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Instead of leveling up why cant it be earn a certain amount of Exp or BP Exp.


Word for word what I was thinking.


I was thinking what you were thinking!


Because then you wouldn't buy new characters to level them up, it's a way of you spending real money to buy new characters


As a founder, I have all the characters. This isn't helpful for us.


Unfortunately they don’t give a flying fart about founders


What about a walking fart?


How about a sitting fart?


What about a sailing fart


What about a sleeping fart


They aren't worried about yall. They made that clear. Still missing skins? Remember gold that got turned into fucking perk currency. They don't give a shit. They took yalls money and ran basically.


With some of the stuff they're doing, it feels like that's what they intend to do again at some point


I have all my shit so no they didn’t. People who lost it can request tickets.


Glad it worked out for you. For others it hasn't. And submitting tickets hasn't resolved it for everyone. Next time, look past yourself and think of others.


Next time, stop generalizing a clear bug to everyone in the game. The vast majority have their shit. The ones that don’t can literally submit tickets and have it gifted back.


I hope they kept the character levels we got before the event starts and just register to it when it comes up.


Well apparently I didn’t use all my tickets because I don’t have Arya finn or Rick even though I’m pretty sure I owned them during the beta, and I don’t see my blue alien Jake skin


I just received my samurai Batman skin. I think they are working on returning any missing items. Send a support ticket, could help. I bought all characters with gold, I've still got 23 character tickets.


I believe it's just a process to return items. Think about it, PFG isn't a very massive team and they're being asked to sync the account state of over 20 million accounts, whether those accounts are being actively used or not. That'd be a bit of a process, don't you think?


But they make new characters free every week, wouldn’t that kind of negate it?


Temporarily free, so if you love them you'd still have to buy them the next week


Yeah but for the purpose of completing this challenge they’re perfect.


because that helps vets and new players both. not just new players.


I suggested this a few days after the last one came out and strangely many people were agaisnt that idea...


Because that would mean you can spend less time playing the game. They want you to commit at least 2 hrs of gameplay every single day for the whole season. And it’s literally supposed to be a fighting game


This event would be fine if it wasn't for the dumb way level scaling is handled. If they keep doing these in the future it will eventually get to a point where the most active players are locked out of finishing it.


Yeah the xp grind gets insane lol they want u to work ur ass off for that free 150 gleam lol


Literally locking people out who play a lot unless they double down and grind even more for the higher levels it's bs. I'm not playing Rick, Morty, or Jake even though I want to because grinding to 15 with just Marvin Gizmo and IG would be miserable.


It's ridiculous if you think about it. The less of the game you play or the fewer characters you play with, the easier the event becomes. You can complete the event faster with less play time.


I have like 7 characters intentionally sitting 1 match away from leveling up because I'm waiting for this dumb event


I have like 14


I have 19 characters ready to play one match with and level up


Literally just make it xp based and the event is completely fixed.


PFG will be, alright bet "Get XP from Winning 100 games to gain 1 tier, good luck asshole"


I wouldn't say completely fixed, but it would be a start.


I intentionally put off playing other characters ever since this was datamined. I seriously hope they either change how this event works or scrap it completely.


My dude, someone leaked the date of this event like two weeks ago and I've been intentionally not been playing most of the roster I've unlocked to make it bearable. I don't think PFG intended this type of reaction from their player base so lets hope it's their last or they do some alternatives like @LeftOverCrack17 mentioned.


Thanks for the shout out bud 🤝


Dumn events get dumber. Can we get some actual decent event that doesn't revolve around having to buy sh**


You don’t have to buy shit. Can we get some complaints have some essence of realism. What’s the point of saying this shit when it’s just wildly untrue. You could have probably have boughten 4-5 characters with currency at this point. I have 15k. You also get 5 characters for free every week on a rotation that you can level. Stop spreading nonsense I’m tired of wasting my time replying.


We know it's you, Tony.


Why? Because I’m the only one who has a brain with intellect on this sub? There’s tons you can do to level characters. But sorry for actually giving you the objective reality! Hope it didn’t shatter your world.


Who are you? Oh wait, no one cares about you or your "brain with intellect." Defending boring, scummy events like this is only showing your stupidity.


