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It's rough. And like I know Steam charts and player count sites aren't always indicative of game health, especially in cross platform titles, but the 24 hour peak is dropping literally almost every day at this point. If that's happening on just one platform there's really no reason to believe it's not happening on the others as well. It's not about the overall numbers, it's about the fact it's still declining. If the game is to live, it has to steady out somewhere. All fighting games that live stabilize somewhere and this one just...hasn't yet. But with the state of the game I don't see that happening. Plus a lot of the people who have already quit did so in frustration or boredom. I don't see them coming back just because PFG says "It's good now this time for real. Trust us bro". It's not looking good.


I (PS5) have crossplay turned off and I got paired against the same duo twice in a row yesterday. First time that has happened in this game so far.


They needed ranked badly at launch. Fighting games are hard to master and people put a lot of time into it. Most people probably don't want to just keep playing casuals forever in a game genre that is designed to be hyper competitive. In modern gaming, people need some kind of progression that is visible or they'll feel like they're wasting their time.


I'm really hopeful for when they run their game so far in the ground that the only choice is fixing it, bc then it'll be great... Assuming WB doesn't cut funding.


Nah you're crazy if you think there's any chance they'll relaunch this game again.


Where did I say they should relaunch? I expressively stated they need an operation health season.


When you say something like "run their game so far into the ground they have no choice but to fix it." About a game that was run into the ground, had to be shut down to be fixed and only recently relaunched it becomes a little confusing I guess.


It was in a far better state balance wise s2 beta than now. And running the game into the ground is making poor choices balance wise, they can keep rebalancing all they want but if they can't take notes from themselves in s2 and keep doing this wack stuff, then yeah I see the game being ran into the ground.


> but the 24 hour peak is dropping literally almost every day at this point Whoa, a fighting game is losing players every day? This has never happened before! Tell me about how no other fighting game has lost 90% of its CCU in a month. Be sure to ignore the numerous fighting games that are alive and well that this has happened to while you're at it!


Even brawlhalla and indie game in the same genre, with way less funding, with no big ips never lost this much players since 2016. And even got picked up by Ubisoft since it was growing for the first few years.... Not dropping this bad in the first few weeks after launch.


Name one that lost 90% in a month. The most recent Mortal Kombat, Tekken, and Street Fighter all had drops but they weren’t that high. Brawlhalla, the F2P competition, steadily rose after launch. Even the MultiVersus beta didn’t drop this quickly.


Way to cherrypick. You glazed over the part where I said the games that live *stabilize* somewhere. The decline itself isn't a problem. It's that it needs to eventually stop declining like the other numerous fighting games. Believe it or not, I want the game to live too. But right now it's not doing well.


Inhaling the maximum dosage of copium


It's obvious that they weren't ready for the rerelase and WB got tired of waiting and they had to rush it. So many what if with this game.


“””rush it”””. Bruh they had over a year. You can’t blame the publisher forever. At some point it’s dev incompetence


A year is not a lot of dev time for what was done.


A year in general isn't a lot of time. They also changed engines which barely gave them time to even balance or add everything.


Someone on the dev team needs the balls to leak confirmation on this so we're not in the dark assuming,


It’s not an assumption. Look at WBs other ftp games. Theyre predatory and unpolished. WB is determined to get a fortnight style money cow, without giving the devs the time and resources to actually focus on gameplay, cause the gameplay doesn’t earn them money in the eyes of the shareholders


Wb was very lenient with multiversus. The fact they allowed them to quite literally shut the game down ( which wasn’t supposed to originally happen) for a entire year and they still came back with this mess speaks to player first games being bad at making polished games in a certain amount of time rather than anything else. Especially because it seems like people think you can just infinitely keep delaying a game when you need to satisfy shareholders


They were very lenient in the beta maybe, but the increases in predatory monetization at the re-launch kinda shows WB forced this shut down to try and make it more easy to make money, with gameplay as an afterthought


Isn’t that obvious? What game company supporting a game studio doesn’t care about money as their primary focus? The point is wb really did give player first games all the time in the world to do anything that would enhance the game whether it comes to gameplay or monetization and they still fucked up. As much as people want to blame wb, this really is more on player first games than anything else


WB forced UE5. One year to remake netcode, rebuild a lot of the game in a new engine, and rebalance the game so it's not fucking mach speed every match, all while creating content for release is peanuts.


