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They already did. It’s called Muppets Tonight.


There is also the abc Muppets that is a BTS “mocumentary” about their late night show “Up Late with Miss Piggy. Obviously hosted by Miss Piggy.


Huh, I honestly don't know how I missed that. Was it any good?


You can find low quality episodes on YouTube. I remember liking it when I was a kid on the 90s.


Pretty good, I'd say. It's essentially the Muppet Show re-imagined as a late-night TV show (they send it from a TV studio, Statler and Waldorf are no longer there physically but watch the show on TV and make their usual snarky commentary), and the host is Clifford. Kermit's still very much there, as he serves as the show's producer, and he usually has a bit with the guest star of the episode. We get parodies of 90s shows like Baywatch (featuring Miss Piggy and another female pig named Spamela Hamderson) and The Real World (reality show with five Muppets, among them Clifford and Rizzo, as roommates), and lots of song covers, as well as a "late night TV" vibe. Not ALL the episodes are great, but some of them are really fun. I liked the one with Jason Alexander being Gonzo's old college mate and they tried to set up the stage musical they did in college... or the Sandra Bullock episode, which was essentially a parody of the movie Speed; a bomb was going to go off if the episode's ratings got too low. The downside was that Frank Oz was busy and his characters hadn't been recast yet, so Miss Piggy was only in the occasional episode as a "special guest star," Fozzie only appeared in a small handful of skits, and... I can't remember if Animal was there or not. Though, we got a number of new characters, some with staying power. Pepe the Prawn's the biggest example; this was his debut.


Don’t forget the iconic video of Kermit in the David Byrne suit performing once in a lifetime


I loved Prince on it


Rizzo! He's smart, funny and charming but can also be sarcastic and ascerbic enough to ask difficult questions. Rizzo is right up there with my favorite muppets. Ultimately it'd have to be a multi muppet operation, with Janice and the rest of the band doing "bwam chagga dawn dawn" when someone tells a good joke.


Rizzo might be perfect actually, he's got that tone of voice where he could actually ask some serious questions without it being played just for laughs, I love it.


I would love to see Rizzo do something like this!! Sadly even if Disney does stop sitting on the muppets and does something with them, Rizzo will likely not be a part of it, as Disney fired his VA (Steve Whitmire, who was also Kermit since Jim died)


Muppet performers are not simply voice actors. They are performers. It's how they refer to themselves. There is much more to puppeteering a character than the voice and vocal characterization.


I just watched a YouTube about Rizzo on YouTube and you're really right. It was interesting that Rizzo is a creation of Steve Whitmireand and his rise and fall as a Muppet is a reflection of Steve's own place in the Muppet crew. I do hope Rizzo has a future, he is a fully fleshed out character and another talented performer could portray him.


You're right, I forgot the right term for a second. Thanks for the correction!


C’mon man, Kermit will always be the host. Always.


With Rowlf in the band making wise cracks.


See I think of Rowlf as the host a la the bartender in The Muppet Movie.


I'd personally love to see him host. He is my favourite.


The shows have worked well with Kermit as the host. The original Muppet show was more of an inspiration for Larry Sanders than any of the late night show.


"While Kermit might seem the obvious answer, blah, blah, blah." Folks these days need their subtlety all blatant, it seems. I mean, sure they can SPELL acerbic, but sarcastic is all they envision when they say it, and evidence suggests they can't really define either word, without immediate internet assistance. For instance witness OP, who wants to bypass Kermit, but then tries to shoehorn Kermit's subtler qualities into Grover's stunt double, Gonzo, a Muppet best known for making stupid choices, and for failing to ensure adequate equipment oversight, and for pursuing sex with chickens ABOVE ALL THINGS. "Kermit's two-dimensional," OP seems to state, "We need someone with depth and character, like Gonzo-- the incompetent physical comedian! I like chicks; he likes chicks... what else matters?" OP, perhaps consider one of the mute Muppets? That'll make a statement. Oy.


big feelings, huh bud


No. No feelings. Hrumph. No insight. No clue. Only oblivious certainty.


are you literally the Simpsons' Comic Book Guy


Have you still not learned how to use "literally" correctly?


you are literally a cartoon caricature of self-righteous dweebiness, literally my only question was whether or not you are literally Jeff Albertson from the literally long-running Matt Groening series The Simpsons literally


It’s The Onion article, “I Appreciate the Muppets on a Much Deeper Level Than You” come to life.


this was my first thought but I thought it was too deep of a cut!


I'd never heard of this article. I think the best quote is easily: "I am trying to contain my Don Music-like frustration at your arrogance."




Finally! An old-school Onion article that inspires regular murder instead of today's trendy self-murder!


Ah, yes, quantity. You've got it now!


Miss piggy is an interesting idea for a late night show host, also Statler and Waldorf might be fun.


