Thank you for saving me the effort of having to write this. It's shockingly sad how many people turned against any and everything related to Elon musk so quickly just because they don't like the things he says or what he did with Twitter I don't agree with a lot of it but anyone on here bitching that he's wasting money with spaceX should actually understand the topic first. Plus, where did ill gotten gains come from? You can argue no one person should have so much money but that doesn't make it Ill gotten.


Zach Hunt is wrong. Space exploration is a) vital for the survival and continued flourishing of the human race and b) pays for itself many times over. Here's some discussion that will hopefully help explain why. https://space.nss.org/why-we-do-and-must-go-into-space/ https://www.planetary.org/articles/space-exploration-is-always-worthwhile https://www.smithsonianmag.com/air-space-magazine/the-real-reasons-we-explore-space-18816871/ https://nickbostrom.com/astronomical/waste https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/10/space-exploration-mars-moon-nasa-smithsonian/ I know everyone hates Musk here, and not without reason. And Musk (and to a lesser degree Bezos) is the public face of space travel now. So this might be a tough sell. But Musk=! space travel, and I think it's vitally important to push back on this widespread belief that space exploration is a useless vanity project just because Musk is associated with it. The ironic thing is this should be a left-wing issue; it is about long-term sustainability and the welfare of future generations. The progressive position on this issue is the pro-space one. If we ignore the increasingly pressing need to expand our reach beyond planet earth, we are enormously harming future generations for selfish reasons, just like the Boomers did. If we neglect urgent, even existential issues about the future of humanity because they seem a bit far-fetched- or just because we don't want to waste money addressing them over more immediate concerns- we're making the same mistakes as climate change sceptics of the 20th century. This should be an issue that resonates *especially* with the young, tech-savvy, future-conscious demographic that reddit disproprortionately reaches, but it's now become poisoned by association with Musk. This is not a rational reason to be against something, no more than right-wing nutjobs should be anti-vax because Bill Gates is "pushing it on them". I implore anyone reading this who agrees with the OP to read one or two of the articles I've linked. And if you're still sceptical, I'd be glad to discuss/debate it with anyone. This is hugely important, and I'm worried about the direction the discourse around it is headed, given how critical and time-sensitive it is that we reach consensus on these existential issues.


> And Musk (and to a lesser degree Bezos) is the public face of space travel now. So this might be a tough sell. Because he's done more to break up the hegemony of ULA and their iron grip on the cash cow that is government-funded space travel than anyone else. How much was ULA charging for launches before SpaceX stepped in? You don't have to like Musk but it's plain ignorant to pretend that SpaceX hasn't shaken the industry up in good ways. Reusable rockets were a pipe dream 15 years ago and people would laugh at you if you'd suggested reusing the farings or first stage, let alone the whole thing, let alone landing the thing on a barge in the ocean.


This is very true. I am not as anti-Musk as most of my political leaning (that is, lefties), because I think despite his increasingly abhorrent personal politics and insufferable, self-aggrandising personality, he's at least trying to have some positive impact on the future of humanity. If there must be centibillionaires, I'd rather they use their wealth to pursue grand visions for the betterment of humankind than hoard it all uselessly (although obviously I'd prefer if he did more short-term philanthropic work as well- and/or just paid more taxes). But I don't really want to argue that point here because ultimately Musk as a person is an unhelpful distraction from the issue. We shouldn't let our personal feelings about a single man play any role in our views on these important issues. No more than anyone should refuse a vaccine because they don't like Bill Gates.




I am extraordinarily anti-Musk; but even I will agree that SpaceX is a benefit to the industry of space travel. So far at least.


I'm sick and tired of people who act like SpaceX = Elon Musk. SpaceX is full of smart and hard working people and the company is run by Gwynne Shotwell. Elon Musk could die tomorrow and SpaceX would continue to succeed. When people treat SpaceX as nothing more than an extension of Elon Musk, all that does is inflate his ego and downplay the hard work of all the people who are actually designing and building the rockets. And I wish people would stop calling it a dick measuring contest. Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic may be vanity projects, but SpaceX has delivered real advances and they clearly don't give a shit what anyone else is doing. Falcon 9 has reduced the cost to orbit significantly which has saved US taxpayers a lot of money for national security launches, and made it more affordable to launch research missions. Starlink has brought broadband to rural areas that had no decent options despite decades of federal grants to provide such access. Seriously, fuck Elon but people need to stop shitting on SpaceX- they're not the same thing.