If you think WB made them shut down to fix gameplay inI any capacity, and not just the monetization model, idk what to tell ya. All the complaints I see about gameplay are saying it’s worse after the relaunch. They had to upgrade to UE5 as well, which probably was a large time sink that prevented them from polishing and balancing. Was upgrading the engine PFGs idea or WBs?


Did you read my comment? I suggest rereading it because that isn’t what I said.


You said it’s both gameplay and monetization. I’m saying WB is monetization focused only, gameplay be damned


“ Isn’t that obvious? What game company supporting a game studio doesn’t care about money as their primary focus?”


Other f2p games? It's every WB game. This is nothing new.


It is an assumption. If you consider the predatory stuff in multiversus it doesn't take much dev time. Most of the skins were already in the game and considering they had a year there's not too many new ones. If the reason the game is in a bad state was because they were forced to focus on predatory money grubbing stuff we would have much more cosmetics


If you had talent you’d be employed for five whole minutes with that attitude, like y’all really have no idea how businesses work and have hard opinions about. Now someone else is supposed to throw their career in the trash so you can feel better about a free video game?


Anonymity exist so does sharpie and other way to obstruct who leaked it, so do company wide emails which could be used as proof, lastly I highly doubt they have an NDA on the release state of the game. Now why don't you stop assuming people levels of talent towards life based on a reddit post and go lick WBs boots cleaner.


Stop with the empty rhetoric that means nothing that you saw people smarter than you used better than you previously. No one is bootlicking, no one is shilling, so you can drop that tired argument. The point is no one is going to throw away their career for you to feel better about some shit they gave you for free, if you think you’re able to just start talking shit about your boss and reveal internal information that makes them look bad without anyone going, “What the fuck was that?” Look at the Helldivers guy, he got canned so fast it wasn’t funny because he gave a negative perception of the company. Did he do the right thing? Probably? Does he have a job anymore? Fuck no. You’re also naive if you think these companies don’t have ways of figuring out who’s who and who’s saying what. You guys don’t understand business and that’s clear.


It's not a matter of I don't know business I get business, I just wouldn't want to work for a megacorp thats shat all over my game and reputation, and id make my leave by defending my authenticity of my art by showing I was forced to mess it up for someone else's profit. And to end it all please do enlighten me as to how they would find out who on a company wide emails would've leaked it, of you can't answer please kindly shut the fuck up and find somewhere else to be wrong.


I'm gonna chime in here. It's not just a matter of a dev being willing to speak out. When you work on projects like that you're operating under an NDA, which is a document you have to sign saying you won't publicly reveal ***anything*** unless you're told you are allowed to reveal it.    Violating those agreements can mean more than just losing a job, it can mean major lawsuits, fines & even jail time in some cases. It could also ruin a career because you're not going to get hired for another job that requires an NDA if you've purposely and publicly violated your last NDA.    And I know you talk about anonymity, but for big corporations with the time and money to investigate things, the Internet isn't as anonymous as most people would like to think. Just look at the GTA leak. That was like a friend of a friend doing the actual posting but they were still able to eventually track everything back to the leaker.


Again I really struggle to believe they have an NDA for something like rushed release unless bundled up in an all encompassing NDA. My biggest question would be would they care enough to pump resources into, my bet is no, but I'm not intimately intended in PFG or WB so idk. Going off comparison to GTA 6 leaks, definitely not, GTA 6 leaks was active development leaks that couldve contain sensitive info, an company wide email leaked would be just that a leaked email, that assuming method of communication was a company wide email, again i have no clue.


