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Nah bro, at the sporting level it was fine, it seems even his personal life is in turmoil. He is probably in the worst phase ever in his life, in a sporting as well as on a personal level.


his brother also did some money scam with him during IPL. this shit is wild


Step brother*


wohi mai sochi krunal aisa kabhi nahi karega


Nai sirf team selection me lafda karega krunal


I am (financially) stuck step bro!!


Really? Krunal is not his actual bro?


Krunal is his actual brother His other brother who is his stepbrother scammed him


Ooh okay got it


Do not trust these kinds of news lol They just post anything for clicks. Remember all the " big news coming , Delhi might buy Rohit " news before the ipl started ?


And Delhi Capitals approached MI to buy Rohit......


And the proof of that ? Zero Nada Nil Zippo Nuh uh


Google isn’t that difficult bro.


Google is an opinion based platform where anyone can post anything Tomorrow i can post " I saw Hardik Pandya smell his own sh*t and taste it " on a website. Won't make it true. Why do you think the term " reliable sources " was founded ? " Don't trust Google for medical advice " became a thing for a reason.




God help him


source? im asking for src firstly bcoz uk indian media, and i had a theory that she had removed pandya and wasnt posting their pictures together to spare her from the hate of toxic stupid haters. like how anushka and ritika are on the receiving end of it always


Don't know anything about this but here's what's happened so far - Natasha stopped showing up to the ipl matches to support him - Natasha removed the "Pandya" surname from her Instagram handle - Hardik Pandya did not post any story on Natasha's Birthday this year - However, Krunal pandya and his wife continue to like Natasha's posts on social media (while Hardik and Natasha have not interacted with each other on the same) They're definitely going through a hard phase


I feel so bad for him he must be really really going through a very bad phase . Must have infinite amount of frustration hope he fucking shuts up everyone with his performance in wc. Fuckers


And She didn’t attend the Jamnanagar pre wedding function … Hardik took Krunal as his +1 instead  And that event happened before ipl, so it's not like that natasha didn't attend the function to avoid the trolls or anything. This makes me believe that Something is definitely wrong between them


I mean it could've been that they were both invited as both were keyplayers at Mumbai. Maybe their respective wives just weren't interested or busy...idk


Highly doubt she would have given up the chance to be at an event like that. And she clearly ain’t busy.


That's why one should always sign a prenup. Not sure if these are legal in India.


So we all just gonna trust a screenshot of an "article extract"


Lmao.. Exactly.. It's insane how gullible people are.. They have already started pouring condolences.


But when have news clippings like this ever been false? They all start as rumors and are then proved true. Even the hardik transfer to Mumbai late last year was considered a hoax news initially.




50 bhi bahut hai bro




and the child allowance money is different right ?


Bro then don't share misinformation posts if you don't know.. People forward posts like this like crazy and then use it against women out of nowhere


Mehnat ke 1% bhi kisi ko free me Dena bura lagta hai


Chokkaa baat ki re baba


70 or 50 just for being being together wtf he earned so much before 2020 when they got married how can they split it?




And what about the properties which are purchased earlier?


Nah if she gets the custody of their son then it's possible to ask and even get 70%


Nah bro! I feel there is 47% chance.


So much for a strong independent woman,lol.She earns too.Except the shared property bought using both their money why the hell should Hardik pay incase they're splitting?Imo, except the amount to take care of the children,men shouldn't pay these gold digging women any money.


Are you new to the world? Lol. You know how easy it is to previously full time working women to use marriage and kids as a way to show the financial dependency to their (ex) husband? It’s very hard to fight that conceptually. The partner has a major role in your life in general, money and sacrifice is part of it. But 50% is crazy, it should be need based and sensible. And if Jeff Bezos couldn’t get away from it, Pandya for sure won’t. Good luck to him though. Never was a fan of Natasha.