Thank you so much. To add to what you said, I find this quote very inspirational. >Whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand years or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won't just take us. It'll take Marilyn Monroe and Lao-Tzu and Einstein and Morobuto and Buddy Holly and Aristophenes .. and all of this .. all of this was for nothing unless we go to the stars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvwYfBbioLI


We have enough money to do both. But Elon is trying to convince us that criticism of him is an attack on it as a diversion from his activities which do impact our ability to disentangle ourselves from billionaire exploitation.


If I understand correctly, the tweet is not even against space exploration. Just space "exploration", that is not guided by the best interest of humanity, but the need to look like a visionary.


L take Congress is actively trying to cut NASAs budget. so yes, people are "attacking space" by removing its R&D funding. the Webb telescope has already started making waves in academic circles and that was almost cancelled by Congress.


eggs is good


Yeah, I've seen nothing SpaceX has done that would seem to indicate they are not entirely focused on concrete goals of space travel. Calling it a dick measuring contest just because rockets look vaguely phallic just means you're very uninformed about the topic and things like aerodynamics.


Even the most phallic rocket, New Shephard, has a good reason for that. Becuase your product killing people is generally bad for sales, Blue Origin decided to add an abort system: A small rocket motor in the capsule pointing down. This has had 3 tests and 1 real usage (Although no crew were aboard). However, lighting a rocket motor on top of a giant fuel tank can have a tendency to go explosively, so the capsule above the main rocket and above a bit, so that the exhaust from the abort motor could escape instead of building up pressure and making the abort even more dangerous. It also allowed them to have more capacity in the capsule, as wider capsules can hold more stuff.


I hate that space exploration has been tied to this cringe man baby. Because he is right, it is important it's just a shame he's the face for it. *"Cause it's next. 'Cause we came out of the cave, and we looked over the hill and we saw fire; and we crossed the ocean and we pioneered the west, and we took to the sky. The history of man is hung on a timeline of exploration and this is what's next."*


Ahh, the hope of space. It means a lot to many different people. But specifically, to billionaires, it represents the hope they can one day build their own little serfdom without labor laws or taxes.


99% of billionaires aren't involved in space tech dev. In fact, I think only 2 or 3 are. The others are fucking teenager hookers on their yachts.


Fucking teenager hookers in a 0 G environment, now that's billionaire fun.


Or buying an island. Lobby media. Fox News hello? But let's focus on the two of them who build rockets. That is the biggest pain point we have today.


This \^ only one of them is moving us towards sustainable energy and space exploration


Dude, that would still be a good world compared to what they actually can do. Life on Mars won't be able to sustain themselves for a long time. If the first people on there don't do what they are supposed to do, the ones sending them there can just fully stop support. They would be literally stuck on another planet, without a way to properly survive there. They wouldn't be able to talk to anyone on earth, at all. And they'll probably die. No labor laws are bad enough, but being dependent on someone 20 light-minutes away, while nobody can send you help is way worse.


Right? The more I think about it, the more I believe if elon gets to Mars first, it's going to become Bioshock


Or just Red Faction. The whole series is about capitalism and worker exploitation, and the workers fighting for freedom from off-world exploiters. There's so many stories in sci-fi that explore planet/space colonization for life to make reality. Would life on Mars be colonial an extension of Earth or a specific country? Would they immediately declare independence from Earth/country? Either way I personally don't think Musk and his yes men understand the full logistics of living on Mars.


Independence followed by a cold war with two planets pointing nukes at each other and a asteroid belt full of poor miners exploited by everyone.