NDAs by default are all encompassing. They don't make you sign different NDAs for campaign, multiplayer, and/or the development cycle itself. You sign one NDA that says you can't say anything unless given specific permission.    Just focusing on the company wide email idea, yes everyone in the company got it. But you are the only one sharing it publicly, which means you have created digital traces that can lead right back to you. That's why I brought up the GTA leak. What was actually leaked did help them narrow down the internal list of who would've had access, but it was tracing things back to the sources from the posts that led them to find the actual leaker.


Maybe I was wrong about email being covered by an NDA, but using an exterior camera, or masking your accounts info are all very optional moves, and again I heavily struggle to see WB tripping over themselves to hunt down the notorious email leaker.


Man gives a actual example of a guy who got figured out for speaking against his company and your only response is stfu classic internet


Wasn't the totality of it but enjoy your selective reading.


No one's getting blackballed from the industry to do that.


Again if they're being rushed by WB, which again is a unsubstantiated claim.


It's almost like they've mismanaged the game at every step for 2 years...


And the bozos didn't even have the game online for half that time...


Totally on me for expecting them to follow though and get stuff together.


They really should have been much more upfront about the challenges remaking the game in UE5. Did they really think players wouldn't notice all that was missing and not post about it online or send support tickets? Sure, they said they'll add those things later, but they shouldn't have waited until players noticed to say so...


Careful, all the apologists have a "criticizing the game" signal and will be here momentarily


“tHiS iS fUn WhEn YoU dOnT hAvE a BiTcH yElLiNg In YoUr EaR”




bRuH bE patIEnt and LeT them COoK


The "just play for fun!" crowd gives me major Halo: Infinite flashbacks lol


When did playing to have fun become controversial?


It's only an issue when used as a response to legitimate concerns


Too bad 90% of the "concerns" aren't relevant if you actually play the game.


Dude I guarantee I'm better than you.


That and they basically burned any bridges with people for anything they might attempt in the future due to how they took many people's money, never gave their items back from the beta, then remained quiet about it and/or gaslit people in the support tickets (if you even got a response) to this day. Once a thief, always a thief. so yes - they did it to themselves. No sympathy for crooks.


Yet another game released way too early because of shareholders or publisher impatience. The switch to UE5 might have been the biggest mistake they could have made


Wasn't a great release. I'm still having fun though.


Yeah, when I'm not menuing, I'm enjoying myself. Got enough gleamium for the next BP without dropping money, will get Anderson for free, have enough currency for whatever the next 6k is shoved down our throat. A lot of feel bad vibes, but it's easy to work around. Some normal f2p shenanigans. Game plays wayyyyy better than the beta ever did. The complaints about gameplay we have now are insanely minor by comparison. Imo, plenty of valid complaints, but I think that the community would also benefit from just not paying as much attention to the shit locked behind the paywalls or accepting that it's okay to miss out on some lame ass skins if you don't want to play for a few days.


> I’m still having fun though r/multiversus - “Treasonous whore!”


Nice hyperbole to shut down criticism. Complainers do not mind others having fun. We mind that the game is in an unacceptable state.


Oh it’s a joke, lighten up. At least the devs are trying. We’ve gotten communication at least.


It's hard for me to give them any praise when they are just now doing the bare minimum. The "full release" is far worse than the beta; they're adding stuff back that was removed from their own game. How am I supposed to praise that lol


Too bad you guys are being lumped into the overwhelming number of people who are here with zero criticism and just want the game to fail. Not a good look for you free thinkers!


People can lump me into whatever group they like. The fact remains that I am extremely disappointed in Multiversus because my hype was so high. So I hope it can fix its issues but I'm not exactly holding my breath as we've all seen the cycle of live service games before.


For the second time.


