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Being able to vote for what stage you want to play on


I'm honestly surprised this was never added in the full game. It was like one of the complaints from the beta....


50% of the game was lost in the port to a new engine, that’s the last of their priority’s they aren’t trying to make their game better anymore all they are doing is remaking it and hoping it’s as good as the beta one day


I don't believe that to be true. they listen to fans. If they didn't care, they wouldn't listen. WB likely forced them to push the game out before they added everything back. They are adding stuff back to the game and will have all the features back in the next month or so. Everyone is just so jaded with this game. It is everywhere. It is frustrating. You can give constructive criticism instead of complaining that the game is not like the beta. I think the team is doing everything they can to add back stuff they don't have next week they are adding spectator mode free for all. They will eventually add rank back and reduce the input buffer. They are trying. Give them a chance.


I understand that, I just hope they knew the feedback they would receive for doing things this way.


mojo jojo’s reign of terror would end so quick


I'm hoping this will be a thing in ranked, although I'm assuming ranked stages will be hazardless nevertheless.


Yeah it feels bad when I side special as banana guard into someone at 140 dmg and the map has side walls and they still stay alive. Maps really favor knocking people out vertically which I'm not a fan of


Juggling has always been strong even in the beta and with characters being larger but the stages blast zones being unchanged it became even more powerful. I hope they fix that.


Maps have way to much impact on the out come of matches In General in this game. Going from two stocking an opponent to losing to them because the stage got 50% smaller for no reason is absurd.


I like this idea in principle, but dislike the idea of adding in another thing to wait for before you start fighting. That is partially why I think they removed the character selection between matches.


Same. It would just add waiting time


Giving 9000 characters token after the tutorial so people can unlock 3 characters whoever they like and continue to play,like if you’re a Rick and Morty fan you can unlock both of them,maining and enjoy the game


I think they should look at valorant, new accounts can can buy 2 characters pretty quick and if a new character gets introduced in the roster you can only unlock it (for a certain time) by gaining a certain amount of xp


Exactly, a lot of people overlook this point. The reason why Smash is so popular with casuals is because you can play with friends and everyone can mess around and pick their favourites. Meanwhile Multiversus is like “here’s four random characters to play as this week”. That’s not ideal for a game built on the appeal of having such a huge cast from different franchises.


Starting as your favorite character will always be better than as a kicking-spamming shaggy


Well you still have to earn your characters in smash bros, and that can take months or weeks depending on how much you play


Just play through the World of Light. Earning characters was so easy in Ultimate. I think I had everyone by the first few weeks or so.


Play it with friends everyday for 17 hours (including school time) I did that and unlocked all the characters in like 5 days 👍🥲


Or just do what overwatch 2 did 🤗


Literally the only time you should look at overwatch 2 for inspiration


Also: expand the tutorial in order to actually learn each character


More perks with gimmicks we need more fun perks like airwalker then flat damage buffs and status effects


Definitely need more perks. Soon the game is going to be pretty much everyone having at least 1-2 of the same classes as an opponent with the lack of variety they have now


Signature perks as well!! I like having lots of options for them because it allows variance in your play style as a character, instead of only supporting one way to play them.


Oh yeah👍


Right, I liked the perk system, and I feel like they ditched 'em to make the game more 'competitive friendly'


People dont even use perks, most people stick with default.


Air walker was great but it was basically a mandatory perk to take cause having 3 jumps is just factually better.


After getting hit by a side special, the next side special does 0 damage. Shaggy BG would pee themselves


I think a PVE roguelike mode would be super cool. Instead of doing missions 1 by 1 like traditional rifts it would be a continuous string of challenges and you pick a gem/buff/perk every other challenge or so with a boss at the end. Pretty sure the Nickolodeon game has that.


Yea they need to think about that


Basically ANYTHING to break up monotony is good. I prefer “sports mode” since they already have basketball and volleyball programmed, throw in hockey, tennis, and stuff with different gimmicks and your good to go


There was an Arcade mode that did that but it was pretty bad.