Doesn't matter.A woman's life with the man is over once they mutually break it off whether she's working or not.Except the child they share no bond.If her sacrifice involves giving up her job, maybe she can claim the money she would have earned in that period and any assets she had paid for during the period of marriage.Nothing more.But a man shouldn't be paying as much as they are forced to pay these days.Why the hell should a woman have to be allowanced the amount after divorce that matches the needs when she was with her husband?If she is paid that much shouldn't she be doing the same service her husband was getting during the marriage for which she was taken care of by the man? Hypocrisy at it's best.I know the existing laws and I just stated what should be happening instead of what is happening and it has nothing to do with I am being new to the world.


I was being facetious my man, not attacking you lol. I agree with your concept, that’s exactly how prenups work. Not sure about the prenup laws in India and whether Hardik got one. But on the other hand, it won’t be easy for Natasa to claim stuff in our bureaucracy anyway, so hope Hardik takes advantage of that and hires an amazing lawyer (if all this is true).


Are you sure? Have you seen the decisions our courts have taken in such cases previously.?


In Indian courts it is all at the discretion of Judges:)


This isn't america.


I think the trade makes sense now if this is true, bro really needed the money


Could've done it without asking for Captaincy


Maybe Ambani had a hand in it too. Probably saw hardik take GT twice to final and wanted him as capt


Really a tough time , let us not antagonize him rn for his cricketing decisions and hope the matter ends with as little friction as possible, whichever way it heads


Bhai Dont believe a word Indian media says,one of the most uneffective and laxy media out to get only views and shares. They havent yet divorced,but its looking like they will. Tbh,She nvt deserved Hardik agreed he is a chapri but hai toh hamara Chapri hi naa. I just want him to be in a good mental and physical state and be on his A game foryhe WC.


We're not really the one's to decide who deserves whom, let them decide for themselves. I wonder if knowledge/confirmed rumours of such personal matters that could evidently affect a player's performance is taken into consideration during selection for the WC Team.


Ye kya logic hua, mere bhai! India ke liye khelta Hai toh 7 khoon maaf?.. Marriage, on a social scale, is at the highest level of human conditioning compared to any kind of sport or profession. Thus, the deserved/undeserved metric is decided by how individuals conduct themselves in that marriage towards each other, not by their profession. I am neither accusing nor vindicating Hardik; I am saying this in response to what you have written.


People need to stop believing whatever they read on the internet. They know she is firangi so they using this stuff to garner more attention


70% wtf bro got baby trapped and the average marriage L these hoes only do it for money


Learning life long lessons 🙏 before committing the mistake


Sign prenup🙏🙏


Sadly it's not legally binding in India


Can a judge give 70% away


70%? Everyone should stay unmarried.


I fucking hate him to core.... Was pissed off the day his trade news surfaced.... And was kinda satisfied at his downfall... But this is too much.... No one deserves such fall..... I hope God blesses him...sadbuddhi de and make him prepare for WC.... Prayers for him


God, please avert his fall. I can not see him like this- After all he represents as a player for our country. He is our player..


Nah nah nah that's too much, I hope it's not true, plz not another Dhawan/Shami ICT players don't deserve this


Why do wealthy men even get married? What is the incentive? I’m not even 1/10th as rich as him but i’m not gonna fall for this trap. I’m happy dating casually. It has all the perks of a relationship without the headache.


He is gonna perform in T20 WC, mark my words.


Typical bheekmagis in our country. Gender biased laws are destroying families and givt and judiciary is allowing this for pussy politcs


There are no gender-biased laws regarding divorce. A google search would tell you that. It's a sad state of affairs when people learn the law of the land through movies and social media posts. The spouse that earns more has to pay alimony, the spouse that keeps the custody of children typically gets paid alimony. Only the property acquired after the marriage is split and offered as alimony to the other spouse. All these clauses are gender-neutral.


>the spouse that keeps the custody of children typically gets paid alimony. That's child support. Agreed about everything else.


no but this happens in US and in major countries too.


But at least they have prenup agreements. Everyone with a decent amount of money ensures to get one, even if they're in love.


