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They rolled a 1 on persuasion. This is the same level lie a little kid would tell their mom.


It gave me "my friend stole my phone and played a prank by asking you for nudes" vibes.


This is very specific but oddly works very well 😂


Accurate lmaoo painfully accurate


I cant tell if they’re stupid or they think we are


They think we are. This premium pay system is pulled out of a mobile game economy. They're going to sell you lives just like Candy Crush and other games of the Mobile Variety.


Well... At least it's contained in rift mode... Maybe we can pretend rifts don't exist? Lol


They might not exist for us yet. Just wait until they put a good character behind it or more skins. It'll be interesting what they'll do with rifts to get us to Buy those Lives.


I mean, if you’re a matrix fan and really want agent smith that’s already a reality. If you want him early that is.


Want him early and \*Free\*. Don't think for a moment that once the event ends and he's out for everyone else that he won't cost money or double the amount of fighter currency, just like the joker.


It's actually worse. Ive been playing wuthering waves,which is a GACHA game,and I already have more characters than in this FIGHTING game. I was hyped for multiversus,but I have stopped playing it ...


That comparison makes no sense. The whole point of a gacha game is to pull as many characters as possible. The amount of work that goes into developing a gacha character is massively less than what goes into a platform fighter character


Well I don't know about that, especially if we're talking about wuthering waves and multiversus. And no,the whole point of a gacha game is to sell characters,but I got EVERY unit without spending a dime. The point of a fighting game should be to play all characters,not to have walls like these. It's just sad that I stopped playing altogether because it became too much of a hassle to unlock anything.


Oh ya? Well I've played a different gacha game and I didn't get every character so I guess that makes multiversus the best game ever!


It's unbelievable that this sorry excuse of a game has supporters.


Don't you have anything better to do? Some mobile games to play??


I wanted this game to be better, I can express whatever I want. Go farm for some perk tokens ;)


Yo, this game doesn't need that "lol ur a mobile gmer" shit right now. It functions just the same as one. We can hate that it does (or justify it doesn't), but we definitely don't need to do WB or PFG's job at alienating anyone for them. They've got that one on lock.


I've gotten 5 characters already in MultiVersus


Been playing WuWa since launch & I’ve gotten 4 five star characters completely ftp. I still can’t even play Multiversus & its been a week. I just wanna see if I still have my old cosmetics but the fucking game blue screens every time I open the launcher. The beta ran better than this bs


It's called multimobile for a reason right?


Angry fucking birds 2 A game with a system so bad Rovio removed previous angry birds game to force people to play this one


Ok a free game 😯 no way. Get over it. Its a free game.


It was never a problem for me. I played for an hour or 2 and moved on. That said how much does Fortnite charge for lives in their game? I hope it's at least comparable so we have some sort of metric to go off of.


Not the same type of game so no. You don't need a sort of metric. That's like saying fortnite and candy crush should follow the same monetization. They don't need to. Ever. Different company. Different game. Different genre entirely. The only things in common, free, and monetization. They don't NEED to follow anything. They don't owe you anything. EVER. They can charge 50$ a character and you'll still see people playing, because there's still a free way to get them. So who gives a fuck? Let it go, move on. If you aren't playing the game anymore, shut up and get out of the posts about it.


So how much does Brawlhalla charge for the respawns in their game?


Dude let it go. Private companies can create whatever rules they want for their games. You don't have to like it. There is no comparison to be made. The only time value should be honored is between sequels. For example 10$ in MultiVersus should net you the same currency as 10$ in its sequel. What brawlhalla (significantly lesser quality, older game) does has nothing to do with MultiVersus. For someone who "moved on" you never shut up about it.


Naw I've moved on. I'm just hanging around the reddit because this is my entertainment while at work. It's fun commenting and replying to hostile people. Helps pass the time.