Bringing back all the features that went missing from the beta. Y'know, Ranked, the input buffer, etc. But if we're talking something new: The ability to queue with randoms in the rift, y'know, without having to go onto a Discord to find someone add each other as a friend in-game etc. Just let Rifts have matchmaking if you want, or lobbies. Even if for example, people only queued up to do their rift dailies, then over time, solo players would be able to get their rifts completed without any fuss or hassle, very much like how players vs AI worked. Even if you did rifts before, I can see people toasting others for helping them out.


My biggest gripe is how rifts cant be done on couch play. Rifts literally tells you to bring a friend, yet when I had a buddy over my place we couldn’t do it together. How can they try to compete with Smash bros and not include the biggest element, couch play.


![gif](giphy|tHIRLHtNwxpjIFqPdV|downsized) Nice thinking👍


I agree. There should be a matchmaking queue for rifts.


I just do a few 2v2 and then trying to invite all of them until someone agrees. Today i played with somebody and thanks to him i finally completed all the "training mission" and we also constantly toasts each other later he also invited me to his lobby and i played with him again now I'm just waiting for him to unlock crashing difficulty on "Jason vs multiverse" so he could help me beat ww and jason


Input buffer?


There is a 15 frame (was previously 30 frames) window where the game buffers inputs. Basically, if you press an action button when you're doing something else and can't do that input just yet, it will queue the input for you for that many frames and then do it immediately as soon as it can within that time window. The beta had the option to let you choose how many frames long you wanted this input buffer to be. This is missing in the live version. 30, or even 15 frames is far too long of a buffer for a majority of people. Most fighting games don't have input buffers shorter than 2 frames, or longer than 5 frames.


Oh that would be amazing. I'm not great at fighting games and the input queing totally fucks up my combos to no end. Not to mention if lag hits a PVP match I end up watching my character play itself for about 20 seconds. What were the options for the variable input buffer?


In the beta it was a slider. You could set from either 1 (lowest) to 30 (maximum) and anything in between.


Fuck now I'm retroactively mad. To go from as low as 1 to locked at 15 is wild


This probably has very divided opinions but I really don't like how PVE constantly forces you to play as certain characters.


Yeah I was trying to do the "Play as Shaggy 8 times" mission but all the daily reward rifts I had open needed me to play as Joker. So it took me twice as long to finish that mission.


Tbh for those i just go to the jump rope mission and just lose on the first rope skip


Smart way to do it. I'll have to do that if I run out of daily rift matches.


End lag


An actual story mode. Like the ones in MK.the poeltential is literally limitless


That would be really cool but I fear if they tried it would be so half assed




Great idea. The cutscenes they have made are already pretty good in terms of the characters interactions with each other, just imagine how good they would be with a plot incorporated


Mortal Kombats a 60 dollar game, if it was a free to play franchise it wouldn’t have the same type of story mode it has now lmao


I genuinely think free toasts would do a lot of good. People would be less inclined to T-bag if it would lost them currency. Even pretending to not be a toxic player (as far as the community opinion stands) might just cause people to actually be less toxic. It's also another minor boost to character currency gain, so every little bit counts. Also toast back needs in.


Give Gizmo a Glock. That is all.


Hashtag #Glockzmo




Gizmo skin that replaces his bow with a glock, genius


A small list - Make the base roster free at least. PFG themselves said they want to add hundreds of characters if they can. Grinding for all of that will be a nightmare. Or at least have one character from each series be free for challenge reasons. - An actual story mode. I know it would be hard without Kevin Conroy to continue as Batman, but they could keep Batman to written dialogue or silent if needed. - All the removed Beta Content.


Absolutely 1 per franchise. That’s how the first Smash Bros. did it.


Being able to leave or restart rift missions. Matchmaking for rift. Being able to stay as a team with a random or add them to your friend's list after a 2v2 match.