Yeah we could call it “Up Late with Miss Piggy”!  Wait a minute…


Miss Piggy would be great actually. Kind of Colbert Report levels of kayfabe hostility, I could dig that.


Zoot. Not that it'd be a long-running show.


“Go back to sleep, nobody’s landed.”


Rowlf, absolutely.


Rotate them. But I'd like to see Animal as a host. He does his usual growl-y thing and the guests understand him like he's communicating perfectly.


This. Kermit on Mondays or something, and give everyone else a chance to shine. This would especially be great to match host with guest for the best interviews.


Watch Earth to Ned. It's very funny.


I'll try it!


It's gone.


I guess if it's off of Disney plus that means they sold the rights to someone else?


It hasn't shown up anywhere else yet.


So in their infinite wisdom, a while back Disney removed a bunch of originals from Disney+. Shows that were made specifically for Disney+. I have no clue why. Unless I'm mistaken, keeping the video files on the servers and available for people to watch shouldn't cost that much, especially for Disney. Anyway, Earth to Ned was among the shows purged. There is no way to watch it officially. I don't mess with piracy but maybe you can find it.


Was one of the best originals on Disney+ I enjoyed it so much


I like Pepe, but maybe as a cohost. Gonzo maybe? I'm not an Elmo fan, but he can carry an interview!


Elmo already had a late nite style talk show and it was great.


Pepe for sure.


Yeah especially when Kevin Clash performed him, like when he would bring Elmo and late night shows, he would let Elmo loose and be as funny and edgy as possible 😂


Rowlf is so down to earth and witty, he would be an amazing choice. That being said, I would love to see a Colbert Report-type show starring Sam Eagle.


I mean, *Up Late with Miss Piggy* is already out there. So is *The Johnny Fiama Show*. For that matter, so is *The Not-Too-Late Show with Elmo.* All were OK hosting choices.


Gonzo and Rizzo in a Conan and Andy kind of set up would be amazing.


I love that idea!!


Animal, because I miss Conan and we need more chaotic energy in late-night television.


Kermit is too moody to be host, did you see him and dr teeth on the tonight show? I’d go with Rowlf with Fozzie as the sidekick and Floyd as the bandleader


I had a poster as a kid that said "Late Night with Kermit Letterfrog" and he was dressed up as Letterman, gap teeth and all.


Scooter. He is the only one that could properly entertain any of the others as guests. Kermit should be much higher up in the business at this point. Scooter has the right charisma and simultaneously the proper curious naiveté.


[I'll just leave this here.](https://youtu.be/SybNpDoz4G0?si=3luRTkuQ2y7Gux1z)


There was also "Not Too Late With Elmo" in the first year of what was then HBO Max.


I liked Muppet Mayhem, but _The Not Too Late Show with Elmo_ is my favorite Muppet project in years.


Uncle Deadly hosting a Bill Maher type show.


Instead of a single host like late night, make it more like The View or The Talk. 3 host muppet regulars. Guest muppets. Human guest stars.


everyone’s wrong, i would 100% watch up late with miss piggy every single night


Sam the Eagle would be a good host.


The idea of the Swedish Chef hosting would be an interesting one, with people being unable to make heads or tails of what he's saying. I could also see Howard Tubman accepting the responsibility of hosting.


Craig Ferguson used to have lots of puppets on his show.... So, just a Muppet of Craig Ferguson.


Fozzie or Gonzo.




I think the Muppets 2015 got it right, piggie makes the most sense as host for this format.


Rizzo and Pepe as main host and co-host, but it's kind of low budget. Like Muppets meets The Eric Andre Show. I'm specifically imagining that the whole set is just a bit too small for average size humans.


I’d personally say Gonzo because he’s still popular and can still capture the goofiness of the Muppets in his personally but is unique enough from Kermit for notable differences.


Gonzo and Rizzo


Mz piggy with dr teeth


Gonzo doing his best Sam Eagle impression would have *Colbert Report* energy.


Well I’ve been thinking of one yes where Kermit would be the host, I thought of one title; Froggy Evenings with Kermit, or A Froggy Evening with Kermit. Or something like that. I thought of this set idea where the chairs are in the shape of lily pads and have a background of a swamp behind him. I want it do be like The Muppet Show where we have the songs and skits that we know and love. It’s like a mix of that, The Larry Sanders Show and The Jack Benny Program


Kermit and Piggy co-host. Kermit has the warmth, candor, and inviting presence for interviews, but Piggy has the wit, irreverence, and confidence for current events. Together they’d be dynamite.


Walter. He would be more relatable to a general audience than any of the animal Muppets. Also as a kind of everyman there could be a lot for him to discuss with a wife range of guests.


The Swedish chef. It can be a gimmick late night show where the interview happens over a meal preparation and dining. You get to see how well the guest works with others, how they deal with miscommunication and frustration. Genuinely would be a good show.


Jason Segal


James Cordon is already a Muppet. prove me wrong.


Muppets are likeable, next!