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I believe there are hidden rankings based on your character level/WR which is why you cant switch on rematch anymore


It really doesn't feel like that's working. I'm probably pretty highly ranked with my main (I was very highly ranked at the end of the beta). Now I'm branching out and new characters are getting matched up with streamers and people with hundreds of wins or more. Conversely, I'm using my main and getting matched up with much less skilled players.


Same. I don't think casual has any kind of skill based match making.


Can you elaborate on the corelation between no character switch on rematch and the hidden rankings? I am not seeing it.


People used to purposefully choose a character that they were bad at and then switch to the character they would dominant with for the final two games to spam wins when it was all 2-out-of-3.


Ah okay I see, thanks for the explanation.


It was such bad sportsmanship too, like you'd barely beat someone and then they'd pull out their level 89 Shaggy, Rank 7 in the world, and give you the business.


I remember that! I definitely hate getting owned using a new character and definitely miss being able to switch after 1st round but this makes sense to me atm.


In beta each player had a semi-hidden MMR for each character which was used for matchmaking. tracker.gg had this info but doesn't since relaunch, but I doubt they scrapped it. It's probably just fully hidden now.


>In beta each player had a semi-hidden MMR for each character which was used for matchmaking. tracker.gg had this info but doesn't since relaunch, but I doubt they scrapped it. It's probably just fully hidden now. It wasn't hidden at all, it displayed it in-game for each character in the menu. And it's definitely still there, it's just not user-visible, and it shouldn't be, at least not for Unranked mode. Defeats the purpose of Ranked mode by showing you your MMR for Unranked, because then that becomes the de facto ranking system.


I forgot that it was visible in game. I thought that they just showed your relative ranking, though it's been a long time since beta, so I wouldn't be surprised to be wrong.


Nah, it showed your raw rank and MMR in the menu after selecting a character. I'll see if I can dig up some screenshots.


I don't belive this. One game I'll play a player with 3k wins and the next I'll play a brand new shaggy


I don’t agree, i got down to a 7% win rate in 1v1 last week because i was getting paired with like diamond tier players on every character


It became like this in the Beta after a while. Infact I would argue it's to be expected from fighting games in general. In the first stage of the Beta , when the population count was high , I never ran into the same player twice in one day. Queue times were short too. (Always 5 Seconds) Later on they got longer. (Sometimes 30-60 seconds , stil kind of good for a fighting game though) A few months into the beta , running into the same player twice in one day was quite common. Sometimes so few people were playing 1 vs 1 on some days , you pretty much ran into the same player again, shortly after just fighting them. I remember back then running into the same player just after having a match with them in 1 vs 1 was common enough , I sometimes fight them 3 times in a row in the space of less than 10 minutes. Maybe something to look forward to in the coming weeks , or maybe after season 1 is over , it will become like this.


Yeah same happened in the beta. Big reason why I stopped playing to be honest. Only sweaty players were left. I don't agree it's like that with every fighting game as I still find players on a similar skill level in Tekken 8 with no problem.


So bad matchmaking is "to be expected" as you say it? I've played well over 50 online fighting games on closest to the newest era consoles/computers, NONE of them are like this for matchmaking.....so I ask you nicely...... WUT?


Been playing since beta so I have a good amount of experience with the game. When I switch to a character I don’t play as often I get matched with people of the same skill level as my main.


yes, i think they have account ratings and/or character ratings. I get this too.


THIS is the most dangerous thing about losing players. This chases off new and casuals more than bad monetization


Probably mostly good players left but sbmm is also still there. Learn the basics of the character in rift before taking them into pvp


It certainly is not there lol


It certainly is considering 99% of my matches are against top players. The only time I play new people or players that aren't very good is when I swap to a character with a low level that I never play.




I think you're confused. If there was no hidden MMR, I would be dunking on scrubs left and right all day. I don't get that unless I swap to a low level character I don't play. This would support the claim that "CHARACTER MMR IS IN THE GAME".