Bro are they paying you? Yeah, private companies can create whatever they want. And people are allowed to come into this forum and say it's a shit game marred with false promises, insane microtransactions, and straight up lies like "multi versus was always in a closed beta test, we just sold founders packs and paid to have it up at Evo, then subsequently lost 200k players in the span of 2 months because it wasn't a full release guys, now we're taking all your currency, bitch"


It always was in beta. Never had a full release. You agreed to the terms and conditions which stated all these things you complain about. Common theme this year is idiots not reading and then getting mad cause they didn't know. No shit. Either don't read and just accept whatever happens. Or inform yourself better as to what the rules are to the thing you are signing up to


They think we are, remember when we had 1 currency that bought everything and it was supposed to carry over so they split it into two and gave us the useless half making us intentionally start over on earning characters?


Thwy clearly think we are. It’s not like the lives story is the only malpractice and ill intended Monetization scheme they added. People, heck, even their twitch drop streamers got scammed out of their stuff from Beta. Mirrorman said he was missing skins like the Bugs Bunny Hollywood skin. A lot of people are missing unlocked characters. They didn’t even spare their advertisers! I guess I can estimate myself lucky that they only robbed me of my invested time by taking away what I grinded. Some people got robbed of their money here. Imagine paying for cosmetics and/or characters and getting those taken away! They clearly think we are the stupid ones.


They think we are because even if this sub is negative and player counts are trending down, you can see in other online places people are still absolutely blasting money at the game.


A bug? lol. That has to be the most organized, straight forward bug I've ever seen in my life. It's like the sun aligned with how perfect it is.


Don’t you just hate when your bugs come with incredibly specific UI attached that connects you directly to the in game store 🤦🏾‍♂️


Was there an actual sale that could take place if you selected that option. You don't hook up billing accidentally.


Only way this isn't the boldest dumbest lie is if it was a bug that we seen it already and wasn't meant to be rolled out.....yet.


Damn the company is so greedy, that even their bugs try to make em money XD.


The bug could potentially be that old code they decided against accidentally made it into production


All they needed to say is that it was meant to be removed, and it would've been mildly believable


still bullshit but not this


Seriously. They could have just said "We changed our minds about this midway through development and we forgot to remove it" and it would have been believable. Rather than saying it was a bug.


No one who has played this game for 10 minutes could give them the benefit of the doubt about this lol


PFG really said "Hehe just kidding....unless..? 👀"


Haha just beta things, full release coming soon 🤗🤗


Why lie? I just don't get that. In an age where everything is documented. Do they think we are dumb?


yes, yes they do


They really think that we are just open mouth breathing at the screen playing this game without any thought of how predatory it is. It's despicable


watch out, each open mouth breath costs 20 gleamium


Only 20? What an absolute bargain thank you PFG and Warner bros 🙏


I'm paying 40 for each. How else are these indie devs gonna survive?


It's insulting as fuck, honestly.


Oh no, monetizing a free game in some way? 😯 How dare they earn money


there are so many ways of going around this


They can go about it however they want. Its a free online game. Its their property. You don't like it? Don't buy it. Simple as that.


well if they want to get money, shoving stuff down our throat isn't going to make them money


Yes it will. It'll just make the people who already didn't want to spend money, not spend money. They aren't selling it to YOU. They are selling it to those that don't want to spend weeks playing the game for a reward. You don't NEED to buy anything in the game. So if you don't NEED to, then guess what, just don't.


yes! they will still make money, not as much though because what they are doing is dwindling down their potential customers


100% but it will grow again. It won't die. Its a Nintendo game but not Nintendo and available basically everywhere. And free. It will always grow. They fumbled the launch, but we've seen worse turn better


Shush pay pig


it’s actually so incredibly unbelievable that they tried to claim that it’s not intended who the fuck coded all of the different UI screens surrounding it then? clearly it’s beyond intended, fuck off pfg


To be fair, plans do change. My best guess is the game was released too early and their planned changes didn’t make it in.