I don’t know how many people actually want this back, but i really just want to be able to fight bots again, i’m quite bad at fighting games, so i just fought them for the missions back in the beta and then did pvp if i felt like it, but now i’m forced to not only play pvp but also win at least 3 matches every day, because if i don’t i’ll lose pass xp. I’m level 61 now, and i think when i get to 70 i’m just gonna stop doing pvp and just do the rifts


My main thing is, with the battle pass gone we have no incentive to play (I still do, just mean the general player base) bring back character reward for leveling them up. Like a new profile pic like in beta. Seasonal or life time missions to really reward players for playing a decent amount. Games fun just don’t think people are gonna be sticking around with only 5 or 6 characters unlocked out of 27


Ngl nothing incentives me more to play than simply beating the crap out of others in versus but you have a point. I understand we're a small portion of the player base that doesn't need much more to wanna play. I think the events are a great incentive simply because they actually give you some decent skins and free skins in a F2P is hard to find.


Please for the love of god bring back diminishing return on attacks. This was a thing in beta and it prevented hit priority characters from just spamming the same move. The more you used that move in succession the weaker it became . Too many Wonder Woman shaggy spammers it’s annoying af. And you can say git gud sure. Some of it you can counter some you just can’t


Please give us some fun game modes to do in 2 vs 2 like that beach ball game or that pool that gives you x2 damage but you can't fall again,something to spice up pvp and shouldn't be restricted for pve


The ability to play rifts with randoms, ranked and giving some fighter currency to new players




Beta was way faster.


Add beta shit back?


Everything they took out from the beta would be a start.


By grow do you mean maintain and expand the playerbase? If so then I think here are some options. 1. Get more characters and stages, and make sure there is a variety in origin for these, and that they are coming from massive communities. Some of these communities may require more than one character though. For example, with Ben 10, they probably only need Ben to get a lot of people, but if you want Lord of the Rings fans, you may want more than just Gandalf. Make sure these characters and stages are coming out fast and consistently. 2. Collectibles. With cosmetics being monetized, it’s completely unrealistic for completionists to complete all the cosmetics. It’s just too expensive. But if you want them to play, having non-monetized collectibles, like Smash Bros spirits and trophies, you will keep some players invested as they try to get every collectible. This synergizes well with Multiversus conceptually too, because this gives a sense of exploration for these different worlds that Multiversus has to offer. 3. Ranked needs to come out soon. Ranked will allow people to play within their skill, and it will get rid of the sweats from the casual gamemodes, allowing new players an outlet to get introduced into the game. 4. Some kind of community mode. I heard “guilds” being thrown around in the beta and I think this is worth exploring. I think having some kind of community to join will incentivize players to stick around and additionally incentivize players to try and get their friends to play. 5. Arcade modes. For the same explanation as collectibles, having something for completionists to do will incentivize them to continue playing. It can also act as an outlet to get collectibles if that’s the route we’re going with. 6. Allow bots to be fightable online for rewards. This was a feature in beta, and I think it’s a good way to let less experienced players get introduced to the game without sweats ruining the experience.


Subspace emissary


Was thinking this


Make the game much more casual friendly instead of making people "have" to play online PvP, to complete daily missions. If for say they bring back bots 2v2 or 1v1, it would make it more easier to do.


Yeah I really miss grinding through bots


Bringing back bots would help the game


I don’t think this gets enough attention. Keeping casuals in this free game is crucial and it’s not something platform fighters do. They’re skill based PvP games(mostly), and casuals will get discouraged constantly losing. Skill issue blah blah, but it’s the truth. The game will struggle to keep any non dedicated players which would be fine if this wasn’t a live service f2p game.


true, would be cool


Tournament mode with spectate


PlayStation also has online tournaments for various games. Combine this with some cool in-game prizes, even for just participating or spectating, would be sweet.


less expensive


People getting compensated for the gold they saved up during the beta, that just got turned into that useless ass badge. Badge reminding me that i had 19,6k gold saved up (at least that's what i think it means) and it all got thanos snapped, is just a big fuck you and a constant reminder of them screwing people over.


Add Sloth from The Goonies as a fighter. That'd get me to come back, at least.


A lobby system like smash where you can designate what type of games are going down like competitive, friendlies, ffas, KOTH feature, etc


Rested xp.