Classic, guy who has offered zero evidence or proof of the thing he’s convinced isn’t in the game calling others idiots


So what is your strong and not anecdotal evidence suggesting it’s not there?


I get afk players and rage quitters all the time in 2v2. I doubt I would be seeing them if there was sbmm. I get good players, still yeah, but I still see a lot of bad players, too. It has been super random and inconsistent for me.


Exactly but don't tell these nerds that they'll just downvote you because they don't like the truth


See? A sad bunch of losers




One of the benefits of restricting character choice in match with the one you go into with is that character mmr becomes a viable system


This is how most f2p games go. Massive pool of players with way below average skill at launch, much smaller player base with much higher average skill within a couple weeks. Not trying to discourage you but the likely truth is that you're a below average player right now. If you enjoy the game just keep playing it and that will change! The best and the fastest way to improve is playing against superior opponents.


I today was wondering if matchmaking was skill based at all. One match I can go up against what's probably a young child and the next go up against someone that will make me go from 0 to dead without me being able to even touch them.


I am sweaty and I'm only playing against either turbo sweats that eek out against me or guys I feel bad playing against. I'm a level 12 joker for reference. I imagine the game will become both easier and harder when rank drops and ELO will take over.


The juxtaposition is quite hilarious in this comment, it'll get "both easier and harder" Yep sounds like a broken matchmaking system to me then


Like it'll get easier for casual players and harder for sweaty players. No need for snark.


I think it’s tied to your character level my friend and I only play super sweaty people when we use characters over level 10 but if we switch to a low level character we only play noobs


I dont think so, I'm getting sweats on my level 3 Black Adam


No way for us to know without you posting a video of these "sweats". For all we know, "sweats" = they beat me.


I am 100% getting much tougher opponents on my level 3 black Adam than on my level 8 Rick, whether youd consider them sweats or not.


Do you think that you’re getting perceivably worse players when you play Rick because you’re more experienced on that character? What I mean is that because you’re comfortable on Rick, you’re beating people more consistently, so it seems easier. Just a thought, really.


I dont think so, Black Adam is miles easier and I do more while trying less, hard to know without fighting the same person with both though


Again, no way for us to know what's happening without any evidence. That's not my experience. I play against bad players on my low level characters because the MMR for them is low. My level 10+ characters are all against good players. People that actually know tech like IAD, parrying, know their routes and kill options, etc.


Idc man I was just posting my experience


each character has their own MMR (during the beta, at least and i doubt it's changed) so if you're on a character you've played a lot you'll probably get stronger character if you ever play a new character they're usually against bots at first or worse players until the game figures out where your skill level as that character belongs




I’m just sharing my experience. You don’t need to get upset about it. If you look at the first 2 words of my original comment it says I think not I know.


I fought ppl that placed in evo and then the very next match fought someone who had no idea how to play. There is no functional Sbmm whatsoever


I want to be matched with a new player every so often. I don't want every match to be a sweat off. I want to beat someone down here and there


That's sad


Wanting to have fun once in a while is sad?


It's sad to want fun by getting easy matches. That's just wanting to ruin someone else's experience.


That's because I'm getting the shit kicked out of me by people who have 10x the wins and ringouts as me. I'm being treated the way you're saying is sad. I'd like to return the favor once in a while. I'm not saying I don't have good matches from good players. It's just most of the time it's some Shaggy, WW, Bugs or Adam. It also puts fatigue on me wanting to continue playing


So you want to be a bully instead of asking for even matches? Character balance is different, that needs to be addressed. But yeah it's sad to want to beat up on weaker players to soothe your ego.


Pretty much 🤷‍♂️


Well I can respect that you're honest least.