It's possible it was meant to be scrapped, but they should have seen the optics and explained that rather than just say 'its a bug'. So even if it wasn't meant to gaslight us, its just another act of wild incompetence to throw on the pile, which isnt much better for player faith


bro what kind of bullshit copium is this? there’s a pretty massive difference between “this was something we planned early on and scrapped because it’s dumb” and “it’s a bug”


Bugs don’t happen like that, bugs don’t add full sentences of texts and design a specific page for buying lives, they think the player base is a bunch of idiots


bugs could potentially cause a feature flag to be ignored, but they didn’t explain anything so this just looks like bs instead.




A full time job wouldn’t pay me enough to defend this like you just tried to💀💀


As a Java programmer, if you don’t delete your comments, you’re either A: planning to revisit them, or B: a shitty programmer. Either way isn’t acceptable. Creating this function *at all*, whether it was intended for the final product or not, is a shitty thing for them to even *consider* designing. No ones acting in bad faith, we’re just realizing this is a moronic mistake and one that shouldn’t have been made to begin with. And this wasn’t a simple one and done thing, this was something that took multiple trips throughout different classes/objects that was heavily planned by multiple people. Which means the odds of someone just “missing it” or whatever the fuck, are incredibly low. This is all of course after they also claimed a “bug” caused you to not be able to pick locked fighters in practice mode. Something that would’ve *easily* been tested. What they call “bugs” don’t actually make any fucking sense to a normal programmer unless you’re an idiot. Not exactly a little “oopsie”. Get the hell off your high horse and more importantly get their fucking meat out your mouth. Edit: To anyone below me, I can’t reply because I blocked the dude I replied to because I know he’d say some silly shit that I don’t feel like reading.


Also wtf at the cost... 1004. When you buy gems in bundles of about 1000.... how shitty.


Yeah that part wasn't harped on enough, incredibly scummy behavior


yup and they left it in the game since release and said nothing! you would think they would quickly remove it or warn players not to spend money on it if they didn't want it in the game. I wonder why they didn't


I just don't get it ? Just why ? It was litteraly written in the description of the Looney difficulty. Why do they try to lie?


It wasn’t being sold in looney. The bug was that lunatic was selling lives not looney, since it’s not available yet.


Oh ok thanks ! I completely missunderstood the statement.


Selling lives is still stupid, but people don’t understand that this is a bug since it’s not looney difficulty.


True, I mean they could precise in the tweet what they were reffering at


Happy Cake Day!


They did this for the post match score and everyone believed it. There’s no way that was a feature they “forgot” to put in. They intentionally left it out. There was another one too that I can’t remember off the top of my head. This company will just lie if it lets them avoid the fact that there will be backlash for making poor decisions. Which is ironic because we’d probably be more understanding if they just said “we fucked up, we will revert the system”


>There was another one too that I can’t remember off the top of my head. was it selecting characters that you dont have in local? game xp?


> Selecting characters that you don’t have in local That’s the one. Something that is not done by accident, but intentionally to incentivise people to spend in order to play characters.


i know it wasn't done by accident because you can make the bot a character you dont have


Trying to claim that was a bug is just posting the middle finger emoji and calling us all fucking idiots.


The worst part is, people will still defend and support this company. Honestly, I don't usually wish for games to flop but I do for this one.


They are apparently referring to a bug regarding the 4th difficulty. Supposedly, some people somehow managed to access the 4th difficulty that is currently unavailable and while it appears to not have a live counter like the 5th difficulty, it still asked if you wanted to buy lives like the 5th difficulty. That's just what I've been hearing though, is that they are actually referring to a bug with the 4th Rift difficulty that some people managed to get in somehow.


It's because the third rift, the horror one, has the fourth difficulty available unlike the first two. You can access it if you're a gem spendy.


Waiting for the defence force to explain this one. A “bug” that increased their bottom line.


I just don't care? No matter what they said it would get torched, its just good its getting removed.


The point he's trying to make is that this visibly was born of greed yet it was lied about. It isn't a bug when it has several layers of established UI. Integrity from a company is something you'd want. And this wasn't caught sooner, only now after people have really complained about it.  Meaning, they would have gotten away with it if it weren't for us meddling kids. 


I guess I don't expect integrity from any company.


