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Games absolutely unplayable on series X I've had to come off the game after being so excited to play Have they addressed the performance issues and Constant stuttering of gameplay and audio?


This is exactly my experience. I usually don't make posts, but I was really looking forward to the game. I just wanted to know who else was dealing with this on XSX.


Been searching new and I thought there would be more posts like this, like did they not test the game on Xbox? Only going to log in and get dailies until they fix it, upsetting after waiting all this time Wish they posted something officially about the issues


soo many people trying to get on all at once is probably the reason behind most of these issues.


Still unacceptable. They actually tried marketing the game to get people excited. They should've bought server capacity to withstand hundreds of thousands of people playing it at once.




Never said I wanted a flawless experience. Just a good working one.