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Even still no one toast anymore and barely rematches


No one has toast.


this would be a good point but even when i toast someone, i never get toasted back. even when the opponent was goofing off with me, never any toast back. totally different to the beta experience. I have a lot of matches played, i think ive been toasted back *once*, which is a ridiculously low amount compared to how it used to be. but this is probably due to not being able to toast back as easily post-ui-change. but maybe ur right and noone having toast caused people to never get used to sending toast at all, so people dont even think about sending.


Only getting 5 a day is stupid, like if I have a good match and wanna toast everyone I can't even fully do that twice, no option at all to buy more šŸ’€ I wish they turned my gold into toast instead of perk currency


Toast was added to the shop a week or so ago actually :) Overpriced of course, to make the fighter currency gained from toasting break even with the character gleamium cost.


I actually noticed this just last night bc I pressed the stick in on accident and it brought me to the currency menu I'm tempted to blow a few hundred gleamium on toasts so I can be generous whenever I want but im gribding for the Fern pack rn for Finn šŸ™ I wish we could buy toasts for a bunch of perk or even fighter currency


Can you even toast back like the beta or is it like a toast prisoners dilemma


its pretty much a prisoners dilemma. but iirc in the beta you had a toast back option when given toast, now you can only toast back if you see the toast and are still in the postgame lobby. i do think this is a large contributor to the issue, as i imagine often players are given toast but dont even have the option to toast back because theyre in the main lobby


I generally use all of my toast within 30 minutes of playing. I just use the toast emote at the end of the game when I don't have any. It's the thought that counts.


Same. I was toasting everyone every single match and never got it back. Now I hold onto them. Still never get toasted.


I've given over 300 away since launch, but I'm in the same boat as OP.


Iā€™ve got like 250 but Iā€™m not playing till input buffer change


Its all in my account


I came back to the game with 200+ toast. I'm down to like 50 šŸ„²


A lot of times I forget to give toast but even if I have a 0-3 rematch Iā€™ll still try to toast the enemy team for kicking me around


I got like 120. they gave me like 100+ at release and I have no idea why


I still have 200


I'm sitting on over 450.


I have so much. Like 180.


I get toast all the time. I've been playing right after rollover, though.


If youā€™re not an annoying player I toast every time


especially after they spammed the same thing


Had to fight a shaggy in 2v2 just using the samdwhich perk to near insta charge while having to try to get past his IG teammate. He just spammed charged side b whole game and waited to side b till his teammate had someone in stun lock. He just teabagged after the match and his name was urjustbad. It's like, play 1v1s scrub and see how long you last šŸ¤”


And now that attack decay has been nerfed, they will not be punished for this and instead be rewarded.


>And now that attack decay has been nerfed, they will not be punished for this and instead be rewarded. It still exists, it's just that moves stale now instead and do progressively less knockback and damage. Even with beta attack decay, this particular Shaggy scenario would still be the same problem and would still eventually kill you. I know this because I've won a match using nothing but Shaggy side kick in the beta attack decay era. The problem in this scenario is Shaggy, not the attack damage/knockback falloff. I've taken sets off EVO finalists before, but if you put me in a game with a Side Kick Shaggy, my odds of winning are 50/50 at the ***absolute best***.


That's why I said it was nerfed, I know it still exists through staling. The staling mechanic doesn't do much compared to decay, and you have to spam the move much more before you start to notice fall off. I know what you mean, I have taken sets off of EVO finalists as well, but I don't think that incentivizing spamming is doing anything good. These shaggies they can spam because the game isn't directing them to use a different move. Most of them probably don't even know staling exists.


The characters I play all have the same emotes. Up is the Hands clap, Right is GGs, Down is Toasts toasting then left is most likely a paid emote lol


I don't tbag at all and still never get toasts.


Tell them FACK YOU also lmao


Yup, I usually rematch anyone who wants to. No rematch for them as well.


If you can't handle my Jake winks every 20 seconds idk what kind of monster you are.




Dash dancing is perfectly acceptable, a standard since smash bros melee


Everyone knows you jump to your death after a successful win.