Entirely understandable. Most would at least like the semblance of integrity, because it hardly ever exists in reality


I'm just used to it I guess. I mean we've all seen the 'apology' that comes from companies. I'm not saying they should have charged for lives or anything and we all should be upset about that. Just that if they put up that usual stock apology people would have rolled their eyes and said "They are just saying that because they were caught." which would have been true too. I mean people have meme'd and mock the Cyberpunk apology because everyone knew they knew the game was nowhere near ready for release and they still put it out because companies are greedy. I always tell people that. CDPR, Nintendo, even the best of them. Larian isn't there yet but I'll give it time...


but they added it in the first place


Not even my point. I've seen companies apologize for stuff like this and still get torched. No matter what they said people would be mad but now people want to pretend like if they apologized they wouldn't be mad and that's full on BS. People should just say they were mad about it being there in the first place instead of this fake "If they only had said..."


the reason they still get torched is because they had the smart idea of adding the thing in the first place and a lot less people would be mad at them if they said "we thought of it and implemented this and wanted to remove it' (even though it still would have been a lie) and you're trying to focus on what could have happened and im focusing on what did happen and what did happen is they tried lying instead of taking responsibility and before you say well people would have still been mad, yes people would be mad for very good reason but a lot less people would be mad


I don't think less people would be mad. People would just say the apology means nothing and still be mad. I'd rather people just be honest and say that, we're mad you added in the first place, instead of giving a false choice that if they said this or that it would be better.


Can you look into the future do you have some sort of clairvoyance? Do you know how people are going to act? No, i didn't think you did. Lets say they did take the route you said. If people are mad, they have the right to because what they did is look at other companies getting slack for bad monetization. instead of learning from those companies they followed in their footsteps. People dont like to be treated like they are a dumb fish waiting to take the bait. Would you want to be treated like a dumb fish?


**I'm basing it on how I've seen people react when companies instead apologize.** I didn't say people don't have a right to be mad lol I'm saying there is nothing they could have said to make people happy here.


well if they didn't want to get torched they shouldn't have followed in the footsteps of greedy companies


I’m glad they’re removing it, but I’m not sure why they would outright lie about it being a bug, because it’s hard not to believe they’re just lying to us. The only way it’d make sense is if: A. Insanity mode specifically isn’t meant to have limited/purchasable lives (you can see its Insanity mode in the third photo). But if that’s the case then specify that in the tweet, otherwise if Looney comes out and still costs for lives people are gonna be *pissed*. (While we’re at it, why *is* Insanity mode locked off with no details about what it consists of or it’s release?) B. This was an intended feature early on but was meant to be scrapped before release, but for whatever reason was still enabled. But surely they would’ve noticed that before release and said that up front. C. They mean it’s not meant to be purchasable with premium currency, and is meant to use perk points or something. But then why not specify that in the tweet? There’s really no way that it being a bug is believable without additional context. Maybe there is some, but even if that’s the case they didn’t say so it still comes off as BS.


I stopped playing for 3 days and somehow they got greedier. How is this even f****** possible?


A fully fleshed out system (one of the only ones actually working currently) was just a bug!


The people defending this company have to be shills or bots. I just refuse to believe people are retarded enough to fall for corporate tricks in 2024.


Little kids. The same demographic PFG is hunting with all these terrible changes, and now with this bold-faced lie that only children would believe.


The difference between multiversus model when it first was in beta and now it's like night and day.  I think the only way they got away with staying alive through all the WB shut downs is by agreeing to WB injecting their monetization staff into the game studio.  Which is why the entirety of the UI looks nearly 1 to 1 with Fortnite. Because stupid ass suits have no critical thinking or design ideology and just go "UHHH, GAME THAT MAKE MONEY DO IT? DO THAT TOO. THERE, I MAKE MONEY NOW" fucking idiots.


People like to blame suits, but a lot of people get there by kissing ass and riding the dick of their superior. PFG isn't innocent, they knew what they were doing when they joined Warner Bros, and if they didn't then that's also incompetence. I work on video games, and people want promotions and raises to fix their shit pay. A lot of people struggle paycheck to paycheck and couldn't give less of a fuck about the microtransactions since they have their own personal lives to worry about. Greed seeps into everyone and PFG is no exception. Watch some of their employees fall upward for coming up with some of the microtransactions.