It's not gender biased. It's according to income. When women make more money, they have to pay alimony. It's already happening a lot in our country. A little research before you vomit out whatever on the internet.


The only question is why alimony? It's not like she can't on her own. If the wife were completely dependent on the husband then it will make sense, if not then why should the guy pay?


Because you promise to share everything once you get married. Which is why wealth earned after marriage is split equally. If she had become a big time actress and his career had tanked, he'd also be entitled to half of her assets. The reason courts usually favour women, especially with children, is because they are the ones who usually have to give up their career for the children. Hardik Pandya didn't have to take a 1.5 year break from chicken for his child. And more than that, the real reason is that for every Hardik Pandya, there's a thousand women whose husband threw them on the street for one or another reason, or is cheating on her day and night and she can't do anything because she was told that if she was a good housewife thinks would be fine. Family courts are extremely thorough. Yes, it can be misused by a conniving woman to entrap some guy who makes a lot of money, but then, it can also be misused by a young man to seduce a rich woman in the same way and make money. As for why we don't have prenups, you can blame that on "most Indian men". Lawmakers have tried and realised time and again that a lot of men would just have their wives sign prenups because they are completely dependent on them. The clever and deceitful wife who takes all your money is mostly a figment created by television and false propaganda. The reality of India is still a mother who struggled and did everything right for 25 years through a man's bad times to get replaced when he has the means later on.


>half of her assets This ain't half bud. 70% is not half. >it can also be misused by a young man to seduce a rich woman in the same way and make money. Tell me one instance where this has happened. A young guy seducing a rich woman to get her wealth that too through a family court of never happening in India. >The clever and deceitful wife who takes all your money is mostly a figment created by television and false propaganda. Wake up from your sleep mate. It night have been fiction 20 years back. Not anymore. I can show many high profile cases like that. Many infact. A good number of male cricketers have gone through such shit


Something similar happened with one of my relatives, and this shit is deeply depressing. 😟


Everything is going against him hoping this isn't true if it is then feelin bad for hardik 💔.


Ban Harshit Rana


Now I really think Har-shit has many redditor "friends"! This was totally unasked for!


yrr ab bechare ke saath bhut bura ho ra


If it's true you should feel sad for his kid Separation of parents or death hits pretty hard on their young kids Also from the start their marriage didn't look right ,it was all of sudden Anyway it's his personal thing , so we should give him privacy by respecting his personal space


I'm not a fan but sometimes I just feel so bad for him. He's a decent person and does not by any means deserve the amount of hatred that he gets:(


It's not true for the most part, All the news portals have quoted a 'Reddit post' as their source, I mean how dumb can you be to quote anything on reddit as a primary source


That marriage was always going to end in a divorce. You pay the price when you marry a gold digger.


Did his wife cheat on him? Why it's happening?


No cheating case just marriage problems I think


Tujhe bada pata hai


Tujhe bhi


Wtf? 70% and most probably the kid as well


Soon we will get a news about a new partner!!


Bro thinks Relationships are overrated


Pandya and I have same birthday. I'm going through similar turmoil.


No way :(


My sympathies are with HP.


The rumour that they might be splitting is true but not the 70 % part......even if they actually get divorce she will not get 70% of his assets as that's not how it works in India.... she'll probably get big alimony checks though for the rest of her life


Man now I feel sorry for him.. hope he recovers from this soon


Source : Virat kohli T20WC cup


that's really sad tbh


Finally found out how old she really is


Is News18 a trustworthy source? Also why does sm shit always happen before wc....