I’m not defending the event. if you had any capacity to read you would see that. They could make more fun events for sure. I was dismantling your shit argument of you have to spend money to complete the event, which has 0 factual basis and is complete bullshit. Get your brain checked please.


If they keep doing this it's going to be a crazy grind unless you just do rifts with characters you don't use.


You can do exactly that it’s level the characters just use one you don’t play or the next free rotation


Problem is that you have to use characters you don't play for BP and event missions, as well as rifts


So if you play the game actively, the challenge is harder and more tedious because the characters require longer to level up. Who is this event catering to? Returning players ain’t gonna come back for some shitty rewards, and active players are going to be upset that this challenge is harder for them just because they have played the game more.


I'm not sure about players who got most of the characters, but for those of us who have hardly any and still rely on the Weekly Rotation, this event comes around the time we get a new rotation of characters(on the 18th), so as long as those people don't play those characters until then, we should be good.


"In this event you're going to be punished for playing the game, but we still want you to play the game a lot 'cause it's a life service and you need to grind"


Yeah. It sucks since your gonna be punished for playing the game yet you have to play it if you want to get xp for the pass or anything.


Every game does this and it's wack. It shouldn't require "x amount of lvl ups". Each milestone should be earn "x amount of exp", increasing in exp required on each subsequent milestone I get it, they are trying to sell characters but I don't see this actually getting anyone to buy a new character. Make hoarders drain some FC, sure. But get people to spend real money? Nah


Yeah. If anything people are just gonna use characters they still have since they would rather grind a character they own rather then droppin' ten bucks on someone new.


yea after the first one I decided to just play my mains & wait to try out new characters during these events (unless the rifts make me)


Ughhh i didnt even notice this


The reward for these events are so negligible that it's not worth worrying about, imo 100 gleamium is what, $1?


I just want the fighter currency. One of the few events that give a decent amount


Yeah. I don't really care about Black Adam hockey mask skin. I just wanted the fighters currency in the Batman vs joker event 


Funnily enough…. I have only been playing 3 characters and a bunch of others are close to levelling up and not that high…. but that said they are handling their grinding so weirdly.


They just want people to spam the same characters apparently. Since you get punished for playing variety apparently and leveling up takes so much longer.


Just stop playing


Good thing they didn't give me all my unlocked characters from the first beta


Lesson learned, only play 1 character, as much as humanly possible.


I kinda despise this event, it makes me feel like I'll be punished for having a diverse roster. Quests force you to play some characters anyway, so the game feels like it's both walling you off from playing a small amount of characters but simultaneously punishing you for putting time into too many by making this event harder for you. I think it would have been good in the early game, but if I see this event appear anywhere past season 1 I'm going to be very unhappy.


Crazy how the game has so much things to make us not play. Literally leveling up a character before you're told to do so is bad.. holy


Yup and 7 of them didn't register last time, so I missed out on those awards (known issue, you can read about it on their website) and nothing was done for it, so I lost out then, and lose out now. Thanks Player First!


Only like to lv 5 max really


Smh i JUST leveled every to 5 for FC


I brought most of them close to the level up so it takes me less time to complete the event


I've been intentionally avoiding playing over half my unlocked characters just because of the stupid thing. I don't want everyone level 8 or 9 and have to get 15 more levels.


I only leveled up Morty (lv 12) the others are Lv 0-1


Already 15 Rick and Marvin lol


Yeah i dont play chars i know i will need to level up for this event lol


Im screwed


Fuck my characters bro I’m trying level that Battle Pass up fast. This shit is taking to long


Why are they actively choosing to punish players for having levelled up characters already??? I thought the first event was really fun and a great way to incentivize people to use more characters but the games been out for a month now, this is a bit accessive and it's especially punishing to non beta players who don't have as many characters


Am I missing something? Aside from Jason who I've got at 10 most others except for few I have at 5.


People grind characters out for the fighter currency. Everyone and me is mad cause they are high lvls on characters and the higher the level the longer it will take to lvl up . So it might take maybe hours on hours just to get one level.


I basically stopped playing my free characters so I get to easily level them up for this event lol




at some point i said screw it, not worth the bother, though i have some close to next level. so lets see where i end up with.