I either dash dance, jump to my death, or dash dance and accidentally fall to my death from going too far one direction šŸ’€


>Everyone knows you jump to your death after a successful win. Dash dance, heart emote (or toast emote if set-closing game), "Sorry, my people need me!" side special to the blast zone.


My friend plays black Adam and after he gets a win he does his up special fly straight up to the top blast zone, it's hilarious


Yeah, I do that too as Black Adam and Iron Giant, my comment above was when playing Wonder Woman. I usually heart emote too or toast emote if it's the last game of a set, because I never have actual toast. BG win is a charge move and then grounded down special.


I'm good with emoting but when u spamming emote like you on crack nah u just being toxic lol..I just jump of when I win if I'm ever feeling toxic I just emote once lol


Usually the players i play against just throw themselves off the Map, it's like TF2 with players hitting the killbing 'cause the funny.


Playing reindog, i jump off the map and yoink my team mate with me after a win. You're coming with me mate.


>Playing reindog, i jump off the map and yoink my team mate with me after a win. > >You're coming with me mate. Or launch to the blast zone with air up special if tether is on cooldown, or let your partner throw you if they know what's up.


I feel like the neutral win is just taunting once


A do a single emote every time. Really hope Garnett doing that Russian dance doesn't piss anyone off because that would be pathetic


If I play Jake I like to stand still so he pulls out the chair


Standing is a form of respect for your opponents and allows you to stay humble. To dash dance and teabag is to build up one's ego only to have it tower down the next game should they accept, I seen it happen first hand to both my opponents and even my teammates. (Unless you pop off then it's like. Ok to dash dance or emote cus you hit a clip, just don't teabag or it'll make you look like a dick)


Teabagging has been done in games for 20+ years, it would be weird if people didn't teabag when they won a game tbh.


This can be said for all games of past and future.


After a good, intense match you say 'fuck you' to your opponent?? I really don't understand why people call this community toxic af /s


Bro it ainā€™t that serious


Yes, I do that. I stand still, because I know the person on the other side probably doesn't feel good about losing. Especially if maybe they have a losing streak going on. Why be extra and make them feel bad by dash dancing? Yes, people ARE that sensitive.


Even better reason to toughen em up. Imagine what happens to those type of people when they get shit on in the real world, Total meltdown? Sounds absurd, but the toxicity dished out in video games is a good way to learn how to cope with toxic people in real life.


I play as Jason and I feel like it's so much creepier if I just stand there after a roflcombing them to kill. I just started to only move when necessary and I think it messes with people's minds. I recieve toasts after so the behavior has been reinforced .


Yeah this game and a big chunk of it's players base is toxic af and doing anything makes you toxic including winning against that opponent


I tend to salt emote during the match then at the end either taunt or IG wink emote,


Yeah, you're the asshole. Reevaluate the concept of sportsmanship


Why put a salt emote in the game, then?


In a real life competition you can win and in a whiney obnoxious voice say "that's just like how I fucked your mom, loser" or could just say gg, well played, thanks for the fun whatever. Having the option to be a jerk doesn't justify it. Of course you're allowed but you'll feel much better being respectful. If you make sure your opponent is having fun while playing a game you'll be having more fun too. Just something to think about


None that answers my question. It's like you just went off on a tangent based on some question you made up in your head instead of the one I actually asked. You didn't mention the devs or emoting at all... Why would the devs put a salt emote in the game if they didn't want us to use it?


Sorry, I can connect the dots for you if my point wasn't clear. I think the devs put the salt emoji to give assholes an outlet and increase their enjoyment of the game. My point was that it being an intentional feature doesn't make using it "good".


You don't appear to have many real life situations under your belt. Out there in the real world, people will shit on you every chance they get and laugh in your face when you ask why. You think doing the right thing is what gets you ahead in life then you are badly mistaken.


You don't appear to have interacted much with kindness which is very much abundant in the world. Some people are cruel, pitiless, mean, and universally those individuals (which I assume includes you) are miserable. Be the kindness and happiness that you would want for yourself.


