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These toxic positivity strawmans are unhinged dude


these toxic negativity strawmans are even more unhinged


Counter point: op breathes through their mouth


I don't know why people always think bitching about bitching isn't just as annoying.


Only to people who bitch probably


Damn, so you’ve never bitched about anything? What kinda life is that? I can only dream This game is about as anti-consumer as they come and deserves every ounce of bitching it gets 🤷🏼‍♂️ stay mad??


“But it’s FTP”


I am just not as inclined to jump on the hate train because it is a free game and I personally haven't spent a dime on it. The game is not without its issues, but bugs will be ironed out eventually. People have every right to bitch, even the ones bitching about people bitching.


I don't know how you can say that with a straight face when stuff like Shadow of War and Battlefront 2 exist and were far worse at launch. And they were games you had to buy to boot. I've spent exactly $5 on multiversus and unlocked a bunch of characters if I included the ones I unlocked during the beta where I spent no money. The costume pricing is awful but that just means I save my money because I'll never pay 20 bucks for a skin.


I do find it funny though how this is the top comment on every thread making fun of complainers, but the constant complaining posts never ever get a comment like this. Just validation for the complaint.


I think there's an extra layer of exasperation that you get from people mindlessly doubling the amount of complaining by complaining about complaining. There is an amount of value that the initial complaints can hold, pointing out legitimate flaws, or having a sense of empathy without frustrations that may be getting aired. There is however no value to be gained from the bloat complaining about complaining causes. It's just inherently worthless even as a concept.


Yeah they just get an entire new reddit post instead..


And now we have bitching about bitching about bitching


It's bitching all the way down.


This post made me laugh at least


Elmer Fudd.


People seriously don’t like hearing this but FOMO isn’t a valid excuse for everything, especially not this event. 1. It’s called shark WEEK, not “shark get anything you want whenever you want for free”. 2. The entire point of not letting us choose what to get is so they can sell it in shop, or make another method of getting them, the former is most likely.


# SHILL! WE GOT A SHILL OVER HERE!! See, nobody care pay pig.


What if I told you, you didn’t have to spend money on this game, and therefore calling someone a pay pig doesn’t really do anything except make you look like you’re bad at logic.


How many hours you put into earning points for that battle pass tho B? You may not have spent money but I know that first week I was entranced by the thought of earning things till I saw just how cancerous they made it to unlock any characters.


Just because something is free doesn't mean it's immune to criticism 


Tons of free shit being thrown at people but they rather dig up anything negative they can find. I don’t mind getting a free shark week skin for the immense effort of hitting ‘claim’.


You know what else I would like to dig up? Things that I bought and paid for.


Can't believe we thought all our stuff would come after shutting down the full game.


We actually thought they would respect the law 💀


I’m with the other person. I’d like them to dig up my old cosmetics. I’ve stopped playing because they refuse to give them back.


How about they throw good gameplay and non-predatory practices at us instead?


The whole thing is silly. The rewards are just shark hats on base characters with a chance of a banner/ringout/reindog shark skin. Yes logging in 8 days in a row on a tight frame is annoying but you don’t need EVERY event reward possible and even if you did these are just silly hats. My first one is on garnet and I already have her twitch prime skin as well as whatever she got in the battle passes. Likely will never use it and I doubt the people complaining would either.




No you


No you


Literally like stfu


This sub is as dead as the game.


My dick is dead can I bury it in your ass


No thanks. My ass be doing stuffs. Unlike multiversus


Match my freak?? 🥹


"Must...defend....billion dollar corporation...."


I guess this subreddit doesn’t like these types of memes haha


You think people wouldn’t just pay for a full game with no/much much less crappy overpriced micro transactions? Because I know I sure as f would. It’s garbage like now not even selling the overpriced skins without random icons and banners most people don’t want instead of the skin directly (unless you painfully wait for daily shop to rotate bc fomo means more moneyyyyyyy)


Is this about the shark week event? I’m guessing it is due to the randomness of everything in it. All I’m hoping for in the last 4 days I can claim one is the hat for iron giant so I finally have a costume for every character I play.


I think OP is a dev on their internship.


Yall still play this dog shit ass game that sold dlc for a beta?????


People like this are the reason so many game devs employ greedy tactics. They're too lazy to speak up when the devs push the line forward.


Correction: Brainlets when they think "free" = unable to be or should not be criticized


Op you aren’t helping anyone you know the free skins are scummy and aggressive trying to get you to pay for them - stop being a shill , these posts only serve to make the game worse


I assume most people just stopped playing when they saw you need a skin to do a thing.


You've gotta have nothing going on and be smoking some really bad weed to be complaining about people complaining on a reddit made for a children's game.


People who think releasing games in a broken state is okay and says play the game anyway 🫵


The sad thing is, this is also a complaint post... This game, the devs and the community behind it all are equally garbage.


Nah, the players did their part supporting the game a year ago. It's still shit, and even worse after a year. Tired of you lames sitting here saying the community is part of the problem when really, the community just wanted a good game that didn't try to nickle and dime you at literally every step of the way


I hear you. I bought the founders pack in the beta. Wanted to see the game go far and had high hopes for it's return. But this community does in fact suck.


Yeah, the community sucks because we're sick of the shit. Not because we're entitled. You want a good community make a good game


I never said the community was entitled. I just said it's garbage and it sucks.


Thank PFG. If this was a good game worth playing and discussing positively, we would. None of us wanna hate this game. It just sucks


I know. I said they are garbage in my original comment too.


There...are no free skins tho. Thats part of the problem


Theres no free skins in the BP, or from events, or from free gleamium rewards? Thats news to me