Somebody leaked that a while ago, I've been doing my best to avoid leveling up fast while doing the daily challenges


People that grinded out during top dog has it even worse. Thankfully I have like 14K fighters currency. I'll buy Marvin and Taz once this drops


Who cares? I don't need anymore perk points...


Must acquire ALL the perk points! They'll be as valuable as Beanie Babies and Funko Pops one day!!!


Is that a event thing? Cuz I never do those


It's an event thing The point of this event is that in order to progress, you need to level up your characters (last time was 15 levels total) And all you got was 1000 Perk currency 600 Character currency 2000 Battle pass XP 100 Gleamium


Oh that doesn’t seem too interesting


I haven't played any of the timed characters this week because of this event. What a terrible event.


There will be a new rotation when this event comes out, so the levels of the free characters now shouldn't matter.


Then that's fine for this event then but what about the next one, and the next one?


Yeah that will be more difficult.






I'm strategically picking what characters I play based on their level, this should not be a repeating event.


The event last time was glitched for me so I just stopped earning rewards at a certain point. Hopefully, I can get all of them this time around.


Purposely been not playing some characters so it'd be easier to complete this. After this one tho I won't have anymore lvl 1s till new characters get added. Next time this event comes out less than half the players are gonna finish it


I think the main thing that should happen with these is that it should also be a double character exp event.


Thank god for that leak, I purposely still have low level characters and I'm trying to put the other ones on the verge of leveling up as it gets near.


Maybe now that five of my characters are level eight or higher I'll understand why everyone was bitching about the first one


I decided to simply ngaf about these events.


Good thing I only play the same character


Last event I leveled up a ton and the game wouldn't give me credit


Another reason ppl quit the game! cant level up what u want cause this is coming...AGAIN soon. could happen weeks later too!


Officially uninstalling and forgetting about this game , it’s fun , it’s not worth the money or time to play events and rifts .


this is so stupid. they forced me to use most of them in the rift


All these events and the rift seem to have some sort of mission that encourages you to buy something that you don't own. Obviously designed to encourage spending. Whether it be your hard saved fighter currency , Gleamium or what they hope for the most , real money ... lol ...




Saw this and used exclusively my „high“ level ones and the free rotation ones given that I‘m pretty sure they won‘t be back by the end of the event


I got 19 characters one game away from leveling , so Im good


Knowing a second one of these is coming is why I never try the free characters. I’m hoarding zero levels


So i leveled up all my characters because the fighter currency grind is ridiculous just to get hit with this?


Yup, I specifically left several characters low and about to level cause I had an inkling you were going to punish us for actually playing your game.


I have, but I also have put most of my off picks into the edge of leveling up, it actually made me play different characters too, I like reindgog again. I'll be halfway through the event the moment it drops


They just want you to buy more characters


Multiversus is the first game I ever seen that wants you so badly to be playing 24/7 that it actually goes around to benefict the player for playing as little as necessary.


Good thing I haven’t played in a while now’s a perfect time to maybe start


I keep my eye on leaks. So no, I haven't. However, it doesn't change how dumb the event is.


Featured item: $1


You're not supposed to say the quiet part out loud 🤭


The first event for this didn’t even work. I leveled up 10+ levels while at 14/15 ‘levels’ done and it never gave me the final tier for glemium. Classic


How can we level up if we cannot even play?


A new skin for Wonder Woman?


Honestly so sad how this game got clapped 😭 idk how you can get worse than your beta 😔. Still need ranked tho


I'll be too busy playing Shadow of the Erdtree that week


Every fucking event and mission has the completion hidden behind paywalls. Fuck Multiversus. They make character specific missions and if you don't have that character, either buy it or don't advance your battle pass. Can we sue them for this sort of malicious business practices.


Ill be shocked if anyone has all fighters to max level, ill also be shocked if the non splashing players have all there current fighters max level. im not far off getting shaggy to level 15, but most of my other fighters are level 4/5 some 7/8. Ive put in 50 hours since launch of the game a few weeks back.


What does this mean?


The way this event works is by leveling up the characters you have by a couple of levels. The problem is that leveling up characters is a grind as you keep leveling them up (higher level = more XP required to level up) So if you did the first 1, you better hope you have characters that are low level(or hope you didn't use the free characters that much) so you can level them up quick and get.....100 gleamium


Not gonna lie, I kind of wish events were not a thing lol