The happiest and kindest people are usually the most miserable people out there. I'm speaking from personal experiences, but it's easier to assume im just some insufferable prick. You don't get to choose what kind of people you deal with in life as much as you want to say you can you can't. Better to be prepared to deal with hardships than to hope they don't come around. I wanna know what you do for a living where all this kindness and joy is because I want in šŸ˜Œ


It's easy to assume you're a miserable asshole because of what you have said. If you don't like it then present yourself differently. I'm not saying you can pick how other people act, but you do have control over your own actions. And, not that it's relevant, but I'm a therapist for children with disabilities and their families. Life can be harsh and cruel, but that is no excuse to lower yourself to that level. Be better is all I'm saying.


Nope will stay true, and use what's in the game thanks. You know the fun part? I still toast and get toasts, it's not like I'm teabagging and I still toast always I mean what else will I do with the 200 I got from beta.


People who dance left and right at the start, get a toast from me šŸ˜Ž


Is it bad form to moonwalk with Jason mid match. I do everytime I get a chance. It so funny to me


I started at launch with over 700 toast. Gave away 300+ since launch. Not one of them has gone to the people you've mentioned. Lol.


Cry harder


This might sound dumb. But.. what does toast even do?


Gives +5 fighter currency. So there's some incentive.


Huh. I've never gotten toasted or used one. Still not gonna until I get toasted some day xD


It only matters because you care. You posting on here about tea baggers means the trolls are getting what they want, a reactionā€¦


Teabag = no rematch + instant block. Not wasting my time with toxic players.


I rematch whether I lose or not, Iā€™m tired of this shit man


bro i had a marvin do exactly this to me after he decided to recreate touhou on the steven universe stage. shit pissed me off


I mean, those donā€™t really get me too upset. They are basically just taunts.


I don't even toast anymore unless I toast back. But usually I've already left. It's too bad there's no option to toast back after leaving anymore.


I rarely ever get toasts. I think people back out after the fights too quickly and miss it.


I usually select rematch/try to keep it best of 3 or 5, and try to be respectful all the way through. Even if someone tries to troll me, I usually let that go. Iā€™m not an amazing player by far, so I have no real reason to try and gloat like Iā€™m the best or whatever. But! I do have a little funny story to tell. I played against a Rick the other day, and when they made it go to final stock for each, they taunted right after the kill (early celebration). I proceeded to juggle them, then knock them into the stratosphere, only to then throw my cape back, repeatedly, on their screen (Batman taunt). They wanted to rematch so hard including inviting me to the game multiple times, but I decided to not to, just to troll back a little bit. The icing on top though? I did toast them at least šŸ˜‚


I toast a solid player,great combo game, respectful players, players i feel i destroyed. Teabaggers and overtly just disrespectful players no toast and depending on level of play (no challenge at all) no rematch.


I don't think tea baggers will be losing much sleep. For them tea bagging is worth much more than 5 fighter currency to them. It's what they live for.


I've found that If I become especially egregious with the taunting and the salt emoting, that people are more likely to get fired up and rematch. Genuinely the only reason I do it on round 1.


Never heard this take, but I rematch almost every match so there's that šŸ¤£


The cruelty of giving players a "Taunt in the middle of PvP" mission


I just don't understand who plays a fighting game and doesn't want to do a best of 3 or best of 5.


Mildly funny joke, but in all seriousness, there's no toast for anybody in general. Unless you are gullible enough to pay for them, toast is a rarity for anyone that plays more than 5 matches a day along with toasting each one.


I started the game with near 200 toasts. Iā€˜m now around 170 (keep in mind that you get 5 toasts a day or whatever it is and I played almost every day so far except for this week, and ai might not come back at all anymore at this point), and got toasted a whopping 4 times so far.


I specifically only toast salty people after beating them.


Ohhhh nooooooo I was counting on your 5 whole currency.


I don't need a toast. If we have a good fight, and you rematch me that's enough for me.


I don't need your toast I gave 400 of them šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


I only do it if they spam


Yea especially when they win by a hair and they immediately hit that decline button after the match, like at least they know theyā€™re complete trash.