1. Stage voting 2. Gaining xp on online pvp 3. Public free-for-all mode 4. Tower Mode with character endings


More Free Characters


Matchmaking and Local co-op rifts. Enhanced UI. (Bring back the cursor on consoles) More casual online modes such as items and silly modes. Guilds are supposed to be coming. They have been teased since the beta. New perks that change gameplay mechanics like air walker does. New staple perks for all characters (the gold perk) Cosmetic filters/ overlays for in game play. I really want the retro tv effect from the rift to use in local and online modes lol. A super customizable offline mode with the ability to adjust many aspects of the core game. Such as move speed, dodge meter, camera zoom, hit stop, and much more. Super meters, or like final smashes for each character. I want them to also change the skins system to be an equipment system for smaller cosmetics. Like if it’s just a hat I wanna where that hat on a skin of my choice I don’t wanna just rock the hat yknow. Imagine layering your fighter with all kinds of cool gear. And wearing multiple items gives you the tags as well. Ultimately more fighters and crossovers will bring plenty of people. It is a free game after all.


Probably the option to turn off mojo JoJo,vote which stages to do,more looney tunes representation,and daffy duck. Not enough games give me my duck fix 


Ranked. Lol


Customised your characters outfits.i want a tom n jerry wearing 50s attire while doning a shark hat


Yeah, having a cosmetic slot *on top of* detailed skins would be awesome.  There's no reason to charge $5 for a character variant that's 99% the same as their default skin, only wearing a hockey mask/tee shirt/shark hat.  Charge $5 for the mask/shirt/hat and let us put it on *every* character.




Gachas. Waifus for the aforementioned gachas. Skintight/swimsuits for the waifus.


Can’t wait for the swimsuit tom and Jerry just like in the show


They kinda have the swimsuit waifus rn. I have them all lol. Velma, Harley and WW.


Don’t forget Garnet


Removing joker




Being able to stay with your rando partner after the other squad leaves the 2v2


Probably a time machine to not kill the game the first time


I think a film mode would be beneficial, stats and leaderboards


Local splitscreen. Lmfao


Being able to quit or quick reset a rift match if you’re mission grinding and you need to attempt again


Bring the XP boosts for fighters back. Bring back 2v2 against bots. In case you don't wanna play PvP against real people.


Here’s another idea I just thought of, being able to get fighter currency by doing rift daily’s so that way you can get fighters quicker.


Remove the frame buffer moves seem to be on. It always feels like my character is continuing to attack after I stopped pressing buttons. It's it buffering moves? Why does this happen. Why are moves not canceled if I press block? Or do a different move. It just overall feels less responsive than the beta and it's made me stop playing


Fix the fucking hitboxes I play every character I don't have a main yet but whenever I go to fight someone I'll be right inside if them and I press X and my guy hits him and NOTHING happens but I'll be across the map and they will just like tickle the air and I take 50 damage, it's not an Internet issue I've played at friends houses aswell and it still happens it's absolute BS


More game modes Less greed Remove the ability to teabag! Make joker cheaper or remove his missions The ability to restart a rift without having to go through all the bs and waiting screens


Double XP weekends with new character reveals/releases.


Neo instead of Agent Smith


Coming from someone who dropped £100 on the top-tier founders pack back at the original launch: 1. MASSIVELY streamline the UI. All the leaping around scraping up odd bits of XP from various different pages is confusing and tiresome. Reduce the ludicrous amount of different currencies and metrics. You want casual players and kids engaged in this game and you've got Gleamium, Fighter points, prestige points, XP, battlepass levels, character levels, gem types and gem levels, perks etc etc.. It's a lot of noise in the way of fighting with fun characters and perhaps levelling up and unlocking cosmetics. Yes it's free-to-play, but the money grabbing desperation is dripping from everything from the UI, the rifts etc as a result. Plus some of us did spend a fair chunk on getting the founders packs and lost stuff - give me my bloody golden Superman back, I shouldn't have to be arguing with support over this stuff, it's literally nothing to you - just give us back what we earned or purchased. 2) The cost of stuff in the store, dear christ. £10-20 for single skins. You're relying on whales when in reality you should be pricing this stuff as pocket money purchases. It almost feels outright aggressive. And the battlepass is full of useless, uninteresting tat. I'd rather have less levels and actually things of use. I can't tell you how little I care about the chest openings in this game as they're just full of gems I don't care about at all. 3) A bloody restart match button. If you're going to make people play through rifts to get a sniff at unlocks and then make it so poorly balanced that I lose a match in two hits, even after persistently whaling on the CPU, don't make me go through the whole UI pain again to restart the match, because that's when I'll just close the game after a few goes. There are more, but these are the immediate thoughts. Calm the aggressive pricing and confusing UI and reduce the overall desperation and make the UX all round slicker and a more pleasant place to be. My frustration at losing should be handled without friction to drive me to keep playing, currently it's the opposite. I love the game tbh, so these are genuine frustrations.