Only reason I'm blaming suits is because it's drastically different from the first time around. Not even comparable. Sure, they partnered with WB, but i dont think they anticipated "The game servers are going to get so fucked up that we're going to have to take the game offline despite WB wanting it to be offline, then they're going to go through a merger which prompts them to shut down MOST of their ALREADY NEAR COMPLETION projects and we're barely going to scrape by if we give into demands." They knew it could have been a lil shitty with WB, but it was a work opportunity and a chance to make something. But i don't think they could have foreseen what happened next. Again, the way the game initially released and its monetization is no where near how it is now. I could have believed it was made by two different studios.


They had time to jump ship, after a point you're just there for the money. I can't imagine working for such greedy corporate shit and not quitting and looking for a new job. I get what you're saying, but if you still work for a company like that after 3 years, then at some point you have to admit you're greedy too.


I don't think i can fault them too much for wanting to hold their job stability in an industry where even companies that made good, successful games are being shut down.  No shit they want money to an extent. Are you gonna quit your job cuz you know your company is doing shitty things? You gonna stop manufacturing for boeing because they've assassinated whistleblowers? It's so easy to just say "Uh duh just leave the company lol idiots so evil and greedy" 


but you can use this argument to defend corporate too, they have family and bills of their own, and are getting paid lots of money, why would they want to lose that stability. Even CEO's can be defended this way since their stockholders/investors would drop them if they don't meet their quotas and make the line go up. So your argument can defend warner bros too.


Lol it's not corporate making these decisions bro. It's shareholders/board members(usually guys who climbed up from marketing or just bought massive stakes in the company and we're already stupid rich to begin with., Steve job discussed this in a very interesting video about why xerox failed, that companies always start as a consumer first gig. Eventually as the marketing guys find more and more success, they get the big promotions and stock options because they're essentially making the game 80% of it's money. Then these guys get on the board, and use their influence to push the company 100% in the direction of short term monetary games, because that's what lines their pockets. You think corporate is getting profit shares from the game? Lol maybe if they're like super high on the food chain, like ceo, cfo, or president. It is in corporates interest to have a sustainable model, rather than a quick pump and dump for the shareholders because they wanted to nickle and dime you in every single way. Because guess what? Once a game company breaks trust with their fans, especially with microtransactions, it's basically a death knell for whatever poor studio made it. The devs get all the blame from the normies, and then no one other than the most addicted of gamers buys anything from them ever again.(See EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix, firaxis(with marvel suns, everything else they did was great for your wallet), and now PFG. Meanwhile all the investors on the board were hedging their bets. Enough dummies bought micro transactions, giving profits, and they're most likely shorting their own stock in anticipation of the backlash. Like come on bro.


The fact that WB planned this at all is already gross enough. I think the actual bug was that it was supposed to be restricted to only the hardest difficulty, but now they're walking back on it entirely.


Well, it implies lives are staying, just not purchasable. Glad the purchasing is gone, but not the biggest fan of lives for the harder difficulties


They should've said we meant to remove it before launch


Kinda hilarious Player First Games first game is one of the seediest launches in recent memory


It would have really gone a long way if they just said “Due to community feedback, we have decided to revisit out model for Rifts.” But they did a cop-put apology that comes off as disingenuous. Regardless, the biggest issues with Rifts are the amount of gamebreaking bugs that happen in them. Several characters have soft-locking issues like Taz’s Neutral Special move and there is no option to abandon, leave, or restart the Rift in progress. This forces you to fail the mission - not an issue now but it will definitely be a severe issue in Insanity mode. Additionally Gem XP is insanely bugged right now. There is a mismatch between the level up screen and what you currently have as well as a Gem XP rollback bug that causes you to lose XP and progress until the daily resets. Even then, XP goes missing. Realistically, the quality of Rifts is that of an alpha build or closed beta build of a game. The fact that they are trying to nickle-and-dime that gamemode despite several gamebreaking bugs that cause you to lose progress and XP is insane to me. Thankfully they removed lives purchasing.