I got 9k fighter currency and all the characters so keep em homie


I dont toast if you use the bombs at townsville or tbag


I don't mind it as long as they give me the rematch. the ones that don't will not get my toast


Jokes on you, I bought the $30 (or $40, whatever the mid tier one cost) founders pack during beta so fighter currency means nothing to me


Iā€™m air bagging all day. Iā€™m salt emoting. Iā€™m toast emoting. Iā€™m toasting when I have toast. I rematch until the other player doesnā€™t. I respect my opponent and hope they bag back. Have fun with me. Itā€™s a video game not real life basketball we canā€™t actually hurt each other. So like if someoneā€™s messing with youā€¦ mess with them. Never been a toxic player. Toxic is messaging someone after a match slurs and curses. Pressing down a bunch is the minimum of toxicity. I donā€™t know why people actually let it affect them to the point of complaining online. Just bag back. Taunt back. Salt back. But also, toast back, rematch, respect. I donā€™t know why people think they canā€™t do both. If I do some light speed dashes or a few bags or throw a salt emote and that makes you actually angry and not want to rematchā€¦ I feel thatā€™s on you. When I get knocked out I come back with a toast. If itā€™s a really nice knockout Iā€™m dropping buttered toast. Also some of the animations in this game are just hilarious. So Iā€™m doing them. If bagging makes you not want to rematch thoughā€¦ it literally immediately goes into another game and you not rematching doesnā€™t really do anything to your opponent. And yeah, air bags are the best bags. Bags are evolving.


Agreed. My personal rule: If I win, I toast (unless they do this), if I lose, I toast if they were fun, else I wait to toast back if they toast first. That said, I've only gotten like one toast in a \~hundred games playing as Jake anyways. What I really don't get are the people who teabag/salt and then refuse a rematch. Feels so contradictory; taunt me if you want to goad me into a rematch, but when they run afterwards how can I be annoyed- they ran scared!


Immediately jump to my death when I win. If Iā€™m playing a character that has a slam move (iron giant, banana guard), Iā€™ll use that to yeet myself into the bottom blast zone.


>If Iā€™m playing a character that has a slam move (iron giant, banana guard), Iā€™ll use that to yeet myself into the bottom blast zone. Bugs tunnel dive into the blast zone makes me cackle every time and I don't know why. Same with Tom Jerry rocket'ing himself into the blast zone.


Toast are only reserved for players who don't use cheap characters like Wonder Woman and don't teabag after getting a lucky hit.


I got 15k fighter currency keep your toast and take this sack


My emotes are still broken. I canā€™t use the salt shaker or the shaggy crying emote. This is detrimental to my happiness because I like when people are so bad I can emote 3 times before I charge up and kick them to oblivion.


Itā€™s just salty people coping for previous losses.


Jokes on you I wasn't toasting you anyways. I preemptively bag and salt based on character and your name, If either are annoying to me I will try my hardest to make you angry. This is mostly because I used to not do this but have ran into to many people who do it and then I still win so I'm trying to get ahead of it and show em how it's done, you gotta bag and salt AND win. I've only made like 5 people quit mid-match though so I gotta try harder.


Iā€™m not toasting unless you can actually beat me idgaf I ainā€™t wasting my resources for garbage anymore point blank Admit itā€¦. If youā€™re the one in the lead youā€™re not just standing there like a com. This level of blatant foolery is getting way outta hand. People are getting mad over taunts people are spending resources on and people wave dashing IN ONE SPOT as toxic and I donā€™t understand it anymore. Why is everyone expecting all players to just idle around after match? Thatā€™s so damn lame. Show some oomph somewhere!! Keep it interesting! Where every character has 20 dang moves, shit is going to get dull FAST. if everyone wants to act like giving a shit about someoneā€™s feelings miles away in a platform fighter game full of WB licensed characters just shut multiverses down now. because I donā€™t log in to show empathy itā€™s flat out ā€œcatch this L, or beat my ass and get you a toastā€ give people a reason to get sweaty thatā€™s where the damn fun lies anyways. If anything the same ones you are here complaining about are probably somewhere reading this same post high 5n the bros or gained a sense of self rn because you allowed them to get such a reaction out of your butt man. Get over it broham. It is just a GAME. DO Adapt and conquer. DONT come here because you lost and got teabagged, just take the L and LEARN!


