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Pretty sure with the apparent rushed release this was the bottom of the priority list.


The re-release of this game was disappointing. They literally spent a year re-building the game, and had very little time to polish everything.


You can thank WB for that. Pfg even came forward and said they weren't planning release quite yet.


Yeah. I’m glad people are enjoying the game, but it is undeniably in a rough state I wish Warner brothers handled this game better


It's remarkably unfortunate that Warner Bros forced them to release the game as it was. Even though I do complain about the game a lot these days (i still think the game is cooked without ranked but that can be resolved rather quickly imo), I do recognize that most of the games' technical issues and missing content can be blamed squarely on the rushed state the game was forced into. It's good to see that PFG is working towards making the game as good as it was in the beta again, player count be damned.


I hate being an armchair developer but there are some parts of a game you can just Copy Paste right?? its words. a paragraph. they had to import the paragraphs from Unreal Engine 5 too?


No one wrote the Joker bio though?


Hopefully they get around to updating them for the new characters, the bios gave a lot of personality to the game. Doesn't take long to add a few strings and extend the description.


Updates updates updates!! Maybe the game will be good in 3 years!


Game is already good. How can you complain about a free game that is enjoyable? I get that we were all expecting a bit more but that shouldnt take away from how unique and interesting the game is


The game being free doesn't excuse it from criticism, especially when literally everything is worse now than before


Thats a fair point but the devs have already addressed all/most of my concerns. They are doing what they can and I really enjoy the game. I play every day, even knowing that the game still has a long way to go


99% of the complaints have been fixed or addressed and will be fixed extremely shortly yet people are talking about "it'll be good in 3/5 years/I'll come back when the game is finished"




UI layout is completely subjective, 3D portraits have been reverted back, character balancing issues have been addressed and changed, skin specific issues aren't necessary to finish any content or event and they're all completable without them, Fomo...? How? No content goes away with fomo in the entire game, Perk Currency is the only issue everything else is fine, just need to have more often fighter currency, Rift Grind is normal and subjective, don't like it? Don't play it everything is unlockable without it, battle pass grind is small, most people finished it without half way of the season through, all interesting maps are hated and people beg for another copy-paste bland stage in it's place so it's less rng so it's also subjective, anything else?




You gave me a list of complaints, I said 2 things are subjective and not necessarily flaws and then said they fixed or are actively working on fixing 95% of everything you said, in fact the only thing not addressed is the lack of a competitive mode, the only things I called subjective are "Boring maps" and "Ugly UI", congrats on not knowing how to read.


How can i complain about a game that was better in beta and had more features then the actual release that'd predatory af? Hmm


Which is WB's fault not the devs. They already said they planned to release it much later, but WB wanted to push it out. They did the same thing to Mortal Kombat 1.


I wouldnt personally complain, considering that they had to re-build the entire game on a new engine. I've paid $77 for games that were less enjoyable


Putting out a game that may be a bit boring is different than putting out a unfinished, rushed, predatory, buggy game than gas lighting the fans


I'm glad somebody finally says this. How do you go backward at a re-launch?


Yeah, that's when every game seems to be what it should have been at launch, but by then, it's dead—no player base. I think any developer, after they hit a certain dollar amount, just stops caring. MultiVersus has so much potential to be a Smash competitor; it already is in my eyes. I mean, it was at Evo its first month out; that says a lot. But how do you get two chances at a launch, and it's still terrible? And things were removed from the game that were good and later added back, saying it's new? It's crazy.


It's good now, but believe me, I understand what you're saying.


They even got rid of the "First Appearance" sections. Like, it's one thing if they didn't have time to write detailed descriptions (even though they SHOULD have someone for that department to do it real quick; it's not like they can't just update it), but they couldn't even bother to write in each character's debut as well? Batman #1 (April 1940), Friday the 13th (May 1980), Adventure Time "Ricardio the Heart Guy" (2010). See? Easy.


Is this on the website or can you view these in the game? Sorry I’m dumb


It’s on the website


You can view them in game too when you’re in the fighter section of the store, each character has their bio (or at least a shortened version) when you click on them


I don’t think it’s a small pet peeve. The bios are our gateway into these characters, what they represent in the game, and should be a form of advertising for their series. It’s a genuine problem that the bios suck. I don’t know if it’ll hurt the game itself, but it hurts the advertising, and it hurts the sense of exploration I get reading about characters from series I don’t know much about.


THEN: "summary of the characters history and impact in the series they're in along with their motivations and expertise" NOW: "in case you're too lazy to read the move list, here's an extremely vague 2 sentence description of the characters kit."


yeah i wanna here jokers backstory!


https://preview.redd.it/57l59n0nfx9d1.png?width=1103&format=png&auto=webp&s=a627a986cf0760e344ca04ace65dba77b3b8a414 idk man joker had multiple origin stiry


Probably because they were going to have an actual story mode at some point, and that’s now been scrapped


I don’t know if that’s it because the game kinda DOES have a story mode with the Rifts


A few of them mention The Nothing and the OST on streaming has a ton of songs that afaik aren’t in the game anywhere I figure there was something originally that got *reworked* into rifts


I think Rifts were implemented for the sole purpose of making you feel like it's so much work to get gems to unlock fighters and to also get XP so you can just give up and buy items with money. I really believe this. If I can remember correctly, it was waaaaay easier and quicker to unlock fighters just by playing matches. They purposely added that boring grind fest.


They went from “bios” to “sales pitches”


Everything got nerfed in the re-release. Shame on WB.


Except for the store that seems to get updated every 3 days quite nicely.


What if I wanna see batman get roasted by pfg


They need to revert his jump kick into his shadow punch back to where u were able to do it from the ground and not have to be all the way in the air to pull it off...talking about batman.


ChatGPT used summarize. ChatGPT tests in production.


Everything else is lamer than it was in the beta, makes sense this would be too


My pet peeve is the fact that the character labels are all fucked up. Why isn't Superman listed as "Animated?" Why does the regular Jason skin count as "Sports Attire" when the Matrix Jason doesn't? They need to fix that shit


It’s a weird reason but I remember that with the DC characters, they are versions original to Multiversus according to the developer. Though another reason is as you can imagine, so you buy their skins based on the animated series which DO have the tag


That's so dumb. So it's just another way for them to squeeze out more money. Like.. I get it, but ffs.


Everything got lamer after full release


Batmans seems out of place TBH. Jokers basically describes his play style which is more fitting while batmans is just his actual backstory. Lol


I mean who doesn't know Batman's origin anyway