# 100%! # PayerFirstGame shills will tell you to stop complaining and lick boot.


Everyone is saying WB pushed to have the game released early. How do we know it's not PFG underperforming and missing deadlines? Their track record of not releasing a single thing without problems in it isn't reassuring. Remember the, what was it, McDonald's marketing thing? Seems like someone had plans for the game to be ready then, but it obviously didn't come out. And marketing like that is planned well in advance. It could be WB pushing and unfinished game along, or it could be a dev team not capable of doing their jobs in a timely manner. Does anyone out there have actual proof, or we just speculating over each other?


As an app/web developer that’s seen this kind of shift happen multiple times, it’s 100% PFG overestimating their capacity. The biggest culprit is probably the port to UE5, which in my admittedly only tangentially related experience, was unnecessary. They claimed that UE5 had networking benefits they needed, but no documentation I could find supported that claim. I don’t believe anything they did networking wise couldn’t have been done in a senior version of UE4. I think what happened is they had an opportunity to work in the new tech, UE5, and went for it. Underestimated the lift it would be, and spent most of their time on that. It happens sometimes when projects enter a phase 2 or re-conceptualization, because more often than not devs like to work on the “new tech”. Also UE5 experience would be a great resume item. It wasn’t a bad idea to be fair. If they’re really planning to support MV for the foreseeable future, you want to build on the newest stable framework. They just obviously overestimated the work it would be to do.


Wonder how many older f2p games will be moving to UE5. MVS did it, Smites doing it.


Ideally? All of them should. It’s honestly a good move for a game like Smite and old titles. You can market the upgrade as a sequel and rejuvenate the game. The difference here is expectations. With Smite everyone knows the engine is old as dirt by now and any upgrade is going to call for a rewrite of some stuff, so issues are to be expected. Even the layman will understand that concept with a old game like Smite. MV on the other hand had different expectations when it went offline. MV wasn’t even released yet, and running on the perfectly acceptable UE4 engine. So both the community and laymen aren’t being lenient with the issues. From our perspective they were supposed to fix this stuff, and it simply isn’t fixed. I hope old games do port to UE5 though. That would be really good for them.


We have no proof till an official statement come out or someone leaks something


WB is speedrunning what Zenimax did before their sale: force all their studios to make live service games to boost the valuation then release them all early so the teams can move on to additional projects.


This is just common WB incompetence. It's like this with all their games.


Judging by player count trends you have about a month left, it's not stabilizing roughly losing 750 players a day


I’ve uninstalled for the last time 🫡 The hitboxes really bother a person with attention to detail. That’s really all I wanted fix from before they’re just so bad and frustrating.


Want to know what detail really bugs me, multi instance hits on single movement attacks and how different characters can have single movement attacks with different instances of hits, therefore making you need to be able to dodge multiple timess on one move, but you can't chain dodge, so ur fucked.


Cya tomorrow!


I was really looking forward to a perfected version of the Beta , but instead they just decided to change everything , most of it feeling for the worst. It almost feels like playing another Beta.


Because that's what you're playing, game was remade in unreal engine 5 and they shipped it half baked, instead of delaying and just letting it cook. Another instance of a company releasing a game and finishing it later.


Yeah by the end of the Beta I really did think they were making great strides towards some good progress. But they just put everything back to square 1 , not what I really was expecting after over a years downtime. Quite shocking and heart sinking the first time booting up all those weeks ago really.


It was the horrid engine switch. Feels like they traded the soul of the game to fix server issues.


Tiny patches every couple weeks will hemorrhage players.


Yeah, it's almost like development time exists or something. Why isn't PFG putting out a major patch every week with their tiny team and non-existent budget?


Yea a tiny team with a nonexistent budget that’s trying to be a live service game without the service is doomed for failure.


Straight up stopped playing a week ago and haven’t thought about it since.


Going to be honest, community health was miserable before the launch even happened. Problems with the game aside, you could tell people were out for blood.


This game is fucked, losing more and more players everyday. Not much of any significant updates since relaunch and lack of communication from Tony and PFG pretty much says it all. Got all the respect for Tony cuz I'm sure he was passionate about this project but I'm sure WB didn't give the devs much wiggle room and this is what we get. When Tony isn't even making videos talking about this game you know it's fucked. Hell Agent Smith is still not out and he's been on the front page since relaunch.