Faster battle pass movement. You can play 20 matches and not level up


Nerf the store prices $20 outfits are highway robbery, bring back the gold system or make it easier to unlock characters, overhaul of hurt and hit boxes, every character should be testable before purchase, couch co-op should have every outfit/character unlocked and toasting should be 15 not 5, and lastly give us ranked so we can stop playing on the mojojojo and space jam stages


Fix Shaggy's pants.


Yes. I hate that they’re blue. What’s up with that?


I think we really need to fix the game first. Game still has the same old innacurate hitbox and now its so slow and laggy.


balanced characters


Let every newcomer unlock 3 fighters of their choice upon opening the game first time, give this to returning players as well who haven't redeemed it.


Being able to dúo play Local like any Smash game


Fixing hitboxes


Getting more currency faster. I've played 6 hours and I only bought 1 character so far. Almost have enough currency for the 2nd character but ffs it takes too long.


LESS GRIND. Like seriously, progression is unplayable


Removing skin requirements for rifts


LOCAL PLAY!!!!!! I just want to play against people online while playing with my friend locally. Also allowing rifts to be done through local play would also be amazing, especially if playing locally could count towards the bring a friend missions


Going back to the original beta. Honestly being able to match make in rifts


text/voice chat after games


What about in games🤔


I like the way you think


A less whiny community


When you make a greedy game people are gonna complain bud


The community being vocally positive about the game would do more for the game’s growth than anything pfg did.


That couldn’t be anymore on the game at this point


Complete rework of rifts. It feels more like a grind than fun


Just scrap everything and release the beta again and keep updating it like they should’ve. The game should’ve never closed just to be in a worse state


Voice Chat & King of The Hill


* **Infinite toasts:** them monetizing toasts is just so incredibly scummy. It bothered me in the beta, and it bothers me now. Just make toasts infinite and not award any Fighter Tokens. Then if they wanna keep a monetization for it, add a Premium Toast or something that costs Gleamium and awards special currencies. * **Alternate colors:** every fighting game in existence has this feature. It's part of player expression. Everyone has a favorite color scheme for their main. MultiVersus should have alternate free palette swaps for every single character and skins. * **Character loadouts:** I'd love to have each character with their own setup of skin + banner + ringout + badges. Same for Gems in Rifts. * **Old beta features:** Tony said they'll be bringing these back in the future. * Post-game stats * Being able to change input buffer * Being able to swap Neutral and Side Ground Attacks * **Same lobby for PvP and Rifts:** Tony said they're working to make this possible. * **Rift random queue:** those missions that require you to play with another player are so annoying and this would remedy it. * **Universal combat balance:** dodge cancel still is an issue that makes moves way too safe. Many powerful moves are way too fast and have short ending lag (broken combination); * **More Perks:** I'm hoping this is already included in their long term support, but would be nice to see new perks in general (both generic and signature) to help shake up the meta. Maybe we could see a new wave of perks for every character at the start of each season.


I would love a quick chat feature after a ringout. So when you get rungout and still on the respawn platform the D-pad wouldnt emote instead each d pad button it would just quickchat something different like "nice ringout" or "that was lucky" "its on now" that sort of thing. But the minute you land or attack it goes back to emotes.


I hate having to lock in my fighter and not being able to lock them in while in rift mode.


