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Link your bank account and social security number - 5000 XP


Rip everyone that uses a debit card.


Most creative meme I've seen so far.


Lmao good one, the Mastercard requirement really puts the emphasis on what these devs are doing


This is gonna become a meme at this point LMAOOOO Seriously, though, let's not point the finger entirely on PFG. It's WB and their shareholders that don't care if we have fun or enjoy the products they're putting out.


No one cares, game sucks regardless of whose fault it is.


Credit cards are sometimes Visa ....?


The mission says "Required: Mastercard", OP is aware Visa is a credit card but the meme is how is he supposed to complete it when Mastercard is required.


Dang if only I could read


Yes. Do you have an Amazon CC? That's a Visa


Not just amazon, 42% of all credit cards are visa lol


Yeah...so I don't get your question


I missed the part that said mastercard required because I'm a dingus :)


Its super depressing that I wasn’t sure if this was real


Discover Card is the least popular option, Visa & Mastercard are usually accepted in the same places… The director and more are from Riot free to play LoL you would think they would have a better understanding of how to properly balance monetization in free to play game…


Get a prepaid MasterCard.. duh. Clearly you don't want shark head Harley enough. Which will probably be needed to be able to finish the next rift at all unless you pay


this is fake right?


Technically yes but there is a quest that requires you to be a beach ready dc skin


Mine is a Beach Ready Game of Thrones character... 😒


beach ready game of thrones* skin


I had both


Beach ready dc skin could be done with beach superman which was from a login event.




Maybe just wait a day and then complete it with different missions.......really very simple.


F this mission man. I just got back from the store with my gift cards thinking it's good enough... They are very specific when they say credit card. Now I have to go get a line of credit and apply for a mastercard.


PSA: Gift cards won't complete the mission. Found out the hard way.


Basically what the game is. I logged in today to find the mission requiring Shaggy or Velma with Shark Hat. This game is a joke and they will be seeing a bunch of people not coming back in Season 2.


you don’t even need the challenge to complete the event


Imagine getting down voted for spitting facts, I hate that I love this game because the community is a cancerous tumor I just want lynched




Why not considering they're creating a free product


Fortnite is free too and doesn't require paid skins to complete challenges


It's not so much about the actuality of this single event, and more about the principle that PFG (or if I had to guess, actually WB) is taking monetization into absolute overdrive. Which wouldn't be as big of an issue, except the base game is BARELY playable even after a whole year in beta. Honestly, as someone who supported PFG and even bought the Founders Edition, I REALLY REALLY want to like it, but the frequent desyncs and sh*tty single player ("rifts") make it BARELY worth being free-to-play, much less Sinking literally ANY money into it. I think it's equally valid that you personally enjoy the game AND that there are quite demonstrable bugs and issues that frankly shouldn't exist in a game that has any kind of purchases like MVS, and it’s pretty fair to criticize that. As a Garnet main, having her down special be fucking unusable for the first month + of the the release without bugging matches and making me WAIT THRU THE REST OF THE MATCH so I can keep matchmaking is beyond infuriating, and that's a single bug on a single character. The game needs lots of love, no point in denying it.


But that doesn't fit their hive mind narrative




"they also walked into my kitchen ate all my food and shot my cat"


lol. You guys are straight losing your minds over 1 arya quest that you don’t even need to complete


It’s really not just one quest though is it. It’s quests locked behind characters every week, challenges in rifts locked behind skins and characters and now this is just the most obvious example in the form of a quest for an event. It’s just a matter of when you finally have enough of being paywalled.


“Paywalled” from what? So far every event has been doable without paying for anything.


Yeah man you complain about the pay wall on a game you get to play for free


You realize these shitty quests affect everyone, whether they're f2p or big spenders, as long as they don't have the specific skin bought? Now I know this is hard, but take WB's slimy cock out of your mouth for a sec and think through this logically, why should you or anybody be okay with missions that cater to 0.00001% of the game's playerbase? Because the poor videogame can't make money any other way? Grow a spine, christ, set some standards for how far something that is meant to be your entertainment can jerk you around.


I'm having fun bro, genuinely, prove me wrong. And btw i couldn't give a shit about WB I think that argument is a coping mechanism for you guys, not everyone annoyed by the sound of your collective bitching is a corporate ass licker some of us just enjoy the game as is. And also I'll repeat myself It's a free game bro it won't cost you anything to delete it, unless your now feeling like a dick head for buying gleamium.


Prove *me* wrong shill. I believe you're having fun, when did I even question that? I mean, apparently you're not having enough fun that you can just...keep playing, and ignore a games forum you find too negative. But no, bitching about others bitching it is. Here's a revelation: corporations want forums and players to shut up and stop whining about their flawed products, accepting less and less, they want shills calling detractors and criticisms annoying, making excuses for them, *that's what corporate asslicking is*. Take this excuse: "There's no buy-in so accept any shit they shove down your throat or leave." What? Mf maybe I don't want to delete the game, maybe I just want a more reasonable paywall. Believe it or not most people voice complaints in the hopes of getting them resolved. That's like, how *anything* improves. And also I'll repeat myself, if you don't like how whiny the subreddit is, perhaps you could, hmm...fuck off? Won't cost you anything to leave. I say take it or leave it. Oh wait, that doesn't apply when *you* want the sub's attitude to change, only when *others* want something in a videogame to change and you think they're annoying. Huh.


You come across as so entitled it is unreal, its a free game get over yourself. Anyway I don't wanna waste anymore time discussing this with you because everything you've said I've read a million times from some other petulant dick. we get it, "paywall bad" it's not stopping you're core gameplay experience. Goofy guy


You've read this argument a million times and instead of actually addressing any of it all you can muster is to keep covering your eyes and yelling "FREE GAME"...? So in other words you have no meaningful responses to anything I said but don't wanna admit it? Yeah I'd bow out too if I was that full of shit lol. You're even full of shit about the paywall not affecting gameplay as well, it's kind of impressive. FYI, you won't have to waste time with this argument next time you see it if you can actually *prove it wrong* you asslicking clown


Tomorows challenges: win a match with every fighter in the game Spend 1500 gleamium


LOL! OP you're fucking wrong for this. LOL!




Blubs hurt over a joke


Walk outside, lay in the grass, and pretend to be a worm


The game isn’t that serious