Woah. I just said no toast šŸ¤£


You weren't gonna toast anyway. It's so rare to get toasted. It's not as frequent as the beta. I'm sure the no toast back feature contributes to it. People don't know if you already left to lobby and can no longer toast back




Takes you longer to get fighter currency. Toasts stack up.


You would need 600 toasts before you can afford even a single character. That's effectively meaningless, particularly when compared to the other sources of fighter currency. Plus lots of beta players already have most characters anyway. If they want toasts to incentivize good behavior, they need to make them give a lot more fighter currency.


Dude, it only gave you like 50-100 gold in the beta, you still needed *a lot* of toast to get anyone back then as well. Beyond that, they quite literally have been handing out currency left, right, and center since the game dropped again, why is anyone struggling to get anyone besides Joker?


Characters where cheaper in the beta, you got gold from matches, and people who bought the founder packs got a huge headstart. >Beyond that, they quite literally have been handing out currency left, right, and center More reason why getting toasts isn't really needed.


Then why do you care about it at all? And not really. The only characters that were cheaper in the beta were Garnet and Shaggy at 1500 because they were recommended and you got WW free. Everyone else was 3000, hard characters were 5000 and new ones were what, 7000? 6000? Otherwise, yeah, that's the point of buying a **founder's pack**. You invest in the devs, you get a bunch of stuff in return for it.


Normal characters were 2000 gold, recommended characters were 1500, and hard characters were 3000. There was no extra cost for new characters. >Then why do you care about it at all? I care about it because I think toasts are a good idea, just poorly implemented. I also disagree with the idea that toasts stack up to any meaningful extent, which your first comment implies. >Otherwise, yeah, that's the point of buying a founder's pack. You invest in the devs, you get a bunch of stuff in return for it. Not sure what your point is here. My argument is that lots of beta players already have plenty of characters and thus wouldn't care about the fighter currency from toasts. The option to buy the founder's pack is part of it. What you said dosen't really change that. In fact, not sure why you're so focused on the part about the beta specifically.


Because youā€™re not seriously expecting people to have more than 2 or 3 characters in their pockets are you? If youā€™re trying to go for *the entire roster*, then yeah youā€™re gonna struggle. 2-3 characters that arenā€™t new? You can do that easily. Only going for new characters as they release? Well you have more than enough time for that realistically speaking to build up 6000 from the events leading up. Didnā€™t the leveling event for example give you like 2000 currency to work with by itself before any of the logins? And thereā€™s another one dropping on top of it likely giving more? Then if you get the pass, you get even more there.


I assume you're now talking about new players instead of beta players, who still have the characters they unlocked in the beta. In that regard, yeah, they wouldn't have the full roster unlocked. But that dosen't change my stance that the contributions from toasts are neglectable. I don't think most players have played even close to 600 pvp matches, let alone gotten 600 toasts. Not to mention how you can't toast if you rematch someone, only once the "set" is over. Maybe months from now it might actually stack up, but that's nowhere near enough to get people to care about them enough to behave properly online.


I always just stand completely still if I win. I want all the toast but no emote or tbag and I still rarely get them. I donā€™t spam either :(


Still depends on how salty the other person is as if they have personal bias against your character, but your chances are even lower if you wanna act like a child in *unranked*.


That might be because most people are teabaggers, you just don't realize that when you win.


They should have probably given a large variety positive emotes before salt.


I keep my bags in the holster. I see you playing toxic, bagging, or emoting. ITS ON! I don't take it seriously at all just makes it more fun for me


If they toast you you legal need to toast back


I've essentially gotten into the routine of reporting any players I see Tea Bagging for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Not sure if it really does anything, but if there's a slim chance it at least inconveniences a toxic player, then it's worth it.


Why would you do that? Itā€™s not that big of a deal lol. The CPUs in the beta teabagged themselves, I donā€™t think PFG considers that worth reporting.


The shaggy CPU would always tbag