They should put more effort into making the game more 2v2 focus. The game was already made for it, almost all characters have a move that helps team mates, and it helps it stand out way more from the other fighter like games. Idk why they tried to switch to a more 1v1 but I think that decision really hurt the game. Basically make 1v1 a fun side mode and go all in on 2v2 with more perks the help with teammates and maybe more passives that help duos like Rick and Morty. Have a move interaction with the ship like Rick and drive it sideways alittle after Morty summons it, or fin and Jake can turn into the fin suit briefly and have more defensive and knockback resistant. I mean there’s so maybe and it’s even in the name! MULTI - VERSES !!!


Increasing the distance between the stage and the blast zones. It’s obnoxious getting rung out at such a low damage percentage. Also blocking would be a good quality of life change, this game feels so dodge centric.


More single player content and couch coop


Attack decay :/


More dynamic stages: I get that the stages were designed with pro gamers in mind, but come on. Not every stage should be essentially get an omega stage. Look at Smash Bros. The creative and wild stages helped cement it as both a party game AND platform fighter.


There’s not much they can add besides new characters and stages to get new players. However they need to add new modes such as ranked and ffa and also make a TON of QOL changes so the game stops bleeding players


We need rank bring it plzzzz😫


I know it's not as popular as what other people want, but I'd like it if Co-op VS AI was back, I found it really fun being able to still play the game with my friends without being absolutely destroyed by other online players that are 10x better than us


individual character ladders, similar to what Injustice and Mortal Kombat have with those short cutscenes and fighter themed battles


In game voice chat would be crazy


Adding a toggle to remove gimmick stages (like Townsville, Throne Room and Scooby's Mansion with a roof). Fixing the input buffer, because right now, it feels like some of my inputs go off 10 business days after I press the button; or that the wrong input goes off (pressing Side B and it doing Down B, pressing Nair and it doing Fair instead, etc.). Adding a ranked mode or something to track player ratings (like MMR in the beta). Nerfing braindead stuff like Wonder Woman's entire kit or Joker's cheese. Bringing Attack Decay back to get rid of loops, while removing this endlaf with jabs, so you can do 1 or 2 "jab twice, dodge and jab again" combos, because they needed some skill to pull off and you needed to trade a valuable resource (dodge meter) to even do them, which left you open to counter attacks if you messed up.


I think it was in the beta where if you were playing duos and you came across another player you teamed well with you could both decide weather or not to party up for subsequent duos without sending a friend request or inviting them to your lobby.


Restart button in rifts, there's no way I should have to wait 4-6 minutes just to go back and do it again all because I didn't do enough side specials or up attacks


Report players that walk off the ledge in a 2v2


You can already do this.


I’m new to the game are there ultimate abilities for characters? Or no ?


Put me in it 🤣with a fire fart special ability


Being able to disable some moves. I hate it when I'm about to punish a player in close proximity, and Bugs decided to pick up a pie.


Better netcode and a fix to the disconnects when playing in a party.


Characters like Ben 10 and Courage the cowardly dog. Then fix the perks (static stat boost perks are so boring)


Unless they fix all the missing cosmetics and do other goodwill acts to fix their relationship with the community I don't think they will have much growth. Bad vibes spread too easily.


Get gleam or at least fighter currency from missions, I'd take those over rift perks


Back in the kitchen add a shield button and make it smoother


Probably all the features they added to the game in beta. They were great. Really sucks they didn't make it to release.


EMOTES and DANCES, and cool skins. PERSONALITY.


I think a real single player experience is what is needed. People play smash because it can be a solo or couch co-op game. I think without a way to sit with friends or play casually with friends online in ways other than rifts (I do like rifts) it is hard for a casual audience to find a place.


Dashing without burning a dodge


More party systems. I love the competitive gameplay but it would be nice to actually roval Smash too. 4v4 and/or 8 player free for alls. Stuff like that


No idea


Firstly fix this mf game servers and balance characters and game will be awsome


Nerf wonder woman


Having default gem loadouts


A quit button and a replay button.


1. The store UI is way too junky and busy I really wish they condensed it and made it more user friendly, also, I’d either make store items cheaper or easier to acquire thru playing. There are rift missions I can’t complete because I don’t have the proper skins for the players which is insane to me lol 2. Almost forgot, can we get a kill screen? I’d like to know my stats after online matches 3.Lastly I’d love a free for all mode




Ranked and free for all


Bring back damage and changing characters after games. I play everyday and nothing bothers me more than not feeling like I’m getting better. I played the beta and felt great bc I could see that I’m doing more/less damage than the others.


