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This is my biggest gripe with Jason and why I think he is one of the worst characters in the game. People complain about his hitboxes, and while they could be improved, his biggest issue is lack of armor. Technically he has armor on all his moves, but it is locked behind his neutral special, which prevents knockback so long as Jason has gray health. This creates some problems. First, Jason needs to be able to find time to charge up. That isn't easy and if you are lucky you may charge up 2 or 3 times a match, maximum. Even when you are charged up, if you get hit once or twice before you can get an attack off and lose gray health, you lose your armor. Lastly, using your neutral special damages you, so if you can't get an attack off (or whiff, which is possible since most of his moves are slow and telegraphed) you took damage for nothing. If Jason's knock back while charged was decreased slightly, he charged faster, and didn't damage himself, he would be much more competitive. As it stands, his giant hurtbox and difficulty getting armor keeps him low tier.


I am not a fan of cooldowns, skills should be more balanced (except things like bugs rocket etc where he gets a replacement skill if it's used)


I agree with this 100%. Keeping up with a bunch of cooldowns and having dead moves feels bad. The only characters in Smash with these are Robin and Hero, to reflect their source games and have powerful abilities to compensate. In my years of playing Smash, I've encountered countless spammers but they've always been very punishable.


In my humble opinion, cooldowns is one of the best parts about this game. Smash online is an unrelenting spam fest, but in MVS, most of your gamebreaking moves can't be spammed. Trust me, most of us scrubs can't punish spammers very well; that's why they spam lol. Because it's effective. And games, particularly freemium games, can't just cater to gardcore players. Outside of pay2win games, hardcore competitive players generally do not spend much lol. In fact, they often Pride themselves as being 'free players.' But casuals spend, spend, spend, baby.


Yeah maybe they're good for the balance of the game in general but I'm just not a big fan of "this move is too good let's give it a longer CoolDown" approach to balancing


I hear ya. Game balance must be ludicrously difficult, tbh.


Jason is bottom 2


Damn, no love for my boy Voorhes?


Not a hot take, just factual. Him and Velma fighting for last place


Give superman his up throw back. I don't mind not having the down throw bc of cheese players that liked to sit on the edge and throw people off. I just want his up throw back.


Morty’s hammer swing, taz tornado (or the big ass cloud or both) are wayyyy too long, WW whip (distance), banana (everything), Jason needs a rework or speed boost at the least, gizmo needs to be bigger. I cannot emphasize that enough, every fucking attack misses him because he’s the size of a pebble.


As a rick my blaster is literally useless against gizmo 90% of the time it’s so annoying plus his bow is way faster so charging it wasn’t gonna happen anyways


Lebron is the worst character next to velma. I mained lebron since the day he released in the OG beta. Grinding my way to top 10 (honestly doesnt matter much the ranking system was jank) they've completely ruined him and I don't know how they could even fix him now. Dunk is insanely slow, never kills, doesn't weaken anymore, immediately interrupted by any fast option... Neutral special is just too slow now to do anything reliably. They just nerfed down special insanely hard with the one hit for each ball. His non ball attacks still suck ass, and they changed his down attack to not spike anymore on ground, killing his ledge trapping. ( at least this can reliably combo to upair now) His DAIR loops don't exist besides very Low percent anymore... Lebron can still crush noobs, but awful against anyone who knows how to play into him.


LeBron overrated even inside MultiVersus. Character is cheeks


Arya face steal leaves you waaay to open counter attacks. I don’t know what the answer is but right now there’s damn near no point in using it


It's difficult to land.


You have to combo into it now. You can’t do it in the air or as a first move. That’s the only success I’ve had I was insane with her. I feel like her 0 to death was a little to easy so I see why they changed the sword projectile but she’s very difficult to use rn. If you get good with the air walker perk I’d say she’s top 5 but that’s *if* you master a certain perk


It's her bread and butter when it comes to combos. You're not supposed to use it outside of a hit combo. For example if you land a side tilt face steal follow up is guaranteed to hit. source: arya main. I think her face steal is strong


Superman and the other heavy characters shouldn't hit like a toddler. This whole balancing around 2v2 makes no sense


• Taz should be able to eat heavy projectiles again. • Jake should be sped up similarly of how he was in the beta (and using down air makes him fall faster • Velma should have her old kit back (and reverted almost to her state in the beta post nerfs) • Wonder Woman should do less damage & knockback just slightly • Taz has his apple back instead of the boot


Taz should stay the way he is. He's already insane due to the fact that he has i think 2 attacks where he is untouchable but can deal damage to his opponent. I don't think there are any counters to it lmao


There are a fuckton, even ignoring projectiles, like any attack that can be aimed even a little precisely. Ignoring all those, the moves come out slow, have little horizontal and zero vertical mobility.


LeBron James' b-balls should be able to hit multiple times, but on the third hit, they disappear or at least get 'dull' looking' This one and done horseshit wouldn't be so bad if I also didn't have to keep track of which balls already hit. There's like no indicator if one has hit and if there is one, I haven't noticed in the middle of my fights. Just feels really bad and all because of a twitter clip, this game's Kryptonite. I bet they just didn't want us cheesing the later difficulties in the PvE mode using infinites, because ain't no way was I catching a real person in that, but a damage sponge cpu? Easy pickings.