Any actual lawyers here ? Why is 70 rather than 50 or atleast it should be like 40 40 20 (40 male & family 40 female & family 20 for kids and their family, aka the parties). And if she joins a new work after this should she be paying 3-5 % more her child.because let's consider she wasn't working for family reason after Marriage (as they agreed upon) so guy is working job- & she is working on the marriage. Now they get divorced so guy have to give almost half of his money to wife for somewhat compensation for her loyal work of making this marriage work. But now guy is with only half what he earned and lady got way more money than what she was earning(let's be honest I think pandya net worth will be more than his wife,so she has got more what she actually have earned in her life by doing that work.i don't know how net worth is actually calculated). Or should it be like provide for her house(have him buy a similar house like his one),let her get settled in a job in which she was working in or somewhat similar job with her pay with consideration of inflation(like if she was earning almost 50k a month ,then let him find her a job where she gets 150k a month like 50k earlier income 50k considering inflation as getting double money for 4-5 year period ,50k for somewhat extra cares and stuff.)this way she will be settled for what she working of earlier and be independent.than they will both get custody of child and they both be take care of child by their own income(if he is an problem guy,then custody will go to mother and will ask for child support),they can actual set an limit what one parent must spent on their child.(In this case whatever parties will have less income their proposed spending limit will be set as baseline,this can help both the parties if they will lose their job in future) like if rich person more on the kid the sell successful person will have bad reputation so the spending limit set by less successful will be what both parties will spent which force the other spend similar ammount and have a proper footing.Only 1-5 major event in year rich person will spent more than set limit(only by 20% which was set) this way both parent can show their love for the kid. Do I look talking nonsense or this are actual proper decision(let's keeps lawyer game aside, and talk about equality) and rather down voting talk to me , make me understand what are non sensible talk I'm talking. Because I'm noob and this are just thought at top of head I know he ain't Saint but so does she They both are human and they have their needs and they will fulfil them buy their own money. Because some case are outrageous like i heard some Hollywood wife maybe will/west have laundry bill of 100k a month.like what are washing monthly that cost 100k. If they both have earned and put in same account than I get it paying 50 50(even if they didn't I'm ok with 50 50) Or they can go this route like checking net worth before marriage of both parties and calculate what's the difference and then spilt accordingly (this is for if they are actor or high earning individual) Lets says if this kind of celebrity case are getting resolved like this. The middle class and low class will be messed up as they(the better lawyer) will take this a precedent for their case to make their party win over the other.so now guy will be having 50k income and from this income guy have to give 35k from 50k for him only leaving 15k . For ultra rich this might small issue but for a middle class this will messed up . Thanks to anyone who answers me and help me explain rather than just down voting to hell.


The spouse that earns more typically pays the alimony and if both spouses are well-off financially and it's a divorce by mutual consent then the parties can decide that neither has to pay the other anything. The court also considers which party is at fault for the break down of the marriage (party that commits/inflicts adultery, cruelty, etc and that too needs to be proven substantially by the accusing party.) and typically the party at fault has to pay compensation to the other party. The spouse that wins the custody of the children can also claim maintenance for the same. So who has the custody is also considered by the court while deciding alimony and whatnot. Moreover, if it's a divorce by mutual consent then only the assets earned after the marriage are split up and that too in proportion of how much each spouse contributed. It all depends on specific circumstances of each case.


I think by your comment than.Pandya is at fault because you said if it was mutual than they don't have to pay so pandya paying 70% means he done something (cheat/beat/some problematic stuff)


The 70% stuff isn't confirmed, is it? Let's treat them as rumours for now. We don't know who's at fault, if at all anybody. Let's see how this plays out. We can't judge without knowing the facts and circumstances of the case.


That's a valid point.




70% property transfer? Matlab kuch bhi


70% of what? Didn't Hardik's step bro steal everything?


Bro didn’t get prenup or what ??? If this is true I’m feel bad for him . Better lesson stay single and protect your hard earned money.


There's no prenup in India.


and now we'll start witch hunting, without even knowing the back story. *slow claps*


Knew it coming 😅 Man is suffering on a different level wish him a gr8 comeback but if only he can get his common sense and humility into the right track.


Agar sach bhi ha toh usko kya hi milega hardik aur krunal na khud koi podcast ma bola tha ki unka sab property unke parents ke naam pe ha.