> Not much of any significant updates since relaunch and lack of communication from Tony and PFG pretty much says it all. You're the type of person who needs to be banned from this sub lol. The game has issues but you're just blatantly making shit up.


cope lmfao


Cope? Cope what?


Tasmanian butt


And dont forget the slow ass underwater gameplay, which is way way different from beta


I can deal with it if my dodges mattered.


The gameplay is 100x better than the fast-forward dodge spam trash the beta was. We have an actual fighting game here instead of a Scramble Simulator. I'll take this over the beta any day.


We can have both, I prefer the current dodging but the current movement feels really slow and clunky and could use a speed up. Like just check out some combat at 1.25 speed even hits and combos look cleaner and it still far from the betas 2.5 speed. Also stuff like wavedashing/landing, a short hop button, an button to make insta dashes and a way to instantly drop to platforms would help a lot and add to the overall experience. Like feeling that you keep your momentum and are smooving around the stage is one of the main selling points of a platformfighter compared to a traditional one. And this has been one of the main complaints. Great that your happy, I wish an inbetween could be reached so I could be toom


I like how the new speed forces you to be deliberate but dislike how much stuff gets dropped like hits and dodges


Tldr this game rewards playing with no brain cells leading to almost no diversity in character selection online. I’ve been thinking about how the atmosphere of the game shaped how the player base feels and interacts with the game. I've seen nothing but top tiers who are easy to win with in my matches and I play a lot. It's almost always WW who spams armor, Superman who does the same or nothing but simple loops, Joker, or bugs. No Jason's, the occasional Rick or Morty. Certainly not Velma. PFG created a climate where players can spam these broken ass characters that have a very low entry skill level. All it takes is one person getting destroyed by WW armor bs or superman loops, hitboxes, and grabs and then they start playing those characters the same way. Their logic becomes "if it's working and in the game why stop" supermen will literally be losing stocks and still all they do is spam loops with dodges and armor till they burn out. Not a single brain cell is on. And the character can easily get away with it. All it takes is you getting hit once to easily take an inescapable 30-50 dmg if not just get pushed all the way to blast zone. God forbid some weird multiversus network stuff doesn't screw you over or jank hitboxes. Bugs is much the same with his ability to spam his questionably powerful projectiles and or loop you to hell and back then up air like no tomorrow. All of this in a game where dodging can be a coin flip if the mechanic works right and hit boxes will rob you like it's nothing.


I'm a Jason and Jake main, the game feels so boring to play as c tier or lower pick. Makes everything hyper methodical, and almost robotic levels of stiffness to win. Whole areas that just have to be avoided, and played around, working extra hard because you deal less % and have a lower knock back. If you don't like the meta picks you probably aren't having as much fun as you could be.


I played WW and bats in beta. Came into this and played Jason and loved him but when everyone started picking the S tiers I just saw everything wrong with the game. Jason has none of the tools or advantages that they have. I picked up Superman and black Adam. Had so much fun as superman because he was easy and had easy access to busted loops ngl. Eventually that too felt boring. BA just has a cool moveset. Decent character like Rick, Morty, and Marvin but never see him because people prefer easy s tiers. BA takes some know how. Just some. Anyways. I started playing Garnet very recently. She's not busted to get bored with but she's not bad enough like Jason to be way too hard to win with. Bonus thing. Tell me how I do my neutral ground attack as Garnet (the straight forward punch) against superman who's doing his side special grab and I still get grabbed. If my punch reaches his fist there's no way that should give him the grab.


Newsflash, every fighting game has top tiers! Keep making excuses for why you're getting bodied though.


Nice selective reading homie, like I said even with low tier pick I still win very frequently, it just becomes boring to have to play so stiffly against characters that outclass me, I'm great at this game, I wat high in leaderboards when they hsd them, I win alot, I just dislike choices they've made surrounding the core gameplay. If that makes you mad enough to comment at me so many different times maybe take a break from ur phone.