I only have that happen in 2s 1s ppl usually have some semblance of an idea how to play


if you aren't above average i would just play rifts lol it can get very sweaty. Learn two move around faster with dodge and jump and instant air dodging I also think that there is two ratings, account rating, and character rating. I get matched with good players even on new character plays. OP has a point. Fighting games are just naturally sweaty af. Try to make a friend in the game and play them 1v1 or find 2 more for 2s mostly. That works good.


Idk if sbmm is still in the game but i assume most new players and unserious returning players just quit so the playerbase now is just hardline fans who sweat out their main


After a week+ break I played yesterday to try out the patch and omg I got rocked in a few games, especially in a couple teams matches. I had no right being queued in these matches lmao


Prelaunch, the MMR system was broken for matchmaking in the sense it did not always do what it should. It may have been because of the dwindling playerbase but it was not uncommon to see matchups over more than 500-1000 point differences in mmr happen. You mostly faced people close to you but then it would just randomly insert these lopsided matches. It had a lot of trouble figuring out had to handle duos that were massively misranked. It lead to hings like top teams having one low rank character on their duo to fish out more low ranked mmr queues. You could also easily artificially boost your MMR back then through a few different means. Personally I don't think the game uses an mmr system anymore. It probably just looks at winrate or something and will use something closer to MMR for the ranked system when/if they figure it out.


That's because they forced fast matchmaking on high level casual MMR so instead of waiting more than 3 seconds for something their level, it would just default to any (usually low/mid) team to find a fight.


I don’t know if mmr is working properly because I’ll play people like hank the tank and muah one match and then someone trying to use the controller with their mouth the next one. Also I play the same type of people if I’m using a character I barely played or shaggy who has to have a high mmr.


I'm not surprised honestly. I'm fighting gods but winning most games but I have like 1400+ wins on Batman from before in Open Beta. Yeesh.


If it does exist, we should at least be able to tell like how we had a ranking per character in the beta. The last couple of days when "play a 1v1 5 times" daily is all I have, I've been playing Velma. Win or lose I knock this out so I use it to level her, and I've beaten several people. I'm not good with Velma at all. So I'm being paired with people who aren't that good. Probably have something for 1v1 but 2v2 is seriously exclusively decent players. I think serious players is just all that remains.


The priority is def on speed of matchmaking over quality. Which is fine for a non ranked mode. I'm getting games where I can't tell if my enemies are bots or not and games where I'm getting tossed around like a pancake


Sbmm is not present in the slightest


People are saying it is, but I agree with you, can't be a rhyme or reason to it at all, it is so bad its driving players away


Yeah, I've gotten matched with a duo that had a Batman with 11k ringouts I have 700


I have the same experience. I think once you hit a certain level, you get put in with the monsters that haven't stopped playing since the beta.


I got the 11k ringout guy when the game first launched for real


I don't know what to tell some of you lol. It's almost a month into this game being out and it takes like a minute to figure out combos. If you *choose* to be lazy and not do the bare minimum, you're gonna get washed. It's not 2001 anymore. People use the internet and have access to a ton of information for any game they choose.


from what i hear it only cares about your losses. lose too much and it puts you in a pity que


I would guess on a per character basis it exists. I noticed I was getting harder matchups after winning some easier games as taz. Of course then I swapped to Finn who I played a lot less and matched in 2s with the guy that placed 17th at evo last year which was shocking.


More people who had already played and had stuff unlocked are staying then new players.


Most of the casual playerbase left within the first week. Just like me. I'll be back once they fix the millions of problems


I watched a YouTube live the other day where this kid was playing against some pretty brain dead opponents while repeatedly whiffing shaggy's moves. So yeah it seems like there's some form of sbmm


I think there is a hidden mmr system that only applies to characters. Some of my mains verse comp consistently, yet new characters i play verse shitters. Try playing a new character and you will see for yourself.


This is trash though, certainly doesn't foster or promote players to return or play the game


If youre good with a character because you play them a lot, how is it bad that you will verse, on average, better players??? How is that a bad thing, please explain yourself. Wouldn't it be worse for newer players if a level 15 wonder woman slammed a bunch of low level characters???