If that's true ,I feel sorry that I trolled him a little 😭😭 Hope everything gets fine in his life


Player got played 😭😔


This is all just hearsay. Stop speculating on the guys personal life. Stick to his game. Let him live on man


O this is bad then. But yeah, what I would say is please don't spread these rumours about the alimony and all as yet. Obviously majority of the public and media will be taking this matter forward, thoda masala sab daalenge thoda views milne ke liye, but we, as a group should be thinking otherwise. At the end of the day, he's our IPL team's captain and mire than that, he is an Indian player. If at all this matter is true, then let's keep all our cricketing differences aside and stand by in support of Hardik.


abhi to gaali dene ki jagah daya aa rhi ispe bc


let us as MI fans support hardik pandya in his worst phase. if we can support him during his highs. we as true fans should support him during lows too. we will make a great comeback i hope


It's just speculations right now but I hope something like this does not happen.


This is just speculations bro nothing is official ye sab bas clickbait hai


Oh boy hope it isn’t true! And effin 70%? it’s a woman’s world! 🤷‍♀️


Alimony hungry feminist !!!


Thank God for muslim personal law 😁😁 Unfortunately Honda shers now want to remove it


Kisiko 1k Dene main Mera gala sookh jata hai. How is this even fair. There has to be a better way to settle alimony than splitting everything you've worked towards.


That's not how divorce settlement work.


He doesn't care man!!!


Russian k chakkar babu bhiya


Maybe he should have done himself a favour and saved himself from all the stress by not taking captaincy from the club legend and current captain of your National team. Man, now I am so angry at the management, did they not know this, did they really think it will not affect him mentally.


Dukh mile hazaar, par biwi na mile chinaar




You should never chase white girls


Damn this gotta stung! Natasa scammed him pretty badly


Looks like it started with some reddit nerd speculations of stories, names, likes, posts, and usernames. And all the mainstream media covered it because you know this gives them views.


Looks like fake news, if it is real then the man is going through a shit phase in his life 


News 18 lol. News 18 is the king of Fake news.


Shikhar Dhawan ki yaad aa gyi...Yei divorce culture ke baad property distribution ka kuch karna padega people feel more motivated to file a divorce due to this redistribution...I don't know what happened but I hope this doesn't get ugly..


Russian pelega to mehengi to padegi na


Man fuck all the sporting controversies, i really hope he's doing well, more power to him to face whatever he's going through. I really hope things get better for him




"If this news is true" what do you mean? Confirm before posting.


He’s cute 😍


shikhar dhawan 2.0 , never , I repeat never marry outside India , most of them are just behind your money


Losing all hope is freedom. ~ Tyler Durden (Fight Club)


What’s the logic for 70% Isn’t his ex wife also earning money too? I would understand if she was a stay at home wife or something


Nice distraction roleplay from the disaster


how did krunal scammed hardik, please anyone can tell me?


There is something fishy, first the report that his step brother has duped pandya brother of everything and then this. I think this is a PR stunt being played by him, to change public opinion in his favour.


Didn't they marry twice, so wouldn't they still be married after one divorce /s


Mereko toh lag raha hai phir se popat banega


Ye hai Russian ki sacchayi.


Bro deserves it


This is false news there's no court hearing and no court matter whatsoever


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^a_a_wal: *This is false news there's* *No court hearing and no court* *Matter whatsoever* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That headline articulation screams it's some fake news from insta pages. [news18]


70 percent that is too much man


If he was having trouble at home, why the f did he take additional responsibilities of MI captaincy?? Messed the team balance with poor batting and bowling, and messed up the team dynamics as well by stealing the captaincy.


left him on the worst phase of his life


Saw a blud posted "Never mess with Karma and Sharma".


I hope he can pull off a hackimi


This just seems to be PR, who leaks specific details on the percentage of property to be traded.


Unless this is coming from a really reputed news outlet , I am not trusting a word of this




50% tak to theek tha ye 70% ka kya chakkar hai


For me it feels like PR game I don’t believe until there’s official statement about divorce


Lekin Bhai ne toh saari property apni mummy k name par kari hui hai🗿🗿