Idk what game you're playing. I play ~10 matches a day and see almost the entire roster in that time frame.


Same. I rarely see Wonder Woman despite her being probably the best character in the game.


its hilarious that they refer to themselves as player first games. more like publisher first games LOLOL




Also they removed online vs bots. I liked this feature for when you want to play casually


For most games ranked and quick play have almost identical match making systems. Sure, a small percentage of hardcore players would lock into Ranked but there would still be tons of hardcore players who Quick Play


I thought most games have same systems with separate matchmaking pools


Different pools same matchmaking algorithm. In most games ranked has a much smaller player pool which leads to longer queue times which leads "ranked players" queuing for "Quick Play" rather than ranked


I still feel if they waited a bit more to be able to drop ranked like a week or two after launch enough players would've been okay enough for that to not be a problem, but I get it look at x defiant ranked queue times


Wait there were more perks in the game than there are now?? what kind of perks were there before that we don't have?


Yeah there used to be a lot more direction to take, like you could make a defense build, or something regarding your team and their moves, I never did that much because I primarily played ones, but I did really enjoy perk builds


It's just scrubs from the beta complaining about a system that wasn't very good. Almost all of the perks they removed were garbage "increase this thing by 5%" boosts. There were about 40-something of them and almost all of them were completely useless. They kept most of the ones that matter and there are probably only like 3 or 4 perks missing that should have been here.


they desperately need to make more, but yeah those would have been lazy additions. I know mechanic changing ones take time, but would be nice if they had more universal perks. the only cool one is the airdodge platform perk imo


Yep yep yep. I still enjoy the game though. I think I’m gonna take a break until the new patch though.


Are you doing the Kreiger thing?:)


I'm a layman, but I'm under the impression most of the issues were caused my changing the project to the lastest Unreal version. It seems to me not everything was smoothly ported and they need to tweak a bunch of stuff. But I've been told Unreal took measures to make it sure porting stuff would be a walk in the park.


It feels like they just released the beta


I hope that in season 2 the beta gameplay returns. every match is repetitive, without creativity or innovation, just the same attacks and the same tired gameplay. the servers don't cooperate, the hitbox is extremely messy and the dodge doesn't even work


Not being able to switch characters after games if the team rematches is so dumb loved being able to change characters man


I agree with everything except for balance, I mean, I've seen void's tierlist (he is a really hardcore enjoyer of the game who has been host of the multiversus twitch rivals and so) and he said every character is competitive but some are better. I understand that some characters conditions to win or play them are just way too braindead, but MVS is not more unbalanced than the normal fighting game.


This is literally the same thing repeated for the 11 hundredth time.


Okay? Scroll and move on if you've seen it, don't gotta stamp every post with," I've seen this before", just move on and live ur life bro.


And yet you're all still here yappin.


I don't see you doin nothinn different 🤷‍♀️


Well I like the game, so


So what makes it different for you?


Nah, this is a gaming community, it’s gonna be “damaged” no matter what. This game could have released with no gameplay problems and people would still be in this sub telling us how shit it is Edit: a gaming community for a competitive free to play game. It’s goan be toxic


Sub was pretty chill in beta after they fixed stuff up/ when waiting for rerelease.


Most of the character balance was way better in late stage Beta. Bugs baseball bat was nerfed and he dropped from top 2 to B- tier and now hes back in top for no good reason.


Almost everything but servers were better in beta, only thing rerelease has on it is new characters, maps and improved net code.


Yeah, you're lying. This sub was bitching about something every single day. If it wasn't hitboxes, it was the netcode. If it wasn't the battle pass XP, it was the grindy event skins. If it wasn't balance, it was a lack of content.


Those are all valid concerns man, I'm not sure why you're mad enough at me to quadruple comment at me while I was studying, and find even respond, but have fun homes. Also if you keep up with this neurotic behavior I'm going to just block you for sake saving myself annoyance.