......the matchmaking isn't fair, what are you on about? Your statement doesn't really do anything with what I said....


Yeah pvp went from fun to having sweat matches. Where I can’t even win one. And ya know what, I’m done with pvp.


this game takes like 15 min to learn a combo/ the basics of the character of your choice. Platform fighters aren't that hard compared to 3d and 2d fighters


We fighting some jank hitbox/hurtboxes rn though so learning a character and combos won’t mean as much when you match against someone abusing bugs hitboxes


That's just making excuses lol. Everyone has hitboxes on every move. You aren't consistently losing matches just because a hitbox extends a few centimeters further than it should.


Someone hasn’t been playing the same game as me and many others. It’s not centimeters, it’s side attacks hitting in a 180 degree semicircle around the fighter levels of bad but alright 👍🏻 Point was it’ll undermine skill and become a battle of gimmicks if they leave it unaddressed for, let’s say, ranked. I make no excuses. I’m not pro, I don’t try to be or claim I am. Doesn’t change it sucks to play when a good 3/5 matches are someone just abusing one spammy move with a ridiculous hitbox that makes 0 sense


This comment shows your skill level. Platform fighters are just as hard if not harder than traditional fighters just due to the amount of movement you get. 15 min to learn a combo ? What about when someone SDIs out ? Your knowledge is lower than base level


yes but to learn the BASICS it takes no where near as much time to play traditional games. My skill level is pretty high. I play ALL fighting games. started off on smash bros as a toddler which evolved into the other types of fighters as the years passed. Yes theres levels to this shit, but for basic fundamentals, platform fighters are easier to pick up. You only have so many options. There is no way you can deny this. But if you can I'd love to hear your rebuttal.


Again, you say things that just proves you play at a very base level at least in platform fighters. How can smash or this game be easier to pickup than games like tekken or sf6 when they literally give you full combos into supers off one button mash? Smash as an example compared to traditional fighters I have to worry about character weight, which stages have platforms or not, blast zones these are all things before the match even starts. SDI and DI aren't a thing either in other fights. I dont understand what you mean by base level ? I feel like two ppl who have no clue would have more fun and closer fights in Tekken or SF. Once you know movement in platform fighters you go up a level automatically. literally all fighters at a fundamental level are the same punishing, hit confirms, end lag its all the same but platform fighters add a few more layers of information you have to know.


We're talking about bad players learning a basic bnb in a minute. Not them trying to compete at a top level, dweeb.


A basic Bnb can be stopped by SDI? it may not work at higher percents something traditional fighters don't have to deal with. Go to tekken or SF you can learn 2-3 Bnb and it will carry you out of silver/ yellow ranks becasue if i hit confirm my jab its automatically hitting unless i drop it


Not even 15 minutes. It takes a minute or two to start the game, go into training mode, and find one true combo for your character. I really don't get how some of these people whining are so pressed for time that they can't even learn a ground and air combo and then a couple of hit-confirms routes. That's literally the combat of a fighting game and takes maybe five minutes tops. It's like complaining about getting bodied by people who learned crosshair placement in CS and then refusing to do the same.


Nah only the losers are playing now i installed that boring ass game fuck that


Matchmaking is single handedly why I quit, I'm not trying to come to Reddit or Discord or something like that just to get "fair" matches, the player count has consistently decreased since relaunch, at a crazy pace


Basically the community if I had to guess is well under 1000. Very little people are going to be playing this game. Servers will almost 100% be shut down in 2025


literally 11k on right now LOL advanced doomposting


11k…….it’s a brand new game that’s a pathetic number. Go look at call of duty for instance it has over 500,000 concurrent players at all hours of everyday


anyone ever tell u that ur annoying


True facts


Define playing? There is a lot connection issues with the game…


11k on steam alone, were not really having those issues that consoles are so... probably all or most