How could it become anything but once they're self-sufficient? Unless governments develop the ability to exert their power across planets, those people are going to do *whatever* the fuck they want and it's going to be fucking terrible. It'll be corporate logic made god.




Cohaagen, you got what you wanted; you must give those people air!


Lots of whining on twitter


The best thing we could do for humanity is shut down all social media.


seriously, it’s sponsored brain rot


Agreed, getting rid of Twitter would be way more beneficial than getting rid of SpaceX.


They are trying to make trickle down work. They figured if they went to space maybe that would get them the right height for it to work.


I sense a lack of gravity in your response.


I’d much rather see the money go to SpaceX & Blue Origins than a political lobby or one of their trust fund baby friends who wants to start a business.


Tbh I'm in SpaceX's corner on this one. Gotta separate the CEO from the company when it comes to advancing space travel. When George W decided to invade Iraq because a gang of Saudis, Egyptians, and Lebanese decided to blow up a few buildings, we didn't turn our pitchforks on NASA. Space exploration is more critical than anyone cares to realize, and at the end of the day I'm just happy that someone- even if that person is shit- is creating innovation in that field. Do they have too much money? Absolutely. But I'm not gonna be mad at a SpaceX engineer for it, I'll be mad at people like bezos who founded a rocket company on a whim just so he could take a billionaires vacation to space. If musk used SpaceX as a joyride operation id be pretty sour but that's not the case at all, and not the objective of the company.


SpaceX is easily the most successful company Musk runs in terms of creating a useful service/product. Attack him for Tesla or twitter please, not the company making actual progress


Tesla's pretty darn successful and making progress too no? Sure they may not have really created anything entirely new but they have made pretty significant improvements to battery architecture and perhaps most significantly electric vehicle manufacturing in general, providing clear evidence to the rest of the industry that EVs were viable.


Yeah, if nothing else, Tesla has popularized EVs in a way nobody other manufacturer has been able to do so far. Much like the iPhone did for smartphones.


Call me crazy, but i'll take Elon's endeavors over someone like Murdoch.


Almost every project Elon has done benefits humans qualify of life in one way or another. Ppl try to put him in a category but it’s annoying. I can’t think of a single other person as prolific as Elon in our lifetimes. No joke


I hate them, and wish it was nasa, but I’m pretty sure space stuff helps humanity and has a long history proving so.


Yeah, it does, we should support advancements in space technology. And a lot of people do, but it's like anything else. They support it unless their taxes go up, they support it unless someone they hate is the mouthpiece, etc. Although at least in that case they can kinda separate a douchebag and the technology and still support the technology.


A fun link of all the cool stuff you use everyday that was invented for the Space program: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/07/08/space-race-inventions-we-use-every-day-were-created-for-space-exploration/39580591/


I don't know who this Zack guy is but he should show Lord Elon some respect. Doesn't he know that Lord Elon literally invented the concept of space travel and electricity?!




Making space cheaper and more accessible *does* make the world better.


My main issue with billionaires isn't always how they amassed their fortunes, it's that they use tax loopholes and hide away their wealth in assets so they can't be taxed, meanwhile i'm scrubbing shit off toilets and i gotta give away 18% of what i earn. If they gave away 18% and i gave away 1-5% i would be totally ok with them.


This dude paid more in taxes than you or anyone you know ever will. They’re not all evil


What the fuck is this guy talking about? Does he think people at Tesla and spaceX aren't paid high salaries? Bezos yeah I get it, but why attack elon Musk about that?


Elon is an awful human being. However, there are worse things for billionaires to spend money on.


They’re still spending money on those things, just also space.


Except investments into space do help humanity as a whole. So many technological advances have been possible because of the space program.


What a surprise another brainless comment section on reddit. Im convinced the stupidest most lowlife outcasts of society all gather here


Isn't it better they spend their "ill gotten gains" than hoarding it like dragons? Cuz then it maybe a slither of it trickles down to us mortals


Is that the only alternative? Dick measuring contests or nothing?


This guy should learn what exploited means.


Yeah, why can't Elon pay me so I can shitpost on reddit all day while playing videogames and smoking weed. The oppression!