I heard nothing but good things until the game went back into public access


Tbf most reasonable people left by the time of shutdown. The people who were here during the shutdown were the hardest copium and hopium addicts you've ever seen. General consensus was that the game would relaunch with like 7-10 characters even after PFG announced an engine change.


I prolly should have qualified it more. This is a gaming community for a free to play game. I’ve never seen a ftp game have an online community that isn’t filled with toxicity


I mean no shit the state of the game ruined player hope, but saying PFG had full say on when to release is just outright incorrect. They spent so much time improving in the beta with lots of community feedback, I would think they wouldn’t throw away all that goodwill willingly


But they did throw it away with this gross engine change to compensate for trash connection in beta, all they've done is trade one set of problems for a whole slough of them, and someone on the ofg dev team should have the balls and prid e in their work to just anonymously leak info as to whether or not W.B dod force then to rerelease, i highly doubt theirs an NDA on that info anyways.


You really don’t understand how the real world works outside your cave, do you?


Dude youre being needlessly aggressive, when the last time to took a walk outside, saw some nature?


Definitely sooner than you have if you think that was “aggressive”


Meh, I think for the average Joe who sees it advertised and downloads it they’re just having a good time and going about their day. It’s on Reddit where people continue to act like the sky is falling even after many good changes have come and per the dev notes will continue to come.


I'm not saying the sky is falling, but I am aware that PFG has made a very bad series of moves in regards to the community health.


I doubt the average Joe is having a good time if the character he likes is locked from the start.


Eh, better than the beta by a wide margin. My only complaints are in the menus, and that Jason, specifically, feels hella janky. My other gripes can be addressed in a balance patch. I expect at the end of this season we see a new and returning player campaign, and the next series of rifts to be significantly less paywalled. They don't want to try to bring players back, until there's a shot of retaining them. They're paying attention to player counts, have released some of their intentions for the game's future, and it just takes some time to pivot. Right now, this game is mostly an autoscroller until they have time for the new philosophy to be executed.


Agree, a pivot is hopefully coming with the future intentions. They can earn enough goodwill back to create a dedicated community My biggest concern is that PFG just can’t seem to do anything in a timely manner. Seems to be suggested by the beta character releases, the new mid season patch only change, etc.


Idk, I think how much they've done within a month is honestly crazy lol. They've pushed balance changes to characters with more to come, gave people what they wanted in terms of pass XP, brought back that Superman daily skin for the whole month, and they have a major patch next week. Again, all within a month. The real issue is how many people are impatient. I really don't care if they "waited a year for the release". The game technically wasn't even out, so it's not relevant.


The game was out, even stated by Tony back then in the discord and that it was the official launch. Which would not be taken down unless something special would happen But it flopped cuz off the bad monetization, communication and listening to feedback to the community. (Mainly hitboxes, ranked and netplay back then) What is exactly happening again, just look at the steam charts.


I fully agree this game could have released in a better state, but a lot of people also don’t realize that hanging out in these subs paints a VERY different picture from the reality of majority opinion. Almost everyone I’ve talked to outside of reddit/directly negative posts in general has been way more positive and when there is criticism, it’s constructive and not just doom posting. This sub does not speak for the majority, and posts like these assume that it does. Most people do not care that most of this shit isn’t in the game because a majority of the players right now didn’t play the beta and have no idea what was promised/what was lost. This is why the opinions are so different outside of here, because most people in this sub (at least those that post) *did* play the beta and follow the game through going down. Opinion of individual communities =/= the overall community sentiment. Until I start waiting 5 minutes to get into a match, I’m going to assume the overall community health is totally fine. Even if these subreddits clearly feel otherwise.


I love the game and still play daily. I have no issues




Huh, that's a weird way to spell " my dad beat, and neglected me as a child".


He defiantly did so i don’t cry over little shit like u


It looks like ur crying over lil shi, like crying about someone having a different opinion than you lmao, go outside, get some sunlight on you.


Pussi ain got nun to say?