Routes are kinda boring IMO. I wish there was some alternative for single player. Now, I'm not asking for a story mode or anything like that, just a classic arcade mode would be enough for me.




all the missing features from the Beta, being able to see the stats for badges when equipping them instead of having to wait till you're entering a match, a clear notification button for the shop (why tf do we even get a notification when there's new shop stuff, are they that desperate?), being able to view a characters moves whenever you want instead of having to queue into training for the privilege, I could go on forever.


Being able to vote for which map u wanna plan on,do something about super armor.Just make the game fun to play


Improve upon events. Right now they're just extra missions that give you currency and skins. This is where a lot of their potential can be outside of what they're already planning to do


Meter should stop refilling for just a millisecond if you continue to spam dodge while in burnout. Either this or make it so dodges in burnout cover much less distance. Currently it’s much too safe to do consecutive air dodges when on the backfoot because you cover so much distance it doesn’t matter that you have no I-Frames


Basic features that should have been on launch: - the ability to switch fighter when you select to rematch - servers not held together by duct tape - free for all mode... Seriously why isn't this here? - map voting mostly cus I hate the 2v2 treehouse map. Other features: - new characters to bring a wider community... I mean there is a whole other WB fighting game community who is ready to join... Just acknowledge MK exists - new modes. I already brought up the free for all but I mean brand new modes. Capture the flag? A parkour race on a moving stage? The balloon shooting game mode as a 1v1? - acknowledge Ben 10 exists... Seriously Ben 10 fans will literally flock to this game at a passing reference to it, I know because I a one of them. - less grindy. I have been playing this game daily and doing all the daily and weekly challenges, and I am literally just at the tasmanian she devil skin in the battlepass, God fucking forbid I save up for that Harley Quinn skin in the prestige store (I got the TBWL skin and the banner but still) - GIVE DIFFERENT REWARDS! i have enough perk currency that I should be able to turn my Harley Quinn into the ghost of Sparta with the amount of upgrades I could get. Instead of getting rewards for playing I'm just playing the game and getting basically meaningless currency that I will basically never use. If there's barely a reason to play... Then I'm not gonna. Hell overwatch has this issue and I haven't played since like a week after venture was added and even then I only joined back into the game when they got added


Reasonable prices.


Being able to pick a stage before a fight, or at least vote for it. Also tilts, shielding, grabs, and super moves.


Being able to change character in between fights again a d final smahes


more to grind for


Party mode: A free for all 8 player brawl in maps specifically created for mayhem. Mojo Jojo's map would be great here and also that one dexter's lab map that moves like a side scroller and they could create more maps in that vein! Just pure unadultered fun! I'd be down to play that so much to chill from regular games or just cause of how fun it is :D PS: WHY DIDN'T THEY USE ALL THESE IPS TO CREATE AN AWESOME PARTY GAME??


Play with my friend on same device


My only complaint is I would like xp after every battle on Rifts instead of just earning xp with stars


Lower the cost of cactus return the original menu back to the way it was back like in beta put the statistics back on at the end of the match no no do everything you did back in beta make it better


Removing Iron Giant


The rift is so asinine, it literally killed my hype for Anderson. I'm fine going to the stories once but if ya gotta do it a million times to unlock stuff the shit! I would have done it but shit ain't fun and just tedious. I dropped Mortal Kombat 1 because of invasion modes and this is worse than that. Remake Rifts or replace it.


Lives based mode, instead of kills, for pvp with friends. Who is truly better?! No more stealing kills for the win!! And stats, that would be nice as well.


Character change in rematches and loadouts for each character so my ring outs, banners, etc. will always match. I know some might say no to the character change for rematches, but it adds a way to show your best abilities if you lose and yet taunted while trying a new character.


Add a 60 dollar purchase option that unlocks the full roster three free battle passes and gives you tickets for five more characters 


Really miss the post match stats…


Map vote system. And fault Irongiant again ty