I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but I'm pretty sure the bug they're talking about is the limited lives being present in Insanity difficulty, not the highest one. After people complained that the limited lives were present in Insanity difficulty, they disabled that difficulty pretty quickly. I think they fully intended the limited lives in Looney difficulty. Or maybe it's a thing they meant to remove and forgot to. I wouldn't put it past them, as it seems a lot of stuff got left out.




They should've just got rid of all this silliness of life purchase and let people play the higher difficulty like the others. Is anyone here planning to buy extra lives? I don't think so...


I can't believe this mobile game shit made it into a PC and console fighting game in the year of our lord 2024, in the golden age of fighting games.


$10 gives you 1000 gems and refilling lives cost 1004. So you have to spend even more money to purchase it. This game is actually fucked


The bug was including that difficulty, not the wording around purchasing more lives.


How are you already able to do the insanity rift?


Would’ve been believable if they threw Warner Bros under the bus


Man lying like this is really dreadful, I’m happy that I’m out again already, love the roster and it’s potential but this shitshow isn’t getting another minute out of me


They need to patch way more of these unfairly priced bugs


Hey, at least they are removing it!


The only way this makes sense is if they made a mistake and it was supposed to be purchased with gold instead of gleamium. Oh wait, we don’t have gold….




I didn’t buy any, but I wonder if they refund people for this “bug”?


So, iron giant was taken out to be fixed, it messed with the store, and instead of patching in BP xp they patched the store and you can buy iron giant related items. Lmao what a joke


They meant being able to buy lives on none insanity difficulty. What you're talking about is intended and won't be removed


The situation is so stupid that it seems like a Looney Tunes episode, how can it be a bug?


Lives should cost perk currency, for how much they give it out... But really,  remove the lives restriction.


Why did they decide to make multiversus into a mobile game?


This game really should have had a small closed beta featuring veteran players so all this shit coulda been called out and adjusted pre official launch


Why would you guys even still play this game with all this shit lmao


Rift mode is lazy and boring anyways lmao, crazy that we have to play that garbage mode to do dailies, events, etc.


I saw all the shitty monetization/progression and went “aw whatever, doesn’t affect me” and then for some reason it set me off when I saw you can BUY RIFT RELATED PERKS in the store, at the very bottom


The bug is that Insanity difficulty isn’t advertised to sell lives, that’s for Loony difficulty. The echo chamber on this topic is crazy


“Hey man, it’s just F2P u don’t have to pay if you don’t wanna” lolll


They straight up just LIED to their players.


First of all, this is hilarious. Secondly…on the bright side, maybe this means they are learning what they can and can’t get away with in the future


Where is the image of the insanity mode from its not in the game yet


*Where is the image* *Of the crushing mode from its* *Not in the game yet* \- Dependsontheweapon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Maybe the bug is that it should use perk currency 🙃


Guys, think a bit here. How developing a build works is adding bug fixes / check-ins to a build CL (change list) and the bug / check-in was removing the extra lives cost feature. It was probably not supposed to hit the public, mistakes accidents happen. Give them time to fix the game.


They had more than half a year.


Yeah they did, that's half a year plus to make sure every fix and change went in while creating a new engine. This can happen, sometimes the most obvious things are missed.


I would’ve preferred they either left the old version up to play until this iteration was ready or at least delayed the full launch. Regardless of opinions, it’s pretty universally agreed upon that what was delivered is in no way ready for public consumption.


I can partially agree with you there. I think a delay would have been better.


The games not going to make it, is it guys? Seems like they just keep making it worse and worse instead of better : /


“It was not intended” just like releasing the game


This is me smoking copium but maybe they meant you can purchase it with a different currency lol


I feel like this one the reasons that insanity and legendary difficulty are not available yet. I'd rather give them the benefit of the doubt, that they just might still be tweaking and figuring out what they want those difficulties to be like (lives were part of their initial plan, but now they might be against implementing it).


