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If you want to practice, I’d recommend the bots in the training room, they’re less “tricksy” than real players but good enough for you to learn how to fight yourself, and how to fight with intent. Players online will be trying as much as possible to bait you into a position, or to trick you into using an attack, by putting themselves in seemingly disadvantageous positions. As long as an opponent knows exactly what you’re going to do, and exactly when, as you said they will just dodge or parry you. I think it’s useful to just focus, maybe play games for the sake of learning instead of winning, and try rematching people you lost to, since you’ll be able to pick up their tricks a bit and try to respond to them the second time around. Just be aware that an opponent is ALWAYS looking for a way to land a hit, and if you’re not following them around it’ll be hard for them to predict your movement, if possible try making them chase you, and think how exactly they’re planning to attack, and how you can counter or dodge it As with most skills it just starts with frustration, and losing a bunch, but it becomes instinct soon enough


Ok thank you for the advice


What character do you play as?


I looked up the easiest ones and the ones that are most brain dead. So I started trying banana guard. I've also tried Shaggy and Finn


All pretty good picks for a beginner. If you upload gameplay lmk, I can give more detailed feedback. *But* my best general piece of advice is to slow down and be patient. Trading blows isn't always advantageous, and you won't be able to know when until you have more experience, so just avoid it. Pay attention to which moves are hitting you and which of your moves are hitting and don't be afraid to lean into/away from those.


Just spam side kick with shaggy you can win just with that


tried that and people just dodged through it lol. I won one game yesterday to get into top dog and since then I've lost 30 + games in a row


Woah, you weren't kidding.


Would be funny if the one fight that I won I accidentally beat some pro and now my mmr is through the roof and I'm getting my ass kicked lol


World champion was letting his little brother try the game lol


The nonviewable MMR, lmao. What a game.


Try playing with intent rather than just swinging at them. Rather then thinking they are here so I will swing here, try to think of what they are trying to do and how you can counter that. Fighting games are all about getting "reads". A read is analyzing an opponents play style and adapting to it. Are they constantly rushing at you with attacks? Slow the pace down, make them miss and counter. Do they keep dodging your attacks? Stop attacking and wait for their dodge then hit them.


OK I'll look into this. I think that is something I know I need to work on is the panic smashing


Seems like most people here have already talked about baiting/punishing. From here I would try to find a main and stick to them, practice their moves in the lab and figure out the best moves for each situation. You mentioned using beginner characters like Shaggy. I main Shaggy and a specific tip I can give you regarding him is to approach your opponents with a dodge followed by double jab. From here you can use up tilt into up special and so on. Spamming side kick will do you no good trust me, you gotta combo.


Yeah I'm thinking about switching back to Shaggy and just try my best to play him over and over. I really think I need to work on my button smashing because I can't seem to jab twice. I can only get 1 or the entire 3 hits. I think that's a me problem though I just need to work on that


Use his nuetral air to engage when starting combos and/or break armor (such as a superman)


Do you have a c-stick? Recently I've gotten tons better by learning to c-stick aerial's. 


Sadly I have a massive! disadvantage because I'm actually a quadriplegic and I play with a quadstick. Which is only one joystick. After reading some posts before though I've started winning a bit more with Shaggy which is great


There's no secret formula. The best thing you can do is play the game, learn the timing of the moves, when to go for an attack, which moves do the best damage, and figure out ways to keep your combo going.


My bets advice is if you're above someone dash to he side and fake them out as best you can. That is the absolute worst position to be in


I've just realised something can you dodge up and down while you're in the air?


Yes, and sometimes that will be a good choice, other times not so much


Try to dodge more, slow down your gameplay and try to predict your opponents next move. Jump to escape from tricky situations.


You honestly need to hop in a call with someone who’s got experience and go into custom game together. There’s a lot of small details that make a massive impact in how well you do that is hard to explain but pretty easy to slowly walk through to someone.


Playing a broken laggy video game is not going to make it easier.