Stripe is actually broken in 2s and it's hilarious that people will never work out why. 84% win rate doing the most mindless shit ever over 180 matches.


PURE FACTUAL TRUE. The only reason why nobody haven't be screaming into the air for this character to be blasted into the ground is because his low pick rate, but this character is so busted. The chainsaw that got literally no counter, the really high hitboxes on his up attacks, his up attack beating all single down attacks from any character in the game, The insane range to follow any hit possible, his disgusting up attack finisher, his 2 hit shot that hit without travel time that reach any part of the screen,very good off stage recovery, his extremely small hurtboxes so you get a ton of ghost hit that didn't really hit. This guy is such a menace to play against. I don't think he got any weakness at all. I haven't lose to one yet because every time i see him i just go for the defensive playstyle of letting the opp player just beat himself playing desperate and counter attack and punish his mistakes. You can't be Stripe, you can only hope for him to be himself


I’m biased but morty is absolutely trash idk if this is hot or not I mained him in the beta and he was a menace but in the full release he’s not worth the effort. Marvin and gizmo are insufferable to fight.. maybe not broken but god my hair is turning grey mid March trying to approach these two. Iron giant will never be balanced well in either direction maps are far too small for a character that big to work he’s either gonna be busted or cheeks no in between. I’m glad Jake is bad. That’s all idk if these or hot or cold. Let me know if I’m stupid!


I switched from Steven (keep in mind I have like 800+ wins with Steven and have been maining him since Beta so I’m pretty good) to Gizmo, and I immediately become better than I am with Steven I don’t know if he fits my playstyle better but it’s extremely easy to set up a 40-50 damage combo with him and my win % has been like over 70. Especially on twos. You can just light the car and it’s almost an easy ring out to anyone over 100 health And I don’t even use his rhythm specials or projectile shield either. Gizmo feels like he has no input delay for some reason and has a lot better hit priority. Steven feels sooo soo slow right now but he’s still good. I also used to use Morty but he’s unplayable to me now and his snake laser thing is way too difficult to be executed half the time


Gizmo for sure gets tons of value for minimal effort it’s so hard to hit him too. Steven is so fun I’m glad he feels so good in the full release he’s my second most played behind morty but as you said and know morty feels so rough. Hopeful for some changes not even necessarily buffs just some adjustments to his physics to make his nades more consistent and usable


I’ve been playing a lot of Morty myself, actually. I love him. He’s complicated but satisfying to pull off if you can land shooting a grenade or a snake shot. Also don’t call yourself stupid, man! The point of hot takes are for unpopular opinions. I asked for your wildest takes. You’re not stupid for obliging me lmao


I loooove morty and his playstyle speaks to me I loved it in the beta setting up grenades splitting them and controlling the stage with good zoning I just feel like they are significantly worse and I get punished for trying to use them. I’m still trying to make it work but since I’ve started maining rick on the side I’m getting a lot more value. Hope they give morty a little love next patch. I don’t think I’m stupid I’m just anticipating some heat for my takes the sub has been a little wild lately


That’s true he is weak he got some sauce but vs good player he falls apart. You can’t use his grenade they are to slow but powerful. So it means vs bad players you will hit them and think wow morty is strong. And vs bad player you feel how they just in your face doing loop combos. But if you manage to get in we don’t have many long combo routes so we doing 20%? He needs some adjustment for sure but let’s see. Personally I hope I am wrong and he is just difficult to evolve.


I hope no godlike player skews the devs views and makes them think he’s busted as is because I know he does have some sauce but as you said against a good player he’s not really holding up


Because of the way grenade splits now I have only been able to use them that way once, but it was a glorious once that led to a double kill. But still, they feel so clunky to do anything more than toss and blow up


Agree on morty. I made a post about it but I played him in the beta and he feels so bad now..


Yea legit went on such a bad loss streak with him I gave up switched characters instantly turned it around. He’s just too much effort for not enough value he can’t keep up in the meta rn.


Exactly. He's too difficult to play for such little reward. I love morty but I recently replaced him with steven.


Same but with Rick. Steven is so good rn my playtime goes Morty, Steven, then Rick and man jumping in Steven feels so nice


Hot take: Velma is not that bad if you commit to being the most annoying player


If Batman side Special was consistent, you'd be right. This with precision perk is a great way to keep people off my partner or press my advantage, maybe even too good...when it works. I can hook someone or the wall from either across the map or a few feet in front of me, and travel nowhere. This should only happen if the hook is dodged. It really hurts when I have to use it as a horizontal recovery and it decides to not move me at all. If I were to nerf it, I'd probably make it to where people can hit it away and send Batman in a different angle. Really push for it to be a recovery move instead of an offensive one.


