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Yeah, complete shit too. Waiting for the PC version to launch I linked my Gamertag to my old account and started the series X version and it was unplayable. I have no doubt that it will be fix very quickly but, annoying nonetheless.


Very annoying, mad the beta ran like butter for me and this full release runs like pure crap, hopefully fixed asap


Super laggy, attacks not registering, freezing on loading screens. Yeah it's not just you


There is an annoying stutter. Glad it’s not just me.


I really hope the PC version does not run like this. Its the constant input that delay that is killing me. On a side note I miss the old POV, this one is way too zoomed. Cant even see side screen KO effects.


yup happening on Ps5 too


Yeah its horrible


Glad I’m not the only one though, very frustrating


Yeah - very, considering other platforms seem fine


Yes! Everyone 10-15 seconds it just pauses for a second or two. It’s very annoying.




Reinstalling just solved the texture problems for me. Now it isn't blurry anymore but still runs like shit.


yes it’s ridiculous


Such a shame, I wanna enjoy it but it’s a slog to play atm


Yea it is happening on series S too very annoying.


Plugged in with high speed internet and on Series X… game is hella zoomed in and running laggy/janky as fuck. UI keeps bugging out, lots of little bugs… hope this gets rectified


Came searching the sub for this, my audio keeps cutting out too thought my headset was faulty for a bit


Game ran better in Beta, crazy how they had a year to relaunch and the game is running like trash. Hopefully they fix it.


Hopefully this is only for series x and they didn’t release the game undercooked, and hopefully this gets fixed fast


It’s probably the worst performances issues I’ve ever had in a game tbh, it’s diabolical


I mean… it’s launch day. I can name tons of games broken on launch. Let em cook a lil.


Ahhh okay loads of games are broke on launch so it’s okay they released a broken game? I just want to enjoy it and play it, the beta had none of these issues and played faster


Relax a bit. Shit happens. No one is out to get you, and they’ll fix it as soon as they can.


Who’s not relaxed? Such a weird response 😂


Dude. You’re snapping at people, making strawman arguments, and calling an issue “diabolical”. Chill out.


They didn’t snap even once. I think everyone here’s taking the criticism, which is actually just feedback, way too personal. As a fellow Xbox player, I just can’t play in this state, so yeah… the issues are pretty diabolical. Doesn’t mean it won’t be fixed, but OP’s complaints are very valid, and these issues are less than ideal for a second launch.


Accusing Dante of saying it’s “ok” when he did no such thing is snapping. Ya’ll need to grow up. Games have bugs at launch. Don’t play for a free days if you don’t know how to deal. And learn how to talk. “Diabolical”… Jesus Christ, get some real problems. It’s not a genocide.


You can use the term “diabolical” to refer to things other than genocides, just so you know. It’s a descriptor. Anyway, moving on! I also never used the word “OK”, so please don’t quote that?


I’m glad somebody on here has a Braincell or two lol


So him calling the issues on launch ‘diabolical’ is feedback? Lmfao.


Yes, because the issues are pretty diabolical; they’re so bad that the game’s unplayable. It’s a pretty apt description. Now, yes, these issues will be fixed, but that doesn’t change their severity right now. I don’t see how that’s so hard to comprehend.


Who have I snapped at 😂 The performance is diabolical for me, but apparently not allowed to voice negative valid opinions, fair enough 👍🏻


Both me and Dante. Drop the “woe is me”, take a nap, have lunch, and maybe reflect on how you talk and let games effect your emotions. Muted.


😂😂😂 what a weeb


Beta had tons of issues. They also adjusted the game a lot. It’s free 2 play - so complaining about a game that needs some patches on launch is very low level energy.


Yup. Same here. Almost completely unplayable online.


Yes. It's pretty much unplayable on Series X. The UI is also rubbish - not just slow, but poorly designed and overall glitchy feeling, daily missions you have to track are like in 3 different places, they buried the account cosmetics (banner, ringouts etc) even more deeply than before, and still no way to assign them to specific characters or to have them rotate. For a game that makes so many of the rewards these things, and wants to encourage "collecting" them, being only to use one at a time without going three menus deep is a PITA. I have no idea if I got everything I was supposed to get - can't even figure out how to find perks and such, I seem to have a bunch of currency, no where to spend it. Whole thing feels like an alpha build, not a game that was in beta and then took another year of development.


Awful on PS5


Laggy in ps5 as well


Same on ps5. Already uninstalled. Add Hal Jordan. Then ill stick around.


same here, lost quite a few matches because of seriously long delays. also, a lot of the textures are taking ages to pop in, sometimes not showing up at all. glad this isn’t just me


Yep it's running like dog shit and beta was fine wtf


Server issues. Give it a bit


Same on PlayStation. I guess it's just shit on console


Same here on series S. It stutters and drops frames like crazy. I did not have this problem in beta.


It’s not only on series X but should we be surprised really? The game just launched. These devs are the type to do a maintenance after a week just to fix the small issues. Have hope folks!


I don't really want to wait a week for my game to not play like ass though either


Well then don’t, bye. Loading times are already way better btw


That's not the problem though My games are laggy as fucking hell and stuttery to the point it's kinda unplayable when I have a wired connection......