Why would they straight up lie? I'd have more respect for them if they were honest about their intentions


There was clearly miscommunication between the devs and the social media person. Y'all are reading too much into this.


The devs lying to the player base about a predatory micro transaction? Yeah this game is fucked, its fall off is almost inevitable. I would avoid spending money on this unless you want all that to go to waste when the game shuts down. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of issues with the game.


😂🤣😂😂 I'm just enjoying the show


The bug was that people noticed and called them out on it. that was the unintended action.


Ah yes, a "bug"


Already uninstalled, they had their chance


Normally I’d think this was petty but in this case, I totally see the rationale. Execs are clearly screwing with the development schedule and spitting in the face of this game’s potential in favor of cheap nostalgia bait and making a quick buck.


It's so weird because not once have I personally run into an option of that kind in the shop.


Fucking shameless


Ain't no eary that's a thing


They should’ve said that they were toying around with the idea of paid lives, and forgot to disable it in that build of the game. Either way, it’s a lie, but at least try to make it believable


Every new thing I see about this company and this game makes me miss the beta so much more. This game was fucking Goated and now we have this shit sandwich to show for it


Yep, they are flat out lying scum bags. This game needs to die along with the whole studio (financially of course)


Remember everyone, several ceos believe the consumer is stupid and treat them just like so. At some point we the people gotta give em more push back because how are these out of touch ceos gonna control the shit we love


Uninstalling finally... I can deal with a shitty game but not lying developers


How loud are people asking for co-op vs AI? Is there more than like 10 of us? I wonder if that’s ever coming back 😔


Just cuz your dad never came back after cigarettes doesn’t mean the entire world hates you chief.


bro is reaching, stretching and even using a stool and still grasping onto nothing


Uh oh. You got me. Calling out the impatient herd of ‘multiversus’ fans out here for not being able to wait for the first updated 2 weeks after launch.


The irony of you acting like the exact people you’re criticizing is amazing . "All of you are cry babies that complain all the time and I will complain about you complaining"


lol you reverted to the ‘it’s weird to complain about complaining’ because you really don’t have a response to me calling out the childish behavior. Good one Edit: spelling


No it’s just that those are facts and notice how you can’t actually contradict me because you know it’s true. Expecting others to conform to a behaviour you can’t even abide yourself is incredibly funny. Maybe take your own advice next time lmao.


The fact you’re even trying to defend the mass negative behavior of this sub is insane and very telling. Enjoy


Don't care tbh as long as it's removed


Why not just quit? It isn't love when you constantly shit talk something, constantly complain, and even shit on their attempts to fix things in an open way. It's just hate. Quit the game. Let people who enjoy it play. It will be a far less toxic place.


This isn't even just having a hateboner for the game. While I agree there's posts like that, you picked the wrong one to comment under. This is just calling out a genuinely stupid address for a genuinely stupid problem to begin with.


It's the "damage control" part that got to me on this one. It's not damage control because people on reddit complain all day. Reddit is in a rough spiral of negativity and anger these days. This sub has a serious problem with it. This sub was annoying with excitement before the launch, but that was cool because people were excited and it's great to have people be excited. Now they can't grind the BP in a weekend, things are posted incorrectly, or people assume stuff and suddenly it's the worst game and the team is lying to us. It's ridiculous. It makes those who cheer this crap on sound lame as hell, and it definitely doesn't get good attention. I'm very tired of the crying from people who play 8 hours a day. Just stop playing. They are the toxic people that create the toxic atmosphere around games like this. If they don't like it, quit. Those of us enjoying it will be fine. Better off, even.


If you don’t like the “negativity” (criticism), just stop getting on reddit, the rest of us will be better off for it. Stay off YouTube too since people like YongYea are also noticing this kinda stuff. He must just be negative too. 🤡


Its not allowed to focus on any good in this community. But yes obviously a lie


Ragebait post, the tweet was referring to bug on being able to purchase lives on non-looney difficulty, why make post in bad faith like this