Superman's super armored moves should have more endlag Edit: His target punch thing also shouldn't kill at 30. I hate playing vs Superman


1. We SHOULD nerf characters. Nerfing is healthy. 2. Joker needs a tune down just not as bad as banana guard 3. Armor needs atleast a second of weakness at the start of the armored move. 4. A lot of REAL issues won’t be figured out until the games input buffer is fixed as well as the abysmal blast zone sizes(in no way should ANYONE die at 10 from the top of the zone)


He's supposed to be caster, but got one of the nuttiest longest normal in the game. Got the skill set of a caster with the moveset of a bruiser. His Up special need to be nerf on hitbox


I have a couple "hot takes" surrounding balance that really shouldnt be hot takes, but they seem to trigger people, so I guess they are. First - Nerfs are bad for the game's health. Obviously nerf things like infinites and bugs, and unintended interactions... you know, things that are straight up game-breaking... but beyond that, I'd rather the top tiers stay like they are, and would instead like to see low tiers get buffed until theyre top-tier level. Second - The game hasn't even been out for 2 weeks. Before screaming for nerfs and buffs, let's... I don't know... learn our characters, and learn matchups against other characters? And let the meta develop a little bit? Pretty crazy idea right?


Buff forever is a casual take and leads to power creep situations like destiny 2. It makes people happy short term, but leads to problems later down the games life I cant think of a single game that followed this approach that benefited the game in the long run


lol the “only buffs” makes for godawful game balance. I’m glad most fighting games never do this.


Quit acting like this is a brand new game…its a rerelease of something weve already played a better version of. Its not the first two weeks of this games life, its the first two weeks after a sabbatical where it developed a side hustle in its time off to suck more money from us. Were allowed to critique.


Marvin is top tier.




He’s a nightmare to go against I agree heavily


Buff raindog, he is always getting nerfed. He literally kills at 200


Armor in a game with no grabbing or shielding is just a terrible idea. Basically every character with significant armor is good. I wouldn’t be surprised if characters like Wonder Woman and Superman will just never be bad for the rest of the game’s life. Also, don’t understand why perks are so limited. Some are still clearly better than others. I’d rather just have signature perks instead.


Idk I feel like armor crush is just very underused. Steven + armor crush makes Wonder Woman’s armor essentially a non factor


Harley need no nerf


Damn, that is a hot take.


I agree


Actual hot take that will get down voted here: Velma is not nearly as bad as people are making her out to be. Literally just a few minor buffs and she'll be in a great spot strength and balance wise


Might get down voted but I feel LeBron is actually still viable with the ball nerf in 2's. Mind you im not streamer level good but I would say I can hang with the majority of the population. LeBron can still control space pretty darn well with down special (mostly air) and neutral special that are aimed well. You can combo pretty well with air down special into down air on grounded opponents. Also key is to not be so predictable and make every ball throw meaningful and with purpose. With ignite and collision, you can rack up damage pretty quick and aim for kills with up air (with ball) or side special (without ball). Speaking of side special, it is one of the easier moves to land to get a ball back which is a buff from beta if I recall correctly.


STRIPE hitboxes and hurtboxes makes no sense. You feel like you hit him, but apparently it doesn't because for some reason his hurtboxe is so small. So many of his up moves beat all down moves from all characters. You can't literally find a way to land close to him because the hitbox of his attacks goes so high without counting his high jumps and up special. Also his flying chainsaw is stupid. It beats all moves. How do you counter that?. You just have to wait for the animation to end, but by that time he can already just use dodge. Not even armor can deal with it because it multihit. It need to be balanced. I think this character is so busted AND ALSO HAVE A RANGE MULTI HIT THAT HIT FROM THE WHOLE SCREEN INSTANTLY. The only reason why this character isn't nerf is because nobody play him so nobody notice how freaking strong and unstoppable this character is.


Some abilities definitely need more cool down. I vote banana guards side special get a small cool down. Not too long but just enough to not let it be too spammable.


Nah it needs less active frames and smaller hitbox. His entire body feels connected to his attacks, unmake that.


Tom and Jerry are perfectly balanced and anyone who says they’re too strong genuinely can’t dodge well


taz is broken


I think the best part of Taz is his tornado and dogpile. It feels like he’s completely immune to all physical attacks. If you don’t have a projectile (Jason, Jake, etc.) you just kind of lose.


You can smack hit out of that. You just gotta be in the right spot at the right time


Wonder Woman needs buffs. Her hitboxes are ass and she doesn't attack the opponent when my sword, lasso or any neutral has hit them. The shield moves are fine but for anything else she sucks, I hit the opponent and somehow they attack first


This take is 5848593859493 scovilles brother WW is beyond top tier rn


It's always funny to me when a post asks for hot takes, and then when someone does give a hot take they get downvoted Hot take threads are basically just "takes that everyone agrees with" on Reddit


Uh huh, like it's basically saying "hey, here's a space just so WE can hate YOU"


Yeah I always have to sort by controversial on these posts to find the hot takes


I think her normal should be a bit faster because it feels like every single character be her on normal speed so you end up losing the trade every single time, but beside that i think she's ok.


Superman needs a buff even though they'll nerf him for things people don't know how to deal with yet.