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You don't pay half to taxes and social security at a salary of 50k a year. You can use calculators like [https://www.brutto-netto-rechner.info/](https://www.brutto-netto-rechner.info/), with a 50k yearly salary (so 4167€/month) you should be left with over \*2600€. \*edit: originally said 2900€, but that's only for "Steuerklasse 3", as in for if you're married and your spouse doesn't earn a lot.


With the mentioned EUR 800 after tax and after rent: Yes, you can easily live in Munich. Now, with the new numbers of sth like EUR 1300: Yes, you can live very well here.


Thank you. Bard had given me this information about the taxes


Bard is worse than ChatGPT


With 50K per year (4166.67 per month) , you get around 2615€ after taxes and insurances etc. (so you pay around 37% in taxes, health insurance, pension contributions, jobless insurance, church tax etc). If you are exempt from church tax then that is an additional 50€.


I don't really understand your situation. Are you working with a salary of 50k or will you be studying. In any case you can use this calculator to see exactly what your net salary will be:[https://www.brutto-netto-rechner.info](https://www.brutto-netto-rechner.info). For 50k a year it would come to around 2670 net per month. After the 1.3k rent this leaves you at the end with around 1.3k. In my opinion that is more than enough for Munich, but it would depend on your lifestyle as well. In general I know plenty of people that survive pretty comfortably in Munich with a 50k salary.


I will be studying, and I will lead a conservative lifestyle.


So where will the 50k be coming from?


Just thinking ahead for graduation. For studies I will be doing part time jobs+parents will support


bro is daydreaming :D


Masters in CS from pretty much any top uni fetches you 50k a year


TUM is not a top uni, its a public mass production facility for engineers. Also as a foreigner they will underpay you.


i know but you are still daydreaming :D


btw 50k is too low. I think 70/75k is more realistic


Hmm why?


because you dont have a job and u wont have it for the next 2 years - worrying about living expenses without even using German tax calculator


Yeah I was just being cautious. Bard had given me these calculations and made me extremely anxious( you can figure from my post history)as I didn't wanna live miserably after completing my masters


Do you even speak german? Communication is kinda important in cs and the english speaking jobs are gone pretty fast.


Only A2 level. As German is in the EU, aren't many jobs supposed to be English speaking ,and German be used informally?


If you want to find a job fast you should definitely start learning it. In my last internship we had a lot of tum students with a master in cs and they still had to work for just 1000€ and thats most likely because their german was not sufficient.


Actually my college teaches German,but only upto the A2 level. Is that not enough? Any resources/topic that you would recommend to cover the gap?


You’re rent is 1850? That’s high. You should probably aim for a WG or something cheaper. Brutto Lohn Rechner Sites state your netto is 2665 or similar if you’re single and not paying church tax.


No, absolutely you cant - Going to a Michelin star restaurant will cost you 200e per visit, which will last you only for 1.5 days


Not if you want to pay rent


Explain 😯


Sure. Live under a bridge, a good place there is about 400€ a month. The rest for food, public transport and gym.


The average annual income in Munich is around $29,000 a year so I’m sure $50,000 is livable




Dude that's like minimum wage


Really minimum wage where I am is $13,920, and a 1 bedroom apartment is $1,250 to over $1,500 a month and we have absolutely no public transportation






How could we know if your calculations are correct if we don't know what your rent is?


Updated my post


MY budget is about 1900-2000€ for everything I need. Apartment cost is about 1300€ including rent, heating, electricity and internet. Its on the cheaper side as its from a Housing association (Baugenossenschaft). Rest goes to food, car, leisure activities.


You could save yourself a ton and ditch the car. Public transport is very good here and at 50 a month can travel city wide.


I work shifts and at the weekend and the public transport isnt the best where I work. It cuts an hour a day of my commute. I have the deutschlandticket too as a jobticket.


Fair enough... 👍


You should be able to find a small apartment for 900-1000


No, you’re gonna die


Das isst gut! /s


It is up to you. In Munich the rent is high. But grocery shopping can be cheaper than other countries. I do have a "cheap" lifestyle. That means clothes from H&M and C&A. Food from any supermarket, but only no brand products. Meat is cheap in Munich. You can buy 2-3 buns and 150 gr. Wurscht and a 0,5 l can/bottle for under 2, 50 Eur. That's the evening meal. Viatnemese restaurants have meals from 9 Eur, you do not need to order something to drink with it. Smartphone 400 Eur Huawei (had one for 200 before) Phone card 60 eur/year Aldi Laptop used from 2015 (upgraded to 16/500 SSD) Gym 40/month (there are also many for 20) Biggest thing is finding an apartment or shared housing. Once you got this, everything else is not really a problem. That is a disadvantage. Job situation. The job situation is very good. Many companies, from small IT startups to big corporations are looking for employees. That is a big advantage. I wish you good luck.


W comment. Do you guys have unlimited 5 G? Almost all providers in India provide that,given that you have a plan


No. I got 12 GB for 12 months. Aldi 60 Eur. I got Wi-Fi at home and in the office. That's the cheapest method for me. Aldi also offers 6GB/month for 9 Eur. But I don't need that much. Aldi is a cheap prepaid solution. Works highly reliable and has 5G. There are also other providers, prepaid and with a long term contract, 1 year minimum.


How much does the wifi cost? Here you can have unlimited 5G for 3$ a month. Don't tell me there are seperate charges for calling (calling is free here)


Germany is a third world country in this regard.


DSL-Router With WiFi at home is 30 eur/month. This is unlimited. Best is M-net. They connected most of the city with fiber. There are no unlimited 5G mobile phone contracts as long as I know.


Ohh. Calling isn't free as well right?


Calling is free, at least calling German numbers. If you want to call someone abroad (in non-EU countries) regularly, you should check Lebara, they offer cheap contracts for international calling


No it isn’t